HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-25, Page 2PAGE TWO
THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1941
Agricultural --
Brood mare with foal, Coyne
Bros., Wilbur Turner, Ken McDon-
ald; foal of 1941, E. J. Atwell, Wil-
ber Turner, Coyne Bros.; filly or
gelding, 4 years or Over, William
Patrick and 2nd, E. J. Atwell; filly
or gelding, 3 years old, Coyne Bros„
E. J. Atwell; filly'or gelding, -2 years
old, Coyne Bros., E. T. Atwell; filly
or gelding, 1 year old, E. J. Atwell,
Wilber Turner, Coyne Bros; sweep-
stakes, Coyne Bros.
Heavy Draught -
Brood mare with foal, W. Turner,
R. Knight; foal of 1941, Russel
Knight, Wilber Turner; filly or geld-
ing 2 years. old. William Patrick and
2nd; filly or gelding, 1 year old, Wil-
ber Turner, R. Manson and Sons;
sweepstakes, Wilber Turner.
Wagon Horse on Halter -
Brood mare. Pearson Chesney, M.
Hooper, Leslie Chambers; foal, 1941,
M. Hooper and Son, Pearson Ches-
ney. Leslie Chambers: filly or gelding
3 years. John Kries and 2nd, M.
Hooper and Son; filly or gelding, 2
years, John ]fries, Bruce Koehler;
filly or gelding, 1 year, M. Hooper
and Son, E. Chesney; sweepstakes,
William Decker.
Roadster -
Brood mare with foal, Leslie
Chambers, foal of 1'141. M. Hooper
and Son. Thos. Kirkby.
Carriage -
Brood mare with foal, Leslie
Chambers. ford of llr11, E. J. At-
well. Leslie Chamber,
Harness C la. s.- -
Agricultural team. William Pat-
rick. E. J. Atwell; Heavy Draught
• teas), William Patrick, General Pur-
pose team, Wm. Decker, John Kreis,
M. Hooper; Roadster horse, Charles
Dale, Carriage horse, 31. Hooper and
Son, Jack Carter. Joseph• Burns.
Best lady driver and outfit. Mrs,
Ross Chapman (Chas, Dale .
Best animal, any age, Coyne. 'Bros.
Judges -James Brandon. James
Brandon, Jr.
Shorthorn -
Best cow, It. M. Peck, Wm. Oes-
tricher, R. F. Pepper; heifer, 2 years
old, R. M. Peck, Wm. Oestricher, W.
Turnbull; heifer. 1 year old, Wm,
Oestricher, W. Turnbull, R. M. Peck,
heifer calf under 1 year, Wm. Oes-
tricher and 3rd; W. Turnbull 2nd;
bull calf under 1 year, 12, M, Peck,
Wm. Oestricher, W. Turnbull; bull,
1 year old, R. M. Peck, R. Ie. Pepper
and 3rd; bull, 2 years or over, Wm,
Oestricher; herd, consisting of four
females and bull, Wm. Oestricher,
H. Wright, R. M. Peck.
Grades, Beef -
Heifer, 2. years old, W, Turnbull;
heifer, 1 year old. W. Turnbull. hei-
fer calf, W. Turnbull, R. Manson,
Jno, Carter; steer calf, J. Carter.
Butchers' Cattle -
Steer or heifer, over 1 year old.
R. F. Pepper, L. Chambers; baby
beef, W. Turnbull, R. M. Peck. R.
Manson and Son.
Bull, 1 year and over, W. F.
Biomes; best cow, W. F. Biernes
and 2nd; heifer, 2 years old, W. F.
Biernes; heifer, 1 year old, W. F.
Biernes and 2nd; heifer calf and
bull calf, W. F. Biernes.
Jersey -
Bull, 1 year old and over. I. Tre-
wartha; best cow, I. Trewartha, Jack
Carter; heifer, 2 years old, heifer 1
year old, I. Trewartha and 2nd; hei-
fer calf, Wm. Henry: I. Trewartha;
bull calf, Wm. Henry.
Dairy cattle herd prize -Consist-
ing of four females and bull. W. F.
Beirnes, I. Trewarthu.
Polled Angus-.
Bull, 1 year old or over, best eow.
Jack Carter; heifer calf, Jack Car-
ter, bull calf, Jack Carter, L. Cham-
Herefords -
Bull, 2 years and aver, H. Wright,
beat cow, heifer 9 years old, heifer
1 year old. H. Wright and 2nd; heif-
er calf under 1 year, H. Wright and
2nd; bull calf under 1 year, H,
T. Eaton Co. prize for best group
of three dairy cows, consisting of 1
mature ow, 1 two-year-old heifer
and one yearling. W. Beirnes, I,
Judge -Stanley Douglas.
Ram, 2 years old or over. 0. Mc-
Gowan, Wm. H. Douglas; ram, 1 yr.
and under 2, Wm. H. Douglas, 0.
McGowan; ram lamb, Wm. H. Doug-
las, 0. McGowan; ewe, 0. McGowan,
Wm. H, Douglas; shearling ewe, W.
H. Douglas and 2nd; ewe lamb, W.
H. Douglas and 2nd, -
Ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb,
Ephriam Snell.
Ram, 2 years old and over, A. D.
Steeper and Son, ram lamb, - A. D.
Steeper and Son and 2nd; ewe, also
shearling ewe, ewe lamb, A. D. Stee-
per and Son and 2nd.
Ram, 2 years old or over, Ephriam
Snell, R. Manson and -Sons; ram
1 year old and under two, Ephriam
Snell, Guy Dorrance; ram lamb, E.
Snell,Guy Dorrance; ewe, E. Snell,
Guy Dorrance; shearling ewe, ewe
lamb, Ephriam Snell, and 2nd.
Oxfords -
Ram, 2 years or over, W. M. Hen-
ry and 2nd; ram, 1 year, P. E. Dear-
ing, A. D. Steeper and Son; rani
lamb, P. E. Dearing, W. M. Henry;
evve, W. M. Henry and 2nd; sheari-
ieg ewe, 0. McGowan, W. M. Henry;
ewe lamb, P. E. Dearing, 0. Mc-
Dorset Horned -
Ram, 2 years old- or over, P. E.
Dearing and 2nd; tam, 1 year, P. E.
Dearing, 0. McGowan; ram Iamb,
P. E. Dearing, 0, McGowan; ewe,
shearling ewe, P. E. Dearing, 0.
McGowan; ewe lamb. P. E. Dearing
and 2nd.
'orkshire-Boar, over 1 year, Jas. S. Cowan,
Wilbur Turnbull; hoar, Wilbur
Turnbull, Douglas Bros.; sow, 1 yr.
or over, Jas. S. Cowan; sow, Doug-
las Bros., Wilbur Turnbull.
Berkshire ---
Boat', over 1 year, Jas. S. Cowan,
Havey McElwain; boar, Guy Dor-
ranee. Jas. 8. Cowan; sow. 1 yr,,
Jas. S. Cowan; sow. inc. S. Cowan.
Guy Dorrance,
Tamworth- - -
Iloar, over 1 year, Douglas Bros..
R. Manson ke Son boar, • Douglas
Bros. and 2111; sow, 1 year or over
and sow, Douglas Bros. and 2nd.
Judge -D. E. A4cEwen,
l;rahmai Cock, cockerel. pullet,
Si A Fraser. Hen. I•'raser and 2nd.
Barred F oak -- All classes, M. A.
White ltoc ks-- [.'k. Douglas Bros
[.a. pall r.Douglas Bros. and 211,1.
t'kl. Douglas Bros. .1. Battler.
A. 0. V. Rocks --('k, leen. 3I. A.
Dorkings---Hell, J. Battler.
A 0. V. Hanrburgs•-All classes.
Fra: ser„1, 1, Battler,
Laugshans•--ek, hen. 3I. A. Fraser,
Orpington-Ck, lien, Fraser and
dud. Ckl, hen, Douglas Bros., Fraser,
\Cltite Wyandottes- -Ci(. hen, pul-
let, T. C. Shean, J. Battler. (icl, T. C.
~hear. M. A. Fraser.
A. 0. V. Wyandottes--Hen, Fraser.
Cid. pullet, Fraser. J. Battler.
Aneonas--C3. ekl. pullet, T. C.
Sheen. Fraser. Hen, Fraser, Shean,
Rhode Island Reds--Ck, Fraser
and fnd. Hen. Fraser, Douglas Bros.
C 1 1 Fraser. Pullet. Douglas Bros.
Andalusians---All (lasses J. Battler,
White Minm'cas-Cit, Fraser, Hen.
ekl. Fraser. Douglas Bros, Pallet,
Douglas Bros,
Utility Barred Rorke -Hon, Doug.
1113 Bios. ('kl. J, Battler. Pullet, Doug.
las Bros., J. Battler.
White Iagborns-
(k hen Douglas
Urns. nand 2nd, ('31 Fraser. Douglas
Bros, Pullet. Douglas Bras., Fraser.
A. 0. V. Leghorns--Ck, hen, Fraser,
.1. Battler, ('31, pullet. Fraser and
Jersey Giants---Ck, hen, pullet,
Douglas Bros. and 2nd. C'31, Douglas
A, 0. V. Bantams---Ck, leen, Fraser,
Douglas Bros. C'kl. pullet. Douglas
Game Bantams-Ck, leen, Douglas
Bros., Fraser,
Pekin Dueks---All classes, Douglas
Bros„ J. Battler.
Rouen Ducks-Ck, hen, Douglas
Bros., Jackie Powell. CM, pullet.
Douglas Bros„ J. Battler.
Ailsbury Ducks, All classes, Doug'.
las Bios. and 2nd.
Indian Runner Ducks --All classes,
,1. Battler.
Toulouse Geese -All classes. Doug.
las Bars.
Emden Geese --All classes, Douglas
A. 0. V. Geese -All classes. J.
A. 0. V. Turkeys-('kl. pullet, P. le.
Rabbits. A, 0. V. --Old buck, 31. A.
Fraser. P. F. Dearing. 01d doe, P. E.
Dearing. Fraser.
Utility Pens --
Wyandotte, a. v., T. C. Shean, J.
Plyntouth Rock, a. v. - Douglas
Bros,. J. Battler.
Leghorns, a. v. - F. AlcClymont,
Douglas Bros.
Rhode island Reds, a. v, --Douglas
Bros. -
Anemias. a. v. -T. C. Shean. Fraser.
Collec•tion of apples. Laithwaite ee
Son. F. McClymont. Winter apples,
F, Merlyniont. Laithwaite & Son.
Fall apples, Laithwaite, F. McCly
Baldwins, F. Mn('lymont, Leith -
wane. King of Thompkins, Laith-
waite, F. McClymont. Northern Spies,
F. McClymont, Laithwaite. -
Fallaw'ater, Laithwaite,
Golden Russett, F. McClymont,
Westfield Seek -no -further, Leith
waite. Wealthy, Laithwaite, F. Mc-
Clymont. Pewaukee, F. McClymont,
Laithwaite, Ontario, F. McClymont,
Laithwaite. Wagner, Laithwaite.
Roxboro - Russets. FI. Desjardine.
Gravenstein, F. McClymont, Laith-
waite, Spitzenburg, Laithwaite.
Snow apple, Laithwaite, F. McCly-
mont. Colvert, Laithwaite, F. McCly-
mont. Mann, Laithwaite; H. Des-.
Crab apples, red, H. Desiardine, J.
Battler. Crab apples, yellow, F. Ma
Rhode Island. Greening, F. Mealy-
atont, H. Desjardine. Ribston Pip-
pins, Laithwaite, Blenheim Pippin,
Laithwaite. Fall pippin, F. McCly-
moat. St. Lawrence, Wilbur Cornish,
Laithwaite, Canadian Red, Leith -
Waite. McIntosh Red, Laithwaite.
Talisman Sweet, F. McClymont,
Pears -
Winter pears, Laithwaite, F. Me-
Clymont, Fall peals, Laithwaite.
Flemish Beauty, Laithwaite.
Duchess of Agouline, Laithwaite.
Clapp's Favorite, F. McClymont,
Belle Lucrative, Laithwaite,
Sheldon, Laithwaite, F. McClymont.
Louis Bonne de Jersey, Laithwaite,
Barlett, Laithwaite, F, McClymont,
Seckel, Laithwaite.
Beare d'Anjou. Laithwaite.
Plums --
Washington, Laithwaite,
Green Gage, F. McClymont, Laith-
waite. Duane's Purple, Laithwaite,
Abundance, Laithwaite. Pond's
Seedling, Laithwaite. Burbank, Leith -
wane. Bradshaw, Laithwaite.
'Getman Prune, F. McClymont,
Laithwaite. Any other variety, F.
Blue grapes, J. M. Govenlock, H.
Judge- -Ll. B. Goethe.
Tomatoes, red, Mrs. E. Dickeon,
Tomatoes, yellow, J. Battler.
Onions from seed, H, Desjardine.
Onions from dutch sets, Mrs. 1':.
Dickson II. Desjardine,
Onion sets. H. Desjardine, Mlrs. E.
Dickson, Cucumbers, J. Battler, W.
Cornish Butter beans, Mrs. F. 'i'ut-
u. r. Airs. Port eons, White beaus,
Mrs. E. Dickson. Mrs. F. Tuner,
Carrots, dump root, David Grieve.
Carrots, lots,, David Grieve.
Pickling beets, Mrs. Porteous, J.
.-rrn'nip blood beet s. David Grieve.
Ca''uanhens, ripe or green, 'Mrs. F.
Tunes., Miss 1:, Dickson.
Table parsnips, .1. Battler,
Peppers, Mrs. A. Porteous,
Collection peppers, David Grieve.
Table cora, H. Desjufdiae.
Field corn, J. Rattler.
Winter radish, J. Battler, H. Des -
Jardine. Sunflower, H. Desjardine.
Novelty in vegetables, Geraldine
leekart, Mrs. E. Dickson,
Cauliflower, Diss. E. Dickson. J.
Red cabbage, David Grieve.
Savoy cabbage, J, Battler.
Fall Cabbage, Mrs. E. Dickson,
Mrs. F. Turner.
Winter cabbage, Mrs. E. Dickson,
Mrs. Porteous.
Reel onions. Mrs. E. Dickson, J.
Battler. White or yellow onions, H.
Desjardine, Airs, le, Dickson.
Muskmelon, H. Desjardine, J. Bat.
Der. Citron, striped. Mrs. E. Dickson,
Geraldine Eeka rt. Citron, California,
J. Battler. Watermelons. H. Desjard-
ine, J. Battler. Vegetable marrow, J.
Battler, Pie pumpkins. Mrs. E. Dick-
son. Table squash, J. Battler, Hub-
bard squash, Mrs. E. Dickson. Larg-
est pumpkin, Miss E. Storey, Gerald-
ine Eckert.
Field carrots, 3, Battler, Swede
turnips, table, Mrs. F. Turner. Tam-
e -ie. teed. Mrs. F. Turner, W. Cornish.
Sugar mangolds, J. Battler, W.
C'or'nish, Long red mangolds, W. Cor-
nish, Ethel Beattie. Intermediate
mangolds, \V, Cornish.
Celery, white. Ahs. A. Porteous.
Irish Cobbler potatoes, Mrs, F.
Turner, J. Battler. Any other variety
early potatoes, W. Cornish, J. Battler.
Green Mountain late potatoes, W.
Cornish. .1, Battler. Any other varie-
ty' late potatoes, J. Battler,W. Corn-
ish. Fodder corn, J. Battler, Collec-
tion garden produce, Mrs. Porteous,
Mrs. 12, Dickson.
Fall wheat, H. Desjardine, Miss E.
Storey. Oats, H. Desjardine, William
Cornish, Barley, H. Desjardine, J.
Battler. Beans, Mts. F. Turner, J.
Bat (lel'.
Judge- E. Il. Goudie.
('aimed apples, Mrs. James Carter,
H. Desjardine. Canned raspberries,
Mrs. James Carter. Mrs, F. Storey.
Canned cherries, H. Desjardine.
fanned pears. F, McClymont. J.
Battler. Canned strawberries, H.
Desjardnie, Mrs. F. Turner. Canned
plums, H. Desjardine, F. McClymont.
Canned peaches. H. Desjardine. J.
Piekled cucumbers, Mrs. G. T.
Dale, Mrs, F. Storey. Canned chicken,
F. McClymont, Mrs. James Carter.
Canned sausage. J, Battler, Mrs,
,Tames Carter. Canned beef, F. Mc.
('lyment, Mrs, Jaynes Carter,
Pickled cucumbers, sour, Mrs. F.
Turner, Mrs. 'lanes Carter.. Mustard
pickles, Ms's, G. T. Dale, H. Desjard-
ine. Tomato catsup, Mrs. G. T. Dale,
Mrs, James Carter. Pickled cherries,
Jean Scott, Mrs, G. T. Dale. Green
tomato pickles (sweet), H. Desjard.
inc. Wilbur Cornish.
Apple jelly, Mrs, A. L. Porteous,
H. Desjardine. Black currant jelly,
,lean Scott, Mrs, James Carter.
Orange marmalade, Mrs. G. T,
Dale, Mrs. James Carter. Strawberry
jam, Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. F.
Storey. Any conserve, F. Mcelymo n.t,
H. Desjardine. Chili sauce, H. Des-
jardine, Mrs. James Carter,
Canned tomatoes, H. Desjardine,
Mrs. F, Storey. Canned corn, Mrs. F.
Turner, H. Desjardine. Canned peas,
Mrs, •F, Turner, H. Desjardine.
Butter, crock, Mrs. F. Storey, Mrs.
James Carter. Butter, in prints, Mrs.
James Carter, Mrs. F. Storey. Butter,
fancy, Mrs, Jamas Carter,- Mrs. F.
Hen's eggs, white, pair's. A. Crozier,
Wilbur Cornish. Hen's eggs, brown,
Mrs. James Carter, Wilbur Cornish.
Dressed chicken, Jack Carter, Mrs
James Carter. Home-made soap, F.
McClymont, Mrs, G. T. Dale.
White bread, Mrs. F, Storey, Mrs.
James Carter, Mrs. G. '1', Dale, Brown
bread, Miss E. Storey, Mrs, James
Carter, Mrs, G. T. Dale.
Muffins, Mrs. G. T. Dale, Mrs. Jas.
Carter. Buns, plain white, Mrs. T,
Barton, Mrs. F, Storey. Buns, fancy,
Miss E. Storey, Mrs. F. Turner.
Cookies, plain white, Mrs. G. T.
Dale, Mrs. W. Petterson. Fruit bread,
Miss 131, Storey, Mrs. James Garter,
Raisin pie, Mrs. W. Petterson, Miss
E. Storey. Short bread, Mrs. G. T.
Dale, Mee. James Carter.
Tea biscuits, Miss E. Storey, Mrs.
G. T. Dale. Butter tarts, Mrs, W.
Petterson, Mrs, G. T. Dale. Dropped
cookies, Miss E. Storey, Mrs. „James
Carter, Angel cake, Jean Scott, Mrs.
James Carter. Part r House rolls,
Jean Scott, Mrs. James Carter.
Working man's breakfast, Mrs. J.
Carter, Mrs. F. Storey,
Sponge cake, Jean Scott, Miss E.
Storey. Dark fruit cake, Mrs. James
Carter, Miss E. Storey. Light layer
calve, Miss E. Storey, Mrs. Carter.
Chocolate cake, iced. Mrs. T. Bar-
ton. Mrs, le. Storey.
Apple special, Mrs. F. Turner, Mrs.
Carter. Pumpkin pie, Mrs. le. Storey,
Mrs. G. T. Dale. Lemon pie, Mrs. G.
T. Dale, Airs, F, Storey.
Supper tush, Mrs. G. T. Dale, Miss
E. Storey. Cordy, Mrs. W. Petterson,
Miss E. Storey.
(rookies. Mrs, G. T. Dale, Mrs. Jas.
Curter. Salads, Mrs, Dale, Mrs. W.
Petterson, Oatmeal rookies, Mrs. G.
T. Dale, Mrs. W. Petterson, Cup
Calces Tear- Scott, Air's. G. T. Dale.
Light fruit cake, Mrs. Janes Car-
ter. Miss E. Storey. Collection of
small cakes. Mss Carter, .lean Scott.
Date bread, Mrs. 0. T. Dale, Mrs.
James Carter, Meal loaf, Mrs. Dale,
\les. Cart or
Snoae- Miss E. Storey, Mrs, (x, T.
Dale. Salads. vegetable, Mrs, W. Pet-
terson. J. J. Cleary's special, Mrs. F.
Storey, Mrs. Carter. Jean Scott.
Quilt, applique; Alrs, W. Patter-
son, J. Battler; bedspread tufted,
Walter Peebles, Mrs. Petterson;
(,wilt, best quilting, J. Battler, Wal-
ter Peebles,
Pieced cotton quilt, Mrs, T. Bar-
ton, Walter Peebles; pieced woollen
quilt, David Grieve, Mrs. T. Barton;
white bedspread, Mrs. Hymmen, W.
Peebles; colored bedspread, Walter
Afghan in colored wool, W. Peeb-
les, Mrs. G. T, Dale; serviceable ap-
ron, Mrs. W. Petterson, R.. Living-
cton; men's pyjamas, R. Livingston,
Mrs. Hymmen; house dress, Alts, W.
Patterson, Mrs. W. S. Hay; floor
mat, braided rags, H. Desjardine;
looked floor mat, yarn, D. Grieve;
hooked chair seat, David Grieve;
bath mat, Mrs. T. O'Fiynn, Mrs. F.
Turner; men's work shirt, It, Liv-
ingstone, Mrs. G. T. Dale; handker-
chiefs, 12. Livingstone, Mrs, Hynn-
men; quilted counterpane, Walter
Peebles; floor prat, hooked, rag, H.
Applique, Mrs, W. Patterson, 11.
Livingston; cut work, Mrs. Hymmen,
R. Livingston; faggoting, R. Living-
ston; satin stitch, Livingston, Mrs.
Hymmen; cross stitch, Mrs. W. Pat-
terson, R. Livingston; needlepoint,
Mrs, Hymmen, Livingston; tatting,
Mrs. G. T. Dale, R. Livingstone;
knitting, cotton lace, Mrs. Dale, Liv-
ingston; filet crochet, Mrs. Hymmen,
Livingston; any other work, Mrs. T.
O'Flynn, Mrs. Hymmen.
Dining Room Furnishings -
Luncheon set, embroidered, Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Dale; luncheon set, cro-
chet, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. O'Flynn; lun-
cheon set, any other, Mrs. Dale, Mrs.
Hymmen; tea cloth embroidered,
Mrs. Dale, Airs. Hymmen; tea cloth,
any other, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen.
Centrepiece, lace edge, J. Battler,
Mrs. Dale; tray cloth, Mrs. Dale. Mrs
Hymmen; centrepiece embroidered,
Mrs. Dule, Livingston; bridge set,
Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. O'Fiynn • buffet
set, R. Livingston, Mrs. Dale; tea
C(_:y, R. Livingston, Mrs. W. fatter -
son, -
Bedroom Furnishings -
Pair pillow slips, white, Mrs. Hym-
men, Livingston; colored pillow slips,
Mrs. Hymmen, Alis, Patterson; any
other hand work pillow slips, Mrs.
G. T. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen.
Pair embroidered towels, Mrs.
Hymmen, Livingston; crochet towels,
Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen; towels,
other handwork, Mrs, Hymmen, Liv-
Guest towels, Mrs. Dale. Mrs, Hy-
mmen; bath towels, Mrs. Hynunen.
Livingston; fancy towel, Mrs, Patt-
erson, Livingston; fancy sheet and
pillow slips to match, Livingston,
Mrs. Hymmen; vanity set, Mrs. W.
Patterson, Mrs. Dale; dresser run-
ner, ire. W. Patterson, J. Battler,
Ladies' and Children's Wear -
Lounging pyjamas, Mrs. G. T.
Dale; bed jacket, Mrs. O'Flynn, Mrs.
Hymmen; sweater, knit, Mrs. Pat-
terson, Mrs. Dale; gloves, crochet,
Mrs. Dale, R. Livingston; mitts, fine,
R. Livingstone, David Grieve; car-
riage cover, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Hyn-
men; scarf and beret set, Mrs, 0' -
Flynn, Mrs. Dale; baby's set, Mrs. T.
O'Flynn, Mrs. Dale.
Child's dress, knit, Mrs. Hymmen,
Mrs. O'Flynn; child's knit suit, Mrs.
O'Flynn; child's cotton dress, Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Dale; stuffed animal
toy, Mrs, Dale.
Living Room Furnishings -
Table runner, colored, Mrs. Hym-
men, Mrs. Patterson; colored centre-
piece, Mrs. Dale, Livingston; wool
sofa pillow, Walter Peebles, Mrs.
Dale; chair set, R. Livingston, Mrs.
O'Flynn; sampler or other wall dec-
oration, 1VIrs. Hymmen, Mrs, O'Flynn
Miecellaneous- -
Article made from table oilcloth,
Mrs. James Carter; piece of needle-
work over fifty years old, Mee. Hybl -
men, Mrs, O'Flynn.
Article made from flout, sacks,
Mrs. Dale, Mrs. O'Flynn; article for
Christmas, Mrs. O'Flyna, Mt's, Dale;
piece of needlework made by woman
70 years or over, Mrs.• Dale, Mrs. 0'-
Flynn; pair men's wool mitts, Liv-
ingston; purse or handbag, Mrs, Hy-
mmen, J. Battler; kitchen collection,
Mrs. O'Flynn, Mrs. Hymmen; men's
sweater, Mrs. O'Flynn, eirs. Dale.
Oil painting, Mrs. F. Turner, L.
Livingstone; water color, L. Living-
ston, Mrs, F 'Turner; crayon sketch;
L, Livingston, AI1's. Hymmen, pencil
drawing, Mrs. F. Turner, Waiter
Peebles; drawing or sketch of farm
house, Mrs. F. Turner; three pieces
hand painted china, David Grieve,
Mrs. Hymmen; decorated pottery,
Mis, F. Turner; poster, Mrs. F. Tur-
ner; pen and ink sketch, Walter
Peebles, Mrs, Hemmen; cartoon, L.
Livingston, Mrs. F. Turner; wooden
tray, L. Livingston; miscellaneous
novelties from crepe paper, Mrs. F,
Turner; collection of antiques,
Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen.
Reed Work -
Tray, -Livingston.; flower basket.
Walter Peebles, Livingston; work
basket, also collection three articles,
Judge --114. Olive Scott, Bluevale.
Cut Blooms -
Asters, also display aster, cosmos
display, Walter Peebles; dahlias
play, Alrs. A. - L. Porteous; dahlias.
three blooms, Walter eebles, Daviel
Grieve; dahlias, six blooms, Walter
Peebles; cosmos, \", Peebles,
Gladioli, best 3 spikes, Baden Po-
well; gladioli best six, Bader Powell,
Walter Peebles; gladioli collection,
Baden Powell,
Marigolds, Walter Peebles, Mrs.
A. L. I•'orteous; verbenas, Waltei
Peebles; petunias, Airs. A, L. Port-
eous, Walter Peebles pansies. Wal-
ter Peebles; zinnias, Mrs. I1, Dick-
son; annual phlox, bars, A, L, Port-
eous, Walter Peebles; snapdragons,
Mrs. A. L. Porteous; ecabiosa, Mrs,
A, L. Porteous, Walter Peebles; zin-
nia display, Mrs I:, Dickson.
Collection annuals, 3 or more var-
ieties, David Grieve; collection per-
ennials, David Grieve; basket mixed
bloon , Mrs, A. L. Porteous; table
bouquet, Mrs. A, L. Porteous, Walt-
er Peebles; floral arrlungement suit-
Heavy Work
A sos-UT1oN* of Gillett's Pure
27.. Flake Lye will take the
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It clears clogged drains ... lifts
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free 0005 to Standard Brands Ltd.,
Fraser Ave. and Liberty Street,
Toronto, Ont.
'Never dissolve lye in hot water. Tha
action of the lye itte!J heats the water.
Nixon, Marie Hickey; candy, Cather-
ine Greene, Hazel Coleman, Jaque-
line Habkirk; layer cake, Barbara
Russell, Jean Snell, Mona Bennett;
apple pie, Margaret Bell, Mary Hick-
ey, Jean McMaster; rolled cookies,
Mary Hickey, Margaret Bell, Mary
Moore; dropped cookies, Eleanor
Johns, Catherine Greene, June Snell.
Manual Training -
Modelling clay, etc., Geraldine
Eckert, Ronald Sills and 3rd.
Tie rack, Francis O'Reilly, John
able for church, Mrs, A. L. Porteous, Carnochan;-bird models, Hazel Cole -
delphinium or larkspur display, Mrs. mean.
A. L. Porteous. Art --
Pot Plants --
Begonias, David Grieve; tuberous
begonias, Mrs, A, 1.. Porteous; roll-
ection of potted plants, Mrs. A. L.
Porteous; rex begonia, Mrs. F. Ster-
ol; sword fern, Mrs. James Carter;
house plant in bloom, David Grieve;
cut flower, Mrs. A. L. Porteous; col-
eus, Mrs. A. L. Porteous; aspidistra.
Mrs. E. Dickson; lien and chicken
display, David Grieve, Mrs, A. L.
Porteous; cactus, any variety, J. M.
Govenlock, Mrs. A. L. Porteous.
Judge -Charles V. Cooke, Clinton
Vegetables -
Swede turnips, Emmen Coleman,
Hazel Coleman, William Jack; gar-
den carrots, Wm. Jack, Frances
Jack, Marie Jack; mangolds, Francis
O'Reillly; parsnips, Hazel Coleman,
Frances Jack, Emerson Coleman;
garden beets, Hazel Coleman, Fran-
cis O'Reilly, Leona Stevens; onions,
Emerson Coleman, Arnold Storey.
Bill Storey; tomatoes, Marie Jack,
Emerson Coleman, lien Moore; cit-
rons, Evelyn Johns, John Carnochan,
Theme Johns; cabbages, Francis O'-
Reilly, Emerson Coleman, Geraldine
Eckert; potatoes, Emerson Coleman,
Marie .lack, Hazel Coleman.
Flowers -
Nasturtiums, Hazel Coleman; Pan-
sies, Elaine a111e Holmes, Hazel Coleman;
asters, Elaine Holmes, Bert Shaw;
best bouquet any variety, Yvonne
Bolton, George Shaw, Mary Moore.
Cooking -
Tea biscuits, Hazel Coleman. Sue
Book II. Joseph Burke, George
Shaw, Frances Jack; grade III, .a
scene from nature, Dorothy Eckert,
Con Eckert, Garfield Baker; grade
IV, drawing, Ruth Nigh, Yvonne
Bolton, John Laudenbaeh; grade V,
drawing, Barbara Russell, Muriel Ri-
vers, Po'is Thorne; grade VI, draw-
ing, Ann DeLaFranler, Joe Lauden-
bach, Gwendolyn Hugili; grade VII,
drawing, Archie Hubert, Geraldine
Eckert, .Jack Hudson.
Writing -
Primary, Donald Langford, Doris
Stevens, Douglas Stewart; first class,
Ronald Rennie, Mary Lou Sills, El-
aine Weedmark; second class, Gladys
Hopper, Mary Boswell, Barbara Rus-
sell; third class, Josephine McIver,
Sue Nixon, Lois Hoggarth; fourth
class, Peggy -Trapnell, Ronald Sav-
auge, Luella Hopper.
I3esl poster, Bud Smith. Alvin Re-
gier, Hazel Coleman; knitted send,
Geraldine Eckert, Mary Hickey, Al-
ice McIver; article carved from
wood, Doris Eisler, Ken Hart, Fran-
cis O'Reilly; nail box, Bruce Dupee,
Billy Trapnell; patch on cotton, Ca-
therine Greene, Dianne Mellen,
Mary Hagan.
Clothespin :mem, Hazel' Coleman,
Mary Lou Sills, Anne Eckert; darn-
ing woollen. Dianne Mellen; hand-
kerchief, Evelyn Johns, Mary Hick-
ey, Yvonne Holton; Barred Rock
cockerel, Alice McIver, Catherine
Greene, Eva Vincent; display of
knots shown in rope, Anne Eckert,
Francis O'Reilly; cushion top, Hazel
Coleman, Donelda Hawkins.
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