HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-06, Page 7THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1911 b ky t .'k 4 �y tri W u( 'bb's..*' •: Fi^.. kk. ,.. 3Mtn mea a r ''..dpi," tea a ,. ria L` Showing (been Gables House --Prince Edward Island Nat. I'ark, Prince Edward island, Canada A recruit smoking a cigarette, walked past a captain without sal-` uting. The officer called him back. "Are you not aware that you should always salute an officer?" the cap- tai, asked. "Yee air," replied the recruit., "but tate sergeant always told me ttevet' to salute with a cigarette in my mouth." "isn't a lawsuit involving a patent right about the dullest thing imag- iueuble?" said one barrister to all. other, "Not always," was the reply. attended a ease no timng ago that was really funny. A toll lawyer nailed Short. was reading 8 0,000 word document which he called brief' !" "I - 'a (' .1'10 BRETON III( 1111,.1NDS NAT. PARK, NOVA SCOTIA : l a � +�y ,. is ?rte 'tYabiO ' R` '474'11' i afa Pi, 1' r s a r eJ a ' L a «e ' v 5'^•'^.' ['at -Ir Nair ince Building and Information Bureau l 4 N 1 pIk t ,'a onthly r- •-fie ' f 1 ' 1 1 1 a 1 1. t, -n t e n f ]t n a a a tl 11 We can Save you money on Bill and Charge Forma. standard sizes t) tit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- Clonal Post Binders and Index The Sd?oath News PHONE 84 a ,Soba ..-...,-,---,__. =.===== a- Seen Through MONITOR Daily Newspaper from Sensational- Instructive and Its Daily Magazine Section, Make w for the Home. Publishing Society Massachusetts or $1.00 a Month. Section, 82.60 a Year 6 Issues 25` Cents 'r4, ON REQUEST : ,,, . ,...,, .4` � ,++5. 4 V 4, The World's News THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Ari Ittterltatioual L Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free ism — Editorials Are Timely and Features, Together with the Weekly the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper The Christian Science One, Norway Street, Boston, Price 812.(10 Yearly. Saturday Issue, including (Magazine Introductory Offer, Name Address SAMPLE COPY ,.•..'�• •t.1,,,,,, .l 0 5'-' fllfrY, i8l4'," 4 THE, SEAF()RTlI N1�WS 'fin: NATIONAL. PARKS OF CANADA Aiming r'anabiah ,,t.•atest trniri::1 atlraetiaus are her national parks. areas of outstanding beauty awl slur.. crest which have been set. 'wide by statute for publie use, origina I ly .- Into.l )1 i�:] i 1 nnaiutain the primitive beauty and wonders of the landscape, they are also conserving the native wild life of the country and preserv- ing sites of national historic inter- est, As recreational areas, too. their value is immeasurable, for they pro- vide, in ideal surroundings, unequall- ed opportunities for the enjoyment of outdoor life, Canada's national park system was instituted more than fifty years ago when a small area surrounding hot mineral springs at Banff in the Rocky Mountains was set aside in 1885 as a public possession. Other additions in the region formed the nucleus of the great chain of national playgrounds which now stretches across ihe Dom- inion from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia to the Selkirk Mountains in 'British Columbia. lu these areas may be enjoyed the attractions of majestic mountain ranges, suoweapped and festooned with hanging glaciers, beautiful val- leys, sparkling lakes, sandy beaches. tumbling streams, green forests and phettresgne stretches by the sea. As wilts life sanctuaries, the national parks are also serving 118 vast nntdeo' nmttseums, where tiie faun'' and flora may he seen and studied in its nat- ural state. The national parks of ('"nada re- present a neat natural resource which, with reasonable. care. eetitert b • depleted by use They are ,ileo an Important eeottonu5 t ••t ai u,,r Nle, lint 11 font the standpoint of do... 11,,:11114 of the nation, and as an uti tam to American tourists who brie.; 'ant, then, dollars mu'11 need,s1 l,on t in er t s war purchases 10 the T ni1- e d Slate. It is estimated that more than half the total pr pulatint of th ("tilled Sats, ttaa' 1 for 1 ,l atihn. education til enjni lie nt oath ti ar_ III a vast wave they spread ,ten the North American cnunnUtt. ii itfng their OWI' national p nI s, n ttinilai inonttmi,nts. and historic sI ions, Many incline in their itinet ttv ;nue counter part of the e plats of Int- erest in ('allada-.-wit re. they are sure• of a friendly 'welcome. The usefulness of the national parks as 111casnre and ltealth•giving r'sorts is becoming more and more recognized. This is evident from the rapid growth in attendance during the oust fees years. With a Iiomindon wide system of these national play grounds and an evergrowing volume of vaeationists becoming nut park conscious substantial increases in the number of visitors to the parks maty be .'stteet.ed in the future. ANNOUNCE POLICY OF FREIGHT ASSISTANCE ON ALL FEED GRAINS Wheat, oats. barley. rye. No. 1 feed screenings, No, 11 feed screen- ings. whole or ground, and wheat ran, wheat shorts and wheat mid- dlings ft'om Western Canada ship- ped either by rail or boat from Fort William, Port Arthur or Armstrong, Ontario, to points east are eligible o participate in the freight- assist- ance policy. covered by an oder in council, an announcement from the Dominion Department of Agriculture stated on October 21. The amount of the assistance for the Montreal reight rate zone, which includes ,ractioaily the whole of the province of Ontario, Montreal and Quebec City, amounts to $4.50 per ton. This lgure represents the average of the eke and rail rate and the all -rail ates within the zone. The new order in council rescinds the former one of September 25, 1941, whereby ne-third of the freight allowance as granted. The new order became rfective October 20, 1941. The orig• nal order in council will cover any one fide claims against which sales o 'feeders had been made on the uses of one-third of freight allow - nee from October 1, 1:141, to October 4. 1941 The reduction of $4,50 per 011 plus the balance of the through ail carload freight charges to . des - tuition will apply to the same group f feeds shipped to points beyond the tontreal freight rate zone, including rte maritime provinces. For north- rn Ontario the reduction will be tale upon the basis of the local 'eight rate from the head of the tkes, provided such reduction does nt exceed 84.550 Per ton, This order in council besides ill - 'easing the freight allowance from ie -third to cover the whole freight llowanee, also gives a match broader pplication of the policy to general an was given in the former er(ler 1 councilpassed on. September 25, 19 II 1r1 f«u't. is hill s,. .n that 1' to',`515 r 401)0 40111n,- nr ihr• ,. p,;cih,vl mils t•....1 ar,dr 1?'•rte i.Vest,,rt1 whet. will 11'tr•'3t by tins, rednei.iott, Assistance, on 1rei'ght e iarmeF, will 114 pit'ttl on 811,•.,1, aalb, barley, rye. wholee nr ground. '811,11' brat', wucat shorts, wheat middling or tin. 1 and. No. 2 feed rereenings Aliened in carload lots atter Octnbrr 19, 1941, and distributed for use ex elusively int Canada as feed for live sleek or poultry before July 1, 1942. In order that full ave may he made of Western grain stocks already in. I•.astern Canada. consideration has been (:18411 to 1110w those brought in since August 11, 1941, to be drawn uponander the terms of this amend- ed policy, limitation being that claims will not be arr.'pted against amounts of less than thirty tuns which ntav have been in storage prim' to October 19. 1941. Provision is also made for wheat bran, wheat shorts and wheat middling: milled in Eastern Canada front Western wheat shipped after August 21, 1541. to pert elevators of flour mills in Eastern Canada when such by-prig/nets tire distributed from the ntunofaeruring mill after October IP, 1941. for use exclusively as feed in Canada. TIN FOR TIMOSHENKO Is Being Rushed to the Soviet from British Malaya Russia's war fa,tm'ies at„ stew gs.t. tin„ hugs eimeignnlente of tin from 1 aiti:-6 1114171. 'MT, is a 1 drainatie 1 tp in the ;nal telt -hipped, -''- ',escarp, 1 th;rII' "4., ten t4 . !.t 1he soviet 1'1-1 11 ::eel at, 11,-- 011,1 of Irl. 711W ..1'11140, ,•, lis n r.li1•ihl Sl,hi. t 1 1;,10,:v.,1rrp 1l 1 nn la DI. u t h l ni ;Ow ticb ., . 11• i 10, 4 rv1. tt Lith I tl 12 u-ftL. 114,In 1., tnl14 i, a tt'- f t ria'_ Incl armyI rti t. r c t tJ,Ie for 1115 it p ''e lir Pl 't t:,: for '.Sari to stn°' Pis -i a Ila. Ino Tin . i4• wn. 14,.1' 11,s tit,• 11(11.11 ill ,a <a•rr ttU+i y.ar yearthey use te-rveen (1,--''; 't t1, 1111 1 .'tri..) teal, cent of tit- world pIodn5,lua. Heti, ,,,49 4-i,,1e:4' ,1,1 r, Nuhn' ial7,nrt- and Th. .. :h )tu1.1j1'= ast(i 1 have ,. viten.; monopoly of , wherein, tat,, n;.i: up).1y t;; port,cul trly short o._ h•n4 in 11'11'&'8n amt in o, 5 ala d territories. Iiler 'raged Stales was ; Malay's biggest cust- omer in .1,411, with -total imports of 1h,ltnt., ,, 1',11Lida flame next with 1 ', eio,034. The. Soviet Union was third. Tru supplies come'' largely from the "''stat tin sinoitrs at Singapore and Penang in the Straits Settlements and front the islands of Banka and Biliton in hese Netherlands Indies, an Indication of tate importance of these Allied territories apart from their strategic value. PAGE SEVEO, :."EF Nt4IVES FROM SITS OF BOMB'" F.rrive From London as Star Sets'. enirs Tion. att.is r,f ,tides from the 1111' 2 -me, people are aloes slitting their 01).'11 with -paper knives made. f0om bits of bombs rained by the Nazis on London in the blitz. The larger pieces are melted down and ttserl again by industry, but small fragments have here 4411111,0.4 -11,10 blades, leaving the bundle in the rough of the, original splinter, The paper knives are front sig nt -h. ' to tw" f. ,-a long and quanti- ties el these sonv,•nirs have already b• -.en -:hipped to lit,• Dominions -and 1- S. A. .05,1 solINCLYS&G,IIRI-S These Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran- teed. If you already subscribe to any of the magazines listed your subscription will be extended. Send us the Coupon TODAY'. BIG -FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice .4.ny THREE of These Pnbitestions CHECK THREE MAGAZINES—ENCLOSE WITH ORDER [ 3 Maclean's (24 issues), 1 yr. r 3 Canadian Home Journal, I yv. [ 3 Chatelaine, 1 yr. 5 3 Click (The National Pfotueo Monthly), 1 yr. 5 3 American Fruit Grower, 1 ye, r ] National Home Monthly, 1)rrr, C ]Screen Guido, 1 yr. r 3 Canadian Poultry Review. 1 ym. C 3 Family Herald I's Weekly Star, 1 yr. [ I Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 ys. C ] Canadian Horticulture & Home. 1 yr. t 3 American Girl, 8 mos, SUPER -VALUE OFFER ALL FOUR ONLY Ilia Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine 9x1 Sssy.{? "A" lent TWO Magazines ht Group "B" GROUP "&D" 5 3 Maolean's (24 issues), 1 ys. r 3 Canadian Home Journal, 1 ye, [ 3 Chatelaine, 1 yr. [ 3 National Florio Monthly, 1. yrs. 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(The National Pioture Monthly) 1.80 5 3 True Story, 1 yr, 1.90 C ] Red Book Magazine, 1 yr, ,..,., 3.30 3 Screen Guide, 1 yr. 1.50 C 3 Parents' Magazine, 1 yr. 3.00 [ 3 Magazine Digest, 1 yr, 3.30 C 3 Physical Culture, 1 yr. 2.80 [ 3 Popular Science Monthly, 1 yr.,, 2.66 [ 3 Child Life, 1 yr. 3,10 3.33 1.90 1.90 3.00 4eeti "'1 fir,",art M , iii Tt'1 Please clip llst of magaz:ren after checking men desired Fill out coupon carefully and mail to your local paper, Gentlemen: I enclose $ I am checking below the offer desired with a year'ssubscription to your paper 1 1 A11 -Family 11 Super -Value l 1 Single J'Iagazine Name Post' Office Ft.R, Provtnee