HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-19, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1941 Firm, Sparkling Jo s and Jellies Without Fuss or Failure SHORT BOIL For jam you need give or114. a one•minute to two - minute full, rollird; boil - for jellieonly a half - minute to a minute. TH RI FTY Aa practically no juice has time to boil aa y you get up to one half more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit. NATURAL TASTE The boil is so short it ran - not affect tbe fresh, natural taste or darken the colour. SURE RESULTS Follow exactly the tested recipes given free with Certo and you'll have lovely jams and jellies. EI4 Book o/72 Tested Recipes under the label of every CERT() bottle. ' Canadians Do More Telephone Calling, C;•,, Furth Tete - ,hon, Development Among. N%tiOns of WOrki •1 t h Kingdom. 1.589.595 . in a41,1 1.4:72.501.1 in Russia. Asia Pas 1.5'2 1.111ni. of which 1,357,958 are Jape. rt. • tylmie-r or telephone cans mad.• rlia, Ctiirei States in 111 -•".•","""1,-, in Japan, 5.tt:Iti.- •""....",;i (;,1"1-1111ii.ny :1.0.10,000,teer; 774,1 a. 11;and in the linif•at ..".1'. Irit Japan 441:40., 1,11 11.111 ttler, 11114 lit the. 411,4:• Ar14,41- Germany, the Unit- 1luz,114:n. France, or Canada. all -,vhieh have moretelephones than the land of the Rising .Sun. There le a shortage of telephones in: Japan, and ii, number of families often share a single instrument among them. VICTORY LOAN ESSAYS daunted rin•i an - :alter ;dace rci yf reeill tle• Xaz; inva•ler-. . ;We W'n••••••••1 1•• 117'. ▪ Pri."11.•• .,F Great 1.1r.• eel • :re" an.1 ),• f •iettyir 1 nr. ocri-) :Yet rit 4,2 Of •••ir :he yf Gott 1- in He 41.01, even sit 'et Him i••1 i4r;1- ac.:41.4.4111- Con'elian plane, 11 yinz iver .c.tr leer.e•nvrr day. We 1444..1 •,itv-eives :cal:mare 'that these 21,..sie- 'are rciit ander Nazi col. rol, .iyyr 11.-n11es and 101111- 111.4 industries. If eountries such Austria, Sudetenland. Czechoslov- SoMe pi the prize winning essays, mark Norway, Holland, Den - written in connection with the Vic- mark and France, 'ad have held orf tory loan campo.ign, by students at the enemy 1.44 Great Britain and the the 8leaforth Collegiate, British F.:Mpire 7ire nov doing, Hit - (By Miles Moylillan) / e and all the -ism. would be wasms. Sinee the .lays. ot erielts T.7 keep these masiaeres noun our cfeitt A 'it -'n.. :lentocracy ha, country, the people .-tf 'Canada must r'3eu lk.nd money to its .Aovernment. '1 114 ahlel 2'er4heeras- 41)14 -;•t'v'n t 4- 4: r 4•„. Zavi.....-ilments-dirtat- • rbe.e which will come 4 t:i:fr,e,iet, ctn in t11,t...1.1,,titteliati a,,rfit„IttLre.fia,tr:e,, - 1.iti• are e.tntionou. tine handred diallar, Five liondred `:" ar, and one thonsand dollar !vile, ' ;;• ' 1,114 111 0,11 !h-., .414airte41 at any time " e'd* - • 1:1-."•• I1 ..!.I "". % ••••+r, • v. • . r ir t le ••I• ;. t : . , LI' t,') lend it. !le m7,•:,- rc.1 Jnd 1,4r .1":41.114-1 be a Man of 'aysgone day, • ..ere i- 1:11 11 1:- •••41', 14 '17, T1'1'• 11i"1, ‘"C in a,1'.1,-.•• 1:44, ' •11 " ••• 1:11 ' 1 • •47.•,,-..:11 1 1-1. •-• r1: ,1 • !..,11,11.• *•!' 1 • .•+•••••• • • •7 t •-• i!. ,..t. :.•• ::' :1 l':••••- line: Hitlr's. Goet•ing's, (10ebbers, that of Iles, and many other Nazis. Austria tras the t11' -.t to succumb 10 Gerrnan might% 'zettlipslovakia, Pol- and, 1).41101W-14 Holland and France tell in quick succession. England •ritands. 7. a bastion against the ris- ing tide or terrorism which (lire:dens to sweep iter Christendom." Ore,. 14 rights at 11.-ir side. The gallant itpirit in that tiny country cannot be de. feattal. • present battles will he remembered as long a. Tim,. 1•011:1 Miewuatt'ig.gallantry and self-sacrifice 111 Europe will not suffice to defeat Naziism. We in the Americas must work and share and give! We must never stop in our campaign for funds. 'We feet only slight pressure 1 until our own dear lads go. And then the tears, the choked farewells, that will rise from huntit•eris of throats. Perhaps by doing our best now WI., may save many broken hearts laP•r. • The Nazis wonder why we tight. Adolf, in his momenta Of wildest gl'apial nBg.utmlatoywshe°a‘'n. iloilosispfeooti•jieleatdhePti•sr inspire people? Nobody doubts that in cruelty the German police rank first, You who have read the auth- entic accounts in "Through Ein !Jassy Ryes." by Martha Dodd, or l'altin's "Out of The Night," know that speak truth. Do you wonder that Europeans tremble at the name of Rchoorle? 41114, fighting to preserve, "the Church as W.." lilloNV ft. -0,10111 1414 ,-.71;iny it. nul pwsonal initiative a, .v.. prac,i,... it." c11,1 -7t himself said. brine 11,11 :t he Investigated to find that the front 41 1,1, 1,,44111 1'' liirh ,,j; door in the metes 1j:1111111 1011. IMMOdiartqY ..1:111111:11111:11,11y1,11111141.-1., 4:: '1' I IA:::•dpiloici:iii",!te:diNiv!IT0-1 1Tvle.•:cihiantg Ss...t.ialf:11 coll. itoine, end a beautiful ; 1'11f11!" American youth. D I le- alai 01: 111'4YII ,EIII4411"1i."•• a Parents aril 11.a• hers w:104 1,1 hold (1)1“41114v 1114' loro 141.41 114411 144,• 14,,!, :',1",11:: Inc it :Viitele 1! to till the a,- 4,,, y„,„. „, inny 1111...nob 111'' 11,44 • 1'11,1 1111141` ii11•11V IT1I'l'1. ,111`11 1.•••-•:111 Townslifp, M AG IC ALWAYS GIVES LIGHT„ TENDER *TEXTURE • Costs less than lc per average baking MADE IN CANADA socks, 10 dozen ties, 12 topcoats, two dozen men's hats and between three anti 10111' dozen ladies' dresses. ki they ch. -Turfed they left merchandls;-. which they 114-1(1 (.11141 aside unwanted on the door. The theft was discover. ed by Lloyd Guenther of the fluen. owl. Transport, Dashwood, a iv, who has .1,To14s to the ster., 4,, ',nye goods. \\lien 11" 1411414 11"-bris '1441, s1.1r4.iii." for 4,11. 1.411i1 3', 11114 Inir•Y 11.11 gh 111,1 11.114 1 1,111 tine 1- !,l-,'li't - 41.1.• 1,1 .•;• 11111 111..1 0) '1 ' 1 CONSTANCE • ••'; •••• cit.:. •;.• ell day0 1 ie .% lel V11 4! ••• ". • 4 I- v •.•••!. Nn/i-? •• • , ,,y !!! Or 1ti.. .1 r • ' •.• •., Y•414 of 44. 1.4-4 • - 111. "Mil 1:11. flip, 1.4„ . 010!1'1l .4,, :41 4111 :,'"11' 04,4. e, 114,4..... 1,1.4 • ; T • .1 • 1." 1):•:1:!. e ,7, ; 1 .:11• 1,? 4,111,;,1 ST. COLUMBAN „ •r 1,444.• y I 4,41,1- 11,-- M..... v '41 4 4 ',•,.1, .,4 T.,,,.,.4., . _ • ..•. • . • .• , . .., _ .e,-.-• .• • 0111 411,1.• ..1.1 1...... ,,h1.,,.p. 4 14,- ,.... 1,1,,1 , ';1',1 11 1,111 .0111'1' 1 114•14a, 14114! we! 7:-., ''.:. i' . , 1.1' ::.1.• ' — 1..1-. l‘i, ;!•-• •cIt, et.- te ,,,,,•' : • - ih. c.-- 1 it. -d • (By Katityrine Litudenbael-) hal onit .1 1 ,•,. ir,,,,.. , a,. . .1.; • • tail • , 1 i ., - , t, 1 . ,,,,,11 1:1,...1••111 III 1 ,- " ii„.• iii,.".... Wit'il ' ' • i 1-'..i4,it" -,, .vi11 1, ily 11i 1141441.•inil .• . . . I iii,, 1.i. i: iii 4•... i. 1 ',' •7•.,:: 1 7-, ',,, 1 •• „ . 4,41411' 1;7', to Win. I1.1 14111, 111- f.1 1.:„411,4 (1111 t:14 „ : .• . Frirrner Uhortic. Pi; 1.,1 • 1, • 1' • .. • -•.••• .. • '1. •'1, II ..`. :1 •. ' ' \\'t, ; 1 ? •. 11 • 14, , • r,,,,,,. • ' ' ... . .-•-ret.,...7.4•;..„.,.• '-........„,r- /.'' ;ti.,Itr•l''' k't!.5•77,-..,-,,-..•4,„-„,....- r -, • — • iri.,,.4.r.1.••,.•:".- .40 '-,•P• 4714.0 , 14 4)4 that transformed your daily Life T OOK briefly into the short past. See a dim, sooty .1-0 oil lamp. .. Presto l -a clean, brilliant electric bulb. See a smoky, old-fashioned stove ... Presto !- a fast, cool, gleaming -dean electric range. Magic indeed! Today, also as if by magic, electric servants wash and iron the clothes, preserve and cook the food, speed the housecleaning -and do all these tasks with ease and economy undreamed of before Hydro's "magic towers” began their march across the province. In very truth your Hydro system brought the Twentieth Century to Ontario. It has put within reach of almost every family in this province the "electrical standard of living". For Ontario Hydro has not only made power everywhere available - but it has also provided it at cost. Electrical " ii'54i44 ihe of ,11r 40-' ? 444, OUR WAR EFFORT -Runs ON IT...YOUR 7:1;,:rilydro COMI'4UNITY Daisies ON IT...YOUR X 0)40 we07.1Z.kitclion and' , SUPPORT MARES IT STRONG HN-6I THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO - '14 1 • ' • • VI' • d. •,. in 4,1. 7•;•11 say,' 1•••••• • '1 I"' ""- ' •••• •• • ,••• 1, .• „ .,•„; id 1 • 4111 :•.1)1111 -•:•••-• • '• •1 1 I 44 II" P.:111'111V: , . . „ It' ' • -it"... • '• •' el 1,, 0 "THE GREEN DIARY"' •„. ••••.• • ., 1l 41 14 111 1) 10.1 . ItrItS1,441Y,‘ .• pi 11(41, :111••••••, 10'11'0. il!' •,,,111111 1 11 • r Harvey 1 1 1 i 4 1 bm th111 1! 1 is ill, !untie inilii •11,. le-i.d• 1 . •nil•del Oar. a lai; 1 1,114 14•dd. ...at- •-;.•4r. .if iddis ir • • -- 4.• ".4.-1.1 1 irdid" 'e•i• ereno.• 1d-i1es: al -1 ; 1 ,Ai: I 1.111.1..11:11 I• I carr•i• • 5.1- to.tt. !h. an 1 1 • • • ,rca• •itir .• ,••••• ,,1 1.-.4 1 1 4 1 t 4 1 t 4 S- .• N•r ..r ;•1..; 414' 411,- 11.1. -"mk atf 111,- 14 •,t k If ireenla1 d. very near 1.) '1,4,, I tiernatty ,-11.4411"1. IT:. 4., 411.4v4' into (lreen!and and ...•14- •• I in haildin.r an air 1144-1-e. it ,.4..i11,1 1,14 qi.lite eit.y for the (kr- ill:tn. 4.4 )0111'4 Canada. From the ti,iint of lire.niland to 'Canaria is 4i11iy ti,•e hundred miles. If Germany should by any chance Will this war, we may all become Mares: we would not Ibe allowed to go to church on Sunday 'because the Nazis have no 'God except Hitler. He would not allow any of us -to think of religion. There would 'be no free- dom of speech or thought, for in- stance -if some person should say anything against Hitler and 'his par- ty, his punishment would 'be a con- centration camp or the firing squad. If Hitler should ever decide to declare war on 'Canada we will need airmen ,who are -experts. To make these airmen emperts, we need bomb- ers to teach them, and 'to get these, we must 'have money to build them. In this war men take a very large part but 'these men need war equip- ment with which to fight. 'For an army to go out to fight the enemy without anti-aircraft guns planes, tanks and .other war inachi;ies would be, a slaughter. 'It is then our duty to 'give all we can and do without un- necessary luxuries. For a person to give half trf 'what he can give is not enough. 'Our government needs every cent we can .possibly give; for it not only helps to win the war, but it may be cl .great help to us later on when 'we want to travel or spend it tfor our ambitions. IF we ,are in need of money very badly [before the 'bonds are due we can ,get them cash- ed at the hank or sell them. (Let tis all strive to -do our .part this present war by ibuying Victory (By Wilma Hay) Grade XT "Never have so few given so much for so many." Winston Churchill's tribute to the Royal. Air Force is richly deserved. We should give our deepest praise to these fighter pilots. For to -clay the malignant black shadow of the swastika has risen over Europe! Looking closely it is possible to see many faces in its out - 14. 1.1, :.1111 .1 11 IP 1,1 '111 Pas,es In Saskatoon- . PI LI, (04.1 1(1 and bla,ls.ano W1111,, fil•aWitigs Mull) iti Ainori.,an tv wilt) it duo. ot Th. 1... 2,1 P. .101111 3i1:-.V..1Cl• troll Sunday. Tin,. II,. 14111, 4„ 111;:oillin14. or 14)., ‘1-ath .. 14.•44...14 Tial', 1111-. 0. '4' 10-4,01,1-. Thomas 'AleNay. 110•4'3" 111 114' Sob: w.ifi short illness. 11 th.• yoluniest child of the lee I'llonins 11.1,•Nay 1,44 Mtiry Hamilton anti leaves in 11 110 his wife. formerly 1,1,11 !Potpie ine .if Halifax awl three chil,h•en. Illargaret, Jack and Elizabeth, also two brothers., John, 1114th, -.11. and R. D. MeNay. MacLood, ond threr. sisters. Airs. Spidran. ()riffle. Mrs. Evang. Saskatoon. and- Miss Ida. Monty. Brantford. Mitchell Ad- vocate. Thieves Carry Off $3000 From Edighoffer Store - Between two and three o'clock one morning last week thieves looted the - premises of Edighoffer and Son at Mitchell, getting away with some $3000 worth of merchandise, includ- ing around 100 suits of men's cloth Ing, eight dozen shirts, five dozen pairs of gloves, 25 dozen pairs men's .cleAkOrr- tOBACOO. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LoNp, GODERICH District Agent J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer, Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH We Aim To Please DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEA7ORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.