HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 1Here's a word for the bluebird. the
rehiu, the lark
And tlo• rest of that eloquent
\V'h1411. .alien winter is gone with
shies frosty and dark.
In springtime, returns with its
WHOLE sionuoS, VOL, 08, No. 45
Llui 3'na rta1a the warmest of
pro ta. t+•1714,14 fu wmals
eon truthfully niter ix du„
"10 that bevy of brace,; weather
challenging bird:-
'flint is with us th"! tong winter
SFAFORT11, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVP1MI3ER 13, 1941 Phone 84 $1 a vers.
SPECIAL Neighbors ,',Honor
2 PEP with Colored Fruit Mr. J. D. Gernrnell $20 TO FARM FORUMS
Juice Glass
HURON FEDERATION GIVES Armistice Day Services''
All for 16c
2 tinct
2 tins ,
Tin 19c, 34c
. 26 oz. jar . . :........... 17c
OLD CHIlESE, real nippy—
IA meeting of the Huron County
Presentatian to Mr. Gemmell Federation of Agriculture was heli
and Mrs. Handley Prior to on November 4th in the Agricultura
Their Departure. hoard room, Clinton, The meeting
opened with the pre4ldent in the
A community gathering• was held chair, who thanked the directors fo
at the home of Mr. J. D. Gemmel], such a good turnout. Reeves Scott
19c Highview Farm on Tuesday evening Whitmore and Dorrance and Mr. E
to present farewell gifts to Mr. Gem- B. Goudie of Seaforth were visitors
19e mel) and daughter, Mrs, Handley, The minutes of the last meeting
who leave soon to reside in London, were read and adopted on motion o'
About seventy-five were present, A J. W. Gamble, seeonded by G. Kind
pleasant social evening was spent, ban. Motion by H. Sturdy and Wmduring which Mr. Gemmell was pre- J. Turnbull, tfiat we support the
rented with fur gloves and a sweater Brant county brief, re the amend -
and Mrs. Handley a tray. ment of the .livestock act to include
The following address was read: poultry destroyed by dogs,
1 "We have come here this evening to Motion by C. Renwick and W.
say adieu but not farewell as we Sweitzer that we send a resolution
hope in years to come you will spend to the Ontario Federation in regard
many happy days in -our neighbor- to price fixing,
'hood. On that long trail down which Motion by M. Grainger and G:
you have come from pioneer days of hinahan that the Huron County Fed-
rthe settlement, you have gleaned eration of Agriculture donate $20 -
much of the fruits of wisdom which towards organization of farm for -
you have used freely to enrich the urns. This motion was defeated,
social life of this community. We' Motion by G. Feagon and H. Stur-
shall not 00011 forgot the helping cry that we write the Ontario Secre-
hand that sped so many on their way tory of the Farm Forums advising
and that unusually fine ithat at. the time for assembling i4 one
that has 1.411 Often smoothed a lotto- hour fon early.
ors path. We have not conte here to Motion by C. 1lev7wick and 1-I.
praise you but rather to thank you Sturdy that J. C. Shearer and hen
for a noble example of plain living Jackson represent the Huron County
and high thinking of a faithful stew- Federation of .Agriculture on radio
ardship over thoae. thing:: entt'(Isted November l7 and - Dec. 1st, The
to your rare and while we cannot pay Meet adjourned at 11.x0 aqui will
a.ieeluate• tribute to that nobility we meet again Der.. 411.
ask you to 1t1•e•apt this sweater' 11771
pair of glove-, which we }tope will
bring you physical comfort as well
as 118111.5 memories of your obi
;'I'ucket'sInil11 home. Signed on be-
balf of neighbor's 11. Fotheringhaln,
Finlayson, W. llroadfoot. A.
I r 1w'u, -I 15'Jalchl(cn, If. Moore, A,
, Forsyth, J. Finlayson, R. Dalrymple.
R. Consitt. F. 1'.'pehall, % . Irwin, J.
1 L'lrsh(ill, C. Eyre, A. Alexander, 11.
I flick, I'. Salol, J. 1,ove, A. Houston,
W. '1'119114..1. McLachlan., t', Way, A.
Simpson. 1'. Simpson. T. Ilodgert,
Howe, McNay home, T. Blake. 141.
I1n,', J, Doig, M. Patrick. W. Mc-
Cartney. A. Nicholson, E. Sprout..
Held In District
t Two Minute Silence Observed
1 As Citizens Gather At Var-
ious Cenotaphs.
r Throughout the dlot1b't Tuesday
, November 11,was observed as Ar.
, mistier, Day and fitting services were
, held at the various centre.. In Sea.
forth the parade started at the town
f hall at. 10.30 and led by the Band,.
comprised the Seaforth branch of the
, 1 Canadian Legion, the loeal company
of Middlesex and Huron regiment.'
municipal officials, Girl Guides, and
' Brownies and Scouts, in front of ;
the war memorial, Rev. Hugh Jack
led in prayer. Rev. Dr. Hurford
gave an address, emphasizing what ,
is necessary to prevent a repetition
I of the mistakes we made after the,
last war, Two commandments must
be followed, the (petther said, Love,
thy God, and love thy Neighbor. Thr
less these were followed WI' would he
1 nn better fa 111541 6111111 we are f0day.
Benediction was pronounced by Rev.
Father T. P Hussey. The Last Post
was 4nln ded by llaneimi,441 ('lose
and the wreaths uu-re placed at the
foolof Doho int in it. Donato' of
those who gave their t 4,•s in 11.'
14'17 ,Iola] Earle, ma-aide/it of th4-
_ local 1,rmie14 of 14,+ - ,.,,on 4)14-4'
briefly lb:taking ,:l !14,14. •.tete',
ill 4111- ..,•r4:,.,,,
Half lb. __... .......... ... .. 27c
OVALTINF for health ---
Each 40c, 60c, 99c
lb, ... .... 22�
Each 19c, 29c
SHINOLA F1.00l. WAX----
1111 .. 25c
f AVEX, makes gallon Jove]
Water, each 15c
COMFORT I.1'F;, tin ... _. . 10c
tr(-1 S'1' IVORY 84)AP
a rakes 25c
• i, for 25c
4)(111Y'S TOILi:l 1"l.1':CH-
Tin 22c
$NA)' 'VlNln)W C 1.11:1\h;l4.
Tin 13c
«\ ':I' I1.ANI) CLEANER --
Tin . 15c
Master- Iced Head Laying Mash .
44011- ie11ot•.-.---72,00
Phone 166
Ro ed
Northside United Church
Rev. II. V. Workplan, Minister.
10 a,na, Sunday school.
11 8.111., ''Faith As the Christian
7 p.111. Attend Presbyterian Anni-
Thursday. 7.45- p.rn., prayer ser-
vice. Welcome to these services.
, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
Sabbath School 10 a.m.
Anniversary services. Guest
speaker Rev. T. J. Watson, B.A.,
B,D., of New St. James Presbyter-
ian Church. London, Ont.
Ila.m. Sulcject, "The Significance
of the Church."
7 p.m. Subject, "A Shining from
Special music by the choir at both
Midweek meeting Thurs. at 1 p.111.
' Egrnondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D.
111 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., "Cultivating a Long
7 p.m., '`Persuing Kindness." -
St. Thomas' Church
Rentor, Rev. Dr. Hurford. -
11 a.m., "Holding Fast and Holding
7 p.m., No service owing to anniv-
ersary services in Presbyterian
Church. -
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2.25 p.m., Sunday school
3 p.m., "Holding Fast and Holding
The Seaforth and District Minis-
terial Association held its regular
meeting Monday afternoon, Nov. 10 h,
M Northside United " Church. Rev.
Hugh Jack was elected president and
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, secretary-treas-'
urer. Two papers were read, one by
Rev. W. J. Patton, entitled, "Psychol-
ogy and Life," the other by Rev. H. V.
Workman. on "The Origin of the He-
brew People." The next meeting will
be bold 011 Dec. 8th at 2 11.111. 111 the
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth.
lilss \Vfnnier Savauge has been ale
lsliuted "Treasurer" of. the Meal
lnaneh of the Red Cross, succeeding
Miss Janet. (']off.
1 Ladies who are knitting so,.ks are
asked when finishing the toe of the
sodas not to run the wool across the
top of the toe. but to finish it of by
running the thread down the side of
the foot,
A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and- Mrs. David
MacLean an Thursday evening, , Nov.
(1 11, when 28 tables Were in play. at
the L.0.P,.A. euchre. The winners
were us follows', Ladies' that, Mrs.
David McIntosh; lone hands, Mrs. V.
Gillespie; rnnsolation, Mrs. Roy 1Ic-
Geoeh; men's first, James McIntosh.
Ione hands, Jos. Ilugill; c•onsoliatfon.
Mitt. Stewart ; lucky chair, Mrs. WII-
son Droadfoot. hunch was ; )iced by
the committee in charge,.
A curiosity on the farm of 114, The death 0ce'nrred in the tat in Hugh Love :and 4011, ,lust north of Regina inn on Oct. ' 3714 of I•.mily'
1 (llscrc•en, that many in th«' neigh -V. T 1 i r. daughter of the late M1.
hoi'hnod have gone to see, is a two and .ill.:. LancelotI askor, 11414.
lixutths' old White Leghorn with •1 Ai9ce11 had not been in good health
letter clearly marked in Week for ow past four 4 714. hehlg
troubled with a serious h'a1•t conch -
half :m inch long. This tion. She was horn in Morris Town-
aboutVirtnry chicken was not an Moffatt -ship in the year 7S.4 , and later
Or chick but was hatched out by :a lived in Mullett Twp. near I14010011.
mar -
:rear -01d pullet that raised her fandiy On Dec.- `25th, 8811L", she, was mar -
mid rr the lay away" plan. rigid to her now bereft husband.
.living at Tecswater for a num-
- ALLIN -HOUSTON ber of years they moved, with
A quite but pretty wedding was their family to Balgonie, :ask„ then
Solemnized at the home of 111'. and later to Regina where they have
Mrs. Carl Houston, Moe Water since resided. She is survived by a
Idighway, Bayfield, by the Rev B. F'. family of five sons, 'Phos. T. Arkell
Andrew of the Knox Presbyterian of Two Hills, Alberta; Reginald and i
Church. Hayfield. on Tuesday, Nov. Fred Arkell, 0f Calgary Maurice and
4th at 11 a.m. when Beatrice Annie, Douglas Arkell of Regina, and four!
eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Car- daughters, May and Dorothy Arkell
file Houston became the bride of at home., ;11411? Robert McMillan - of
Roy .James Arlin, third son of Mr. Vancouver, firs. John Litherland of
and airs. John Arlin. Bemniller. The Regina, She is survived 1040 by two
bride was given in marriage by sisters, Mrs. Melissa Ilugill of Kip
her fattier, and Was gowned in a pen, and Mrs. J. J. Hugill of Con -
street -length dress of sea -blue crepe stance. The funeral, which was held
with black accessories and a cors age from St. Paul's Anglican Church,
of white and pink mums: Miss was a double one Vas :Virg. Arkellas
Madge Houston was her sister's son-in-law. •I41r. John Litherland,
bridcsnulid. She was gowned in a passed away after a heart attack
navy blue triple sheer with navy just 1 t': hours later, which was a
blue accessories anti a corsage of terrible shock to all, Mrs. Arkell
yellow and bronze mums, Ileginald was a great worker in the organiza-
John Atlin, brother of the groom, tions of the church and had many
wail best man. The bride's mother dear friends as was testified by the
4vorc a black crepe dress with red great quantity of floral tributes sent
ryo5es, and Mrs, allin wore a navy from so m005 sources, which took a
blue crepe with white and yellow number of cars to carry them to the
Hums, The wedding dinner was then resting place in Regina Cemetery.
served to some 20 guests under pink Mrs. Arkell will be greatly missed
and white streamers. 'Chose assisting by a wide circle of friends. Much
were Mrs. Milton Pollock, 14Irs. sympathy is felt for 161rs. Litherland
Wm. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' in the double bereavement of a dear
Moran. Mr. duct Mrs. Arlin left on a ' mother and. husband.
trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, 1
the bride wearing a greyish blue
feathers on its back. The letter V is
Thomas Arkell. of 'I'&•oswate, After
Service at I eya g•- -
l:eme•utbt aloe D 1 1 , l',. were
held in ('gin Gregor •.':n. 411:,r-. De`:.
.10111 Graham c1ndu. ,1 t1,.. t1 .
111•. W. 1.. Ferguson aiarkei the
wreath for the. village- ,:net :clis:' 11.
Sterling. Il:t N., for the LI-4ir.1, The
e r.4. e•Enldicumarched;4.494
ited their poppiea or tlie wreath. .A
new UlIien ,t•u'k flew from 014151,41
pile and Airs. W. 1.1.1::6 read the
poem, ,"A Toast to the Flag of the
F;tu4ire.,'' written by the donor ,1f
the flag, 11Irs. 161(eraatet hi;yna;a.
A Toast to the Flag of the Empire.
Here's a toast to the 011 the 1:44.
-.Oto• national Lanier 144furboci.
4It :•tands l'or boom, !and freedom;
1 A. 414101on call t0 the 4v01111.
It w roes fc'nndlinrs- 10 X11 nations:
-It .,leets the ships 4,n 111i sea=;
It spells sacrifice .and elevotione;
I,ove and homage it wr,fts ort the
It -t:a1d,s for a may, a1•e:,t-
Who rest on it ('11'i'41-'4'V('414)i ti4541.
And for Flag. Kinti 11414. Country.
Stood twixt u. and the t Stetl.
So gentlemen, here cornea the teal.;. -
' salute it.
The symbol for which met; .'1044''
I died.
15aise your voices find all ,'ins 10-
1 gether,
Our National Anthem with pride;
And thus ask God's I le. i,: ing forever
On inn- King, our Empire. our Flag.
wool dee as, black coat and hat with
fur trim and black accessories. On ON M'oKILLOP FARM
on the groom's farm near Carlow. I Twenty pigs(n 44 litter is a rem
] mei made on the farm of Mr. Ed
their return home they will reside I
Godkin. August pigs. - they are still
ANNOUNCEMENT ' all. living and growing well. There
Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan Hugill of were so many they were divided into
Tuckersmith wish to announce the 2 pens of ten each,
engagement of their second eldest
daughter, Verna Leola, to 141r. Arm AIR SCHOOL GRADU...
old Thompson Rathwell, son of Mi'. ! G. S. 1'labkirk of Seaforth was 011.
and Mrs. Ben Rathweil, of Goderieh
of 'the graduates at the Bombing and
township. Marriage to take place Gunnery School at Simco., at grad -
last week in. November. dation exercises held Saturday,
A prominent Seaforth ilasiness
malt passer) 1144115' eta lt'ednrsdtay.
Nov. 12th, in the lie -(14011 of -Herbert
C. Box. in his 614111 year. Mr, Box 12(411
been in failing health for 4(14. past
year and had retired flow4:1144'
participation in 1.40....iO4-,]•]. 4000;
months ago. Horn 4.r. ..eetfottil. 1017
A highly respected resident of Seto
forth passed away on Tuesday in the
person of Janet, Wallace Murray, re -
Het of the late George Cardno. Mrs.
cardiac) had been in failing health for
scone thne and three weeks ago was
removed to Scott Memorial Hospital
where she passed away. Born in the
township of Hullett she was a laugh•
ter of the late 141r. and Mrs. James
Murray. In .September, 1900, she was
married to George P. Cardno (4f Sea -
forth where She had lived ever since.
MIr. Cardno predeceased her twelve
years age) The deceased was al 1110410
114'0' of First Presbyterian esbyterian t'hut'ch and
the 44(11)5 organizations of the
church. Surviving ate two daughter:.
f cIvo amt Gertrude of Seefor111 find
el Mer, 31xrgBret of Cahar'y 'r)1,-
cameral 14111 (11ke erne'• on hill' day
it Vne,un from 100' hoe residettee,
1 t Hugh .lack officiating Interment
n .31+1;
MaittagillsittIC , ae•t4•r'
Tia ,e llda(r{r took (11, 4- in 5144+.1-
t. ,!11 i^1•. t.11ld1:,v- i 4511.' tf of A.:t e+r'.
1:,ine h"ll}•, ,lata;=bt•-r 4,1" 1Ir. and
a •.g.rlt-..
Kelly. '4a; itrunswiel,
tr,07, t.- .11 1. .11i/ort
Kiel= ter + 1.0,10/01,. t 4 „1' 17. lien.
:171: l4., Fr 11141:;:, tri : ,;Anda' 1 i e•, -;s
1 4t rics, s lotrelt, Rev J N 31 �E:1114.
d1 Minn!.
Alter' a 1, tteytn eon trip v1 \.a'th
ret intmie. 81r. and 124:; eltFr,)elit
r•..-ide Lon i4.n.
'('Ile fiih'atwt 1;nly :Won 134
ow." nieeti la,s 44411,1181,4 rue•,; next
Sunday and nutter.• 4lhe.1144lt to the
81141-i fy, Nor. 1111 to 231-11
,ll .111,•11 t, w411. .'11e1i•)] meetings arid
special =p1 ;11047•.
Sumba:. Nov. 16. 11 ,t.nt. 'and
mom eondueled 115 L1.411. Sh1,1(4..
i l lar C(1 -. -
ti 11.111. arida-411 81115,"
t.el4.1Ue.ee4 by Slat44114,44 Army offic-
ers from Clinton. I it tit.:, Pet/1111111i
4,1 14 giblet.
i'oe slay, s 44(11. 'Visitor. Night.
I.drlrte,t by 11.•4. \4, tk u:n.
Wednesday. -Soldiers' S:_;lrt, con-
itit led 1r\' Lieut. Sharp.
r1 00, -lay. Nov. 1111 • ''4118 il5
Night." conducted Ly C''1,]1. Thomp-
son 41.41 ].britt. Eitis of Winghsurr. -
Friday, \ot 21. "Revival Night."
('ant. and Airs. Titcombe, , London.
Sunday, Nov. `; I tint:' Another
S-71i1Lntlt. Mk(.lare, of hutch- -
41••r. 11 a.m. 104 7 11.44(, n
Death of Mrs. Austin Dolmage.—
Tin • cormuanity was, saddened by
ale- death of Mrs. .'11•.(111 itoiniage
which moored about 4,30 o'clock oat
T)4.',405:45 aft e ^no,I4. Nov. 11th 80(0 an
illnc s
site e141st .April 81rs Ten}
mime had live,) in 11t11+ repmnll4ii y all
ber life and her (leasing is deeply
felt- She was formerly Mande Law-
rie. dangly, r of the -late 311'. and
Mra. (Ilam Lowrie. 1(4d waa 11111
It Mil ori lot 2. concession 9 11111-
,1,. After her marriage in 1912 she
re lded on the adjoining tart lot 1.
d the ,acne concession. Bas1d her
husband 6.11e is survived by three
oils. William of Halltt. Ren•. at
home and H:arvlg• of Me4Ci11011: a
daui111-r Fior.mtl•. died fra years
en. Two iter., 11'V14'4. .Airs. Wm.
,creel. of llnll'tl and Mrs. Sidney
11 Image e4 5.•.11411(.11 a brother.
AA tlh 411
Lowrie. 4l('44141'.':(41''1 her 1114
ears , ago, The 48114 a4. 11111 bake place
to Erik y afternoon at two o'clock
rent her /ate resid •nor. Rea W. .1
'an1n nf(ie l ltmg. Tut anenwill a
t 11 1 loe
11.,+r in 82147la udba]lc tet4tetet4 Six
4.41+14.4 will be 1.111' (141114).te 414.
tew•art Dolnnge, hutsoll Dohnage,
e41ie Dolmage. :Alla] llolmc ge. Iles.
tonnage, and R4nss Laiper.
Mr. John A. 1?cicart finished his
threshing season this week and re-
ports good returns except the buck-
wheat, which is !practically all 1041
In' - ui4e they did not take the advice
of experience, 4vhicli told them to
take the reliable binder and cut land
stook it. i(1 1!1:2 it. was another seal -
son like Ibis but the farmers had it
cutand stookeed before the bead wea-
therset in and the most of the
buckwheat \las thresllcd in Novem-
of the late lits, anti Mira.4\',. T. Boxe
he ste't•essl'ully conducted d a furniture
and undertaking business. lb- was
a. former member of the $4'a1olttl
town council, all official 1r. First I
l'resbyterian r . area a saem-
her of the Steat'orih bane: for many 4
years, Ile is survived by iris wires. 1.
formerly bliss Beckett r. Strathroy, I
and three brothels and one 515(11',
Alf Box. E. L. Box and E:.1. B0li of
Seaforth, and Mrs. H. Minett of Tor- (
onto. - 1
The funeral service will be at tine I
horse, John street. on Friday, atter-
noon, interment in ;14,141and1lsnk
had always lived fh $e,,.(.rtl: \there
111r. and Alrs. L. Tebbutt .it.ited
friends at 1'llyt1 one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott 4. 1ic-
Killep spent last Sunda -at Sand
Whitmore; s.
('arm en \\'manure, wile ,,14:7.[1•
ia141 normal 41'hoo1 at Slyattord spent
the weep end 4.1111 his piarlel1. 1644.
and Mrs. Whitmore.
141r, and Mrs. Geo. 1loFgal•th 4.11(1
Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Ha ggarth od
Hallett 141/01l1 ~111111.1}• , ith kir :and
Mrs Russell Coleman,
141r. and Mrs. I,. Tei,butt. at-
tended a funeral of his co(171(1 at
Clinton last Monday.
bet' after it was covered with 14(1044
and the grain wa8 savedand it
wa$ it bumper crop the 4111111. as this
year. Buckwheat can stand a lot of
unfavorable weather as long as it
is stooked
,..,4e,e.,,,.,..,e., .e.,„1.4.14,1.14eee,een,e,e.u1.
Is now on display at this
Store and we invite you to
come in and look it over. You
will be sure to find it 'very
interesting indeed. All the
newest. in Costume Jewelry
of the Better Sort is for your
inspection and the prices
range from
5Oc to $5.00
TheNovember fIl a.l lcutY mg 7na�et-
intt, of E4101ou'ittll 64-.81.:.. was head
411 the figs, nit to Of. OW o111111li e1
6ovonlh el+ir. Meeting o0Pni'+1 by
r.l04inr; hytn.:t :15e; and prayer (-. Mrs.
(,arllin,'i, who presided. 11011 roil 44164+
,'.t,i4n,,,i by seril111- 4l 11:•.•11,h.-'_ 6:74+l
11, hail 10111' '.4� i i Mmill,,,, , i?te
V fr;, Ji,or 10,01 1/02 wen n t'..4ee alter
iop',,t. TO* Fri'-ndship (;Vele 4.)n -
a'•:,,;, air... m,tatlal'ri-•, eeport4;d t€vr;
1 ,11- 1,.'1161 414aef• 311 A. 1.., 744. anti
11th. ,^,lr tlu,lrri'• W. I, :rpp01l114' •q1
tl ' V1w
r )ta11F 00101111/0 4i'oi *\o4r:111ler.
11.s- Wri''ae. Christian Stowerdahly6
eon vete ai. rat,' a- !reading ,e] ” IUe
(ler Tielen;a Wisely." 161r:,. I8,•y+. 'hc
temp. -ram, eon4 nee, ;::'ay,• a read-
ing on •',1. ('tali for 'I'"m pertu:ee,. At -
lion." Mrs. 11eMi1kan gave 114,- treaa-
ll'er's r•'Por i 1L'4. Ja.. Allan collo
filleted 1111; 'wnt'n1111( serviro f;ot', the
11i :mbinal'y Monthly. Theme for 111e
Year it "3'b' i''aith by Whic1, We
Live." i,tl11 for' Nn'enrliem•, "1,V6' hive,
1y Faith in .lesus c 141st. 11y,i, t 75:
Wilti 411(14„ itS a sale whir Mrs. - ll.
;Hoot'• presiding at pian, and taking
the Vol„ part whip.• the congregation
joined in the churns. A litany of
praise 44:11 (014e0 ty 1Irs. Alla and
tea/mimed to by members. A peri;'',
of meditation awl silent prayer Wall
further eoneltu'lr'd by Mrs. Allan. One
rets, of 516' was sung and Mrs. 4;a1..
(bile)" introduced our Sn.-w( speaker,
Mrs. )toy L.cwson, who gave a won•
dertu) missionary talk. taking fon- her
ssnbjec'i. -Wray Wt Should All, Be
Ildisaanau•y Workers." She presented
heir ettbjett as only a 101'00 of 1115.
4ioa(11y work could do. Mrs. .Nott
m14ec • e . '
1 •a 9.117 et t114u14a Yo Mrs. Law -
.era and ;Urs. Allan aeean1011. .gle41
1118 dos, o] by singing remainder of
hymn riez anti prayer by Mrs. Gard.
11er. Laura h vias served and a social.
half 'hour !was eajeye41.
Toronto Glob. and \l.ed eon/anted re-
f'•re'Itr,• 11, tie. 4+644140)441 /it Miss ti. I.
ilt,atia111 11' Sean -oil: rrcegtly' "Dm.
just helon- she embarked. Bliss (1ra-
fairn Tett a elvdionge 10 717 :•0111 ti of
44-144, We wire aityin' i' fro sOtIle
fills Milli We 14,14 ,1 u‘,, 10 161114141,
1 11a11,11S11111 pleat, ;Iliii 111411, we 1111114
111111114410' 10 11101 1 11 11 spat today to
t ed het m swat. 1.11 a h 14 -,'self
i, r „1114. fhat, 1. to'"] 4174'.' Is what.
4he wenid have 1r11ed aqd what she
has accomplished --le leave be010
good that will lire after her.
The Challenge
Lund 141','hallenge e'1' the 1'unlre
To 1111• soling people today. -
God insistently Is calling
Von. to thee the awful fray;
Dear the tingle rat) of freedom.
And ,1 world 11 luouid anew
\1 hat its destiny and hisl.,ry
L7 pends wholly Ilion you
Never 4111 (47 there 4nc tt a clialtiligti -
AL:y i1 neral' come again
11:1 einate t 161,4,- 161 the
Front 114. 1»91164, eft batt],
6141 414' e.41113t1o:•s t11,1t1na11I lain
1''aee it 441th a faith unMond ed.,
\\'i111 11 purpose strong and true..
For the world's trg,ncrnti(1n.
For your God and country too;
Yon have b, ein ordained and chose,
- Like the 141411:. :111 1011•51:: of old,
'fo prar11(111 the lord'+' _Anointeed.
And display Itis banner bold.
Keep your eye • mien Inlulanuel.
And your Christian 441(181111' bright
For the few Day that is coming
oni of this- earth's darkest night,