HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-06, Page 6PAGE SIX
I do, I do 1:,u; fill confidence.'
y c•4), t1' c t tasty friend. and empower
yen to act as I could act my -elf in
e' ery particular. 'label. child. ---hand
ace the wat x: - yoe will never re -pent
tists night, 'Bless you. my daughter!
God bless, and have you iv His holy
This fend mess was iteexp eseibiy
teaching to one of Mabe1'.s feelings:
and she felt ar that moment as if hem'
future union with Pathtirmder had -re•
steed a solemnization that no care•
of the elmnre-ins email render
feels Stili.:_ weight. ae= tine of
-r.tain. lay upon heart. and she
it would he heppleese to
in their true cel(ul•s, and this state:
,1f being to he estimated at its j 1st
value, He would have given tre ts-
ures for religious consolation a nd
yet he knew not where to turn to
seek it. He thought of Pathfinder,
but he distrusted his knowledge. He
thought of Mabel. but for the par-
ent to appeal to the child for such
,404COn' appeared like reversing the
order of nature. Then it was that lee
telt the full responsibility of the
parental character, and had .sons,•
char glimpses of the manner ill
tvhiell he himselfhad discharged the
trust towanle an orphan child.
\Tirie t eilishte like ther, were ri.-
r'rlrnvord a short ague•. iota in h1- mind, Madel, who watch.
!I, t 11'-e e, eamea, , the elichleat eitene'er in his be• the
siert r 11:41 tree lessee 4)r.,. ,t-. !seri 1 _.l<,rdee 'meek at the
a 'a Ier mei doror ^'4)j l r h e it tnivld he chiog.
} 1;;e 3 oonor ,net 1, 1-'-' ,l. :h, 1,:,-e, undid two nt ill:
-'�" ami hold t1,,. ;hirdd -its n..
asked who 1111 thoro. '1'h, .in
` to con. '31, 1 3O4. :!1 her all lee'- y,rir<, :,tt•i.
yr„ impieiset lis 1- ter .sive elm ineeent
wealwealri lasee ieine-erieo. Without 1%11 inetalu et
11 . eat ion. sato turned to 1 b bat,
ir7: ., ::,n.. St t;.._t;1'!t ,,,.,,i and Cat; entered. Iia l eel bendy
._ - , 1'•i , 'rt iln.,•erased `41 th. ope•nin:1. when Mahe)
..i., l:e•:-1 til'. door • "kiti "11. 1-,•
...1117. 1.-e '.1: ;: vl 1,T. end 1 ea',] d
ree ,t. Irr T.. n .:' }. et It h0fl0'1. tel-, pr:lette" 11101 Fella"
r.,et+ est-,: r- i,t r r• e_ r :2f-
01'1.11 herr .xpert in the, I4ortioti .'f
11tii:e t du5e
r ,.:.,n1'_:. to p-e.it. ,lien) Ihey The !trill} seanein. when he had
eiended wittlo1'1..- sli e tem Ingle stu'e of the state of hiei )-h t 'u
a, sr, of )s-uer. tie 1101 surlrt ee: a; hrothrir• ti lam•, and that 3label, as
_.t fie -1'i!€ 'ntitr I ., well 11 as }arnse;1)'. %see:sett, was soft.
...i 11ti.
.,:.sly lett their 'erne, to the rase ,e t1' e•ned neatly to seers. His own ap-
5 t
iritentier. et firer 14":1111144',l,e 0X1,1nineti by sayM
1.1t •4)-s.
„1.31„,Tis f.' that he had been 4)e le sly platelet).
='1 ; 11•,. t -'y -t_
n], im ami". the nnpl . n n that he :enef
.. ,
14i1= i t. It. y a,1 t iy' F t1,.' Qltat'tl its iNt1 •m' w rte :^IM plug InF
e it y'.
ht .SI. hengi. ty e1' i e ire fumes of liquor with whirl,
1, hae1 beers plied with a stew 10
�e e91t 11)5 J.ln 11- [i
rise}, 1.11• m runt -t in ths pr let,
tit e ter*1:'
a.,entellt, 3111-r this ween h ft ifeleep
-.I !;I e r ..,1'.1' 1'n
emirs ,See_) lent Clip 'nail
ail .tato the hushes on the 1ilarot of
a Gi< k. ,alt hitt ttte found Path•
v;mna•. had only su...ieel.
thra. Iml(inr,?nt. in 11,1 'Lille: 10 the
,:!,,,u: !!fish•+r hr foil eerne
tier irarroi
I; -1.
1 a t .c: rrH
ter w,.' 'trustee ;n
...fer,irs' tH_ p'._-' . wish „ 7,('1.42
ee.e't `nlrm the :;t" of their
s emit their peirei rem. Peyend
yn_ tr,ud 44 the
, f the VV.Intided mate
yeerne. ,.
-w cow,
th the nes' i' was
•e ,en.. eo lose, and, yet :he would
n. eieturn his apperent'515544,4.•But
;Inhale slept not; he wits in that
seen., Wrain the world suileeely lesee
attrectione. its iliusioes, and its
1)0v and the unki1w a th,r
"line -.vita its eort,jectul - . its reeel-
eeione 'tiff its immensity.He had
e. moral r men ?n one hist
reeee Of life. but ht' heti 'hoii;_ht lit-
or this ail -important '51))'et
Heel h s tin of 'b the ire •n riegitier
In his ears, his 14(1irtint aet4Ou:t' m1' Sant
'eases endnye4 i0 the end; but start:,.
In the silence of that really inten-
anted blockhouse, with no sound t0
ealiv n hm. no appeal to keep alive
factitioue sentiment,no hope -e - .
tot^, to Impel, things began to appeal
Il t1'.- 111)111 Intent ,,f e puri(
til h nioorrby n tor. 17" iS 40111itle-
esery t : ear thea ye e it:tam d
rein when ie escertairtel fire
le et;all - se sere'allt. ,reit) tile op-.
n} e; 11's present couar-
• 1: thr. wbr,5 ...Am. to. tie, West,
..1,.(te-i Pathfinder." soled le,- '•w',.
retet .trill' end th,awill entitle ;aI
te 1 ,. (efaetea We ,st e, 1t t !n.
.,! ; e., i,pl,l 115 .,
1,1)4( 1,0 45',,,5 I,. 31+4:1 400'11
''311144) in settee; 10 ,111
n l tt n'. l withed :that, Naar 1"
de the nem teine mime. ie were
teetered' ie these reriars s :11'
11 .,tug:- 41.. h l. aro 151•}'
t. 1'J, f' r 1. t• , gs,ieet.is ri0 not
11, the rrmifil
V. 1. 71. ittl r-
lt. f upt- :i
u kto it in i!1
fti-or 'Ire with
• tl f his t 1-nd, Now,
!h11.1 1:. 1 11 a :1111. tho )'„ii,,tdis or tl,.
1 r I a ors vk-otilet have i -arced
• t le delermere."
"Well. to me ):hey seem mutat of
111 im1 hn s blackguards trds fore - end
left, always.'euceptine our friend the
Sarpent, who is a g.Utlenman for an
!Indian. I;tit, whet. these savage::
:made the assault on 514. killing: Cor-
poral 1I'Nar and his nen as if they
1 had been so many rabbits. Li-uten-
ant 1A1i1' and myself took refuge in
ore of the hole, of this here island.
of which there are eo many among
the ror-ks, and there we remained
:towed away like two leaguers in -a
r,eitina Lold Unfit Wei ;tare out for
want of gruh. A 111011 may say 5114:31
rub is the foundation of human; nature, I deidte 1 1.14• Quiu'tea'master
to make terms. l0 of we 'r•otlkl have
't gamed oure.i:es for an hour or'
two :n the place. bad as it was; but
he declined, on the ground that the
enesere w0lldn't keep faith if any
01 them teen, here ,nd so there was
514, us • in askingthem to. I consent -
ell to strikkr ontwo principls; one,
that we might be said to have struck
already, for running. below is getter
ally thought to be giving up the
:.hip; and the other. that we had an
enemy in our eunnachs that was
more formidable in his attacks than
the enemy on deck. Hunger is ad--
1)le cirennlstanee. 114 any man who
hart lived on it eight ;and -forty hours
will acknowledge,"
el`ncle." said habil in a mourn -
eel wt,ic41 and with en expostulatory
manner. "4)^y poor rather ie- sadly,
emits' hurt!"
''1'1)11 M:otnet, true: 1 will sit by
}aim, end do illy Item ;et rousolation,
Are time ia:us well fassen„d, girl'.' fol'
'in 111,51 an occasion the mind
should be tranquil and uo.iisturbed...
"We :tree ,:ate, 1 believe, from all
Me this heavy blow of Providence,"
"Well, filen, Magnet, do y'ou go
tap to the 5)014)' above and try to
compose yourself, while I'atthfinder
rt1l1 - aloft and takes a lookout
from the cross -trees. Your father
may wish to say something: to me its
privatte, autd it may he well to leave
us alone, These lux 501011111 scenes,
al)ld inexperienced people, like rue,
self, do not always wish what they
say to he overheard,"
Although the idea of her uncle's
affording religious consolation by
the side of a death -bed certainly
never obtruded itself on (11e imagin-
ation of Mabel, she thought there
might be a propriety in the request
with which she twee unacquainted,
and she complied accordingly. Path-
finder Imacf already ascended to the
roof to make his survey, and the
brattier-in•lawr were left alone. Cap
took a seat by the side of the Serg-
eant, and bethought him seriously of
the grave duty he had before hint. A
elem.)' nt teiterral minute,- sneeeeeied.
dui me which brief epee/ the mn:u•-
� inee wae digesting the de:tame of
his intended lis •eauree,
i "1. must say. eine:urt Ilnolt:toe"
4':1(, et lena,4}1 minim. need in iris i..
cuiiar re ginner, 'that there b:is been
ll11141 a!'.te oat„tL' nlr:<srli rte- i41 t11i=
'Utthacpj:v tag,, diunu; .,1141, lite {,re,.
.111 1,, ;ill' :'.n o e a -•.nn `.Oleo t111 11
1,011 ill t„ be -:peke n• au4i tt,etlline 1n:!
t -he trnlh. i f •4,1 it WO, ,1111} n, say'
much in plain ):1151)1:(4u'. In elm; 1,
:� •k`M e:llii, 1.4), 5Ili, r1,1117. there eannot
15111 l4) two opinions: fens 1111511)
I aro, teal 110 101,11015 1 Call seev-
! Oral errel.e ray ee'11'. that it
teat cdueation to d••t'rrct,”
'What would you Heti,,. brother
c tap:"' rotllrned the Other in a fee.
1;11. tutee: "what is done is done;
and it now ton late to te•neely it."
"Very trate, brother Dunham, batt
not 10 repent fir 1t; the (,00el Rook
toils ns 1. to -ye)' 5.40 late, to l•el?e.;, 1
and 1've !ways 11''acd tint this is
the precious' tn1mle nl, Ifyou've 1113y
thing on yore' mind. Ser'-:eanmt, hoist
it nut freely-; for, you know, you
trust it t0 a friend. You were nly'
"m1n i.t)r's husband, and poor little
Magnet is my Own si<h'r' d mlC„lmt,-r;
told,. tiling e11' 110:11. 1 shall always
look upon you as n brother. 1t's a
thousand pities that you didn't lie
off :4):d In with the heats and send
a emitter u1Had to reeounuitre: in
which ease your teems -land would
1:l'.'f- been saved and this di este r
would not have i"•fainter os all. Well
Serie-mit, WI" al•e oil 1e101't3l: that. is
<orrle run Clint, 1 make 1110 doubt;
if y011 00 befog' a little. why,
awe tntt.;t follrnv. \'es. thattmmi4t git•,-
you consolation."
'I know all this, brother t'ap; and
hope I'm prepared to meet a sold-
ier's fate—there is floor Mahe'1
"Ay, ay-, that's a heavy drag. 1
know; but you wouldn't take her
with you if you could, Sergeant; and
so the better way is to make as light
of the separation as you can, Mabel
is a gond girl, and so was her nmoth-
qd before hot; elle was my sister,
and it shall be my care to see that
her daughter gets a good lutshand,
if our lives and scalps nee spared;
for 1 Alights,. no one would vain
about (mililrg into a faintly that
111e1 no scalps."
Brother. my tthilei fs Lelrothed;
will beece10 the wii',' of Path-
"Well, brother Dunham, every
man has his opinions and his man-
ner of viewing things; and, to my
notion. tine match will he anything
but agreeable to Mabel, 1 have no
objection to the age of the man; 1'um
not 0)147 of them that thinks it neces-
sary to 1,e a boy to make a girl
happy, but, one the whole, I prefer
a man of about fifty for a husband;
still there ought not to be any cir-
(um4tance between the parties to
Make them unhappy. Circumstances
play time devil with matrimony, and
I set it down as one that Pathfinder
don't know as touch as my niece.
You've seen but little of the gill,
Sergeant, and have not got the run
of her knowledge; hut let iter pay it
out freely, as she will do when she
gets to he thoroughly acquainted,
and you'll fall in with but fess'
51110olutastern that can keep their
lull':: i5) her onlpluty'.'.
"$h.''. good child --a dear, good
trill." 1111.1ttered the Sergeant. his
.'ye, tillin;t with tears; "and it is my
misfortune that 1 have =eel) so little
••arc• j. fnlee4 a1 mood girl. and
limeys t111Jee thee too 1111101. 1'01' pope
1^.uhlind,c', wile, Is r010,011111011' man
anti alt 01,111'1'101100t1 7e1:14) In itis nw'n
t.i1y; hitt W110 tin-. no more idea of
the Main ellalie•e than you have of
*pieorie ti triecrtnome•tt'y;sergeant,,,
•151, br•,rtlier Cap, had Pathfinder
been with ne in the boats. this esti
sifter ;Mein not have happene(D"
'That is col te. likely; for his
5401.5 11(211e will allow that the maim
a good guide; but than, Sergeant,
it' the truth must he spoken, you
Ins '..• managed t:hie expedition in a
huts.' ('.85' al1014e 611er. 1104) sh0111,1
race hove-tn, oaf yotn' hasten, and
11,•11) ill a bun) to reconnoitre, 1111 1
told you before. Thal is a matter to
be remelted of; and I tell it to you.
hoeaause. truth. in sued) a rase; ought
to be 1)44,ke11.''
"Mt error -:ire dearly paid 105,
tu'otIl r; aind poor 'Mabel, I fear, will
he the sufferer. I think. however.
that the calamity would not have
happened had there not been 5,1.8.
3,411. I fear me, brother, that. Jasper
Eauelete e 1111 prley'e4 ite false."
'That is just me: notion; for this
fresh -water life must, sooner or
later. undermine any man's morals.
Lieutenant Muir :tuci um1.:elf talked
this matter 01:01' awhile we lay in a
bit of 11 hole out here•, on this Mated;
and eve both canto to the conclusion
ileat nothing short of Jaspers
are,,, h my ..011,1 have bt•otiglu un a1!
into trio infernal scrape. Well. Ser,.
vomit, you had better compose your
mind, and think of other matter::;
fur, when a vessel is about 4o enter
a strange. port, it is more prudent to
think of the anchorage inside than
to be under -running all the events
that have turned up during the
v'y'ge. There's the log•book ex•
pressly t -o note al1 these matters in;
and what stands there must form the
column of figures that's to be posted
tip) for or against tis, How slaw,
Pathfinder! is there anything in the
wind, that you come down the lad-
der like an Indiaul in the wake of a
The :nide raise)} a finger for sil-
ence. and then beckoned to Cap to
ascend the first ladder. 1111(1 to allots'
Mabel to take his plaee et the side
of 111e Sergeant.
"We trustbe prudent, and the
must he bold too." said he in a low
twice. "The riptyles are in earnest
in their intention to fire the block:
for they know there is now nothing
to he gained by letting it stand,
I hear the voice of that vagabond,
Arrowhead among them, and he is
urging thein to set about 'heir devil-
try this very night, We must .be
stirring, Saltwater, and doing too.
Luckily there are four or five barrels
of water in the block, anti these are
something towards a siege. My reck-
oning is wrong too, or we shall yet
reap some advantage from that hon-
est fellow's, the Serpent, being at
Cap did not wait for tt second in-
vitation; hut, stealing away, he war
soon in the upper room with Path-
finder, while Mabel took his post at
the side of her father's humble bed.
Pathfinder had opened a loop, having
s0 tar concealed the lightthat it
would not expose him to a treacher-
ous shot; and expecting a sllnunona
he stood with his faco nem' the hole.
ready to antser. 'l'he slillnes.. t1, n
succeeded was at 1.'ngt1 1,1'010'11 by
the voice of Muir,
"Master Pathfinder," called out
he, "A1 friend .immlons you to a par-
ley, ('once freely to one of the loops.
for y'ou'',e nothing to fear so 1011e ;le
you are in converse with an otf!n r
of the cath,"
What is your will, Quartermast-
er? what is your will? I know the
f'i'rth incl mine,. it to he a brave reg-
iment; though I rather incline to the
60th as my favorite, and to the Iie1-
awue.e more than to either; but
what would you have, Quarternm„.
ter” if elitist be a pressing errand
that brings you udder the loops of at
blockhouse at this hour of the eight,
with the ntn'taint' of killdeer being
inside of it."
"Oh. you'll ni' harm a friend,_
Pathfinder. I'm eertaiu; and that's
my security. You're a man of judg-
ment and have 511(1(led too great a
name .1'1 this frontier for bravery to
feel the necessity of foolhardiness 10
obtain a cllamaete'r, you'll very well
understand, rimy' Rood friend, there is.
as much credit to be gained by sub-
mitting gracefully. when resietance.
becomes hnpossible, as by obstinate-
ly holding out contrary to the rules
of war. The :-'11eny is too etrong tor
u., my brave comrade, and 1 come to
(ounse) you to give up the block, on
condition of being treated a.1 h pl'i:-
Inter of '.wile,"
"I thank you for this adt•ige, Quer-
Dr, 11. A. McMaster, M.R., Graduate
of. University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.IS, Graduate at
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up -to -slate diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the CIi111c the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will he held
on the second and last Thursday le
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefieid's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month, -63 Waterloo
St„ Stratford, Telephone 207.
GORDON M. (!RANT, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
Arrangements can be made for Salt'
Date at the Seaforth News, or by
writing Gordon 1i. Grant, Goderich
Charges moderate and satisfacll0l:
Ie. W. AIIRENS, Licensed Auction
ear for Perth and Huron Counties
Sates solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm shock chattels and real estate
prope"ty, It. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 5174 r 0. Apply at this eflfco
Licensed in Huron and Perth (mule
tics. Prices reasonable; satisfaction.
guaranteed. For information, write
or phone Harold Jackson, -phone 74
01) Gil; 11.11.4. Sett(01)h.
ED\\'ARD W. ELLIOTT, Licensed
Auetionec-r for Iluron. Correspond•
euce punntptly answered. Inmmediate
arrangements Can he made for Salo
Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Watson & eid
4Sneressors to James Watson)
All kin(1,3 of Insurance -risks effect
ed at lowest rats in First-elasa
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm. Knox, Lnndcshorn
Vice President, W. R. Archibald
S ,10 r th; Seerc-rary Treasurer, M. A
Reel, S aforth.
F Mekereber, R.11.1, Dublin; Jolla,
Peppen 11 11.1. llr1eefield; T. Ir
Pru.tem. Ilodhageu James Watt
Myth; Aldred Teo, Holmesville,
Alex 1troaditot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Lmldeel-,orf,; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton!
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R
Alclifbald. Seaforth; Alex Mclwing
Blyth; Frank 1fc(lregor, Chalfant
Hugh Alexander. Walton. -
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will ba
promptly attended to by applicationt
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their ' respective post
tcrmaster. which is the more accept-
able as it costs nothing; but I do
not think it belongs to my gifts to
yield a.place like this while food and
w Iter last,"
"Well, I'd be the last, Pathfinder,
to recommend anything against so
brave a resolution, end I see the
means of maintaining it, But t'e'll
remember that Muster Cap has fall-
"Not he, not het roared the in-
dividual in question through anoth-
er loop; "and so far from that, Lieu-
tenant, he has risen to the height of
this here fortification, and has no
mind to put his head of hair into the
hands of such barbers again, so long
as he can help it. I look upon this
hlekhouse as a circumstance, and
have no mind to throw it away."
Notice to Creditors, 3 whs. for $2,60
..�,:@.f�t+,Y figA,v,1. A �Wp: „�'.d ' ' `S .�' r t•` - axi•"'u..., 3,:n.,`.iY'"�.ku :'(t;i:S.:."i.'T`4-
�Y a< J
r.•,�-".'T,es. e-sca` r,. ...
Pir ellin
are Well Made,
styles, Carbon Leaf
Get Anywhere, Get
y 1', A fie
t't' 4.
}- nc•..8e 't� r.
Carbon is Clean and Copies
and Black Back. Prices as Low
our Quotation on Your Next
A4 rt1e::
}} -'.
kei1. �' e '� w1' �1 ■
.,_ ,.:,,•+
< ry.> .«.
Dr, 11. A. McMaster, M.R., Graduate
of. University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.IS, Graduate at
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up -to -slate diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the CIi111c the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will he held
on the second and last Thursday le
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefieid's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month, -63 Waterloo
St„ Stratford, Telephone 207.
GORDON M. (!RANT, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
Arrangements can be made for Salt'
Date at the Seaforth News, or by
writing Gordon 1i. Grant, Goderich
Charges moderate and satisfacll0l:
Ie. W. AIIRENS, Licensed Auction
ear for Perth and Huron Counties
Sates solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm shock chattels and real estate
prope"ty, It. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 5174 r 0. Apply at this eflfco
Licensed in Huron and Perth (mule
tics. Prices reasonable; satisfaction.
guaranteed. For information, write
or phone Harold Jackson, -phone 74
01) Gil; 11.11.4. Sett(01)h.
ED\\'ARD W. ELLIOTT, Licensed
Auetionec-r for Iluron. Correspond•
euce punntptly answered. Inmmediate
arrangements Can he made for Salo
Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Watson & eid
4Sneressors to James Watson)
All kin(1,3 of Insurance -risks effect
ed at lowest rats in First-elasa
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm. Knox, Lnndcshorn
Vice President, W. R. Archibald
S ,10 r th; Seerc-rary Treasurer, M. A
Reel, S aforth.
F Mekereber, R.11.1, Dublin; Jolla,
Peppen 11 11.1. llr1eefield; T. Ir
Pru.tem. Ilodhageu James Watt
Myth; Aldred Teo, Holmesville,
Alex 1troaditot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Lmldeel-,orf,; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton!
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R
Alclifbald. Seaforth; Alex Mclwing
Blyth; Frank 1fc(lregor, Chalfant
Hugh Alexander. Walton. -
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will ba
promptly attended to by applicationt
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their ' respective post
tcrmaster. which is the more accept-
able as it costs nothing; but I do
not think it belongs to my gifts to
yield a.place like this while food and
w Iter last,"
"Well, I'd be the last, Pathfinder,
to recommend anything against so
brave a resolution, end I see the
means of maintaining it, But t'e'll
remember that Muster Cap has fall-
"Not he, not het roared the in-
dividual in question through anoth-
er loop; "and so far from that, Lieu-
tenant, he has risen to the height of
this here fortification, and has no
mind to put his head of hair into the
hands of such barbers again, so long
as he can help it. I look upon this
hlekhouse as a circumstance, and
have no mind to throw it away."
Notice to Creditors, 3 whs. for $2,60