The Seaforth News, 1941-10-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Maclntyre
of Detroit visited during the past
week with the latter's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mrs. Gordon Appleton has moved
10 Exeter where she has taken an
Corporal Lawrence Ilaynitam of
Camp Borden, who was on his last.
leave, visited with Mrs, Bay.nham,
Bobby and Jimmy.
Mrs, Donald McKinnon moved 'into
the dwelling leeeutly vacated by
Mrs. Marjorie jorie Sparks this week.
11 .is. Harold and Donald MMill-
ard et St. Catharines ,pent. the week.
end with their parents. 111, and
Mrs. Ezra Willard.
Mr,.1. l,. Case c is enjoying a two
weeks' vac. ion anti spent 0 few
tiu.r this week hi Detroit,
Mr and Mrs. Ted Taman and baby
f Listowel spent the week end with
Mrs. Tamara's mother. 1Irs. C. Mc -
Lionel'. Mr. and Mrs. Tannin were
guests at the Greer-Bonthron wed-
ding on Saturday.
The Field Day meet, Relit in Hen -
salt cn Wednesday last, sponsored by
and LeRoy O'Brien. Dr. A. R. Camp-
bell, president of the committee, and
the iocal teachers were in charge of
the arrangements. A softball game
was an added feature on the pro-
gram. Junior girl: champion, Betty
Munn, S. 5,10, Hay. 8 points, Junior
Boys' Champion, Billie Campbell,
Hensall, 11 points. Senior Girls cham-
pion, Elizabeth Grant, Hensall, 10
points, Senior Boys' champion, Don•
aid Joynt, Hensall. 10 points, Inter-
mediate girls' champion, Shirley
Wolff, Hensall, 11 points; It:termed-
fate'boys' champion. Ross Gascho.
Zurich, 2d points
Mis • Mao Swaim of London visit -
.rd on Sunday with her patents, lir.
:=rid MH e, Peter Swaim,
Hiss Olive Walker. RN., h.ft this
.,k for Albany Hospital, N, T.. to
sutie her duties after :pending the
„,,t month with her parents. It
t.rd Mrs, Geo. Walker.
1I (. r:ad Passmore sow, of the IICA
El.ell.vM visited ore?' the Ree
n,! with itis patents. MY. anti Mfrs
370 and Mrs. Gerald Colvin o
Lelia tlle�t on the loan is mud
t..:n,i at.t, Mir. and Ili,. Fred Corltet
n Sunday.
Commencing this geek the stores
will be closed on Tuesday evening
during he fall and winter, They wil
be open Saturday ev, nings and ev
ery evening during December.
The Arnold Circle of Carne
Church held a successful social eat
ening on Wednesday at the home o
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Game
were enjoyed and refreshment
Mr. Robert Passmore, B.A., ha
left to resume his studies at the ttni
versity of Toronto after visiting hi
parents, lelo. and Mrs. John Pass
A number of members of Cannel
Presbyterian congregation attended
the evening service in Caren Presby-
terian Church, Exeter, when the pas-
tor. Rev.. D. C. Hill, preached his
farewell sermon, taking as his text,
"He who giveth his life shall find it;
and he who saveth his life shall lose
it." Rev, Hill has been called to the
color's with the Canadian Army and
has been appointed district chaplain
and reported at District No, 2, Tor-
onto on Tuesday. He is well known
among the congregation of Carmel
Church having been interim moder-
ator during- the vacancy preceding
Res, Wm. Weir, B.A., and having
exchanged pulpits with the minister
here during the holidays for the past
several years and Carmel church
Congregation will follow his career
with much interest.
Miss Mildred Hackney is spending
a few days at her home on the
Thames Road owing to ill health.
W. M. S. Entertains
the Hensel!. Kfppen and Zurich war
service committee. was largely at-
tended, the weather being ideal. The
committee in charge was DIr, R. H.
Middleton, chairman; Messrs. ,W. R.
Davidson, Ted Oliver, Ed Gascho,
Donna oftaBlenheim spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Rigbys parents,
Mr, and Mrs, 'Stewart McQueen.
They were accompanied home by
Miss Helen McQueen, who will. visit
with them,
Ret, Wtn. Weir, B.A., conducted
se00ires in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday and thy. choir
contributed two anthems entitled
"Teach Me O Lord,' and "0 Wor-
ship the King."
Next Sabbath being Thanksgiving
Sunday special services will be held
iu the local churches with special
mute by the choirs.-
11r, and lis. Enoch Parker of
L'owntanvil1 re visiting with. their
-oft and d to titer' -in late, ,Mir. and
110 Harold Parker.
iii and Sirs. Harry Joynt and
daughter Judith Ann of 1.0101011 and
1)t M'i in. T..Joynt of Loudon spent
Sunday with their mother, firs Alice
Joy-nt, -
W.M.S. Meet—
The October meeting oi' the W.M,
S. of the United Church was held on
Thursday afternoon with the presi-
dent, Mrs. Cross, presiding, follow-
ing the opening exercises the busi-
nees was taken up and arrangements
made for the annual thankoffering to
he held Sunday, Oct. 26th when
Rev. A. Sinclair of Blyth will be the
special speaker. Arrangements were
made to have Miss Agnes McPhail
speak here some future date, Mrs.
A. Spencer then took the chair and
"Blest Be Tie That Binds" was sung
and tars. C. 1tieDonell read the
Scripture from the 6th chapter of
Galatians. A vocal duet "Above the
Bright Blue" contributed by Mrs,
Hedden and Mrs. Hess was mach
enjoyed, accompanied by Miss Irene
Douglas at the piano. Mrs. Laramie
led in prayer and the topic was tak-
en by Mrs. Geo. Hess. Miss Jean
Murray spoke briefly in the interests
of the W.C.T.U, and the meeting
closed with the benediction,
Senior Mission Circle Meets.—
The Senior Mission Circle of the
United Church commenced their fall
Sangster, labor, hall, $6.0;0; 0.
Twitchell, supplies, fire dept. 512,50;
W. R. Davidson, coal for hall, $155.
)Total $265,39. Council adjourned to
meet November 3rd.—Jas, A, Pat-
terson, Clerk,
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hayter and
Donnie of London visited recently i
with Mrs.Hayter's parents, Mr. and
;Mrs IL D.Bell.
Messrs, Nelson Pepper and Mur-
ray Traquait' of' Hamilton spent the ,
week end at their respective Montes '
Mr. and 11 is. Milton Lavery and
family of Port Dalhousie, sten a few
days visiting with :Mrs. Lavery's
p .rents, Mr. 1001 ;tars, Thos, Harris,
and :lir, and 1Irs Earl Pa<sntnre,
Ilr. and Sirs, Stott Welsh aitil
Wayne visited i C
n Y. Thomas over
the week end with Mr. and Mrs, 0.
1I. (,rant and family.
Ray iMleLttrum) entertained a nuto-
bei' of his chants tit. a birthday party
at his home on Tuesday- afternoon:
The new home ,of Mr, and Mrs.
Scott Welsh le rapidly nearing coin-
pletion and they expect to stove into
'the dwelling soon. The building is itt
charge of Mr. Thos. Welsh and will
be very modern and convenient,
On Thursday afternoon of last
week little Wayne Welsh entertained
twelve of his playmates at his home,
the occasion being his birthday. Hats
and balloons provided fun for all,
and games were played, followed by
Miss Jung Sauudercock is visiting
with relatives in Kitchener.
Word has just been received here
of the death of Mrs. A. R. Camp-
jbell's mother, Mrs. MacDonald; in
Nova Scotia. The deceased under-
went an operation some time ago,
having had her leg amputated, and
has been in declining health since,
, Mrs. Campbell was called to her
I home owing to the serious illness of
Iter mother- and has spent several
weeks with her.
Continued Prom Page One
att,l winter meetings by meeting at son; Grade 11, ist, Wilma Hay; 2nd,
the hotter of Miss Gladys Passmore ,latae Moffat; Grad' 10, 1st, Phyllis
on Monday evening., opening with Barry, 2nd, Leo TTiekncll; Grade 9,
1,, hymn sot;.: and the Lord 1 , Allan Ryan, Kenneth I'iaton,
in urn nu. Mt. Fdna Satmdurcork The tirst part of the program was
S • •' 'ss- Kn.). F read the Scripture and 310. I. "On the Good Ship Jolly. Rover," in
k Pht dile took the devotional (:icing which 1110 following took part: Solos,
thanks,' after which Miss Annie. Joe Patten, Ken Beating, 11Iarion
' Funk led in prayer. MItss trout Dong- Matson. Joan McMaster, Altyvonto
f las spoke• 011 the workof the Mission Moore, Don McKay. Isobel McKellar,
Circle. The business items were tali- claateets, Helen Smith, Isobel lleKel-
i en up and the meetings will be held 111'; pirettts. Marguerite Westeott,
the tirst Monday night teeth uutnth ,Jean Wright, Helen Smith, Ahy
a •hen refit htnent,s will be served. voune Moore. Janet Handley. Bath-
s Th • meeting. concluded by- singing leen Holies. Pirate crew, captain
1 the national anthem. Morgan, Joe Patten; mates, Miles
Jet, 11. A. Brook was in charge of MIe Mullan, Frank Ryan, George Hil-
the services in the 'United Church 011 dcbrand, Keith Dale, Leo Hicknell,
1 Sunday and in keeping with the Neviile McMillan, Frank Casson;
World Communion, communion ser- Crew, Arnie Archibald. Ken Keating,
f, vice was held in the morning. The Jim Southgate, Neil Hopper, Gordon
s. choir sang two anthems "Since Jesus Wilson, Don Munn, Joe' Hicknell,
s Died for Me," and "Lord Let Me Ted Milliken, Archie Watt, Roger
i Serie Thee," Milliken, Joe Devereaux, Ernie Clark
s Greer-Bonthron— ,Joe Anderson, Don McKay, Hugh
The home of ,Mfr. and Mrs. James Doig, Harry Scott, Frank Casson,
s ' Bonthron was the setting for a char- I Pat Bechely, Jean McMaster,' Marion
- ming wedding on Saturday at high Mason, Doris Ferguson, Mary Dun-
ni I.noon, being beautifully decorated teen, Geralda Flannery, Teresa 0' -
with autumn flowers for the cere-
mony when their only daughter, Car-
olyn Jean, became the bride of Mac-
s Craver
Neill, Janie Moffat, Dorothy Smith,
Jean Hurford.
Act Two—''At the Box Office,'
Allister Burwell Greer of London, taking part, Lillian Southgate, Jim
son of Dins, Sarah Greer and the late Kelly; Neville McMillan, Maxine Mc -
A. B. Greer of London. The bride, Brien, Dorothy Agar, Margaret 0' -
given in marriage by her father, was Reilly, Serve Blanchard, Alvin Pryce
and Jack Cleary.
"Just A Playboy," Miles McMillan,
Kathleen Holmes, Marguerite West-
quet of "i'alisntan roses. Miss Betty cat, Joan McMaster, Ahyvotne
Claire Plaagrneyer of Detroit, niece Moore, Jean Wright, James Jamie -
of the groom, was bridesmaid, wear- son, ,Tack Patrick, Leo Hicknell, Ro-
ing a white net floor length skirt ger Milliken,
with paddy green bodice and carried "Confessions," Frank Cassons, G.
a bouquet of yellow and rust mules, Hildebrand,
"Boy Meets Girl," Ernest Clarke,
Elizabeth Lane.
"A Pretty Girl," Ken Keating,
thron, brother of the bride, was best Joan McMaster, Mildred Aitcheson,
routine Matthews, Betty Matthews,
1 man. The bride's mother received in Lois Wright, Fergus Bell.
a floor length dress of aqua blue "Scandal in Clinton" L. South -
crepe with gold accessories and col'- gate, Jack Patrick, Neil Hopper, F.
sage of talisman roses and the Ryan, Arnold Archibald.
groom's mother chose a navy print "Scoop," Lois Wright, Jim South -
chaining in a floor length gown of
white sheer over taffeta with finger-
tip veil and carried a beautiful bou-
Rev. Wm. Weir performed the cere-
mony and Mr. A. D. Anderton of
Wirtgham, formerly Godei•ich, played
the wedding march. Mr. Harold Bon -
Home Helpers— crepe suit with matching accessories gate, Archie Watt, Keith Dale.
The W. M. S. of Carmel Church' and corsage of Better Days roses, "Drill of the Robots," Dorothy
Forrester, Dorothy Smith, Pat Bech-
ely, Therese O'Neill, Dorothy Mac-,
Kenzie, Helen Smith, Jean Agar, B,
Campbell, Geralda Flannery, Doro-
thy Huisser, Lenora Habkirk, nixie'
"Grande Finale," soloist, Marion`
Mason and the entire cast.
Production Staff—Director, Mei-
burn E. Turner, B.A.; dancing in-
structress, Bernice G. ITarper; stage
manager, Allan Smith, M.A., assist-
ant, Keith Harrison; make -tip, Miss
S Wood B A • assistants Miss E.
very successfully entertained the
Home Helpers at a supper meeting
in the school room of the church on
Thursday evening. The room and
tables were tastefully decorated with
autumn flowers for the occasion.
Mrs. A, Logan presided over the fol-
lowing program arranged by the
Home Helpers and opened by sing -
liar "0, Master Let Me Walk with
Thee." followed by prayer by Mrs.
W. M. Bell. The scripture, Hebrews,
chapter 11, was read by Mrs. 3.
Hazelwood. The roll call was an-
swered with "Faith," Mrs, J. Cairns
favored with a vocal solo entitled,
"I Have a Friend." The business was
presided over by the president, Mrs.
A buffet luncheon was served to
some thirty guests following the cer-
emony. Later the young couple left
amici showers of confetti and best
wishes on a motor trip. The bride
donned for travelling a beige wool
bouche suit with brown feather hat
and brown accessories. They will re-
side in London.
1 The Young People of CartneI
Presbyterian Church held a business
meeting on Monday evening in the
school room of the church with the
president, Miss Irene Hoggarth, pre-
siding. A nominating committee com-
prising Misses Sally Manson, Ruth
Maclllvenna, Bobby Cameron and
Jim Mustard were appointed to sel-
C. Hudson, who welcomed the Home ect the slate of officers.
Helpers to the meeting. Mrs. Logan ' A number of the members of the
and Mrs. Davidson reported having W.M.S. of the United Church attend -
made sixteen calls during the past ed the Presbyterial held in Clinton
month. Mrs. Workman and Mrs.. on Tuesday.
Sangster will visit during the next Council Meeting.—
month. Arrangements were made to I The regular meeting of the village
pack boxes for the boys overseas council was held on Monday evening
and Ivbrs, W. R. Davidson and Mrs. at 8 p.m, in the council chamber
A. D. McEwen were appointed to with all members being present, Min -
pack same. The Home Helpers' re- utes of the previous meeting were
port was given by Mrs. A. Logan read, Kerslake and Parkins that the
and the treasurer's report was given minutes be adopted as read. Carried.
by Mrs. 'A. D. McEwen. Arrange- 'R. J. Patterson, tax collector, report-
ments were also made for the thank ed receiving $1,275.20 in 1941 taxes
offering to be held in the near fut- to date. Thos. Kyle reported re the
ure. Mrs. Jas. Parkins gave the ad- gravel for the streets being available
dress for the evening on "Suffering at MacLean's pit. Reeve Shaddick
Human and Divine, and Console- reported the interview with the
tion," which was most interesting highway engineer, Stratford, re sur -
and helpful. The program concluded face treatment of Ring street. J. A.
by singing '"Faith of Our Fathers," 'Patterson reported as being served
after which 1VIrs. Wm. Douglas lad with a revised assessment on the
in prayer. 'Black Creek Drain extension, Cor -
Mr. Thos. Shaddick is visiting respondence read; Dept. Municipal
with relatives at Londesboro, !Affairs, Dept. of Highways, Munici-
The W. M. S. of the United pal World, A. E. Donald, E. MacKin
Church will hold their annual thank non, Bell Telephone Co., D. E.
offering ,on Sunday, October 26th, Holmes. Bills and accounts: A. Tay and shook his head. with an air of
when Rev, Arthur Sinclair of Blyth, :ler, labor fire tanks $1; IT: Hyde,
will be the special speaker. I tractor at park 52; Chas. Mika, car ectasy. Afterthis pantomimic comp -
In Memoriam
AUSTIN—In loving memory of a
dear husband and father, Alfred
Austin, who passed away 001, 8;
Time speeds on, four years have
Since death its gloom, its shadows
Within our home, where all was
And took from us a shining light.
We miss that light and ever will
Ilia vacant Chair there is none can
Down here we mourn but not in vain,
For up in Heaven, we will meet
—Ever remembered by wife and
Auction Sale
00 House, Lot and Furniture at the
home of tite late George Weeks, Lot
2, Crawford Survey, Tacna, on Fri-
day, October 24th, at 1.30 p.m., con-
sisting of the following:
5 piece living room suite, Morris
chair, 3 rocking chairs, 4 tables, rug
10'a,12'; tapestry rug, congoleum
rug, leather couch, 6 oak leather
seated dining room chairs, combina-
tion china cabinet and buffet, white
drop bead sewing machine; 2 com-
plete bed room suites; number of
mattresses, day bed; chest of draw-
ers; toilet set; commode ehair;
quilts and blankets; fallen leaf
table, kitchen cabinet, 8 kitchen
chairs, 2 cupboards, kitchen stove
(Cosy Home); lawn mower, 2 pieces
of cougoleum 2 x 3 yards; silverware,
sealers, dishes and numerous other
articles, 1929 Essex coach in good.
At the sante time and place the
hoose and lot will be offered for sale.
The lot consists of 1/1 acre of land
with 1t/: story asphalt shingled
house with hydro installed.
Terms cash,
Edith Beatty, Executrix.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Slnc•k, implements
and Furniture, At Lot 57 01 08, Bay-
field Road, 4 miles west of Clinton,
on Thnreday. Oetobet• 16th, at 1 p,m.
sharp: consisting of the following:
H0t'scs ('lyde mare. 10 years old; !
Mack driving ]corse (blond) 6 years'
Cattle—Registered Holstein cow.l
5 tears old, No. 328902, due Jan, itt;
registered Holstein cow, 5 years old,
No, 328901, clue Jan. 26; registered
Holstein heifer, 2 years old, No,
443731, due May 6; registered Hol-
stein heifer, 9 mouths o12, No. 483-I
187; registered Holstein heifer, 8'
months old, No. 484038; grade cow,
7 years old, due Nov. 9; grade cow, 8
years old, due Jan. 12; grade cow, 7
year's 010, dee Feb. 17; grade cow, 7
years old, tine April 16; grade cow,
5 years old, due March 6; grade cow, I
aged, due Feb. 26; grade cow, 9 years'
old, milking; grade heifer, 3 years
old, clue Feb. 17; grade heifer, EtA
years old, due time of sale; grade
Why Pay More
Salado Tea, Ib, 75c
Red Rose Tea, 1b. 75c
Tender Leaf Tea, pkg 35c
Maxwell House Coffee, 113 49c
First Grade Creamery Butter
lb, 35c
Choice Dairy Butter, 16 30c
Macaroni, 5 lbs- . __... 190
Five Roses Flour, 98 lb.
bag $2.99
Sepoy Flour, 98 ]b. bag $2.69
Pastry Flour, 24 ib. bag 63c
Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs 79c
Newport Fluffs, 63 oz. pkg.
Popped Wheat, 21 ox 25c
Wheat Berries, 5 Ib. bag23e
�� a et
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale 'lards, Stt•athroy,
Saturday, October 11,
260 head of mixed stock cattle,
Sales every Saturday. Private
sales during the week.
A, G. McAlpine, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of Farnt Stock and Implements.
Mr, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has
been instructed of sell by public
auction at Lot 30, North East Bound-
ary of 'Osborne, 11/,t miles south of
Cbiselhurst, (known as McTaggart's
corner), on Friday, October 17t1,
at 1 pan.
Horses—Matched team of black
stares, 10 years old; 1 colt, 5 mouths
old; 1 matched team of geldings, ris-
ing 2 and 3, sired by Favorite Again.
Cattle -2 yearling steers, 2 calves,
9 months old; 4 yearling heifers.
Pigs -5 sows due to litter in No-
vember, 20 clunes pigs,. 40 to 60 lbs.
Implements—Massey Harris binder,
Massey Harris seed drill, Massey
Harris cultivator; disc harrow, har-
row cart, 1 mower, sulky rake, riding
plow, 1 scutller, John Deere manure
spreader, set 2,000 Ib. scales; 1
wagon, ]fay rack. wagon box, buggy,
cutter, farming mill, cutting box, root
palpet Cyclone gross seeder, forks,
shovels, whiff]etrees, numerous 00101'
Terms, cash,
Martin McTaggart, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Sweet apples suitable for making
Apple Butter. Apply to Victor Lee.
Certified apples, Spy, Snow, Rus-
set, Tatman Sweet, Greening, Bald-
win and cooking apples. Phone Clin-
ton 622-24, Fred 1vicelymont, Varna.
For Mineral for Cattle, Pigs or
Poultry, see your Watkins dealer,
Wm. Brt h,t tt 3 blocks east of
heifer, 2� years old, due May 19; LOST
rade heifer 1% .
Implements—Mas,yey Harris bind-
er, 6 ft. cut; Massey Harris mower,
6 ft. cut; Massey Harris drill, 12
]roe; 1Massey' Harris tilsc, 14 plate;
ssey Barris cultivator; hay rake
gyears old, i A "Diamond Willow" cane be-
tween Jake Brootne's woodyard and
Albert Baker's residence, Seaforth,
on )Wednesday last. Keepsake. Re-
ward. Phone 842r 5.
10 ft. width; bean sniffler and pull- FOR SALE
et'; hand snuffler, nearly new; steel 3 Collie dogs, 2 month old, for stale.
land roller; 4 section drag harrows; Come and see that breed at work.
Quebec riding plow; Fleury walking Apply to John F. Beuermaun, phone
plow; lumber wagon; hay rack; 848 r 24.
wagon box and stock rack; top bug-
gy; set of bob sleighs and platform;
cutting box; fanning mill; 2000 ]b.
scales; grinding stone; set of heavy
harness and collars; 5, 10 gal. milk
cans; 85 gal. copper kettle; 100 sap
pails and sp]lea; also pans and boil•
ing equipment; heavy logging chain;
broad axe; tools and numerous other
'articles including household furni-
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale, subject to
reserved bid the farts consisting of
142 acres more or less, with 11/
storey frame house, bank barn, 64x
60 feet. and other out buildings.
Water supply consists of a never
failing spring and well water.
Terms of Sale—Terms on farm
made known on day of sale.
Terms on stock and furniture,
cash, and if desired 3 months' credit
will be given on farm implements
amounting to over Ten Dollars, on
furnishing approved joint notes bear-
ing bank interest,
Wm, H. Lobb, Proprietor.
Lorne Jervis, Clerk,
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Lester, B.A., kiiss R. Fennell, B.A.,
M M4 All B A 1 - •t'
en, genera cat -
nman. I H. Weedmark, B.A.; proper-
ties, Geo. Hildebrand, Frank Casson;
advertising, I. H. Weedmark, Miles
McMillan, Hairy Scott; rehearsal
pianists, Miss Harper, Mr. Turner;
call man, Don Stephenson; spotlight,
Harry Scott; orchestra, Bernice Har-
per, Arthur Golding, Jack Moore,
Betty Moore, D'Orleon Sills„ Jean
Habkirk, Kenneth Hart, Leslie Pryce
Oliver Pryee, George Reeves.
Th Chinaman could speak but lit-
tle English, and the Englishman
could speak no Chinese, nevertheless
the dinner went off very agreeably,
The two men sat facing one another
in silence while a neat Chinese but-
ler served them dish after dish of
surpassing delicacy. There was one
dish especially that pleased the Eng-
lishman, It was a rich stew of
onions, pork, mushrooms, and a dark,
tender, well -flavored neat that
Seemed like duck, The Englishman
ate heartily of this stew. Then he
closed his eyes and lifted his hands
Mr, Kennedy of the staff of the at park, $1; Hydro Com., hydro hall
Bank of Montreal, who recently un- - $7,29; Thos. Kyle,salary, 870; F. G.
dement an operation in Scott Mem Bonthron, postage, $5; R, J. Patter-
orial Hospital, Seaforth, is much son, selecting jurors, $1,50; R. E,
improved. Shaddick, do., 1.50, J. A. Patterson
Mr: and Mrs, Don Rigby and do. and car to Stratford, 85; 3.
liment to the dish he said interroga-
"Quack, quack?"
"No, no," said the Chinaman,
"Bow -wow -wow!"
Scotch Shorthorns
Tuesday, October 21
14 Bulls 16 Females
Send for Catalogue
Clifford H. Keys, R. R. 1, Varna
In Seaforth and Vicinity
I beg to announce, I, Sam Carter,
of Seaforth, have been fortunate
enough to get an agency with one of
the leading fur mtinutacturers of To-
ronto, who can save you 35% to 40%
in purchasing a new Fur Coat. I have
a complete set of samples of Ladies'
Fur Coats of all descriptions. Buy
direct from the maker to the wearer.
A liberal allowance on your present
fur coat. Remodelling and repairing
at factory prices.
North Main St., Seaforth
Of Farm. Stock and Implements..
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Is ridgy, October• 10th on Lot 28,
Cot. 14, Hibbert Township, four
miles east of ]'-iensall, at 12.30 p.m.,
the following:
Horses — Gelding; driver; good
teats work horses.
Cattle—Pure bred Durham roan
cow to freshen Nov. 1st; pure bred
roan cow with calf at foot, to fresh-
en May lst; pure bred Durham heif-
er, 2 years old, to freshen Apr. 280.;
pure bred heifer 2 years old to fresh-
en May 23rd. Oracle Stock—Roan
cow to freshen April 27th; red cow
to freshen April 17th; two 2 -year-old
steers, fait; two 1 -year-old steers; 2
Harness—Double set brass mount-
ed team harness; set double single
harness; set of third harness; set
single harness; horse collars; 2 buf-
falo robes; 3 horse blankets.
Implements — Cockshutt manure
spreader, new; Cockshutt riding
plow; Perrin riding plow; maple 2
furrow walking plow; walking
plow; Fleury walking plow; Massey
Harris spring tooth cultivator; 3
drum steel land roller; Maxwell
disc; Massey Harris fertilizer disc
drill; Massey Harris 13 hoe drill; 4
section Diamond set harrows; 3 sec-
tion Diamond set harrows; Frost
and Wood mower; steel rake; wag-
on; gravel box; wagon rack; Chath-
am fanning mill with bagger; bag
truck; cutting box; root pulper;
scraper; scatter; grass seed sower;
buggy; cutter; tongue and whiffle
trees tor light team; set scales (cap-
acity 1200 Ibs.); incubator (capacity
240 eggs), new; colony house, stove
and canopy; steel jack; 2 logging
chains; 4 sling ropes, new; 6 buggy
wheels; wagon jack; vise; anvil;
emery; 3 cross cut saws; Man cross
cut saw; rip saw; 3 -burner coal oil
stove; sap pan; 2 onion screens.
Quantity of hay; whiffle trees;
neck yokes, shovels, forks, hoes,
traps, barrels, and many other
Terms cash.
Mrs, Gordon Bolton, Proprietress.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
„ , „„t,„,,,t"tit,"u"t,Onn"nun,tn„""tt 001 f.
„rt B
All Sizes
John. Sclater Estate
,iediuun ”, ttt ttt ill.t„ 101111,1110.1.101.101111111011 .
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hayti
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Seaforth. Office itours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday
evening, 7•,30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
On James Street, desirable frame
house. 8 rooms, furnace, town
water and garage. Mrs. Frank Sills.
Yorkshire boars and sows 2 months
old from a boar and sows qualified in.
Advanced Registry, Wilbur Turnbull,
Brussels, - R. R. No. 2. Phone 28.19.
1 choice Leicester ram, 7 months
old. Phone 23 r 21, Dublin central.
Fred Beuermaun, Dublin, R. R. 1.
Dinette buffet for sale cheap. Ap-
ply to the News Office.
76 White Leghorn pullets, laying.
Bray St Tweddle breeding. Apply
Cooper Forrest, Zurich, R. R, #3..
Phone 99 r 2.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Tltttrsday, Friday, of each week dur-
ing October and November. Cider
mill located on the street leading to.
the Golf Course, West Ward, Mitch
ell. Fred lennick, Proprietor. Terme
eas]t. Phone 181, Mitchell.
Good trimmed soft woollen, six
cents cash; or seven cents trade on
blankets or rugs, Write the only
authorized Company salesman in
this .district. H. Smelser, Mitchell,
Rooms for rent fn Seaforth. Phone
3(], Dublin,
Land suitable for the growing of
flax. We prefer old sod and must
have it fall plowed either by the
owner or by ourselves, Hesky Flax
Products Ltd., Seaforth.
160 acres, 5th line' of Morris
township, on county -Provincial high-
way, NE 1d lot 6 and S?z, brick
house with frame kitchen, bank
barn, cement stabling, drilled well,
close to school. Some bush. Apply
at The News office; or phone
Brussels 15r4.
Old horses for fertilizer, until
October 20. J. Matthews, Phone Dub-
lin 23 r 22.
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
postpaid, in plain sealed envelope,
with pricelist. 6 samples 25e. 24
samples $1.00. Adults only. Atex
Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont.
A desirable building property on
Main St., half acre of land, small
barn and henhouse. A quantity of
brick, and cement blocks, may be
sold separately. Must be sold to wind
up estate. Mrs. Jean R. Dale, R. R. 2,
Seaforth, Administratrix.
Bosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and
"Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar
ranteed 25 years. Rosco Portable
Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all
sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings,
Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized
Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs,
Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge
and Valley, Door Track and Hard-
ware. Extension Ladders up to 44
feet in length. Asphalt Products in-
cluding Roll Roofing,' Shingles, Brick
Siding, Insul-Brick Siding, Roofing
Paints, Plastic Cement, Building
Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc, Murray
Tyndall, Brueefield.' Phone Clinton,
618 ring 12.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness 0i Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds,
Rates reasonable. All risks placid
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given