The Seaforth News, 1941-09-04, Page 6PAGE SIX THE SEAFORTH NEWS imenaimassummammemminamem he 7 know the spot you mean, ,Quar- eight in my exposition of mat .er.s. tern:to:stem Saitches island—coral That there is no .greater force here to rock of new formation. and as bad a carry out the plan is a .fault of hi Majesty's ministers, and none of mine." "But -should our enemy really ap- pear," asked. Mabel, with more inter- est than she might have shown, had she not remembered the guest in 'tlk het, "what course -ought we to -pur- atie?" "elly advice would he attempt to achieve that, twetty Mabel Which ren- dered Xenophon so justly eeleibrated." "I think you mean a retreat, though I half tinea a; yisitr alinsion." sons • calamity befallina it sooner asr "Yeat'ee imagitied toy meaning front On possession ofa atrong native "It is be hoped not moil ,ar :writ 'ens. young lady. T tat aware that oa Ina,. is over," se -as -reed Maori. "I no a i,h sooly the French latioutago" \Vt might think eurselsee happy, did it prove to he the Irequoie. 1 have reasoned with 'Major D:uthanl on the occupetion of this position, hitt 'a Man Maan ha' 'his: way,' lata- first object in ac.companying this party was to endeavour to make my- self acceptable and aseinl to your beautiful neice. Master Cap; and the second was .te, -take such an account of the stores that belong to my part- icular department as shall leaVe no question open to controversy, toe- cerning the manner of expenditure. when they- shall have disappeared .by means Of the enemy." "Do you look upon matters as so aerioes?" demanded Cap, actually sus- pending his mastication of a bit of vension—for he passed alternately from fish to flesh and 'back again— in the interest he took in the answer. "Is the danger pressing?" '-'1'11 110' say just that; and I'll no' say just the contrary. There is al- ways .danger in war, and there is more of it at the advanced posts than at the twain encampment, It ought, there- fore, to occasion no ,suorise were we to be .visited by the French at any Moment" "And what the devil is to be done in that case? Six men and two women would make but a poor jOb in .defend- ing such a place .tta this, should the enemy invade ue; as, no doubt. Frenchman -like they would take very good care to come strong -handed." 'That we may depend on—eome very 'formidable force at rhe very lowest. A militarydisposition might be made in defence Of the island. out of 411 miestion, and according to the art of war ;hooch we would probably fail in the force necessary lc, carry out the design in any very creditable man- ner. In the first place, a detachment liens discretion. Your French are a head -over -heels nation, and usually come forward in a random way; so we may look for them, if they comet al', on the other side ,s1 the ;eland," The discourse now became exceed- ingly desultory, touching principally, however, on the pr.I.babliities of an in- vasitm, ni the hest means of :0 11111 it. To .most Otis -Mabel paid bat little- attention; :11 ch site fe7t smile sarprise that len lo;:: iMeir. an off- icer whose character for couraoe stood well, elteald oaenly recommend an ra4tndoninent ,-1 xhat aPpeared to her to be dety, her eather's cheracter being connected alth the defence the island. litT 11) :11,1. however, we. so inueb•occupied lier tliai seizing, the first fa...et-sable tuoirent. land -fall, in a dark night and blowing weather, as a sinner could wish to keep clear of. It's a -famous place for cocoa -nuts and bitter water. that Sancho's Ialand." • • 'It's no' very famous for dinners." returned Mair, repressing the smile .which was struggling to his lips nut of respect to Mabel; "nor do I think there'll he much to choose between its revenue and that ,sf -this spot. In my judginene, Master Cap, this is a very unmilitary poeitn, and I look to yonr -worthy failler has pointed out the Coraoral certain modes and molt - ads wltielt he fancies this. island ceald itt held, in ras the Ftarlicli discovtir its position: 'hitt the excellent •Sergeant, thou.:17 your fath- er. and as good a man in his -dative aa ever Wielded a spontoon. is not the great Lord Stair, se- even the Duke of talarlborough. I'll not deny the Ser- geant's merits in his ,particular sphere, though I cannot exaggerate qualitiee, however excellent, into those of men who may be in some trifling degree superiors, Sergeant Dunham has tak- en counsel of hie heart, instead of his head, in revolving to issue orders; but if the fort fall, the 'blame will lie on hint that .ordered it to he occupied, and not on hint whose duty it was to defend it. Whatever may Ihe the det- ermination of the latter, a.hould the French and their allies land, a good commander never neglects the prepar- ations necessary to effect a retreat; and I world advise Master !Cap, who is the admiral of our navy, to have a boat in readiness to .evaruate the is- land, if need comes to need. The largest boat that we have left carries a very ample 'sail; and by hauling it round here, and mooring it under those bushes, there will be a conven- ient plate for a hurried embarkation; and then you'll perceive, pretty Mabel. that is scarcely fifty yards before we shall be in a channel between two oth- er islands, and hid from the sight tif of those tvho mayhappen tn be on this." • "All that you ay is very true, )Jr,( 1.MItir; but may not the -Frauds come front that quarter themselves? If it is isa-..od for a retreat, it is equally geoil for .an advance," 'They'll no' have the sense to do so discreet a thine," returned Muirlooko ing inrtively and a little uneasily around him; "they'll no' have auffie- had been hardened by labour; "niore "Blockhouse very 'good; good 1 or slow- too quick." 'women, !Blockhouse got no scalp." 'Mabel repeatedher question, en- I fear 3 understand you only too deavoming repress the impetuosity well, (NM. Do you wish to see my et' het feelings; and she succeeded in father?" speaking so distinctly as to be under- "No here; gone away." stood. "You cannot know that. 'June; you Jane, friend," remelted the lediem see the ialaod is full of his soldiers." No 'fall; .gone away;"—here June "I Salieve you, Jone—,from my soul held np four of her .fingers,—"so 1 Wit ve yild; what ine, -OAS .to do many red -coats." oitit 11 'vt?" "And Pathfinder? would yon not -Friend cente to see friend," mow- like to see the Pathfinder? He can 6".1 11 111 "'flan) g sjittiY n the task to yon in the Irommis tongne." 'Tongae Knee wid hini." said ;lune. .1.1...Te other retson, Iltno. 1utghin_t kyr tengue in his moue." ea -e emi eater run Otis rise, There wa. emnething so street a lid. Yon are elem. ittne?•' eontagioas in the infantine laugh of an "eltme aid yo.t, no one else, June Indian girl. that !Mabel could not re- amie itte teal,l'e canoe." frail' from joining in it, much as her 1 think s,a—nay, 1 know fears were aroused by all that had yoe aoala not ire treacherous passed. ei;11 me. Jam i" "You appear to 'know, or to think 'What treacherous?" you know, all about as Jane, But if "You would not betray me, wonld Pathfinder he gone, -Eau-deuce can too give Ole to the French, to the Jr- speak French too. You know Eau - to Arrowhead?" douce; shall '1 run and bring him to Jane shook her head earnestly. talk with yoo?" "You would not sell my acalp?" "Eau-douce gone too, all bit heart; Here Jane passed her arm fondly that there." As Dune said this, she around the slender waist of Mathel and laughed again; looked in different preased her to Iter heart with a tend- directions, as if unwilling to confuse erness and affection that (brought the other, and laid her hand on (Malta tears into the eyes of our 'heroine. It el's bosom, a -as done is .the fond earessiag. man- Our heroine had often heard of the ner ef a woman. and It was seareely wonderful sagacity of the Indians, and possible that it would not obtain crel- of the aurprising manner in which it for sincerity with a yoting and in- they appeared to regard none; but emulous person of the same sex, she was scarcely prepared 'for the die - Weibel returned the pressure, and then notion the discourse had SO Singular - held the other off at the length of her ly taken, 1Wililieg to change it, and at arm looked her steadily in the face, the sante time truly anximis to learn and continued her inquiries. how ,great the danger that impended "11 'Jolts has aomethina to tell her over them might really the, she rise friend let her speak ,plainly" she said, from the canip-oo,d on which sthe had sets :ars are oven." been seated; and, by aastuniag an at - "Imo, afraid ;Arree,vheati kill her." titude of lees affectionate coafidentie, 'But .Arrowhead will never know she hoped to hear more of that she it.' Mabers blood mounted to her really desired to learn, and to avoid templea as she said ehis; for she felt allusions to that which she .found SO 111111 lle was urging a wife to be entharrassing. treacherons to her husband. "That is, "You know how mach or how little 51 se iP not tell him." you might to tell me, june," she said: 'De bury tomahawk in Jane', "and I hope you lore me well enough hear." to give me the information I ought 10 "That roust never he, dear jitne; I hear, My dear uncle, too, 15 on the is, would rather yon should say no more land and you are, or ought to be, his than run this risk," friend as well as mine; and both Of as "Blockhonee good place to sleep, will remember your conduct when we good place to stay." get back to Oswego," "Do you mean that I may save iny "'Maybe, never go hack; who life 'hy keeping in the blockhouse, know?" Thia was. said doubtingly, or June? Surely. surely, Arrowhead will as one who lays down an uncertain not hart you Inc telling me that. He proposition, and not with a tavnt, or Cannot wish 'me any great harm. for 7 a desire to alarm. never loitered him." "'No one knows what will happen "Arrowhead wish no harm to hand- bat sOod. Our lives are in His hands, some pale -face," returned Jame, avert- Still, I think you are to be His in- ing her .face; though she always spoke strument in saving us." in the soft, gentle voice of an Indian This passed Tune's comprehension, girl, now permitting its notes to fall and she only looked her ignorance; so low as to cause them to sound mel- for it was evident she wished to be of ancholy and timid. "Arrowhead love use. pate -face girl." "Biockhouse very good," she re- f -Mabel Iblushed, .she knew not why, peated, se soon as her countenance and for a moment her questions were ceased to express uncertainty, laying repressed by a feeling of inherent del- strong emphasis on the laet two icacy. Bstt 11 was necessary to know words. more, ti -sr her apprehensions had been "Well, IT Understand this, June, and keenly avealcened, and she resumed will sleep in it to -night. Of comae 1 her inquiriesaro to tell my uncle what you have Arrowhead can have no reason to said?" love or to hate me," ahe said, 'Is he The Dew-of-gune started, and she near you?" discovered a very manifest aneaeiness "Hastband ahs -aye near wife, here.' at the interrogatory. eaid Jane, laying her hand nn her "No, no, no. no!" she answered, heart. with a volubility and vehemence that "Excellent creature- But tell nte. was imitated from the French ,of the :rune. ought I to keep in the block- house ito-day---thie morning—now?" eleauld be sent off to the shore, with orders to annoy the enemy in landing.; strong party ought instantly to be thrown into the blockhouse, as the citadel, for on that all the different detachments would naturally fall aack Inc sapportas the French advanced; and an entrenched camp might be laid 0111 errand the stronghold, as -it a mild be eery anmilitary indeed to let the foe get near enciaali walls then). Cht v a it -i e wcsiltt keep the cavalry rip under cc,- .er1 yon wbods. -Strong skirmishing parties, • moreover,. wolilr1 1)5 tao"eed- ingly • serviceable in retarding the march 1 the enemy; mid tasee differ- ent hetsoroperly picot'CA si ditit d, would it cont,n-ted into very • tr-i(ls for that o;.ajec"." crmastr; Aral -,V11 Cr 111 d-1 tsfisl l! 'the men to .carry out such a plan?" 'The, king oat .c,1 ail question., Mae-. ter Cl.eIt is his quarrel. and it's fast he should bear the ,burth.en o' it." 'Arrl we are only slid This le -fine aailtines With a vengance. Yoe 'could he oat down to the shone to oppose the 1sndng, Maliel might skirmish oith htr tongue at least, the soldier's fe mieht -set mix''1e-fre s 0 ens' 1 ensile Oie valry, I lie sie eaort, • cornmand the entrtnelted ani • Three .",7',11..y the five hnts, and •Nottid tke the. -block- ho'irse, Whe—e—e--•-w! you 'tescrili "Speak elow;" eaid ...lune, returning well, and :shoulI have 5•milts for 01111,and pressing, the little elyeen a lboaer :netted of a soldier," .. hand eite held with one 'of -her own eSsla, Pee 'i't very 1"5erel end npa that was ecareely laresere though . . site left the tit:t5:1 tt'- stt5ti her ,own hut ,Lartfillly fastening the doc,r. and that the simple Cartaii. has drawn before the ..ingie little window, iMahtl next led tilt 1)ew-of-inne, or Jane, t,s she .was fatn1iriytermed :oy those who spoke to her in, into The outer rirIl Making los r f P.-Ffection arid (.011114- (1re, I ani glad to see yon. Jane," said .wi111 one Mi. ilcr sweetest and in her owl! W'inning 1eevy glad to •.•-•-•, -.ion. What lia- 6r.-"Iilt you hitIer, and bow did yol discovPr Thinks ssioocla all water, 'understand not'irg. Tell 'Arrowhead and June die." "You do nay dear ancle injustice, for he would be as little likely to be- tray you as any one." "No understand, Saltwater got ton- gue, but no eyes. no ears, no nose-- noeing but tongue, tongue, tongue!" _Although Mabel did not exactly coincide in this opinion, she saw that Cap had not the confidence of the young Indian woman, and that it was idle to expert she weld consent to his being admitted to their interview, "You appear i, think you know inn situation pretty well, June," Mabel continaed; "have you been on the before this visit?" "just come." 'How then do sem know that What yon say 11 true? my father, the Path- finder, and di:au-donee may all be here within sound of my voice if 1 -choose 10 call them.' "All gone," said June 'positively, smiling ,good-humouredly at the same time. "Nay, this is more than you can say .certainly, not ihaving lbeen over the island to examine it." "Cot good eyes; see boat 'with men go away—see ship with Eavechouce." "Then you have 'been some time watching tis. I think, however, You have not -counted them that remain." 'Dune laughed, held op her four Singers again, and then 'pointed to her two thumba; ganging a finger CYVer the first, she repeated the words, "red- coats:" mad 'hatching the last, she ad - (tea, 'saltwater," "Otiartereatester." All this was being very accurate, and Mabel began to entertain serious doubts as to the propriety of her per- mitting her visitor to depart without her becoming more explicit. Still it was so repugnant to her feelings 1,, abuse the eonfideoce this gentle and affectionate creature had evidently re- posed in her, that 'Mabel had no emitt- er admitted the thought of summon- ing her uncle, than she rejected it as unworthy of herself and unjust 1' her friend. TO aid this good resolution too, there was the eertainty that June would reveal -nothing. but take refuge in a stubbora silence, if any attempt were made to CO ere her. 'YOU tliitak, t 11 e 1:111 INPal) el continued, as soon as these thoughts had passed through her mind, 4that 1 hast better live in the 'blocklamise?" "Good place for woman. Blockhouse got vo acalii. Logs eick." "You speak confidently, June; as if you 'had been in it, and had measured its wails" Dane laughed; and she looked know- ing, though she said nothing, "Does any one 'but yourself know how to Iliad this island? have any of the Iroquois seen it?" 'June looked sad, and ahe cast her eyes warily about her, as if ,distrust- ing a listener. "Tuscarora, everywhere ---Osavego. here, Frontenac, ,Movshawk every- where. 11 he see shone, kill her." "But we thought that no one 'knew of this island, and that we had no reason to fear our enemies while on it." "Mach eye, Iroquois." "Eyes will not always do, June. This spot is bid from ordinary eight. and few of even our own people know how to find it." Canadas; "no good to tell Saltwater. "One man Can tell; some N.engeese He much talk and lone- tonguetalk gaenelea THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1947 PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate of University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and tbereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J. 1,1. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Bye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the lest Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 pm. • Counter Check % ok aka We Fire Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. Afl styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. The • Seaforth News SEAPORTH, ONTARIO, (rir4v,141? 7 417 ' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. 11 Ross' office. Phone 6J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assilatant NeiS York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Bye, and Golden Square. throat hospitals, London, Eng. At, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third, Wednesday M each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER GORDON M. GRANT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County 01 Huron. Arrangemeats can be made for Sale Date at the Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon M. Grant, Goderich Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. 1'. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction. eer Inc Perth and Huron Counties Sales Solicited. Ternis on Application, Farm Stock, chattels and real estate property. R. R. No, 4, Mitchell. Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth coun- ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold jackson, phone 14 on 661; R.R.4, Seaforth. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Licensed. Auctioneer for Huron. Correspond. encis oven:aptly answered. Immediate Arra:int:lents can be made for Sale Date by caning Phone 203, Clinto'n. Charges Moderate and satiefactito ittinnittend. Watton & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Sneceasors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. .A.11 kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Wm. Knox, Londesboro Vice President, W. R. Archibalet Seafortb; Secretary Treasurer, M. A Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKereher, 11.11.1, Dublin; Jolm 21- Pepper, 21.21.1, Brucelleld; J. F. Prueter, 13rodhagen; James Watt Myth; Aldred Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Wililam Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Malwing Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clintons Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Mabel felt a chill at her heart, All the suspicions against gasper, which she had hitherto disdained entertain- ing., •crowded in a body on her thoughts; and the sensation that they brought was sit sickening, that Inc an instant she imagined she was about to faint. Arousing herself, and rememb- ering iher promise to her father, she arose and walked op and down the Mit for a minute, Ifartcyiag that Jas- per's delinimencies were *naught to iter, thang,k her 11101051 heart yearned with the desire to think him itenocent. "a understand your meanings iTune," she then aaid; "yon wish me to know that some one has treacheroosly told your people where and haw to ,final the island?" Dog Owner—How does it tome that your dog knows all sorts of smart tricks, while I find it impose. ible 20 teach my dog anything? Neighbor—Well, you see, you've got to know more than the dog, to start with.