HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-09-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1941 HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and son Don of London visited on Satur- day with Mrs, Hat'ter's Parents, Mr, and Mrs R. D. Bell Mr and Mr; Earl Kaiser of Chica- go spent the week end visiting with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Joint Kaiser. Mrs. A. R Campbell was called to Nova Scotia last week owing to the serious illness of her mother. Mrs, 114aeDonald. Mr and Mrs. Wm. White of Lon- don were the guests of Mr and Mrs J. W. Bonthron on Sunday. • Mrs Catherine HEdden returned home on Saturday after visiting for a week With her daughter and eon - in -law, Mr, and. Mrs. Whitney Cart- er +t Clinton M, Wm. Joins and Mr .and Mr Ashur Jones' and family of St ?homas visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jon mother, Mrs. Traquair. W M S Meet The September meeting of the WMS. of Carmel Church was held an Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Jas. Parkins presiding. Arrange- ments were made for the October meeting to be held on October 2nd when supper will be served enter- taining the Horne Helpers. The visit- ing -committee reported making 20 calls and Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Dav- idson volunteered to visit next month. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Logan after which Mrs. Dallas led in prayer. Mrs. Parkins gave the topic, "Suffering, Human and Divine," which was most inter- esting and inspiring. Mrs. Geo. Walker spent ia few days last week at the home of her daugh- ter and son-in-law, air, and Mrs. Geo Gould in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs R A Orr, Donald and Jimmy of Ailsa Craig moved into thee$ new dwelling on Main street, where Mr Orr -has opened a shoe and harness repair shop in the building recently vacated by Mr. Roy Weber. We.welcome Mr, and Mrs, Orr and family to the village Mr and Mrs. Stanley Tudor are spending a few days with relatives at Dundas. ort . G. Moore of the RC AMC. Toronto, Mr • Moore. Douglas and I'ruee .re holidaying with Mr, and Mr .Jas, Patterson. Hensall Senior Institute will ram - Ten e their faII meetings -a pot luck -upper will be held at the home of Miss Sally Manson Thurs- day evening at 0.30. Members of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church attended the Presbyterial Rally in First Presby- terian Church. Seaforth, Tueeday Rev. Wm. Weir, 13A. conducted the services in Carmel Church on Sunday and delivered an excellent discourse at the morning service on - the war from the time of the sinking of the Athenia until the present. The choir rendered appropriate music and Misses Irene Hoggarth and Mar- garet Dougall took special parts in the anthems. Harvest Thanksgiving services will 1' BEAUTY SALON Will re -open on Septa 15th Experienced Operator — `Results will tell' PHONE 50 be held in Si. Paul's Anglican Church 'on Sunday,- September 21st at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev R A Brook conducted services in the United Church on Sunday. Mr. Carey Joynt contributed a solo "God's Tomorrow" at the morning service and the choir sang an anthem at the evening service. . The annual school fair will be held in Hensall on Friday, Sept, 12 when rural schools will participate. Mrs. Redmond of Milverton visit- ed this week with Mrs. T. Parlmer, Mrs. Alice Joynt; accompanied by Dr. Harry Joynt, Mrs. Joynt and daughter of London are holidaying with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt of Toronto, Mr. Thos. Shaddick who has been 111 in St Joseph's Hospital, London, is improved and able to return to his home here this week. Miss Margaret Tudor of Hamilton spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. -Stan Tudor. Mrs. McClinehey visited recently with relatives and friends at Bay- field. Alvin Kerslake Elected To Hensall Council— An election for a councillor to re- place D. E. MacKinnon, who recent- ly enlisted in the RCAF and is now stationed at Calgary, was held in Hensall on Monday. The two candi- dates were Alvin -Kerslake. merch- ant, and Fred Datcrs, laborer. It was one of the smallest votes polled in Hensall. Kerslake received 105 votes and Dater:, 25, Kerslake being elected with a majority of 80. .Hiss Fanny Bissett of • Exeter vis- ited on Monday with Mrs. Martha Murdoch. Hensall Council Adopts Tax Rate Of 34 Mills— The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening at the council chamber with all mem- bers present. Alvin W. Kerslake, the newly -elected member, took his dec- laration. of office. Thos. Kyle report- ed re trees on P. Moir's property for the park, also fire tanks. J. A. Pat- erson reported re the taxes on the of the softball games spor,.orecl by the Red Cross reported $100 raised, to be divided between the Red Cross and the War Savings committee. Plans; ;were made for a field day meet in the local park early in October and the schools are to be invited.' Sports committee appointed: Chair- man, R. H. Middleton, W. R David- son Ted Oliver, Leroy O'Brien and , Eddie Gascho, Zurich. Dr. Campbell invited Mr Owen Geiger to take the 'chair while a new president was el- ected. Dr• Campbell was re-elected president. The following slate of of-' fivers was presented by Mr, W. 0, Goodwin: Vice presidents, David Du - charms Zurich, Sam Dougall, Hen- sall, Andrew Bell, Kippen; secretary, Ken Hicks; executive, Reeve R, E. Shaddick, Rev. R. A Brook, Rev Wm. Weir, Rev. Grant, Kippers, Rev Turkheim, Zurich, Father Power, Zurich; Rev Haekendorn, Zurich, L.' O'Brien, Zurich; Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs, I'Meyers, Zurich, Mrs, Glenn MacLean, A. Kalbfleisch, Zurich, Dr O'Dwyer, Zurich, Edgar Munn, W. O. Goodwin, W. R. Davidson, J W Bonthron, E L. Mickle, Elgin Rout- cliffe, Sid MacArthur, Walter Spen- cer, Mr Seibert, E. M. Dagg, Zurich, Reeve Armstrong, F. G. Bonthron, and Robt Cooper, Kippen, The fol- lowing members of the executive who were present, spoke briefly: Rev. Brook, W. B. Cross, Reeve Shaddick, David Ducharme, Miss B Pfaff, A. Kalbfleisch, Rev. W. Weir, Walter Spencer, Elgin Routcliffe. Meeting closed with God Save the King.' Delaney.Hoskins The marriage of Miss Nene Gert. rude Hoskins of Toronto, grand- daughter of Mr's. M. Mae/detain of St. Catharines, formerly of Hensall, to Mr. John Joseph Delaney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney, Tiver ton ave., 'Toronto, on Saturday, Aug. 30th, took place in St. Anne's church, Tordnto, at 9 a.m. Rev. Father Herb- ert Delaney, cousin of the groom, performed the ceremony, and Mr. Wm. Delaney of Welland, cousin of the groom sang Ava Maria. Tho bride, given in marriage by the groom's father, chose a floor -length gown of white chiffon with matching jacket, adorned with silver sequins, shoulder length veil. and silver slip- pers and carried a bouquet of white gladioli and fern. Miss peen Delan- ey. sister of the groom, was brides- maid, and wore a floor length gown of pordr•e blue with matching jacket adorned with silver sequins. poudre blue hat and silver slippers. Mr. James Delaney. brother of the groom, was best man. A reception was held following the ceremony, tine groom's mother receiving in a navy en- semble with corsage of roses. Later the bride and groom left on a motor trip to St. Catharines. Welland and point,. south, The bride chose an air force blue dress with matching ac- cessories, for travelling. They will reside in Toronto. Miss Dorothy McQueen of London is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McQueen. stock scales, also the notice from Hay twp. re the north branch of the Black Creek drain. Same referred to the county engineer. Bills and ac- counts: Municipal World, supplies, $3,02. 0. Geiger, teaming, 40e, T. Sherritt, teaming $1.20; T Kyle, sal- ary, $70; Hydro Cont,, hall, $5.S9; H. Dayman, supplies, 50c; G. H, Follick, dro, election, $3;G 114, Brown, poll clerk, $2.50; , Parker, deputy $3.00; H. Horton, poll clerk, $2.50; J. A Paterson, returning off., $5.00; J A Paterson, mileage to Goderich $2.50, Total $99,51. Cam- eron and Horton, that we strike the tax rate at 34 mills for the year 1941, Bylaw No. 8 for same was given its several readings and pass- ed. Horton and Parkins, That the clerk be instructed to add the foll- owing to the collector's roll for weed cutting: G. McEwan estate $2,10; P. Stewart 50c, Cameron - Kerslake, That we now adjourn.— J. A Paterson, Clerk Public War Service Meeting— A public war service committee meeting was held in the town hall on Friday last at 8 p.m. with the presi- dent, Dr. Campbell, presiding. The minutes of the July meeting, 1940, when the organization was formed here, were read by Secretary Walter Spencer. Dr. Campbell reviewed the year's activities and reported four large boxes sent to local boys over- seas and also three hundred Cigar- ettes. Miss Beryl Pfaff, president of Hensall Senior Institute, spoke and stated that all parcels sent to local boys overseas had reached their des- tination and letters of thanks had been received. Mr. E. L. Mickle, chairman of the war savings certifi- cate.. gave a brief address, stating that their objective was $350 but they had exceeded it 65 per cent. Dr. Campbell, chairman of the vic- tory loan, reported Hensall leading in the campaign, the objective being $19,650, and the total amounted raised was $68,000. The treasurer, Mr, W. B. Cross gave a splendid re- port, showing balance of $159 in the bank. Mr Ted Oliver who had charge 4 THE SEAFORTH F LL AIR Thurs. and Fri., Sept 18 -19 Splendid Entries and Exhibits in Every Class SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE & BAND Bicycle and Foot Races Merry Go Round Ferris Wheel Special Novelty Events, entirely new, going in front of Grandstand all Friday afternoon A Complete Change of Attractions S``EC IAL ATTRACTIONS TRIALS OF SPEED - TWO RACES 2.30 CLASS, OPEN 3 Heat Plan.—Every heat a race... PURSE $75.00 2.25 CLASS, OPEN 3 Heat Plan.—Every heat a race... PURSE $75.00 Hall open Thursday night Admission 10c DANCING ! Friday Night, Cardno's Hall OLD AND NEW DANCING Admission 35c. Music by an outstanding orchestra The Seaforth Agricultural Society HUMPHREY SNELL, President MRS. J. A. KERR, Secretary SFR BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST OF ATTRACTIONS isolommozmamomsne LONDESBORO A meeting was held at the church on Monday night to decide about the church anniversary. It was decided to hold the anniversary en the sod of November if arrangements could be made for a speaker. No supper 1 will he held this year. Dir. \Vii. Campbell has taken a trip to Niagara Falls for a few days. Alt's.'Margaret Manning bled a ane. c•essful Red Cress tea on Saturday ! afternoon last. The Red Cross held their monthly hly meeting in the community hall on Sept. 4th with an attendance of 20. airs. R. Fairservise presided. Any one having aluminum was asked to hand it in on aluminum campaign days. Proceeds of chain teas up to date. $8L20. Treasurer reported a balance en band $710.46. The woollen rags collected at meeting 73 lbs. in all. Three pairs of woollen blankets 1 SHOWING OF NEW Implements For FORD Tractor with Fergu- son System At Our Show Room 0 Row Crop Spring Tooth Cultivator General Purpose Cultivator Double Disc Harrow OPERATED BY HYDRAULIC Gasoline for tractors can still be bought in any quantity J. F. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER Seaforth BLUE COAL All Sizes John Sclater Estate RED HOT CASH SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY Prairie Rose Flour, 98 Ib. 2,69 Salada Tea, Ib. 750 Red Rose Tea, Ib, 75c Blue Ribbon Tea, Ib. 65c Tender Leaf Tea, pkge, ., 33c Fresh Ground coffee, Ib.....390 Ell -Mar Biscuits, Ib 15c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. , ... , 19c Epsom Salt, 6 Ib. 25c Sulphur, 6 lbs. 25c ONE First Grade Creamery Butter, Ib. 39c Very Choice Dairy Butter Ib. 37c XXX Vinegar, gal. 39c Caustic Soda, 4 Ib. 25c Schneider's Pure Lard, 3 lb. 45c Moody's Lye, 3 tins 23c LARGE PKGE. CHIPSO & ONE GLASS JUG ......29c Wo Jo Fin iq fl Card of Thanks Mrs. Henry McIver and Edward wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown them during the illness and death of Mr, Henry McIver, also• for the spiritual and floral offerings and to those who loaned cars. Auction Sale Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, September 13th. 300 head of mixed stock cattle, A nice run of cattle. Usual run of calves and mixed pigs, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. Auction Sale On Monday, Sept. 15th, at Cud- more's Stebl.e, Seaforth. 1 general purpose horse, good sin- gle or double; 1 Durham and Here .ford bull, 1 year old; 4 two-year-old Durham heifers, 6 two-year-old Dur- ham steers; 25 steers and heifers 1 year old, 60 pigs front weaners to 100 lbs. Homer Hunt, Prop,; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF 100 ACRE FARM. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer has received in- structions from the undersigned Exe- cutors to sell by public auction at Lot 29, Con. 9, Township of Logan, ?a mile east of Brodhagen, on Fri- day, Sept. 19th, sale to be held at o'clock, the following: The Farms, consisting of Vie acres, tniore or less, On the farm there is a fraise house with metal siding, S romps. Good cellar, furnace, hard and soft water in house. Wood shed and summer kitchen. Barn—Good bars 41 xSa. Iron metal roofing. cement :dab - Hug with water bowls throughout. 2 good wells. Drive shed 26 x 50. Hog pen and hen house. Hydro installed throughout the buildings. The farm is well drained. Some 40 acres of grass. balance under cultivation. This farm is Lot. 29, Con. 9, second Mt east of the village of lirodhagere, close to church and school. On c•onn- ty road. Terms of Sale --10 per cent of purchase money to be paid on clay of sale. Balance within :lo days there- after. Farm to be sold subject to a reserve bid. For further information apply to the Executors or Auctioneer. Wm, J. Meyer. Fred 0. Meyer. Ex ec'utots; Fred W, Ahrens, Auctioneer. 1 Auction Sale Of Live Stock and Implements. Complete Diepersnl Sale of Live Smelt and Implements at Lot 27, ('cu. 11. Hibbert Township, on Tuesday. September 16th, at 1 P.M. -.. yearoldhorse; 1 Horses-1 two rn three year old mare; 1 black mare with foal at side 1 white mare. (`tittle One black cow; one grey cow; one black cow, white fare; one roan cow; two roanheifers; one sow With litter of 12 pigs born on Aug. 23rd. A number of hens. Implements—One binder, Frost & Wood; one mower, McCormick; one turnip seeder; one seed drill; one buggy; one three furrow tractor plough: one gang plough; one riding plough; one walking plough; one set light sleighs; one cultivator; one steel hay rake; one set harrows; one land packer; one farm waggon; one chicken shelter; - one set heavy sleighs; one dirt scraper; one cream separator; one gasoline engine; one root pulper; one set of work harness and three collars; one work bench; hay fork rope and car pulleys and trip, and other small farm tools. one truck chassis. A small quantity of hay. Terms: Cash and no reserve. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Seen.... Seeeumnu.e„ets ,,,,iesse ee..1',,use e, were ordered. The president thanked all who had in any way contributed to the Red Cross. A quilt was quilted, after meeting. The following have been sbipped since last meeting, 2 khaki scarves, 2 turtle neck sweat- ers 2 alternate caps, 3 pr. of two way mitts in khaki, 2 khaki, 5 pr. socks; 4 ribbed helmets, 4 pr, sea- man's long stockings; 4 navy turtle- neck sweaters, 4 pr. navy' two way mitts, 4 navy scarves, 8 pr. seaman's socks. Meeting closed by singing God Save the King. Lunch was served by Mrs, E. J. Crawford, Mrs. Bert Hunk - ink, Mrs. F. Longman, Mrs. Wm. Hunlcing, Mrs. H. flunking, Mrs. P. Riley, Mrs. T. Roberton, Mrs. W. Hewett. Proceeds from tea $2.11. McCONNELL .& HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hare SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 P. m. WANTED Lady in •Seafot'tb would like to have an elderly woman to do house- work and spend winter as compan- ion. Apply at News Office. FOR SALE Stove, $axon Treasure, al condi- tion, oval Are box, 16 has. long, will take large blocks of wood. Large oven, good baker also copper reser- voir, Will sell reasonable for cash. Frank J. Smale, Centre street, Sea- forth. NOTICE Will the party who has in his possession a cross cut saw belonging to P. Lt. C., please return it tit once. WORK WANTED Woman would like work of any kind at once. Housework preferred. Apply at this office. BOY Would like a steady job for winter. Can do most any kind of work. Ap- ply at News Office. DOG FOUND A brown and white hound, Owner please come and get (log. Phone 064 r 21, Seaforth, FOR SALE York sow due in about two week.' eek ,« or York sow with litter of 9, two weeks old, Apply to James Lands - borough, Phone 665 r 16. HOUSE FOR SALE Seven roomed frame house with cleeh•ic lights, town water and fur- nace, with one-fifth acre of land, on North Main street, Seaforth. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs, G. Keen, Eg• mondville. PIGS FOR SALE Thirteen little pigs ready to wean, and four chunks. Apply to William J. Storey. phone 845 r 6, WANTED Flax straw frau sta dm the !d n e g m field or threshed. Contact Hesky Flax Pro- ducts Ltd., Seaforth. Phone 74. HULLETT A very enjoyable evening was spent last week when the friends and neighbors of the tenth conces- sion of Hallett gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Yungblut to honor the newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs, Knox Williams. The young couple were 1,rought forward and the following address was read by Beth Govier: Dear Florence and Knox:—We pour friends and neigh- bors of the tenth concession, have gathered here to -night to congratul- ate. you on your recent marriage and to extend to you our heartiest wishes We regret that you are leav- ing our midst, Florence, and what is our loss will be a gain in new community. As you make new friends we hope you will remember your old friends of the Tenth and the happy associations with them, PROPERTY IN EGMONDVILLE, A desirable building property off" Main St., half acre of land, small barn and henhouse. A quantity of brick, and cement blocks, may be sold separately. Must be sold to wind up estate. Mrs. Jean R. Dale, R. R. L Seaforth, Ati,ministratrix. NOTICE Do you know that your Watkin's Dealer lives three blocks east of the Public Library and will be at home FOR SALE Rocco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar ranteed 25 years. Rosso Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hard- ware. Extension Ladder's up to 44 feet in length. Asphalt Products in- cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul•I3rick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, I3ruce.fleld. Phone Clinton, 618 ring 12, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. All risks placid in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES We feel we cannot allow this event to pass without showing our esteem for you. We ask you to accept this lamp as a small token of our re- gards for you. As it reflects radi- ance in your home may it ever re- flect fond memories of your friends and neighbors. It is our sincere wish that health and prosperity may be yours through a long and happy married life together. Signed on be- half of the Tenth. The young couple were presented with a lovely trilight floor lamp. There was also a pres- entation for the three boys from the section who have left to help in the war, They were, Donald Sprung, London, Stanley Yungblut, St. John, Que., and Nelson Radford, also of London. Each .of the boys was pre- sented with emblem rings, after which "God Save The Ring" was sung. Lunch was then served,