HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-08-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR
"$n1 i says to the Captain --'\-hat about dropping in at Halifax. I've got.
a girl live: there' elo here we aver'
THE SEAI;t_1RTfi NF.\3'S
snowd,.n Bras.. Pulli;sl:eeit
has ',er:n. re -:'.e3
- death :;f Mr. James Hoes: -.n at Sal:.
ford on :Saturday. ltir. Houston. who
- was in E; is alae -sic:'; year. a lived
most of his Iife ut Grey township un-
. tU moving to Sa:rfori rebou:.a year
ago. He had farmed for Many year:
as rot 1.0, con. i t, Grey township,
was a member of the 1.7eited Church
and of the s,:de;endent Order of
Oda F- ow-. Besides his wife, for-
merly "Mies ;Lala Barer. and a che-
m ..e-. Lorca thereice three
ibr ogres.. Robe.,. ,r it\-a",t..: David
roe California, and John of Daephir..
i11a^.:o`_fa. and two -aster, ,Mrs. S"
?h.1 Se::e-s. Bresse7s. a... M. John
LL- .\ .- r::e funeral was
.._ 1!, .. - e. -m iron; Wal,
'7017 ..ire? c:.... r -..... the
Miss,iean Drager of Toronto spent
the week end with her mother. Mrs.
Cha,. Drager,
Mr. Rapt: Travis ef Te.rorhto spent
the week end wi:h his persists. Mr.
a . 1 Mrs. A. Travis.
Mr. and Mrs. Rci1e:^ Dundas, tea-
cher of Toronto. is
^' olidayinwith
his brother. Willis.of the 1:'.h
cession. aieKi]lap. and other friends.
There passed away in Goderich on
August 1. JasHouston in ht pith
year.He was rife 'tong 'trizen of
the 3.9:17 i;&nc_n_:oe :tf Gey and a
so of the :ate Jame; and Mrs
lieueton. where l:$:iced ts...indns£ri-
'1. and t fin and a good laeleit-
bor. He. beeves,, mourn wife and a
fOster daughter. besides. four broth-
-._. John and Sarr. .. Manitoba. Ro-
b ,0th of Grey and David of Cal-
ifornia; two sisters. Sophia, Mrs.
Seiler-. Jarnestowa and Ft -aures.
'_firs. J.•i.r. Hislop. : ^h Gr. -y. He re.
..,el one year age and ...rove-. :o
G•,: _i... , _- .y ..
health 'tee, ....farrn.i•I
ta,-sed quietly anl The
.es :ea.. -.._
-aareinter a -t ei ,
a: Port Alberti an F zr... 3.::
KrIlit. of Ga:-. With .Dir. and Mr -
r E.•dga 1-.,q Vrtre3n Be 1-Eamilion of
Taranto. o :retb Mr. and Mr:. 'Da rd
W. Hamilton; M... I -low ar3 Adams
and ct.,a idret: of Tbrento with Mr.
Thomas ?.dams: Rnse . Linz. who
attends to his dirties as :nail courier
from the C.P.R. to Poe': Office. has
been confined to his Sed for several
zroo, i a to tde.
the St, L atr..l . ci.-trrh garden party
on 'Wednesday night, 3taving • been
;,o,,:;paned from the preeeditt.,• night
on accoent of rain. The refreshment
' o,:hs did a d.lurishing business and
the bingo and various game; `were
well patronized. The final attraction
',1"5 the ;ilei& air dancing p:atform.
The 4Mooniight Serenaders supplied
the mush. The prize ;sinners for
tickets were Mathew 'Coyle S:affa.
John Moylan. Seaforth. !Wilfred Hil!-
eSrecht. Mitchell, and /Mrs .Horrigan,
St Pau'-. The. lucky ticket on a wool
r t� contr totted by \-onng I.aiie�'
Sodality was held by firs. Louie
Mrs. J. V. Ryan. Stratford, with
;ler sister. pairs. ;\(. S cleil:nan: Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Ke'.:y. Stratford.
a-,•. M. and Mr,. h.: \\',l. Mr..
J Rei: y, Detroit, with '.terler,
Mrs. Thos.,!I.\io'y:tta:::\; 1(r, `and
Mr-. *rant Bron. ata: .on af ntrat-
,Mr. and -Stirs. Harvey Hy -le and
Norman. Hen„sell, with ;Mrs. Norman
a 4m: Mr.. King ai:a^ .-d Mr..
H e- tie 3 ,:, London.
, don.
• 7. Mrs. 3. W. Britton:
neatre; .of -Burford with her
da-ezdtter. \.. ' t., `iia 1,
Rose. Frent-: robs ..
she .w''.:: e::•:`r as a s:a•Ien: a:
v ,.. .kcaletny or a c.,ur.e .n sa..
r 411,1 e;w M r
,..e M •.era: .aocatreorelying.
party of orisnn..r a ,not -or trip to
t trea:. Oue11r- and St. Anr:e
Mises Mary and Margaret Murphy
have returned home from London.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. De-
troit. have returned home after viat-
ing Mr. and Mrs. James Krauakopf.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Reisse of Detroit
are -visiting Mr. and -airs, Janie
Morris. -
Mr. Jar Atkinson of Toronto
stent the holiday at his hone.
Ker. B;:ttes and fel ed ef
M . F_. Mre. rear.
.. .. D. _Y",--: M..
E r Mr- ?7,11-1:'.::".”,-.,
• a:ne t _
T3. ❑Tl. -Ail'Mr. and
W. 31 -Ha era n r as
n • -t
-,N4.7.7:1 Mr. end -Mr
h.aa.aopf; Thome; -I-,-arr
i1's; err re Feeney.
+ - :'heir perm... Mrand 'Mrs. M.
lirCarrhy:'&ties Pai ins Nfa:tbeves. Seaforth. with Mr. ani Mrs. Tor
mas Butters; iMiss Roberta 13argarn.
of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Jame
Krat,is.,•t y,i \ tri':v, \\'it:d-
i i 1,a-,
• ., . \ \
\' :r
M . airs 1 i:1 51, - evn
1J1;�, Sic \ . .f'ty. iiia'. Mich., with
Mr \:r i.,:L, Masi*it,.'r.
;Cos. neye.a. contract for
•e'mi.•ne cecue- bees for 1,ieki,na
inle5try proving vers act-
1".'e', iia. as.el ;he barns oi
P. H :•Isnii on Ann ?tree', and
\' ..
Rock has beer& appointed aces.
:rag ^ager. _;:int`): r•
ire eel are pad! for by rise
Ire.; \ rbee. trepar :i .. vats
the .o1.
Dr. a .\ ).i:...,, ai
\! . Cray
of'bte. Mrs. 1), ale-
.... 711 r.... - .1:1111
Mo :•e G. 'ani
Misses Mary and Aileen Jordan,
who have spent the past three weeks
at their home. returned to London
to 1'eeume their duties at St. Joseph's
Hne ita(.
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alf Riehl
and Doreen of Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Smart of
Windsor witli her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Bennewies.
Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Kleber of
Belvedere, Ill., with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kleber Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright. Joan.
Joyce and Jackie of Preston. with
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann.
Mrs, James Roy of Bornholm and
Mrs. Roy Miller and daughter Mari-
lyn of Blenheim with Mr, and Mrs.
Arnold Diegel.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geiger and chil-
dren of Fordwieh with Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Miller.
Miss Doris Eisler of Seaforth with
her cousin Miss Eva Beuermann.
Mr. and Mae. Irving Trombiey and
son Woodrow. who spent the past
few months with her mother Mrs.
Hannah Steiss. left for their home
in Hollywood. California.
Mr. and Mrs. George Et(kmeir at-
tended the wedding of their son Mil-
ton in Detroit on Saturday.
There will be another open air
band concert on Sunday evening.
The service in St. Peter's Luther-
an Church an Sunday morning. Aug
lei, will be conducted by Rev. Deters
of Desboroagh.
Miss Shirley Ann Diegel of Mitch-
ell i; holidaying with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Queren-
gesser. ueren
Mrs. Fred Dipple. Ralph. Anna and
Elizabeth of Mitehell spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. -Manuel Beu-
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ste(ss and
Richard of Detroit are visiting with
Mrs. Hannah Steles.
_hies Mary 'Wilson of Smith's
Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Coleuhoun of
et omarty mart.with Mr. and Mr's. Jarnes
er Strati-,
aft I t t:
Knox ren i;l,- spent
Saturday avemne. and part of Sun.
day at ... la,7111 n- hr pa.ems and
brotber. aT-- enet }Ira. Thos. and Mr.
and Mes..\ :r-} sari's. t -:in,t to
soon ay.
Quit, e nn:r.:a:r from this n`'it lr-
h,,: ha• 1 ani ririr.tty laaaa.led the •
presan,a.:•.'n parts in lamdesbor a
Community Hall Tuesday -evening of
last week its honor of. sits Jean Mc-
Callunt and Mr. Bert Gray. whose
marriage was to take place We und-
erstand on Saturday of last week. A
nicely worded address was read and
an entadop of money presented. Mr.
Gray responded. A bounteous lunch
was served. The Birkby and Watt
ot•cherra furnished the music to a
large crowd, We .steed congratula-
tions to the young temple and gond
wishes for a bong. happy and prosp-
erous wedded It
Master Bert I t n of -near- Londes
bora has been holidaying for over a
week at rhe home of his grandpar-
ents Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Beacom. ,,x -
Besting t1 return- hams- 1n Sunday.
A little G 1.iari ?t girl is holidaying
at this house +t' Mr. and )jr.sRobert
Mast --r Bert Knox ,:of I.ond..shoro
has been holidaying at the home of
3Ir. and Mrs. Thos. and Mr. and Mrs.
Audrey- Knox.
Little Kenneth Gibbhags of near
Clinton holidayed Last week at the
home of his grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Rapson.
Mr. and Mrs, James Sentt of Tor-
onto attended the presentation in
Londesboro.Hall Tuesday evening of
last week.
Master Bert Lyon spent one after-
noon last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. Rapson.
Mr. Knechtel spent the week end
at the home of Mr. Reece Ferris.
Mrs. Kneehtel returning to London
with him.
' and Foriwbba
- - s . weie and
• ` 31i:. Rack and em-
iip. Mr. _-Mrs. Chas Puehe:be
Li -y: and P.aes
ii its
-., we- al f,
y the1
Trhardeen viee p ;r..
,'S, . ided it. ab. -r -if 1,1: . Gardiner
a•t-. Tway or. a^_a:i Jn. Meet Cog i.
siaging 5;2 and prayer.
,3:: responded :o by S memb-
ers The .--asurer'_ report received.+
Mrs. Keyes was to send a note of
sympathy to :be Charters fantiiy_
-emperance convener.
nave "a reeling passed by a Synod
ttbeetieg Torsi abstinence for dura-,
tion of war" 'The sick committee;
were reappointed. Mrs. Watson.,
Chile -nen Stewardshipgave.. a paper
on developing talent. The offering
was received and hymn 505 sung.
Mrs. McGonigle gave a splendid'
paper on "The Way of Christ in Soe-1
lel Welfare." Mrs. 1t1cQuarrie favor-
ed us by a reading on Friendship in
W. "W.M. S. Mrs. Haney gave a reading
as an extra item to our programme.
Mrs. Watson conducted the worship
service from missionary monthly as -i.
sisted by Mrs. McMillan, who read
the scripture. Luke 15, v to 25, and
Mrs. Watson read a prayer. Hymn
ar,i was sung and Mrs. Keyes closed
with prayer.
T:ie large barn on the :arms .,f '\\.
\ a1:Kenz,e, Logan township,. wa.
,n e y destroyed &vfire on Tues-
day nigh:. The fire started a, nr eight
'1 1aok in the ' Otte, hoese near the
north side of :he `sari. w':en the it -33 -
fin;: r:i .y- 7.1'. 3 w e
W"a"ter M:K_...,, ea, 'n the
r.. E.
t i \'t PLAYING -
".Melody Ranch"
"Gabby" Hayes Jimmy Durante
The greatest. personalities utt the :hag„ rand screen in the year's
most dazzling and fun-packed 0utaleal show
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Conrad Veidt Valerie Hobson
in -BLACKOUT" Also:
Dick Elle
Powell' Drew \
.e iA(5'f01 SMMRCSS
Next Thur, Fri. Sat.
`The Great American Broadcast"
'Louse at 111,e time, a1d tniraculon sly
'escaped •sat only a fes burns. ffi.
a:!1er, William McKenzie, who was
milking- ran to the '/wilding and threcw-
a pail ai milk on the engine..iror
moment the flames died down but
then spread rapidly from :he roof n1
the barn. -
A pig shed and chicken house on
the east side of the barn were des-
troyed a; well as sixty tons of hay.
some stock. a corn !&:ower. a corn
binder. a trailer loaded ;with Chclp, a
seed drill and other farm equipment,
'arin;an.g :he total loss to well over
The \(i:et,ei', fire brigade .Wis call-
ed and through their .efforts a large
lien house was saved. At woe time the
residenee also .was threatened. Spark.
Were earriel acro:; the barn and
straw s,aci: „f Dan Eckruir1
'Itatta.Ze'l . , e\.1.tg:,1,!1
The tram of horses, several head of
cattle and 0,b n11 fifty- pit, were taken
from the burning- building-, but it was
believed that ,vele of the animal; had
made 'their \say back in again, Note
of :hi. year', grain 11as destroyed, as
Mr. McKenzie intended to start flraw-
!ne in next day with three teams.
There wtas some in..urance.
"My friend," said a solemn man,
"have you ever done aught to make
the eommunity in which you live the
better for your living in it?"
"I have done much," replied the
other humbly, "to purity the homes
of nay fellow -being."
"Ah!" continued the solemn man
with a pleased look, "you distribute
••No. I clean carpets."
�erPl els rir.> 1111110, of yo'ar visitors.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks S0c
~ ..r, � N .�✓. 4 i✓� .ors .,, ,.�,w�•.�•+ ^,rr,�. rile,
%M .v.r.V ;w'i �•In •��!.,
These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look diem
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Home, 1 yr.
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11 American Frust Grower, 1 yr.
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ONE Magazine in Group A and TWO Magazines in Group
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(I Azvsrlsan wassni s, 1 ya . seen. 1.18
ditarsaroans,b 77. .....sea, LIS
lfiarieetes Waal. 1 ytr,..e.... Laic
y Ct11U',L1C•hi . At+1:111L 7:t\Inh
Noma,* Ana, ttia as vaaaeatnaa attar checking anaa
®carat. tiL6t aha a.apea esaeA 1)*aad fawn 9y- TRW
1Weae! papas.
LItatlasuaat 1 50.00lp It 1 asst atoseirderg
Wear tis data Surfavall tae7ta a IMO, tasteeeelebas
mew wow.
Alt.,trester 1,Eagcar-7laala I (&&isle
1. ..... »rew am.,..«,...,.+.........a..e..
Yam name
»e,.., tem.....«.,.see.ase...