The Seaforth News, 1941-09-04, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1941
Values for Thur., Sept. 4, to Wed., Sept. 10
Hillcrest Shortening 2 1-1b. prints 29c
St. Williams Orange & Grapefruit
MARMALADE ,..., 2 ib. jar 25c
Monarch FLOUR 7 lb. bag 29c
Keen's Mustard 1/4 lb. tin 23c
Marshmallow Biscuits per lb. 19c
Niblets CORN 2 14 -oz. tins 27c
JAVEX per bottle 15c
HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI 2 16 -oz. tins 25c
HAWES FLOOR GLOSS—no rubbing pints 59c
TODDY 1 lb. tin 45c
Lux Flakes, small pkg.-10c; Large Pkg. 25c
Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. tin -14c; 16 oz. tins 23c
Royal York Tea—More cups per pound , ye ib. pkg. 48c
Royal York Coffee, Ya Ib. tin -27c; 1 lb. tin 49c
Blue Boy Coffee, / Ib. bag -23c; 1 lb. bag 39c
Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c
Pure Clover Honey 4 Ib. pail 60c
Kellogg's All Bran large pkg. 24c
Finest Sultana Raisins 2 /bs. 25c
Aeroxon. Fly Coils 2 for 5c
Fly Ded 10 oz. tin 25c
Royal York Cheese 1/2 /b. pkg. 18c
Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 25c
Star 5 String Brooms—Good Quality each 55c
Van Camp's Tomato Juice 2 20 -oz. tins 190
Lump Alum, Powdered Alum, Whole Mixed Pickling Spice, Parowax,
Parkes Catsup Flavouring, Cassia Buds, While Allspice, Whole
Mustard Seed, Whole Celery Seed, Fancy Jamaica Ginger, All Kinds
Ground Spices, Whole Spices, Rubber Rings, Zinc Rings, Glass Jar
Tops, Crown Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers and XXX Pure Vinegars
Ross J. Siroat
Miss Na Pryce
Monument Works
Formerly W, E. Chapman,
We invite inspection of our elock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS. or any other
time by appointmeut
See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
Radio Service
Bring your Radio, any make, to
LAWSON'S, for repairs. Twelve
• years of service experience
Special attention given batterY
sets. They require a good aerial
system to save battery power.
Free Inspection given along
with a set of Batteries, and
• necessary adjustments made.
A full line of Burgess B's, Ex-
ide storage, on hand.
841-23, Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs, P. Eckert and little
daughter from Timmins, who were
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Eckert, have returned home.
They wore accompanied to Toronto
by his brother Vincent Eckert.
TOWN TOPICS 1 The Wonten's Association of /
— Egmondville Church
Mr. Chas. Warman alai Mr. and
Mr. Lawrence Warman spent a few
days last week M Toronto visiting
Mr, Wasman's brother-in-law and Re -4 -
ter, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Eickmeyer,
L. A.C. Dave Chalmers of Winni-
peg, Man„ and Corp, Harold Fraser,
Halifax, N. 5., both at SFTS, Dunn.
ville, were guests last week of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Nott. Mr. and
Mrs. Nott and daughters Nancy and
Sally accompanied them back to
Dunnville on Sunday and spent the
holiday there and attended the Reid
and stir exhibition of the training
school. rat of her ronin Mr. Elgin Hyde,
who was killed in a motor accident
Mrs, Heury Cuelmore lett this week
to spend the winter with her niece Friday.
n Exeter,
holding a
Cooking Sale
Afternoon and Evening
friends and relatives in Stratford
and Toronto. While is Stratford
Mrs. Zimmerman attended the fun
Mr, J. M. Robertson returned on. The death occurred at her home in
Friday after spending several weeks' Seaforth on Sunday after a short 111 -
holiday at Bayfteld. nen of Nellie Louisa Freeman, relict
Mr, and Mrs. Ray McGeocla and of the late William Bickell. Born in
daughters, Barbara and Jean, Ham- e875, a daughter of the late Thomas
Ilton, spent Labor Day with the forra- Freeman and. Jane Campbell, she was
er's sister, Mrs. Paul Doig. married about thirty-five years ago
Representatives from Seaforth, to Mr. William J. Bickel', who pre -
Clinton and Goderich attended a deceased her in February, Mrs, Ma
meeting to discuss district hydro ell was a lifelOng member of St. Tho -
rates at Clinton on Tuesday even- mas' Anglican Church and was an
ing. H.E1.P.C, Engineers Jeffries active member of the women's organ -
and Rathwell addressed the meeting. izations for many years. She is sur -
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Porterfield, vived by one daughter, Marjorie, of
daughter Faylene and Miss Betty Toronto teaching staff; two sisters,
Fels of Flint, Michigan, spent the and two brothers, Misses Libbie and
week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Carolyn Freeman, Seaforth; William
I Seaforth, and Paul Freeman, Toren -
to, The funeral was held from her
Miss Marguerite Westcott returned
late residence, Louisa street on Tues -
home after spending two weeks hol-
idays in Flint, Mich. day afternoon. The pallbearers were
six nephews, Harold Freeman, Erie,
Lieut. and Mrs. Frank Archibald of Pena., Gordon McLeod, London; T.
Petawawa visited over the week end Silverthorne, Toronto; Wesley J.
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Joynt, Lucknow; William Bickel'.
R. Archibald. and Frederick Rogers, Kirktou.
tSr. and Mrs. Dan Wolfe and soul erment was made in Maitlandban-
Freddy of Stratford spent the boli- cemetery. Rev. Dr. Burford officiat-
day with her mother, Mrs. Margaret ea.
E. Hart, George street. Out of town relatives present lo -
Corp. J. Walker Hart, of the Lan- eluded Paul Freeman, Toronto; Mr.
don Recruiting Depot, who has a and Mrs. T. Silverthorn, Toronto:
moneys sick furlough following an I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Mrs.
attack ot pneumonia is visiting his Harold McLeod, London; Mr. and
mother, Mrs. Margaret E. Bart,
George St., and lett Tuesday with Mrs. Harold Freeman. Erie, Penn.;
with Mr. Will MakIns, of N. East -
hope to spend a week at Barrow Bay,
Bruce Peninsula.
Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot and
Neil of Hamilton. also Mr. and Mrs.
Nell Tyndall, who were returning to
Sudbury after spending the summer
at London. Were guests at the paren-
tal home with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tyndall, TueltersmIth.
corp. George Ward of the High-
lendere Regiment. Hamilton, was a
:.J;11,,t1 1)1 elre, Hugh 111cKay. during
the week end and renewed acquaint -
00 the 5th con. Tuekersznith,
where he lived as a boy until the
family moved 13 years ago to Al-
berta and later to Victoria. 13. 0,,
where his father, Mr. Chas, Ward,
still resides.
Miss Monica Desborough. R. N.,
, who spent two weeks with her pat' -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manley „spent eras, Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert, re-
turned to her home in Dearborn,
Sunday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Con Eckert, Seaforth. Mich., and her daughter Nelcey, who
The late rata has helped pasture spent a month with her Many frleads
fields and plowing and has made a here, returned with her,
good seed bed for fall wheat. I Sgt. Harry McLeod of the RCR,
Many farmer® were busy hauling ramp Borden, is spending the week
flax for the Hesky Flax Co. into the here.
Mr. C. P. Sills and sons Ronald
barns of Albert Sietnon and Jas.
Johnson. j and George spent the week end with
Mise Mary McKay arid brothers •
friends in Detroit and Mrs. Sills and
I daughter Mary Lou returned home
Clem, Gerald and Stephen, from Galt.
with him on Monday after spending
called on Me. and Mre. Jerry O'Hara'
, week with her :deters Mrs. T,ouis
Brall and 'Mrs. Gordon Hays.
Mrs. Herbert Whittaker and son
Miohael returned Wednesday after a
JameHenry Reid, well-known month's visit in Fort Erie and Ham-
IBayfirld merchant, died Tuesday at Mon.
Mr. James Scott left on his home here, following a lengthy
day for Saskatoon.
Mr, Walter Klinkhamer front De-
teott spentthe week end in Seaforth
and vicinity.
bliss Mary McKay and her breth-
ers Clem, Gerald and Stephen, from
Galt, called on their grandparents on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hart and
son Kenneth who have been visiting
hayfield, treesurer ce tee Bayhel,! in Kingstille, have returned home.
Agricultural S.:,7iety and a member, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckert and
the local cemetery board. ,nnil
tie daughter from Timmins called
on friends in Seaforth Mit week.
Mrs. A. D. Armstrong has returned
to her home here after visiting her
daughter Mrs. Willocks at Ripley. -
Mr. James Eckert from Strathroy
spent the week end with his par-
ents Mr, and Mrs. 3. M. Eckert,
Mr. Angus Kennedy- and Mr. and
Mrs. August Ducharme of Hibbert,
and Miss Hilda Kennedy of London,
spent a few days at Midland.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Quigley of De-
troit, Mrs. Geo. Carbert and Miss
Mona of Hullett visited with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ducharme.
Mrs. Joseph Eckert and two dau-
ghters Anne and Geraldine, return-
ed home on Saturday after opending
a week at the Toronto exhibition,
and with friends.
Mrs. W. J. Woods of Walton is 0
guest.ot Miss A. Lawrence, Goderieh
Mr. and. •Mrs. Andy Zlinmerman
and family spent the week ead with
aud family last Monday.
Death of fames H. Reid—
illness. Born in 1,574 on the Bayfield
road in Stanley Township, the eldest
son of the late Mr, and 'Mrs. John
Reid, he lived et -01-e family residence
until 1907 'He then bought out the
store tIt John Fraser which he eon -
dueled until early this year. He Wets
a member of the boltel of manage -
meat of Knox Preehy-terian ,Church,
to' ItIr, 40.'er4, llittWary Reid,
welt whom he lived, M is; Ida Reid of
Detroit, !Mrs, J. IW. Elliott ofBruce-
field, and three hrothers, Robertson,
who lives at the old family home-
stead; 'William E., of Winnipeg, and
George F. Reid of Flexconeb. Sask.
The funeral -,erviee will be held from
the late residence Therstley at 2.30
pan. Interment will be in the Bayfield
Send us the names of your visitors.
rmimilmmumwmimmums&'A, I NI ALS DISABLED
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Joynt, Luck -
now; Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bickell,
Mrs. Routley, Mrs. Roger. Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Roger, Kirkton; Mrs.
0. A. MacAlpine, Mitchell.
Mr. Potts of Michigan, white
spending the week end with his aunt
Mrs. Henry Deihl, tithed on Mr.
George Beatty Sr,
Mr. and Mrs. Laytimm and family
of London in company with Miss
Beatty spent Sunday with the Mtter's
mother Mrs. Beatty and daughter,
hie and Mrs. A. Seeley of Clinton
milled Sunday on the farmer's sist-
er, Mrs. Austin.
Mrs. Roy Morrieou and son of
Kitchener spent Sueday with Mr.
and Mrs. M. Elliott and family.
The annual harvest thanksgiving
service will be held in St. John's
Anglican Church Sunday-, Sept. 280,
of which mention will be made later.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie left
Friday for their new home in Flesh-
erton. The best wishes of a host of
friends go with Mr. and Mrs. Beattie.
Mr. Carnochan and daughter have
moved into the village where Miss
Carnochan has been engaged as tea-
cher, to succeed Mr. Beattie, who
has moved to Flesherton where he
has been engaged as principal. We
welconie Me. and Miss Carnochan to
our community and wish her every
success in her new post or duty.
The Red Cross are asked to coll-
ect for urgent war purposes all
available scrap alumiuum, on or be-
fore Sept. 60a. Wtlt you please look
through your stock of aluminum and
if you find .any worn or useless
items, tune these over for war use.
Take them to the building west of
Mrs. Mossop's store, and as the mon-
ey realized from its sale will go to
Red Cross, you are actually helping
In two direetione; the Red Cross
with funds, Canada with aluminum
for victory. Won't you please ea -
operate with us ?
Mrs, George Connell returned hone
niter two weeks' visiting with her
son Roy, of Tuckeremith.
Mrs, G. Marks and daughter Caro-
lyn are spending a few days with her
brother, Roy Connell. in Tucker -
Egg Getter? Egg Wanter?
Which will you be this fall ?
A few poultry raisers will be egg -getters in September,
October and November whea egg prices are highest. These
are the Poultrymen who have the foresight to feed a well
balanced complete ration such as Choiceteria O.A.C. Feeds
Choiceteria 0. A. C. Lay Mash is made of the choicest
ingredients possible, and is delivered freshly mixed several
times weekly to our plant.
CHOICETERIA O. A. C. Lay Mash.... $2.70 per ewe
CHOICETERIA O. A. C. Grow Mash $2.55 per Cwt.
32% Lay Concentrate $3.55 per Cwt.
Scott's Poultry Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad. Rinser of
Wyandotte, Micb.., and six children,
also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender and
six children of Clinton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt and two chil-
dren of Hensall, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. C. Rinser over the week end.
Mrs. R, Shaw of Simon and Mrs.
G. Ross of Seaforth are the guests of
Mrs. Jessie McGregor and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, Joe McClelland and
Mrs. Andrew Bell returned home
from London after spending a very
pleasant holiday the guest et Mr,
and Ilirs. S. Stackhouse.
Rev. J. Richardson and Mrs. Rich-
ardson were recent gueste of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Belt.
Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Seaman of
Kitchener called on friends in the
neighborhood during the week.
Mrs, Bernard Sanford and son
Billy, of Toronto, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McLean.
Miss Mildred Delta and Miss
Grace Schilbe of St. Catharines were
home for Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor and
children Patricia and Terence spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rote.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Piper of Chicago
visited last week with Mrs. Piper's
nunte, Mrs. Robert Dinedale ate'
Mese Mabel Whiteman.
Rev. and Mre. A. M. Grant and fa-
mily have returned to the manse af-
tor spending August at their cot-
tage at Tornbulre grove.
Miss Jean Long left on Tuesday
for Owen Sound v. -here she will eatn-
mean training as a nurse, Her many
friends wish her snevess.
Mrs. Margaret Stafford has return-
ed to St. Thomas after spending last
week with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mollie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ITich of Wind-
sor, Mr, Arthur Long of St. Cathar-
ines and blr. J. Arner of Arner, Ont.,
spent the week end with Mr. aud
Mrs. Norman Long,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Sehilbe and R. Jr. Cooper
spent the week emi rtt Tobermory.
We. Robt. McBride is visiting in
Eleeherton with her daughter, Mrs.
Stewart Beattie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride and
son Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Moffatt and sons Eldred and Gerald
visitee the Toronto Exhibition last
Mr. Wm Ivison is in Toronto visit-
ing with relatives.
Mr. arid Mrs. 3, K. Cornish spent
the week end in Welland.
Miss Ellen Scott has returned to
London after spending her vacation
at her home here.
Mr. and. Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent
the week end in Stratford.
FORREST-a-At Scott hiemorial Hosp-
ital, on Tuesday, Sept, 2, 1941, to
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Forrest,
Hensall, a son.
SMILLIE—At Mrs. Paterson's Priv-
ate Hospital, Hensall, on Tuesday,
Sept. 2, 1e41, to Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Smillie (nee Ann leleleaugle
ton) a daughter.
A farmer wanted to telephone, but
found the line busy. "I just put on
some beams for dinner," he heard one
woman say to her neighbor.
A. few minutes later he tried again.
The same women were talking.
"Say, lady, I smell your beans
burning," he broke in. There was a
stream and two receivers went up,
and the line was open.
The Red Cross and Patriotic Soo
iety held a very successful bingo ad
other amusements last Friday even.
Mrs. A. Rohner spent the week
end at Exeter and attended the Voll -
and picnic at Hamilton.
Mrs, H. P. Berry and Mrs. A. Pat-
erson attended the Exhibition on
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth of Detroit
visited Mr, C. D. Simpson Friday
Don't forget to gather up your old
aluminum and bring it in either Fri
day or Saturday. Come on. let's help
beat Hitler.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan and Dor-
othy are holidaying in Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Swan and children. of
Hamilton visited at the home of Mr.
Jas. Swan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert and
family of Ildertou visited on Sunday
at the home of Mr. D. Swati.
Miss Irene Snider of London spent
the holiday at her home here.
Mr. Chas. Sayer has returned and
is again busy a.t the Stanley School.
Mr, L. Smillie and his father of
Erin visited at the home of Mr. H F.
The Watford Guide-A.dvocate refers
as follows to the late John Sharp:
Funeral services for the late John
Alexander Sharp, of Warwick, a for-
mer Watford resident and s, well
known contractor and mover of
bridges and building.. were held at
his late residence, No. 21 Highway,
two miles north of 'Watford, on
Thursday afternoon. Rev. H. V.
Workman of Seaforth 'United Church,
a former 'Watford minister. conduct-
ed the service In the absence of Rev.
John Bonham of St. Andrew's. Int-
erment was in Watford cemetery,
the pallbearers being six nephews:
Ernest Phair, Clarence Sharp, Harold
Cooper, Gordon West, Alvin Sharp
and Elroy Ferguson. The flower
bearers were Gerald and Frank Gavi-
gam Harold and Earl Copeland, Ar-
chie Fleming and Arthur Harmen.
Mr. Sharp had been in poor health
for several weeks due to a hear:
condition. Surviving are his widow,
formerly Ida Pearl Moore. of War-
wiek. and a family of five daughters
and two sous: Mise Jean Share. Reg.
N. of London. airs. A. Fader. Kerr -
wood. Mrs. A. Loughead of Forest,
Phyllis and. Donelda, Bruce and Don-
ald, at home; also three brothers.
Allan of Athabaska; Jame.; of Crose-
field. Alberta; Joseph. of Sarnia, and
Henry, of Wyomiag.
Mr, Joseph O'Reilly has purchased
a purebred Tamworth hog "Randolph
Mapleiturst," from Mr, William
Boyd. We wish yOu Alieeess With
your new undertaking, Joe.
To the Parents of
I have been instructed by the Council of the
Township of Tuckersmith to make a general exam-
ination of the children of your schools. This examin-
ation will be made in the second and third weeks of
I will also inummize any child against scarlet
fever, diphtheria„ whooping cough and smallpox.
Child must have written consent of parents for
this innoculation.