HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL During the month of July . when Rev' \\. ll there will 'he morning service only at 'Carmel: Presbyterian Church. Rev. D. -C. Hill of Exeter will be in charge ,of the eervices dor that month. In August there will be everting service ,only :dace Mr. :Weir .will be conduct- ing morning -worship at Caven Pres- byterian IChurch, Exeter, during that month. The sympathy of the .community extended to Mrs. W. Te. Davidson in the death f her father, "Mr. 11V: S. King. who passed 'away at his home near Wiaghem oi Monday follOwing a lengthy illness. Cire. Davidson has spent the past month at her former home owing to the serious illness of her father. The LadiesAid bi Carmel church held their regular meeting in the schoolroomi the church ori Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. Jae. Patterson presiding. After singing the opening hymn 'Mrs. Patterson led in 'prayer. 'Eileen Minn and Audrey Campbell sang a ("stet entitled "There Always Be An England" accom- panied by IMrs. Ed. 'Munn at the piano. The business was taken up and it was decided to withdraw the july and August meetings. IMrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Ed. Munn favoured with piano solos. The meeting .closed by singing a hymn and the Lord's prayer itt unison Mr. John Porter and Lr, Ken Passmore of the R.C.A.F.. Trenton, visited with the tatters parents, lir. and IMrs. John Passmore, Mrs. Emma Boyle and daughter, Miss Helen Boyle of Toronto visited this week with IMr. and IMrs. Alfred Clark and IMr. Thos. Welsh and !Miss Florence IWielsh. Mrs. Wm. :McKenzie was called home from the West where she rec- ently went for a. visit, this week ow- ing to the serious illness and death of her father, the late Robert 'Murdoch of .Brucefield. Servivieg is one son, -Andrew. of Detroit, and two daugh- ters,- Mrs. John Cairns. Bruce -field: and Mee. \\'M. •11.1cKenzie, Hensel'. The deceased was a menither of 'Car- mel Presbyterian Church. The fener- al was held from the late home on Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. '1,Vm. Weir, B.A. Interment in Baird's cemetery. Wohelo Class Makes Presentation.— The Wohela Sunday School Claes of .the United Church held their an- nual picnic to Bayfield on Friday ev- ening which .weargely :wended. Following the supper and sports Miss Margaret Grieve, teacher at S.S. No. 10. Hay, who has resigned her posi- tion. was presented with a Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Varl Passmore and se') Ronald visited eel Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and Mr. and Id rs. Ab Passmore itt Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth of Detroit and Mrs. Lou Simpson visited this week with the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. end Mrs. James Mac - Martin at Barrie. Mr. Win. MacLean of SL Cathay Ines spent the week end at the home ef his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rohe Roht, MacLean, Mr, John Miller of Exeter visited last week with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mi-.' H. 0. Day man. Late George MeClinehey— The late Mr. George 114cOlinchey passed away in Scott Memorial Hos pital. Seaforth. on Friday, in his 75th year. He was born on the Goshen Line and spent most of his life there. until coining to Hensall, where he has resided for the past few years at the home of his sister. in-law, Mrs. James MeClinchey. Sur viving is one sister, Mrs. Johnston, of Clinton, and one brother John, of the Goshen Line. Burial took place at Hayfield Cemetery on Monday, Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Robert Sweet in Sarnia in her 62nd year, The de. ceased is survived by her husband, and one daughter, Muriel, of Sarnia, and one sister and one brother, Miss Anuie Moore and Mr. Chas. Moore, of Hensall, W. C. T. U. Elects Officer— The annual election of officers of the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the W. C. T. U. was held on Thursday aftrenoon in the school -room of the United Church. Mrs. Christie of Exe- ter in the chair. Following is the list of officers: President, Mrs. George Hess; vice presidents, Miss Jean Murray and Miss Irene Douglas; president of evangelical dept„ Mrs. Chas, Sinks; secretary, Miss Annie Consitt; treasurer, Mrs, Ed Mc- Queen, pianist; Miss Irene Douglas, assistant, Mrs. W. Pybus, Exeter; cor, sec., Miss Jean Murray and Mrs. Ed McQueen; anti narcotics, Mrs. J. Elder traveller's aid, Mrs. Victor Fee and Mrs. W. Cook; temperance, Miss Jean Murray; L. P. L., Miss Primrose, Exeter; medal contest, Miss Jean Murray. Flower committee, Mrs. W, Cook, Exeter; mother's and help meeting, Mrs. Beavers, Exeter; press sec.. Mrs. Maude Hedden. The organization has raised $80 during the past year, The meetings during July and August will be withdrawn. Mr. Max Hudson of London spent the week end with friends in town. Mrs. Bella Wright of London has accepted a position at the Commerc- ial Hotel here. Miss Florence Welsh spent Thurs- pencil. The address was read by Ross. day in London, ,Forrest: "Dear Illargaret,--IWe the! .members of the IWoltela -Class wish you to know that we regret very , HARLOCK Saturday, June 21st, Mr. Reece much that you are leaving the corn- Feeris Mies Lydia Bell, Miss Beryl munity. We have enjoyed our assoc- ' s Carter and Mr. lenechtel motored to dation with you and have benefited Louden. The latter was leaving by greatly by the services which you plane for his home in Calgary to pre - have so willingly and capably render- pare for moving, as he has been ed !both in class meetings and in the transferred from Calgary. Alta., to specie affairs we have undertaken. London, Ont., where he has been We shall miss your company. your very busy for the past week. Mr. influence, your advice and your help. and Mrs. Knechtel and Maxeen ex - As a memento of our pleasant even- pect to be settled in London right ing s together we present you with away, and we are pleased to wel- this small gift which we hope will come them back to Ontario. daily remind you that you have some Mr. Robert Watson purchased a very sincere friends in the IWohelo home near Bayfield one day last. We Class. We pray that God's ;blessing , wish him good luck with his new may go with you and give you suc- home. cess and much happiness in the tut- Mrs. Bert Allen held a Red Cross iare. Signed on behalf of the 'Wohelo chain tea Wednesday afternoon of Class, Ross Forrest, Pres.: 'Gladys last week, having as guests Mrs. A. Luker, Secy. W. McEeving, Mrs. Ernest Knox and The evening concluded with a sing baby, Mrs. Jackson, Miss Mae Smith. song around the carnet fire. Miss Martha. Leiper and Mrs. A. W. The public school picnic was held Beacom. Sandwiches, tea and coffee al Turnbnll's grove on Wednesday were served. The afternoon was aiternoon. ' spent working for the Red Cross. The Senior IWomen's Inetittfte held , Me. Geo. Brown is very happy. Old their annual picnic at Turnbull's Dr. Stork presented Mrs. Brown g te,ve last 'Wedneeday aiternoen at, with a baby daughter the beginning hica the lucky tickets were drawn of last week in Clinton Hospital, en ie melts made by teirs. Isaac Mr, and Mrs, Allen Smith (nee larrett. Keppen. and We-. Deters and Florence Watson' and children the :edict en the Parr lisle. The first Norma May and Wm. Allen. spent ( rein Was Won by 'Mrs, Papple. Sea- the week end visiting friends and is.rtle and the second quilt was von relatives in this -neighborhood and in -ee ),Ir-. Fred Smallacombe. Goderich: also Mr. and Mrs. Prank Winners in the Victory Loan tseay Little near Londesboro and her step - cent( st at the public and contimiation mother and brother. Mrs. Wm, Wet- -i -.11e.,:-, -.vere: ,Continitation school, son and bit-, Wm. Watson on she tirt, Gordon Campbel. ,21-l. Jean 14th. They returned to their home in P-ebus and Marion tMacLaren tied. Sr. Thomas on Sunday. ,rade, IV., Vs. VI., tiret. Joyce 'Br- Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart Johnston rlerick, 2nd, Billy 'Campbell, 3rd. El- and family of Hamilton visited the more ,Campbell S.S. 2, Hay; Grades MeVittie friends Wednesday of last VII.. VIII.. let, Billy Coleman. S.S. week, I0, Hay, tlitd, Phyllis Dougall. S ...S . Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and M- ita Hay, 31-4. Ronald Beli, S,S, 14, tle boys holidayed last Wednesday Hay. with the MeVittie friends, returning 'The teachers at the pniblic and con. to Toronto on Thursday. tinuation school have all been re- Mrs. Audrey Knox, air. and alrs. engaged for the cotning year. Het'b Manning and Mrs. Clifford IMr. and Mrs. Archie elederehy of Shobbrook visited Miss Laura Man- Torenta visited this week with Mr, ning in Kitchener part of last week. Thomas Welsh and Miss Florence The three former also attended the Welsh. , funeral of Mr. James Lever in :Miss Evelyn (Corbett had the miFlesherton,ss . fortune when returning home from Mr, James McEwing and Mr• Wet" son Reid signed up, but the latter Hensall on Saturday to fracture her was rejected. Jim expects to go in right arm. A sack of feed had .fallen off the running board of the car and September. in c0:to/0ring to lift the sad( on' .. again she fractured her arm Dr. G. VARNA M. Fletcher attended the fracture and , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horner are X-rays were taken and a cast was put now comfortably settled in their new home, and we 'welcome them to our on the wrist. Last Sunday morning under the guidance of NV. Bro. G. M. Drysdale who acted as director al ceremonies, Huron tliasonic Godge No 224 A.F. & AM., held its annual church ser- vice by parading to Carmel Pres y- telian Church where 1 member of the Lodge, Rev. eteern. Weir ,preached a 'Masonic ,grinon. Taking as his text Philippians 4:8, Mr. iWeir stated that talasonry was an ideal av- enue through which men can thick on Truth Honesty Poritv, Beauty and Goodness. He felt that the world WAS ,better off ibecause of Masonry and that tgreatest tribute to the order in recent years was its abolition in totalitarian nations. He called upon the brethren to do more than think on the things but translate these high virtues into action in daily life. There was a good attendance of local and Exeter 'Masons and for thr occasion he tchoir sang 'Great and -Mareel- lotie in which Mrs. A. Dougall, Miss Jrene Iloggarth, IMrs, Malcolm Dou- gall and tafiss 'Margaret Dougall eeng a q,uartette. BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs, John Hill of Regina. Sask.. Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Hill of Hamilton, spent a few deers with Mr. anti Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs, A. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cross of Detroit spent the week eud with Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Wheeler. Mrs, A. Beattie and Jean of Lon. don visited Mrs. A T, Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie and family of London, spent Sunday with Mrs, Margaret McKenzie and Mrs. MeAsh, Mrs. W. Smith of Exeter visited her sister Mrs, Rohner. Miss E. Grainger, 11. N., of Gode- rich, visited at her home here. We extend our sincere sympathy to the enmity of the late Robe Mur- doch in their loss. Pte. Wm, Gair of Strathcona Hot -se Regiment. Listowel, visited his eon - sins, the McIntosh family. Mr, and Mrs. H. 8'. Berry 'spent Sunday in Galt, Miss G. Smith is visiting in Eine' vale. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dalrymple attend- ed the Grand Lodge meetings in To- ronto last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe spent Sun- day in Hensall with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser and Mr, and Mrs. B. Kaiser of Detroit. Miss Grace Dalrymple of Strat- ford spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bullard of Ban - tore, Mr, H. Fades and father of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan, TESTED RECIPES QUICK BREADS A mare liberal use of wheat from Canada's abundant supply would not only be a patriotic gesture on the part of the homemaker, but would add nutritive value and interest to the daily menu. The term quick breads is used to designate the type of product in which baking powder or soda is used as a leavening agent and to different- iate between it and the longer rising yeast bread, These quick breads are largely used in emergency on ac. count of the short time required in preparation, Inc such foods as muff- ins, biscuits, popovers, scones and other cereal mixtures. The following recipes for quick breads are recommended by the Con- sumer Section, Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Agricul- ture. For these recipes, either whole wheat or white flour may be used. Baking Powder Biscuit (Basic Recipe) 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons shortening 2/3 cup milk eft teaspoon salt Mix and sift dint ingredients. Cut w the shortening until the mixture •esembles fine bread crumbs. Add milk slowly to form a soft dough. Toss on a floured board, Pat or roll to inch thicicrress. Mit. Bake 12 minutes at 450 degrees F. Variations— Emergency Biscuits—Increase milk otof 1%•ollienugp.. Drop by spoonfuls Instead Raisin Biscuits—Add % cup rats. ins to Emergency Biscuita. Cheese Biscuits—Add 1/3 cup gra ed cheese. Cheese Fingers—To basic recipe add 1/3 cup grated chlteee. Ron to 1,-3 inch thickness. Cut in pieces 4 x 1/2 inch. Butterscotch Rolls—Dee % eup brown sugar in above recipe, omit - tine white sugar and cinnamon. Maple Biscuits—Pour 1 cup maple syrup in a baking pan. Bring to boil- ing. Place plain biscuits in hot syrup. Bake 12 minutes at 400 degrees F. Nutbread—Add cup nuts to basic recipe. Turn into a buttered loaf pan. Let stand 20 minutes. Bake 45 minutes at 375 degrees F. Jain Jennies—Cut biscuits ½inch thick. Make a deep impression in top of each. Place 1 teaspoon jam in each. Bake 12 minutes at 400 deg. F. Scones—Roll to % inch thickness. Cut in triangles or squares. Cook on a hot griddle. When one side is brown, turn, midst and wish the young couple bon voyage through Ole. Mrs. M. A. Ftathwell of 'Windsor is the guest of Ms's. M. Reid. Mrs. Ada Reid and Miss Galbraith of Seaforth spent a few days at the Galbraith homestead. Mr. George Pilgrim of Orangeville paid a flying visit to the village on Sunday. Mrs. Mossop spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. M, Elliott spent Sun- day withtheir daughter and family in Go teri . Mrs, C, Pilgrim and little son spent last week with the former's brother Mr. Will Collins of Hallett. Miss Lillian Elliott spent last -week with her sister Mrs. Herd in God ericle, Two ewes and a iamb have taken up their abode at the home of Mr .A. Galbraitb, B.11.. and refuse to leave. Rev. J, R. Peters will address the members of the Orange Order in the 'United Church Sunday, the 29th. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and Mis, Effie Jamieson wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement, and for the beautiful floral tributes, also those who loaned their cars. Fruit Muffina 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons melted butter % teaspoon salt. • Ve cup raisins se cup fresh blueberries, easp- berries or chopped cherries, or % cup well drained canned fruit can be used instead of raisins. Beat egg well. .Aeld milk, salt, sug- ar and melted butter. Add flour sift- ed with baking flour. Beat -until smooth. Drop in small well greased pans. Bake 25 minutes at 425 degrees F. Makes 12 muffins. Auction Sale Lambert Sale Yards, StrathreY, Saturday, June 28tb. 100 head cd mixed cattle; included are 70 yean Sings and calvets, Also usual run of calves and mixed pigs. Sales every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. • PROPERTY FOR SALE in Harpurhey, one mile west of Seaforth, a two storey brick house containing nine rooms, itt good re- pair. Also a garage and bat'n, There is also 3 1/6 acres of first class land naturally drained suitable for small fruits or gardenieg, For particulars apply to: Mrs. George Leitch, Clinton, R.R. No. 1. Phone 841-24, Seaforth, Mrs. James Carter, Seaforth. Phone 667-21, Seaforth central. WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 chil- dren in family. Good wages. No washing. Apply to the News Office. FOR SALE 46 pigs of all sizes. Halfway be- tween Brussels and Walton, Geo. Pollard, Trucker, Brussels, RR. 2. Phone 56 r 13. "MEN WANTED" • Here is a big, quick business break for you, Thousands of folks need Familex Products and want them, but we have not enough reneesente, tives. It's your opportunity for easy sales and plenty of repeat business. If you are willing to work and am- bitious, get going and you'll not be sorry, For illustrated catalogue and details: 570 St, Clement, MONT- REAL. MAN WANTED Married man wanted to work on farm. Experienced. Apply to E. BOX, Seaforth, BERRIES Come to Perham's if you wish to pick yetis' own berries. Some at 6c; in a good patch at Sc, One mile west of Winthrop. DOG FOUND Strayed on premises of undersign- ed, black and tan collie dog, bob tail, Owner please come for him. Joseph Scott. Phone 836r11, Seaforth, FOR SALE Fourteen acres mixed hay, timothy and alfalfa. 'Apply R. D. Seli, R.R. 1, Hensall, !phone 92r3. BRODHAGEN Mr. Carman Mogk is at Thames Valley Camp training for two weeks. Mr, Woodron Trombley of Califol. nia is holidaying with his grandmo- ther, Mt'. Hannah Steiss, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer and family of Glencoe visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob. Wilfred Jacob has returned with them to spend a few clays in Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Diegel and daughter Anita of Toronto are spend. Ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanek, Mr. and Mrs, Otto Stauck and Ray of Kitch- ener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rode of 10t- chener visited relatives here on Sun- day. "The Coal Situation" We have a few cars of First Quality Pennsylvania Anthracite on order Stove and Nut Size Selling divert from cars. at $14,20 haul your own. $14.80 delivered in Seaforth. $14.95 delivered by truck within 10 miles of town in Two ton lots or over. All business Cash Mine Prices are advancing monthly. War Conditions may curtail the movement of American Coal at any time 'We will give attention to orders at the above prices while the supply lasts J. H. SCOTT Phone 336 DE LAVAL Cream Separators Stock Clearance Sale 1 *14, 550 lbs. capacity, new type Separator, ball beatings throughout 1 Junior, 550 lbs. capacity. A very fine machine Prices Are Going TJp NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! J. F. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER SEAFORTH SATURDAY Odex Soap 3 cakes 14c Lux Soarret. 3 cakes 14c Camay Soap 3 cakes 14c Palm Olive 3 Icakes 14c Infants Delight .. 3 cakes 14c P. & G. Soap 4 cakes 16c Gold Soap 4 cakes 16c Ivory Soap Large cakes 2 for 16c THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941 NIII.O13101..110e4112X imitamanapicareetasze.ate SPECIALS Woodburys Soap ..4 cakes 23c Joy Laundry Soap 10 cakes 29c .Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 4 cakes 16c Large Chipso with fancy glass jug 23c Large Size Oxydol pkge. ..21c Princess Flakes Large pkge. 9c Super Suds Large pkge, 19c Taylors Soap Flakes 5 lb, pkge. 23e STOCKADE FLY SPRAY, 128 oz. tin , ,,.1.15 e is Finnicidn U1.3151ear..1.1311.11=WEVal....11:201....Mr WOOL WANTED Ilighest Market Price AC00RD1NG TO GRADE Delivered at Egmondvilie H. M. JACKSON Phone 3-w Seaforth WANTED TO BUY Good hay rack, second hand, also a good gravel box. Apply to Miller Adams, phone 845-22, FOR SALE 3 sheep and 4 ewe lambs, all twins and triplets. Also a young calf for sale. Byron McGill, Harpurhey. PERHAM BERRIES Call at patch for better, cheaper berries. Pick your own if you wish, 1 mile west of Winthroit. TO RENT South Victoria Apartments, all conveniences, to be vacated by Mr. Elmer D. Bell. Apply to E. L. Box. SEPARATOR FOR SALE Viking Separator, 650 lbs. cap. Al- most new. Would exchange for good cow, Apply to The News. FOR SALE Spraymotor with 58 ft. hose and extension, 90 gal. barrel, 2 nozzles. Cost $55 new last Fall, will sell for $85 cash. Good moneymaker for whitewashing barns, henhouses, etc. J. F. Carlin, Beechwood. TIRES FOR SALE Quantity of second hand G00- 16 tires and tubes for sale. Ken MacLean Garage, Egmondville. FOR SALE, FARMERS A Car load of Prince Edward Islani potatoes now on hand. A limited amount of certified seed included Leave your orders at Hensall CO operative, Also coal, cedar poste B. C. shingles, concentrates, stock minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of all brands. Huron Farmers' Co - Operative Co. Ltd.. Hensel), TENDERS WANTED 1, the undersigned, will receive tenders on or before July 12, 1941, for 3.000 yards of gravel, 34 inch crushed and delivered to any place in the Township of Stanley, Marked cheque for 10 per cent of the amount must be enclosed with each tender. Contract to he coni. plated Oct, 15, 1941. Lowest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. Dated this 18th day of June. WILFRID CHUTER. Varna, Road Superintendent 'FAVOURITE AGAIN" Popular Clydesdale sire. will stand at Coyne Bros.. Con. 7. Hibbert, for season of 1941, and will travel by trailer a reasonable distance to meet interested parties-. Phone 43 r 27, Dublin. The Pure Tired Clydesdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No. 3500, Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) Enrolment No, 3959 Form 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment No.,4177. Form 3 Route for 1941—Monday and Tues- day, in the vicinity of Walton and and Brussels. Wednesday—Through Kinburn and west to the highway, south through Clinton, home by way of Tucker - smith. Thursday—Through Seaforth to St. Columban and Beachwood, home through way of Winthrop. Friday and Saturday, Godevieh Township and Colborne. Terms $13.00, payable Mar. 1, 1942. T. S. McMichael, Prop. & Mgr. Pullets For Sale A few 4 and 5 week old White Leghorn Pullets for sale, at Special End of Season Prices. On sale for one week only Phone 666 r 3 SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM R. R. 3, SEAFORTH Enrolment No. 3019. First Class, Form 1, Grade A, Premium No. 76. TORRS MAGNATE Route, 1941—Monday, leave his stable, lot 4, con. 3, Hibbert, to Matt Murray's, lot 5, con. 4, McKillop, for noon; to Jack McCarthy's, lot 33 con. 2, Logan, till 6, then home. til Wednesday morning. Wednesday, to Cecil Rolph's, lot 10, con. 3, Logan, for noon, then by way of Gould's school, to own stable Thureday, to Dunc. Colquhoun's lot 3, con. 8, Hibbert, for noon; then to Geo. Wallace's, lot 11, con, 11 Cromarty, from 3 to 6, then to Jack Burchill's, lot 10, con. 5, for night. Friday, west to Nagle's sideroad then north le/. miles, then eget to his own stable for noon where he will remain till following Monday, Terms, $13, Payable January, 1942. Robert Dunhill. Prop. & Mgr., R.R. 2, Dublin, Ont. Phone 19r13, McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. itt. to 9 p. en. Auction Sale Of Household Effects. At the resi- dence of Mrs. R. S. Evans, James Street, next to Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, on Saturday, June 28th, at 1 p.m., the following. 1 oak dining room suite, 1 oak book case, writing desk combined, 1 fumed oak couch, 1 magazine case, 2 small. table, 1 kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, 3 piece parlor suite, 1 oak morris clutir, 1 sectional book case, several electric lamps, 1 odd dresser. 2 rugs, several small rugs, 1 oak bedroom suite, complete, 1 spring mattress, 1 set springs, 1 chamber set, 1 clothes horse, sewing machine, 1 electric range, 1 -wringer, 1 gal- vanized tub, 1 cistern pump, 1 lawn mower, 5 cream window blinds, cur- tains, 1 robe, garden tools. Mrs. R. S. Evans, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. House in Egmendville For Sale 7 roomed frame house, corner lot, Main St., with hydro, hard and soft water. On this property there is % acre of land, stable, and hen house, also fruit trees, Low taxes. Apply to Mrs. Jean R. Dale, 11.11.2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 2. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua. ranteed 25 years, Rosco Portable Silos, Galvanized Sheet Iron, al) sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings. Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hogtrougbs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hard- ware, Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. Asphalt Products in- cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul-Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone Clinton, 618 ring 12. ARTICLES FOR SALE Personal Rubber Goods, mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope, with pricelist. 6 samples 25c 24 sam- ples $1.00, Adults only. Atex Rubber Co.. Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario, Farms For Sale by Tender Lot 25, Con. 9. Hibbert Township, 100 acres, clay loam. 27 acres in crop. balance hay and bush, good orchard. 8 -roomed brick house, hydro, bath, bank barn, cement stabling with water. pig pen, hen house and garage, 7 acres bush, well watered. West % lot 25, con. 10, 50 acres clay loam, all grass, 6 roomed frame house, bank baro, drive shed. Sold together or in separate par - cele. Immediate possession. PropertY of Richard Sillery estate. Marked cheque of 10 per cent to accompany each tender, Balance to be arranged in 30 clays. Tenders to close Suite 28th, 1941. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to CLAUDE HORNE, Barrister, Mitchell, Ont. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD. SILLERY, DECEASED All persons having claims against Richard Sillery, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the Canute* of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the sixth day of May, 1941, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned full particulars of their claims on or before the 28th day of June, 1941. After the last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be dis tributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard to the claims then filed. Dated et Mitchell. Ont„ this 10th day of June, 1941. CLAUDE HORNE, Mitchell, Ont, Solicitor for the EX(SeUtOrS. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. MI risks placed in first class companies, infnrmation cheerfully riven C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES • •