HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-25, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1941 TiIE SEAFOIITIi NEWS PAGE THREE PROTECT PRICELESS OLD FAMILY RECIPES + WITH MAGICMAD1E tN v;4 O.i. 144/C 444 4444 CANADA. �`Ne_. r Brussels Clergyman's Brother Missing•- Wortl has been received by Rev, S. Kerr of Arusseh that. his brother I Dir. Wintoringham and Ed Fawcett an the machine with him escaped injury.---Alitchell. Advocate• move the thresher down the bank, wlrieh was soft and slippery after heavy rains. As a result the machine went over on its side, Fortunately Sgt. Navigator W. E. Kerr•, is miss-! ing from operations over Cologne G Zurich Fall Fair GRAIN AND SEEDS White fall wheat, H. Desjardine, Del Geiger; red fell Wheat, H. A. Fuse, Fred Mr Clymont, Barley, H Dc s;jardine. 0. Tattler. Oats, early, Cee. Link; oats, late. H. Desjardine, Geo. Link, Small peas, H. Desjardine, Buckwheat, H. Truemne'r. Tied Clover seed, 0. Battler, Mrs. A. Meliek; Welke clover seed, Mrs. John Quinlivan; Del Geiger; sweet Clover ,c -‘tel, H. Desjardine; timothy seed Del Geiger, H, A. Friss. Field berms, 0. Battler, H Des- jardine, Collection grain in betide, Del Geiger, Snowden & Grainger. Alfalfa seed, Mrs, J. Quinlivan, German ca carried on on the night of Judge -T, I.. Williams. the lith of August, Mr, W. E. Kerr Married At Exeter - enlisted with the RCAF the day war was declared and hail been on act- ive service for some time. Ile was born in Northern Ireland in 1919 and and white gladioli, was the setting after completing his public school for the charming military wedding work attended an academy with the of Eleanor Jeannette Taman, daugh- view to qualifying for the civil ser- ter of Mr, and Mrs, William W. vice, There is a possibility he may Taman, of Exeter, and Sub -Lt. Arthur be a prisoner of war. I Nelles Ashton, R.C.N.V.R., Montreal, Engagement Announced- Qnebee, younger son of Major and Mrs. A, Nelles Ashton, of Grimsby Mr, and Mrs, George Swan, Bruce- Beach, Ont. The officiating minister field, announce the engagement of was Lieut.. the Rev. D. J. Gladman, their youngest daughter, Dorothy Ottawa, assisted by Rev, N. J. Minlou, to Francis George Strange, Woods, Mrs, N, 3, Dore was at the of Chatham, eldest son of Mr, and console for the wedding music, Mrs, John F. Strange, Exeter, the Given in marriage by her father, the marriage to take place early fn ' attractive bride was gowned in white October. chiffon, Her flowers were white EOM's and bouvardia. The bridal attendants Dixon-Brunsdon- i were Mrs, R. S. Graves, of London, Gladioli, evergreen and baby's sister of the bride; Mrs, E. F. Taman breath in banked arrangement in the of Listowel, her sistmein-law, and living -room at the hone of Mr. J. H. Mrs. Leonard Calling, of Port Carl- Brttnsdnn, Clinton. formed the set- ing, all gowned in copies of the ting for the marriage of his daughter bride's chess in blue chiffon appliqu- Marian Clare. to Clayton Francis ed in silver. They carried Queen Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anne bonnets of yellow roses and Dixon. also of Clinton, The ceremony baby's breath. The groomsman was was solemnized on Sept. 13th, at 4 Charles Ashton, of Harrow, brother o'clock by Rev. Andrew Lane, pastor of the groom, and the ushers were E. of Wesley -Willis United church, Clin- le Taman, of Listowel, and R. S. ton. The bride given in marriage by Graves, of London. The reception was her father, looked lovely In a hoar- held at Oakwood Golf Club, Grand length dress of eorded white crepe Bend. Later the bridal couple loft for with coronet of orange blossoms and a wedding trip to the Laurentfans, carrying a bouquet of 'white roses the bride travelling In a crusader and baby's breath, Miss Irene Bruns- blue wool crepe dress and coat, don, sister of the bride, was brides- trimmed with blue fox. They will 1•e - maid, Richard Dixon of Guelph, bro- side in Montreal. tier of the bridegroom, was best Mrs. John Kirkconnell- man. Mrs. Bert Bayes, Clinton, play- Elizabeth Miler, widow of the ed the wedding music. A reception and buffet luncheon followed the late John Iiirkeonnell, died on 14Ion- service. The bride's grandmothers, trey September 15th, following a Mrs, William Mair and Mrs. William short illness after suffering a stroke. Drunsclon. assisted at the reception. The deceased, who passed away 111 and Misses Helen Mackenzie and her 70th year, was born on the 5th Betty Brunsdon assisted in serving, con. of Morris township on the farm Dir. and airs. Dixon left later on a now occupied by Ivan McArter. She motor trip to Montreal and points was the daughter of the late Thos. east and on their return will reside and Jane Miller. She lived all her life in Harriston. in Huron county, most of it in Mor- i cis township. She was predeceased Threshing Machine Topples Over by her husband 20 year's ago and by Damage sufficient to warrant the one son, Jack. who died four years purchase of a rrw thrf'sbing mach- ago. Remaining in mourn the death Main Street United Church, Exe- ter; beautifully decorated with red In' rt:th i' thee to repair the old nue of their mother are three'. sons. An- tvas done to Wee 1i hrt,•ringharn s drew of (;oderich, Thomas of Calg- thresher on the farts of Samlimn- any and David of Morris township. nor, The nperatiens ware ,'•ompleted and danghtcrs Bella (Mrs. Caldwell, Stratford], Jean talre. Richard Al - when ;lir. R'interinghanr went to corgi, Annie (_firs, Earl Iicilyl, Mary (Mrs. Crawford. Hallett twp.). 5'e :Mrs. Chas. Snelling, Bay - • HORTICULTURE Coll. of apples, Thiel Bros., Laith- waite& Son; fall apples. Laithwaite, Del Geiger; winter apples, Laith- waite, Fred McClymont, King of Tomkins, 0. Battler, Laithwaite; snot' apples, Claire Me - lick, R. Geiger; northern spies, Laithwaite, Ted Steinbach. Baldwins, .Snowden & Grainger, Mrs. -A, Melick; R. I. Greenings, Laithwaite, Fred McClymont; Mac- Intosh Sled, Snowden & Grainger, Laithwaite; eibson pippin, Laith- waite, W. 191. Henry golden russets, Ted Steinbach, E. Itestenteyer. Wagners, Snowden & Grainger, Laithwaite; manne, Ted Stei nhaele Mrs. A, Melick; wolf river, Laith- waite, Mrs. John Quinlivan, Ontarios, Snowden & Grainger, I:aithwaite; maidens. blush, W. M. Henry, Laithwaite ; blenheim pippin.. Laithwaite; pewaukec Fred McCly- mont, Laithwaite; colverte, Laith- waite, Mrs. A. Meliek; 20 oz. pip - pen, Laithwaite; talman sweet, Ted Steinbach, Snowden & Grainger, Wealthy, Del Geigel, Laithwaite. Collection of fall pears Fred McClymont, Laithwaite; collection of winter pears, F. McClymont, Mrs, John Quinlivan; roll. pears, fall and winter, F. McClymont, Laithwaite, Bartlett pear, T-laberer Bros., F. McClymont • Flemish beauty, Laith- waite, E. Rstemeyer; Clapp's favor- ite pear, Fred McClymont. Peaches, Mel Smith, Claire Melick. Prunes, F. McClyetont, Lnith- waite. Crab apples, red, Snowden & Grainger, .0. Battler; crab apples, yellow, H. Desjardine, Mrs. John Quinlivan. Grapes, H. Desjardin4, Mel Smith; coll. grapes, Mel Smith. Piens, Laithwaite, Fred McCly- mont; colt. plums, Fred McClymont, Laithwaite. Thiel's special, F. Mc- Clymont. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Aosures Security for over One Million Partnere H. B. LONG, GODERIGH District Agent CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE 1 CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES H D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office - Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist - Massage Hours -Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment, FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation-Sun-raytreatment. Phone 227. nagrameasaneweernalansoneatanwpolo BUS TIME TABLE Leaves 5 a Seaford: and.15or tford p.m. Daily C. leaves Sea forth Inc- Ooderich: Daily except Sunday and Md., 1.05 p.m. and 7.10 p.m. San. rind hoi„ 1,01 p.m. and 920 p.m, Connection at Strgt ford for Toronto, aTavlstock,a Woodstock, London, ntfod Detroit, Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick boner Jess feld) and Clara eMrs, Jnek Snelling of Queenstenl. She is also survived by two brothers, George Miller of Manitoba. and Thomas Miller of Brussels. Funeral was conducted by . Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Blyth United Church last Thursday, from the home of Richard Alcock, 7th eon., of Mor- rie Interment in Brussels cemetery. A Steady Winner - "Baron Lulwater," Standard Bred stallion owned by William C. Coven - lock, Egmnndville, has been a steady winner at Toronto. This year Baron Lulwater won first and reserve cham- pion at Toronto Exhibition. The last four years he has been first and reserve ebampion or grand champion at the Royal Winter Fair and Cana- dian National Exhibition in the clans for Standard Bred stallions, all ages, A man, visiting a house for the first time found that his host was the father of three wild children. The latter made so much noise that the visitor found it. difficult .to hear a word that was said. One child was busy, ripping the upholstery out of a brand new divan. A second lad was driving nails into an expensive table, and the third waS swinging gaily from a chandelier. The bewild- ered guest eyed the youngster who was driving the nails into the furni- ture. He turned to his 'loot "I say," he said, pointing to the boy with the hammer, "don` you find it rather expensive to let your children play like that?" The host smiled proudly. "Not at all," he replied cheerily. "I get the tails wholesale." "You're a pretty sharp boy, Tom- my." "Well, I ought to be. Pa strops 01e three. Orfour tithes a week." GARDEN VEGETABLES Katiden potatoes, 0. Battler, M. Racier; dooleys, M. Rader, 0. Batt- ler; any variety late potatoes, M. Rader•, Hy. Flaxbard; any variety early potatoes, 0. Battler; green mountain, H. Desjardine. 0, Batt- ler; Irish cobbler, 0, Battler, H. Tru e tuner. Corn, Clint, E. Heywood & Son, Geo. Link; corn, dent, 0. Battler, Snowden & Grainger; sweet corn, G. Deters, L. Heywood; yellow ban- tam sweet corn, E. Heywood. Red onions, 0. Battler; yellow onions, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine. Dutch setts, Mrs. A. Melick, 0. Battler; Spanish onions, H, Des- jardine, h, Restemeyer. White field carrots, 0. Battler, E. Heywood & Son; garden carrots, 0. Rattler, H. Flaxbard, Swedish turnips, Fred 1V1eCIy- mont, Mrs, Quinlivan, Long red marigold', Goo. Link, 0. Battler; intermediate mangolds, Mel Smith, H Tr'uemner; sugar beet mangolds; Geo. Link, H. A. Fuss, Oxterd cabbage, H. Block & Son, 0. Battler; drumhead cabbage, E. 1 cstemeyer, 11. A. ',Mee; blue .cab- bage, 0. Brtttlee, Bieck radish, 0. Battler, - Mel Smith; white radish, 0. Battler, E. lie}wood. Garden breis, 0. Battbif. 1'urnpkio, 0. Battler, E. Hey- wood; pie pumpkin. E. Heywood, 0: Battler, Celery, 0, Bettie'. Citron, 0. L'attler, E. Heywood. Hubbard squash, 11. ']ruemmet, Mrs. Jahn Quilrliian; mammoth squash or pumpkin. E. Sh'i'er 1 W. ;4I, Henry: Blood bee t. , H, A. Fuss, G. Daters; root beets, 0. Batt-- ler, attler, Fred 1IcC.'ty111ont. Watcrnn•}au, IT Desjardine, Geo. I,ink musk- melons, 0. Battler, H. D year line, Rech lomatoe.•, H. Desjardine, E. ltestemeyer; yellow tomatoes, elrs. John Quinlivan, 0, Battler. Collection of garden vegetable:, 0. Battler, Mrs. Quinlivan, DAIRY, ETC. Butter; erode, - Mel Smith, Fred McClyntoi4; butter, prints, el el South, F. McClymont Cheese, Hy, Flaxbard, Honey, cxtlaeted, IIaberer Bros., W. el, Henry. Maple syrup, Fred rilr•C'.lyniont, 0. Rattler, Heu's eggs, W. 13., Henry, 0: Ilat.- tler. Chickens, dressed, Del Geiget. Soap, Mrs. A. Melick, H, Dcejardine. Ed Dater, special, Del Geiger•, Albert Hess special, 0. Battlrer, laird -Bros, special, Habcrer Bros, Judge -9f, Seidl be, LADIES' WORK Quilt piece, applique, Niles Living- ston, 11..A. Fuss; quilt, pieced cot- ton, 0. Rattier, C. Melick, fancy quilting, 0. Battler, H. A. fuss. Comforter, H. Bloch & Son; bed- cpretul,-knit or meet'], Miss Living- tm1; bedspread, fancy. II. A. Files, Mrs. J. Quinlivan; house dress, H. A. 1'ttss, 0. Deters; man's sleeping garment, Mrs. II, Fuss, Miss Living Melt; bed (Meet, Mrs. A. Melick, MIS, Fuss; sweater, II, A. Fuss, Chas. Hay, 'kitchen apron, Mrs. A. Melick, Miss Livingston, wool socks, H. Bloch & Sot, Miss Livingston; mitts, hand knite Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss: darning worn sock, Mrs. Fuss. fair crochet. gloves, Miss Living- ston, II. A, Fnss; knitted suit, Mr's. Fuss; man's sweater, Chas. Hay; article made front old stockings, H. Desjardine, Mrs. Meliek; door mat, Mrs. Melick, M. Rader; floor mat, hooked rags, Mrs. Melick, H. Block & Son; floor mat, hooked, woolen, fA'n1. Decker, Mrs, Melick; floor mat, hooked, silk, M. Racier, Wm. Decker; floor mat. crochet, M. Rader. Dining Room Furnishings - Lunch set, cut work, Miss Living- ston,<Del. Geiger; leech set, other Idea, Mrs. Fuss, Miss Livingston; set. table mats, Mrs. Melick, 1Mliss Li- vingston; table cloth and napkins. 3Iiss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; centre. piece. I(Tiss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; buffet set. any other kind, Miss Liv- ingston, Roy Lamont.; needlepoint. Mrs. Meliek, Mies Livingston; lunch set, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; tea towels, Snowden St. Grainger, Miss Livingston. I3ec1 Room Furnisbings- Pillow slips, pair, Roy Lamont., O. Battler: pillow slips, other hand- work, Mrs. Fust., C, Melick; fancy sheet and pillow slips, Miss Living- ston, H A. Fuss; guest towel, pair, Mrs. Fuse, Roy Lamont; bath towel, Miss Livingston, (I. Daters; curtain. Miss Livingston, Mrs. Melick; vanity set, stirs, Melick, Miss Livingston; boudoir cushion, Miss Livingston. Mrs. Meliek; night robe, If. A. Fuse. Miss Livingston; cellar •turf cuff' set, Mrs. ,loin Quinlivan. Mrs. Melick; ladies' slip. Mrs. ,Fuss. Miss Living- ston; ladies' dressing gown, Miss Livingston. H. A. Fuss; pillow slips, ]Miss Livingston. ('hildrrn5 Wear-. Bonnet Inrket and bootees- M. Stader, H. A. Fuse; crib (.ever, H. A Fuss; ,nrriage ete, H. A. Flies; child( )'cony ere s, :hiss Livingston; Alar. dress, 1111ss Livingston; eh11d's cos- tume, Thomas Meyers. Living Room Furnishings--- r'entre )1k'', entered, 0. Iiattler, Miss Livingston; tante runner: Miss Livingston, Roy Lamont; sofa pillow, 0. Battler, Miss Livingston; sofa aim. other luuulivnr•k. Henry Beck- er Si'.. H. A. Fuss; cbesterfleld set, 0. Battler, E. Dncharme; afghicn, Miss Livingston. Mi seellan roue- Bridge set, Niles Livingston, H. A. Fuss; applique, Mrs. Quinlivan, H. A. Fuss; door stop, Mrs, Quinlivan, Mrs. Melick, Collection of articles made from table oilcloth. Mrs. Meliek, Henry Becker Sr.; cnllec•tion garden images, Miss Livingston; ltitchen collection, Airs, elelick, 11. A. Fuss; collection needlework, Hiss Livingston, Mrs. Meliek; purse or haud bag, O. nett - ler, Roy Lamont. .DOMESTIC SCIENCE Loaf white bread, RIel Smith, ('. Meliek; nut bread, W. Doupe; raisin bans, G. Daters, Mel Smith tea Ms - cults, id Rist-te•ntyer. (7. Melick; sugar r•onkiee. L. Dncltarme; •ginger cool - les, W. Doupe. 1`. Ducherme; fried cakes, Mrs. 1I. Meliek, Mel Smith; 1an1' cake, W. Donne, Claire 9ledek; dark layer cake W. M. Henry. W. Dome.; light layer cake, IV. Doupe; •ix tarts Henry Becket Sr„ Fred Mc('lymoiit; cherry pie, Mel Snlith; W. Dd troupe; dutch applie pie, Fre McClymont, G, Daters; coffee calve, W. Doupe, G. Daters; Scbilhe spec- ial, (loire Mentes; Williams Special, 0. Battler; I'tur Geld special. E. Itestenrcyer. W. 113. Henry F. Me. Clymont; canned rhubarb, H. Hese Jardine; canned raspberries, H. Des- jardine, Henry Becker Sr.;-- straw- berries, H. Desjardine, Fred McCly- moot; canned cherries, Mel Smith H. Desjardine; canned pears, H. Des - Jardine, Fred McClymont; canned plums, H. Desjardine, Fred Me.C1y- mont; canned peaches, E. Restemey- er, 0. Battler; currant jam, Henry Becker Sr.; Fred McClymont;berry Jam, It Desjardine, W. Doupe; grape jelly, 1)', Doupe, Mrs. A. Melick; red currant jelly, H. Desjardine, Henry Becker Sr,; bottle mixed vinegar pickles, H. Desjardine. Mrs. A. Mel - ick; mustard pickles, If, Desjardine, Mrs. A. Melick; catsup, 0. Battler, G. Dat ers, Canned tomatoes, Claire 9Melick, G. Daters; canned corn, G. Iettere H. A. Fuss; collection, canned, H. Desjardine. Dr•, O'Dwyer special buffet set, cut work, hiss Livingston, i Mrs. H. Fuss. Workingman 's s'tl lure. lis A. Fuss; table eloth, emit. or cot Mrs. Melick, H. A. Fuss. 0. I).;ters work, Henry Becker Sr.; tea cosy. W. Doupe. H, Block & Son, Mrs. John Quinlivan; Judge Mrs. ART WORK Cartoon, Miss Livingston, Hy, Flaxbard, Poster, E. Ducharme, Hy. Flaxbard. Crepe, Mrs. Fuss. Oil painting, landscape, Miss Liv- ingston, Ray Pesch; marine view, Miss Livingston, Water color, scene, Miss Livingston, -Fuss; flow 1s , Miss Livingston Mrs. Fuss; animals, Miss Livingston, H. Fuss, Pastel, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss. Convectional design, Miss Livingston, H. fuss, Wood carving, Miss Livingston, H. ];lock. Amateur photo, ,Del Geiger, H. Flaxbard. Art work, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; sepia, Miss Livingston, H. Fuss, FLORAL. EXHIBITS Bouquet, large, Mrs. Meliek, R. Geiger bouquet. small, E. Heywood, R. Geiger; sylvia, E. Heywood,. Roy Lamont; dahlias, E. Heywood, Roy Lamont; pansies, Mrs. Quinlivan, Geraniums. 141e, Quinlivan; ast- ers, Roy Lamont, Mrs. Quinlivan. Petunias, Mrs. Quinlivan, E. Hey- wood; house plants, Mrs, Quinlivan, Coleus, R. Geiger. Annuals, Mrs. Quinlivan, E. Hey- wood; cosmos, Mrs. Quinlivan, E. Heytvooyl; zinnias, 0. Battler, Mrs. Quinlivan; verbenas, Mrs, Quinlivan, E, Heywood; gladiolus, E. Hey- wood, Mrs. Quinlivan; roses, Mrs. Quinlivan, E. Heywood. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Mounted weeds, H. Flaxbard. Bird house, H. Flaxbard. Writing, under 10 years, Ted Steinbach, Fred McClymont; writing over 10 years, Fred McClymont, H. Flaxbard. Art, over 10 years, H. Flaxbard, Dr. Addison special, H. Flaxbard, Judge -Mrs. Fowler. BUILT TO BE BOMBED The R.A.F. now has an Aunt Sully fleet. Defying high explosives, bomb fumes and death by drowning. men are putting to sea in speed- boats which have been specially built to be bombed by the R.A.F. These intrepid men are the crews aboard armour-plated 40 -ft. boats, built in British yards renowned for racing craft and designed to with- stand hits from light practice bombs. Direct hits simply drill holes clean through the bull, welch, being pack- ed with a special buoyant substance called onazote, one-Sftb the weight of cork, can be "mended" comparat- ively simply. Only amidships, where the crew of three and the vitals parts are con- centrated, is there stout armour plate, mounted on rubber buffers. Gas masks protect the men from bomb fumes and they are in radio com- munication with the bombing aero- plane. A safety tender lies near at hand. The target boats not only turn in their own length, but can imitate the movement of any likely object- ive, from a steam train to zigzag- ging naval vessels. Training with them gives pilots and bomb-aimers of the R. A. F, valu- able practice for their attacks upon moving enemy objectives. Want and For Sale Ads, .3 weeks 50e "Every duty-, well and honestly done, is a contribution to victory." The PRIME MINISTER 05 CANADA, TELEPHONE DRIVERS SAVE GASOLINE The Bell Telephone mechanized army drives its fleet of some 950 vehicles more than seven million utiles a year. That is why we know something about safety and economical operating practices. For instance, a saving of one mile per gallon in each vehicle, means an annual saving of 35.000 gallons of gasoline. Experience shows six simple ways to save gasoline, all tried, tested and practised by Bell Telephone drivers: 1. Start your automobile properly (never race the engine.). 2. Change into scrond gear at 10, into high at 15 miles per hour. 3. Never drive faster than 40 miles an hour, 4. Drive at an even speed in open country. 5. Never leave motor idling, (. Check motor every 5,000 s041iGe • miles. Olt e Bell Telephone drivers have established one of the beat records in Canada, for safe, effi- G�vr�9 tikois cient operation of their cars and trucks. E M. HOGGARTH Mnnager,