HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-10-30, Page 1r But. AnInam'e ilres. is r eu ra springth1w had t: pretty g wil. ]ted, gold, ]ho-, hrotlec its pattern] And Summpt s froc It- was fair _ - :pringtilnc:'e dl ., ­ss blew wil'ent-ly I3111 Aut.umta has ill,, gayest dross-_.. [ews At e,nli .-hall breeze's sigh. F'unutlrr- did, too. fila AIIIIIIaln's For evt-'y color is there. „.rt drO a Springtime's dress was pink chit'fcm and when she U R O N C O U N T Y' S L E A D E X G N E W S P A P E R ftu-tips whesite eoules by! Sumnlnr's dress --.green satin. - Autumn's Dress. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 03, No. 43 SEAF ORTIi, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER R 30, 1941. - I`aune K4 �..T SSC7PER, SUDS WITH RELISH DISH ALL FOR c OLD IGESE- - 16CI......................... 33c CIiRISTII S HISCUITS-- 2 lbs. 2gc SWEET ORANGES— doz. 25c CELERY STAI Iiq each .............. 7c CALIFORNIA GRAPES - 2 Ibs 25c AYLMN t I CATSUP- bottle A . i TS TP-- bottle ........... 15c IODIZED SALT - 2 pack. ................ 15c MAT JUICE— Gal TOMATO E- t' Gal. ..... .............. 40c CORN STARCH. loose - 3 ills. .................... 25c PHILLIPS BABY SOAP, with wash cloth ........ 4 cakes 25c PALM OLIVE SOAP -- giant sl8e .................. 7c TWO ONE SHOE POLISH ' Tilt .... 10c HAWEt, LIMON Oil. - Bottle .................... 250 KLORAX, removc,la status botlle .......... .......... 10c WASHIN( '40DA, Ile• S.vr•n - lta x 7c SI.is'rl:Rs Ilia) IIFAD snakes fir I" lay ........... *2,ioi cwt. Au C. Roulledge. Phone 166 .52..x. L. B OX PHONE 43 North Side United Church Rev, 11. V. Workman, Minister, 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "Tire Sacredness of Human Life,' 7 pau. "The Lamb at the Throne." Thurs. 7.45 pan.—Prayer Service, at Mrs. James Beattie's homy.:. -a Egmondvilis United ^Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A,B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. C11 a.m., "A Christian's Responsib. Siity." 7 p.m., "The Need of Comfort." St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford, 11 a.m. "Man's Task." 7 p.m, +'Learning and Living." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church# Dubiin 2.25 p.m. Sunday School. 3 p.m. "Man's Task." First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. S. S., 10 a.m. MIorning service, 11 a.m. .Evening service, 7 p.m. Rev. A. J. Gowland, M.A., of St. Marys, will be in charge of both services. LEGION STAG EUCHRE A very successful stag euchre was ed:held in Legion rooms, post office building, on October 17th, when 12 tables were in play, The proceeds of this euchre helped to defray exp- enses of sending cigarettes to our boys now serving overseas. Total Proceeds of the euchre was $16, The prize winners were Beverly Christie and George Munro for most games; Chas, Addicott, Winthrop, lone hands. The Legion wishes to thank all for their support in this worthy cause, W. I. ASKS FOR DONATIONS FOR BOXES The Women's Institute will ]told their regular meeting on Wedues- day, Nov 5th in the home of MIrs. Edith Pndner. The roll call will be answered by a donation amounting to 25 cents for the soldiers' overseas Christmas boxes. Any friends outside the Institute who would like to don- ate to these boxes could leave dona- tions with any of the members or at Finnigan's store. Please note the change of date of this meeting.. Warden James Leiper - � � -1 Golden Wedding of I)POPPY DAY APPEAL fy r. a ,Ydyci Passes On Sunday I t Huron Court Warden Was in —._- y the ]coal ]r:anch of elle t -r Poppy Thornton Hail Is Scene of Gala His 77th Year -- Funeral (lily a is nIli t g its anneal Peppy Event Markin Fiftieth An - Held Tuesday. dtav :appeal 7o the people of lite.- g conlntunity till Nov, 8111. The Poppy niversary Hmron county's warden, James fund is now a rreogni4ed institution ; Leiper, Passed away Sunday morning whatever ill(,. Canadian Legion exists Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott, o III C u ails at the Clinton hospital in his 77th r olid it .-eves ll twionet Thornton Hall Iatm, alitertaafned I purpose of nmrA melt The money Year, following a severe stroke sus. is raised by the distribution oftit„ about lit relatives and neighbors ax tained on Tuesday last while motor- poppy, the symbol of sacrifice, is a riiiinvi- ole Tuesday r-vcning In Ing from Goderich to Clinton with used entirely to relieve unusual ills- holler of the fiftieth anniversary of Lr'ess among war veterans and their the formers parents, Mi-. and Mrs, Ills son. families. At all times it has been 1 The late James Leiper was an ac. found that the veterans, in view of Archibald D. Scott of Seaforth. The tive man, both in his farm work and the fact that many .of them have ills• tables wore tastefully decorated doing a lifetime of municipal work abilities and handicaps suffer Pveul with pfuk tapers :and valendulas, a bore s . i than other,- who e r are our of cur• •r,y,.a the testy r, g a w ddSn c kr bei n a g spent it 1 e p r the interests Of iIullett ployment, since many of them tcquh•e township and the county or Huron. special care and attention which tbwy tenure of the occasion. Rev Hugh Warden Leiper was a son of the ]ate are unable to provide. This is where Jack of First Presbyterian ('hurch, the Poppy fund, raised through the of which Mr, Scott Ss , pstepmed John Leiper and Agrees Muir Leiper Sale 'if poppies by the local branch of n me leer and he was born in Hallett township, the Let•lon, steps in and Protides re- n 1 f the session, proposed a concession 10, an April 8th, 1865. As lief to" the aitualien. Toast to the bride and groom of fifty There Is another reason why every years ago. Mr. Scott made a fitting a young man he mored to the pros- cilfzcn should wear a poppy for Be. reply. ent Leiper farm on concession 11, nt,mhranew clay. These poppSes It•e Delightful c:nteiLainuient was given Hallett township, which he built up nia ntl'actared in flip vetcrafl. shops I of Canada, worksho s in who-11hand• during the evening. including humor• by tireless work to be one of the ► icaplipti vetprans are given sheltered ous readiagr by Susan Govenloek; show places of the county from in etlaploynwat and in which- they inanu• .-(,los by James T. l5r•ntt, $am Slott u;t•icultural angle His hobby was facture the hundreds of thousands or :nail Anderson Soot(; a- Poem dpdicat- a n good horst-. Oseveral occasions poppies which are distributed every he visited Scotland and brought buck Year :it this time. By wear) g 1 pop• I'd t(, M r. and Mrs, Scott by II I',abc4 with hit siren for his st:ihle, of line• lay' cilizens can find much 1tisfao- (r ilium and a duet try .lir. S Scuff tion Su knowing that they are ]will- and :V7rs, J. M. Uovenloc•h. J. 31. t1raft horses, lug Inose haualicatpped reteruus to On Decctnber• 27, 1899, he mar- obtain a livelihood which they would Scut shnwoxi interesting slid,n of hi<, rived Annie Hamilton. who surviv,•s olhwrw•ise lack on account tit their limiltry farm and hatchery and of his. With .a ftnnily of live sou- and two `ire e t nl dSsabilities. i I v,•ttt trip to Northern Ont i l The i Iwo Ila told x p n a u dau; liters: John AI„ of Clhiton; No- 11 f la old find a 1 m eindwr of the, evening way .petit John r,adt ae,poue in ltu- 111 -sorts and bort, of 'Toronto; Gavin, willialn nuucL` of the people of trap vomnillu- ingailles. and Thonrns, at hour,.; \lisses A,,n,s ity, which has Alvays. be,lr ready to air. and .lit• Scott, Thr 1.'cn'rl,et IDnke the. way ,:i for fill• thus" of its 1?., el' Toronto. sail Ji:ut, tit ]unit-, Vnni, h;iizahrth IG s, only dna•ht<•: rfrirc u; who e•ry„d couut'y and rin'• of Mfr, and ,firs. Imlay Rua , rd S! a - A brothel•. William. and a psi ter, pit, in rho gi ,it[ war, wad to chi., Jts. utht, of Ifulleah acu pres--nt conflict. rref1, tr eve! ,t i • la Ili . ,i vice, -___-..— .............._ _. Th” glide's par,at. on (Iotaf,l 2S ]n January, I9.11, Mr, Lwipor was ANNOUNCEMENT 18111, by flip Rev. A. It, MlvI) faaid, elected warden of the county, cline• Mr. coni 31rs. Jnlw \\'.,rah wish lu i),D., of Swafnrth. as Ssteal by 1:, %. axing his mans years of �crvice Oil :uuwuucr• ill, vilgageol"al of Ilwir Pc•t,r Milts r:nc• of.AiirtiiBnll, 'aft.-,• 1whalf of his municipality and theswaond ,laughter, Mlargarwl. I rauce.,y, 111,41 nml•riage they .-period e l ib,• County of Huron. His term of Of- to Jame,: Borden Irayws, eldest -oil aF,ye•rs farill. ;l utile and a half 'avast fico• had been it husy ane, for beside..- of Mlr, an,, Mrs. ltwg. Bayes. of I''ur_ it S,at1»Ih, on tilt, Huron hig1may. the ordinary demands of the positiml est Hill. '!•mento. The ntnrriage to w'hwr, Ihwv rwslll,d mail rushing w of warden upon his time, he had take place the beginning at Noveglr Sr•afurlh r,Irw yl•ars agar, freely given his services oil behalf her fn Toronto. Tlw family. all of whemr wphc- pr,.. of numerous patriotic endeavors sent tit flip celebration ,xv"pt made neee wary by the war. He w:as DEATH OF BROTHER John MrRinb.y. Whillipeg. con S.Is an energetic worker for thr• Clinton Word was received ht Seaforth on of out, son. James it`. Scott, on flu• spring show and at the tintl• of his Saturday, October 25th, of the death houaesiead, two dangJners. Mrs. John i death watt a director of the sovi,fy, in Craik. Sack, of Mr. Suinuel Web McKiniey, Whinipeg, and ;firs. Georg,• He was also it nwniber of the Cans- sten, Ilrother of Messrs. John, Wil- Love. Rhtevala+, and two grandsons. tante Court of the Canaditm Order bent and Lorne Webster. of Sea- Curd, and congratllati(,n- were re. of Foresters. forth. Tho late :lir. Webster was a celvf•d front friends far and hero•, title- 'I'll(- funeral was hold froze itis native of l.ucknow and was a plump- of tbeal being a. cablograna repro late home. in Hallett township on ••r by trade. He went to thw West threh• grandson. Scott N'TcKinloy. who Tuesday afternoon and was one of about thirty years age. Ht, is sur- i, with tine Army Corps Ili T;nglauui, the larcest ever held in the county, rived by his wife who Was forut,rly It was it tribute ill his worth as it Miss Button of Teeswater. The fit- - - - - citizen in both public and Privutc neral took place: at Craik on Mon- MRS. EDWARD MOLE life, The hmlol acv pallbearers were dav. past county wardens, N. W. Trewar- The d,tath occurred early Friday thaa, Clinton; R, J, Bowman, P,rus- HOSPITAL AID morning at beer home on laan,s .cis, Wilmot Haacke, Goderielt; The 111011thly 111twilag of the \Vo- street, of Mrs. Edward Mole, in let - George Feagan, Goderich, and J. M. nien's Hospital Aid to Scott Mentor- 66th year, heath resulted from aI Eckert, Seaforth; Reeve:, J. H. Scott, ial IIospitaal will be held at flip heart attack which occurred a fc•w' Seaforth; ferry Passmore. V-4borne, nurses' residence un Thursday, Nov, days preciously. 111 s. Mole had and members of Parliament, W. H. Gtlr at. 3.30 P.M. been an invalid over 25 years Golding, Seaforth, and L. E. Cardiff, with arthritis. Iter maiden name Brussels. The active pallbearers were WILLIAM D. BUTT was Edith Mae Snowden, daughter Hallett township officials, James Me- William Daynian Butt died at his of the lit, Newton C, Snowden and Cool, William Carter, John Arm- home on Centre street early Monday ;ionic Matheson, and she was born strong, Edward Pickett, George morning S» his 90th year after a in Egniondvillc.•With the exception Brown, John Ferguson. prolonged illness, The hate Mr. Butt of four yetis fn Ingersoll, she had The flowerboarers were reeves was born in Durham county, son ot. lived all leer life ilt this district. On Alex. McDonald, Poll Rathwell, T. C. tate late Elam Butt and his wife, Ann February 210th, 1906, she wa> niarr- Wilson, George Armstrong, R, Red- Dayman, and the family lived on the lied to Mr. Mole and eanu• to liv, in mond, J. W. Gamble, S. H. Whit- London road, north of Iiippen. Oil Seaforth. Surviving besides her more, Roland Grain, It. R. Shaddick, April 20th, 1887, he was united in husband are three daughters,Alt es W, H. Morritt, Fred Watson, and marriage to Miss Catherine Work- ILaura and Vera at home, and Mrs, A. McCann. County Clerk N. W. Mlil- man of Iiippen, and they lived on the Gordon Millson, Ingersoll; ills(, It ler, Clinton, assisted in the arrange- second concession of Tuckersmith, g'r•and(laughter, Carol Mae. She rya's ments. retiring to Seaforth in 11118, where lri•cdec•,ased by tut infant son, John The service was conducted by the he had since resided. Besides his David. Mfrs. Mol, possessed uuitiy Rev, A. E. Menzies, pastor of Lon- wife he is survived by four sons, fine qualities which e.n b-ared her ill desboro and Buns United churches. Edgar and Thomas, of Kippen, John 'all who knew herr interment was fn Burns' cemetery. of Flint, Mich., Incl Roy, of Sea- 'I'll(, funeral, which was largely Among those from a distance who forth, also three sisters, MIrs. Ilan- attended, was held oil Sunday ofter- attended the funeral wore Mr. Rob- mill Taylor, of Fillmore, Sask., Ira, croon at 2 o'clock, her pastor, Rev. ort Peat and son Robert, of Toronto. Maria Dinsdale and Mrs. Martha H, V. Workman, officiating,. The Murdock of Hensall; and one broth- .oral tributes were numerous ;and SunI of $25 Realized er, Joseph Butt of Saskatoon, So'k. beautiful. Interment took place in On Cookie Day ere Joseph Butt, of Saskatoon, Sask. Ball's cemetery, Auburn, ill(- pall- and four grandchildren, hearers being James Henderson and The pupils of St. Tamps' School A private funeral took place Tues- pinion McKay, Goderic•h; M. -lie- held their sale of cookies of Situ•• clay afternoon, the service being coo- Kellar, Alex. Boyce, Lone Di0e. (lily. The sill of $25 ryas realized, ducted by Rev, H. V, Workman, of fled Parsons. h lowerhearers: John half of which was given to the local forth Side i,tnited Church, assisted P,tattie, John Stevens, Ross Savauge, trait of the Canadian Bed Cross and by Rev. W. A. Bremner, Interment Harry Pretty. Arnold We-t,ott, Pn- ille remainder to flip Junior Red was in PNeten• cemetery, Tho pall- vid WSIs(,n, Will. Finnignill. William Cross, Toronto. fill, relief of British hearers being Robert Daynmul, Chas, Sparks, Denson Mole, Hill'vcy Able. bomb victims. They: wish to thank Wasman, A. D. Scott, Piercy Sales. Mole. those who liplpnd- them Sn their John McIntosh, James McLean, The During the service Miss I:dnac Dlf wok, continued mr Page Met, continued an Page Five Rebekahs Instal Officers On Monday Evening Fnstalinian oecrnoni,s w,vv held f� / by til,. I0.1i' lc:a.h • oil Mond'v evr,nn_,,, ,a t °art. 27111, at M • lodg" n ,tilig. D. It. Pros S7 .rr Addle. St .it art ival / e Calf from ltrussrl m.<lalic d [lie fol - 1 wing officers of H,cb !w+ iss Lud r: X.G. Sister Ethel Belce: l V.G. Si, Flora Stewart. a i:.b. Sin. Elva Pullman. F.... his, lxot•othy Bearna. 1 lea. Sls. Alva at ^;ie ott. Warden, `;is. fi ar 1 tict artitey. l oliduetor, Sis• Margaret llabkirk. t,, Inner Guard, Sis. Mary Burke. Ont.er. guard. Sis. Mae HSllebrecht, Chaplain, Sin. Lillian McKellar. I S:N l Sts. Jean Scott. I rg I .S.N t.., 5r.. I oufse Gou,H,-. R.S,t'.G. Si,. Mile Do'ran(o, r T .5 V.0 s;'s �. .4 I.,. llnl'I'aIle , yh .Jr. I'. V.C., Sis. Mae Free. Mlttsiviau, Sis. Mae Smith. Sis. Fre<•.was pr•esi:,ut,d with I'. N k a 0..Ietvel by 1). D lr,•c'. Sister St;� •. T art. Sis. Mutoul and Sis. Scott pre spntpel SI.. Stewart with a gift. 9� After the• lodge meeting a banquet. was .,erv,0 under the convenor=hip of Sis. .:, au Scott. Red Cross Notes M AIEMBr.1tSHIPs. (]runt its, tie prat. file strength of SHOP AT J r Baud Oil �" A U G E Oileve •' I ,y lrnut .iU every huad'- Thi,t w,;, whel'er rite Iteee1 nl;,y- IT PAYS seek 1"e aid the w4,ultaled----kelp the - av,-ak - 1nc1 , FF.I3F1'i,TIQ d NEWS ho "j, et ,., 1: i Cru_. a . it high. A -stag' of laapri•y in til sept-, - I'I „loom n t till I'll ne,a a Ili wt plat, _ t,r�rut 1 c:,l 't Fvet�y3 0 lac e -t :n- u�ic .r..,e 1• n r un y i; rtat3s�. V„tq nlellliwrship Sn Tile S'.lfoith S„t ,n--Anlnl tun,. liranrh til Ih,- Canadian lz:id t to�s is ,Aut»rlut fortnll eboht to xplro incl w 77th,• ; ori to St,% 17 Fowl tel Ow e� ul h•. r,pa-w' it inetlindiat Iy. Every enc• why N.W.s. The I saner Nin t Live ip:•c t .lien ,,.nit Mlachilo s v"llfribnh:rl s7 "; aan•p in lrs.t. y,:at 1),, IPwm and Export. Markets, raaapilign aurooalio:111y bl•c.tttp;- a ire th,• n,rcmlil year of radii, forums ao:ntber or thea wvrtlry organizafilltl� the program goes national. The: tf<• Iwvd yeur r,•ni'n'al uu+wh(-islti;, lin) l fists will }it•es,nt dtanaatizeti discussions front const. It, cua.at. The more tllan .vor this year, (letbehind canadlau F,•deratfoli of agriculture - this, thusor]ety ande rnew your nie•mb- still Ciauadian assoviation for adept ,-•ship by N,vc-nby r 75r.h. I eav, }coal. educattiota sponsor the organization Of mriab,t hip few of k1 er More 'it any foruniF. having made arrangements tor• tbt•111 in ptery province.. Of tit:, ballhs ha town er at .i,betr of A radio forum is simply a comhin- the ill -ug stores. ,I. ;I, ht P,ell (9•oss atiou of discussion meeting and soc- work rooms un Thursday ret• Frilltyfo) evening when. Lit or 317 farm pec. afl,•rno,»ls. 'pi,get togwihat in a farm home, a. halltit-school-]pose. tit listen to dra- ---- tmcrized lu•oadc nsls laud to discuss TIwv must have blankets. faun prolalomo-• with a %Seen' in action. Ahoul It y,•r+r ll'i a half a„o, til, �"I.ovda t1J;et. ileo- and guidance p c tiled weekly for forums lit-,pie+'If ('-nada were asked by Ilw ;;Lich 1 gaster with the provincial Canadian 1tt•d Cross Society for 14n'i1ns office•, blankets. Ther rattle ill In• ill,, the,ty LI onni iu, as lust Year. forum"* sands—ihenlc,•ts thatin tilt, mo will i„ ,rnaaizwl by the Ontario Fell - ,I , r;ti„n r i agr]edture, with asAstaue.e• Ilia, follow', -d provide -al warmish for 1rum tilt Ontario Gut•erualetat, Since women. rhtldretl alal till] aae•n fn void the hroadeasts will start Nov. lit, or - air -raid ,Ilell.ors in Britain.They galliz:ilioi of forunw fit the e'ountie- should pro,e'A it., soon :t•, possible, were usew d in Ietnergtivy ho'I'ltaIs. in The Clod,-rivh Towu:hli, unit of the ambulances, in hastily er,eted lic sliS' lflu•on (murty I d,•raliou will meet til ,eut,s where the victims of hru- at 1'et tar's llill, Thursday. .Nov. 6, til t•neniy air -raids tve,rw var('d for at `.:'o I Ji. 16."v- ]roti, Whilmore, lilt(] Dorrance will hr the speakers. More hlauiket, ar, n,-e•cl,d. Thous- The Hallett Township unit will ands npoll thonsalids more. Th]s cry inert at Lctndesboro oil Friaiay Nov. cannot be ignored, New or good as ;the at a P.M. The same speakers: new blankets are acceptable, If -lie will be present Thais meeting will blankets are not new, they should he Ile followed by a dance. No admission will be charged. All farmers an.l cleaned or washed before shipment. their families anti invited to attend. BIanket., nlay be left at file work M oc-ting- have beau h.Ad at Mon rooms on Thursday or Friday after Brief. Ethei, Varga and Gorrie, All report a good attendance and a good noolts ur ally one w6hiug to Snake• a deal of enthusiasm. donation to the hlatlket fund may de — ----- a _ Temperance Group FLANNERY - BANNON Meet At Seaforth A pretty fall wedding was solellilb• ------ N-1 in St. ,lames Catholic Church, County Federation Met Here in Seaforth, on Saturday morning: at it Northside United Church on ,'clock when Dorothy Jost•phine, e -Id-; Wednesday est daughter of Mrs. h:11cn Lannon. ! -- Seaforth. and the late. Thomas Ban. Huron County Tellllura iv, Feder - non, was united in rilarriagre to John "clan held Its annual convention on Francis rlltincry on of lir, and \t',1da1« dta afternoon Sn Nortliside Mr... J. .1. Flannery. Seatortli. 1',et t'btll'e'il. Seafol•ill, with over lore T, P. Hussey performed the etre delegate. sten+ling Till, president. moray and sane; the nuptial Mass. MI% R. G. Mudd of Exel,i, presided. The altar was d,corated with bronze Rev. C. W. 14•11illo. D.R. of Tor - and pink ehrysantbenrtlar, auttnml outo. (General S,vretalry of the Ont - h lta., and roses. The bride given in ario Fetl,ratiou. addressed t.be marriage by ]let- brothel', Leon Baal• gathering. nen, Sen'orth. wort• white owl amfj Tit,, following officers were elect - lace over tafTeta. Her flugertip veilj,d: tion. Ircwideuts. Mir. A. F. Lloyd• was held with sweetheart. ludo and \\'ilighanu; MIr. tlordnn Lamb. Gode- 1 she wore a corsave of red ro,,s and ricii: Mian ,Lan Murray. Hensall: ••.r;'i,d her hunt's avilite brayer hook Ilei'. J. W, hewn, Pxraer. gut a rosary. 1.1liss lorrtto Barmen Pre. Richard Ilrvd, Wiligham. Nils Ile,- :asters bridesmaid, wearing Ist Vice Pre,.. (sora;,• Howard, Rs- ' :uretuoia• marquisette will' a shoul- rtes•: 2nd Vice, 1'ron.. Mrs. George ! 1 -h -119th reil til the •:one shad(-. Johnston, Goderieh. n il.ir to the bride',. Her corsage Sec: Trwas„ Rev, W. A. Blenmer. It- cinnut e.,: t•ngc f"r,'...1 8e•aforth of frllauce committee.. �Convener Fralrk Howson. tVinglia.nl. (ontc llvt of <c uuuitte, on law and latr as A. T e oopcn ('Hvlor. 3 . ,a Pyot, sor--"•Lr, lily clear. what till lillf, nivaninr ,f t1lis vase of flowers ore lablo today"" Wife . "Mwtrning° Why today's your wedding anniversary. I'rofesser—•`tateed! Well, well, elp let toe know when yours is so, T may do the same for you.” s fi