HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-10-30, Page 2PAGE TWO
F? piedg
Kerslake -McLachlan- .
I'hr' holee All. ;;eel ;llr Andrew
111 1:i plan (,roma + ttr the set
ting tor a pelta} t1' 1 r . n lCt•d-
liesday, trornber L'citul, p mitt n1e•ir
1)al!.‘1 111,11 lttor. Z; f,t c+ lllu!itom. b•--
a:a•.. trod, 1'f -[ \S'1'!i, ! Later
Kerslake int Stmt: 1 I t ! - se:: of
Alt. and \ht•s 1\'ai;a0. 1„�i �lal. 1'ro-
!tarty. Dahlia- made all attrat•rit•e
setting- for ttze •7eve•alnmy 11nrforntcd
by Rev. Petit' ,tattn_,.ou. utntisieer
t 1 n:artr Freshet i:t+..: i:hurc•h 'Pint
Wofttlittg music tt, 111.lye.t1 sty
Kenneth AI li 11:!0 i tt e't: «r one
her Millet the Lot,- runny;
_11th rod skirl I .n+1' tat,Itittisttl
f N Iii:. 111 st i'\ t- t rel 9: incl. 111, ir,
f lvbio Ina!•' 1i1,11 tOf!_ ilii',}
a‘randtna Mb, IteittIs'tet Lia is
111g.b !.'e•flui+, tvi!1 111111 ! , ilirr
,int 1 oalro ! To Int t 1 t1
;11,11.1. }li-- +.'.ler !:,1111.1 ,11!.
't 1.11II"it lite!{ .,1 Aral,.
I. ...�mr • 1 +hr i,oditr. +tri*.
,..i,1 Alcliellar. The forIllsr
read tine• address of c°ng!;uttl:itiotts
ul!ih, IInt iteo htte'r holies prisenrrd
the lovely gifts of white stud blaclt
ilrliivitetvaas :noel :n -!sled the Miele.
electin 17nttrappine them. .After slier
hod expressed her gratitude for Iliis
show of esteem Airs. !tassel! \Gorden
lu'e„nieei ever a r,grutr enxi*ting
reailings by .\liss Audrey Uitutin.
Alms Harold teerltielt and. Mrs. Alvin
We,,,lett and r;duet by Alis Ru 1l
N'ewe:ben and Alts. ('illi Antler, Dainty
+•tre:delimits Nought the shower to
Saw Swan Near Amberley—
A !:ossa sich,. a .wildswim. was
• i1' Icy, ,+ put tr oaf cluck banters 1' a1'
1teti.t!'i, y. Thebiid was Seeding in t.
0:.11 ince: spotted. \Vit1i ata
Hilt!, neer, m,i i h 11 . s,uie Wing,
-. 1 :Intl if alistorting til rte fst ai.
t ..
tint's. it v::e, t+ewpen'itit' Iv ,tiff•
c• with +lir 1,c 1117111+vs on Ili; Itsrat.
"i • 1,1! .i ;"r "luhe+rn nlit;h! :AO, the
root, sI 1 1',d
Teesea ter Alay \oto
(n Liquor t�uestion•—
1-. .t yotet 1, ,n, 11.110a aµ.0•e.
i i•. '1:a+[ n i! a .,i: It•e- he,-0-ltritlat•vi in the.
f1, .� ,t,i - r .:�t t '1'+ -•.r. t1' -r re,1n:':-,log !lie
't:.:. :. i . n- „ !. f e , •111(1! i1 ,° .<vletU! !u a cote
,t. , . 1La a1' :+r:= *he iiute,rio« Igttole•d
I'. tite1-! Ott': t ., ,i ;o ,1'1 'tint 1,1h:tin t: ".Ar+, :roil In iil•-
al1:f r at, •.1 'its r an,1 win" 111111,1
r, t!, k.3„t,:.. 11t. tIntt, 'i -d n e !Miner titntrt'1
_ i, Ftr' :: Mho, - I ...e, .,, r -. 1 N11 int: 'he pas, tve,•i; or so the
,.:,i:'b tl. -.I '.I 'u.:: +.; n,.:I1. It.,, Ilion .itt !Alco Irvilltr''11 111 •f.+„•t-
t tit.: ,rte! . ,di; . r Tot .1 Wtsit v.:tr,-I atnl :;re.eotiilisc to a .staleuit;'nt
•i' 111c ?a tIto, sailor• .nude . n the N,rtt-s, .n°(1(11 /tames
• e i 1'y p,a ,.r. r 1:: ': osi, .tut.:,' ha v,• 1.11 ^t'4141'•'e1. It the legal nutn
hied Il,eh rir•, t n ,heir bee. si eared is snt'iieient, it i.- neuter -
rho!: w111 ee. t, :•'1.:1.1':.'1. :tenet the 1, -.{tion will be presented
izl.mycitfrien,l, nra,e : t - comoil. tit' n to the Liquor Com
d 1,,; -..:.it . gathered 1 .at Tint -e t• , of r!o1 i',o;ird. 'd'i:e latter organization,
Mr. au,' 910-. :A..e1N-,V !r oece{(h ing the petitl(1 will eet
It et lots
1” 11-r :nu!!r, t:a•• tor :a vote in T..oswater. which
1tt.;e,i.:-11 1,3. ill h. ,fol Iess than ixty days trent
1.1,i,,.. ;h, time they rteeciv'e the p titi+n.-
1. >r. t3lt:<tih;! ,i;rlial i'•'•,watet' NOW?,
THE S1+]AI+'O1i,TI
Mitchell Publisher Passes
Following Heart Attack
.>. csti.eill. te:aidrilt,
+1•11,rz \ t ars At r ore t ruble le.,
1 the aid, Le ll \.i, +, for the, pt-!
igltt yew: Ur +! n!iddruly at' his
hone, tet alien ll on Friday ;Afte!r-
u,+aa, Mr. livatihsrr hitt' 110011 ;1t -Anis
flice ht 1'h (t 11in
ais nalial health, butsluntly after
neon 1!e suffered 11411111 until and
expirc51 ,Lion atter. t1r. tlotinteeer
was ltora in ('hurry 1'alloy, Prince
b;eluaI'd County- on. August 1:, 1x99,
the .son u1 no, Late Item, H. V, Alotttt-
err, For Live y.,art before conning t.,
3litchell hi, was the pablislivr of de.
'1'i+r1111 Courto Advocate, lir was a
Iaithlul titentbet of t1ttin Street l'nit-
ed churot and a III L ober of L11' Bused
Lir tit.'wa!ds. :1 nu.tn1t,T of 'l'im'ps
(.neige. N. 111. A.F. S :A.:\I„and tis•
Elliot Chapter 11.., _\1 Air, Alounteer
took all neat,. part for t.ti - hotter -
mem of the couuuunity, always lend-
ing a willing hand water:, !weavd. lie
is survived by his wife, tho forme!
\Yattila NewtonnG of \\'pithy, Itis
mother, tie,,. 11. V. 2I01,11itee•r, wit°
tits hecto IlviIIt ill ltiluliell• owl ow,
huuhc i hough t1. .11' uni at 1i1111-1
11,111.1 01' 111, 1Ettee trill Press, e+ -s, to
1itttnl syuttIallty is extended The
feat r:ti tea:, Bela on Atimilav, burial
helm; m;nle• i0 the Oshawa ('eenute•r1
Ate Poisoned Cheese—
.l Mel cleatll +,e+•tprred in the !tome
o1 :Il. .,net 11 .\Ut!n I1.It t near
Dtham. '11.+'0 t1+ -dr ditto d:!lighted
fomel a b!! of 1 he ewt111 rat pili -,.Lin
and ,uu it: Sle, b,nl sea-tt it+•r pttrant -
norkira, %tint it tool they didn't 1,nov.
E, had t It it. I it anti! -h= soddenly
1,, cane, :-tint. Nu• ons 1'«she1 r•,
el +, 1111 :41 11! d :1,1 Shen fly afiyr ecru;
0. holo,
Leg Amputated At Knee --
—listen to millions of experienced
mothers and relieve miseries with the
IMPROVED Vicks treatment that takes
only 3 minutes and makes good old
Vicks VapoRub give SETTER THAN EVER
AT ONCE to bring relief.
„„a 'PENETRATES to upper
/ breathing passages
i with soothing me-
dicinal vapors.
• sTIFIWLATES chest and
• back surfaces like a
x ,,warming poultice.
ToeNLlEP •'
G (REoeasecoughs, relieve
muscular soreness or tightness, and
bring real,honest-to-goodnt sscomfort.
To get this improved treatment,
just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes
ON BACK as welt as
throat and chest, For Better Results
then spread thick
Myer on chest and 9C ,
cover with warred(-, VaPoRua
itl The Improved Way
'The W. 11. S. gouttnt ion Went re
11tuyrtti 01' nitron _�1 tt:aby!et•111, eVir,
heti'. in Cm:uec• pineal Church. un
\l i te. day (tat, ..Mit 'I -it, tit pre,
Mout ll.,. 1, loll. \tittlhrop. presid-
ed. '311 ulemuing (4 41011 opened- at
P.0 with the doxology, (,od Sive the.
Ring, and in,catio11 spirit of Goa,
descend upon illy heart,” w:ts the
opening hymn after which the WO
ship service, was taken by Ale:=, Jar'.
ling.; and :Hr•s. W. Church, Winthrop,
tit theme being Chr(sthin Brother-
hood, Mrs. 11(1 nut of Seafurth offor-
('el prayer, The delegates and visit-
ors Wv•ro very warmly welcomed by
Airs. Nontngh:1m of t..ottstanco. which
tri'- resp0uded to by N'Irs, e[. Chosen
of Wesley \Willis, Clinton, The
at( :6 and busine-As were then dealt
with 1'b+• roll ea11 was answered by
tote secretaries giving it i nail-ltihlttt.•
report. lira, 1.1, Tull called the auxi-
liaries. evening auxiliaries, rise«c•.iat+•
hopers. 1',(1,1.'1'. Anti Mission circles.
31t•s. Ii. Kirkby. \\'altou+ called 1tie
ntiv.;int1 and baby bands. A :liscusstun
on the repel l 1 followed. Ladies of
Ltult s and Koros auxiliaries received
ih t offering and Airs, N'n1. Lyint.
Londesboro. ntjtrod the dedicatory
Lira or 'The treasurer's report %vas
Engagement Announced— given by .i:,1.:1111,'1,
;, 11. 14Ivtnbrrg, Soa-
111r. and Airs, C; R. -llartiu, SinIto •, lorih, .11ts \t uale; ot. Luttdt.:hur°
11111011 tae t! . 1 •,• ' with a t, t,u.ifrtl nolo acc°rn-
t 1 t..•! .w•nt tet their Ii5U( 1 by \L ,< il+rhm 11111 11 Alrs,
nau„hte+r, Elizabeth. tel !Air. AVilthttil \Y, 1'ie kard. 1 litttep❑ g;ne th itt1
t;rattmt t'ur?lrane, son id 31r. unit
'y uunttdy :ted world iris ud' tt•-
:'ll;..1, ll, Corlual;e Ex,ter, the nt:u-
ri..,;.• !o !.1!: • pian r atotday. Nov. 1 Part: fhe ht rutur'e w',y tt a dts_
Play.. I acid uxptiii t l t y
Vlheeler•Jackbp-. Ale:1111, 11intuo. and the membe,
.. ti•:iti1 the' 141!, t tltn;r 1! lien!
A quiet 1+ni' ore -11y W..04111114 was boor. I7ytan "111!' np. U moo of
la,r v. 1 at the 1 !heed 11°11." lens sang am! 111-s, Lindsay
hutch 111:I USN. at lite ;e•It. When rlo-oll this. session v,11it prayer. _A
til i!u +,d (Itttt m,he. -youngest d,nighiher e
,;ph,ndzd diuue•r was :erred by chi.
e. .tlr. anti ,lit>.. :Andrew Ja.klin, be. '1'hee afteino(ut e:
;mc ilte• 1 1e• 01 31!'•,h)hn l.awrenre' siesn 111.1 a t.an, Tee opening hymn
il'Ite-le :.,lrle•st on of Air. owl Alis.nue., 'kt t'hri�t thee.., is noP:apt ut
August Wit,•eler. The ret'iiteny wit \v,,t." `pit„ War.:hip se'rritt• W,t?
Ar<hie Davis r Exeter parfunti 1 hr Iter. ('heli Lewis.
'tor 4141- a year w...- a pa11tti.:a. ,h<r taken by Airs.. I,cc tie Varna.
hill and
\1'.•snllinstt•r Ii°sas h a1t'n'n, sots, 1'he bride Was gowned tit {t;tle blue .1L w. C1en, Ju11usht)n, Varna. 1111' theme
re•P-de-,hint. With act ni,•s 111• het,,"t'tuiai:c« 1 utlowshim with
"riltg e to 0 V""'
v i ;wine1
in hit match and w°tse a autsage tet Pale
1114:; r ,rent ty 1-,.•41 to ('htdsrie one another.- tire, 're silt r:,[ Ontario
pini tunatiunx. JH's, lawtence Ma- tit.. Clinton, then offered e,Mrs.
ree,t ho pitch in Tui' ttt0. under-
ciao sister of the htul wets Maid j, I'. ilatnting, nasncite,
went alt 111)01« kbit for the amputation d. It not, gowned in ttus ty rose ere to
of Anis kV- Tho leg had .given 31i' l stctetaty for 111e• brtuirh. 1411‘,,, 0 very
dot china with Nadi: accessories and itgserv•stiug talk on its work. Hymn
Davis considerable trouble and the :a (•ot,>ttgo tet ruse raraatiops. 311', ,, t, ' •i r door." was
doctors had tried every eouceieabb It 11°11 a trangl11 . t Ili t t a
Lawrence Jacklin, brother of the th,,n sulig. 1'he guest noeaker. Iter,
way to heal the world. bride. wile best man. The bible-
Reba Bern, of Varna, was. inuruduc-
-..�. Alt. giuenu's glia to the bridewas :1 silver r•tl by 3Irs. 1. \G. liardiaor. Site' gave
tea set; to the maid 14 horror. a sit- a chapi•ugibg wisannary address o« -
1'r cake plat. and to the groomsman I iitl.vl "Tho (treat t'enuuisi°n" !hat
a walnut smoking stand. After the inspired the audience. She raid this:
• t ` oeremetly the bridal
patty rehu•ueti
to the tonne of the bride's parent:.,
wb1•re a wedding Mauer was served
to immediate friends. Litter the bride
and bridt1egroom left on a motto. trip
11, Niagara r'alh tntd Hanlitunt. Poi.
traveling the bride chose air force
blue with navy accessories. On their
r#sturn they will reside on the bride.
groom's farm on the sitthl rtiteenslra
:p1 Cr'1'en'
Dentist tatter extracting a tootle,:
"I'm surprised at a Hefty moan like
you r:ere:uning. I thought you had
at Inas' a 11111. nerve."
Patient- "So 1 lttltl but you have
it now:'
"Ye, my Bear, vary mut-it."
.••1'11 is
toidly.t. u'e ttitlt Ii -•i.
y' fit hadn't any taste."
Tonaik-A725 cdc W r
Men are drilling in our town ..
our own men . , , men we call 6y their
first nacres. Some of them quit good
jobs to join the army .. , some quit
school. When the Empire went to war
and Canada went to war ... this town
went to war. Every now and then a
few more men from this town leave for
active service. We're taking the war
more seriously. Are we? Are we all?
Are those of us who haven't joined up
doing all we can? Are we lending all
we can? That's one thing we can all
... one thing we must all do. We
must all buy more War Savings
The help of every Canadian is needed for
Victory. In these days of war the thoughtless,
selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort.
A reduction in personal spending is now a vital
necessity to relieve the pressure for goods, fo
enable more and more labour and materials fo
be diverted to winning the war. The all-out
effort, which Canada must make, demands this
self-denial of each of us.
Published by the War Savings Committee, Ottawa
t:t:,;:rxr +t,
1,3.. ,!u- r ...
War Now Brings
"Messengerettes" I
wai raunut be wait by force of ;trios
alone. l'in'es. 111.40 is a great spirit
mil revival there is tulle lutpc for
victory. She left as a :slogan to her
audience "Ail tilt for Christ." ill's.
R. Toll expressed. in well chosen
word, Mali appreciation t0 the soca•
ken• for tt.'i inspiring message. The
offering Was thou rrte'ire•d be the
Fern. and Itihlte holies and tars. At•
Itinsan, Ih•uc,tield, gate the dedicat-
ory prayer. '1'11'• re.w.0 nee• Iaciit's'
quart.'11e favored with a 11.'011/bill
uunthet. 3less Tutt gave the (vntmiittt
ity frioudshlp re•Iulrt In the al"our:•
eel' Mrs. Peek -id Zurich, - Airs. A. ,1.
('Iii 11Ali, r°litetier for the ci,mrt-:y.
anti rewllulie11 n011111111 too. 1hal/Leff
all wh° int any tray- it,•!{,.'d To wni;e•
tile day worthwhile. It was 1',a>nh•t•d.
that as mos-ianary 410000, that w,•
use equ• !obit: u1 e fort into•eau ad
10 hero rite l tt .tag, ',fonts e i0,4 ,1
rad nett• youth pt-tt-s-toil."-hriu•+tiold.
extended it:>. iutitaiSM 0a the s,etinn
to meet !here next ye,•ur, whie It was:
accrm:eti. airs. 11. 1;- Nay, Fon:wih,
T'resbyterial president, gave the etos-
ti,g words atter which hyutit '-Where
the '•rutvtittfi Way,; of 1114' 'was
snag :and Mrs. E. !t y:an-t 1roaettu«'r,i.
the. ben.>dicli°n.
Wingham Couple Celebrated
Golden Wedding—
:At (heir honor here uu AIOuday,
ilr. vet ,Airs. .101111 Stone celebrated
the leap anniversary o1 their wed.
di ig. Manny called to wish them i'011.,
!:rtr1tttatiuna :uul 11. was a: very happy
event for this tine 0111 couple.- They
art, boli enjoying very good 11.111111
and tier tvi,lnt, of 1 11111 1'ucltI Was
that 111113' may so continue for malty
more years. tit', Stone. a Veteran of
he+ 1•oulh African sat•. was married
to Elizabeth Ante!* til Norwich, Eng-
land, Uct„bvi ':0th. !sill. 117 1311 they
cane: 10 Canada anei have lived lit
\\'inglioni since noel time. _Air. Stowe
c:mrteil ,11 hi- trade .,1 shnu•titltson
tent!! :about 1In,-„ years ago she« Ito,
retired, Ile vas- hewn ill Xorwirh and
.. tt0w to his 111 year, lip's. :"tette
to in het 7:1t11 ycat•, tilt, Was. bent at.
Cal, 'Town. South :Africa 110.1' lather
was an artily_ tfttrer and w14,n he 1'
turned to i.'ggland sloe then toot Johtt
Stone who later became hoe hush.
and. They have two sous lRtrltard of
Kincardine, and .Altar o1' WVingltanl.
Dine daughter Elsie died in 11121.
AViugh:tin .Ado:ancc-Times,
Appointed Rector—
Rev. Percy Hastings Streeter, ret-
ro'. of 'Trinity Anglican Church. Ayl-
mer, be•'ante rector Of Rlyth, Att.
Mini and lielgrav+'• on Octohel• ::1.
Mr. Streeter takes the 1410e0 of Ilev.
R, it \Weelte's 1rho has 11i'«•11 appoint-
ed lit 01 ni le, Ho lion iteelt in Ayl-
mer alms 114:11 fie was lnn•n i11 'Tot•-
onto and r.•reit-ed hi. theological
training :it 'Trinity College. Ih. was+
11, -un and priest in Huron
I)ioc•.•.'• by the lite Archbishop WiIl-
tant:;. Followings Id,: ordination in
131.1 lel wa- appointed in charge: 1t
3111111 and Uuirry. In 11417 he moved
I° Fiorenro. .Aughrim and Inwood:
atterWtud., at Norwich and Oxford
('entre, and i❑ 19:11 he, want 1 '
MUSIC A SONG HIT chosen by.
For you..te•ady to play and sine:
.. 1;1 This, coining Sunday's Detroit
,d0u' No. „ is the WIICKLS'
SoNlI IIITS 0140,11111g it: The De-
troit Rnnday '!'iter:. i1's ;erected by
'Ititl«y 1)or ey...ai!il 1' brand tent',
t n . by :ted blue... a fascinating nal
"Thr Night We Called It. A Day."
Net '1'It,' Detroit Sunday Time,,s list+
toot ,v' t•y sock . . . for .a
Ju,tt.-.._-Why have you brought
lhat cudgel into court""
Prisoner --"Well, they said i hail
to provide my own dole:Is:a”
Photo—Canadian National Railways.
nue thing to be said about the
"Messengerettes" s er v in g
Canadian National Telegraphs in
many Canadian cities, is that
they do not whistle, Otherwise
they possess the speed and effi-
ciency of the boys they are re-
placing. The at'tny and war ser-
vices seriously depleted the de-
livery forces of Canadian Na-
tional Telegraphs and girls, such
as tate 'Vancouver lassie here Pic-
tured, have proven satisfactory
for the day time distribution or
cables, telegrams and social mes-
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Lintner to and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We Mss., halve a `'ervice Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE 179,
All Repairs Strictly Cash
tVe Aim To Please