HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-18, Page 5EED THEM WELL !
A two -fold reason why you should give your poultry
special attention this year. A little extra care and the
feeding of a balanced diet will pay you big dividends this
Fall and Winter. Start now.
CHOICETERIA O. A. C. Lay Mash $2.70 per Cwt.
CHQICETERIA O. A. C. Grow Mash $2.55 per Cwt.
32% Lay Concentrate $3.55 per Cwt.
Scott's Poultry Farm
Phone 851 32 Seaforth
THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1941
— Thur. Sept. 18, till Wed., Sept. 24
COFFEE .... '/2 lb. tin 27c; .... 1 lb. tin 49c.
6 tins a customer
Carnation MILK 2 large tins 17c
12 tins a customer
Green Giant PEAS a 16 -oz. tins 29c
12 tins a customer
Woodbury's lc Soap Sale—
3 Star Peanut Butter....large 20 oz. jar 25c
Happyvale Mincemeat, 32 oz. tin 27c
Classic Cleanser
Gillett's Lye
McLaren's Nut
Hawes Floor Wax
Pard Dog Food
Superior Baking
Snowflake Ammonia
Lawrason's Flusho
Ivory Soap, guest
Royal. York Cheese
Aylmer Pimentos
Flllmar Vanilla Extract
Rosedale Asparagus
Weston's "Wings"
Plain or Iodized Salt
Moody's Chloride
Kellogg's Cornflakes
Whole Mixed Pickling
Post's Bran Flakes
Grape Nut Flakes
I Golden Area Apricots
Santa Clara Prunes,
I Best Granulated
Preserved Dry Ginger
Lushua Jelly Powders
!, Golden Net Red
per tin 50
per tin 12c >'
Crush 16 oz. tin 270 `.
r/ tb tin -25c; 1 tb tin 450
2 tins 19c
Powder ..8 oz. tin -14c; _16 oz. tin 23c
.......................2 pkgd. 110
per tin 21c
-5c; Med. 2 for 13c
1e lb. pig. 18c
24/0 oz. Jar 15c
Ige, 8 oz, bottle 15c
"Cuttings 12 oz. tin 12o
Cream Sandwich Biscuits, per lb.— . . ........ . ..21 c
2 lge. 2 lb. carton 15c
of Lime Ige, pkg. 150
3 pkgs, 25c
Spice per pkg. 10c
per pkg. 12c
per pkg. 10c
16 oz. tin 16c
Lge, size 2 lbs. 25c
Sugar 10 lbs, 79c
14 lb. 15c
3 pkgs, 25c
Colton Salmon Ige. tin 30c
J. Sproat PHONE 8
,8 Pryce PHONE 77
invite inspection of our stock
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
"My baby is so delicate that I
have to let my husband. dress it."
"Can he do it better than you'?"
"Oh, yes. He is a packer in a
china factory."
Teacher — "Now Tommy, when
you go home ask your mother the
day, the month, and the year you
were born."
Tommy — "Oh, bit ma neither
diens ken. I was born at ma
"What's that piece of string tied
round your finger for, Bill?"
"That's a knot. Forget-me-not is
a Rower; with Hour we make bread
and with bread we eat cheese. This
is to remind me to buy some pickled
Two cockney boys spending a day
in the country came upon a man fly-
fishing. After watching him cast his
line several times one of them re-
marked to the other; "Oh, come on,
Bill, he'll never catch anything. He's
trying to lassoo 'em."
Monty—"Six pork pies, six jam
tarts and three ices --all for six-
pence. Just fancy that!"
Fatty ---"Where? Where?"
Monty—"Nowhere. I said, just
Artie Shaw, the genius of the clar-
inet, whose recording of "Begin the
Beguine" pioneered a new field in
recorded music, 450,000 records of
this number being sold, brings his
famous augmented orchestra of 32
pieces to the London Arena for a
personal appearance on Monday,
September 22nd.
Shaw has re -organized and exp-
anded his band to include fifteen
strings, seven trombones and trum-
pets, five saxophones and four rhy-
thm instruments, It boasts five ex
band leaders, including Hot -lips
Page, a featured trumpeter and the
only dusky member of the outfit, and
Jack Jenny, a trombonist, whose
wife, Bonnie Lake, is the band's vo-
The orchestra rides solidly on a
book of carefully worked out ar-
rangements, taking pops, standards,
and oi tna s inclean full stride that
leave nothing to be desired.
Returning to the dance field after
his rest, Shaw brought his band to
California where he attracted tre-
mendous favor at the Palace hotel in
SanFrancisco and. the Million Dol-
lar Palladium Ballroom in Holly-
wood. His newest recordings, "Fren-
esi," "Adios Mariquita Linda," and
others, have even surpassed his pre-
vious best sellers. Good looking,
dark-haired, clean cut in appearance
Shaw is the idol of dance fans strict-
ly because of the music he plays. His
originality and freshness in music
sets his band ;side from the stereo-
typed bands of the day. It is costing
Shaw somewhere between $4,000
and $4,500 to operate this 32 -piece
group and he's not taking any more
than five dates in one week. His ap-
pearance in London next Monday is
one of only a few dates in Canada
this year and is the only one in Wes-
tern Ontario.
ETUE In Hay Township on Sept.
3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, Tony Etue, a
BOSHART—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Saturday, Sept. 13, 1941,
to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boshart, a
ROD—At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1941, to Mr.
end Mrs. Lorne Roe, Blyth, a
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21
The Kippen East W.I. will hold
Mrs, J, H, Meir of Toronto has their regular monthly meeting on
come to reside with her son, Mr. Monday, Sept, 22nd at 8,30 p.m. at
H. G. Meir. the home of Mrs. Wm, McGregor.
Mr. Paul Doig, R.C.A.F., Darts- The roll call will be "The Most Im-
mouth, N,S., was a visitor at his portant Factor in a Girl's Appear -
home. ante."
Mrs. Bertha O'Connell of Detroit Miss Edna Dayman of London
visited Mrs. F. Devereaux. spent the week end settle her par -
The 99th Wingham Battery, R.C. ants, Mr. and Mrs, R. Dayman.
A. (A,F.) has been mobilised for Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons spent
active service. Captain Elmer D. Thursday last in London.
Bell, formerly of Seaforth, is an Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lockhart and
officer. daughter, of Porter's Hill; visited on
Several local men who are em- Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
ployed with the McKinnon Industries J. H. Cochrane.
Ltd. at St. Catharines are home this Mr. and Mrs. G. Rochola and dau-
week owing to the strike. ghter, Messrs. Stuart and Bruce Cann
Mr. C. C. Hart and daugh- of Marden and Miss R. Powers of
ter Bertha and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rockwood and Mr. A. Gackstetter of
Hart and daughter Marie of Toronto Guelph, and Mt•, E. Gaekstetter of
visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott. Zurich, visited on Sunday at the
Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and little home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey.
daughter Joyce of Toronto visited Mrs. B. Keyes, of near Bayeeid,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cud- visited last week with her parents,
more. Mr. and Mrs, H, Jones,
Mrs. Sarah Snider of Chicago vis- Miss Dorothy Deitz of London spent
ited her sister, Mrs, Mary McMich- the week end with her parents, Mr.
sal. and Mrs. William Deitz.
Mrs. W. D. Myers of Chicago vis -1 Mrs. G. E. Thompsou spent a few
ited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Thompson days last ween with her daughter,
The W.A. of Winthrop church are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons of Seaforth
holding a home cooking sale Sa'tur- I Mr. Edward Dignan passed away
day, Sept. 27th, in the McTavish at Hope Bay, Pender Island, B.C., on
store, August 28th after a prolonged ill•
Mr, Edgar Brownlee of Windsor nese. Interment was in First Lawn
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Park, Vancouver, August
George Brownlee. 30th. The late Edward Dignan was
The Women's Association of the born on the old homestead at Fans -
Northside ,United Church Inc plantsvilla, three utiles west of Hensall,
ing a sale of homemade cooking and and in 1902 married Miss Ella produce on Saturday, October 4th, ardson of Hensall, After farming for
in Mr. I. Hudson's store. a short time Hensall, the chi Parr line,
Mr. Ross McNab of North Bay ar•- wort d.pl d they moved to and
rived home on Tuesday to spend a wonted up land at Kincaid, Sask.,
couple of weeks holidays with his south or anMoos active where he farmed
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McNab, and took an interest in alln
parents,local developments that took place in
Miss Marion Sclater has joined the a new growing country, In March.
staff of the Dominion" Bank and Miss 1936, be retired and with Mrs. Dig -
Janet Cluff the Bank of Commerce nen established a home an the island
stall'. where he has remained to the time
Mr. Lewis Boshart has purchased of his death. Besides his wife he
the Broderick cottage on Goderich leaves to mourn his loss a son Roy
street east. of Calgary, Alta., and a daughter,
Mr. George Parke of Acton spent Irma (Mrs. Paul Raordan) at Pen,
the week end with his parents Mr. Alice, British Columbia. He also
imd Mrs, R. G. Parke. leaves to mourn the loss of a loving
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart N. Keyes leaves to mourn the less of a loving
spent the past week with his parents, brother, five sisters, Lizzie (Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Keyes, on their re- Will Johnston, Goderich Twp., Celia
turn from Calgary. They left for (Mrs. Albert Fee) of Eatonia, Sask.,
Toronto. Ida (Mrs, George E. Thomson), Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dodds of Oak Florence Fee and Emma (Mrs, Will
Park, Ili., visited friends around Forrest) all of Hensall, also three
Seaforth and Londcsboro last week, brothers, Will of near Hensall, Ar -
being the guests of his uncle, Mr. thur of Marquis, Sask„ and David,
Thomas Dodds and cousin, Mr. Will 0n the old homestead. The late Ed -
Dodds, McKillop. ward Dignan was well known in this
Mrs, Jessie Brown was called to locality, having worked when a
Brantford on Friday owing to the young man as a framer for a time on
serious illness of her sister, Mrs. many barns in this district. Our
McLeod, who is 82 years of age, sympathy is extended to his hereav-
The -Luther League of Kitchener ed wife and many relatives.
district are holding their annual con -
at Brodhagen on Thanks-
giving day, Monday, Oct, 13th. J. F. DUBLIN
Prueter of Brodhagen is president Miss Irene Donnelly of Goderich
of the local branch of the league. 1
Miss Belle Ballantyne returned on spent Sunday with Miss Marie
Monday after spending a month in Krauslcopf.
St. Thomas, Brantford and Toronto. A group of high school friends of
Mr. and Mrs. William Bristow and Miss Doris Mathers surprised her at
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eyre of Sarnia her home prior to her departure to
arrived on Monday to spend a few enter training at Stratford General
days with relatives here. Hospital. An address was read and
Mr, Ed. Boyd of Toronto is spend -1 presentation made of a travelling
ing a couple of weeks here, bag. Miss Mathers thanked her
friends. Later games were engaged
FUNERAL OF JOHN McLELLAN 1M for several hours. A dainty lunch
The death of John McLellan, Tuck-, was served by Mrs, 14Iathers
ersmith, occurred on Sept. 10th at the William Curtin had the misfortune
Scott Memorial Hospital, following a to have his hand caught in a roller
protracted illness, Born in Kirkcud- lacerating two lingers
brtghtshire, Scotland, in 1854, he Rev. Dr, ,Ffoulkes gave an inspiring
crone to this country as a child with sermon on Reconsecratiou Week" at
bis family. They settled on a farm in St, Patrick's Church Sunday. A see -
Hibbert township where he lived until tial letter from Bishop Kidd was
his marriage in 1895 to Miss Margaret
read, the Pledge recited and special
Atkinson, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson of Tucker -
smith. He then purchased a farm on
the 8th concession of Tuckersmith.
After the death of bis wife in 1907 he
continued to reside there for 12 years.
and then came to live with his dau-
ghter, Mrs. W. 3. Free in Seaforth.
Mr. McLellan was long an esteemed
member of the Egmondville United
Church and a member of the session
for 20 years. He is survived by three
daughters and two song Mrs; W. J.
Free, Mrs, Johnstone McElroy, Sea -
forth and Mrs. Reginald Strong, Mc-
Lennan, Alta.; Andrew McLellan,
Seaforth, and Joseph McLellan. Tuck-
ersmith. Also two sisters and a broth-
er: Mrs, William Oliver, Seaforth;
Miss Agnes McLellan and Mr. Andrew
McLellan of Sebringville.
The funeral was held on Friday aft-
ernoon in Egmondville United Church.
The pastor, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, offic-
iated, assisted by Rev. Hugh Jack of
First Presbyterian Church. Interment
took place in Maitland Bank Cemet-
ery. The pallbearers were A. C.
Routledge, James Allan, James Hay,
Harry Chesney, R. W. Eberhart and
Hugh McMillan,
The- Holmes -Nixon Group of
the Ladies' Aid of First Presby-
terian Church are holding a
Baking Sale in the
Door will be open at 3.30 p.m.
Lunch Served. Admission 40c
prayers offered for peace.
Mr. James Jordan end Miss Dor-
othy Jordan, London, with their
grandmother. Mrs. Teresa Jordan;
Miss Mary Evans, Logan, with her
mother, Mrs. Catherine Evans.
.Aloysius Nolan and John O'Don-
nell, London, with Joseph Evans.
Miss Rose Feeney, London. with
her mother, Mrs. IC. Feeney.
Miss Martha Flannery of Seaforth
with friends.
Miss 1, inifred Dw er Kinkora,
V _Y
with Mrs. C. Evans.
MIs. F. Devereaux. Seaforth, and
Mrs, 13. O'Connell, Detroit, with Dub-
lin friends.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Roney of Mitchell
with Mrs. Teresa Redmond.
Miss Ethelyn ()'Hearn. GoderIch,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
()'Hearn. Miss ()'Hearn assumed her
duties as deputy sheriff of Huron
county on Monday. -
Miss Marion Hunter has returned
home from St. Joseph's Hospital, in
London, where she underwent an
Joseph Evans has resumed his
studies at St. Peter's Seminary, in
Private James Curtin. R.C.A.F., of
Guelph. at his home.
Miss Mary Beale was a London
Tire young ladies Sodality sponsor-
ed a very successful dance in the
parish hall.
Mr, Gordon Dill has returned to St.
Peter's Seminary, London, to resume
his studies. He will receive the holy
order of diaconate on September 20.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McCarthy of
Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of
Detroit, Mrs. Jerry Campbell and
daughter 'Ursula, of Mount Carmel,
with Miss Ella J. Dillon.
Mr. and Mrs. Themes Kelly, of
With with Mi•, and Mrs. Joseph Car-
Miss Ursula Hrauskopf was a De-
troit visitor.
Mrs. Catherine Byrne visited in
Miss Helen O'Hara of Toronto is
spending a week with her parents,.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry O'Hara.
The potato crop Is being harvest-
ed with good quality and better re
turns than was expected.
Harvesting beans and buckwheat
is the order of the day.
Nurse Beacom returned home
from nursing at the home of Mr.
Fear near Clinton Friday of last
week and expects to go holidaying
in company with her cousin, Miss
Margaret Vipond the beginning of
this week,
Reeve Leiper had the corn cut into
the silo Saturday of last week.
14Ir. and Mrs. Graydon Neil and
Murray spent. Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Jennie and Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est Knox. -
Mr. Robert 'Watson, assisted by
neighbors eut and smoked his corn
on Tuesday of this week.
The August meeting of the W.M.S.
and Ladies' Aid of Burns' Church
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Watt with a very good at-
Mrs. Ernest Knox and Myrtle spent
Monday at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook in
L ondesboro.
Mr, Charles Parsons, accompanied
by Mr. Leo Watt and Mr. Jenkins of
Blyth spent the week end in St. Ca-
tharines at the home of the latter•s
son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jenkins,
returning home Monday night.
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
Sunday afternoon at the home of
Mrs, Ella Smith and family.
We wish to extend sympathy to
all the friends of the late Mr. Wm.
Taylor who passed away at the home
of his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry San-
derson. The funeral was held en
Monday from the home of his son,
Mr. John Taylor in Morris.
The Burns Church •tnniversarp
services are expected to be held the
first Sunday in October. The Rev.
Mr. Hazelwood is expected to take
charge. Special music is being pre-
pared and a good attendance is hop-
ed for,
The death occurred on Saturday
afternoon of William Taylor at the
home of his brother-in-law, Henry
Sanderson. Mr. Taylor had been ail-
ing for some time with a heart con-
dition which gradually became worse
and last spring he disposed of his
property on Dinsley street and since
then had made his hone with rela-
tives. Deceased was a faithful mem-
ber of the United Church, being an
elder since the union of Presbyter-
ian and Methodist churches here, He
is survived by his wife who was for-
merly Sarah Sanderson, a daughter
,rs. Garden of Western Canada. A
son, Manson, paid the supreme sac-
rifice in the last war. Another son,
John, on the homestead, concession
9, Morris township, also survives.
Want and For Sale :ti., 3 weeks 50r
The September meeting 11 Eg-
mondville W. M. S. was held in the
vestry on Sept. 11, Meeting opened
with singing a hymn and prayer by
Mrs. Gardiner, who presided, Minutes
of last meeting read and adopted.
Roll call answered by seven memb-
ers. Requested Mrs. Keyes write a
letter of sympathy to Mrs. Hender-
eon. The visiting committee were re-
appointed. Mrs. McMillan gave treas-
urer' report. Mrs. Watson, Christian -
stewardship convener, gave an inter-
esting reading on the relationship ex-
isting between us and God. Miss
Cameron was appointed delegate to
sectional meeting to be held at Con-
etanee. The worship service was
taken by Mrs. McMillan, theme be-
ing "Begin now to work and pray"
for the new order and Miss Cameron
read a prayer from missionary
monthly. Hymn 510 was sung and
Mrs. Gardiner gave a synopsis of
study book. Meeting eloped with
In Person
& His 32 -Piece
"A Dance Band in the Propor-
tions of a Symphony"
Advance Tickets at $1.00 Now
On Sale at Heintzman & Co.
Record Dept., Embassy Grill,
Hotel Ridout. Address Mail
Orders and Make Money Order
Payable to the London Arena.
Western Ontario's
Amusement Centre
Parents or guardians of children of Seaforth
who wish to have them inoculated against diphtheria,
scarlet fever, whooping cough or small -pox, are re-
quested to promptly fill out and return to the
teachers the forms now being sent out floor the
schools, or by giving notice directly to the Medical
Officer of Health, Dr. F. J. Burrows. The Department
of Health stresses the importance of treatment being
given to young children of from 6 mos. to school age,
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions
From All Stations in Eastern Canada
GOING. DAILY SEPT. 12-26, 1941, inclusive
Return Limit — 45 Days
Coaches, in Tourist Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping
Cars at Special Reduced Rates for each class
Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional
BAGGAGE checked. Stopovers at All Points enroute.
Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Saute
Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information tram any
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