HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 2plledzi for War Savings
Appointed Chaplain- -
Bev, 11. 1C. 1 ov1:, pastor of I lett-
)T,-un United Church for the part
two yea's, ha' rime'', fat a e:.tll from
the RCAF, ;ani has reported o: teed for
'buy at Mannino t'ool, 'intvn10.
Pot', Mr. Love will ' net the liCAP
its x eh)rpl;tin. Ordninee] at fho hon -
don C(inierenee sc,sien in Chatham
10 years ago, Mt. Love fireaehed 0
year in St. Thomas and -:,t en years
in Kintore before going to Blenheim
in June. 111:39, A native of Hay
township, where he was horn 1.1
years ago. Mr. Love attended the
Filter l-hnh school.
Moved To Harriston-
11r. A. O. Martin who for the past
three yetis Las he'll a;g•nt far the
t'a•111' nt Nacional Railway. at Ex-
eter. lett recently for Harriston.
where he suer"•ds 11r. John H,
F'0wsitt, • who 1- retiring. 111. and
1lr•, 11artin caste to Exeter from
Southampton where Air. Martin was
stiltton went for 20 years.
Airport 1s Busy Spot --
Workmen are going strong at
the t'entralia . Airport this week.
With they tine weather of the past
couple of days additional men are
"Plitt] 8l+7A1+'O.Iti '11 NEWS THURSDAY,
to t -.lr +must I h
1111 I tl (l 111 eti
11 the oh •,u the new budduti•
fasi ton,, Tulp•, "1'11, wid w'u:tr
'h - of L, iced: held tip 11p,otttii)us.
Thll ya p!,•Ply 11 111101 1, el:Iltallltl.
vah. Th,•rr n bis Hurt or trucks
dr:ns'inv, g;rnc,�l t'ruru tho ,Alorley flit,
_F:xetor 'flows-A,icoc:Ito
Pit, t Floody A Prisoner--
:\ report from Berlin that Pilot
lOirer Clarke WallaceFloody, pre-
viously reported missing. was 0 p(•S-
soner in Germany ended a week of
tension for the RCAF Myer's kin
hate and -in Toronto, Pilot Offline.
Hood:: is the son of !l1r, and 111rs.
W. E. bloody of Toronto. and
•„rartdsou o1' -firs. 11, 13. Chant of
Clinton. The message wata - the- first
we:•,1 the 1-41114 has - had since
tlrnufy 10110 reported missing lost
week. His wife, fornt'rly Uetty
Raxter of St, Catharines. was not
1n'ailablc• when the message was TO,
dived. A graduate of Northern Vo-
cational School. the young airman,
who had lived in Toronto most of
.his life; enlisted with the RCAF a
year ago. While at school he hall
Your Country asks your loyal support
of this Wartime Measure
Two NEW CONTROLS have now
become essential in Canada's wartime
design for living. These are:
(1) Centro! of Fauces
Commencing November 17. 1941.. there
may be no increase in the prices of goods
and services 2ener:t!0' unless absolutely
t1ecess-dei' and attahorired by the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board.
(2) Centro! of Wages
No employer. with certain limited excep-
tions. may increase the basic wage rates
paid to his employees unless authorized
by a Board on w hich the Government,
employers and employees are repre-
sented. But after February 15, 19 i2, every
employer w ith the same exceptions, will
be obliged to pay a cost of living bonus
and to adjust ti -t;, bonus ever: three
Action Necessary to Stop Inflation
This Ciovernm,-rt ac.tion hos :neer: taken to
prevent the inflation we knew in the last war.
and its subsequent depression. unemployment
and suffering.
Every housewife knows that prices are
rising, and rising prices, unless controlled.
will make it more costly and difficult to finance
the war. Rising prices, unchecked, will spread
confusion in industry and trade; will hinder
production and proper distribution of sup-
plies; will make the cost of living rise more
rapidly than wages and salaries; will lessen
the value of savings; will result in hardship
for almost everyone, and especially those with
small incomes. And the result of uncontrolled
inflation, after the war, when prices drop. will
again he depression and unemployment.
Prices cannot he controlled without control
of wages. Excess profits are, and will con-
tinue to be, under rigid control. •
Coverage of Wages Stabilization Order
The Order is applicable to the following
1—Every employer normally suhjeet to the
Industrial Disputes Investigation Asst.
—Evers employer entt.,tted in the it ,tnutac-
tu" of t'.n i.. t s t3: war. or y -.!r supplies,
_ or the construction ra of do encu 1 obcots.
i—Es•ery building trades employer with ten
or more employees.
4—Every other private employer with fifty or
more employees,
The Order dues not apply to employers in
agriculture or fishing, or to hospitals,tl-
ous, charitable or educational association;
uperat 1.1 on ai non-protit basis.
Wage Provisions
1:7“cept an written permission of the :\•ttiun..I
War Labour Hoard, no employer mite tner,;os"
his basic wage rates. 'This pernhission can
only be t is n in cases where the Board has
found the Isage rates to be low. Wage rates
which are unduly high will not have to he
decreased. but in such cases the Board may
order the eoipaloyer to defer the cost of iicint;
Cost of Living Bonus
Every employer covered by the Order must pay
tad). his employees except those above the rank
of foreman a wartime cost of living bonus.
Effective N ovemher l5, each employer already
paying a. bonus under PC 74.40 of December
16. i 940, shall add to such bonus an amount
based on the rise in the cost of living index
for October 19-11, .,hose the index Lumber
used to deterr.aine the current amount of the
Effective February 15, 1942. each employer
who has not been paying a cost of living
bonus must begin to pay a bonus based on the
rise in the index between October. 1941.
and January, 1942,unless ordered by the Board
to base the bonus on the rise in the cost of
living over 0 longer period.
The bonus is calculated on the fallowing
basis: For.each rise of one point in the cost of
lining the amount of the bonus shall be 25
cents per week, except for male workers under
21 years of age and female workers, who, if
employed at basic rates of less than $25.00
per week, shall receive a bonus of 1 percent
of their basic wage rates.
These bonuses will he adjusted regularly
every three months.
,The Order will be administered by five
regional Boards under 'ho direction of a
National War Lal'our B.' :1. Labour' and
employers will be represented on each of
these Boards. Ct'at',h for the unnouccoment o'
the. 1114' r j,, to which inc0i1:•ies concerning
Ode -1r. c.,.:,1:? of the Order shook! h'..
Whole Kieai ted4pia•ort Reciagiried
Vpur (;o:: , e:?3ent knows that trtn', policy, as it slit ce.; i i rte industry, commerce, and
agriculture, demands a degree .1f re'o neon to which c.an; .tians Ore not accustomed.
1!104 is directly a wartime mesa scam It will 111111;14 u1r ., ,.,sac 11•.1self-control. It
vitt need tr • :''l,rie-hearted .upi;o;tofeveryone edit, itis ,he well-ie:ingofhis-felitiw
citizens at heart. Iiut by loyal co-operation, ( n<_c;ians Lail have Hauch more assuranc
that the fe r,. sense of insecurity, the suffering and profiteering which inflation always
brings. Kill neither interfere now in the winning of this war, nor in the recovery and
reconstruction of Canada and the Canadian way of living after the war is over.
Issued under the authority of
Hon. N. A. McLARTY,
Minister of Labour c
n ;iu nt at hn :11)11, 4:`, st a h rolire d 1 11.0 yoars 11 11: wall
Ile.11 11,1 b.1
„1 ,111;,1 1111: ,.11,,11) had
'Melt hi 1(0,1 with a e ompaMon across
the t Mind :fates ns, far :is 11e>;icu
and nodi 10;'1411. 111, had wnrkoll for
at whde 111 1111la:uid Lake, :oar play-:.
ed i'or 1,1t11 111111 lnlO(ball
t,:uns in the mining town. With tire
IICAF' ht; trained 111 lklanntng fool,
Ilramlon. Winnipeg, Regina and
blottnt Hope, receiving his wing: at
1)uhnteville itt 'flay. _.-Clinton Nrws-
Loot From Store Found --
Shotguns, titles. and revolvers
stolen from F:pp's Sport Goods
store in Clinton on the night of Sep-
tember 27th, have been found in an
'abandoned stolen car in Toronto, ac-
(^crding to wont received by Prov•
inei:d Constable Frank 1110 at Godo
rich. Mr. Epps went to Toronto to
identify his property. He estimated
m u1td 1 111,:11, 1 1) 11'.1 1
TOM 1!,`1111). 11:1' 11:dtiiig,lt 1 years
ago, 1111,,. died nt 11111.11 'll .,ver 211
years into. All' ilrots11 11,:- 111 d nit
\'h1,W:a S114`01 101' over .,, years..
\V'hih 1l.'. Ih•o11n says he is no: as
w,r11as he was belie having :Ill '111-
('"1 a year ago. he is able to 111(111
)rft,r his giu•dem, which he has just
finished digging. ills rather lived to
be 1)5 1111(1 Mr, Brown expressed the
thought that rte hoped to live to nee
tire lulndred-Inilt•It, Ile Inls four suns
and live daughters: 141101 of Stratford.
Mrs. 11ohert Simpson 11.1z'tlel of
Stratford, Airs. I1. E. !raker (Mary)
o1' 81. 'Pbontns, iii my of Stratford,
(100' and ;fit's, (inlet 17aet)mwld
:if horn', Mrs. Albert Hudson
Aue4ia) of Seaftrtit, Robert of
rat('nrd nud 'Airs. Zoe] (ueanis
1 Evelyn) of fret 1•,41.
Edward Robinson, Mitchell—
his loss at the time of the robbery The death occurred after an ill -
at $000, Hess of one week of Edward Robin -
i son, estimable Mitchell resident, at
Engagement Announced— his home, Quebec St.. on Friday
Mr. and AIrs, Clarence. Potter• of evening. He had been in poor health
it t
I Goderich Township, wish to an- h he summer but had been able to
pounce the engagement of their ell- resume activities about the farm
est daughter, Wille Frances, to where he was engaged until his final
Thomus Wihner Ptathwell, son of Mr. illness came. He was horn in F'ullar
and Airs. Ben Rathwell of Goderiih ton, on August 3I, 1x1)1, the son of
Township. The marriage will take the late William Robinson and Jane
place the middle of November. Barley. On 22nd of March, fifty-
three years ago, he married Caroline
Hand Caught In Wringer— Saakel, and they farmed in Full:tr-
Mrs. W. S. Mitchell of Wingham 1011, i.og0ri and Ellice 'I'ownships,
had her hand caught in the wringer and after residing' for .some years in
of her washing machine recently, town in the fine house they huilt on
:The shin was torn off the b:u'ic of St. David:: St.. now known ills the
her bund, r stitches beingneces—
sary to close the wound. the Walker farm until they (mne to
town several months ne'n to 1111110'
their ]lone with their :01111, Fergus.
Ile was a member of Zion United
newel, and latterly attceded Slain
St. 1'1141::1 ('hereh, Snrvit-inar arc
eirrht on; ;11111 one dauIfIllO •, flat,,.5'
and 1,rcus, Atitchull; Oscar, 'Pinttie,
Alta.; Ernest and Hel•liert. of lm -
;tan; Charles. of Eippeu; Clarence,
\'Mean, Alta.; Franklin. 1t(\P', sta-
Unned In New 'Brunswick, and 111111
tice. Mr 1?nlot1. B.C.. ']hors :11.1.•
also two sister,.. Mr.;, eros, Wood.
Fergus ami airs. Er1ett Sunutca, of
Noepawa, NI all., and five hr,,thers,
William, Barley and Henry. all of
lliteboll; Georg,•, of California. and
1 Albert, of Fullerton; :1,' 17 graml-
childt'c'n and two gent 111Itel1•111111-
ten, TWO lu'otln•rs, Jnhn :old Thrums
llabinson and 11111int,h, 11ts Geo,
:41111111et•, predel ,•haul hint. .li arty
sorrowing friend. and 1'httl1e11 1n-
thored at his 1111' hone on Monday
afternoon where i:ev.. 11, ('', Vernon
rntiducted the fuurl;d service. ('1111'.
env, P:0111.11 sash "Goner night. and
Good-ntotmn¢" dining the "na'iee.
1„•autiful IlnrItl tributes graced the
casket in tribute to the memory of
the deceased. Six sons, Harvey. Ern -
Fergus. Herbert, Charles and
Franklin acted as pallbearers The
remains were taken to Woodland
Mausoleum, the burial taking' plaice
Tuesday following the arrival of an-
other son, Cltuene' fr0111 5'0lea(1.
Alta.. who flew east. 11elativ05 were
present for the obsequies from Ft•r
gu0. Toronto, hippen, Stratford.
51Ste•ltell and surrounding commun.
ity',- 51itehall Advnea)e,
Purchased Barber Shop_
,lir. Stanley Sibthnrps or myth
Las ptnrirtsed Sir. Charles Swan -
son's harmer shop and took
=ion on Thursday morning, 51r.
511110 u'n' is well-known here having
been in business in ltlyt0 for the •
past fif'te'en y'ear's, lie 1.001 Mai of
the mabnstay?e of the hand there anti
501111 last year elected a member of
the village eouneil. We understand
that Mt's. Sihthot le and family will
remain inBlyth until a suitable
home is located here.--Vibnethanl Ad-
Late Mrs. Anthony Etue--
:1 very sari death oeiurt•ecl on the
Ilmhvlon -lin, tart Tuesday night
when the news was- received of the
sudden passing of Mrs, Anthony
F:ttto 10110 ,lust in the prime of life..
ani, a1 much needed in the home
linseed at the age of : years 0015'
suddenly from Itt attack of cerebral
hemorrhage. 140' was the former
Hiss M a•y Wilds, daughter of the
late Valentine Wilds of Bay-tield
and was united in marriage seven
years ago. This happy couple farm-
ed for throe years near Drysdale
until four year, ago when they (mune
to the Babylon line where they have
made many friends who all mourn
• Ow death of Mrs. Etue. Surviving
besides the sorrowing husband are
two daughter:. one six years old and
the baby five weeks old; three bro-
thers, Louis and John Wiles at
home, Bayfield; Joseph at Hamilton;
and :t sister Vera in Clinton. The
sad funeral was held Friday morn-
ing to St. Boniface 1., ('. (Church.
Zurich, iter. Father L. W. Power
officiating. Interment was made in
the 11. C. cemetery.—Zurich Herald.
Pollard -Craig -
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the parsonage of the
United Church, Brussels. when An-
nie Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Craig, .became the bride of
Mr. George Edward Pollard, only
• son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollard,
both of Morris township. The bride
was becomingly attired in a navy
blue chiffon dress with hat and ac-
cessories to match. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. A. Brooks
for,nerfy of Blyth. Later Mr. and
Mrs. Pollard left on tt honeymoon in
the Georgian Bay district Midland 1
and Hamilton. For travelling, the
bride wore a blue coat with grey
opossum) fur, with hat and purse to 1
v Foch.
Brussels Agent Retires—,
JohnWright, who has been C.N.
, ,press x. eat at Brussels has retired
lifter serving the public in that rap-
acity for thirty y0:11.14. On account of
llt. Wright resigning the uptown of -
has Keen (dosed and the husime•s1I
Will he handfed from the t: N,11, sta-
tion. The company 11111: arranged
With Mr. H. 11. Allen for the sale of
money orders from his drug store,
Marks 85th Birthday—
\\'flliam Rn)wa, of Mitchell, quiet-
ly celebrated his 85th birthday on
Saturday. He was horn in Norwich,
Harvey, England, :on November 8,
1851. and came to Canada when 1)1
years of age, residing for a time in
Hamilton. Later he moved to Mit-
chell. where he was a teamster until
Awarded $5,200 Damages—
Judgment was given last wee1; at
(k,derir•h in favor of Frank Vineland.
H.C., of Clinton, for 4521)11 with rosily.
against. Norman Brown and Argoire
also of Clinton. at the oolr
rlusinn Or trial in n•Aich 11r. Vine:
loud had sued for 815,1)111 damages,
following an accident 00 Highway
No, 4 in March, 1940, The jury, after
deliberating for live 101 a half hours.
brought in a verdict of Aegligenee
against the defendants in the propor-
tion of PO per cent against Brown
and 19 per cent against. Garen. Ottt-
of-poeltet expellees of tate plaintiff.
NOVEMBER 11, 1341
less than
V per
Vineland. and loss of income were
set is 42,11lI), and damages al 111,700,
a total of $5...1110. Mr. Justice (been,
in addressing the jury before they
retired, stated the .jury system is 011•'
of the most important in our deato-
era: fe form of government. The
courts of all ilritish democracies are
free, be pointed out, contrasting this
with the totalitarian states. .11th, Ile
routitaned, great privileges curry
with lhent greet, responsibilities, and
If privileges are abused, sooner or
lasts they are lost,
Action Over Accident—
Al 1%, h'iuude' Pithla111i. plaiiltitt,
was 110 r,led $4=,0 hi fall eith•inent
„1' her claim against the Goderi+It
1lutuu'arun•ht)), 1';,nlp;lay. last wee'?:
The ,IahnO of rile nlhrr plaintiffs,
Jame-: Raiser :mil Nnrvlll,. 111! AV'um
ed 111)11 ul e1>1:. ikatca ••< 1l ttlllirt
were ;til. 'et hg '11'' plaintiffs.
Phi 11et1011 001 :- I; 11 ,f ;in '':1 an
111 July 7, 1011.
Francis Donnelly Jr. 1 ass s.--
I't:lnri= Donnelly, 2'r -S01''•1'1
of 51r, ltd Mrs. 1',.tnk D11nr11;:.
died from a hears iittaelt whirl) tu;-
lowed influenza, thur> i,,y nicht
at Seaforth hospital ilo hod been in
lin-Snital nnty half all hour, The d•
patted man was 11th rte,( it 1(01,1'11
separate school. Survivin0 are hi,
1)111 utr, and 1ettr• brother:., albeit.
Ga11: Etimme, 1 x1111- 11'.
1 ,uni _ d, ot home, iind tour
t, c , t':,','•rine, 11.1.. 11 ,'lo; Cal'.
11111, Stratford; \m el:, mid l Bernie,
01 boom. The funeral w•I, held Ilor-
55"hiL' stationed at 'I',uro,
111111 ih, Highland 10111 Sof,nto,
l;od Imus:sell of H'hh rt low's bib.
wa :,n, 11' lwelc'e. mon chosen frons
their ranks t., pre,nmt the recent
proclamation to the Mayor of Truro
1 Don arrival in England, 1,10yd w':o
one of the (non from the Third ore -
:whim Division who s't'd as 0111";4
to their Maiesti,•s, the Dint: 0 t•
(ween upon their flatten visit. to
Windsor Castle.
The mnoutd of )lurchi1.,” of we
save 100 r,•r'UlO'l )l' irom .\ttgu,t 21.
tr, September ::0, from the commun.
115' of (1.111111 ty, Dublin, Statfa :mei
St. Columba% was 1.110.
Young People's Inion of Zion
crntgreeiti,n, held a< regular meet -
Mg' with the citizenship convene:',
Miss Marion Mal•ohn presiding. Acv
int 'rest. Mg' f'oattt1V 1010. an in`)lith!„
t.hpic by Morley Lanuitt.
Mrs Mar,)urb Gihh, Stratford.
with Air. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper.
Miss Ruth Pethick, Winthrop. with
Miss Marion Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C.anipbeli
and 1Ir. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart of
North Dakota with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Darling.
Send us the mane, o1 1 011 visit•,;'=.
Chrysler-, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
( I,lt:t
\\'ext I
n ,,le ,`) ,t, .i „• „111
:•r„r0, l
PHONE 179.
A11 Repairs Strictly. 01;11
Aim To Please
T a,rnorn,seoo11R,M,C>• -' ^•••'eats Al'rt9YiN-bra.r,'.ramY, ortailat,/Odi>T�6.1fFFYUM1x'iG . setsam,