HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-18, Page 7F .A1C ":. Fk. .41•::% mew tame e 08 With. sther uptic It ite and first 4 to held ty in O. 6 .1 irsity York itute, (ware. . At third, 2 to. first erloo nsed iron. Sale - r by. rich :ti0D tion ties ion. tate hell. fioe. •un - don. rite 14 ee@ )nd, fate ;ale. .iom 1'3 1 .0 1d A 1L F t,; n,• R ni. OL be 06 1st e- d 0 n ;r r n 8 n• d THURSDAY, SEPT, 18, 1941 TEE SEAFORTII NEWS • PAGE SEVEN mczobagaysgavrtszonefahmisall FOLKS — After six years of prosperous business, which you have made possible for us, we must close this Store, on tions. Certain goods we cannot buy and deliveries are very poor, so we have decided to close our doors. Here is your Winter Goods at prices lower than replacement MERCHANDISE MUST 13.E SOLD 0, ? tiro ar: ". t prictALE ST RTS Sanforized Shrunk Overalls and Smocks. $2.50 value. On sale Mens Sweaters JUMBO ALL WOOL ON SALE .95 Mon'sShopCaps 9c[ FLANNELETTE YARD13C IMEN'S SOCKS Clearing 50 Suits, some with two pairs of Pants, consisting of Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges. On sale account of war condi- chance to buy Fall and FIXTURES AND MIRRORS FOR SALE LADIES' till Fashioned t`t NO MORE AVAILABLE. SEE THESE AT Children's Tarns EACH Terry Towels EACH c in. ONE LOT OF MEN'S WORK SHIRTS ON SALE 49c MEN'S Balbriggan Shirts.- Drawers ON SALE 38c Men's Covecloth SHIRTS ON SALE 89c Mens Fine Caps ON SALE 48c MEN'S Work BOOTS ON SALE 1089 MEN'S HEAVY Windbreakers Reg. $3.75 2.89 MEN'S Work Shirts With Zippers. On Sale 97c Men's Combination OVERALLS $L98 MEN'S • Fine Boots ON SALE 279 MEN'S Work Gloves 25c VALUE. SPECIAL Space does not permit us to mention the hundreds of items we have in our Store, but everything goes on sale SPECIAL 1t '.4 c Selling Out Sale. Each r s ss MEN! Here is a chance of a lifetime to buy a Suit or Coat at a price that you will never forget 15 BLUE SERGE SUITS. Indigo dye. Size 36 to 46. Regular $24.50. 30 MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Herringbones, worsteds, stripes, some double breasted. Do not miss these $1595 50 MEN'S OVERCOATS, Silvertones, Plains, fancy backs $13.955 15 BOYS' SUITS up to size 29. Blues and Tweeds $2.25 1 23 OYS' SUITS. Broken lines. Some with two pairs of pants $7.95 YOUTHS' SUITS. Tweeds and Serges, Up to size 37. Selling out $10.95 Lai:ies S resses 1 .4 Selling Out Sale CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR UP TO SIZE 32 Ilk Bedspreads SELLING OUT SALE ....................... Selling Out Sale ONE LOT OF MAGOG PRINT Fast Colors. On sale Children's SHOES Up to Size Pair 98c Ladies' Kid Shoes EEE, Arch Support Cushion sole $1.98 Opposite Post Office GREEN FREINT DEpT, sT A SMART LINE OF Ladies' ress Shoes Cuban and High Heel 2.3'9 LADIES' House SLIPPERS On sale 29c Seaforth Ont.