HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR 1't1F SI:\Ft 11Th NEWS the MALE VOICE CHOIR R,A.F., PORT ALBERT in the United t'hureli, Walton Thurs., Nov. PIROGRAM AT S P.M. Proceeds for the British •\Var Vic. titri s Fund and other woo work Chi • well known choir will present e'nt a new program of skits, eom,it eh , r u rs and other musical number_. The entertainment treat of the season Admission: Adults ,lac. Children 1 n GOOD ENTERTAINMENT FOR A WORTHY CAUSE. Don't Miss It! liAZA v IN Walton Community Hall SAT., NOV. 15TH Sale of Aprons, Quilts Fancy \Vt'trk Home-made Baking and Candy Supper served from 4-7.30 ADULTS 35c, CHILDREN 20c '•, ut st ,> et Ladies' Guild L A ':AUNT TILLIE GOES TO TOWN" Cast from latte'va1„ AT 8 P. M. WED.. NOV. 19th IN WALTON COMMUNITY HALL !-t:iier the ..t.: pices of the Walton 1 l f the Led Cross Admission :' e eine[ Dutch served ani :famine' after WALTON thesiong will h1' h,Tei at tle min., a Miss Laura Knight on Nov,•mhar 19th. Roll call, "Whear I would like to go for a holi- day."' Topic. ''Natural Resources of ntr community." will be taken by Al. Donald Buchanan. Don't f r ..t to attend the annual bazaar and supper sponsored by Tile Ladies Gnilel anti W.A. of St. C r:ge;'c 1.'hill'eh, 111 Saturday. Nov. 111. Get your week end baking at the Monte -made bake table. and the ap- 1„ns and fancy work would stake suitable Christmas gifts. Miss Jean MacDonald of Toronto :hent the week end at the home of Itparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Donald. -Her cousin, MISS Beryl Ca:'• 1 91 1)1100. l'iSlteil With her 11intiay. Mrs. Hugh tan,pbell is vrlrtng 'tear dnlxht. , ll os. (_or;r'• r, tvhill- lir. Campbell i; ern_ tit hunt inc , 1x1 it: lota:rlee, .1',rh• L'at :"n. ..la• cul ,,. M.•, .i: 1 . Morin:, .�net1,1 ,. o, 1T1 A� atm l'set,v' ts-t;,•t, Mr,. AV”. T. ilutaphrios. 1I'•, 1i u„atet Shannon and Mrs. 31. !ince ger spent Tuesday in London. Mr. Charlie rias passed away oh T t stray night at his home. East r nu tdary. McKillop, aft -t• a linger - /tor CONSTANCE 'rho W.M.S. held their autumn riittnitottering nesting Wednesday „=twnoon, Nov. tith, aT the home of .11's. Jt,ittt htghain. Op, nsri tneet- in0 with Mrs- Britton iu tbe' chair. 111.1110 -1;1,-sod :\--su;•an•,.' wars-. seas: Nirs. T mdwat ,;f,u,.•d paver. . 11' uF 1 11 ' c ifT r :',rich Mrs. 11rit. - a,i1'.•te•d play", for tit:- mirSiror M>... Ti. `li.e. Pi e.leteli gave a I, in: nyst,I a 0151 limp ,. n+... road/113 by .1L..... NO' Inig i-;511[ r•. eiht . :ret [.'[lista Sv :Urs:. Win. 'Iron. A "ice LM Lord is counting on -i u. NITS r lit t'. the guest speaker. than a splendid add,'''. "The Gift. e.1 Life and How We ifs' 11, Tho 11111 of Time atrtl the;. (lift of Personality tett the (sift of t10• St,'wardsltip of our Money. Det we lot' uta Master Trough tr, lay oto h atsur's at. His 10,4." Mrs. Tend:ay mut•'d t vitt 01 1 LAPIS, t, Mrs. Gardiner. 17r.tr11. ;1u1 - diet, of Oh ?1St A1tyo end 111. Gar. din •r closed with pray',. Mr. Kelso Adams went to London last Wednesday for itis medical ex- amination and while there visited with friends for a few day:. Kelso has enlisted with the RCAF as an :aircraftsman ;,n�i wil! I,.; .',t10 :t1 ti111. LONDESB ORO on Sunday hast tI. p:,: 0' of rib' 1'nit oil t'hurrh ileiive•red n very tine SoTtet tt on the Iitiaoo Ger mint Wal' and God. His toss tray taken front 2nd Samuel. lath chap. 2:.-D1 verses. Mr. Wm.. Lyon has leased his farm ` on the highway for a term to Mr. W. Bromic[ of the 1 8th con„ who takes possession ssion ittne'di tt ly, '4Ir. and Mrs. W. Addison and DIrs. I 1). Melville visited their relatives. Mrs. Bean of Carlow on Sunday, 31r. Powler and family of Blyth have into the house of Fred Gibbs south of the village. . 111,s Alice Fingl end Is in the Clin- toa hospital where she underwent an operation on Saturday last, She is doing well at last reports. Her many Mends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Iloy Stonehouse and Mr. and Mrs. Cole of Goderich were callers on Alt's. J. Tamhlyn on Sun- day. The Red gross held their meeting in the community hall on Thursday last with an attendance of thirty. The committee who packed overseas boxes reported Christmas boxes had been sent to R. Hall, W. Little, I,. Taylor, 11. Smith and. G. Cowan. The Red Cross [greed to sell lunch at the concert and dance put on by the Far. Federation on Nov. 7th. A letter was read 'stressing the great need of blankets and it Wats decided to runt ass the people for blankets or donations. The treasurer reported S552.77 011 hand \Nark i'ommittee for December, Mrs Van Grad. Ruth Skaldic k. Mi•s. J. Scott. It was also decided to hold a bingo in the hall basement 011 Friday night of this Meer':, Nov, 11th, Two lith donated by AIt•s. P. Shaddiek were gttilte•d, after the l n nes ,.,,tin. I've,. 1 E. )lett.. 1 look the' 'bait• for election of eitt.,rt for I11 -I2. which ire as fat - 'Jews: Hutt. president. Mrs. John Fingland; President, Mrs. It, Fair - service; 1st vice, Mrs. G. 3100tr: '2nd. vice, 11t'=, .1, Scott: see., Mrs. G. Cowan; treas., Mrs, F. Hall. All oth- er committees and advisory board 1ce•r.' r4•-,d"rh•d. 11'iting closed by singing God Save the King. Lunch 'not? lis Sirs. Joe Lyon. 111.5. Mrs. I.. M'Nall, Mrs. Pringle, ;sirs, T. Little. Mrs. R. Wells and Miss 1.. Garrett, Remember the bingo on Friday, Nov. 1.1th in the hall CROMARTY The 23th anniversary of the man•- rtige of Mr. :end Mrs. Wilbur Miller I formerly Annie '4tc lienar 1. wao hap. pily eelebrateti. Saturday 'vetting al the Moue of the couple by a dinner 111 which twenty -live guests were pie - sent. The table was elaborately dm - orated. eenned with a beautiful wed• ding cake with silver sand t'stieks at r'ac'k side. On the table were a silver sugar howl, creast pitcher and tray. the. gift of the family to their par - 11r At each side of iiv bride and 1.11h011e,11 wet',, the bridesmaid. 111ss Sarah M teKellur, and the sntan, 1.l1.yd Ccdqubottu. ilii[' etti,•v,ti00 minister, the Rev. 1)aivid itit. iue, is now retired attd living in Toronto, The three eldest of the family of six. l7ori,th., ,lean and i.trAs„If. waited uL the Rarest'. h.. rtintlttsinus dinner the home w•as pen s'nr the large ntitnt,el. 0r neigh - hors who gathered to 11, -Ip u•1. brate oe, ,,Ston, 1'hars the i ,•r'. and .'r• un rt nt' tete e%'liin3'5 eat- ••rtuintu,=nes. A boletiwas then s'rvrd i, i ;tit It a t , last of for ttt'irients wedding : al. '. The guests expressed good wish tor eontinn-d happiness and prosperity to the bride and bride- groom of , years ago which were wa,'to1,: 1''''1ved by the happy c•uu- ple'. Among the invited guests pres- etit were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Detroit: and Joint Miller. Exeter, fa- ther of tie- Bridegroom. Alexander MaeKellai'. C'rontar15, father o1' the bride, and the bridesmaid, was also an honored guest, McKILLOP A meeting to arrange tet the Forum gatherings for the winter was held at the home of 11r. 1•'. -Ile- Koltttiter tot Tile sdny rev ole,=, with about .,:, present. This somal will TI IE SEAFORT11 NEWS VARNA tli• ;�yh ;u',i pupils et S.S. \e. 7, steric to d :Miss Carnahan wt,l ponds e• \ alta School at a Tial i:nve' ti part'. �i hr yout11 ,,. 11) t art asked to ga.tluu' 31 the United Church 00 Fri. day evening of this week to organize a Young People's Society. Miss Herrn gate a very impressive address at the armistice service in 111, township hall oL Tuesday. Nova i1th, Miss Elizabeth Aike'head of RI Oce held spent a few days last week with her friend. \iiss Helen Johnston. Miss hazel Webster of l.,ucknow i; renewing acquaintances in this locality. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and family in the loss of a daughter and sister. The Noventhe'1' meeting of Varna W.M.S. was held in the church with the Rippon and Hillsgreen ladies as guests. The opening hymn was, Jesus shall coign. The president Ma's. S, Heyes welcomed the visitors. Mrs. Lee McConnell read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. Geo. Johnston .lave the explanation. Miss Hern led in prayer. The Rippon ladies took charge of the program with Mrs. .Allan Johnston presiding. Mrs. Long sang a solo. 'Help Somebody to- day." 'They then put on an interest- ing platy in whu.h Mr. Grant. Mrs, Millis, Mrs, Long, Mt's McMurtrie, Mrs, Johnston and M105 Irma Fent II. SOD took part. lit.. Henderson and Mi•s. Vltla'tut sang a duet Behold ' en n 1• at the dnen' ” WO sang 'We have heard a joyful sound,' and meeting closed with prayer. A soc- ial hour was -peed and the national :Int ht'1,1 :5111 5111 BLAKE Airs, Ttoy Glitgt•ri'h has been on -the sok list and eorilun•d• to her roost. Her many friends wish her tt' peed} rccovt• 'y. Kenneth Faber i1 spe•ndieg a few days with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. IM, Oeseh. Dir. and Dirs. Lloyd Finnigan and , Bertha of Exeter spent: the week end with Mrs. Clark and Wilt, 1L Ross Johnston is not feeling as well during the past week. We• wish him better health and a speedy recovery. Owing to the funeral of the Into 1 • Miss Vera Smith, daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Goshen line which was held on Sunday and iconducted by Rev. R. Bern, the 1Blake service was withdrawn The ,sympathy of this emmitunity is e'x- tended to the bereft fancily its the loss of their daughter. 1 Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore is holding the November meeting of the Blake Auxiliary. , ! Go Wednesday afternoon 'of this • week and on Thursday the ladies are invited to join with the Hayfield Auxiliary for their meeting. Prayer Iyer service will be held on Wednesday ; evening, November 19tlt at a; o'clock in the Blake Church. WiNTH ROP Th \F1 and 11'1114 hill then r'•t[ttiar mem ina on Red/ slay .its• eraOon, Sot', , , atthe honor 01 firs. Thal 1, » Ut,lnt:,c,• with 111 president in the e.ltair. 'fie. thea[[' of the meeting was •'W, lives by faint in It..its Christ The opening hymn was 1 ani so glad that our Father i in Heti 1.11," atter whlc•h MI's.. E. Toll led in mom.. The roll call was tttisw'i','d by 1:1 ntenlhers on 'trust.' During the Business discussions, it was agreed to Bice a pair of blank its to take Red eros. A nominating ennnnitt.•e c011sisting of 11t•s, 1:. Toll. Mrs. cl. Smith, 1lrs. Russell Bolton.' Ilrs, 11', Me'Spaddeu, and Mrs. W. t'itur,h was appointed to bring in I a slate of officers for 19.12, This part of the meeting closed with singing hymn Take time to be holy," after which Circle No. 1 with Mrs. H. Blanchard as leader took charge. She opened it with a short prayer, after which hynut "Lead, kindly light," was sung. The responsive reading was taken front 723 in the hynmary and Mrs. W. McSpadden read flu• scripture front St. Matthew 214:10-'20, and I John 1:7-21, folI- owed with prayer by Mrs. W. Dol - meg". Splendid reports of the sec- tional meeting held in Constance wear. given by Mts. J, Pethke'k ianti' Mrs. W. 11tSpadden. 3Tt's. II. Blau• chard introduced the new study 'Bok, Serving with the- sans of Shute. and gave an interesting ac- r"unt.01 chapter I. Hymn "Breathe ten ate, Itreath ui• (sod." was sung and the meeting closed with tin- nat- ional anthem and prayer by the. cap- tain, HULLETT On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Jack and DA's. Iieittt Hessetwnod treated the: nic'ntbers of the quilting group to a duck dinner after they quilted a couple of quilts for the Iced Cross, j On Friday afternoon the same group. assisted by some friends, met at the horse of Mrs. Rohs. Jamieson and quilted three quilts for the Red Cross. This makes one hundred quilts pieced and quilted during the last fourteen months. One was a white, hospital quilt, the remainder were full size 1101115. Word has been received from the Hullett. II 001 Clulr, near I'akesk'y, Ont., saying that game was scarce while huntet' w'9re plentiful. 'Those holidaying at the camp are Mt. Hugh Campbell, 11r. and 1lt's. Marks and son Jake of Walton. 3It'. liar) ;Stan - of Seafstili, Tom and Bob .1'Ie- ;MiIlan of 11clttllop. and George (.la)' - ter of l.ondesb n•o, Guy Lombards Selects A Song Hit For You t'01111)l0e. Mci:h words and matte% Ili tali ' utttfua ttnduy's 150110 o1' The IP.1 Startday 7,Mnest. you'll find as ,110;01 11 , tun • ,:.creat e lit<'d the !duos away."The ,Suit. Is Shining t eef:h1., sew, by. Guy L:omba)•- d0 a4 weekly Smog hilt No. 9! Be sore to gest The Detroit Sunday Times this week end and every week for a Weekly Song I1it, seleetedby a fatnwns tna,tstr0. I •!. or your visitor. Ili. Itid•- 1,4 [rte t1. to Ili, 111 it and eitl and 1th snit uttt cote aioto.. M e .. 1< tNn'll i-1,11 tato,- was snpuint 1 .1.,r,1,ry for rho winter. '1'L' w -, the'_'. •.c 11 scathe[' -at 7.I1 us the ilrna lest,,[;= . 1ii't. at llonday [eight, :Nov,' 17, the meeting will be yet the home of Mr. Russell 1i.t. t r'', Ile, Robert 'l, Reveller will be ,'Bairns[[ tot' this meeting. The nude will dicot:. food. `•Lank 11 irr' " dd the captain t0 11' liewlymppointed sergeant, "there are [nen (^Wiling into camp night lt,'r night 110 -01. 1,ig4h1, Ott[" has beer, sounded. It's got. to ..top!" A few days later he asked the ser geant wbtliter things had improved "Oh. yes, sir," was the reply. "The last. man in blows the bugle now!" THURSDAY, NOVEMt3ER 13, 1941 0' GJ n THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING — TWO FEATURES GEORGE FORMBY in "KEEP YOUR SEATS" Also Charles Starrett in "Bullets For Rustlers" A \V'eraertt packed with excitemeut nntl song Next Thur. Fri. Sat. IVO10U ABBOitaad�0S1E11Q On 1)4EI1 IN NAVy the �yS SISI g: RS ,...*,,..CLAIRE DODD DICK FO RAN FLITCH ttsd BUDDY CONDOS BROTHERS Mon., Tues., Wed. Coming— "THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" %t hen iLamm at t er •,.terx.�mtea STANLEY I Death of Miss Vera Smith— BA l�/ FIELD 111., (]ashen etnnnmtlity mntu•11s 51r. and Mrs. Day of Det roil spent tits passing on 1''riday, Nntrniber 7, of a mast 1101.1111:thl, young woman, the week end at their eo1'nge in the' Vera Elmira Smith, daughter of 111'. rill tie' 1'\', 1115:. hrouin and Mrs I''rn'tt' of and \115, 1I,1 •1 erI. Smith, aged Detroit spent the week enol in the years, after a short illness, Miss Smith was taken to Clinton hospital 1 villa e, at 1'h{1rwL,y ae noon for 1 1tlo•n1, Mr, John Howard and NI r. Walter but passed sway the torsi )narniut:. Westlake are away to TobtrmorY Innitllt Born in {1[{1[11, i township, she had l lived here all her 1i1','. She• -wan a WEST BRODHAGEN ,neinh;.r t (i telt I'tlite,l church and tit,' Women's •n's 11tssiou11ty So i,•ty. 1'irt• era)' ite:ethrr 0',l. 0v. r 11 I1 ales h r ll1 a ul "-dieis , iU weed ret, cud tv. .,re in ten winter ono ami llo,ro 1, a lot of lntekw9leat sol iIlalfa out ', 1. also turnips ami s;au. irr mer. have not gut uteric DO- taloes slur 1111 yet which w'1'1,5 n big crop. The Snow is iota in1'he deep au tare li'v, 1 so that [Brei crop 15 all. pressed down tint and the land is so wet 111111 they rant got on the land with the binder to est site crop Yes. 1erday• it was snc,wiuh Boors al] dao'• The' help is an Seiner' that Seine par- ries are ;;fling to Leave their pnt:ltnes in the :;round 111 sure platrtiug thtvn its the spring. Not 11 had idea. 11r, ('larenc,• 1'Iegele. drain iuspee. tor, buil) n breakwater at 1L•. chat, lie iDietz' :u the corn', of Ids driva- shed an the flood ',Stix washing away von uua'll ground at the turn near ale' shed. Sone is completed. 311. and Mrs. Henry Kindlier re, turned Monte after speudiug two weeks in Stratford with their (laugh- 1 ter and frienc:s. The coustsuc'tion gang of Mr. Alex. Hartung from Gadehill pttl some gra-1 vel 00 our county road last week hut not nearly enough to stake the roan good for same was in bad shape. Last Saturday was at busy day and all who had (tattle nut in pasture got theta haute as the animals emlti find no t,i'ass In the deep snow. Now the - farmers are kept busy feeding iu the stable for long hours every day. - • WT It R 11 'I 11 1• S 1 riugville ea nn- Iter, to give us a ser- mon he told us Hutt. there was no SLOW iu :tebringville whirl[ is not very tar from hr -re,. Around here you Mayr' to Wattrh 1101 1,1 get stuck with the eat-. DUBLIN mk, Manley St. \Itry's Iloslntal, Kitehrner, spout the week ems with her parents, Mrs and Mrs. V\'m, Manley. Ryan Jordan spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat- rick Jordan. Mrs. Leo Murray spent the week end with 1Ir. and Mrs. Frank Lucas in their new home at Stratford. Mn, Joe McConnell is visiting in New York with his sister. The tennis dance on Nov, 1 1 th was a very good success. Many people are wishing for In- dianY summer to get their turnips in. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs, G, .wan spent the week end at Shakespeare', The Red Cross are urgently in need of i uittcsa, espeelally for turtle neck Hwitt 3a1i Seatlt'lt'i sox. Solely tho., 10 >ot11e uttt' it•lu, C011111 hole. 1'1 '.0+l fake• a w11t1' oat•tt day :or 111,•5• 11,11 w•ho are doing Si/ much for sun, Mr. ,ml Mrs Ross Scott and Mrs, Ham spent a rnttpl' of days Itt Tor - 011 PI end Hamilton. rnciSsiew l sty was ab::erv',T 111 the United Church on Sunday tlmrning, limy. bar. Atkinson delivering a very tine sermon. Pow. and Mrs. Atkinson spent a few days in Brantford last week. Messrs. 141 McKay, II.. Wilcox and G. Swartz or Inwood visited Mr, and Mrs. Iiawsou on Sunday. Mrs. )Macey of Dashwood ,pent a few drys witl[ her Nailer, Mrs. llnrg atv't M.Kettnc. Mr. and Mrs. (inrdon Elliott attend- ed the mink 1' air of nit- Marys. Miss Grace Dalrymple anti friend of Stratford spent the week old at her hotno here. Mrs. O'Brien visited her brother at Kirkton on Friday, 1>3one tn'otIter a11d , nr 5rstcr. Edgar t'. and Moe Rnity, at h nt The funeral 111111i plot' m Stlitdn ,,ftrl 11.,011. N:o :alt, a11+i war ho ee431 01' nd,vl. 1G'e. 11,1,1 I1,•ru c01)e1110e„1 Ute -,,•rt•ire. The 11llh. at•e'1 . O't''',. Perry Johnston, Milton I'mlto,_it, Thomas Real. LOru \tntstreut \1'nt. .irtastr,ni, ihiil!e• 11,1 linclev. The 11gw,•t's [verve• matt} toll beautiful. In• 1vt'ntertl took plat, in ilayti,'ld ten' wt•ry. Among thus' front a distant•, who attended the fitneral were, Mr:-. Hines and two daughters of ace'burgt tend Mr, :end Mrs, 11"1ert elre.'n attti faultily of Port Stanley, Visitors ut the• hum„ of Sir. and Airs. Roln'rl Bolter of Stanley wore. ,\Ir, stud ITI's. Charles Arnold and son of Toronto, also Mrs. I•"airbairn and daughter of l'eterloro, out. They staved over the wade end. STAFFA Mrs. W. E. AIdsw•ot•t11 anti Ian were visitors its Wiudsnt•. W. Thompson has left for Introit to spend the winter with his Baugh ter. Mrs. William Jeffery visited in Mittite•Il with air. :end Mrs. H. Han- non and Mrs. McVey, E. N. French owl 11r. and Mrs, W. 'wake were visitors with 31r. and Mrs. A. \i', Norris; Mrs. Joel; James returned tan her tuns.: 111{151 be ill nett later than 1,41 ZalilltralmaltinedlNate 1 In Lanark after spending a month with relatives in this vicinity'. 3h'. at d Mrs, .1. harbour and Arthur have moved to London, The November meeting of tate Women's Association of the United ['Ma'c'h was held at the home of Mrs,. Alvin \linden with the president, 11rs. A, Jeffery. c'ouducting the meet. utas. it'•o lint's 011 peace w lt. given 11rs, t'- IBownitn ,end lilt's, VC, 1d. it. l.tuu:h was t '1'''11 by lb', PERSIA'S PALACE OF JUSTICE Nnw l it = I e it Fac r u e d r Pp by Landon Engineers own hits reeeived from Persia, in eonpettti,n with t,or•ntany, eun •i'aetl to a total value of t:1311.100.. The i:u•><eat or them, worth IS. 1t)0.- nOU, is for the Palace of Justice, buildint" of 1,000.1100 cultic to t, for •thi,'h 1 widen ,•nr•niters are carry- ing .but. the heating, ventilating-, air_ evil.htionhta, iint am] roil[ wart„r asci fire - pr„t'ntilu syS1i1DIS. kifchrtt. laundry and steam and condense equipment and conking utensils. The building has :e hospital, with ope'rat. Ing theatre, for which the Medical Supply Association, i,nudnn, hay,• provided an operation table and sterilising equipment a5 up-to-date i„ any ltd its London. 'I'hir)y-tWO miles of electrie cable and :,,11111) tamps are Being used in th equipment of the T-niversity buildings In' London electrical ettg- ute,•r-. 11100ng them the existing Faculty of 1ledicine, the sero' I"acui- tieS of Tedmique Mics Lttw', two lucre wot'shoptt. and 0 student;' hos- tel and restaurant with a,reouunoda- tion for 1,200 students. Electric power has been 1l'0t1gi11i by under- grntuld raid' about •1' miles front Teheran•, central power .station to, the t'nivinsity site. S,'n IN CANADA'S CANADA'S EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND c'OME to Canada's Evergreen Play- �•••'''' ground for your winter vacation this year. Here's a balmy climate in which you can indulge in your favorite sports with new zest—golf, tennis, fishing, motoring, hiking and riding. Hotels offer special winter rates to visitors, In Vancouver the new Hotel Va,icrt see,', in Victoria the Empress Hostel offer accommodations you'll like and surroundings to make your visit that much more enjoyable! ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT VICTORIA - March 9-14, 1942 Full information front any ticket agent argvi- 517 LOW FARES to VANCOUVER and VIC'I.ORIA Full Information From Your Local C.N.R. Agent 01^.ING MOTORING FISHING t'P"'\H ROUND