HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-10-30, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS THE 13 0 BOW !. By ANNE ALLAN Hydro Homo Eoceeo.alot 1IALLOW E'EN Hullo Homemakers! flow about a llalllo'-E'en party this year? It can he Nat 00 much fun for you --as it is for your guest -if you 000 a few humorous surprises ahead of time. And if yea live anywhere near any army training' maitre do include sonic' of the lade in uniform. 11 will be a1 real treat for them. Even if it's just a slug long with apples, doughnuts and coffee to top it off—it can he full of gaiety and at- mosphere. Use Hallow E'en decora- tions of inexponeive orange and black paper, "cut-outs" of pumpkin faces and witches. There are a lot of old "stand -byes" to spoof your visitors: the croaking hinge on the front door; the: ghostly hostess with the ice -filled rubber glove; candle light in the upper hall; a very horror of a seare- crow near the coat rack! Once you've Started this business of trying to scare your guests ----for fan—you'll be able to invent plenty of "thrillers." s 0 0 k if -you're playing bridge. have var- iation in each hand, i.e.—bidding in pantomime, bidding, reshuffling then playing the new hand ort the original bid, Wilding before picking up the hand, etc. Excitement begins all over again if yon let a gruesome witch present.. inexpensive prizes and. then yon elan have a tug Of -war with her broom, Other groups may enjoy the fun of apple bobbin;': in a tab of water—this always lm . hilarious rpsulte. Or try the aorta' sort of saint. only fishing for p('11110 in a [t111I of flour; bite for tipples suspended on ett•inga: have your fortune told. or you try the old. old favorite—ghost. Ftnries. Iry then your guests will be ready to dip into the festive food. RECIPES BROWN SUGAR DOIRIFIKt S 1 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons melted lard 2 eggs 1 cup milk 4 ta;;panns baking powder ?g teaspoon sail 3 or 4 Laps flour Mend 111e brown sugar with the lard. add the well -beaten eggs. To this mixture add alternately the milk and tate dry ingredients, adding the balling powder and salt to the first cup of flour. Toss the dough on a_ lightly floured board. pat and roll lightly, cut with a doughnut cutter and fry doughnuts to few at a time) in hot, sleep fat at 3115 degrees. When (onglunnts are roof add the topping. Topping— . ?fr cup brown 0ugal' 1 tablespoon flora' 1 ('1tp 'Stater �p t'an of 30 40, 5 PTP, VIDE, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep. vim, vigor, vitality) Try Oatres Tonin Toilet:.. Contains toni,r. ',stimulants, 'ocst. r ,-(••meats-- airle to normal pep aft. r 3tr, or 30. [ .t. a p "Ill hart -1111101,11, aace Pot Dray Me. 'Try this aid to u Illi:) pets :net can iedr,1'. Far sale at all good dru .Lses. �1 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. . LONG, GODERICH District Agent a.,�:r3�x."e�'�»`•�saens>wucu^ %cess D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel I Electro Therapist — Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs, after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment. Phone 227. 3tc�crccaea,�lw-rte '�. ,a e514=- .4. --mer 2.._061,.-� e BUS TIME TA LE Leuven Seaford, for Stretford: Dally 0.25 Ran. and 1,11. pan.. Loaves Sm 10rth for Uedericha Dnil5 estop) Sunday and hol., 1.00 p.m: and 'fele 9,01. Sun and hal., 1.01 p.m, Mud 0.20 para, C51115 <An Stratford for Toronto, Uncoil • Buffalo, London, l lntreit, Tavistor)1, Woodstock, Brantford Agent(,. Queen's, Commercial, Dick 05005 5505555555/5551.51555055151115555505555.551555505111**5. PAGE THREE Utfe'W 11 .. o, we arc behind in our first s'eek's quota. 'Di ,a, /0 Mahe our natal guns spring sato life and action, we MAO get busy. n1'13 ARE ZN A NAVAL GUN A MONTH r THE DURATION -ONLY A SMALL ?ART SUBSUMED EEt Nees the All Out Support', : f L'v1.ry Citizen! • With one week already gone, only a small part of our 'objective in the National War Weapons Drive has been subscribed. Let's get going. Remember, our community has com- mitted itself to meet our objective each month for the duration. To do this, everybody must help. Everybody can by buying War Savings Certificates. They are within the reach of all. We must get busy. Let's make the objective for our community a reality. Push the sale of War Savings Certificates wherever and whenever you can. L SEAFORTH WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE Heat to boiling point the sugar, flour and water; cook the mixture until it forms a soft ball when a 111. - is dropped Into a cup of cold water. With' a teaspoon. place a band of Syrup onthe top of each dough - /1M, }SLACK \\I) (TOLD CAKE t 35 servingeI 1 cite shortening I ('113)14 sugar 5 eggs 5 (raps 11)1111' 1 teaspoon salt ;e teaspoons baking powder 1 3 elms cold water 1S. Ib. of baking chocolate Cream the shortening. sift the sugar into it gradually; (treein well. Add the egg$ and bead well after each is added. Add the sifted ingred- ients ;alternately --with the water to make a smooth batter. Dlelt the ('hoe - elate and mix in well. Pour into two 8" tithe 1)11118 and bake in an ('1e('tric oven at 325 degrees. ('over with gold frosting and decorate with licorice Candi e5. 0 ,y 0 (1 GOLD FROSTING t tablespoons batter 2 cups icing sugar 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange find Allow the butter 10 soften and cream the sngtlr in it. .Add the egg yolk and grated orange rind. Moisten with the orange juice. 9) :k 9 BI,A('K CAT (ANI.1WICHES 1 (•irculor loaf brown broad 1 pa0kago (•"earn elli„0c 1 tahl(Spoon 1101')))' radish tonSpoon. Salt ! tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon grated onion Serer Crean) Bake the brown broad in large baking cans: Cut the brown bread 11) thio .0Iiee0 and stamp with a :'at shaped cutter. Soften the ('rerun 'h( -es' by (Yeasting, tad)] rho horse radish. salt. vinegar and ..rated on- ion; moisten with stmt' cream. Spread 1Uhii the "eats”with this mix - titre and cover with the 'remaining :'eats." Dot eaell sandwi('h W11 11 a bit of l'b,v'se to T))0"0(`110 :111 Oy". M - Y +t '0 iELhtIID C'Iiii:R SAL,AI) 21 (•111)0 ('idle' 2 table'apoens gelatine teaspoon -81t. tap diced aNil,. 1..1-011ilf>t14;`d et.1,•hy 1 ('1111 retains . Lettuce Soften the gelatine in one -hall ('up of the cider. tient the remainder of the eider to boiling point; told the gelatine and stir until dissolved. Add tite salt. Cool the mixttu•e, and when it begins to congeal fold in 1111' ap- ple,- celery and raisins, and place the mixture in individual moulds. C11i11 tlhoroughly in an electric refrigerator and when ('('1143' to serve unmonld 011 a hard of lettuce. Serve with french dressing. PitNCFI FROM THE WiTCH'S CAULDRON - 1,•el cup (dumped preeervetl ginger 1 cup sugar :4 caps prune juice - :l cup apple juice 14 ('tip lemon juice Siemer the sugta', ginger anal prune 0)1110 on the electric element turned to "low" for about. 10 inin- tes. Cool and add lemon juice and apple juice and chill in a covered container in the electric refrigerator. When ready to serve. tlihtte the punch if desired and pour over ice cubes. TAKE A TIP: To poi slips for the winter 1)00 1)11111114 01' charcoal taken 110111 wood ash's only to kegp oarth sweet. For potted plants on the window si11 nee glass glitters that yoil 1013' ter furniture. They are fine especial- ly on tt narrow window sill when a 111111(ter is too wide. Always winter house plants with warm water and (t little -baking soda added to it. Do not forget to novel' a plant of parsley with a 0110od hos a11(1 n0 matter how sleep the 011040 will Ile. you can always find fresh parsley Under this sox. The Question Box bins. II. A. asks: What happens to my recipe for ':utile high" frosting when it does not thicken? Answer: The water trust be "boil- ing" when added. Mrs. M. Ib'. asks: Recipes "fritter batter." Answer: 1 egg 1; clip milk 1i teaspoon salt. Ito ('ups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder about •1 tablespoons cold water Beal the egg slightly. add the milk and salt, pour into the sifted tidnr 10 make a smooth batter. add the sift- ed balling powder, then aild the watt er to make the rightthickness, sn that the batter provides 0 thin bit v011111101.0 coat.it1g. Aute Allan invitee you to write to her in care of this palter. Just send in your questions on homemaking problems and 'watch this little corner of the colunu) for (apnea. for Blame Spark For Fatal Blast At Clinton— A .spark eansed by the rubbing of ti metal hose against the edge of an ep,•niug 111 11 1.01(1; ear of road 1arrlla was declared by a coroner's jury to ita0)' setoff the ('03)10111)1) 111 the rc1i1- 0111' '4'11 111, al Clinton on October IT int w'hic'h Joseph Bland was fatally burned. The^ jury added 0 rider- to tlt'ir writer, recon1ne'at1i11g "that all metal hose he covered with 1'ub- le'r where It passe0 Uye'i' 11111 111au- 1101-'; n1.ao (hat tanks cilrryirlg in- flammable toaterial be properly grounded." Ilr- J. \\'. Shaw pre0l(led at the mulles) and the jury was 011111 - posed 1;3 Fred Match, foreman, Thos, Hawkins. ('.roe (rook, O. l,. Paisley and A. 13. lluntball. Thi immediate valise of 111e expb01ion had been a mystery, hot it cruse out in the evtd- +rnet, of the 11)tendlitg physician that Island, although 1, rrihly 110011(1 o0t'r Most of the 1nrfave of his limbs and hotly. was able 10 arty thathe saw it spark and then received the shock of the c'xplosiou. Jeri/I.-nee was given by 1100 from Toronto familiar with - tlte handling of inflammable prod - nets and also by -dose Scott of Bruce - field, oil anti gasoline '11811-B n tar. 0111) 1111(1 knows of a domewlta1) : int- ilar oecu rl`Il('e in itis own hnnille•ne. It was staled that 11buod had been using a octal host in pumping the tarvilt from trio tank and itwas' thought the hose robbing against the foetal edges of the moulaole io the tank ear had 811.1011 0 spark, hod). iug the generated gas, Hold Annual Meeting— Prari.ically a new board 00 1110.18' ors was . '.'1'•fi al 0111' 1)1(11011 nteel- CHAMPION PLOWMEN WIN TRIP Gold Medalist Eimer Armstrong Silver Medalist Marshall Deans The fialada Tea Championship Class at the international Plo to l , recently held near Peterborough 11rougllt together leadiad 3)10011000 all over Ontario. Competition was keen. Winners of trips were ('.r. Armstrong of St. Pauls and Marshall Deans of Ptn'. If restri (hems do no forbid Salads twill give them a Transcontinental '1 oar to poling of r ar:-ul turd interest in the tinned States and Cana l.s. The next twelve '`inners in the stent-re0eiced prizes from 925-(1i) .0 4.(11?. ing of the shareholders of the Huron steamy Traiuiln; School, Limited, 15ky 1la.rbori, held at Uotieri -h last w -eh. \\'ill \1'. 1.. Whyte. president. in 111,• ( hair, re'parted indicated that the school had been ('ondnet,c1 most 1u('ce"staliy finder the management of J. 11. Douglas. After nou,blati(n(5 for the (h'1ecim'ate had 11(•e11 re-Ceiv- ed the ballot was taken ;and ,later it was ai(noa11(•e,i flint the followirig were Ovctall at, 1111 board for the mining year: 11. J. Enwmart, Reeve (1f Ila era: John R. Douglas. A. II. Erskine, (1nderiuh; K. J. Heston. Gerrie: 31. 1.. Prisons, Godc'rich• B. W Tnckry. Reeve of Exeter; W. L. Whyte, seat/alit. The sew board will appoint the "Mersa. New Army Training Film • When Hollywood and Walt. Disney were palled in by the Canadian General Staff to help train young Canada for war. t110 modern views and progressive military otttlook of the new Canadian Army were clearly revealed. Shots frinn th0 f est filum of the .Disney series are reProdneed above. largely front original cartoons by Sorgt. Peter Page, who is now in t#nllyw^r''