The Seaforth News, 1941-06-12, Page 6PAGE SIX i The Inlay Sea "It was now getting hear the hour to set elle !catch, and when it was us aa1 to retire. for the night. Most of the pary went 'below, leavme no one oft deck but Cap. the Sergeant, jasper, and two of the crew. :arrowhead and his ,wife also remained, the forner standing aloof in proud reserve, and the latter exhibiting, by her attitude and passiveness, the meek -humility that characterizes an Indian woman. '"lou will find a place •for your•wi'8e below, Arrowhead, where -my daugh- ter will attend tc:, her wants." said rhe Sergeant kindly, who was himself on the point o*. quitting the Bleck; "yonder is a sail ,here you may sleep yourself," "1 thank my father. The Tuscarora, ::re nor w -r, Tttc »tn will look lily L.ankee, m t ,e .1. CZit30t. I - .,• oleo, e-:cl ., la, -re orb , sap; .. .. . :offs 171 ,_ .. ..i:y t ie„ 'h: t r .>n<.• i , Som. ..1q SSSS -n _. .. _. , .-e- rya,, w , •-r' neo ,. :ia'c {.ti;.• ;. t,.tt. 1... ear i. t' ... of a'boy to join in the pursuit; "let us launch it, and give chase!" "It will the useless. if Pathfinder had been on deck, there night have been a chance; drat there is none now. '1'o launch the canoe work! hare taken three or four ntinares. and the time lost would be sufficient for the pur- poses of Arrowhead." ,Both 'Cap and the Sergeant saw the truth of this, which would have 'teen nearly ,elf -evident even to one unac- customed to ,vessels; The shore was distant less than half a mule, and the canoe was already glancing- into hs shadows, at a rate to show that it looms reach the land before its Part suers could probably get half ;he di - twice. The lett' .: the Scud was re- luctantly put til. again, and the cutter wore ;itort round i ,cn her Creel, ronin, ac, ,•r .•, use ,tn the oilier tack, as tin: ou ,a12 instinct .1l1 thi- was don - thy j -ser in 1,rnfnun,1 silence. ,,,. plerstfonlin:, what Sas .e .Secy .,•„i leuditta. their ,lid in , *rt T echatt•ra' mi•.atsm. 11ti'r se manoeuvre. were in the roars, rye"..trio•;. talo J, tht Sertzean! ,...!i. ,>,l !e,1 hits toaurtla !„• . tit ,. -.r, ,.'fer. ti,• ,sa, out ,f ear - t, f.ttal ,tt Lan To .,tt!r,: ;; his stores -•IT:ir.e 1.r ,1'1tr 1Jnr.ham," s;tid he, e"•'t aft. +.. .. t,, , f es, 'Tit.. ft ln"it- : et; q .ir. , alto ire l'to 1 ',t and 317!1 `'- , .e, i.,,.l . t'....^t " 'The life -,i,l'.r,,r,.t'trr Cap, - fate tusta.f. , tteitt and ir- ..ns, '.h;-..,t,tt,•r y..rt hr nisi might t.:.,.• ..,•n is ,2,1 !'n. ,..s. .. solo t. 5,t1 .. :11171 1 n r. 1.. myr 1,01; ii_ • • .-tLc�t.-. a -rain,: !h i„i ..,011!' that 'i, n• ..,d . „ l:' ,w„ • .-, �, t, ,- :+-011toe a(. ..:d. fl.l t17•771 ..tot , •'4 t•A'TI. n `1 r,t':,tit. 't:.i T• ,,. .rite: 'i F , '.tient i• 7./4 ill!a.•iu: 1117- o -. . chic .,f tilt - t. ...,tri! . .,:,-1: ... iii• ...�......., .. ilia. . ly. - ,ti.",— .-yi rn C1'. . s -aiitly :, ra ,.. - breeze ,...h all 11'7T canvas f:agoing. or was .. .ni^g t,E., the 'wind's eye. as seamen o.rn it. ':01i1 tate sight waft aa- a hundred feet to windward of ?ter former position. Quirk and dexterous, a Wa,this movement. and ready a; hari heen the expedient, it :vas not quicker or more ready than that of the Tuscarora. With an intelligence that denoted some familiarity with vessels, he had seized his paddle and Iva, already skimming the water, aided by the ef- forts of his wife. The directt:on he rook was scstth-wezterly, or on a line that led him equally towards the wind and the shore a;hile it also kept nim .so far aloof from the ratter as to av- oid the clanger of the latter falling on board of him when she filled on the other tack. Swiftly it the Scald had the wind. and far a, she had tfrrrced ahead. Jasper ,knew it was nerr•s.ar to cast her ere she had lost all her way; and it was not two tninntes from the time the helm had been ,put den's ''before the 11.-ely little craft :was aback forward, and rapidly fall- ing. ,eft in ,,rte- to 10w her .stiiis u, fill on the .rub. totack. "Tie ,rill e1 .,aha.!" said. .1.. -,-per ... _ instant i caught 1 Llitil..ser' the re- lative bearings of the. 'toter and the ca*oe, 'rhe 51705 nc kna: . traddl- ti:a dead tat windward. a the Scud can int' 5. _ a•ertaTc. him!" "'s':,n have a c •e-" exe,aimed the Sergeant .manifesting the eagerness THE SEAFORTH NEWS cutter is sole slipping through the ,eater at the rate of sir knots, and as the distances are so short on this bit of a bond, we may all find ourselves in a French port helore morning. and in a .French ,prison (before night." "This May the true-enrtrg+h. What would you advise me to do 'brother?" Ili my opinion you should ,put this Master Freshwater under arrest on: the spot; send him below under the charge of a sentinel, and transfer the command of I, ecutter t V rto t tt, 1t his ytuu have power to .perform, the craft helongin'g to the ,arni: and you (being the commanding officer of the troops present," Sergeant Dunham deliberated more than an +hc,ur on the propriety of this proposal; for, •though sufficiently prompt •when his mind was really made up, he was habitttally thought- ful and wary, 'fhe .habit of -superin- tending the personal police of the garrison had made hini acquainted with character, and he had 'long (been disposed to thinnk well of jasper. Still that subtle poison, suspicion, had. en- tered his soul; and so Much were the artifices and intrigues of the French dreaded, that, especially• warned as he had ,herr ,by his commander, it is not to the -wondered that the recollection of years of good conduct should van- ish under the influence of a d1 tr;, t so keen, .and seentin.gly so plausible, In this entharrassment the Sengean1 cunutlted -the Qitarterntaster, whose opinion. as his superior, he felt bound to respect, though at the moment in- dependent of his control. It is an un- fortunate toccurrence for one who is iu a dilentnta to ask advice of another ',dm i, desirions a,f Standing in Ids favour, the party consulted (being a'1 - most certain to try to think in the manner which will be the most agree- able to the party consulting. In the present instance it was equally on - fortunate, as respect: a candid con- sideration. of the strhiect, that ,Cap, in: stead of the Sergeant himself, made 1' '.e ',tocnlrnt of the case;- for the earnest hold sailor •Iris not backward leoing his listener perceive to which side he was detrious that the Quartermaster ,he'll lean. Lieuten- ant \luir was much trod ,politic to of, fend the uncle and father of she wont =m'1 110e7.1 and as'teeted 10 1.N111, 1,11 lie t a''y t't.ot,ht the ease adtuitie•d .. ,ert.t_; 'tit. in th,.' manner in which t!t -ac:. .ce re snhinitte,i to hint,. he was seTti.tsty inclined tv think that i• 5' .T 1 'x• ,well to ,tat the t'.onerol of the Scud temporarily into ire ntana1e- :.nt•t:i ni Lap, a. a prtraniioll asTitinst treachery. •l•hi, ,opinion then decided the Sergeant,w'w forthwith set to. e t t,u. t X7•07111e'5 neees,tary :ora. ire, 'Without entering into any e; -en ,.,7,t 1,, Tti,r..177.1111 11tnthan 'mr h ,n 'orintal Jasper !left 'le fell it to n ,ti,' .1 it-' To deprive !tin, temoor;eri'y rite ,,,'rant , : tae, c ttp•r, and to ,,.. •, 011 111.: r ,1 sit ', ,P, A nal .•1 cl :and 1t,r,dtmt;tn e •.,rel t't.• t„ 7e1 nn•:, ca, :n, t ,v a q'tint r.•ita"k. rein iu,li`•_ hill 111;1 tni'- • nary t 'i „"en ,oi a 11:11`15, r'•- gantel ...071.777-a1110..711. ;4111 a 1ev'.it-alion Ilan The 1'55.ent dnlr rya' „f such e;t:rafter that this 1':r•ienicu- :rrrianae• memt had 1,eawne tndi.pettsahla \.- thoIl h jasper's e-totti•limen' remain- ed and ntn,iand the Ser chit eattt- 'to t -':t flastaininz from Making. allusion to his sus »cions--bhe a �1 young g nein vas artu:iont d to obey with military submission; and he quietly acgaiiesced, with this own 'mouth dir- ecting the little crew to receive their further orders -from .Cap until another change should the effected. When, however, he was 'told the case re- quired that not only he himself, 'but his .principal assistant, who, on ac - account of his long acquaintance with the lake, was usually termed 'the pilot, were to remain below,wthere was an alteration in his countenance and manner that demoted strong •feeling though it was so well mastered as to leave even distrustful Cap in doubt as to its meaning. As a smatter Of course, however, when distrust ;exists, it was not long 'before the worst cottstnuct- ion was pmt upon it, :\s Sean as 'Jasper and the pilot were !below, the sentinel at the hatch received private orders to pay partic- ular attention to (both; to allow neith- er to carte on deck again without 'giv- ing instant notice to the person Who 'tight then the in charge of 'the cutter, and insist on his return (below as soon as possible. This (precaution, however; was. uncalled for; Jasper and Itis as- sistant both throwing themselves sil- ently on their pallets, which neither quitted again that night. 'And now, Sergeant" said Cap, as soon as lw ,feud himself 'taster of the -deck, "you will just have the goodness to give tine the courses and distance, that I may see the boat keeps her head the right way," "1 know nothing of either, brother Cap," returned Dunham not a little eatharraSsed at the question, "We must make the 'best of our way to the station among the Thousand Islands, where we shall lantl, relieve the .party that is ah•eady out, and get info•rtna't- ion'for our future ,governmenet. That's it, nearly word for word, as it stands in the written orders," "(tut you can muster a chart— something in the way o1 hearings and distance-, that I may see the road?" "I do not think Jasper . ever had anything of the sort 10 ,get by." "No chart, Sergeant Dunham!" "Not a scrap of a pen even. Our sailors navigate this lake without any aid from 'taps." " devil they do! They must este rr4- tdar Yahoos. And cin you Amo. % Sera rant IIunhan, than 1 can find ,nth• island out of a thousand w51', knowing- its mune or its .position, without even a course or a (1121125151' ":\s for the name, l,rother Cap, you need not .ire particular. for tont one of the .thole thousand has a pante, and 'mistake can never he made o., that s,„r,, .\s for the position never 'siert_ theet1 there tny.cIf, 1 can tell: y„•: 'oaten:; :!tout ;2 nor do 1 !IMO. 1-. „-it�..•1 r any tartiralor consen n puce, provided .ye ; 1(1 1115 7-7710Y, haps ,nn• a.i the hand, on deck can tell the way.” Bold ,.n, Sergeant—. -hotel on a tucunant, if you piea.e. Sergeant dh,n- h:rn. If I au to command this craft, it ntnst the done, if esti -please. With- out holding councils of war tc ith the conk and cabin -'hoe. :\ -14-'taster x-11111111'n•r, and he must have an opinion ref 1,i, owtt, 'ver if it be a wing one. I suppose you know ser- vice rel! enottgll to understand that it i- better in a commander In go r I u than to go nowhere. At all ev- ent5, the Lor \<tnitt1 couldn't command a yawl with cii:gnity, if hr consulted the cock. ovain every time he wished to go ashore. No, sir, if I sink, 'I Bunk! hut, d --me, 1.11 go down ship-shape and with dignity," `MBut, 'brother Cap, .1 have 'mo wish to go 'down. anywhere, unless it be To the station among the Thousand 1s - lands whither we are 'bound.'. "Well, well, Sergeant, rather than ask advice—that is, direct, lbaretfaced advice --of a foremast hand, or any other than quartermaster officer, II would 'glo round to the whole thous- and, and examine then' one by one until we got the right haven. But there is such a thing as coming at an opinion 'without manifesting ignor- ance, and I will manage to rouse all there is o(nt of these hands, and anatke them think all the 'while that d ant cramming them with my towti exper- ience! We . are sometimes obliged to else the glass at sea when there is nothing in sight, or to heave the lead long (before we strike soundings, When a youngster, 1 sailed two tv ges with a ;man who navigated his ship tt>'retty match thy the latter sort Iof inlforntation, which sometimes answ- ers." "I know we are steering in the right direction at present," returned the Sergeant; 'lout in 'the coarse of a few hours we shall be op with a head- land, where we moist feel our way with more caution." "Leave- me to ,155511(5 the .man at the wheel, Ihdother, and you :shall see that I will atta'ke hint suck in a very dew minutes," 'Carp and the Sergeant now, walked aft, until they stood by the sailor who was at the 'helot, Cap maintaining an air of security and tranquility, like one who was entirely confident of his own ,powers, "This is a wholesome air, sty lad," Cap Observed, in the 'tanner that a superior on (beard a vessel 5ometlntes condescends to use to a favoured in- ferior. "Of- course yowl have it its thic ,fashion off the land every night?" ":fit this season of the year, sir," the ratan returned, touching this hat, out of respect to his new commander and Sergeant Dnnhain's connection. "The seine thing. 1 take it, anon;; the 1'hmtsand Islands The wind will stand, of course, though 155 shall shell have land on every side of 'its," 'i\V'hen WC get farther east, sir, the wind will probably shift, for there can then be no particular land -- breeze." ":\y, sty; 5'o much for your fresh water- It has always some trick that is opposed to nature. Se,, down :m1- onar the \\'est India islands, one is WO: ns certain asf hawing a land - breeze as he is of having a sea-thrrere. fit that respect there is no difference, tlto•t..h its !pile in mile it should .h. - different 111. here on This obit of fresh tater. ('1f course. my- lad. yott know all. 'about these p111,1 'I'hons1cnd is land: " "Lord bless you, !:Vaster ('ap, no- body knows till about then', or ,1m - thing about them. They are a puzzle 10 the oldest sailor on the lake, and we don't pretend to know even their names. Icor that 'tatter, most Ahem have no more mune." than a child that dies'before it is christened," "I take it, Jahn %' resumed ('1'. ' (0115 name is Jack, 1 ;believe?" NonsimmEiMENIMMENEMINMENe nter Check Books i. We ire Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. Ail styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. he eafor h News SRAPORTH, ONTARIO, 1. I„'ly n t;'^t THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1941 PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A, MaMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D„ Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic Is fully equipped' with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist In Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m.' JOHN A. GORW-U L, Physician and Surgeon In Dr. 1i. H. Ross' office, Phone 5 S DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to - 4 p,m. Also at Se.aforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. --52 Waterloo 8t., Stratford. Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER GORDON M. GRANT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at the Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon M. Grant, Gode'rkch Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction eer for Perth and Huron Counties Sales Solicited. Terms on Application Farm 'Stock, chattels and real estate property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth Cam ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write of phone Harold Jackson, 658r12, Sea forth central; Brucefleld R.R.1. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for Huron. Correspond- ence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton.. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to. James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates In First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Wm, Knox, Londesboro Vice President, W. R. Archibald Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A Reid, Seaforth, AGENTS F. McKercher, 32.12.1, Dublin; Join E. Pepper, R. R.1, Brucefleld; .1. P Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; Wm. Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, 'will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. "No, sir; I atm ,called Robert." 'Ay, Robert, it's very much The sante thing, Vatic for Both; we arse the two indGffercntly. I say, Bob, it's - good holding ground, is it, down at this same station for which we ere hound " "Bless you, sir" I •'.kn-ow no more about it than Ione of the (Mohawl-s, or a soldier of the -t MO." 'D'id you never anchor there?" "Never, sir. tllaster lieu-datrce ,a1 - ways ntakes fast to the shore,,, ".But in running in for 't+hs town, yo -u. 15541 ,1115 lead' going, out of quest- ion, and 411.1151 have tallo.wed as ostial," "Tall tw 1—arid two, tool Bless your heart, tMaster'Cap! there is no more town than +111ere is on your chits, and not Half as much ta.11inw1" The Sergeant smiled grimly, lb& his brother-in-law dill not detect +this pr,m,f of Murmur. '"No church tower, nor light, nor ;fort, liar There is a garrison, as yon call it herea•way, at least?"