HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Engagement --
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell; of
Hensall, announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter, Shirley Ber-
nice, to Allen Ross Davidson, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson,
Hensall, the marriage to take place
quietly the end of September.
1U'. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and
daughter Ann and Mr. •and M1's. Al-
bert Passmore of Delhi visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John
Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
The Marathon Bridge Club met
at the home of Miss Minnie Reid on
September 12. Mrs. Goodwin was
asked to take the chair for the elec-
'ion of officers. Miss E. Johnston.
president, and Miss K. Scott, secret-
ary treasurer. were elected for the
next terns Next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. F. G. Bonthren
on Sept. 2tith for the last meeting of
this reason The sum of ii 1,11 was I
handed ded to Mr. H. O Lawrenee the
treasurer of the Red Cross Society.
The W.11.S, of Carmel Pre:byter-
;an Church will entertain the Home
Helpers at a supper meeting in the
School room -of the church on Thurs-
day, October 2nd at d,30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and
daughter Karen of London visited
en Sunday with the forntet's par- l
efts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith.
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London vis -
ted over the week end with his mo -
The Exeter-Hensall branch of the
titer. Mrs.
W.C.T.L'. will meet in the sehool
roost of the United church on Thum- I
day afternoon at 0 p.m. Every hent
tier is urged to be present as this is
the opening meeting for the fall sea-
Miss Norma Cook left this week
to commence her studies at Western
University, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Wind -
't pent the week end with the '
nm •r's pitrente, Mr. end Mrs. Cor-
nelius Cook.
Miss, llauy Thompson of Seaforth
who has been on the staff of the
Dank of Montreal here for a num-
ber of :years, has resigned her pos i- 1
tion. which will MI be taken by ee
Jean McQueen.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1941
Experienced Operator — `Results will tell'
from Windsor, nlsor, spent the week end
with Itis mother, Mrs. Aldo Sint.
Mrs. Alice Joynt is spending a few
days in London with her son and
daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Elizabeth Slavin spent Mon -
lay at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
John Glenn,
Mr. Andrew McKenzie visited last
week with his mother, Mrs. William
McKenzie and members of the fam-
ily prior to leaving for Edmonton
where he will have charge of one of
the largest Presbyterian churches,
as well as continue his studies.
;1Ir, and Mrs. Wm. Smale and fa-
ntily have moved -into rooms in the
Petty block over Mr. J. F-Ienderson's
Mrs. Ed. Stewart of London visit-
ed- this week with Miss Elizabeth
S hivin.
Harvest Home Services—
St. Paul's Anglican church was
dseerated with vegetables and fruit
the Harvest Home Thanksgiving ,
services held on Sunday when Canon
I'nn's of Kirkton was the special
speaker. The choir rang an anthem,
"Give Thanks." at the morning ser
-sae, and Hiss Ethel Clark and Mrs.'
F. Robinson sang a duet, "Hark I
Heat My Name." Miss Lucy Woods
of Bayfield contributed a delightful
solo at the evening service, "Consid-
er the Lines." Miss Ethel Clark pre- '
sided at the organ.
The Hensall Senior Institute will
meet at the home of Mrs. Cornelius
Cook on Wednesday, October 1st,'
with Mrs. G. M. Drysdale co -hostess.'
The guest speaker will be Mr. Geo.
Jefferson of Clinton and bliss Olive
Walker, R.N., of Albany, N.Y., will
give the demonstration. The motto,
'It it not what we gain but what we
retain that counts,' will be taken by
Mss Mabel Workman. The roll call
is to be answered by your favorite
poem and its author.
MIies Lucy Woods of hayfield was
the guest of her sister and brother -
In -law, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton
or. Sunday.
Mr. and Mi's. Cornelius Cook have
returned home from their vacation.
Misses Elva McQueen and Dorothy
Itougall lire attending Normal in
Arnold Circle Meet.—
The Arnold 0 ircle of Carmel
Church commenced their fall meet-
.nge on Monday evening when they
:net et the home of Mrs. Roy Mac -
Laren. The president. Miss Sally
Manson. presided and the meeting
opened by singing a hymn followed
by prayer by Miss Ileryl Pfaff. The
Scripture was read by Miss Helen
McQueen. The October meeting will
be held at the home of Misses Helen
and Jean McQueen. The business
was discussed and arrangements for
a court whist party were macre. to be
held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Walk-
er on Wednesday. October eth when
each member will be privileged to
invite two guests. The meeting con-
cluded by singing Rock of Ages, fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer in uni-
son. Refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Rally day and baptism services
were held in the United Church on
Sunday with the superintendent, Mr.
Clarence Smillie in charge. The
scripture was read by Charles Fee,
John Beer and Edison Forrest. Miss
Mary Coleman gave the story entitl-
ed "A Rainy Sunday." The children
of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey McLarnon and Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Kyle were baptised.
Rev. R. A. Brook delivered a very
impressive sermon.
The 'Hensall, Kippen and Zurich
War Services committee are sponsor-
ing a Junior Field Meet in Hensall
on Wednesday, October 1st at 1.30
P.M. open to the village and rural
schools. There will be junior, inter-
mediate and senior events for boys
and girls with prizes in each class.
Added attractions are tug of war,
horse shoes and softball. Teachers
are requested to forward all entries
to Mr. R. H. Middleton, chairman of
the committee by Friday.
Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., dispensed
the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
in Carmel Church on Sunday when
eight new members joined with the
fellowship of the church. The choir
sang an anthem entitled 'I Will Re-
member Thee." Miss Irene Hoggarth
was soloist.
Anniversary services will be held
in Chiselhurst united Church on
Sunday at 2.30 and 7.30 when Rev.
Hugh Wilson of Auburn will be the
special speaker. Special music by
the choir. The evening service in
Hensall :United Church will be with-
Mr. Jack Simmons and friend,
As the chilly fall winds usher in
thoughts of winter, the Canadian
homemaker looks for ways and
means of using ninny surplus prod-
ucts found in Iter kitchen garden.
The •large quantities 00 green to-
matoes left on the vines, have al-
ways presented a problem to her,
and have too often been allowed to
The Consumer Section, Marketing
Service, Dominion Department of
Agrit'niture, suggests the following
methods of storing and preserving
these nutritious fruits:—
Tomatoes picked in a mature green
condition will keep for a relatively
long period under satisfactory stor-
age conditions. Such green tomatoes
must be sound and free from growth
c'rac'ks, skin punetures, insect and
freezing injury.
Each green tomato should be indi-
vidually wrapped in paper (news-
paper will dot and placed in a closed
box or drawer.
Another method is to pull the vine
before any sighs of frost injury are
apparent. and suspend the entire
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale yards, Strathroy,
Saturday. September 27th.
250 head of mixed stock cattle.
Sales every Saturday,
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farms, Farm Stock, Implements
and Household Furniture.—Mr. Har-
old Jackson has been instructed to
sell by public auction on Lot 16,
Con. 2. Hallett, ou -Friday, Oct. 3, the
Horses -4 thatched team Clyde
geldings, 9 years old 1600 lbs.
Cattle—Dark cow with fat calf at
foot; grass cow; 2 Durham cows due
Ito freshen in March; 4 Durhami steer.,. Seo lbs.; 1 Durham heifer, 2
years old; 8 Dr'ham yearling heif-
of s 2 Durham fall calves.
Pigs --S pigs 125 lbs. each,
Implements — Deering mower;
Deering rake; Deering binder'; seed
drill; 2 sets Diamond harrows; thee
harrow;. root pttlper; Fleury walking
plow; gang plow; De Laval cream
separator; wagon; luny rack; gravel
box; cutter; set sloop sleighs; fiat
rack; buggy; fanning mill; set dou-
hie harness; set single harness; set
500 bushels oats; 15 tons timothy
hay:. 15 cord hardwood, beech and
maple; quantity of lumber; 2 wood
vises; whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks,
shovels, etc.
Household Effects — Wood range;
Beatty washing machine and wring-
er; Jewel heater; Raymond sewing
machine, new; three rocking chairs;
number of odd chairs; bedroom
suite; 2 rugs. 9x10; hanging lamp;
couch; 2 kitchen tables; sideboard.
The Faris -150 acre farm, batik
barn, 2 story brick house, 12 acres
-good bush and plenty of water.
Lewis Peacock, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
vine from the ceiling of the store
room. Tomatoes stored in the above-
mentioned manner should be main -1
tallied at a temperature of about 50
degrees, and under favorable condi
tions will continue to ripen until
t lristmae,
Green Tomato Sauce
2 dozen large tomatoes
1'-(1 dozen apples
Si pound salt
4 large green sweet peppers
1 red pepper
2 pounds brown sugar
2 ounces mustard
2 tablespoons ground ginger
2 pintsvinegar
6 large onions
Wash and slice tomatoes and
onions, pare, eu'e and slice apples,
slice peppers and take out seeds, Mix
spices with sugar and salt and add
vinegar. Place on hest until sugar
is dissolved, anei add to other ingred-
ients. Boil for 14 hours, then pour
into sterilized jars and seal.
Green Tomato Mincemeat
1 peek green tomatoes
1 peek apples
Pounds brown sugar
2 pounds currants
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 pounds raisins
2 teaspoons cloves
2 teaspoons allspice
Wash and slice tomatoes. Pare.
core and chop apples. Mix and add
ether ingredients. Bring gradually to
boiling point and cook for three
hours. Pack in sterilized jars and
seal while hot.
Green Tomato Pickles
4 quarts green tomatoes
4 small onions
4 green peppers
Slice the tomatoes and onions,
sprinkle with 3c2 cup of salt and leave
overnight in a crock, The next morn-
ing drain off the brine. Put in a pre-
serving kettle 1 quart of vinegar, 1
level teaspoon each of black pepper,
mustard seed, celery seed, cloves,
allspice and cinnamon and V's cup of
sugar. Bring to a boil and add the
prepared tomatoes, onions and pep -
Pers. Cook slowly for 30 minutes.
Fill jars and seal.
Green Tomatoes Pickled Whole
1 peck of small green tomatne'
00 Farm Stock and Implements.
'Mr, Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Friday. October 10th on Lot 28,
('on. 14, Hibbert Township, four
utile; east of Hensall, at 12.30 p.m.,
the following:
Horses — Gelding; driver; good
Dena work horses
Cattle—Pure bred Durham roan
COW 00 freshen Nov. 1st; pure bred
roan cow with calf at foot, to fresh-
en May let; pure bred Durham heif-
er. 2 years old, to freshen Apr. 28th;
Pure bred heifer 2 years old to fresh-
en May 23rd. Grade Stock—Roan
cow to freshen April 27th; red cow
10 freshen April 17th; two 2 -year-old
steers, fat; two 1 -year-old steers; 2
Harness—Double set brass mount-
ed team harness; set double single
harness; set of third harness; set
single harness; horse collars; 2 buf-
falo robes; 3 horse blankets:
Implements — Cockshutt manure
spreader, new; Cockshutt riding
plow; Perrin riding plow; maple 2
furrow walking plow; walking
plow; Fleury walking plow; Massey
Harris spring tooth cultivator; 3
drum steel land roller; Maxwell
disc; Massey Harris fertilizer disc
drill; Massey Harris 13 hoe drill; 4
section Diamond set harrows; 3 sec-
tion Diamond set harrows; Frost
and Wood mower; steel rake; wag-
on; gravel box; wagon rack; Chath-
am fanning mill with bagger; bag
truck; cutting box; root pulpet;
scraper; scuffler; grass seed sower;
baggy; cutter; tongue and whiffle
trees Inc light team; set scales (cap-
acity 1200 lbs,); incubator (capacity
0411 eggs), new; colony house, stove
and canopy; steel jack; 2 logging
chains; 4 sling ropes, new; G buggy
wheels; wagon jack; vise; anvil;
emery; 3 cross cut saws; Man cross
cut saw; rip saw; 3 -burner coal oil
stove; sap pan; 2 onion sc'reens.
Quantity of hay; whiffle trees;
neck yokes, shovels, forks, hoes,
traps, barrels, and many other
perms cash,
Mrs. Gordon Bolton. Proprietress.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
The job of dropping bombs with deadly accuracy from dizzy heights is a
highly specialized one requiring months of training. To -day in RCAF
schools of the British Commonwealth Air Training plan spotted throughout
Canada thousands of keen -eyed young men are learning to do this job and
do it well. These photographs were taken at the Bombing and Gunnery
School in Jarvis, Ontario, The top picture shows a Fairey Battle bomber
cruising over Lake Erie where tiny buoy targets await the eagle eye of the
bombardier below, who is ready at the bomb sight in the belly of the plane.
with his thumb tense on- the bomb release.
1 quart boiling water
1% cup of pickling salt
1 quart vinegar
3 pounds of brown sugar
14 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon celery seed
10 whole cloves
Dissolve salt in boiling water, put
in a few tomatoes at a time and boil
for 12 minutes, remove each tomato
carefully with a wooden spoon to
prevent spoiling shape, drain thor-
oughly and pack in jars. Tie spices in
a muslin bag, put in vinegar, add
sugar and boil until slightly thick-
ened, remove spice hag, pour liquid
over tomatoes, filling sealers full,
and seal tightly.
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until Monday, Oct. 6th,
1941, for the repair of the Betts and
Walton drains in McKillop, and the
repair of the Murray Lamb drain in
the Township of Hullett, which is a
continuation of the Walton drain.
Plans and specifications of Betts
and Walton Drains may be seen at
Clerk's office, McEillop, lot 35,'con.
3, and of the Murray Lamb Drain at
the Clerk's office, Londesboro.
Lowest or any tender not necess-
arily accepted. •
Satisfactory bonds will be neces-
sary. Tenders will be opened at 4
p.m. on above date,
JOHN McNAY, R.R. 2, Seaforth
Cleric of McKillop Twp,
ii ll nolimmnitto11 lllllllllllllllllll n"n"a 6111111•
All Sizes
John Selater Estate
Clean Fine Salt, 100 Ib bag
Royal Purple Calf Meal, 100 Ib. bag
Royal Purple Calf Mealy 25 Ib.
Royal Purple Hog Concentrate, 100 lbs. $3.25
Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate, 100 lbs. $3.90
Royal Purple Pig Starter, 100 lbs, $2.75
Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs. $7,77
Five Roses Flour, 98 Ib. bag $2.99
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 79c
Flaked Wheat Berries, 5 ib. bag
Tender Leaf Tea, pkge.
Red Rose Tea, per Ib.
Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs.
5 Pound Pkge. Soap Chips
Chase & Sanborn Coffee, Ib. tin
First Grade Creamery Butter, Ib.
Very Choice Dairy Butter, lb.
0 Finnigan
Coming dates, Harold Jackson,
Mrs, Jean Kyle, Clinton, Sept. 27.
Estate of George Jackson, Sept. 30.
Estate of Gordon Dolton, Oct. 10.
Mark McTaggart, Usborne Twp.,
Oct. 17th.
Two tires, practically new, size
450-21, driven only 500 miles. Also
amber honey for sale at Sc lb. Wal-
lace Ross, Seaforth, Phone 135J.
Property in Clinton on Maple
street on which an 8 -roomed frame
house, 1! storey, 22x34. Will be
sold reasonable to an immediate buy-
er. Apply to Martha Dinsley, 1:3ruee-
Good matched team of young
work horses, on a new Case tractor.
J: N. 14IcKenzie, Case Dealer, Sea -
forth, Phone 25.
1 want to get a frame farm house
that could be moved, Phone 18,
A new hammer and a pair of wire
pincers, between Seaforth and St,
Colunnban. Finder please leave at
St. Columben store or The News.
Barred Rock pullets and cockerels.
Phone 561-13, Brussels. Chas. Poll-
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Lot 13, ('on. 1, Hay township, 2 miles
south of Hensall, on highway, on
Tuesday, Sept. 30th, at 1 p.ni.;
Horses -1 gray general purpose
mare, 8 years, 1 gray general purpose
aged mare.
Cattle -1 Holstein cow bred Sept,
1; 1 four-year-old Durham, fresh 6
weeks; 1 fat cow; 2 yearling Durham
steers; 2 calves, 4 months old; 2
calves 2 months old.
4 pigs, 10 weeks; 1 fat sow.
Implements — 1 Cockshutt tiding
plow (new); 1 II30 bean scuffle' and
puller (new); 1 M.I1. hay rake (near-
ly new); 1 M.H. hinder; 1 set of
drag sleighs with rake; 1 set of light
sleighs; 1 single scuffler; 1 stiff tooth
cultivator; 1 Deering mower; 1 set
of drag harrows, 3 sect.;. 1 three -
drum stePI roller; 1 F4 wagon, gravel
box; hay rack; 1 water tank; fan-
ning mill with bagger; 125 fent of
new hay fork rope; set of sling rope;
1 buggy. cuter, root pttlper, wheel
harrow, stone boat, 1 Reufrew cream
separator, set of scales.
Harness ----1 set of double harness;
1 set of single harness.
17 loads of timothy and alfalfa
hay; quantity of alaska seed orris.
lances, shovels, whippletl'ees, neck
yoke. 1937 Dodge sedan.
1 seed drill, 15 rows of mangolds,
30 rods long.
Everything must he sold to close
estate. Terns cash.
Estate of George Jackson, Prop,
Sans Dougall, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Furniture on the 9111 con.
of Goderich Tp., 1 mile west of
Holmesville on Friday, September
2Gth, at 1 o'clock, consisting of the
Stock—Hereford cow 4 years old;
Polled Angus cow 6 years old; Dur-
ham cow (aged). All are due to
freshen, Number of chickens.
implemente — Massey Harris bind-
er, 7 ft, cut; McCormielc Deering
mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering disc drill;
Massey Harris riding plow, No. 21
Fleury walking plow, Massey Harris
souffler in good condition; Massey
Harris hay rake, 3 section drag har-
rows, heavy wagon, hay rack, set of
double bob sleighs, 2 saw' log bunks,
Gowdy fanning mill, cutter, bag
holder, 4 steel buggy wheels, long
ladder, Imperial 85 egg incubator,
crow -bar, cross cut saw, buck saw,
saw set, 2 feed boxes, scythe, quan-
tity of cedar rails and lumber.
Furniture—Newcombe square Pi-
ano (rosewood), in good condition,
parlor table, walnut table, couch,
settee, bookcase, 2 rocking chairs,
sideboard, 3 beds and springs, walnut
bed, dresser and wash stand, toilet
set, kitchen table, 2 fallen leaf
tables, 2 hat racks, high chair, fold-
ing go cart, fruit cupboard, coal oil
stove, kitchen range, 2 hanging
lamps, Coleman iron, Daisy churn,
butter bowl and ladle, washing mach-
ine, yarn reel, number of books, pic-
tures and numerous other articles,'
including a few antiques.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
has sold his farm. Terms cash.
Robert McCartney, Proprietor.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
"So you think that woman leads a
double life?”
"Yes; her own and her bus
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Patrick D. Mdtonnell, i'1. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The -Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:40 pan. to 5 p.ni. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Cream separator, 750 lb, McCor'm-
iok Deering. Used 3 mouths. Apply
Roy McMane, Egmondville.
Pure bred Leicester ram. 2 years
old, Norm, Carter, Seaforth. Phone
616 -12, Clinton,
1 Shropshire ram, yearling. Phone
43 r 17, Dublin central.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Tlnu'sduy, Friday, of each week dur-
ing October and November. Cider
mill located on the street leading to
the Golf t'ouree, West Ward, Mitch-
ell bred Iielmick, Proprietor. Terms
cash. Phone 181, Mitchell.
3 Durham steers, 2 year's old, 2
miles east. of Leadbury. Apply to
David Watson, 831 r 22.
Good trimmed soft woollen, six
cents cash; or seven cents trade on
blankets or rugs. Write the only
authorized Company salesman in
this district. H. Smelser, Mitchell,
Plano, made in Ottawa. .A. Beatty
hand washer and wringer. Both in
good condition. Apply at The News.
Land suitable for the growing of
flax. We prefer old sod and must
have it fall - plowed either by the
owner or by ourselves. Hesky Flax
Products Ltd., Seaforth.
150 acres, :St11 line of Morris
township, on county -Provincial high-
way, NE?i lot 0 and St, brick
house with frame kitchen, bank
barn, cement stabling, drilled well,
close to school. Some bush. Apply
at The News office; or phone
Brussels 15r4.
House on East William Street,
Seaforth. 8 rooms Hard and soft
water. Bathroom. Garage. Will be
sold reasonably for quick sale. Apply
to Mrs. D. J. O'Reilly, Seaforth#5.
A velvet rug, 8x 10; good kitchen
lounge; Raymond sewing machine;
coal oil stove with oven; quantity of
rag carpet. Mrs. Alex Gordon, Eg-
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
postpaid, in plain sealed envelope,
With pricelist. 6 samples 26c. 24
samples 31.00. Adults only. Atex
Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont.
A desirable building property on
Main St„ half acre of land, small
barn and henhouse. A quantity of
brick, and cement blocks, may be
sold separately. Must be sold to wind
up estate. Mrs. Jean R. Dale, R.R.2,
Seaforth, Administratrix.
Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib” and
"Storm Seal” Council Standard, gua-
ranteed 25 years, Roam Portable
Silos. Galvanized Sheet Ton, all
sines and gauges, Metal Sidings,
Eavestrougb and Pipe, Galvanized
Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs,
Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge
and Valley, Door Track and Hard-
ware. Extension Ladder's up to 44
feet in length. Asphalt Products in-
cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick
Siding, Insnl-Brick Siding, Roofing
Paints, Plastic Cement, Building
Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray
Tyndall, Brucelield. Phone Clinton,
618 ring 12. -
life Fire, Auto. Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Informnation cheerfully given