HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-10-02, Page 2PAGE TWO
Spoils Attendance
At The Bayfield Fall Fair
Indoor Exhibits Good and the
Showing of Animals High
Owing to the terrific wind and
rain atom on Thursday afternoon,
the crowd at Bayfield fair this year
was not as large as usual. The out-
side show was good and the animals
were of a fine type. The Huron
County Holstein Club and the Clin-
ton Swine Club participated. An
interesting indoor exhibit was shown
by the Red Cross, depicting the var-
ious boxes sent to prisoners in Ger-
many and other occupied countries.
Mr. William Sparks is president of
Bayfield Agricultural Society and
Mr. A. E. Erwin is secretary.
Wagon Class -Brood mare, Lind-
say Smith; foal, Lindsay Smith; 2 -
year -old, L. Smith; team, Win.
Percheron or Belgian - Brood
mare, Ed Foster; two-year-old,
Bruce Koehler; foal, Ed Foster.
Agricultural - Brood mare, H.
Turner, Elmer Webster; foal. H.
Turner, Elmer Webster; 1 -year-old,
H. Turner. Murray Grainger; team.
Elmer Webster. John ivIeGuire.
Heavy Draught Brood mare, H
Turner, Murray Grainger; foal. H.
Turner, MGrainger; ; 1 -year-old. M.
Grainger, H. Turner; team, H. Tur-
ner, 1liurr ry Grainger,
Roadster ' yea-oki, R Manson.
Single roadster, Currie & Tervitt.
and 2nd; gentleman's outfit. Currie
and Tervitt; team in harness, Cu,'ris
& Tervitt.
Carriage -Two-year-old. R. 3Ian-
son; lady driver, Currie. and Tervitt.
Best showing of horses by one ex-
hibitor, H. Turner, Best general
purpose mare and foal, Lindsay
Smith. Best heavy draught mare and
foal, H. Turner,
D1ik•h mow, Murray Grainger and
2nd; heifer. 2 years. M. Grainger
and 2nd; heifer, one year, R. Man-
son, Murray Grainger: heifer calf,
R. Manson, 31, Grainger; steer calf.
R. Manson; steer. two years, Mur-
ray Grainger and 2nd; steer one
year. M. Grainger.
Durham -Cow, R. 31. Peck, Wm.
Oestricher; heifer. two years. Wm.
Oestricher, R. 3I. Peck & Son heif-
er, one year, Wm. Oestricher, P.. M.
Perk and Son; heifer calf, Wm. Oes-
tricher and 2nd; bull calf, R. M.
Peck & Son, Wm. Oestricher.
Herefords -Cow. Ehuer t%'ebater;
heifer, two year,. E. Webster and
2ntl; heifers. one year, E. Webster
and 2nd; heifer calf. Elmer Web-
ster; bull calf, Ebner Webster.
1 r ey-Cows Llo'd Scotelntr;
heifer calf. W. I. Henry, Harold
I' ]hale; bull calf, 3I. Grainger.
Holstein flub -Poli. one year.
Hume Clutton, Wm. Spark.. Bern
Rathwell, Bisset Bros.; bull. under
1 year. Wm. Sparks, Colin Camp-
bell; cow, Hume Clutton and 2nd.
Bissett Bros., Wm, Sparks, Ben
fiathwell; heifer. 3 years. Wm.
Sparks, Bissett Bros., Colin Camp-
bell; heifer, 2 years. Bissett Bros..
Hume Clutton, W. Sparks, Colin
Campbell; heifer under 2 years, W.
Sparks, Leonard Leeming, Hume
Clutton, Bisset Bros.; heifer under 1
year, Hume Clutton and 2nd; Bisset
Bros., Wm. Sparks, Colin Campbell.
Get of sire, H. Clutton, Wm.
Sparks, Bisset Bros., H. Clutton.
Herd, H. Clutton, Wm. Sparks,
Bisset. Bros., Colin Campbell; cham-
pion female, Ii. Clutton, Bisset Bros.
Best beef herd, Wm. Oestricher.
Best dairy heifer calf, H. Clutton.
Best dairy heifer calf, W. Sparks.
Best beef cow, R. M. Peck & Son.
Best Jersey cow, Lloyd Scotch -
mei, Best 2 year old heifer, Wm.
Sparks, Colin Campbell.
Ram, Roy Pepper, D. A. Graham;
shearling ram, D. A. Graham, Guy
Dorrance; ram lamb, D. A. Graham,
and 2nd; ewe, D. A. Graham, Roy
Pepper; shearling ewe, Roy Pepper,
D. A. Graham; ewe lamb, D. A.
Graham, Roy Pepper.
Lincolns -Ram, A. D, Steeper. All
other classes, A. D. Steeper and and.
Oxfords -Ram, Orval McGowan,
W. M. Henry; shearling ram, W. M.
Henry, 0. McGowan; ram Iamb, W.
M. Henry, Orval McGowan; ewe, W.
1•I. Henry, 0. McGowan; shearling
ewe, Orval McGowan, W. NI. Henry;
owe Iamb, Wes Dearing, Orval Mc-
Shropshires - All prizes, Orval
Dorsets-Rant, P. E. Dearing, D.
McGowan; shearling ram, P. E.
Dearing and 2nd; ram lamb, Orval
McGowan, P. E. Dearing; ewe, 0.
McGowan, P, E. Dearing; shearling
Boar Harold Penitale; Sow, Snow-
den and Grainger; boar littered this
year, Guy Dormice, Snowden and
Grainger; sow littered this year,
Snowden & Grainger; G. Dorranec,
Yorkshire -Boar, A . H. Warner;
sow, A. H. Warner and 2nd; sow
tered this year, Roy Lamont, A. H.
Tamworth - Boar, Snowden and
Grainger, R. Manson; sow., Snowden
and Grainger, R. Manson; sow litter-
ed this year, R. Manson.
Pair bacon hogs, any breed, A. H.
Warner, Pen of three bacon hogs,
Roy Lamont,
Brahmas-Pullet, M. A. Fraser;
ck. M 4 Fraser, D. A. Graham;
hen, Fraser, Graham; ckl, Fraser.
Langshans, ck, h, M. A. Fraser,
Barred Rocks, utility, p. 0. Batt-
ler; h. G. Block; eki, 0, Battler.
Exhibition barred rocks, all class-
es, 31. A. Fraser. Rocks, white, util-
ity, p, 0. Battler; ek, Snowden &
Grainger; h, D. A. Graham. Snowd-
en and Grainger; eki• 0. Battler,
White Wyandottes, p, 0. Battler,
D. A. Graham; ck, h, 0. Battler;
ekl, D. A, Graham, 0, Battler,
Silver Wyandottes, p, h. ckl, 3'I.
.4. Fraser. Buff Orpingtons, all
stases, 11 4 Fraser, 0. Battler,
Silver grey dorkings, c, G. Block;
G• Block and 2nd. Brown i.eg•-
horns, p, ck, 31. A. Fr•asei 0.Bat-
tler; h. skim 0. P,attk't', Fraser; ckl,
3I. A, Fraser, 0. Battler. !White Leg -
horns. p. Fraser, H. Clutton; h. 11,
Clutton and 2nd; ckl, 31. A, Fraser,
W. Dearing and Son. Rhode Island
Reds, p, eki, Fraser, G. Block; c, h,
M. A. Fraser, Anconas-p. Fraser,
G. Block; c. eki, Fraser, 0. Battler;
Ii Fraser; ckl, Fraser, Battler.
Jersey Black Giants, p. D. A.
Graham. Fraser; c,Fraser, Graham;
h, Fraser, Graham; eki, Graham,
Fraser. New Hampshire Reds, p, G.
Plock and 2nd; e. Harold I'enhale,
G, Block; h, G. Block. H. Penhale;
eki, G. Block, Wes Dearing & Son.
!sight Sussex, p.Wes Dearing, 3I.
Fraser.; c. G. Block, Harold Penhale; G
h, G. Block, Carl Diehl; cid. Wes R
Dearing., 0. Battler. Guineas, c'. D.
A. Graham, Wes Dearing; lr, Gra-
ham. Dearing. Black Minorcas, p, G.
Block and 2nd; h, Harold Penhale
and 2nd; ckl, G. Block, Ancialusian-
---A11 classes, 0. Battler. Silver
liamburge, all Classes. 31. Fraser.
Blind; Hamhurgs. all classes. 0.
I earls r. Houdans, all classes, Battler,
Bantams, p. D. A. Graham lI 4
Fraser; c lI A Fraser. D. A. Gra.
ham; h. I). A, Graham lI A Fraser;
cid. D. A. Graham, 31. A. Fraser•.
Indian Runner Duck,, old and
young. 0.Battler.
baked beans, G. Daters, Mrs. A. Me -
lick; cold lunch, G. Daters, Mrs. A.
Melia k.
Pickles, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine,
jelly and marmalade, H, Desjardine,
Mrs. A. Melick; catsups, G. Deters,
H. Desjardine; canned fruits, 0.
Battler, H. Desjardine; canned veg-
etables, G, Daters, H. Desjardine;
canted meats, F. McClymont; maple
syrup, F. McClymont, R. Johnston.
White winter wheat, H. Desjard-
ine, H. A. Fuss; field peas, H. Des-
jardine; barley, H. Desjardine, 0.
Battler; white oats, H. Desjardine;
red clover seed, 0. Battler, Alf. Mel -
ick; timothy seed, H. A. Fuss, H.
Desjardine; sweet clover seed, F.
McClymont, H. Desjardine; flint
corn, 0. Battler; dent corn, 0. Bat-
tler, Snowden & Grainger; sweet
corn, H. Desjardine, G. Daters; pop
corn, H. Desjardine; pea beans, 0.
Battler, H. Desjardine; buckwheat
Garnet Daters, tallest and heaviest
stalks of corn, 0. Battler,
Grapes, .lir,. Metcalf, H. Desjar-
dine; collection grapes, Mrs. Mott:mit'.
Snowden & Grainger; peaches, A. H.
\V:.racy; plums, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs,
Snider; prune.. Mrs. Metcalf, F. Mc-
Clymont; yellow crabs, F. McClym-
ont ; red crabs, Harold Penhale, 0.
Battler; Bartlett, a ar eft. FL Penittile, F; 3Ic
Clyntont Sheldon pears I'. McClye
moat, H.Desjardine; pears any nth -
or variety. Pen Rathwell, A. H, War -
nor; collection of apples, F. NeCly- I
moat; winter apple,, Fred Middleton
F. McClymont; McIntosh Red, Fred 11
Middleton; Northern Spies, F. Mid- i
dleton; fall apples, F. Middleton, F. s
Mr Clymont; Tillman Sweets, Murray 3
singer, I+'. McClymont; McIntosh
els, plate, Fred Middleton, Snow-
den & Grainger; plate Baldwins, F.
McClymont. Snowden ,& Grainger;
Mann apples, Alf Melick. H. Desjar-
dine ; plate Spies, Fred Middleton,
111 Grainger; King of Thomkine, M.
Grainger. F. McClymont; Greenings,
31, Grainger, F.Mc•Clymont; Ribston
Pippins; Alf Melick, Snowden &
Grainger; plate wealthy. A. H. War-
ner. F. McClymont; plate Wagners,
Fred Middleton. Snowden ,\ Grain-
ger; plate Russets, Murray Grainger;
Mr:. Metcalf; plate Blenheim Pip-
pins, Fred Middleton; plate Snows,
Fred Middleton, Alf Melick; plate
Ontario.., Ilaroll•, Penhale, A. H.
Warner; Wolf River, Fred Middle-
ton; best basket of fruit. Mrs. Met-
calf. I''. McClymont.
Cut flowers, Alf Melick; boquet,
Alf Meliek, Mrs. Metcalf; Sylvia,
F. Middleton, Roy Lamont; modern
dahlias, H. Desjardine; dahlias, old
variety, Mrs. Snyder,
Geraniums, Mrs. Metcalf; asters,
Roy Lamont, Mrs. Snyder; annuals,
Mrs. Metcalf; zinnias, 0, Battler,
Alf Melick; gladiolus, F, Middleton,
Mrs. Howrie; roses, Mrs. Howrie;
table boquet, Mrs. Metcalf, F. Mid-
Landscape, oil, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs.
Howrie; Still life, M. Livingston,
Mrs. Howrie; landscape, water color,
Mrs. Howrie, M. Livingston; fruit,
Mrs. Metcalf,' Dl. Livingston; flowers,
31. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; draw-
ing, pen and ink, M. Livingston,
H. A. Fuss; drawing crayon, Mrs.
Howrie, M. Livingston; water color,
M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; china,
Mrs• Howrie, M. Livingston; stencil-
ing, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss;
traitoil, Mrs. Howrie, M. Living-
ston; flower's, ell, 3I. Livingston,
Mrs. Howrie; pencil sketch. M,
eel Johnston; quilt patched, 0. Batt-
ler, H. .9. Fuse; fancy quilting, 0.
Battler, II, A. Fuss; homemade com-
forter, 0 Battler, Mrs. Melick; com-
forter goose down, Rachael Johns-
ton; crochet afghan, M. Livingston,
Mrs. Howrie; hearth rug, Mrs. Mel -
ick, M. Livingston; hooked hearth
tug, Mrs. Howrie; braided rug mai,
Mrs. I1lelitk, silk braided mat, Mrs.
Melick; hand soap, Mrs. Snider, Mrs.
Beets, Irwin Pease, Doris Penhale,
Barbara McConnell, Toni Penitale;
carrots, Pat Graham, Theresa Ryan,
Vivian Clutter, Doris McEwen; on-
ions, Keith Gingerich, Vivian Chut-
'er, Doris McEwen; potatoes, Lewis
Dueharme, Ivan McClymont, Mona
Reid, Doris Reid; table corn, Doris
McEwen; best sunflower, Arabella
Leitch; pop corn, Jean Rau, George
Bell, Wilfred Castle, Beryl Castle.
Maple cream, Mona Reid, Ruth
Clark, Mary Elizabeth Beatty, Doris
Reid; peanut butter cookies, Mary
Reid, Helen Erratt, Mona Reid, Mo-
nica Graham; cake, Marie Talbot,
Marion Peek, Mona Reid, Elma Mar-
Guestetowel, Doris McEwen, Eliz-
abeth Steckle, Audrey Sturgeon;
handkerchief, Arabella Leitch,
Egg cup, Billy Peck, Ruth Snell-
ing, Irwin Martin, Phyllis Johnston;
cup and saucer', Anna Porter, Lulu
Martin, Helen: Blair, Margaret Ide-
I.eod; match box, Toni Penhale, Bet-
ty Jean Talbot, Geo,Beatty, Vivian
Chutes; soap carving, Marion Atkin-
son, Mona Reid, Ivan McCly cont,
Teresa Rau; scrap book, Gen Castle.
Aileen Castle, Moltke Graham Gar-
Liv- field Westlake; lawn ornament,
neth Gingerich, Doris Reid, Wilford
Castle, Keith Gingerie.h; work book.
Monica Graham. Viola Leitch, Betty
Head, Maxine Walmsley; work book
M. 7-:10 Doris McEwen, Beryl Castle.
Audrey Sturgeon, 31lvena Stur
eon; bilk house, 'Wilford Castle, Ar-
tnY Hold Dinkins, Clarence Larson, Doris
ss 1 Reid.
Best draWin Grade 0-10, Beryl
Castle, Paris McEwen, Arnohl llak-
ns, !Wilford Castle; drawing, pen
Ind ink, Doris McEwen,Marion eas-
el- tie Marie Talbot. ,Tin] Keys; (htlw•-
rg i ing Dowers, ;3-a, El via Martin, Glor-
r's• ; in Westlake Betty Hard. Tont Pen -
M 'halo; drawing flower::, grad, 7.10,
on Doris McEwen, Beryl Castle, Arn•
iF- old 31 akin,, Pat Graham; fruits, 5-0,
13lildred Steckle, :Aileen Castle, I<itr-
M. ice Graboin, Evelyn hell; alphabet,
''Tom Penhalrr. Viola Leitch, Albert
i Leitch, Maxine Wahnsicy; alphabet,
v-,.1-11, Gen. Castle, 3larn. Talbot. Manta
ell 1 Reid, Clifford Greer; alphabet, 7.11 ,
'- Dori McF:weu Marion Peck, Doris
`; I'radiate. Audrey Stur•geon;,drawing
1 fruits.7-10, Doris 11cEwen, Beryl
Castle Marie Talbot. Doris ]inhale.
Essay, Grade 7-10, 11,ryl c'astI.
s Marion Castle, Doris 3l'lhs n,
cry Sturgeon; neon; ,• . gado 1-0, Ail.
ten Castle, Betts Larson. Garfield
r• Westlake, Betty Heard.
Collection weeds, Marion Perk;
collection woods, Doris Penhale, Do-
ris Reid, Wilford Castle, Clarence
Table bouquet, Aileen Castle, Mtr
cion Peck, Beryl Castle, Doris Mr -
Pencil drawing, Doris McEwen,
Pat Graham, Donald McLeod, Mar-
ion Atkinson; crayon drawing, fruit,
Betty Jean Talbot, Billy Talbot;
crayon drawing flowers, Viola Leitch
Betty Jean Talbot.
Living Room Accessories -
Table centrepiece, 0, Battler,
Livingston tabic rear i ' P1 1 ' .
r 1u. . .ICIng-
ton; Roy Lamont; cushion. Bl. Lh•-
unstop, 0, Battler; cushion,
ther'kind, Mrs. Meliek, •H. A. Eu
Dining Room Accessories--
ccessories. .
Table Cloth, M. Livingston, H,
'uss; tea cloth, cut work; 31. Living-
ton_ Roy Lamont; tea cloth, en-;
roistered. 3I. Livingston, Mrs, 31
ck; tett cloth, crocheted, M. Ltvit
ton; Mrs. Melick; tray cloth, AI
Tolick, 3lrs. Howrie; centrepiece,
Livingston, Mrs. Melick; luncho
set, M Livingston, H. A. Fuss; hu
et set,3I. Livingston, Mrs. Melick.
Buffet scarf, Itoy Lamont,
Livingston; tea rosy, Mrs..Melick;
.Colored Linens--
Embroidered bridge set, 3L Li
ingston, Mrs. Howrie; erase stit
bridge set, M. Livingston, Mrs. How
rie; applique bride set, H. A. Pins
buffet set, 0. Battier, H. A. Fuss.
Bed Bloom Ae c e sories__.
Hemstitched sheets, 31. Livingston
H. A. Fuss; hemstitched pillow (1e.,
31. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; tuibroi
ery pillow cases, Roy Lamont, 3
Livingston; pillow eases, lace tun
M. Livingston, ti: A. Fuss; curtains,
3I. Livingston, H. A, Fuss; embroit
Bred towels, 31. Livingston, Mrs.
Howrie; crochet towels, 31. Living-
ston, Mrs. Howrie; dressing table
set, 31. Livingston, Mrs, Melick; tea
towels, Snowden & Grainger, Mrs.
Children's Wear -
Child's dress, 31. Livingston, H.•A.
Fuss; play dress, 31. Livingston, H.
A. Fuss; baby's jacket and bonnet,
Mrs. Howrie, H. A. Fuss; knit jack-
et, Mrs. Melick, M. Livingston boot-
ees, knit, Mrs. Melick, M. Livingston,
crochet bootees, Mrs. Meliek; baby's
petticoat, H. A. Fuss.
Ladies' Wear- -
Apron, Garnet Daters, H. A. FusS;
house dress, Garnet Daters, H. A.
Fuss; underwear, also smock, M. Li-
vingston; collar and cuff set, Mrs.
Melick, H. A. Fuss; pullover, H. A.
Fuss; fancy apron, M. Livingston,
Mrs. Melick; handbag, M. Living-
ston, 0. Battler; dress made from
old garment, M. Livingston, Mrs Me -
lick; dyeing garment, M. Livingston,
Mrs. Howrie.
lluskov a Ducks. ni,t, drake.Snow-
den & Grainger', Harold lenhab';
rlucic, 1'. E. Dearing., Harold Ieir-
hale; 3iuskova Ducks. young drake,
.luck, I'. E. Dearing.
Pekin Ducks, old, drake, Carl
Diehl, 0. Battler; duck, 0. Battler;
young drake, duck, Carl Diehl, 0.
Rouen Ducks, old drake, duck, 0.
Battler. Snowden & Grainger; young
drake, duck, 31. A. Fraser, 0. Batt-
Toulouse Geese, old. Lindsay
Smith; young, Carl Diehl.
Emden Geese, old, 31. A. Fraser;
young, A. H. Warner.
Bronze Turkeys, A. H. Warner 0•
and 2nd; young gobbler, A. H. War- bee
ner and 2nd; hen, Wes Dearing, A. nips
H. Warner. turn
Pair pigeons, M. A. Fraser; Tre Grai
wartha special and Gascho special,
0. Battler.
Early potatoes, Garnet Deters, 0.
Battler; late potatoes, 0. Battler, H.
A. Fuss; mangolds, Murray Grain-
ger; long red mangolds, 0. Battler,
F. McClymont, globe mangolds,
Snowden & Grainger; intermediate
mangolds, Murray Grainger, G. Dat-
ers; field carrots, 0 Battler; table
carrots long, Harry Little, H. Kalb-
f]eisch; table carrots short, 0. Batt-
ler, Harry Little; long table beets,
Battler, F. McClymont turnip
ts, H. A. Fuss, H. Little; pars-
, 0. Battler, H. Little; heaviest
ips, F. McClymont, Snowden &.
Table turnips, Fred Middleton,
Snowden & Grainger; sugar beet,
mangolds, Murray Grainger', 0. Bat-
tler; winter radish, 0. Battler, H. A.
Fuss; salsify, Mrs. Metcalf, 0. Batt-
ler; cabbage, 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss;
cauliflower, 0. Battler, Snowden &
Grainger; celery, 0. Battler, H. Lit-
tle; muskmelons, 0. Battler, H. Des-
jardine; watermelons, H. Desjardine,
H. Little; citrons, 0. Battler, A. H.
Warner; pie pumpkin, 0. Battler,
H. Little; largest pumpkin or squash,
0. Battler, F. Middleton; potato on-
ions, 0. Battler, G. Daters.
10 lbs. Salt Butter, Fred McCly-
mont; butter in 1 lb. blocks, Fred
McClymont; 5 ]b, crock butter, Rach-
el Johnston; fancy print butter, 0.
Battler, H. Desjardine; cottage
cheese, Garnet Deters; lard, Mrs. A.
Melick, F. McClymont; dressed
chicken; heaviest dozen hen's eggs,
H. Desjardine; brown shell, H. Des-
jardine, W. G. Clark.
White bread, Harold Penhale, Ra-
chel Johnston; nut bread, Mrs• How-
rie; graham muffins, Mrs. Snider;
layer cake, Rachel Johnston, Mrs.
Snider; scones, Rachel Johnston;
tarts, Rachel Johnston, Garnet Dat-
ers; short bread, Mrs. Howrie; choc-
olate layer cake, Rachel Johnston.
Fruit cake, Mrs. Howrie, buns, Ra- A.
chef Johnston; tea biscuits, Rachel head
Johnston, F. McClymont; cookies, H.
R. Johnston, Mrs. Howrie; muffins, herb
P. 31cClymont; meat loaf, R. Johns-1gree
ton; apple pie, Garnet Daters, R. I mart'
Johnston; raisin pie, G. Daters, R. gree
Johnston; lemon pie, R. Johnston; ers,
ewe, P. E. Dearing, Orval McGowan; school lunch, G. Dater,. squa
ewe Iamb, P. E. Dearing and 2nd. Fudge, A. Melick, 0. Battler; spec'
White onions, 0. Battler; red on-
ions, Harry Little, 0. Battler; yel-
low onions, 0. Battler, G. Deters;
red tomatoes, H, Kalbfleiseh, A. H.
Warner; yellow tomatoes, Mrs. Met-
calf, O. Battler; Largest tomatoes,
Mrs. Snider; gherkins, 0. Battler,
Ben Rathwell; cucumbers, 0. Batt-
ler, Alf Melick; small fruit tomatoes
I1. Warner, 0. Battler; largest
of sunflower, H. Desjardine, A,•
Warner; collection of garden
s, Mrs. Metcalf, Alf Melick;
n peppers, H. A. Fuss; vegetable
ow, Mrs. Metcalf, 0. I3attler;
n hubbard squash, Garnet Dat -
Harold Penhale; yellow hubbard
sh, 0. Battler; spaniels onion
al, H. Desjardine.
Men's Wear -
Sport's shirt, H. A. Fuss, G. Dat-
ers; pyjamas, H. A. Fuss, M. Living-
ston; pullover, Mrs. Howrie; mitts,
0. Battler, M. Livingston; heavy
socks, M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie;
fine socks; M. Livingston, Mrs• How-
Miscellaneous Work -
Patch hemmed, Mrs. Melick, H. A,
Fuss; filet crochet, Roy Lamont, H.
A. Fuss; tatting, H. 4. Fuss, Living-
ston; fancy knitting, H. A. Fuss, Mrs
Howrie; drawn thread work, M. Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Melick; hemstitching,
Mrs. Melick, M. Livingston; cut work
0. Battler, Roy Lamont; tapestry
work, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss;
cross stitch, M. Livingston, H. A.
Fuss; sampler, FI. A, Fuss, Mrs. Mel -
ick; carer table cover, Mrs. Howrie,
M. Livingston; sampler in cross
stitch, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss;
darning, H. A. Fuss.
Home Manufactures -
Bedspread tufted, Mrs. Howrie;
quilt applique, M. Livingston,.. Rach-
A Cockney, entering a tavern dur-
ing a "blackout," saw in a dimmer
corner a coal trimmer with the
marks of his calling still on his face.
"Blimey," said the Cockney,
"that's what I call overdoing it,"
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Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
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On seeing her nephew's fiancee
for the first time ---"I should never
have known you from your photo-
graph. Reggie told the you were so
Reggie's fiancee -"No, I'm not
pretty. so I have to try to be oke,
and it's such a bore. Have you ever
I-ittl, ,Mary was luartbt'oken when
her pet canary died, ;and to pacify
her, her father gave her an empty
Cigar box, and with nuich, ceremony,
assisted in burying the box in the
"Dud," whispered 31ary after then
funeral was over, will my dear
lithe birdie go 10 ireriven1"
I expect so," replied the father.
Why 1"
'L Hca- only thinking." murnmrcd
the youngster, "how cross St. Peter
will h.• when he opens the box turd
find, it isn't cigars a.iter all."
How America Bombers Get To War
v'•,•. as shown in 3 PICTURE
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plan,-s.,.fo] Britain and Russia..,
gel to the y(, 1105 of combat, via De-
troit These EXCLUSIVE photos,
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