HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-08-07, Page 1Green. sparkling ;eaves --with Mee and there a crest That wakens with a shout--tu sleep agam,- From the dint shote, the spicy breath of mann- Sweetly the breezes sing to sway- ing shrouds, Urging apace our gallant little craft, Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER A ambling track of swirling waters aft-- A Hai] thatswells andquivers to the clouds! Each'lightest touch of certain conse- quence. "Is not this very near to bliss?" I say, - No answer: silence= -save for falling spray! WHOLE SERIES, VOL 63, No. 32 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1941 Phone &4. al a year. VINEGAR XXX EXTRA 50c Gap. CHRISTIE'S SALTED CRACKERS 2 lbs. 29c KRAFT DINNER for hot days 200 pack. AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 2 tins 250 CRISCO for better baking 23c tin ROWNTREE'S COCOA - 15c, 25c tin LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI, 2 tins ...19c TUNA FISH FLAKES 190 tin MAPLE LEAF CAKE FLOUR 25c pack TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS - 150 doz. NABOB COFFEE 25c half Ib, TOMATO JUICE 40c gai. JAVEL WATER, 3 bottles 25c ZINC RINGS for sealers-- 25c per doz. TWO -IN -ONE WHITE SHOE POLISH 15c bottle WOODBURY SOAP, 4 cakes ....25c .INC WASH BOARDS35c each JOHNSTON GLOW COAT 59c tin TURPENTINE for painting - 19c, 29c bottle Master Range Mash, $2.46 cwt. AC. Routiedge .Phone 166 **blue coal!,,, THE SOUP FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT .I E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Union Services First Presbyterian and North Side United congregations in First Pres- byterian Church, Rev. H. V. Work- man in cbarge. 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 am. "The Despised Birthrigbt" 7 p.m. "The Acknowledgment of Sin." The Church welcomes you. St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev, R. P. D. Hurford, D.D. 11 a.m. The Rector. No evening service during August. Sunday School at 10.45 a.m, St. Mary's, Dublin 9.30. a.m. The Rector, Egmondville United Church 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a -m„ Rev. James Elford. McKillop Charge Bethel and Winthrop will worship at Duff's Church on Sunday, August 10th, at 11 a.m., On Sunday, August 17th, Winthrop, and Duff's congregations will wor- ship at Bethel at 11 a.m. Mr, F. S. Savauge of Seaforth will preach at both services. Services on August 24th and 31st will be arranged later. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Jessie Margaret, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, to Stanley Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hillen, of McKillop. The mar- riage to take place in August. HOUSE BURNED The house in Egmondville 'belong- ing' to (Mrs, 'Geo, IC. Dale, known es the McGee 'house, was Iburm•ed to the ground about one o'clock Thursday morning by 'fire of un:knawm origin, Vacant for several weeks there was some 'wallpaper in the house as IMr. 'Lake Nigh, a :former ,occupant, was preparing 'to return soon. Water was not 'atvailaible dor the Seaforth 'fire Mock but chemicals were used to 'keep the {ire from 'rpt eaditrg. The alarm was given by Miss Ria Hills, next door. Fatal Motor Accident West of Seaforth Wilfred Mintz, Luckriow, Dies From Injuries Received on. Friday Night As the result of .' mot.,r arridene on Highway ii 1o. 9, three and ,hrrr- (tnnrters utiles west of Seaforth late 'Friday nigh:, \4'ilfred 1\•lin4z ni 'Lucknon' died in the 'area \tentorial Hospital at Seaforth at 9.30 a.m. .m Monday. 'Lois Fargtther of Clinton was released from hospital aftertreat- tnent over the week end for minor in- juries. I\Valliant Fitzpatrick of Wing - ham and 'Doris Tyndall of Clinton, the other two occupants of the car, suffered only minor cuts and shock as result of the accident. The accident occurred in front of 'Mr. Bert Irwin's farm. The ;party oonsis'ting df {Mintz, 'driver of the car, Doris Tyndall, his :front seat compan- ion, William Fitzpatrick, Wingham, and Miss ,Farquhar, riding in the tamale seat, Were proceeding west toward Clinton when Mintz, overtak- ing a car driven by H'anvey 'Weaver Pg roceedin in the same direction, swung left to pass Sint, (Misjudging the pavement width, he swung too far and went over on the s'honlcler. Unaible to control his car. the veh- icle careened to the opposite side, roiled over twice and landed against a wire fence, •brealcin;g off a steel post. As the car rolled against .the fence Mintz was thrown clear and landed on his head 45 feet from the wreak ;by actual measurement. Miss Fargo- ar was thrown violently against the car 'body, The car remained on its top with the four wheels in the -air. The men were engaged in con- struction work at the Clinton R.A ,F. (Wireless School and the ,party had been spending the evening at Sea - forth. Provincial'Officer Taylor, Clinton, investigated. The injured were at- tended by Dr. E. A. 'McMaster. DIED MYERS, Agnes Kidd -On July 30, at St. Francis' Hospital, Wichita, Kansas, Agnes Kidd Myers, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Kidd of Seaforth and. New York City. Funeral Saturday, August 2nd, at Bartlesville, Oklahoma. WINS TABLECLOTH Miss Teresa Lynch, R.R. 5, Sea - forth, #032852, on Saturday was de- clared winner of Mrs. Whyard's table cloth draw, under auspices of Sea• forth branch of the Canadian Legion. MRS. MARGARET SWEETMAN The death occurred in Toronto on (Friday of Mrs, Margaret Jane Sweet- rea•n, aged 89 years, at the house of her son, Bart {Sproule, High Park 'boulevard. She was a native of Sea - forth and had 'been a resident of To- ronto fir sixty years. Mrs. Sweetanan was a member of the 'Church of the Epiphany. She leaves also her grand- children, Dorothy. and Donaldo Sproule. ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING Set Speed Limit IN NEW JERSEY Mr, Epltriam Clarke and his mo- ther Mrs. Wm. Clarice, left on Tues- day for Rutherford, New Jersey, to attend the golden wedding of Mrs. C'larke's brother, Mr. and Mrs. G. F, Coates. Mrs, Coates before her mar- riage was Miss Emma Pearson, whose fancily resided here for a short time years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Coates were married in Toronto on August 6th, 1891. Dublin Continua ion School Report The following is the report of the Promotion examinations held at Dublin Continuation. School: Grade IX Geraldine Dillon, English 0, Social Studies C, Maths C, Business P. 0, Science C, French 0; Music I11, Art By By -Law Thirty Miles An Hour Through Village. - Tuckersnith Tp. Council Meeting The Tnekersmith Connell met on Saturday, August 2nd, All members present. the Reeve presiding, The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, Communications were read and dealt with: Department of Highways -amounts paid for unem- ployment Maumee not eligible for subsidy; Department Nlurticipal Af- fairs f fairs re unemployment insurance sof Dept. of Public Welfare re monthly direct relief accounts; Dept. of Ag- riculture, g riculture, W, J. Stephen, chemist, re spraying material; Electric Reduc- tion Sales Co., re spraying material, The Council decided that on ac- count of the scarcity and doubt of securing spraying material owing to C- the excessive demand, that no spray - Cecilia 'Eckert, English C. Social ing of weeds on the roads will be C ,l'Iaths III Business P'. II 86TH BIRTHDAY Studies , done this year, but will revert to Science 0, French II, Music 0, Art same procedure as in past years and B. request owners of property to cut Mildred Elliott,English 0,Social opposite their property. Studies C, Business P. II, Science 0, Bylaw No, 10 to limit the speed ! Musie C, Art B. of motor vehicles to 30 miles per Eileen Evans, English I, Social hour was passed and ordered to be 1 Studies III, Maths II, Business P. III, forwarded to Department of High - Science II, French 0, Music 0, Art Ti. ways for approval. Marie Evans, English III, Social By-law No. 9 authorizing the Tele - Studies III, Maths I1, Business P. III, phone Commission to invest a pot-; Science I, French III, Musio I, Aft A. tion of the depreciation fund in (lora- , Tom Feeney, English C, Social inion of Canada bonds, was also pass- . Studies III, Maths C, Business P, I, ed, and forwarded to the Ont. Mun, Science III, French C, Art C. Board for approval. I Margaret Holland, English III, So- Tenders were submitted for repair alai Studies II, .Maths II, Business P. of portions of the Alexander and II, Science I, French C, Music I, Art Broadfoot drains by: McGeoch and A. Chesney, $565.00 for entire work, and Marion 'Kale, English III, Social Ed Gormley $400 00 for entire work. W. I. WILL MEET The Seaforth Institute will hold their monthly meeting on Wednes- day, Aug. 13th at 2,15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. 1I. Scott. Roll call a i favorite verse. NH•s. James McIntosh will give the topic on education. Please bring wool or print quilt blocks 18 x20. BURIED AT ROCHESTER Messrs. Hugh, Edwin and Jim Chesney went to Rochester, N.Y., on Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Luther Robbins, which was held on Tuesday. Form- erly Miss Jessie Straiton of Goder- ieh, she was a sister of the late Mrs. P. M. Chesney of Tuckeramith, and before the death of her husband some years ago they spent • their summer's here. ST. COLUMBAN Miss Mary Downey, nurse in training, St. Joseph's Hospital, Tor- onto, is vacationing at her home here. lairs. James O'Reilly and Mr. John O'Reilly of Toronto and Mies Rose 'O'Reilly. of Detroit spent last week in 'Pemlbroke attending aFirst IProfes- siott" of the fornier's 'daughter, Sr. M. Henrietta of the 'Grey Sisters, Mr. and 'Mrs, W. Ryan of London with IMT. and (Mrs Terry ,Flannery over the weak end. [Miss Margaret Munpiiy spent the holiday week end with her parents. Miss {Margaret O'Reilly and 'Mr, John O'Reilly o,f Toronto, ,hiss Mar- garet IAitesinsott and Mr. D'am'es (Atkin- son and Miss ;Peggy Walsh and 'friend df Toronto visited the (berg over the week end. MCKi'LLOP Miss Helthine Bisback of Clinton bas been appointed teacher of S. 8. No. 2, 1VicKillop, Studies C Maths I, Business P. II, The Council accepted the tender of Science TB, French I1, Music C, Art Mr, Gormley, work to start immedi- B. ately, and appointed Frank Upshall inspector on the upper portion, and James Finlayson inspector on the Dower portion. Accounts were paid as follows, relief, supplies $53,90; rent 15( fuel $6.25.` Road acCoimit, $887,89. Hospitalization $71,70. Salaries and fees $57.15. Council adjourned to meet Saturday, Sept. 6th at 7.30 p.m. -D. F. McGregor, Clerk. Patricia Kale, English C, Social Studies 0, Maths i, Business P. III, Science III, French II, Music C, Art B. Dorothy Keauskopf, English %,11'ri- Social Studies 1II, Maths I, Business P. III, Science I1I, French 1II, Music 1I, Art A. Michael McGrath, Science 0, Busi- ness P. C, Art C. James 1'Iorrison, English 111, Social Studies TI, Maths III, Business P. I, Science II, French 1II, Music C, Art C. Mayda Mueller, English III, Social Studies III, Maths T, Business P, II, Science 1, French I, Music 1, ,Art A. Marie Nagle, Englisb C, Social Studies C. Maths III, Business P, III, Science. 0, French C, Music I, Art B. Frank O'Connor, Maths C, Busin- ess P. C, Science C, recommended in Eng. Basil O'Reilly, English C, Social Studies C, Business P. III, Science I, Music 0, Art A. Dan Williams, Social Studies C, Maths C, Business P. C, Science III, recommended in English. Grade X Marie Dillon, English C, French C, Latin III, IVTaths 0, Science III, Soc- ial Studies III, Music I, Bernice Donnelly, English C, Maths II1, Science C, Social Studies TIT, Music III. Maurice Fitzpatrick, English III, French I, Latin I, Science 0, Social Studies C, Music C. Anna Givlin, English C, French III, Science III, Social Studies DI, Music C; recommended in Maths. Jean Jordan, English C, French III, Latin 0, Science III, Social Studies C, Music I. Marion Malcolm, English III, French I, Science I, Social Studies 0, Music I. Rose McIver, English III, French I, Latin III, Maths 0; Science C, Soc- ial Studies TIT, Music IL Audrey Moore, French III, Latin IIi, Maths C, Science III, Social Studies C. Marjorie Moore, English 0, French Tif, Maths C, Science III, Social Studies C, Music I. Mary Ellen Murray, English 0, French 113, Latin III, Maths I1I, Sci- ence I, Social Studies III, Music III. Angela O'Reilly, English C, French I, Latin 1, Maths III, Science I, Soc- ial Studies I; Music I. Theresa Ryan, English C, French III, Maths III, Science C, Social Studies 0, Music I; recommended In Latin. Catherine Woods, English C, French IIi, Latin C, Maths 0, Science 1, Social Studies III, Music III Grade, XI Warren Byers, English III, French C. • Helen Flanagan, English C, French ITI, Latin •C, George Hart, English 0, French IH, Eleanor McGrath, English I, French III, Latin T. Gordon Kleinfeldt, Englisb 1, French 111, Latin III. AILLEN;KEYS 'A very pretty wedding 't'oak place in 'St, /Andrew's {United {Church, Bay- field, on Saturday at 11 a.m. 'when Sybil (Lorraine, (laughter of Me. and rs. or , , eys o arna, etas united in marriage to Mr. William( Russell Allen, son of the late Mr. and \Mrs" Sylvester Allen of Seaforth,' Rev, Harold Currie officiated (Given in marriage Iby 'her :father, the 'bride more a Derindell gown of • white silk net over satin, a 'bong veil of French net betel by a coronet of, orange 'blossoms and carried an arm bouquet of ''Briarcliff roses. The at- tendants wore marquisette net ower silk with embroidered :bolero jacket, The maid of honor Miss Ella ,Bohn, t of Zurich, was in pink and 'carried white asters. The bridesmaids, Miss, Zereida !Sturdy of 'Goderich, and 'Miss Doris Clark, of Varna. carried 'Holly- wood roses. lair. Bruce Kays, of Varna, the 'bride's brother, was groomsman. The ushers were Me. Roy Kerr of Seaforth, and I1fr. Gordon Keys, of ,Zurich. (Mrs. W. IT, Clark of Varna, aunt of the 'bride, ,presided -at the organ. Mrs, rElimore Keys sang "I Love YOU Truly." The reception was held at the ,McKenzie House at IClinton, The 'bride's mother wore an ensemble of poudre (bine sheer with sweetheart neckline and bine :picture hat and a corsage of Madame But- terfly roses, The going -away costume of the bride was printed (blue sheer redin- gote, 'white picture 'hat and white accessories. They went to 'Crystal 1Beach, Niagara Falls and Toronto. They will reside in 'Seaforth, Mr, Owen Geiger observed his 86th birthday at his Hensall home on Mon- day. Mr, Geiger is hale and hearty, and attends his dutiesd ailY at the flax -mill, which he has operated for a number of years. An ex -warden of Huron County, Mr, Geiger has been Reeve of the village for a number of Years, and is still keenly interested In the welfare of the village. He has a family of six sons and one daugh- ter, namely, Mr, Ed Geiger, a manual training teacher in London, Dr. Wm. Geiger, Waterloo, Mr, Rory Geiger, druggist, Kitchener, Mr, Oliver Geiger, bank manager at Fenelon Falls, Mr, Sidney Geiger, Inspector of Schools, Gore Bay, Mr, Ira Gei- ger and (Vetrsie) Mrs, Kennedy, at home, Mr. Geiger received many cards, telegrams and messages, in- cluding one from. Judge J. G. Stan- bery and Mrs, Stanbm'y, in St, Cath- arines. HIBBERT The Hibbert Township Council met in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Saturday, Aug. 2nd. All members present, the Reeve presiding, The aleck read the minutes of the previ.- 'sous meeting .which was adopted, By- law No, 9 fol' the levying of the township rates was read a third time and finally passed. The following ac- counts were paid: Board of health meeting, $9.50; Municipal World, supplies, $5,33; direct relief, $22.22, -Thos. 1). Wren, Clerk of the Twg. of Hibbert, I WINTHROP Death of Harold Hart,- Deepest sympathy Is expressed to the relatives of NL', Harold Hart of Wroxeter who passed away at Byron Sanatorium on Sunday night, aged 34 years. Harold was born at Winthrop, second youngest son of the late Mr. and Nlrs. Reuben Hart and spent his boyhood here, later going to Wrox- eter with the family. He had been at Byron the last three years. He is survived by four sisters and two brothers, Mr's. Alonzo Sperling of Gorrie; Mrs. Angus Carmichael, of Grey; Mrs. Joseph Hart, Morris; Mrs, 'William Hanna, Kingsville; William Hart, Wroxeter and Harry Hart, Seaforth. The funeral was held on Tuesday from the home of his brother, Mr. William Hart, at Wroxeter, to Maitland Bank cemet- ery, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott of near Listowel, spent Sunday with NIr, and Mrs. Albert Sperling and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling of Gorrie and Miss Hazel Sperling and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hart of Wroxeter called on Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton this week, Mrs, J. M. Gillies and Isabel, Bruce and Jackie are visiting her parents in Collingwood, Mr. Wm, Montgomery of Brantford spent the week end at his home. Mr. John Bullard and Jackie Bul- lard and Wm. Trewartha of Kintore spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Eaton. The W, A. and W. M, S. will meet at the home of Mrs, Frank Johnston on Wednesday, Aug. 13, at 2 o'clock, Roll call, temperance. The Ladies of Caven Church 'quilt- ed a quilt for the Red Cross on Thursday: Twenty-two were present. CONSTANCE Miss Ethel Dexter and 'Miss Ruiby (Morrison of Kitchener were 'week end guests at the home of the tatter's. parents. Rita Moore, English C, French 1,' Latin III. Tommy Morris, English II, French I, Latin III, Mary O'Reilly, English 0, French, Latin,' Note: Departmental. Certificates will be forwarded to pupils of Grades XI, XII, and XIII, who have completed the requirements in De- partmental subjects. SSHOP AT E AVAUG IT PAYS. ALWAYS ADDRESS SOLDIERS' MAIL IN INK Postmaster General {William P. IMulock has always shown a keen per- sonal interest in providing a safe and expeditious service for mail to our overseas troops, One frequent cause of delay -- a direct fault of the send- er - is illegible addresses on mail matter. 'It has frequently 'been found that pencil written addresses become smudged and unreadable during 'course Of transmission, with the re- sult that it is very, difficult :for the Canadian iP,ostal Cones to effect del- ivery. When in'k is used there is less dang- er of •the address lading or 'becoming 'Obliterated and 'person's sending let- ters and 'parcels to soldiers overseas can help ensure their safe and 'speedy .delivery by always having care taken 'to see that the address is 'written in a clear and legible manner in ink. All mail should be fully prepaid and a return address given fn upper :left-hand •corner, !Letters, parcels and newspapers for our troops overseas should be addressed in ink as follows: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Name and Details of Unit (i.e. Company, Section, Squadron, 'Battery, 'Holding Unit, etc.), Name of Regiment or ;Branch of Service, Canadian Army Overseas. If the soldier is still in Canada, mall should be addressed to him giv- ing the: - Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Name and Details of Unit (as a'bove), Nance of Regiment or '.Branch of Service, Name of the Place in' Canada where +the Unit is stationed. MANLEY Mrs: Thos . Purcell and family spent a few days in Huntsville with her husband, who is working on the good roads. Miss Helen O'Hara of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Jerry O'Hara. Mr. Stephen Manley.. spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. BAYFIELD Mrs. Mason and son of Detroit are visiting her aunt, ,a1rs. G. Castle Sr, Mr. and Mrs. J. McTavish and fa- mily of Seaforth are spending :holi- days at Bayfield, Mrs. 'M. Cox of Grand Fonks, N.D. is visiting friends in the village. IMr. and 'Mrs, Stein of iWindsor have taken a cottage at 'McVittie's Mr. 5, hfdEwen spent the ,week end with Mr. and (Mrs. GQuanrie, Remember the 'Red Cross ,carnival to be (held on Clan Gregor Square on Wednesday, Aug. il13Gth, LMrs. IC, Rolb'bins and daughter of Detroit are visiting Mrs. iJ, {Mdteod. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peck of D'akote have been visiting 'Mr, Peck's sister, Mrs. W. Rowson, returned to their home this week, Mr. Gray and Or. E. Gray of De- troit spent the 'week end 'with Mrs, Gray who has 'been several (weeks in the Tillage. 'Mrs. Knight sed children of Tor- onto are 'visiting her mother, 'Mrs, 'Genreni'hardt, Mr. aol Mrs. Chas. (Ferguson and children Of. Sudbury returned 'home after, a holiday at the parental ,home. W. Manley. Mrs. Thos, McKay and family of Galt visited her parents over Sunday and called on other friends in the locality.