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The Seaforth News, 1941-07-17, Page 8
PAGE EiGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL_ tie i the ,r n1 ai ow Lined FRUIT GROWERS TO HOLD '101 • PiCNIC ON JULY 23rd T1l s Isabel-Mcinrell of Clinton 1 it, a uvaall Sen!lto Schee1 1 r t „ 1 1 h+ we k end at *he tomo oY Mr. t of t am . _ i e .;.y to rain. t rte e:1 • will ,b The Huron Fruit Growers Ass ocia- Mr. t e rove en \V ed - incl Mrs, G. Troyer, t1;1 nl1 s ,, inr Inc. Lawrence I ay n tam e t C amp i • t\i �s .Greta L,..uinir. 1,'1'. \l., Borden spent the week end with \lrs. E i u t familw, contributed a delta solo at' the morn - went a few days 1isitunL the formers . sudsy, -AV !Maria," and Mr. \\, - parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Greene at C)- Goodwin` sang a.delightful solo. xra»d Bend. Stmlight land,'" at the eyenini, ser- I\ir. and IMrs E. T_. \lirkir and fa- ,vice. '\ Richard Philip organist miry left this week for their e ,ttage c'f the Lutheran Church in Detroit at Reenelean Park where they will Who is on eacatu,u at Grand fiend, Spend a toe creeks vacation. played at the console of the organ, Mrs. 'Mary Pope •returned, - to -ter A cert Pleasant yyrnt was held at n} ane 1n 'Toronto atter a . 1ta amt with friend here. 1 Douglas Sangster returned to 31 home here atter spending' tit month nth 9r Windsor - Mr floras;:eh Workman La•1 and 31 a Mabel 'Workman y ire i t ,veer, h •31r-. A. !\1ceireg. ' ^i ; i'orth. tri 1 i :nor i -,'e Forest. -...r - :.1 i.tuul- °.i the ,'1 ..-.e k,s V,.tle Tit :n_,,si,n Lindon .idar;,_ th, Lome. er par- tr' , i\ir .011 I\ir WOO.. 111 :•wt Moore i,_ ;he...0 control- ," .;e" room during the ,,apt week owing t„ illness. :Ma and MIs. t e, ee Gould • of 1 it. w ited on Sunray' with the 1a err- parents, .31r.. and s\1r . elenrge • Walker. • eltlr, an'eI 131rs. R ht Moore ;mrd fa- n iy have returned hone• after -a I Ie .sant holiday at their summer cot toe at Kincardine. •L•cek Simmons of 1V iedsor spent the week end with his nrothrr, Vitt. Edda Simmons..•which was very humorous. Those 11irs; Ann Berry is •eisitin0 oath whicIiekinh parr were 'Miss \lathe) ,\\'oose her son, Mr. Ed. Berry in 'Windsor. irxan, Was! Ernie I31ipchase and iMiss Mr. Donald IMcsiinnan has accept- .Beryl •Pfaff.:1n was read by ed a position with the civil service at \tips .Margaret addressren and the 'the Ontario •Hoaeita., ,London, and irides were presented with many fimm�neners los dosses there his tree) beautiful gifts. Both extended sincere Moyer -Thomson.— j thank, and refreshments were served. The marriage of Haze: 'I'hotnscnn, Veterinaries Hold Clinic Here.— 'daughter of \Ir. and '\Ir Robert Tite regular meeting of the !\\'est - Thorn on. Hensall, to Datil 'Moyer. on of Mr. and Mrs, frank \11_ycr e ] err tint rio Veterinary Association l-arry Sotnrod on el play, July 7th, by me: 'c' ,\.unlit Farm," owned lbv -the Rey. 131/ So.nr the bride. .h„ -e a president Dr. \. R. Campbell, two d:sty rose ares- and 1151 with white mile, tthw,est of Hennell on Fri - roe d ,1. \h nits itirty members attended accessories and wore coy. They ' ,ned a clime was held during the aft - were unattended: Following the erre er0.ro1 w nen operation, were per- momy the young couple cnjoye,tt n termed on carious animals. \ di.hei- motor tris, to Barrie, t'orleri'i1 and t lunch was served (Al the spaciou. ,3Hensall. spending a week with tits awn 'n Mrs. Campbell and Mrs, bride's parents, \Ir. ,;rad 1311 Robt. John 'bullets. The Late Mrs. Andrew Love.— , ;ilrndc wd: tine rrctpirni •'t 'r slip 1,eau- syn las and e - - 1 in service in the L:niaed ,Church on t\lrs. Incl: Taylor and e.lildrei. tion are holding their annual field day and mimic at the farm of Geo. Laithwaite and San near Goderirli on No, 8 Highway to Wednesday, July 23rd. From 2 to 4 o'clock, ad- dress by J. B. VanlHaariem, \'ine1and Experimental Farm, and Gordon Blair of Burlington; 4 to 5.30, sports under the direction of Wes. Joynt, of Lncknow; 5,39 to 6.30, picnic lunch. Each family to bring sandwiches, etc, In Memoriam DUNGEY—In loving memory of Sydney C. IV, Dnngely, died July 14, 1940. Sadly missed by' mother, ta•other and sister. Card of Thanks Members of Seaforth Orange Lodge wish to thank the Judges, members of Winthrop and Clinton Lodges, the merchants and the townspeople for their co-operation and service in making the 12th of July celebration an outstanding success. 6.30 to 8, guest speaker and mus - the hone of !Mr. and Mrs. kobt. 1',n teal program, followed by games and sons when the intim r- of their 1.en- dancing. Proceeds for war work, y -gathered t ,. 1 :area el' t,i Mr. Last year over 600 people attended) •n, \1' Diva! Rt,:kei 11 nce .\I a- the field day and picnic. This year i%11,,11.1 .001 :and ho left :or ; the officers are anxious to have an their nowt n i 3,. uh Dakota. I even larger crowd. atter - en1 n ,e rat week, h, re. 1 Il, J. eieLan Klin is pt'esident. and T1r,+-rettemling were Mr. and Mrs. • 3, C. Shearer, secretary. FRANK MCCANN The funeral of lerank McCann, who died in Clinton, took place on Tues- day morning at 9 o'clock from St.; James' Roman Catholic chinch, Re- quiem Mass was sung by Rev. T. P. Hussey. Mr. McCann, who was in bis 99th year, was a native of Ireland/ Most of his life was spent in St, Col - Post Nuptial Shower for Brides.— umbar, For some years he lived in \ very plea -ant evening was spent Egmoudville with his niece, Mrs. tt the home of air. and \Ir; Robert Ryan. Interment was made in St. James' cemeter Y. ri it I on t d i mutt • 1'1 \1r. a1 \!r 1 l\' ,11 Parsons - n1 . t t_ o r at tr Mr. ait 31r Fred i o +, and torally f - rc:,•rth, \1 r. and Mrs. \retie l'a. sans. and family and Mr. and r\tr , "Wm 1i ,rut; of Hill -green and (Mr. and IMr_ Anoir Ryckmtmt and fa01- 1 y Exeter. 7 h ,tnsou on Saturday evening in y honor of their daughters, Hazel, •\1rs. Davits ,\toyer. and Dorothy, Mrs, Ri- MRS. MARY WHITTAKER Card of Thanks - 311't Malcolm McLeod and Marg- aret wish to thank their many friends for the many acts of kind - Lees and sympathy extended to them during their sad bereuvennent; also to those who sent floral trite utes, Ioaned cars or helped in any way. Card of Thanks The family of the late Philip Kenny wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them during their sad be- reavement; also those who sent floral tributes and spiritual offerings and for cars loaned. esbard 'Cornish, who were married The death occurred Monday afters Auction Sale re elft y 11 hen their neighbors and a short illness of Mary Somerville. iricnds presented them with a suis- widow of the late John Whittaker: Born in McIeillop township in 1863, rJlimrw tr shower. \ .ins, song was led shy Mrs. Malcolm Dougall at the she was a daughter of the late Wm. piano and a mock wedding. followed Somerville, pioneer resident of that Thomson. Prior to her marriage the township, She was married more than fifty years ago to John Whit- taker of Toronto. In 1908 she return- ed to Seaforth where she has since resided. An only son, Edward, of the Government Geological Survey, died in 1924 as the result of an accident near Ottawa, Mrs, Whittaker was a member of First Presbyterian Church and of the Women's Missionary So- ciety, The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from her real- idence, Wilson street, interment in Maitlandbanit cemetery. Rev, Hugh Jack officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs, Archie Scott, James R, Scott, Joseph Scott, Wm. Somerville, And- rew Little, Thomas Beattie, as the contestantand the spirit of co -,operation helped to make the tel e'le !programme worth while. 10(3 sat down to tea and the table com- mittee consisted of 11r.:,-Calein Hor- tifud gifts from the pttni:s and rate- . There passed away on Friday• at tan, ars. Bert Riley, ars, JaoklMunn, ler house here, mrs. Andrew Love 'Mrs. !R. Taylor lJr, Mrs. Richard Sayer at the section near ):seer 1 following Kinsman, IBIvs. IR, A. McDonald. Sound wihere -he vineht ea. to number e*. years, r '+ rat her /'nth year deceased a two The supply committee were (Mrs, E. monthsillness. The decea ed was taeI"'ioeman, Mrs, J. Glenn, Mrs. lip W M S Meet.— ken ill and ryas confined ii St. Jo 1retlery, ENGLAND REUNION HELD cph's +Hos,pttal, London„ for several Pte Harold Redden f Camp Bor- AT GRAND BEND ens - The July meeting of fire \\'e\l.�. wrtks where she received treatment, den visited on 'Saturday with his cd iCarn,cl mice yterian Church wa; and later was brought to her home' mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden anal held an "1tte day afternoon with here where to registered nurses The thirteenth annual renntan of inter 1\lona. \1rs. Jas. Patterson presiding. Fi 1 have been in attendance, drornurly the England family was held in t\(r, and 1\Irs, drools {\\'ei�anci of lowing the opening hymn \Irs, lean Rebecca Voting: a daughter of the Dashwood 11 ifetl on Sunday ttith Grand Bend on Wednesday, July Manson led to prayer, The Scripture late Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Young of air and i\Irs. George (tee 9th, with an attendance above the Psalm ,o was read by [Niles ash Colborne township, the deceased On Sunday,August 3rd, the tW.?'L average, The weather was delight: ;leDougall. The August meeting. will the moved to Hensall nineteen years ago iety of Chiselharst Church will held at the toms of -\[r-. Hannah from the farm atITi11i' rrcn. 'She was Socful, the water warm, reunion good- hold a special anniversary service in will tilled the air and a most enjoy - lee. tVt'akman. Tine topic an 'The issues a member of Carmel Society t the the evening: at 7,30. Rey. W E, \ld- able day was spent. The most enoy- t'f Lift' was Very ably taken ''thy Mrs. 'Church Ladies' Aid 0 epi ly and the worth ti i..V. of "la,ifa 1. Otto0 Church dinner, provided by the ladies, was 1,1 . i"atit nn, 'Mrs. 'Malcolm Ihyu• '\V-t\LS and an active worker of the has been invited over to preach the i.I fans,:rid with a piano lo, lied 1 re s SC.:. Surviving i; her sermon and there will be special enjoyed at noon by all, the preside :: 1 h t y, dattchtrrs ,\Irs itcut, )firs, Ward Zavitz, being miss Of House, Lot and contents of the estate of the late contents J. M. C. Tough, at Bayfield, on Saturday, July 19, at 1,30 sharp, consisting of the following: Extension table, drop leaf table, kitchen table, black walnut table, parlor carpet, book case, and number of books, 2 mattes, chest of draw- ers (cherry wood), bridge lamp, 3 beds, mattresses, and springs, dress- er and stand, toilet set, black wal- nut wash stand, 2 rocking chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 4 odd chairs, 3 cup- boards, Bell organ' coal oil oven, wash boiler, eleeTric iron, clothes horse, eight-day clock, weight clock, Quantity of hard coal and.wood, dishes, sealers, silverware, mats, Quebec cook stove and box stove, number of tools and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve hid, the 1H story frame house with 1 acre of land, more or less. Terms on contents, cash. Terns on property, 10% of pur- chase money clown on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Bertram Carnie, Administrator, Edward W- ,Elliott, Auctioneer, i\1 s Grace Brock . 11 London is -raft t 1 ilco,dayiag at the (tome of her nt'th- •Laker and 1\irs. Cliiiord !Moir. Hen - r. \tr Geor.:e Brock, sale three sons, Hugh and Gordon of of 'Windsor s gent Ilan township and W. AV- ,Love, mall. Mr. tarry 1. rate I 1 .,r o the Ban). of Montreal. Ailsa ;the. week (1 u] at ie Mete here Craig .firer si-ter,, 'Mrs. Mary ....Mo- t C n r rs Hart and children Pile'. t, ,deride; .Mrs. (Margaret'Ili,- ' ) i - i rate, tied /€) tulle cnh firs gra, Ann Arbi r Mich., Mrs. Mar;- sister. Mrs, Bert Dunn Jr, on tete Mts. L, Delmage, of Can etchie, and tl r.- t"rent<. ,leer. arra; Mrs, ] Saskatoon. d titres Bronson line. A. E. Johnston, of Auburn, was an. •are: Searles, : i,€•t u ; ler.;erother Gordon and .\h•xan ler . Pte, William Dunealf of the R. C. pointed, In the afternoon a fine pro- ae ra \ C,xw ,r b returned ed o tin; Ft•nn J''''11-'''' 111 'own hip„ John R„ Camp Borden, spent the week gram of sports was run off. In the i,a, ae11d,.t. seder 1 month= W.,un. :, tier West. _\ 11teatt inner children's races the following were In 1, 4;tt r. Mrs. I 1 end with Mr, and Mrs, Hat'old Pen- -,e ct- hehl fr:nt th< Roe winner's; 3 years and under, Bobbie ter ? air e anei trihale,•Delmage. Louise Munroe; 1 to 6 t n4 t ,\1 r1 t , term r -,5•11,111,71,•,1 t 1 ir. r r •e is t ,•'r. 'l']ir • de F•rt tr,Isuua : The many friends of Mr. John years, Patsy McCormick, Donald ,:c +,t1 The •,{.bear r- Seoul -aim!• are sorry to hoar of his. Moffatt, Louise V, nods; bays, 0 to i. er, ••1:'.,!i y , 1:,•.m, 131,M ter -rte.:` ibises but glad to hear he was aide Franklin c ainpll epi. Keith i&nftit 1. 1 :, 1 . 14 I ,ye. Cordon B1-- to conic •tame on Sunday front the Lawrence Campbell; kicking the 3411 Ice 'anei V,1,111::,..... t ,^ slipper, \Irs. Russel] Woods. men's Y'.:a-. ' c:ri,.;. , sre.rnlelit it; 11 111s London hospital. moo, CaiVin Dolboar, Horatc Del - Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger of nage, Graham Woods; wontems race, •;, . •..» the Blue Water Highway visited Mrs. John Munroe, Mrs, Norval Arthur Reichert Succumbs,— friends at Petrous ono day Inst week. Woods; girls, 6 to 11. Mary Janes. music, tress of ceremonies Dinner over, a STANLEY literary program was presented, Mr. Will Cowie of Detroit spent during which short addresses were Sunday with Mr. Harold Penhale. given by several members of the Miss Phyllis Elliott of Mitchell is family. A nominating Commitee con - spending a few weeks with her sisting of T. A. Woods, of Watford, r lr e k end a..'.r par r,. Stoenclr \1,., ,(:herr eeeteee. r ,1.! tr, rt ?rt !rim. 1. R 1 ter , Mara;/et •.aCat1 hitt in fore, p d ,s inn; .then e r with \Ir , '\W, Lu - pod Nle,, dsladys Luker ,u Sun- \t- t r Rehltcrt e,l aNV Mitis Mary Snowden of the Blue Marian Woods. Helen Annett. t•- •yat Bathing for the young people and ,, u o, n home ,n ltd, to .n ., Water Highway spent a week visiting among the older ones hedp- •:r,;• ., . E ,-b it' m his 'l'iw year .fol- Goderich Summer School• I ed to pass a pleasant afternoon and wi•n - short .am••<s, ins ionhis Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Arden all too soon it was time for the r w rt with his and resided au his I evening meal The report of the , , i. yi..tiri farm his noise/ write surync, Grainger, twins, a son and daughter., nominating committee 'suss received er b hint. Tao •inters, \Irs. Gordon 1'yihm Mrs, Wilson Armstrong— ; num naominating committee iv, The oved dry, of Hensall and Airs. Norman Pybets erg for the coming year are as ne- i The death occurred last week at ir. Thos. Parint:r t' 'pending of L= radon alae survive• follows: Honorary president W. 1-1. r w raw eek, exit her son, lair. Ear. her home on the Goshen line, Stan- Johnston, Exeter; past president, Chiselhurst Church Hold Picnic— ley township, of Catherine Me- r r;c: :n Toronto I, Mrs. Mark Zavitz, Watford, phesid• teens, Gertrude ` n t r of 1Ch t- The eongrriratioti and Sunday 11linc9ley, widow of the late Wilson ent, Dr. W. V. Johnston, Lucknow; loon d at the home or lair: ea- School if Ch' -1' United Church Armstrong. Mrs Armstrong had been 1st viae -president, Elmer 1\ioifatt, tl: deaden on Saturday held their annual )picnic at Tarot THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1941 uitanosuanaie C.O.D. CASH' SPECIALS : Saturday Only Kelloggs All Bran . , , . pkg. 21c Kelloggs )Large 12 oz. pkg, Corn Flakes 2 pkgs, for 23c Shredded (Whole Wheat 2 pkgs, 23c Bushel pkg. Kreemy Wheat Puffs 41c TA bus pkg, Kreemy Wheat Puffs 23c Sun -era Puffed Wheat Large pkg. 21c Rice Krispies 2 tpkgsr , , , , 23c Rolled Wheat 5 lb. pkg. . , , 21c Rolled ,Oats 7 lbs. 25c Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 13c Finest Cooked Ham Ib, , , , 49c Finest Balogna lb. 19c Binder T\vine, 050 feet to the lb. Stockade r�nilnal Fly Spray, 128 oz. tin per lb, 11742,C , $1,15 al-'� 0 J© Finnigan Auction Sale Lambert Sale Yards; Stratbroy, Saturday, July 19th. 150 head of mixed cattle, yearling steers and heifers and a few choice springers. Usual run of calves and mixed pigs. Sales every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE ' Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 25, Concession 7, Hullett Tp., 4 miles north of Clinton • on No, 4 Highway, on Friday, July 18, at 1 o'clock, consisting 0f the following: Horses—Aged working mare, aged working horse, driving mare 9 years old. Cattle—Durham cow 8 years old, due to freshen Dec. 13; Durham cow 9 years old, due Nov. 26; Durham cow, due Nov. 16; Durham Heifer, 3 years old, due Dec. 20; Durham heif- er, 3 years old, due Dec. 5; Durham cow (aged), due Jan, 19; 2 Durham heifer calves; 2 Durham steer calves. 2 year old Registered bull (with Palters). 4 yearllng heifers. Implements—Deering binder', 7 ft. cut, Massey Harris mower 6 ft. cut; Massey Harris 12 row hoe drill with cultivator attachment.; Quebec 1 fur- row riding plow (nearly new), No. 21 Fleury walking plow, 'No. 21 Coekshutt walking plow, spring tooth cultivator, roller, set of bench sleighs, wagon, wagon box, hay rack, hay rake, turnip seeder, cutter, rub- ber tired top buggy, steel tired bug- gy, light wagon, Clinton fanning mill, 3000 ib, scale with stock plat- form, cutting box, Itay fork and oar 150' ft. hay rope, extension ladder, 20 ft, ladder, set of double harness, set of single harness, 4 horse collars, quantity of hay, quantity of lumber, 30 yds, No, 9 wire fence, 3 rolls Of barb wire, large iron kettle, sap ket- tle, logging chains, plow points, forks, saws, shovels and numerous other articles. Terms cash. Wm. Fear, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. tolls i11 for the last three weeks. She .was 'Watford; 2nd vice-president, John eer, f • secretary-tteasuer. and Mr,. D. eicliar i Lon- ,(;rot • on Tuesday, p(ra)y it The wee W horn in Stanley township seventy- Hahat. oto•1, i visited. en Sunday with .\lr Prang riser was perfect for ibe occasion and H. Cecil,Johnston, Lueltnow; lunch! Peen. the •lake was calm and tempting for six years ago, �_-,_,._,,... . ,�«„ eon comm„ Mesdames Wm. Woods, 1 of Watford; Elmer Johnston, Luek- now; John Cavanaugh, Strathroy; sports contra„ IIo•ace Delmage, Camlachie, Elmer Woods, Watford, Morley Johnston, Auburn; courtesy comm„ Mrs. (Dr.) W. II. Woods, Mount Brydges. \1r a d lelre Dnvid Ryckntan and the many who love bathing. '1'he William and Nancy McClinchey, and family .lett this seek for their home vperts were in charge .i Mrs, Tom In fifty-eight Years ago she was mar - _n p'c't :. , euth, Dakota, after a Brintntll. Verna \1 c 1, an, Pala Tref- lied to Wilson Armstrong, who pre- verc plea -ant vis -it with her parents. fry, (Margaret Glenn. Rn -sell Fergn- \ir. and r\lrs. Rcyht, Parsons, !,011, (ten 'Stoneman sod Mary Kins- deceased her nine years. She is stns, I\:r. ..rad 'airs. 'John Hunter of Ext- titan. ,\rad the foihoiino, races turd vived by nine children four girls, ter and \ir. and t lrs, Richard Dick- -1,011, were enjoyed and first prizes Mrs. Annie Bryan and Mrs. Rose rn- r,f Liman were guest's with Mrs. captured by the contcaants named. of London; Mrs. Marjorie ‘all, Laramie, Miss 'Greta Lantmie and ,Boys and girls. race under six, marg., Boyce, of Goderich, and Mrs. Marg- 11tss (Martha Hunter „n Sunday ! arrt Tanker; girls race under nine, Mre. Lizzie Fisher of Graven'herst; Jean 'Caldwell, boys race nine and aret Boyce, of Stanley township; and attended the faneral of her sister -in- , tinder. 'Murray I3rintnell: •girls race five sons, William, Robert and John law-, the late i\irs, Andrew !Love on ' id and ander. Grace /McDonald; ;boys at home, and James and Hanle, of !Monday. i race Ala and under, Harold Caldwell: •Saskatchewan. Mrs. Armstrong came .Mrs. H. O. Daynlan enjoyed a girls race 1.3 to 16 inclusive, Erma of a Pioneer family and was well (pleasant holiday at 'Grand Bend this'!C'hambers' boy, race ' 0 in, 116 Tirane week, I Glenn; young ladies race, Jean • known in this district. She was an IMr. and 'Mrs. 1Jo'hn'Carmichael of I\VrBatit; young men's -race, Benson Anglican in religion. The funeral ,London were the guests of iMr, and. Stoneman; married ladies' race, 'Mrs, took place on Thursday afternoon .Ivies, W. A. MaoLaren over the !Clayton 'Horton; married men's race, from her late residence; with inter - week. end. Tom Brinteell; ladies walhting race, ment in Bayfield cemetery, tMr. Harold Hanson of Thameevilie alts !Brook; kicking the shoe, ,Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, J. Hamilton of Tor. re - R. Kinsman; kicking the shoe'(men). Rodger Veneer; wheelbarrow race, Mr, and Mr,. Clayton Horton; three ition. \f r,. Haman and ehtldren m egged race, 'Clayton Horton and T. tend to move to Stratford soon. Iirinutell1 feeding the nntikey, :Mr, ern Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Adams Rev. Elson of iKirlcton cntolacted and \lr.. Clayton Horton: accedes of Stratford visited at the borne of the services in St. Paul'sWn;i;can race Ross Sararas and Verna \4c- vI, and Mrs/ G. Campbell Sunday, Church :while Rev. M, A. Hint has Lean marshmallow^ race, Pe'rnice been 'hrnlidaying at Kfngsvnlla ! VlcClinrhey; potato race, Jack Brim, Richard Philips Of Detrol• who 'tesla and !Anther :Parker. The men en - is campin. at Grand Bend was the Toyed a tug of war on, the )reach fol. g ]aged by .e similar contest among the ]guest of Mr and'Mre. (W• 0• Gnod.- smaller boy, 13e ,sports were thnr- win on Sunda} when he • redder at ou'.gilly enjoyed "by :inl0eiskers as well' visited a few days last week with' ] atives here .prior to leaving for 'Strat- ford where he has seetared, a good po onto were week end visitors with Mrs. T. Johnston and Miss Mary Johnston of the Town Line. Mr, and Mra, R. Douglas of North - ST. COLUMBAN • Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Jordan. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No, 3190,. Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) Enrolment. No, 3959 Form 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment No. 4177. Form 3 Route for 1941-$10114ny and Tues. day, in the vicinity of Walton and and Brussels. Wednesday- Through Kinburn and west to the highway. south through Clinton, home by wily of Tucker - smith. Thursday—Thrus,)/ Sen forth to St. Cnlnnman and Beechwood, hone through way of Winthrop. Friday and Saturday, Goderich Township and Colborne. Terms $13,90. payable Mar. 1, 1842, T. J, McMichael, Prop. ex Mgr. Members were present from Alvin sten, Arkona, Auburn, Belgrave Camlachie, Exeter, Iroquois Falls Lncknow, Sarnia and Strathroy, Grand ;bend was chosen as the place of meeting for next year and the second Wednesday in July as the elate. The singing of the nationa anthem brought this happy clay to t close and the members seemed re luctant to leave their pleasant as sociations until this time next yeas' Numerous letters of regret were re ceived from those living at dist- ance, expressing regret that the were unable to attend; McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D, McConnell, 3-h Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build Ing, Seaforth, Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. MAN WANTED Married man wanted to work On farm. Experienced. Apply to E. J. (lox, Seaforth. CAR FOR SALE Essex sedan, run about 4,000 miles.. In first class shape, almost like new. Mrs, John Shepherd, Hensall; or, ring 15 on 91, Hansen. FOR SALE Large revolving fan for sale. Guar- anteed in good. condition. Apply to J. A. Westeott. HOUSE FOR SALE Seven roosted frame house on West Street at $750, Apply to H. G. Nleir, Barrister, Seaforth, Ont, THRESHER FOR SALE 22.88 Goodison thresher equipped with chaff blower, Apply to John Leiper, Box 131, Clinton. FOR SALE 18 young pigs ready to wean, for sale. George 13. Eberhart, phone 852 r 5. Seaforth. PiGS FOR SALE 68 pigs, cbunks from 100 lbs. down. Apply to Geo. Pollard, Brussels. LOST Two keys on a ring for safety de- posit box. Finder please leave at the Bank of Commerce. FOR SALE 27 Essex sedan, in good running order, good tires. New battery, Ap- ply to William Wright, Egmondville. Etu'olment No. 30111. Firs Class, Form 1. Grade A. Premium No, 76, TORRS MAGNATE Route. 1941-111onday, leave his stable. lot 4, cnn, 3, IJibbert, to )batt Murray's, lot 5, con. 4. McKillop, for 110011; to Jack McCarthy's. lot 33. eon, 2, Logan. till 6, then home, till Wednesday morning, \Wednesday, to Cecil Rolph's, lot 10, eon. 3. Logan, for noon, then by way of Could's school, to own stable. Thursday, to Dunc. Coiquhonn's, lot 3, con, 8, Hibbert, for noon; then to Geo. Wallace's, 'bit 11, con, 11, Cromarty. from 3 to 6, then to Jack Burchin's, lot le, con. 5, for night. Friday, west to Nagle's sideroad, then north 114 miles, then east to his oyvn stable for noon where he will remain till following Monday. Terms, $13, payable January, 1942. Robert Burchill, Prop. & Mgr., R.R. 2, Dublin, Ont, Phone 191'13. TOWN COUNCIL Continued Prom Page one Jack Wright $3; C. M. Smith, $17.60; Northside United Women's Associa- tion $3; Geo. A. Sills & Sons, $32,36; Huron Expositor, $154.66; D. H. Wilson, cash relief, . $29.81; Wm. Montgomery, $28,25. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c We Specialize in BODY and FENDER BUMPING AND REFINISHING No denttoo small or too large for our attention PROMPT SERVICE 1F.,DALY 11PORD - MERCURY DEALER - SEAFORTH NOTICE Having purchased a harvester combine, I ani prepared to do cus- tom threshing of Wheat and Seed Timothy. Geroge Taylor, Walton R. 1i. 1. Phone 3311 r 21, Seaforth central. FURNITURE REPAIRING Get your furniture repaired and re ftnislterl. Experienced work, guaran- teed satisfactory. Any color. Win, Austin. High street. phone 231W. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for' 5, S. No. 2, McKillop, Apply to Stewart Dolmage, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth R. R. 2 THREE OR FOUR ROOMS In a comfortable home in Egmond- vine. Apply to Mrs, Gordon, Box 51, Seaforth, or at the house on Main St„ Egmondville. APARTMENT TO RENT On Market street, Seaforth, near Main, vacated July 1, Phone 30; Dublin. FOR SALE Rocco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua• ranteed 25 year's. Rosco Portable Silos, Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrouglt and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley; Door Track and Hard- ware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. Asphalt Products in- cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick Siding, matt) -Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc.'Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone Clinton, 618 ring 12. ARTICLES FOR SALE Personal 'Rubber Goods, mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope, with pricelist. 6 sampled 25c 24 sam- ples $1.00. Adults only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario. INSURANCE Life. Fire, Auto. Sickness k+ Accid- ent,Windstorm & gearantee bonds, Rates reasonable. All risks placed' n first class companies. nfednti,+iori cheerfully aivett: > . C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES