HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR
TIIE SE Ft )1. r11 NEWS
Snnwdun fir,. Pu:''ti.,h.sa.
iEntertainment by the Stratford
Concert Company under the direc-
tion of Mr. Henry A. Clark
Supper served 6 to 8
Admission 35c and 20c
Robert Reid Dies Suddenly.—
The community was shocked by
the sudden death early Tuesday of a
highly respected resident of Walton,
Mr. Robert Reid. Mr.. Reid had got up
as usual in the morning and was in
the garden about seven o'clock when NOTED HORSEMAN DIES
seized with a severe stroke from : Robert D. Murdoch. of Brucetield, who passed away on Saturday evening
which be did not rally and passed after- an illness of two months, The late Mr, Murdoch's Clydesdales won
away two hours later at 9.15 a.m. He many prizes during his tifty-four years in tate business,
was in his 08th year.
Robert Reid had lived all his life
in Walton vicinity, having been bora
and raised on the 13th eancessiou of
Hullett township, son of the late Da-
vid Reid. He was Married in 1595 to
Miss Catherine Campbell of McKil-
lop and Lived on the gravel road a
mile south of Walton where he der.
eloped one of the finest farm prop=
erties in the district. Eight years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Reid retired to
Walton, Besides his wife he is sur-
vived by one son, • Nelson. on the
home farm in Mehillup; and three
daughters Mrs. Lawrence Ryan
e Marjnriel, Meliillop; Mrs Wesley
I•Iae•kwell iEdna). Walton: Mrs: El.
111,-I. Hackwell 'Ethel), McKillop. A
du Tighter, Mrs. Joseph l-Iackwell
iHarriet ti died fourteen years agn.
He also leaves two brother.. Angus
Reid and David Reid, of Hullett.
and two sister's, Mise Mary Reid.
Hullett. and Mrs. Frank Martin, of
Brussels. The funeral will take
Place from the home of his son. Sir.
Nelson Reid, on Thursday at 2 p,nt.
to Maitland Bank Cemetery. Rev.
Mr. Gilbert of Duff's Church, Wal-
ton. will officiate. The pallbearers
are Angus and Dave Reid, Lawrence
Ryan. Wesley Hackwell, Elmer Hack -
well. Joseph Hackwell. -
,lIr. and Mira, Her', .\nderson of
North Bay visited with ,\1r. and arra
D. Livingston during the past week.
Mrs. Anderson is a niece of Mrs,
'Livingston and a daughter of the late
William Milne formerly of Ethel.
About two hundred friends and
neighbors gathered in the community
hall on Tuesday evening to do honor
to Mr. and Mrs. W. Turnbull of the
16th concession of Grey after their
marriage recently. The • young couple
were presented with a gate leg table
and upholstered rocking chair togther
with a sum of money. Ray Houston
read the address and the groom re-
plied in a few well chosen words.
The evening was spent in dancing.
(Mrs. Tom Clark and daughter
Mrs. Sohier of Hamilton. 'Mrs, (Cook
and Mr. L. Peacock of (Clinton called
on friends Monday afternoon in the
IMr. George (Caister and his sister,
Laura. together with his son Maurice
and wife from Cass .City, Mich., visit-
ed over the week end with Ur. and
Mrs. E. Kirkby.
L.A.C. R. W. Bryan, R. C. A. F„
Fingal, spent the week end at his
Mr. R. C. Drager and family of
Galt spent Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. C. Drager, who is not enjoying
good health.
The garden party of the United
Church Sunday School was held on
Monday night, June 23. on the com-
munity hall grounds with a splendid,
attendance. The supper was served
in the hall, where the tables were
laden with good cooking plus straw-
berries and cream. The entertain-
ment was given in the open, and al-
though the evening was rather chilly
the crowd sat and enjoyed the play,
"All on Account of Luella" which
was put on by the young people of
Egmondville. The play was well ren-
dered and fully enjoyed. Gate re-
ceipts were $105.00.
Miss Margaret J. Tamblyn -was
successful in obtaining 93% "First
Class Honors" in her recent examin-
ation of Grade 2 Theory in Toronto
Conservatory of Music. Site is a
pupil of Mr. A. E. Cook. Blyth. "Con-
Mrs, J. D. Melville has returned
from Trowbridge where she visited
at the home of her sister, who has
been 111.
Miss Alice Fingland spent a- day
or two in. Toronto last week.
Mrs. Margaret Manning visited for
a few days recently at the home of
her son, Mr. J. P. Manning, Clinton,
We are pleased to see Mr. W.
Lyon out again after his recent
The farmers have commenced hay-
ing andreport a very poor crop.
Some clover is so short it - could
scarcely be gathered up, Ram Is
needed badly in this district.
June 23rd, 1941, 3n St, Catherine's
Church, St. Catharines, Ont,
Beulah Anne, eldest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. John H. Snot', Sea -
forth, Ont., to Frank Arthur
Hammond, K.C., Barrie, Ont.
The Earl Family Reunion was held
at the Moine of Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Hero, Exeter, on Wednesday after-
noon and evening last week with
over one hundred in attendance. Au
interesting variety of sports were
enthusiastically entered into by
everyone following which sapper
was served 00 the lawn. Much credit
was clue to Mr. and Mrs. Hern for
the very pleasant time enjoyed by
,everyone. For their hospitality a
hearty vote of thanks was extended.
The president, Mr. Harold Hern, pre-
sided for the election of officers for
1942 when Mr. Glen McLean was
elected presideut. The following are
the results of the races:
Children. five and under — Billy
Hein, Donna Stone. Girls, s1x to
sight, Phyllis Hera. Jean Hern. Boys
six to eight, Ross Dobson, Bob Hern.
Girls 9.12, Christine Dobson, Marion
Copeland. Boys 9-12, Harry Hern,
Jack Hero. Young ladies' race, Lor-
ene Copeland, Marjorie Earl, Young
men's race, Harry Earl, Kenneth
Hero. Married ladies' race, Mrs. An-
gus Earl, Mrs. Howard Kerslake,
Married men's race, Howard Kers-
lake, Bill Thomson. Three legged
race, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brook,
Miss Peggy Gallop and Kenneth
Hero. Men's kick the slipper, Nor-
man Brook, John Earl. Ladies' kick
the slipper, Lorene Copeland, Mrs,
Thos. Hera, Clothes pin race, Harry
Earl, Marjorie Earl. Bean relay, Nor-
man Brock, John Earl, Ladies` kick
Glen McLean's side, Guessing jar of
peppermints, Elgin Hern, Jean
Christie, Person coming the greatest
distance, Mr. Arnold Scott. Youngest
baby present, Jean Arksey. Lucky
number, Arthur Leyburn.
The 1942 reunion will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Miss Doris Alexander of London is
spending a couple of weeks' holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mrs. H. Ricker and Arthur spent
Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Dearing, Exeter.
Don't forget the strawberry festi-
val on the church lawn on Friday,
June 27th. The Paul Bros. of Kirkton
and Miss Dorothy Green of Exeter
will be the entertainers.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne 'Ford, Jack
and Jill and Mrs, Arthur Ford of De-
troit visited on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, W. Harney.
Mr. and Mrs. James McClymont
visited in London Sunday evening.
Choir Makes Presentation—
The choir of the United Church
met on Wednesday night for choir
practice after which they presented
two of their members, Misses Roma
and Dorothy Chandler, who are mov-
ing to Parkhill with two table lamps.
The presentations were made by
Misses Gwen Cooper and Jean Long.
The following address was read by
Miss Jean Ivison: Dear Roma and
Dorothy—The voices of the old vill-
age choir are all here tonight in the
same place, the Sunday School room,
the sante time eight -thirty, for one
reason, choir practice, and another
reason, to show our appreciation for
your faithful work In the choir, It
was with sincere regret that we
learned of your unexpected depart-
ure but what is our loss is another's
gain. We ask you to accept these
lamps as a small remembrance of
our friendship, wishing that your fu-
ture years may be as pleasant as the
ones you have spent here. Signed on
behalf of the Choir of the United
Church, Roma and Dorothy in a
few well chosen words thanked the
choir and invited then' all to visit
them in Parkhill.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Ger-
ald and Harold, visited the former's
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fergu-
son of Chiselhurst on Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride, Stu-
art and Dona, and Mr. and Mrs,
Robt. McBride spent the week end
in Windsor.
Mrs. Grace Ross of Seaforth was a
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs, Robt.
McGregor and family.
Mr, and Mrs. George Ashton and
family of Gorrie visited with Mrs
Jessie .McGregor and Mr, and Mrs.
Joe McClelland and family Sunday.
Died In Detroit— -
Citizens of Dublin who remember
Walter Klinkhamer, of '7220 Ameri-
can at,, Detroit, son of the late Mich-
ael J. Klinkhamer, will be sorry to
learn of the death of his wife Lucille.
She died suddenly about 5.30 the
morning of June 12th. Besides - her
husband Walter, she leaves three
daughters and one son, Mrs. Robert
Continual, Elizabeth, Richard and
Kathleen. Also two sisters and a bro.
they, Mrs. Cecelia Van-Poneker, Mrs,
Anna Hagen and Julius Reuse]. The
funeral was Saturday maiming. June
14th from St. Luke's church, In De-
troit, of which she was President of
the Rosary Sodality. Rev, Fr. F..7.
McQuillan officiated at the requiem
high Mass, Deceased was a wonder-
ful person and a willing and helpful
worker around the church. Only the
Sunday morning before her death,
she helped prepare the breakfast for
the Holy Name communion.
'David and Jack +Dingenran, 'Detroit,
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. 'McConnell; Ret. F.'. 'Mc-
ICardle, Parkhill, with Rev, H. F.
Feeney; Miss 'Genevieve IM'dCarthy,
Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. IM. McCarthy; IMrs, Fergus
Reynolds, Detroit, with 'her ;parents,
IMr. and 'Mrs. 'Joseph Carpenter.
'Rev. Harry Feeney, C.R., received
a large number of relatives and
friends at the home of his mother,
(Mrs, •Karb:een :Feeney, on Sunday
afternoon. He graciously thanked !his
guests for many useful and appropri-
ate gifts including a handsome watch,
embroidered linen surplice, gladstone
hags, ritual, sick room set, stales,
crucifix, as well as gifts of money.
On Sunday evening Solemn Bene-
diction was held at St. Patrick's
Church, with 'Father Feeney as cele-
brant, Re'v, John Il4'cIwor of the 'China
,Missions, Toronto, as deacon and
Rev, 'Gordon Dill as sub -deacon. Dr.
lt, B. Ffoulkes and Donald 'Benning-
er, IC.S.B. Toronto, also assisted. Spe-
cial commendation is due to the 'choir
singing under the direction •of Moth-
er Maureen, while Mother Rosanna,
St. Angela's Academy, !London, pres-
ided at the organ. Following benedic-
tion and bestowing of the young
priest's iblessin:g on the congregation,
Father Feeney was :honored at the
Rectory by delegations from the Al-
tar Society and Young 1Liadies' Sodal-
ity. An address was read by the pres-
ident of each society and presentation
of cheques for $110 from each.
Visitors: Mr and Mrs. Robert tMc-
,:ormiok and sons and (Mrs. Il'IdCor-
mick. Sr„ Detroit, with IMr, and Mrs.
James Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward )M-cGrath, Ilderton, ,with Frank
McConnell; Philip Flanagan, Tor-
onto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Flanagan; Mr. and IMrs.
Reihi, 1London,'with Mr, and (Mrs. D.
lirConnell; Father Joseph A. Feeney
St. Joseph's Hospital (London, with
his sister, Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss-
es Vera and 'Genevieve Feeney, Tor-
onto, LMr. and Mrs, Len Steinbach
and Miss Rose Feeney, 'Louden, also
Miss Mary Gilmurry, Rochester, N.Y.
with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney Misses
Mtn•y and Eileen Jordan, London,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph 'Jordan; Donald Benninger, CS
11., Toronto, 'who was master or
ceremonies at the 'first Solemn High
Bass of Father Harry ;Feeney, C.R.
is spending his vacation with his
'nether, I\lrs. Katherine 'Benninger;
'Charles Bene, Toronto, with Mr. and
'Mrs. Frank Evans; Mr, and Mrs Fer-
gus 'Reynolds, Detroit, with Mr. aid
Mrs. Joseph Canpcnter; (Mt. and Mrs,
Thomas Feeney and Elizabeth, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feen-
ey: Father 'John I51cIeeer, Toronto,
with his sister, Mrs. ,Patrick Jordan;
.Father .F. Bricklin, Watford, with hi;
mother, Mrs. H. Bricklin at St. Col -
nm en, l'at'her Jerome Ruth 'C. R.,
Kitchener with IMrs, 'Katherine Ben-
nin,ei -Miss Irene Donnelly, IWood-
stnck, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Don-
' nelly, Detroit, with !Me and Mrs. jos-
eph Donnelly; Franck Krauskopf, Tor-
onto, with 'his .parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis ,Krauskopf; ,Mr, aied Mrs,
'Lloyd Rale, Zurich, 'with Mr. and
(Mrs. Thos. 'J; Molynea'ux;
Want and For Sale Ads. ? weeks 50e Want and For Sale Ads, I week 25c
1)r. Tillman and family are necu-
pyfug tri h cottage a' rite Poirtt.
Mt s, 0. W. fitrynas of Burlington
epont tho week k end with her sister
Mina 'vara Fc rgusou.
Mr. rind Mrs V. Bart and family
of Landon are -pending the week
with Mrs. Butt.:, parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. ker.
Mr. and MrsF. Fowlit> and Mr, L.
Fowlie of London spent the week
end with the Misses Fowlie.
Miss Drouin anti Miss Fernette of
Detroit arrived at their cottages and
expect to spend the suauner months
Donald Thomas Murray
Pastes at Cleveland—
The community was shocked on
Thursday evening last to learn of
the sudden death of Donald Thomas
Murray, which occurred at Cleveland
on June loth on board "The Chey
enne," which had put into port there.
Mrs, Murray had just received a
letter from him telling her that he
was coming home on account of i11,
health before she received the tele-
gram Worming her of his death.
The deceased man was born in Bay-
field un Dec. 27th; 1897, the second
sou of Agnes Brown and the late
Neil Murray and his boyhood days
were spent here. Twenty-four: years
ago he was married to Hazel Birnie
of Goderich. After having spent three
years in Detroit, he returned to Day -
field where he has since resided ex-
cept for a year spent in Goderich
He is survived by his wife and throe
children. Mae (Mrs, John McLeod
Jr.), Donna at Boole, and Jack, who
is on the Great Lakes freighter
"Captain S. D. Seamed" He is also
survived by his mother, Mrs. Agues
Murray of Bayfield, and one brother
William, in Detroit, The funeral was
held from his mother's residence, on
Monday -afternoon and interment
made in Bayfield Cemetery. The ser-
vice was iu charge of Rev, J, Gra-
ham, assisted by Rev, D. J, Lane of
Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich.
Members of L. 0.L. #r;24 attended in
a body. The pallbearers were Joseph
and Fred McEwen, Charles Berry,
Wilmer 131si1•, Walter Westlake and
Harold Stinson, Flower bearers, were
N. W. Heard, Fred Weston. Lloyd
Seotclimer, S. Irvine, Jack Castle, E.
Heard. Leslie Elliott and Louis Mc-
Leod. Amongst those from a dist-
ance who were present for• the fune-
ral were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray
and sen of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Birnie, Mr. Allen McDonald,
Mrs. Maud Brown, Mr. Jack Brown
of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cornish
of Clintou; Mt, and Mrs. Milton
Bruce, Belgrave; Mr, Jonathan Fish-
er, Benrniller.
Funeral of the Late
James Jamieson—
The funeral of the late James
Jamieson took place on Saturday,.
June 2185, from the home of Mr,
Norman Carter, Huron highway. Rev.
H. V. Workman officiated, The pall-
bearers were Milton Chesney . (Tor-
onto), John H. Scott, G. W. Nott, M.
McDermid, John Cooper, Arnold
Jamieson. Flowerbearers were Ray-
mond. Jamieson, Lloyd Porter (Brus-
sels), Roy Bennett (-Walton), and
Thomas Ctuickehanks (Wingham).
Janes Jamieson passed away in the
Scott Memorial Hospital on Thurs-
day, June 19th, after an illness of
two weeks from a heart attack fol-
lowed by other complications. The -
deceased had lived all his life on
the Huron road, having been born in
Hullett township sixty-five- years ago,
son of the late James Jamieson and
Jane Bennett. He was a quiet, un-
assuming man, highly respected by
all who knew him. He was never
married, and was the last of his
family, his only brother. William,
having predeceased him several
years ago. For the past five years he
had resided at the home of Mr. Nor-
man Carter. Mr. Jamieson was a
member of the North Side United
Church. Among those from a distance
who attended the funeral were: Mr,
Jos. Davidson, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Chesney, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Watson, St.
Thomas; also friends from WIngham,
Brussels, and. Goderich. Interment
was in Clinton cemetery.
Mr. Austin Hoggarth of Toronto
called on relatives here on Saturday.
Mrs. Robertson attended the wed-
ding of her granddaughter Miss
Elsie Chittick, on Saturday at
A number from here attended the
reception for Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay
Gardiner at Kirkton on Wednesday
night last.
Miss Grace Chalmers of Stratford
is holidaying with relatives here.
Gunners Eldon Allen, Jack Norris
and Gavin Twaddle of the R. C. A.
stationed at Kitchener spent the
week end at their respective homes.
Hay making has started with an
average crop but the late crop will
he light. We may have a good sec-
ond crop of hay, if we get another
rain like we had two weeks ago.
The potato crop promises to be
good this season with good appear-
ance for the rest of the root and
corn crops falling in line. Let our
expectations be realized in this hour
of crisis.
Mr. John A. Eckert was is Sarnia
last week and purchased a new
blower and other repairs for his
threshing outfit. With good harvest
weather this year, there ought to be
a good sample of grain.
A pretty young woman was driv-
ing her car when something went
wrong with the engine. The traffic
light changed from green to red and
hack to green, and still she could
not get the car to budge. The traffic
Policeman strolled up. "What's the
matter, miss?" he inquired gently.
"Mat we got colors you like."
"Rhythm on the .River"
It has a parade of song lots all by itself
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Next Thur. Fri. Sat.
Br da Marshall
t Pntn455 • AWN 115553 • Wtate-wariaa
5*.n.n by LLOYD OACON
A WARNER BRO$,•M, ,W .,5 van
Proud .. , rebellious , , ,
.1546 0Orllet514 al Lave'+
rmrece„tcei, '.'..
Madeleine -Carroll
00Fred MacMurray i:
tt u" Wag Harden Helen Btode ld
Rana Wilson • Catolai tee
iW..•',.; —.... coin,,,
\Voter naris who do not pay lawn service charge mast
not use hose for lawn, garden, or road watering, or leave
taps open for cooling milk. etc;
Parties defying this order will be notified of mis-use and
corrected bill will follow- THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO METER CONSUMERS
Public Utility Commission
Walton Man Heads
Educational Assn.
Robert Shortreed Again Named
President of Trustees and
•\\'ith Robert Sher reed, the presi-
dent in the chair. the animal eenven-
rinn of the Huron - mots Trustees'
and Ratepayer's \ss elation was held
in Brussels on Thur -lay with an in-
teresting program.
In his prc.ideitial address, Mr.
Shortreed referred to the several far -
tors contributing to the educational
system and R. J. Bowman, reeve of
Brussels, extended a welcome to the
delegates, followed thy IW. J. Hender-
son, in the absence of Warden !Tames
Leiper of Huron country, who was
unable to be present.
M. A. ,Canata'bell, secretarytreasurer
of the 'Ontario Trustees' and 'Rate-
payers' Association, 'introduced Miss
L. H. DeLalporte, assistant 'to Dr.
Stothers, inspector of auxiliary class-
es for those requiring special help
owing to some physical or mental dis-
(Miss IDelLaporte said the .aim is to
give every child an equal opportunity.
One of the main difficulties, she said,
is the (belief that all children are alike
in albility. Some of the main causes
found to be retarding children in
making 'progress are defective 'hear-
ing, defective vision, or some pecul-
iarity' of mental 'functioning.
She told of specific cases 'where the
required assistance had been given by
this department, on which 100 per
cent. grant is paid.
E. C. Beacom in leading the discus-
sion on the address of Mass DeLa-
porte, stated that a survey had al-
ready been made in his inspectorate
and that one such auxiliary class was
doing good work in Goderich, He in -
;filleted that survey of the rest of
the county would he made in the near
,fantes'H. Kinkead, 'I'P,S. for 'North
Huron, gave a comprehensive talk on
,grants, which he intimated, are based
on three things, salary of teacher, a'v-
era•ge attendance and equipment.
'Miss 'Wheeler, sellout ,music teacher
with pupils from three schools, So 4
Morris, No. 3'Grey, and No. 3 Morriis
gave a delightful program of singing
Mr. Beacons told of how the trans-
portation protblent had Ibeen solved in
his inspectorate—a (;rant of 541S1, he-
ing made by the department, the
minims Sri being ,paid, in most cas-
es, by the sections.
Officers were re-elected as 'follows:
President, Robert S hortrecd; vice-
presidcn', Rueben Goetz; secretary-
tre? user, lira. R, Davidson; commit-
tee, Lyle Hopper and Theodore Hah-
A visitor from Juliana Barracks,
Stratford, who spent the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin
Lane, Tuckeramith, and who - had
spent thirty-nine years in the Neth-
erlands Merchant Marine, related
some of the rigorous experiences he
had before coming- to Stratford. He
had been on a torpedoed ship and
was badly hurned on one side in the
explosion- P0' four days he had been
on a crowded life raft during which
time several of his companions on
the raft died from exposure and
wounds. - -
Browne was phoning his wife from
the office. "Hullo, dear," he said.
"I'm very sorry, but I won't be home
until very late tonight. I'm fire -
"Oh, you are, are you," snapped
his wife, "And who is the flame?"
Continued from Page One
:her he transferred with Beni r ...Heel-
ing to L'.L'.L.A. Litttil 1040 he ivts
ortianist and chuirleadcr at the Ham -
item Road Presbyterian C.irureli.
Next year he plans try -'hs past.
graduate- fork for master degree
in l rem:ii at -the L-tiiversity ,.i ley
Mrs. Hugh Jack presided at t[n.
June meeting of the W.M.S. held iu
First Presbyterian church on Tues
day afternoon. Short prayers were of•
fered by Mrs. J. G. Mullen and Mrs,
A. MacTavish. An invitation to the
auxiliary from the Goderich auxil-
iary was accepted, the Goderich au-
xiliary to arrange the date, Mrs. M.
A. Reid gave an account of the pro•
ceedings at the executive meeting
held in Clinton., Mrs. James Kerr
was given a hearty handclap in ap-
preciation of her services as secret'
The guest speaker, Mrs. R, G. Mac-
Kay of Prince Albert, gave an inter-
esting talk on mission work in Sas-
katchewan since the first missionar.
ies arrived In 1866, She brought
greetings from the auxiliary in
Prince Albert. The worship period
was in charge of Mrs. Patterson's
group. The Glad Tidings prayer was
taken by Miss Belle Campbell, and
Mrs. Smith read the scripture les-
son. Current events of interest were
read by Mrs. Neil Gillespie after
which two young girls of the oongre-
gation favored with a duet, accom-
panied on the piano by Mrs. M. R.
A reception for the newlyweds,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar•, of Win-
throp, who were married recently in
Virginia, was held on Wednesday
evening, June 25th, itt Kinburn hall.
Dancing took place during the even-
ing and at lunch time the presenta-
tion of several handsome gifts was
made, including a couch, chenille
bedspread, reversible wool blanket,
and a purse of money. An address
was read by Peter Dunlop. There
was also a short program of read •
lags and Bongs.
Mr, and Mrs, A. B. Hunt, of Hen•
sall, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Hazel Marie,
to Mr. Wilfred Carman Hiseocks,
'son of Mr. and. Mrs. A. L. Hiscooks,
Woodstock, the marriage to take
place the latter part' of this month.
July Specials
$3.50 Oil Permanent, machine,
for $2.50
$5.00 Permanent, machine,
for $3.50
$5,95 ;Permanent, machineless,
for - $4.95
$3.95 Permanent, machineless
for $3.50
52.00 lEnd 'Curls, machine , ,51.50
Shampoo and Finger Wave includ-
ed with permanent
Grace's Beauty Salon will be clos-
ed Juty 20th to. (Aug. 20th
'For appointments 'please phone 1160
Grace's Beauty Salon