HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-10-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
▪ HENSALL The Late Mrs. Marjory Sparks— HULLETT
Friends and neighbors 111 the th On Tuesday ctcnmr Oct.Mr. and Mrs. lsaae Rapson opened
their home to 150 friend: including
the Sounnerhill Red Cross and com-
munity. 'rhe occasion was also the
tenth anniversary' of the marriage
of their daughter, Mrs. Warren Gib-
bings of Summerhill. During the
evening eight games of means, were
played The winters were. ladies'
first. Mrs. C. \ . Cooke, [Hen's 'first,
Aubrey Knox; ladies- consolation,
Dorothy Blake metes consolation,
Ivan Hogga rte ladies' lone -hands,
Estella Murphy; in ti's lone hands.
Jim Mewing. Five games of bingo
were enjoyed, the prizes of dressed
ducks being won by Ken Vodden,
Walter Bewley and Jim Walsh being
the leeks, winner of two Frank.
Flynn won a bag of salt. - A mock
wedding Ware a special feature of the
evening and e1 r. Adrian White read
an address to Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings.
enemiesall,--We are gathered here
tonight to celebrate Marie's and
Warren's tenth year of hard, miser-
able married life. They haven't done
much for their country in the family
way, but hero's hoping the next ten
years will bring bettor results. Lad-
ies, as we all know a gran is no easy
creature to get along with, crabby.
bad-tempered. tight with the mon-
ey. till these things which have made
Marie so miserable looking and thin.
But. cast your eye at Warren and
Hallowe'en Euchre and Dance.—- J. ) 1 Cth,
t rage were greatly shucked on 'Phttre.
11 Lowe en au ire ants Hant t:• i,ay' ou hearing of the .sudden pass -
sponsored by Kippen East \\',L, in i hug of Mts. aiur jolt' Span.: in her
H.:gsall town hall, Wednesday even- end year. 'fee deceased had been a
ing, Oct. 'a, 1,3[1, Masquerade par• resident of liensall for the past sev-
ade: at luneh. Good prizes for hest era} years and had only given up her
costumes. Masking optional. Murd-,ltotne eerie about a month ago and
Admission c was visiting with her sister, 111•,3. 1;.
ladies provide lunch. A good tine A MeAsh in London When she had
ock's Orchestra. Ad s1 2; . All '
and a good lunch. the �misi'ortutie to fractureher ankle,
' , „ ""s Hospital, late
Sparks appeared to be in her
Porn—in nrr, 011 Mrs. Gt dl t 1. H 1 usual health otherwise and was be-
an,;err. on Sunday. Oct. 1 ,, to Mr. - hie raar(•d for ;1t the home of her son,
ant. Mrs. Gayest Johns nee Jeatr
'ironer' of 1' lirucifle, a daughter,
lir. Alegi Spark- in Go,le rieh twp.,
111 r. and lits. Lloyd Hudson of Si. !where set passed away with a severe
Marys were called to teem on Friday heart attach. leaving behind her
„went; to 1 1th,serious illness of tate many pleasant memories, beloved by
t,,a',n s ,mother. Mrs. 'Plias. Hudson.'t own ; and old, Formerly Miss Mat
Messrs. Herb Llotd and Orvillelory Douglas and beloved widow of
!leaden of St Catharines spent the; the late George Sparks, she i. sur -
week end visiting their mother, 1L's frvt.d by two daughters, Helen, Mrs,
:'3.tharine Redden. McC-titcheon of Alberta, and M1arg-
Since -Miss Hannah Crai_ r,: tut•nc•d '',ret, lits. Donald Kemp, of Detroit,
:from Seaforth Hospital there weeks two sons, Alma Sparks of Goderich
.:go she. has greatly improved in twp. and Ford Sparks of London. A
.011th andls able 10 he out again son, Douglas, predeceased her by a
among her friends. 1 number of years. One sister survives.
1ST, and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Mr. E. A. MeAsh. London, and four
Gen Donald visited on Sunday with brothers George Douglas. Hensall,
the former's sister and brother -in- I Wm. Dough tis, hiueefield, Robert
Mr, and Fits. Alfred Hunkin of
1 apuska,ing, Ont., and 1r-
law.thc Thames Road. Iwin Douglas, Edmonton. Alta. Fun -
Mr. Sanders, principal of the con- rail service was held from hayfield
tinuation school and Miss Maclllvera- Mimi Church on Sunday at 2.80
na, assistant. were in New Hamburg
p.m., coniluctecl by a nephew of the
-on Saturday attending a teachers • Il tt:lsed Rev. Arthur \ie:Ash of
Mapie HUII, assisted by 3111'. Lorne notice the cot o
convention5Ue held there. p ration, There you
The euchre and dance sponsored 1 Sparks, grandson of the deceased,. a will see- who has eaten of the fruits
es- the Chamber of Commerce belts ;student for the ministry tet Ashberry of married life and done well, To-
nFriday evening was well attended College.
Kentucky. The floral trib- night we have a couple before us
the entire proceeds being for flee butts were eery beautiful- showing the who look like Merle and Warren
ommunity Christmas tree. The lad- (teen[ in which the deceased rw is did ten years ago today. Notice the
ies' first prize for euchre Wes won by hilt,. Interment' in Pnefield comet- 1 t change in the bride. So, old maids,
E. Stephenson of Clinton; second br er•y. The pallbearers were Douglas all take warning. We also wish to
s , Ki'ntp, Detroit, grandson; Robert
Blanche Thompson, Kippen; genttake this chance to wish you both all
Wil -
first, Thos. Meyers. Zurich, seeond.: Sehellig
Detroit,. Russell and Wil the best for the next 90 years, as
E. Perry. of Hensel'. The lunch was liam Sparks. Bayfield, Peter Doug- they say the first 100 years is the
donated by -the following: Blue Rib - ibis. Clinton, and Mr. I:0111 1Zunsol hardest; atter that one is kind of
bon Coffee. Toronto; ilunlart, Kitcdl- of London, nephews of the deceased. halter -broken. Nowa tiger for Mr,
tier; and 11ara's Dread. London htlaiivls attending the funeral were and Mrs. Rapson for this grand ev-
Murdock's or•ehestra furnished the Mrs. McCutcheon, Alberta Mr, and ening which has just started. and I
:, a; t for the dance,
Mrs. Donald Kemp and family. 110. hope you will stay for 1 rase. Ir
The Women's .A x•ciatl51 of the and :sit Neil Sparks and daughter, eve all put more etl'ort on our parties,
*need Church are holding- - }set lit W. E Schilli, and family arils not think about the work we are go -
r in 111' sch00iresee �f sees Miss Isebel alnns,it Detl•.it: 511'. and inn to have, Summerhill Ked Cross
r Thursday, October "est (Its. I:, •A, 51'A I til 's. Young. al r' would base- a tine banking moment.
which the l;ha;. Boys of Clinton:
and '.tis _} - Lorne Manson. apse and _ wouldbors." Mrs. Goldwin Smith,
x(131101 win tit, -.•tit a I' o;a9an. Mr'. F, -d S".1'''' •ul , I1"1 n. 1St. ale 1 president of the Red Cross, 1415(1
t tee:, Miss ler:. Ash' 500. 5,ufn1131. 11 r. G"'isr,'e \ r. and Mrs. Rapson and
C:, t. sir}• H ,, i r and 17 thanked I 1
?-T. i en aft .,I Sunel 1 for St I! a .la: U' Hiss bestir D(u l tis; tilt. ' friends of their community for at-
•:viicr.. th,•y int,•nei t, �1 X. :,1,.0 KS. '.VII '•11V:"11,tI on` 1,aulin`. nits }tatty Olt our beheilf•
e1, tett -sew n1a.?n(':15 ,Ii ;and SII.: :Mer 1.11: Hensall. Tee 1,l nt.,,,e, of the eee„in„, anroud..
Mrs. A. I- Case 3isite(: "ori M•. , nd Mr-. Whir D'mul"'' xnd eel to S"• "0, Denying was •enjoyed
an, se Mt . and M. 1 111ds:-y Eerie Pruee-
c with rel:atic•,s in ;'gave±rte. lead. until :Hall hours .f ttheIllornnl •s
".>ured in Car Accident, --The singing of God Save the King.
_1,as Norah Petty of 53 11 111 is 1141 Mrs. Little and on and daughter • "minded an .njegable evening.
setrase General sesoratel follow- f Biggar, ti ask are visiting with ;
▪ n auto ailnide:tt ahem twe mile the former sister and Mother -in- 1 Mistress i angrily) _._ ••I serer
st .,f Mitchell on No. 4 Hiehw ty I law. ;ill. and Mrs. G«o. H• ss, .beard such inipndcnce in all nn' life.
, ;•31 (ty. Miss Mete wes d1 ivin The W.M.S. of the ['need Church you }tad a let of nerve to rad] roes..
51 to Steittemd B;11..,1-1 ,,,lit.t to314'1 urs h(3dul s their annual thankotTer-'self a lady':. maide,
z•. t: n 4 nil met to . 1173 an! n e sae'• on Sunday, Oct, 213 1 . ' Jlaid-- I don't resell me soli'
meta, collision e 1 a c driven When 1 a. Arihtn Sinclair of Myth,
.Sibert Klein 0f '11itchi l: I:Oen 10311111• pastor here., will hr• the guest that now, Inadant, but I was a lady's
£.•e badt', .1 n.a. Following sPeaker. Special music win be p1, maid before I got this job.”
miden NI i:-:-; Petty tr:is, removedBunted by the choir.-_- . rp�
rat ii hospital suffering ing a ! Mr, zeal Mrs. Stewart 51,Clue en 1 ®[ACC A C1 Creditors
tune: kart and se.gee shock 'and Mt Jean McQueen -pent then
Elora Petty ants :tri Mahi 1 i week end in Blenheim visiting their the Estate •o£ Olive Elizabeth
l a t -n::,t pt e'n err in the Petty daughter nd son ui-law. Mr,t. and In
s led with a shakiag 7134 and 513 s. Don Rigby "iiy and Donna. x They f 1 Powell.
?I:. Klein also enamel Injury. 4 were, aecompani d Milne le, Miss He- A.11 persons -ons itlaving claims against
len McQueen who has been spending the Est. to of [)live Elizabeth Powell,
Red Cross Notes-.- he past tele weeks theft. 1 lane of the Town of Seaforth. in the
11(•. Phos. Hudson, who has been county of Huron, Married Woman.
1r air rn .rept 1 rent se t^1asly lie. is somewhat improved i d(ce as,:• 1. who died on or about the1
., ghees. 1 1 1 at , tag.. n' t I a',• - waiting. it day of August. 1941. are hereby
needed r t C 1 a hie* t , c 113'. Ale Sparks of Cioder•ien tis •. 1 110
� undersigned
e e send ill totet
flit t
ff tit ¢ see t'"t1 rod semi's. 51r.. 1), Kemp of Detroit ono before the 15th day of Novem-
ti it r t; p 1.11 Was re=nt alit Mr -. else. M Icon of .41bet1•1. • bet. 1941. fa111 particulars of their
I , ket) r n oy tlr : were in town on \lvtul ty. -1 claims.
sesesses to i; at 1 warmth Berri ells Leonard Notekes left recently 3 Inlntediatc'ty after the said last
i•1 ,r Tim• m e 3 in -Ma 2' ani
n ,n coni: 1 il,, a:t•-real,} 4101.�e \i' f epe, s. el, he has secured mentwmd date. the :t.. . of the
England. Many o" these Mae. 1
re m
said csstate
will 15 distributed t d
o -
L .regi in e as .aren't los), \1 , John I'iatT has moved int. the st the parties entitled thereto, m'ttil ence and m hastily fee 'dwelling recently Vacated by Mr. and d 1131 13gauonly to grains o£ which
ss tee; ores..:: where. air raga victim 110 d(tr Yeaan<is. ;the undersigned shall then have
See *r; be eared for. Mauve blanket. i Miss Julie Saundereock has iter notice. to the exclusion cd all others,
5(teie-tit nUei' foe tie: same ktlei ,eepted a po position with the Kresge and the undersigned
will not be
5,' ,lain}
a=lit. 11 you tart rite: blanket('o in hitch n,^r, liable to any person of whose t
:.w aa' arc 1.00(3 es. ret", sere a gift'I hlr. Carey Jtlynt,-of Western L'n}-- the undersigned shall net then have
seai he sieetijiy :tnpr.t,at,el, Or if you ver'sity. Iondon. eras gu(,t so101s1 at inotice for the assets ,:n 11ist.rihnte1
r-ul,i rix to gi.ve le the blanket H the anniversary s(•rviees at Thrones 1 or any part thereof..
Hensall branch I* I 0 td on mound, . }Fated at Seaforth this 21'111 day cif
0f the en-, t:.nell of the
Lev. R. A. Ilrook conducted ser -
Red Cross Mr. Lawrence or Mrs. T vices in the United ('}lurch on Sun.
e rr itt or Mr Goodwin
or 4D s A• date and the choir sag„ two anthems.Co*stt will be pleased to receive
r . "Hear Thy Call Ringing" and "Lord
-• n •a donation f veru •peci.v that
▪ for that purpose. If the blanket Let Mc Serve The*"-
• 31.31, for e -Lary r- 11,li It Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn and
Miss Enid Parkins of London were
washed or tb.ane I,(fnr, - 1 •'• Township of
• t over .0 t d Cross, tic Me and \Sr Jame Parkins. The. Township Council of Meliillopreoms _
t a tin ae- 1 ft at the wore( -,1'°s. 1 i\ Ienthren is "'Wined N,
on Monday 0r 1''1'Iv y (iter wiii Assessment
as a Court of Revision o'
F£ ;:nu (ann,t bi'n>. tb5tla ;n flat- 0 1' d1 Ile petal iu Harruvel the Assessment Roll for the year
r n lI > r 14}}30 Tnh1 'ton s is int t }gross. JTr s. Bngrriron lt:a..
I been ie Hannve • at tilt' lionre of her 1941. at. the Carnegie Hall, Seaforth•
an3"n:,•r.* wilt he made se 1.t••r. Mls. Tepper. eating for her 011 Monday. the 3rd day of November.
rt same. A eorreetion 0i last ta0rh, r Mrs. Fawghlnrt. who ]las
r - r, eon.
c with • it:t( and pair, , f
la rr,0lhe Mrs' McKaig and 'cant Mt"
This .=1)0311(3 hitt 1'511.1 : e e at !yewrli.,-.
October, 1941.
Seaforth. Ontario.
Solicitors for the Administrator.
h I S h r e ,• 1t e r or with t to a parents.
1.141, at. 9,,o o'clock in the forenoon.
napping report is made.
It ill for *he Past few weeks.
v •eliortei4 that the 4 wants of girls Misr Mary McKai,g of Exet(xr sp5111! JOHN Mr'„A'}, Clerk.
.,ruts consisted of .d 1031'. 1 hat. 2 a few 311131;: this week with her
c will plat t la pairs
A number of the young people of
ot.ks par unit„ A rth•r shitm-nt r a^ne•I Church attended the annual
, in left Tuesday of this week rally of the Young People of Huron
Tree grossweight 0f this shipment presbytery held in ('lintou en Toes,!
4:31`', lbs. gain we thank the eltiy evening.
treesari W.I.I. for their splendid co-
operation and the many citizens of , The October meeting of the Lads
Hensall and district who have helped 1e Assoe'iatioti of Carmel Presbytei•-
to make this jam project Such a sur.- ion. (Muriel on Tuesday evening with,
0555 this season by their gifts and Mrs. Patterson i*1'esiding, was open-
servires. The first carload of jam ed by singing "Peace Perfect Peace,"
Has been sent overseas. A .second after which Mrs. Patterson led in
carload has gone forward to the sea Prayer. Mrs. Wm. Dmlglas' group
3Oa(tt. It feels good to have had s0m0 had charge of the program. Mrs. An -
part in the work which will mean so Hie Logan gave an interesting read -
much tie the people in England this ing. It was decided to hold a home -
winter. One more ward about 1301 s't'oking sale on November 8th in the
Cross membership. This is the time school -room of the church. Mrs. Ra -
31 year when the memb ;:hip fees bert Simpson gave an interesting
are due. Every person who contrib- paP1'r on the subject "Do not, lies
tes 51.00 or -more to a Red Cross afraid of change it is the eery
branch becomes a member and re_ settee of life." Hymn, 'Jesus Shall
ceives a dated Membership carol. Ev- feign \�her'el the Sun' teas sang.
ty said a member has a right to A slut. The Two Loves was pre -
say p sc+n led by Mrs Douglas Mrs. Cairns
-erne at the annual meeting and every and bars, Logan. Firs. Douglas cou-
we ntembe:r s un Sndispensable parr ducted 0 quiz og the "Women of the
of this or!eanization as a booster and 1111111 " 41.0eting c10(1(1l by singing
I, wankel. Please renew your cern- .,Guide Me Thou (treat, Jehovah,.,
imrehip now. If the reader is not a
followed by the Lord's prayer in
7 rnber of the heed Cross Society
te 'nv,te you to join without deiay.
:Me, H. 0.Lawrence-, Bank of Mon -
*real, Hensall, will be pleased to re-
rsive your fee and will give you an There was a row, and the under,
official receipt and a 1342 member- sized husband was trying to intimi -
ship card. date his wife. "I warn you," he
Lieutenant Donald McLeod of Cal- raged. "don't raise the animal in
gary, visited on Sunday with his me 1"
uncle, Mr. Thos. Welsh and cousin, t ,•That's all right," his wife retort -
Miss Florence Welsh and Mr. and rd. "I'm not afraid of mace,"
Mrs. E. L. Mickle.
Rao Service
Now is a good time to have your
Radio looked over before the
long evenings begin.
1 have several used Radios, both
battery and electric, for sale.
PHONE 834 r 24, Seaforth
Or It n 5tavk lmplemd a 1 d
At 7 tit 1.. Boy bold 1.int , t mil, north
c:rvi e I ln.yliel 1 and s m 1 ,e nth t „t
}'}anon, ai '1'h u.- I n O •t l I H'11(. ,t ,
0,'l,,, i. .bars, , 1.11114. ere the aulioeitnln
lloeses • Matched team of ). ey mare,
yrs. oid, grey mare, 12 years old, Prey ',td-
ing; 2 yr. old: hay mare. t yr, old: roan
Yearling filly, bay yearling gilding.
Cattle. Durham row. G yr. old due in
January ; Durham tow G yr. Id due m Iles
miry; Durham cow, s yr, old, due in Fel.
tinny ; Holstein r 1 yr, old, due in Jan-
uary ; black eew t old doetime of ale;
brae}, eon,. 7 yr. Old. due ,a J uu•, heifer
due in Feb: 2 heifer- In ,alt The following
Durham .1101 Hereford young. garde, ' nuns
about n -114 S heifers about 61,11 tbs., ,
sole, 1 n, r mouths ed.
,hunks, 12 1,,r' G wee. old; :ow
1,4-,, w due time of sale
t h Ire noel; I t 14 hybrid Barr-
e,! k t d Leghorn pullet.- tatting ,o lay.
loll l 1,ut- 3111 soy l4u•rls bred r G it.
0t, w , til ri 1 dew• ,am d, 11 Ind
n•,1 hill 1h fertilizer til hmnt M+"ev
H,n•t, hen rake. 114a ; ll e i. still t tib
•ulin,aor, Massey Harris ruling clow Massey
Harris volt i, atm aaai 110111 Vupor, Mas's'y
Harris sorely° ttauk, Frere & Wood m wet,
11 It. rut; Front & Wood hay loader, Mann
sprbe1. tooth rultivador, Frust 31 Wood dist;
4 ert ion harrows, 2 all:;np plows hay
moth and sildin). i k farm wagon, sleighs,
cutter, bonny. l h.1,, ens engine and cutting:
boy in gond eonditioO :adiaster cream separa-
1or 6311 Ib. 001,0.331. oily 4 yr. Hid, root pul-
110r, fanning mill, with Imager and complete
set 1 ,4eves, 2 wheel trailer, 2 set o f team
harness, -tit single and driving harness, hat,
rel spray, clticken grates and feeder. 2 rhiek-
en shelters, hot water incubator, 410 ere
Size; hay fork ropes and slings, shovels•
forks, double ores, nerkyokds, 500 ft: elm
plank, 2 III -plate lattories G volt.
Crain & Feed. 400 bus. oats, 300 bus.
mined oats and barky, , of choice• alfalfa and
bums y leans,
time th hay.O1 -tracks , t tarn in field, se,• -
0%1 bags of .esu aid table potatoes.
Furniture - No, 11 range for wood or coal,
air nein heater. dining room table aid G
eludes. l.te.hen table, chairs and glass cabin'
et, oak had, iron 33,11,. creaser -and stand
sewing maehine. barrel eha•n. Brussels rug
10'..19' rood as 110W, and amercing other
0,1313 s.
Term. ('a>I. Eve i;vthb,r to b0 •oid as. pro-
prietor has rented Iia farm.
34. J. Butler. Proprietor.
Edward 31W. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Al Cadmort s Stables: Seaforth, on
Tuesday, Oct. 28th, 2 p.m. 1 driving
stare. 7 years old. Durham cow, 6 yrs.
clue Dec. 10th; Holstein cow, 5 yrs.,
due Nov. 9th; Meek cow. 5 years, due
Nov. 12(11, Durham heifer with calf
at foot, 25 feeder cattle from 600 to
Ott lbs., 111 spring calves (Durbi rens
and Herefords). 40 chunks from 50 to
75 lbs.. ? sows with litters, 3 Port-
1 lightsleigh.' etc
First. (.',lade Cscan,e'l }putter
8 pounds $1.01
Maple Leaf Salmon, lb, tins 21%c
Golden Net Salmon. lb. tins 17%c
Golden Net Salmon. Is, tin .., 29%c
Carnation Milk, talls, 2 tins,.. -. 18%c
Aylmer Pumpkin,large tins
2 title ... err e... 21%r
Aylmer Orange and Grapefruit
Marmalade, 2 lb. jar 271 ac
Dr. Ponied() Grapefruit Juice 2s
2 tins 29%c
Odex Soap. 1 cakes
Castile Soap, 12 cakes 25c
Pastry Flour, '34 lbs. .... ....69c
Purity flour, 9S lb. bag
. .seer 2.89
Wheat Berries, 5 lb. bag .21
Potatoes, 75 Ib, bag 1.05
Pig. Starter, 100 lb. bag
Oil Cake Meal, 100 1b. bag
• 2.49
ti %
lir wx.3
Auction Sale
Lambert Salo Yards, Strathroy,
Saturday, October 25111,
200 head of mixed stock cattle. 'A
nice run. Sales every Saturday, Priv-
ate sales during the week.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farnl Stock and Implements.
Mr. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has
received instructions from the under-
signed to sell by public auction at
Lot 23, Con, 8, Morris Township, on
Friday, Oct. 31st:
Horses—Bay snare, 8 ,year's old;
brown mate, 8 years old; black
glare, 9 years old; black snare. 10 -
years old; 2 sucking colts.
Cattle. --Hereford cow, 7 years old,
supposed in calf; Hereford cow, 8
years old, supposed in calf; Hereford
POW, 7 years old; Hereford cow, 6
years old; 2 heifers 2 years 01d; 4
heifers 1 year old 4 steers 1 year
old. 6 spring calves.
Pigs ---40 chunks pigs.
Implements ---M. H. binder, 7 foot
cut; hi, H. mower, 6 foot cut; M. II,
manure spreader; 51.13. hay loader;
51. 1I. 13 -hoe. seed chili; 1I, II. side
rake; horse rake, 10 foot; truck
wagon; 1 high wagon with box; 1
cutter; set sleighs; disk harrow;
set harrow. 6 section; 2021 Fleury
land starts, w s plow; single riding plow; doubly rid-
sleighs. '3 ptalptra, 1 new wheel Ling plot; e111ti31(1W with seeder;
barrow. SlsCotmiclt- Deering walking si,'e1 land itis} r. Io foot; haractreiw
allmon w. sit l w•ction gar- coli: wugan tacit with half ('it;
rows, bustgK} set of harness flask• „et'oh rack: .,'t »non lb. scales: fain•
atrh.'want robe, Terms cash. 1Iolner 1311131 n11111 hog (Tat,. 1''( 51111E5 and
11111:1. Prop.; Ha10311 Jackson, duct• tock; 11, b. power Fats engin[; set
i0n5er' pow r clippers sea .10111135 [,how liar.
.11s" 1101511.11 cow, 1' Years old, nese sets ht•e•ee•hing harness: 2
due tem. 10, sets plow harness; 1 set double driv
(ug 11141n(ss; I set single harness.
Furninu(-2 bed steads; 1 side
board: 1 ext3nsiun table; r3 (emirs. 1
leather rocking chair; 1 tniesta•y
1113, 9x1111,
Sap pa11s scaler
53131' eonamen•es at 12,:31 53111131,
Terms cash.
Benne Jackson. Blyth R.11. =2
HurokT ,Taacksnn.
Seaforth, .knee.
('heap for quick sale. In good eon•
elitron- Includes toes and tubes. 11rs.
Jas. W. Handy. Seaforth, R.R. 4,
Farmers wishing to gritvel their
lane:. from the crusher. can do so
by tppleinl; to Geore'e Aberhart.
Phone >;52r5.
ale and
The retirees are free. with a
subsistence allowane of 57 a
week fm• single and 512 a week for
married persons.
Stweessfil Applicants are eseur-
est employment. Transportation is
provided io the training (entre.
Men. ages. 16 to 15 years and
over 26.
Single men between the ages of
2(1 and 26 if unfit for military ser -
vie". Women 16 to 40 years.
Applicants for training will be
interviewed at 8 P.M. MONDAY,
HOTEL, SEAFORTI-4, by Mr. 1'.
(� a
Dancing 8 to 1.
CT. 28
Admission $1.25
Advance ticltets on sale at 51.00 tip to 6 P.M. Toes,
day. Oct. 2e. Make money order payable to
el�, $tier};:
Fawns Stock and Implements. lir.
Harold ,Tacksem bas been instruet.311
to sell by public tinction on Lot 2,1
Om. n. 9, !libber( Township. P t miles;
west of Staffs, on Friday, (neither
4111at I paw,
ca t 11. r elrndee 1Methane aow•s dot'
t0 fresht•u in win151' :11111spring; 3
iwn.• year-old Dnrham heifiirs. to
freshen in Marcie, it Muth Stu t ,e•i'.'
rising 2 years oltl, Durham heifers
rising 2 years old steer spring
itivts; 2 le (ter slrni31 calves; Dur-
ham bull using 2 years old.
Implements- Frost. & Wood spring
tootb cultivator, steel roller, 2 clrltms,
13-110e rc scec1
4 eC
t'o1i n
harrows. It plate treses 12 plate disc.
2 furrow ('ocltshutt riding plow,
Oliver corn seuffler. Deering plower,
sulky rig, 2 farm wagons, rolling hay
rack, funning grill. stone boat, brass
mounted set of breeching harness,
manure spreader, whiffle trees, neck -
yokes, forks, shovels, and household
effects. Scales. 2000 lb. capacity; 100
sap buckets and spites, 2 stip pans.
Terms cash.
William Jeffery, Prop.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ting, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. m.
To Lot 24, Con. 2, Hibbert, about
2l; months ago, a heifer, part Jer-
sey. Owner can have same by pay-
ing expenses, Apply to Dan Cronin,
St, Coluniban, Phone 221'17, Dublin.
High school girl, 15, i apahle and
used to baby, would like board and
roost in exchange for. Services even--
ings. Apply to Box 12 7, The Sea -
forth News.
Power cutting box, 12 inch throat,
in good repair. Apply to Henry Dietz,
Dublin RR, stn. Dublin telephone.
Lot 5, ('.tit. 94 SlcKillop,
34 White Leghoru pullets, laying,
for sale. J. A. Nichol. Walton. Phone
9tm23, Brussels central.
Good used bicycle, cash, Murray
Williams, c, o Peter Petersen, R.R.4.
One purebred Shorthorn bull for
sale, 9 months old. Roy Bennett,
Walton. Ont. Phone 82.4, Brussels.
Auction Sale
Of House, Lot and Furniture at the
hone, of the late Frani[ Weekes, Lot
2, Crawford Survey, Varna, on Fri-
day, October 24th. at 1,3(3 p,m., con-
sisting of the following:
5 piece living room suite, Morris
chair, 3 rocking chairs, 4 tables, rug
10' x 12'; tapestry rug, congoleum
rug, leather cough, 6 oak leather
seated dining room chairs, combina-
tion china cabinet and buffet, white
drop head sewing maehine; 2 com-
plete bed room suites; number of
mattresses, day bed; chest of draw-
ers; toilet set; commode chair;
quilts and blankets; fallen leaf
table, kitchen cabinet, 6 kitchen
chairs, 2 cupboards, kitchen stove
(Cosy Horne); lawn mower, 2 pieces
of congoleum 2 x3 yards; silverware,
sealers, dishes and numerous other
articles. 1929 Essex coach in good
At the same time and place the
house and Int will be offered fbr sale.
Tho lot consists of Se acre of land
with 114 story asphalt shingled
house with hydro installed.
Terms cash
Edith Beatty, Executrix.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
One 18" grinder. Apply to Leo
Stephenson, It. 11, 2, Seaforth, Ont.
Certified tipples, Spy, Snow, Rus-
set, Talman Sweet, Greening, Bald-
win and cooking apples. Phone Clin-
ton 622.24. Fred G]ymon
& Varna
9 pigs six weeks old. Arthur Hen-
derson, phone S54r13.
00 .. ........ ee,ll, l ett,,"1,1,1101111,n a l,nalta,e.l.11 nnl,eetel
Al! Sizes
John Sclater Estate
For Mineral for tattle, Pigs or
Poultry, see your 'Watkins (Maio',
Wni. Bradshaw. 1
ks east of
St t Public 'cLtiturv.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday. of each week dur-
ing October and November. Cider
mill iocated on the street leading to
the Golf Course, West Ward, Mitch-
ell. Fred Hennick, Proprietor. Terms
cash. Phone 181, Mitchell.
Good trimmed soft woollen, six
cents cash; or seven cents trade on
blankets or rugs. Write the only
authorized Company salesman in
this district. H. Smelser, Mitchell,
Rooms for rent in Seaforth. Phone
30, Dublin.
2000 Ib. Renfrew scale, Royal Oak
heater, pipes and platform; sugar
kettle. set bed springs, small iron
gate with hinges. harness, Sask.
robe. wire stretchers. 40 gal, galvan-
ized tank. Apply to Box 102, Varna.
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
postpaid, in plain sealed envelope,
with pricelist. 6 samples 25c. 24
samples $1.00, Adults only. Atex
Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont.
Rosso Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and
"Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua-
ranteed 25 years. Rosso Portable
Silos, Galvanized Sheet hem, al)
sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings,
Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized
Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroulhs,
Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge
and Valley, Door Track and Hard -
Ware. Extension Ladders up to 44
feet in length. Asphalt Products in -
eluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick
Siding, instil -Brice Siding, Roofing
Paints, Plastic ('amen, Building
Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray
'ryudnll, Ilrucefeld. Plume Clinton,
618 ring 12.
Ire Piro, Auto, Sickness k, Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Mates reasonable. All risks placz•.t.
+n first class companies.
Infermatine recer!ilty vivre