HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT H ENSALL limn. -In Toronto General lioep- ittal on 'stied ay OM. 2Sth, to dr. and lire. Laird Joynt, it slaughter, Elizabeth Louise i Betty Lon). The Ladies' Association of Carmel Presbyterian Church are holding a tea and sale of home cooking in the •school room of the church on Satur- day, Nev 8th at 3 p.m. Mr. Wm. MacLean of St. Cathar- ines spent the week end with his pat int Mr and Mrs. Robert 11ael.ean. Miss L,nid Parkins and i%lr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn of l:.ornlon visited on Sunday with their parent:, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. - The nuiny friends of Mrs. James •Ilonthron, who has been ill in Han- over General Hospital, will be pleas- ed to hear that she is nturh improved and was able to be removed to the home of. her daughter, Mrs. Mac Greer in London on Sunday. The annual Re membranes. Pay service will he held in$t. I ant's An- glican Church at 3 p.m. nn Sunday, Nov. 9th. conduct,acl by the rector. Rev. -M. A. Hunt. Council Meeting— The regular meeting of the village council was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m with all members being present, Minutes of the previous meeting read and adopted, R. J. Pat- terson, tax collector. reported hav- ing received d y,•) 227.65 since last meeting and $3,5'02.86 to date. Thos. Kyle reported re King street need- ing to be cleaned and chips taken off. Jas. A. Patterson reported re seizure 1t the stock scales for taxes also en yu,led about soldiers belts. Cc res nendence, Bonthron & Drysdale, upplies, hall, $11.08: S A. Spencer & Son, supplies streete. St elh; Bank of Montreal, intereet. , '',.'20 • R e1iddleton, se;ldiers belt:. yi); H. T. Cudmore, gravel, ,: 3. A, Patter- son. phone stalls, ARe; A. Varb,y. teaming,. 50c. school hoo.vii. oIrrent: xren'es 31.01.01r'rr.`. i�tl- sal art, $70; Hemel) l) l,- dt 'umeren .anti Horton. tilt th• bill_ f „int 'vca l Ii : 1.1 he C:ti, t ,i, h• 1 : it -irv,1 Horton, t VI NI. tntit Tn 1 ,, , Carr --..•.3.----33s. t : r:fr•t Mtooion Cerr:le 141e"-ts..--. t k.• i,., h.J.,.- V - M f ,1 • - 1 I' 1 :11,1.r of •,d with ,n:lrle't 'el the i-t1't.ei t-iant'ch rail rt, .111 ' 1110 10' tan - F, el,,- u 1 . i I3 • -akin •e ' 11 iV n1 1 II tr u* e will • 0t the \u 011 St- 'The '1 't ,1- .1t en a .11 'lln ef e e ittlee eete aremie seilt 1:';,r ari, shF u..; r' tie. ttil'Q0 tl earmel Sunday. 7. i a r ette 1 h, nr . Red Cross Notes.— The 1)esall branch of the lied Cross eekneecvledke ' treeeipt -front the hipper, East. Women's Institute of tat11) 1 shipment of fain for MeV, sons, amutintini: to 3'47 lbs. gross weieht. Also a shipment from the Varna Junior Institute of 144 lbs. all the jam for this s' son has now been shipped away and Hutch of it has already gone overseas. Again we express 1u1• gratitude to the Women of this area for their hearty response to the appeal for tarn. We had diffi • culty in securing •e1it1$ just when we wanted them, but the various dist- ricts have been very patient and good natured about the whole thing and while we regret that there was unavoidable delay in this regard, we appreeiate the determination of the ladies to see this pro•ieet through Your co-operation 11111 loyalty has been praiseworthy. With _creat satis- faction we report that the renewals for membership are coming in, The letters that we sent to our people are bearing; fruit and hope nobody will overlook this natter or make it necessary to organize 0 c•attvass for membership renewals. The member• - ship fee is $1.00. For every renewal a new dated card is 'given. If you have never ;joined the 'Red Cross So- ciety Why not join now? Your fee will help us to purchase wool or sewing material, Your vote at the public meetings will make our plans anti decisions more democratic. Your help as a worker will he invaluable and will lessen the load that some are bravely carrying. See either H. Q. Lawrence, W. R. Davidson, Mark Drysdale, George Hess. The Canad- ian Red Cross is urgently appealing for blunkets but the response to date has not fulfilled expectations through the pros mire. Many of the• people of Britain face the cold winter months and the e 0(A:ittt throat of increased ab' raid 11 tst• try to spare a blan- k '. it will givo e nnfort when most nme.lee, Leave your 1,ift- it the Iced (t ets work remits and th, 1- r -d Cross i.,lr:L: will la,. t11tached. .\ eontribu• tine, '1' . 1,,1ilt will pnrelci - a single 1 Wool hlunkr.t. :10t:agina iu rrd- icor»11 to lbs 3ueh run.. !Till -Lit :, 1 will } . sent forward to ll �a.al', rs v,11 i,. rlaelt purchases 1. - fuI".y. 1'.nrluirie. 1111 .tt „'.!t' aototal i { 1'1 to e -t1711. 1',i 1 -11 ,t W. mettect ibis' t1'e'v.i1111 1,1 1is1r{sy. 1 a:,-uterr 1, at •;i 1.0011 1•0 ' 11. 'rn ; 111 1 ,Ir � eeet..1 `t11 i-•' '1:VW 1,1 11 111 c So. tltit, anti;he ;10:10 ,o111- 1n1.t,-1- or. Nov. 1 .0 rho b:r 111 1 > 1..»:. IThs, 1 1 Yl: i':lt 1 ,tr 11' wt. ('tititrt 1 ^lien n• 'Nook r 1 with 11,1' pe, -,a11 11 1.,f 'elrs, .lrt- Pat9;ies. 11rs. lr Joynt ie ,i.-inti•_'ir.'1 - u.1 at tit, horn i 11 1 soe. \1r, l n1. t .f r10. ),1 Wm. 1 \V and ,q.11; Freddie i t 1.isithw with her parents. sir, nn,l Mrs, I),avid Batley of Huntsville, Mr. Thee. Shaddick spent a few dais this relat,ires its 1 itdcil)'1 , • Nis. and 'Airs. Elgin Ii i ter mid ,,n I)nttiii of 1 001110 . dent the. 1' 1114 with Mrs. Butt is par- :t \L•. •in,i :4Its. 11. 1). Eelh 111: e: Beryl and alie;r• Pfaff sp1-nt wstatday a 1 sol i. \It W. I, Davidson visited last 'week whit reletivee in Tot•r:titte, Injured in Traffic Accident.— Me A it -em Hyde of He i :ill, a ye:sem:2:er in a oar driven is Gerald aItslt'll of Exeter. leis injured in 3i„ i le n; n 31(0a d iy night i•em'1 ut half alt. eolith .•f iilplterlt. The Cal bell eer tirivieg.oeth had r,e:.1 ng three passengers,David ;eel (ser r Senester. Hensall, and l .rvey H I lsen -f London who wens ''1 1.11110 from a dance in t`iilittni, Iteee.1: '1 111laeN, driver of the czar. 11.uas to bray! beep daa le,:d by. the, ir'_las et' the northbound vehicle•. 'The car eideewired au I;(Ah panel 1. •lri.en by LAC •Iilt.teklord of Clinton in which were riding Air- rutn.rr Hillditch and Harvey of Clinton. The, Campbell•cat• eontitlue-d 111 south and had a head-on collision n a 1 is fi-h transport truck -of 1 Gelder, Tran port Co. of Banos i• r t;v Peter Leonard.. ard. ae- .1 1,.,^.i •ct b,_ John Hapkies, The 01,1-31 ealt was *urn :el rhAll about. hat +. I . J t -11t -t pavement for :10 feet. The transport truck THE SEAFORTH NEWS 15, OWING TO AUTO ACCIDENT SALON HAS BEEN CLOSED. ell INTOATC,MIlij 1, lit. B' Beauty Salon Marjorie Robinson went 1011 the ditch with bout front wheels torts off and the air force truck was also ditched. Miss Hyde received facial lacerations and a sprained tinkle but was able to pro- ceed hone after being attended by Dr. Steer, Hensall. All the other ten passengers escaped injury, Provinc- ial Officer Taylor of Clinton investi- gated. It is estimated that property damage on the three vehicles will ex- ceed 45011. Mr. Harvey Hedson of London spent the week end with his parents, hir. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, A stranger was standing on the platform of a small railway station when the express rushed past. Into the whirl of dust raised by the train leaped the stationmaster's dog and tore madly up the track in pursuit. "Does your dog often do that?" ask- ed the stranger of the station Master, "Yes sir, Every time the express passes the dog is after it like a Bare," "That's queer," commented the stranger. "Why does he do it?" "I don'). know," replied the dog's owner, seretehing his head thought- fully. -What worries Inc IS what he's jus to do with it when he gets R." 1\:101 ,.1 Per 0sur \u., 1 -,4 eek PAYMENT FOR WEED CUTTIN . Township of Teckeramith I'lsc a',a•u,'il I: Ttele'remith mesh dl 'tc nu rt- for t'uttitt weeds ' n (kettle tt be in the hands of the 10.11 01131 rir to nde•nt, L. Dalrymple, dur- ing' in ' 1.11 monthf f Xoyembcr, 7,0 'I: e,unts foe weed cutting in 194.1 will he peitl alter Dee. 15th, 1941. D. F, 71 GOLGG111. Clerk, BARGAIN'S In Good Foods SAT., Nov. Sth. Carnation Milk, tall tins. 17c VanCamp's Tomatoes L:01,11- tilts. :] for _... 23c Currants Fresh in. 2 lb;, for . . _ .25e Salmon, Maple Leaf `mall tin 23e Corn Syrup 2 lb. tines _._ 25c Pea Soup, Habitant Largo On ..... 10c MsLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkgs. fol' .... ._._...__,...... 23c Sugar, Granulated 10 lbs. for 79c MEATS Sausage, Pure Pork Per Ib, 22c Bologna, large Per Ib, ........ 19c Head Cheese Per lb. 19c DICK'S CASH GROCERY PHONE 91. PROMPT DELIVERY Card of Thanks Sire U'm, Butt Lead faintly wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness mid sympathy ex- tended - to them during the recant illness and loss of 0 husband and fa. thee and to Itev. H. 21'. 'Workman uaat] Iter. W. A. Bremner. and those who .sent flowers, LOST Lost, in Seaforth. on Thursday af- ternoon last. the sura of 229.01). Hew tu'd. Finder please notify 9Ies. Handy, Seaforth, R.R. 4. - GIRL WANTED A good girl, one whu tan cook. Phone 1710, Seaforth, Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, At Lot. 34 on High- way No, 8, half mile west of Holmes - villa, on Friday, November 7th, at 1 o'clock sharp, eunsistiug of the fol- lowing: Horses—Mare rising 5 years old, in foal; horse 7 years old, 2 Pere11- eron colts, 1114 yr. old. Cattle -2 five-year-old cows, due to freshen in December; red Durham cow, 8 years, due to freshen Dee, 28; Guernsey cow, 5 yrs, due to freshen Dee. 3; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due to freshen Dec. 30th; heifer, 3 yr, old, due to freshen in Dec.; 2 cows, 6 yrs, old, with calves at foot; 1 cow, 7 years old with calf at foot, 3 heifers supposed to be in calf to freshen In July, cow 7 yrs. old, due Jan. 1st; eow, 7 yrs. old. due June 15; heifer, 2 yrs. old; steer, 2 years old; Here- ford bull, 11,i yr. old. Pigs ----Young sow, due Dec. 24; young sow, due Dec. 14; 10 chunks 3?0 months old. Poultry ---60 rock pullets ready to lay. Quantity of potatoes. Terns _ Cush, Fred Mulholland. Proprietor. Etlwerd W. Elliott. Auctioneer. Auction Sale Lambert Sale. Yards. Stratliroy, Satu day, Noveimnher 8th. 150 bead of mixed stock cattle, 1'suel tint of calves and mixed pigs• Salve every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine. Auctioneer. FOR SALE Ore York,,hire hog serviceable nee for sale, 3111005 Doig: phone 054r14. FOR SALE S goo0 sleek -t ,teors, hirer ISO 1115.: ,u•:, batt: rt' Viotti. radio, new fit 10pitl1 end a (ulemtut lamp, Phone ;± 1. Dublin central. FOR SALE 1 wheel trail,r. 1 -- 2 wile el trailer. 1 0 H.P, International gas- I 11 :8(111.'. at Eherh,ut s f'ltnpping 31111. Seaforth, FOR SALE 3 young sow's bred to Runny Cedars_ Per ' dars- Per s• 1V-22,2.332; also eboiee of -2 litters of 0 and 8 weeks old pigs. Roy I awinn, 2 miles west of Sea - ,t Halt, 011 highway. FOR SALE 4 i.ltufee surlier piss for sale. ready to wean. Phone 212-847. Seaforth. PULLETS FOR SALE Seventy -fire Rock .Pallet= reedy to Illy. Will sell any uumbl r of these. Apish- to Jaynes Murray, SeLtnrth, 11. It 1. Phone 852r24. BOARDERS WANTED 14,4;i -tiers wanted . Apply to The 31, o' 005 e. WANTED Washing wanted. For pat'tic•ulars. write to P.O. Boa 405• Seafortlt, NOVEMBER SESSION OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Hut'oIt County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House God- . erich, commencing Tuesday. Nov. 10th, 1941, at 2 P.M. All accounts. nausea of deputations and other business requiring the at - teethe' of Connell elesuid be in the hand of the County Clerk not lane- thee atrthen Saturday. Nov. 15th. 1941. N. W. MILLER. County Clerk, Godericb. Ont. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 BUY A POPPY on Saturday, Nov. 8th. Wear it on Remem- brance Day, Tuesday, 11th of November. To buy a Poppy is a small thing. For every citizen to do so is a big thing. SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS itobiuhood Flout, nit ib, bag $2.57 I'urity flour, 98 lb. bag $2.57 Cream of the West Flour 98 lb, bag -....,....._. $2.77 Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. .69c Choice Potatoes 75 lb. bag ::.. ..._._ ... $1,05 Maxwell House Coffee, ]b. 49c Club house Coffee, lb 49c American Blend Coffee, lb,39c Tender Leaf lea pkg... 37c Red Rose Tett, 1b......:..... 75c RITI3UER BOOTS AND SHOES at Lowest Prices W4 Fi ill an Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Goods.—Mr. Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer, has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction at Lot 25, Con, 5, L,R,S•, Tuckersmith, 33'4. miles south of Seaforth, and 1 utile west, on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, at 12 o'clock sharp. Horses — 1 Belgian mare 8 years old, in foal; 1 Clyde mare, 10 years old, in foal; 1 Clyde gelding, 5 years old; 1 gray mare; 1 Percheren colt 2 years old; 1 Percheron colt, 5 months old; 1 Clyde colt 4 months. Cattle -9 Durham cows due Janu- ary to March; 1 two-year-old heifer; 3 heifers 1 year old; 4 steers 1 year. old; 7 spying calves; 1 Hereford bull 16 months old. Pigs -27 chunks. 125-150 lbs. 3 York sows with pig. Poultry -50 year old hens; 50 pullets, Harness --2 sets of back band har- ness; 1 set. of single harness. Implements --1 M. II. hinder; 1 Deering mower; 1 sulky rake; 1 Iteering s0e11 drill 1- disc; 1 Deering spring tooth cultivator; 1 live-suetiott diamond harrows; 1 M.IS . disc; 1 .1lLII. bean euhiyator and ]Hiller; 1 s1 Hitler; 1 farm wagon, gravel box. hay rack. 1 yet sleighs, 2 cutters, 1 buggy, 1 where harrow, H10111. boat: 1 Cock:Mini 2 -furrow riding plow; 1 Perrin in 2 l'ta'rew riditeg plea': 1 Quo - bee 1 -furrow riding plow: 1 walking plow; 1 meting box; 1 to' Maple leeif train !finder; 1 turnip drill; rut puller, tanning trill; Ile l writ (learn sep,uator; 1 large sugar kettle; 0011 lb. 'teaks. forks, and shovels, etc. 20 tens of mixed bay. 211 cord of Maple- word. 11, bags of potatoes. lionsttheld otatoes•Househeld Goods - - 1 Pandora range; dill line of kitchen furniture; fall Hue ie dining room tntnaute; number of rockers and small tables: 7 bedroom rotes; 2 utpesay rugs. 1n"te, etarpt t.. hitthen utensils toad eliohes, sealer's, ' me. A intfub,'r of aunuues. Terms teeth. 1, f ; Gett naell Proprietor. Harold Jae ksoti. Anoifoneer. BICYCLE FOR SALE Boys' bi,selr- for 0010, 111 good roti- ahtiou. Apply at New, Office. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Bridget Devereux. :111 persons staving teethes against tlitt Estate, of Bridget lle ver uti 1•tte- of the Town - of Seeferth in the county of Huron, widow. deet •d, who died 011 of 11110111 the• 1,1 day of Nounthrr. 1941. are herein notified to mite in to the stud rsigued n ar before tine 2111 1( day of November, 1911, lull pa1ticnitt's of their claims_. immediately afler the said last mentioned date. the assets of 1 h said -;:tate will be distributed aloti8gst. the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the extension of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose 1'1111111 the undersigned shall not then have notice for the aseots so distxib- utec] of any port thereof. Dated at Seaforth. this 4th day of November, 1d141 - Mc t.ONNF,LI. & HAYS. Seafertit, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. A NAVAL GUN EACH MONTH FOR _THE DURATaOiS`Vl PAAKE OUR OJ!CT6 W!TH YOUR 0 1 A REALITY LLARSil 46% OUR WAR W APO S We still have a big job ahead of us. Our objective is coming to Life. But, we must speed it up. We must get whole-heartedly behind this National War Weapons Drive. We must increase our regular individual purchases of War Savings Certificates, to the limit. Remember, our soldiers, our T Look at this graph. Time is slipping, Ire most get busy lois coming week 10 assure success, DRIVE CALLS FOR AIL=OUT PESO . SACRIFICE sailors, our airmen are counting on us. They've offered their lives. We must give thetas the weapons. Our cotnnlunity has pledged us all to take a vital part in Canada's war effort. Can any of us turn a deaf ear to the call? SEAFORTH WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build. ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 pen. Saturday; evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.. HELP WANTED \\anted u middle aged woman to. take complete charge= of farm home with modern conveniences. Fancily c041515 s of -3 adults, Phone 32 on 79, IIensall, GIVE PHOTOGRAPHS To your friends for Christmas Gifts. We are busy new with Christ- mas orders. We - will - be glad to make 1'h'otographs that Will please you at a moderate price. Do not delay too long. Photo taken Day of Night. Burgess Studios, Mitchell and •Clinton. WANTED Single springs and two Mingle butt, tresses, in geed metdititnt wanted to ban': Also ,t kitchen table. Apply at News 011ice. STRAYED Ti Lett 24, Con. 2, Hibbert, about .. neteihe eget. a heifer, pant ,ler- sey, Owner can have :acne by pay- ing e01,e10es. Apply to Iran Cronin, 1'olumbtm. Phone 22x17, Ittthliu. FOR SALE Power cutting box, 12 inch throat= In good repair. Apply to Henry 1)ietz, Dublin 11.11. #1. Dublin telephone. Lot 5, t'ou. 9, 14 1.1(1llop. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Certified apples, Spy, Snow, Rus, set, Ttalntati Sweet, Greening, Bald- win and cooking apples. Phone Clin- ton 622 -24. Fred Mcelyniont, Varna. NOTICE For mineral for c rtfle. Pigs er Pennies, ies, 00e your 'Watkins dealer, 211 81 ll,'t dshtnv. 1 block e351 of �eatrn't11 Piddle Library. CIDER MiLL Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday., of each week dur- lug October and Noseutber. Cider urill lnetated nu the stroet leading to the Golf Course, West Ward, Mitch- ell. Fred IIenniek, Proprietor, Terme cash. Phone 181, Mitchell, WOOLLENS WANTED Good trimmed soft woollen, six cents cash; or seven rents trade on blankets or rugs. Write the only authorized 1'onlpany sale•snlan in this district. 11. Snicker, Mitchell, Ontario. FOR SALE 21 good suckers and a SOW, due in December. Apply to Lawrence Ryan, Walton. Phone 5-830, Seaforth pent. FOR SALE Personal Rubber Goods, mailed postpaid, in plain sealed envelope. with prieelist. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples 21,00. Adults only. Atex Rubber Cm, Box 221, Hamilton, Ont. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Olive Elizabeth Powell. All persons having claims against the Estete of Olive Elizabeth Powell, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Comity of Iluron, Married Woman, deceased. who died on or about the 27th day of August, 1941, are hereby untitled to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Novem- ber, 1941, full particulars of their claims. Immeditetely after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among - at the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which the under signed shah then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or tory part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 20th clay of October, 1941. McCONNNLL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. INS RANGE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid• ent,Windstortn & guarantee bond., Rates reasonable. All risks pla^:3 in first class companies. information. cheerfully given 81. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES 4