The Seaforth News, 1941-09-04, Page 2PAGE TWO
• It is doubtful if in any other line of business the
man at the retail end renders as technically expert and
helpful service to his customers at so low a cost as does the
local Implement Dealer. This, while it has always been so, has
greater significance in these days of more highly mechanized
farming, calling as it does for training and experience in the
servicing of modern machines.
His experience with machines enables him to give time and
money -saving service in the speedy furnishing of the correct part
when repairs and replacements are required—for delays in seed-
ing, haying and harvesting may result in substantial loss to a farmer.
In those critical seasons his warehouse is open practically at all
times, and he is untiring in playing his part to prevent farmers
suffering from delays.
His accumulated knowledge of methods being used and of
the experiences of the many farmers he calls on and associates
with makes his advice helpful and valuable.
Since the early pioneering clays, through ail the
vicissitudes of farming, the Implement Dealer has
shared the hardships as well as the fortunes of farmers
rendering a worth -while service and establishing a
well-founded place for himself in our economic set-up,
(lin tem eommunity was
.., ke'i to learn of 21;e nnexrletted
death of Frederick Livermore. who
paned away in his sleep early on
Au;:u.t _•4li. He had appeared to be
In his usual health the previous day
and was at wr,rk as usual at the
Clinton Knitting Company. When he
failed to h'- np and abrnit the house
at. the usual hour next morning his
daughter wilt to his ronin to wake
Inn; and found life extinct. Born in
Engiand, -August 1 nth. 1+7::. a son of
J„sepia Livermore and Martha
)Towns o nd t Liverniate.1i11;2 he ,ante
with his parents to. t'a2lada when a
and had spent ala o'' al! his
a:' its 11,tr,m Comity, t.;: pa„t 47
t--•,;'- iti ,"elnt,sl. r`..-•
13 years he
lei:: ;at' eat:.}. yes , tbe Sherlock*
-.. --ling Pial., s 1.21..-rIL•-rly De,it
-vi for the 1,it,t - years was
t is+: r'lict4,-1 i' ;i't1t,g Company.
.. .... a
met -nisei) . _ ('1111 -on town
.•... .,
for 1 y•r,a= ,20221l'0o•
... I!:.J. wL n 11, aa,,. -no 1t -
r. --=£al. emoliiiiite for tinitai term as
lIn wee itgani ,el e to 4',,"1:1-
2 t
la41. As a y 2.^.g ;min he 1,-1
'3tat,• a•'•re to.) ._ tie, Salvation
Army and ever 012 2 retainot1 ilia,
oat •resl in than..:organization. In I
Mardi. i0'.a0. 11+- iiiarri•-d Edith
Trawse, who sill•viveo. He also leaves
four sons: Earh of Stratford. Clar-
ence of Harriston. Percy and tier-.
ricin of Clinton: three daughters,
Miss Hattie, at home. :lira. Viola
Lalnpma,t, Clinton, and 1T1,. Donald
L'fw.,attt, [,oderich; tive grandchildren.
E t i-t2;. Earl and cart Livermore,
alit Betty and Jean Latnpnt:an: two
brmhers. Jamas sof Clinton; Texas
of Dundalk. and six sistera, Nara.
H -chert Castle, Clinton. Mrs. Minnie
I3,zean, Mrs. Annie Shepherd. Lond-
on; Mrs. Alice- Fa set . lllyrlt; Mrs.
John Leith, Lunknow, and Mrs. May
Spencer, Santiago, California. The
funeral was held from the. family
residence. Bond street. Clinton. last
Th,iraday afternoon. Intoamtent was
in Clinton cemetery.
Battery For Active Service—
Although no official word has been
given out, reliable sources have said
that Wtngham 39th Battery. R. C. A.,
under the command of Major R. S.
Hetherington, K C., will shortly be
mobilized for active service. The bat-
tery Is at present undergoing train-
ing at Thames Valley, near London.
-Legion Drumhead
Service Sept. 14—
The annual parade and drumhead
service of Zone 10; Canadian Legion,
will he held do Lneknow one Supt, i4,
L. stone branches in ?his zone are.
\\'inah:ens, LT1. know. Kincardine. Ina
tcdrti, Listnwest, Brussels. Ilarristnn,
Eo --ter. Sealot 111, Clinton and (lode -
Purchased Barber Shop—
Mr. J. Gooding of Toronto has pm'.
rhased the Habkirk Larne:. 7*hap and
to Ik pease: ,tuts last week \wing-
lhanl Advanr e -Time.?,
First Sod Turned at
Airport Near Exeter—
'1'11e- 2,2.1 :earl was turned on Tins•
day tor the m -W Airi)or1 in Stephen
Township. ,.t the sato. time Air-
''- ,r. w.•1.- -'taliiun out 211'- Parols of
iLr ' :,nfl Hugh Love and Lloyd
Taylor to21 the twentieth t011+•-•=iu:1
St.g,11.•n township. the latter to he
as 'i as an at:0iliery 22.11. with rho
n: r.inz of the 1112 sad a young oily
le in tile mania=. The Warren Ritn-
,. 1., ,J- P aviter, Co.. Ltd,. .rt nroranto,
hoc.• the '.not:cot tar tett• grading
2'i paving •.f the new .11,•'-,1. 'Tile
• 1:21.. ,,ori . •217•)110 Lace• h••••n sub,
' to Armstrong Bros., ,nntrtlrtlnn.
The lett, vomit:. r
b•. ..C: operation, on Tu. -Slee 111111 a
rpill,2 drawl, • rade2 repaid, of
i01Ili,ne six yards of flirt- I3y the
•-nl of the week several whlitim,al
•2-a,hn'-s will be on the job. Options
have tie. -.2.1 2sketu on the property 1•e.
inb•ed and the land has been survey-
ed for the runways. The necessary
'tares are being torn down.- Ev'-,•v
'lay sena a larger nilmher of ant0s
awl :ren tamped at the silt,, looking
or t1' rl:. 12, far the employment is
11na1'etl, bot more will he required
when building ALe'•tltione get 11111•.1'
way. Exeter Times•Alvoeate,
Highway Gets New Top—
it••altr•faeing rot Highway No. 4
for a distta1111' of five mile, south of
Exeter has been completed. Hut tat' -
via and crushed stone W51*e laid over
the cement pavement. Fourteen ear -
loads or over five hundred tons of
trashed stone were used.
Leaves For New Position—
Mr, Albin J. Fawcett. who for sett -
era years has been teacher at the
Exeter H. S., and who has been in
charge of the manual training and
shop work, has left for his new posi-
tion as mathematical teacher at
William Brownlee, Clinton—
William Brownlee died recently at
Clinton at the home of. Mrs. Jane
O'Brien where he had been lodging'
for the past year. He was in his 80th.
year, and had been failing In health.
Ile was a sot of William Brownlee,
a pioneer Hallett Township farmer,
and was born on the homestead
farm. Base Line, In 1nr,1, As a young
man 11e married Martha Pagsley.
who predeceased him 22 year., ago.
They spent the greater part of their
lives in the United States and it was
there :111.5. Brownlee died, There
,411111 e, IT 2021, Uavid, of Idaho. nue
daughter Mrs. T. A, Davis of Gales-
h t 1, Illinois. a brother .Tames and
two -rtes, Mies Mary Brownlee and
Mrs. Ruth ,luno' of Toronto. He aft-
erwards married Matilda Perrin, of
(Tinton. who tiled four years ago.
Alter her death he resided with his
dat.ndner at Gale: born, but early in
lei. returned to Clinton. Interment
tonic place in Clinton cemetery.
Mrs. John C. Adams—
I-ieath of Sarall ill. Brundson,
widow of John ('. Adams. oicur>~ed
last week at her residence in Lond-
,•,Iror,,, age 74 years, after two
weeks' illness. resulting from a
attain... 1'b wu- born in Londe•lawo.
dangllt.'r „i' 211' late Mr. and Mrs.
'lnhm B1'ittldsou. 111111 bad r5,111ed
22140'l2 all her 1ifr•, She was a valued
adherent el the Lr ilrl'_sboi•G United
('burr], and an untiring worker in
the \\'om'>m's Missionary Soelety.
(1 r lin-band died in 191:1 Surviving
one tion. Harold of Londeshoro,
and 1212 stalrsons, -Ernest Adams of
Clinton and Edwin Adams, of Seat-
eattle. Wash.; also one brother, Will-
iam 130111 dsml of Lonrlesbot•o; nos
granddaughter, little Jean Adams,
Londeehoro; and one grandson, Lloyd
trl:,u;s of f'eu•rboro.- The funeral
.•rcite wav held Thursday afternoon,
from Co- Lnudeshoro rnited C1111(h,
t-rmdnr•t.(,d by the pastor, Rev. A, E,
Menzies. The palihear::r's were Robt.
Ihnieblut, James 51Ic:Cool, John Arm-
strong, Leslie Ball. Robert Town-
send and George McVittle, The how-
erbearers were, Howard Brundson,
Sidney Lansing, Richard Vodden and
Bert Brundson. Interment was made
in Lonriesho'o cemetery,
At a special meeting of the Exeter
d11ag• council on Friday evening,
Mr. C, V. Pickard was appointed
clerk of the village. He replaces
Joseph Senior, who for 25 years fill-
ed the position. Owing to failing
health Mr. Senior sent in his resign-
ation at the first meeting of the
council this month. Mr. Pickard is in
the insurance business and handles
real estate. The Pickards have been
associated with Exeter for many
Judgment Awarded
Stephen Tp. Farmer
Damages Given for Loss Caus-
ed To Seed Corn Crop by
Weed Sprayer
Damage of $85 with costs in favor
of - D. F. Coughlin, Stephen township 2
farmer, against the County of Huron I
were awarded last Thursday in a re-
served division court judgment hand-
anded down at Goderich by Judge- T. M.
Costello. The award is for damages
caused to plaintiff's seed corn by the
eountywe-rd sprayer, the wind hlow-
ing the poisonous liquid into Mr.
('oughlin's carr; 'fold as the sprayer
passed, destroying several rows. The
award 14 for actual damage caused,
nothing being allowed for potential
loos through injury 0) the grower s
reputation as claimed,
"1 cannot venture a guess at the
possible damage occasioned by poor
appearance of the crop and I believe
that this poor appearance was more
or less remedied when the outer
rows of corn were pulled up, Cer-
tainly I am not going to burden the
county with any punitive damages
occasioned for work in which it
should he encouraged, namely, the
destruction of weeds," the trial judge
stated. This is the first case of its
kind to reach Huron county courts,
although other claims have been set -
tied by the County Roads Com-
Mrs. Daniel \\'illiants .was a grac-
Lt1i, Gasless '>f chi; tceek schen :he
entertaino1 at four tan'es of five hun-
;d..1. k' iz2'. arse a',n ',y- Mrs, Pat-
-n tor1(,n, \Ir. William O'Rourke,
1fr, 1, V. Flynn and '11r,, James
i rau,k.r'1..1 -1)2 :•; '.men '.v;,, -erred
\-:-:;'r.; Mr- and Mr.. Jolla .1.
i{.. •., 5L-. aol 11ra. Far....1, 11,11,11
tad 11r. Fr,,i l:,• ert .attended 111e d'r-
„1111• R- ,lo• -1, Rc '1•111 a1 ''112(1
a.,tttam; 11r:,Staple-
et :and fanti',y, Co!]inxwo,,d. with
1L^. and 1fr<, \\'iL'ianl S12111et,m; 1117*.
Reek, R.N.. I'.rt Dover. and
iL. and i\ir•, E. liei:tel, '.liftcl,'.1i1
:14 11r, and Mrs. _1".,err R 'ck:
•1 ,:na, - , 11e'cad} l'oront . ,111711 :1 i•
N10-, Catherine \fkWuaid:
Mr. and \Ir., John .1. Its:thug
:elle 1, mesa a'1•, to L,,ndon and.
• ., Thomas 1,22,1 1 the I1eo'men
11 r, and 11r,. T. Ptter.-,u
,ta and 11r.. 11.
\haws'. •mi•11 Mr. and Mr;. 11 ,r:•r_
d.annin: Bain I11:n'ri-. 2 oi')pi1, 1;e,orne
R. Morris ingrr,.>1'.. awl Mr. T101
'lir,. (ram.).11orri-. Fullerton, •,222'2
'Mr. and Mr-. W. H. Keeler: Fcrat.
Lanoin and Dal'on Malcolm ilave left
on a trip to North Bay. Ottawa and
Toronto: 'Miss I,ettie Lannin and Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Thiel at tirani
Bend; 1lr-a Vera -Feeney, Toronto
and 1fi Ro.e Ferny, Lonrl •n, 2it1t
their !anther, '\lr-. Kathleen Feeney,
'1•4e S::,fir, 1\Conrea'. In-titnte met
in the town -hi? hail, :lt:' ;,s•2'-i1b'nt,
'Mar.4are! bavf:, pred'1in ..11r-,
0=oar Reed Aa- at the piano. Th
11l,'e111{ ''•,01ed ', •121,7104 '''t l':01 -
a la." n.:.,'a r.l '1;r the d_or i'. Brayer,
The roll call '.0a• aitaa,r0,1,c 1 01 ,21'.
of the world, 1'1,e audience ,t.'..1 at
attention ,chile Mr-, O-var Reed 1'I ,y -
ed the-".,ut.ricat: n,rl:mal ;1)111(tn 111
the. Russian national (11151011. lir..
t.:ell Pant man .fitae :1r '2110,•111 ev-
ent,, tin.. .rlt.;anding r,1t 'x•
Prime. \1iai-ler t ,rr'ull'• and i'rr,-
l•n•: nieeting +nt the
prince o1 it\ else 111 the 1:012 ie Ocean
\11.- Helen Pringle read an interest-
in.:- paper prepared by 13,1rn Leslie
1 ,1.on n Visanun B -d.
The topic "Peace Education and in-
ternational Relation:" ,vas .igen
William Carroll, Mitchell. 'rte s:)eak-
erts opening remark was, we should
he thankful lie are 1201st.; in a-(1, 12ltti•y
where there i• freedom. Ther, 200, a
time when '.c2' were er1tha.ia-tie over
pear0 and thnu_tht peace had come to
stay, but ace have chanced our min',-.
He :asked the que'1ion, "l)> '.2211 have
peace in our home.:: Do we 'rac:•
peace in our community?” Every -
ganizatiou can flat a real work to teach
people to like and be content with the
country they live in. Peace can 'he
taught through schools by giving ev-
eryone an equal chance. through
youth movement if under right influ-
ence. 'lir. Carroll also told ahout
some of his experiences wltilse visitin:,
in ''Cuba. •Hi eln'u1*4 remark yea;- "if
peace is to he restored we have to ,be
a big influence in backing 1.1:5 our
,Miss Davis tha•n:ked Mr. Carroll for
his interesting and instructive address
followed by hearty applause.
"Have you any cream for restor-
ing the complexion?" asked the faded
"Restoring, miss? You mean pre-
serving:" said the assistant heartily.
He sold her 110 worth. -
Want and For Sale Ade., 1 week 20c
. , 1 ,.1. ,n!
:r ^1 . u l ,r I vi
atri:tt2e- ,lonniter, tarn ann
leaving- 1 1-111). •.22'1 A'11 •1 `.Ir
I.NIC'K:ly i. ,.•. 1 m1.41r l a, 2,,-;21, it.,l
r L1Fe c•Mv furls'. ion -!'h,,-,'.
to :nem. 1•,911, ':a, ,,I',a.111.,
,\acts .. > i, t t 21..•11 12r. '11ck.1;
;;-ace an arlmri'l:: r•:^A1' >n "rha'i
,' 1122 '11e•dtiat• and Rimed' iu 2121:11
a.' ex')re-sed re -ret .,2 ;orbit; e, he
ha, cera1,112 'ht 2:111 ''.• r itli.arty. ..='i 1.:. 1; Lor
tile last ,3,.11,= and ,.on_.,,1.1rn•122
,tarot nnen 1.21'?. -Aare mat ,•'r''.
•i'he 21,17141.: 1, •':1,
hunc't ,,a 4- ,00C . 1 '„ rt,:•
,\1r-, \\ 1, 4(2' 11. i!1 :U1l) 1:1112a,,
attended tete irandly 0,100,12 .,f t1(••
Dalrynt It and St..n eau law winch
was holt at 11.akti,itht un N -,doe -lay
I'he \1i ea 13,.rna. 5lacKell, i\1,r-
garet Scott, Lila Norrii and H ue1
lfuxwortdy as Scotch dancer, as1r'
ed in the program at the d 2'k side pi.
Fletcher Sperling, Brussels—
Fletcher Sperling, who hall been a
resident of Brussels for the past.
forty years, died at his hoots there
recently, in his 83rd year. Ede MIS
the son of the late Joint and Emily
Sperling of McKillop township wlulre
he was born in 1857. He moved with
his parents to the lith line of Grey
township uteri he was eleven years
of age. He was married to Sara 13e11
of 13lanshard township in 18112. In
}5221 he moved to Iirus els where he
Conducted an implement business.
Ho was a faithful member of Mel-
ville Presbyterian ('hunch. },tassel::,
He is survived by lih wife, one son
Wyman, and a gl'anldaughter, Deila
Sperling, of London, Interment was
in the 13ru,eels eeut,'t"1•y, Tho pall -
hearers 1v0re Also Anderson, Harry
Champion, Cleve Banker. Comte Ectc-
niter, George Multln,nl acid Jahn
Gid Litt May Never
Drive Again—
GIrI Litt, one of the 1» !•known
h:n•ut. s race drivel•. 121 1110 Rennin•
inn, may never drive again. (11d 02212-
the driver of Miss Vora Mira who
2•011 1112' 2;211 n111111U1 pit(•Iltg D"Irby
\2'•w 1'1021111111'g last AV'rrdn-qday and
made it in mat 121110 for hint in this
a•ve111 121 six years. However, the ex-
rilwnnt was apparently too math
tar the veteran driver and he suffa-r-
ed a sevens heart 1lttai•li 2111 Friday.
' Although lie is rontitled to heli 11 is
not thought that the sealants will be
dangerous. but it is doubtful 21.11.2I1•1'
or 1102 lie will ever pilot aa211hr
thoroughbred. Besides driving the
Derby w1211ler at New 1laluburg Wed-
nesday, lie drove fine. Rirlge Babe.
who finished second in the Futurity
trial. Mr. Litt is not training horses
TIT pfr•Salt; lee 15 t$2' pru}11'leibf ,.t
tlw ,Atuulree hotel, --Milverton Sun.
County Property Committee—
The pt'o}terty committee of the
County Council hehl its r}uarte:•ly
meeting at Gudoi•ieh re,•enly, but
there was little Inlsin•,s 024 110
agenda, A ('heel. was 1011(1'• ,,71 1lh•e
fuel supply of the val•ioti, 2 .020ty in•
tititntln10 and some 111101i'ena:rsi
the ('ollrt Hnn.e were 201.•11 ,.1:'
proval. The c nin,y is paying 011'•
110111ar per Pin 211'1re tar It... _.',1 tans
year, Warden Leiper said. [arid.•; 1.
tally-, two new larks W.'11e -,rd', d
for the County jail to replace
smashed by the tymm, Windsor men in
their abortive effort to escape.
Want an For S t:_- ,Ads, eek- 52)7
)(CAT need Gillett's Lye in the
kitchen and in the bathroom.
Keep it handy for drains, for
pots and pans, for numerous
other household tasks.
Gillett's Lye will save you
hours of hard work—it's the
easy, efficient, economical way
of cleaning.
'Never dissolve lye in hot water. The
action of the lye tree!'
heats the water.
FREE BOOKLET —The Gillett', Lye
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clean, dogged drains .. keeps out-
houses clean and odorless by destroying
the contents of the closet ... bow it
oerform* downs of tasks. Send for a
free copy to Standard Brand, Ltd.,
"Ismer Ave, and Liberty Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Mrs, Ross Johnston—
death of 1L• Ross 3 ,1111 -tuts
(a•reri'ed ant .113121151 _1,t, :1) •12.01'
11,2211') at Hicks. Mrs, Jo11et-1„1: 0021.,
in her 71st year. $lpa had been in
failing health for the past .four
but had been somewhat 12romg r term
hast 1'ets' weeks and her passimg rattlyl
as it great elincl1 to her t:t:i:lly- ,ted
friends. She 1(:141 h, •t1 a r esid.e, t of
Blake all 11,-r 111•, Mts. J ,i 1 a •in
was of it veery' !tint di-, ositaeo and
was well thought of In ail who 1:0-7:0
her. Those who survive her
husband; two sons, Harold)-
lett 1(1(21 James at hams,; 2.0.1 '1a1,41 -
tris', SIr.-, 11. Webb; of London and
lits. Frei Tm'ner ,rf O.fries; three
grandchildren. thaw 'i'nruer, MIs.
Lawrence 11e,lard and i.1,t,ert John--
,111n•snot; also I(52' 121(.1 lb.•t • Via) is 2.1.1151)'
}•.212.5 of age, three sister, and five
brothers. The -funeral s'•rvine was
rondt•ted 11y 1Rev, Mr, Iieekend,lrll
of Zurie11 and was largely attended.
Interunmu took plat1” in the Baytiidd
Expensive Sport—
Once again y:a111 boys duty, 11;>"21
"pinging" the 121114' lir'11tt tit B:ay.
u,eid daarhol' with air ?iuls, and ,22
1'ill"s. t'a11ai1tg CJttaileral,.- d0r1ge.
P1713 P rangilt them in tlaa ant at 111,
'0ean•.2nd and'although they y e ' 21,12.
pen -:..need t1, y lost their gnu
Wt.rt. snverely reprimanded ha' h.,tit
pollee anti parents. the latter pay fug
rather a2e0}, dantage l.ii1. 0121y
Windsor cath • 21 , 1':i''
1311y.1 1.1 11:2.1 2ir}=:ay (121•
L)o1La,hin (.oy...m.:. -tt 414; to;, ..ra1ry
thleosijtions a,10001t r. tt o:,::.
Dani a 1- ".al-.Sta:'.
Anent --I: your r ....,,,1<er at frame,
Bay—Yea. s
Anent tatter sovoral kaoeke du
vain t- -1 thought you said afro was at
Boy—She is, but I don't lice here,
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Conte ,n and see the new Plyntuu:i: car and Fargo Truck
We alt-'., have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
Phone 179 and we will cane promptly
PHONE 179.
At Repairs Strictly Cash
We Airn To Please