HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-12, Page 1From clouds the r'ainbow's tinted
The swallows have reterueel---
All morning wings have glinted
To eaves for which they yearned.
Above colts that are prancing
And wobbly calves that run,
On. air are swallows dancing
Their gladness to the sun,
s. .
Old- berme from beam and rafter,
Twitter and stir with wings
To match the gurgling laughter
.At all ths meadow springs
But Loon a quiet follows
And nests are started then
1 think a pair of swallows
Has lotted my heart again!
Phone S•t
$1 a year.
Kai 754
... wim WRAPPERS
6 bars for 25c
With Knife Offer
10 pkgs.
32 oz. jar
32 oz. jar
TOMATOES.—Large cans
2 for
2 tins
3 tins
water glass
Large 'bottle 20c
Reg. 25c line
Assorted colors, Pkg. 15e
2 tins
3 lbs,
SUPER SUDS. - With relish dish 25c
8 rolls
Per cwt. $3,10
Phone 166
Seaforth Tax Rate
To Remain Same
Clydesdale Breeders Receive
Grant. --June Council Meet-
ing Held
The ;crewn council held its regular
meeting on I\•fonday evening with all
anennhe.rs present. Mayor Chuff pre-
sided, ]Minutes of last regular meeting
were read by Clerk D. B. Wilson
and approved,
'Estimated revenue and expenditure
dor the year were .presented. These
were !based on the same figures as
last }ear's estimates with a deficit or
slightly over $i130O. Lnstead of this
expected deficit there had ;been a sub-
stantial surplus at the end of the year.
Council felt of the same result is
achieved again this Year the surplus
on hand will again be increased,
Some of the council advocated using
the surplus to reduce the tax rate by
two or three stills. It was pointed
out that collection of tax arrears had
made ,possible the surphis last year.
The Department asks municipalities
now to keep a, reasonable surplus on
band for emergencies. Seatiorth's tax
rate has fluctuated only one mild in
the past sixteen years, • houigh it was
recalled that some years earlier the
rate had nearly doubled at one time.
Some neighboring town; have re-
duced the tax rate this year, council
was informed, trbt assessments had
been raised, The councilfilially,
to keep the rate the smite as
last year, The scant pos.lhility of
realizing .$118,000 through the tax sale
this summer was referred to, :\ by-
law setting the tax rate will 'be pre-
pared for the next meeting.
t\Ir, '1). Fotherin;gham of Tucker -
smith was present and asked for a
rant of SW, toward, expenses ,of the
Field Day of the !Clydesdale (Breeder.
Association to be hell in Seaforth on
'Saturday, Tune 28. The neighboring
townships are contributing a similar
Report of finance committee;
The Cwnmerela1 Hotel, $24.50; D.
II Wilson 61.22; A, M. I3udson.
$22.83; John Currie, $32.50; John
Cummings. $25,00; Thos, Storey,
$30,nit; Municipal World, $4.26;
Grund & Toy Ltd., $5; County of
Huron, $10.60; Canadian National
Rlyc., $2,28; Regier Transport, $3.55;
Bell Telephone Co., $1.17; Thomp-
snn's Bookstore, $5.50; Ken Camp-
bell, 75e; Department of Health,
$L50; John McKenzie, $2.25; D. 1•-1.
Wilson. relief $33.25; Win Montgom-
ery, $10.25.
Keating -Scott, that the Clydesdale
Breeders' Association be granted
$10,00 for their Field Day in Sea -
forth on June 28th.
Reid•Hohnes, that the estimated
receipts and expenditures for 1941 as
per treasurer's report be adopted and
by-law striking rates be prepared.
Parke -Sills, that the meeting ad-
journ to meet at the call of Mayor.
Mme ooLID EOEL' FDa.50LlD.C400[,;',
E.L. t OX
North Side United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 am. Sunday School,
11 a.m., "Magna Carta Day Celeb-
ration," Congregation and Sunday
School unite. Jr. Choir in charge,
7 p.m. "A Faithful Saying."
Thurs. 7,45 p.m. Prayer Service.
(Communion Service on June 22nd).
St. Thomas' Church
Rector: Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D,D.
11 a.m. "The Meaning of Con-
7 p.m, "The Problems of Evil."'
Sunday School at 10 a.m,
St, Mary's, Dublin
9.30 a,m. "Conversion."
Egmondvilie United Church
10 a.m,, Sunday School.
11 a.m., and 7.30 pan., Young Pee,
p1e's Anniversary services. Rev. A.
J. MCKaye, of Victoria St. United
Church, Goderich.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
S.S. at 10 a,m.
Morning service at 11 a,m.
Evening service 7 p.m.
Midweek meeting on Thursday at
8 p.m.
New Hamburg Baud, under the
leadership of W. S. Sheppardwho i.
a composer ,u well as a director, ;will
play the tinnday evening concert at
Victoria park at .130 o'clock, The
O •Canada.
111 arch, -Sons of the 11rave." llicheod
'Overture, 1)rterniin tion.' .\1 Hayes
!\\ e, '•i11ay Ftowet Sheppard
SeIe etion, !11 rtlta Moron
I\larch Medley, "John Bull eY Co,"
err. by \V. S Sheppard
Serenade, "Londonderry :An
at r. 'oy C F, 'I•hiele
Sacred Selection, Throw Out The
(Life. Lite,.Al Hayes
Overture 'Gy -psi •1 e,tivel," Hazel
March, "Father of Victory," Gamic
Selection, 'Stiiienba, Dalby,
God Save the king.
Woman Minister
Appointed To Varna
Rev. Reba Hern Only Wornan
in Pastoral Work in Canada
—List of Appointments
Following is a liet of pastoral ap-
poiutmenls involving Huron Presby-
tery, presented to the London Con-
ference of the United Church.
Included in the list is time Only
woman ordained minister in pas-
toral work in Canada. Rev, Reba
J -Tern, tvho comes from the Algoma
presbytery t0 the Varna charge in
iluron Presbytery,
The list of transfers follows:
Huron Presbytery—Ashllell, Rev,
G. G. Howse, Newfoundland Bel -
grave, Rev. G. 1-1. Dunlop. Ramsay-
viile. Brucefleld, Rev. C. F N. Atkin-
son. Centralia, Rev, R. J. Merriam,
Hybla. Goderich, (North St. Church),
Rev. R. H. Turnbull, Port Elgin. God -
The Salvation Army
A social and sale of Sancy work on
Thursday, Jlune 1119th, afternoon and
,evening, 3.30 pen., on 'citadel grounds.
You are .invited to afternoon tea, soft
drinks, 'hot dogs, horse Ibaking, and a
.dish of .delicious strawberries and ice
:cream. The S.A. Stratford Band is
expected to be in attendance ,her the
The Huron County Ministerial
Fellowship will be held in the Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth, on Tues.-
ues•day, June 17, at 2 p.m, Papers will
be given by Rev. A. W. Gardiner on
"The Church of Christ and the Word
of God," and by Rev. E. 0. Gallagher
on "The Church and the 'Economic
Amlong the graduates at St (Mich-
ael's (College, Toronto, this year, is
Ki. IIVLoylan of Seaforth,
Wimbledon Champion �
Is Guest Here
Dorothy Round Little Will Be
Tennis Coach at Seigniory
Mrs, Dorothy Round Little and 1
son Ian of England, who have been!
guests for the past ten months with!
Dr, and Mrs, Wm. Or'ei of Ridge -
water, Nova Scotia, are visiting Mr.
and Mts. J. C. Grieg in Seaforth at,
Mrs. Round Little wilt leave this
week end for the Seigniory Club,
near Montreal, where she will be a
tennis coach for the summer.
"Tire Seigneur," magazine of the
Seigniory Club, says:
"Of particular interest to the ten-
emnis-minder! among Seigniory Club
members and guests is the appoint-
ment of Mrs. Dorothy hound Little
of England as tennis coach here for
the summer months. Dorothy Round
is an internationally well known fig•
ure in the towels world, having twice
won the Wimbledon ehantpionship,
first when she defeated Helen Jacobs
in 1934 and again in 1937 when she
won from the Polish star, Jadwiga
Jedrzejowski, Mrs. Round Little won
the nixed doubles, championships. at
Wimbledon three times, once with
R. Milts of Japan and twice with Fred
Perry in 1935 and 1936 respectively.
From 1932 to 1937 she was ranked
first in Great Britain and was a
member of the British \Vightman
Cup team which visited the United
States in 1935. She liar toured the
world twice, winning championships
in Australia, United States (the 1933
Pacific Coast championships
Angeles when she defeated Alice
Marble) and in few Zealand. Mrs.
Round Little, who is in Canada for
the war's duration with her little
sen, lan, enters the instructor ranks
for the first time this summer."
elicit, (Victoria Street ChurehL Rev, ., _ - ,
A. J. MeKaye, Ironbridge, Kippan' SILVER WEDDING I
Iter, A. M. Grant, Wroxeter, \ic•
1111011, Rev. \\r. J. Patton. Oil Cin. CELEBRATED FRIDAY Women ,,f th, Red
Varna. Rev. Reba E. Bern, Ieydal -- Work-- eve—Knit.
Bank. Wroxeter, Rev. ,1. L. bbster• I\lr, and Mrs. Ham Stt•Aart, F.;:.- ' I\\'e beseech Canadian women to
Richmond and ('orintlt- 111 11liille, celebrated their tat et rally to the secs ,,,i' ter brave 4,,.,
ElginPresbytery—Richmond and
Corinth, Rev, H. E. Wright. Bruce. tiitlt eweddiug almiver-an ry t.Fred:.,, lenders, and while ee realize that it
A t G Of BEAUTY 1S A ---- FoRepo
F" shame tra`n Miele
Here are two of a number or out
standing values in lovely matched
ensembles created by "Bridal
Wreath" craftsmen:
A.—A distinctive
Bridal Wreath en•
semble--Perfectly i
snatched in lovely $ 6 7 .5°
hand carved design
B.—Matched mount-
ings in modern design
—5. perfect diamonds
m engagement not
Red Cross Notes
fros,: fray--.
The Hibbert Township Council met
in the township hall at Staffa on
Saturday, June 7th, all members pre-
sent, the Reeve presiding. A number
of appeals of the Court of Revision
were disposed of and the Court de-
clared closed. The Clerk read the
minutes of the previous meeting
which were adopted as read. Due to
the fact that Mr. Empey, engineer of
the township 01 Hibbert, is confined
to his room, the Clerk was author-
ized by resolution to prepare a by-
law appointing Mr. R. W. Code as
Mr. Empey's assistant. The council
received tenders for the erection of
a shed for the township road grader.
There were three tenders and after
considering the tenders it was de-
cided to let the contract to Angus
McKaig, his tender being the lowest
of any tender. The following ac-
counts were paid: 13`Ydro-Electric
Power Coni., $7.18; Provincial Treas•
urer, insulin, $8.29; Dr. M. Stapleton,
expenses to annual conference of the
Ontario Health Officers Assn., $25;
Beacon Herald, advtg., $1.88; Joseph
Roach, balance on salary as assess-
or, $15.—Thos. D. Wren, Clerk of
Twp. of Hibbert.
lune nth and a gathering was ae d is a difficult time of year ter Hoary
Middlesex Presbytery Rc'hnnnt in honor of the occasion at their pcopic it should he renumbered that
W. it. Osborne, retires. succeeded by little farm" a est of L m,,ndylllt, for them the war 1s gathering Mom -
J. R. Peters, Vitra. Parkhill ,.i,(, 1l..o hetet is were ; rt -eel ::ad • cntum .wed for ns it f: little cn..0 h to
and Lleut'y, Rev. E. F. Chandler, ;,u 00ioy 11,10 ec0nfn� was spent 01
Kipper. ' d;in in•.. 1•ollowin. lunch I\fr. Wind Live a few• hour, each day to , j..1
Mrs. Stewart were pre.ented with a we can still accomplisli from the safe..
ANNOUNCEMENT • beautiful elle er tom port dish, a tine- ty of c cmfortalhle worlero,.ns :ind the
Mr, and Mrs. Jemes Itt,.Bowler. bee of entailer ,eter pre e.,. ... L'c shelter c+t imr bonus.
Kingsbridge, Ontario, announce the tablecloth and 'hrid emlen '1 -he pre..
daughter ilelen, entatiou was erode ,by \le1cin C's'irkc^ Bear in mind the message of are.
engagement of thea
to Ignatius O'Leary. son of Mr, and aucl Reymond Nntt and an intykr. n .Winston111Churchill, rife cif the -Prins
Ito ad Lee read by Kdw•in 'Glee nese iMini ter of Great Britain. to the .wo-
Mrs. A.O'Leary of Seafortlt. Isten of the British Empire, • "•I het
County Endorses Flat You all, not inr a weak, not for a (lay.
Legion to Decorate
Graves on Sunday
Annual Decoration Parade To
Be Held By Local Branch
of Canadian Legion.
At a quiet weakling in Immaculate
Conception Church, Windsor, at 8
o'clock Tuesday morning, Sarah Ann
Delaney, or Windsor, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, James Delaney, of Dublin,
was united in marrlage to. Bonjanun
Joseph Blonde, son of Benjamin
liloncle, of Chatham. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev, G. L.
Blonde, pastor of the church, and
brother of the groom. The bride was
lovely in a frock- of precious aqua,
with which she wore a white straw
bonnet and white accessories, and a
corsage of Talisman, roses. Miss
Hazel McGarvey, of Windsor, her
only attendant, wore rose beige, with
a white hat and white accessories,
and her corsage was of cream roses.
Mr, John Clancy, of Windsor, was
the best man. Following a motor trip
North, Mr. and Mrs. Blonde will re-
side in Chatham.
not for an hour to relax. Ilett make
Rate For hydro superhuman efforts to repasspes-
siible, what you have already done."
June Session of County Court- HIGH SCHOOL RED CROSS
ell Opens—Adjusts Assess-
The regular meeting of the High
School Junior Red Cross •was held
The Seaforth Branch of the Can- Warden (Tames Leiper stated he Tuesday with Lois l\fcGavin in the
adieu Legion No, 156 will hold their wac extremely oroud of the effort chair. Teresa (M•dlyer read the mitt -
annual Decoration Day on Sunday, marls lby the .people of Huron cotntiy •teles of the last meeting and Dorene
June 15th. There will be a parade, fn the war services and victory loan 1Regier seconded the motion of their
starting from the postaffice at 1.46adoption, tAs this was the final aneet-
o'clock, to the cenptaph and then to campaigns when lie addressed the op- hug until !Septenilber, the reports of
Egmondville, Harpufhey, Maitland ening meeting of the Tune session of Mg until ,Ss ten ber, the
were given.
Bank, St. James' and Dublin cenet- Huron .county council Tuesday after
eries. Tribute will be paid at the noon. He congratulated the various Frances Elgie as convener of the fin -
graves of all departed comrades. coinnnittees on their work. Huron once committee, reported that our
All ex -service men please attend, Leet 11, in the first week went albovr receipts were I$B2;4i; our expenditure
also any soldier in uniform will be its total objective and workers are
welcomed. Veterans please note that now attempting to doulble the origin- $1189, and our (balance on hand'1.04.
medals, arm bands and berets will almark, 1 ]Wilma Hay reported that MCS jam-
be worn. The celelbratinn of the centennial of for Red Cross magazines had {been
W. P. ABELL, GODE'RICH Huron county ,council this year was .received and that 90 were sold.
definitely abandoned for the duration of
away suddenly in Goderich Saturday to proceed owing to the cost which 'Lois Wright, reported that .96 ,knit -
'A ,former Seaforth resident passed of the war as it was not felt advisable Yvonne (Moore, In the absence
night isi the person of William !Parker was .estimated at $4.400. ted articles had ibeen done Iby the
:Atbell, 159, .L\fr. ;Albeit had !left the Roads •thraugh!oit the county ,which sewing gnou!p and that a •quilt was in
Crafgie news stand where he was were in bad !condition are now in ,p,nogress. i\•Prs. Klose gave a very
employed, about 110.•65 p.m. to go splendid shape, he said. His •wor-hip interesting talk on the 'Red Crass in
haute, He called in at the office of expressed sympathy with the families
the Edward Taxi and was seized with .of the late A, I', ]Goldthorpe, ex -reeve all its work. The girls enjoyed the
a heart attack, expiring shoofly after of ;Colborne, James ',Connolly of 'God- talk inunensely, It was decided the
medical assistance arrived. Hewas erich end 'George Elliott of !Clinton, ,cash an hand •scoukl !be ni,sed :for the
the son of the late .14r. and Mrs. Jos- former wardens. British I h ntlbcd t9cnnta' fund. 1\ifss
eph Abell of Seaforth where he was 'The council endorsed the recom- Fenis.11 i absence was noted with re-
born and received his education. He nnendation ,of the equalization rnm-
•went to Goderich about thirty-five mittee that all municipalities in the aro. After the meeting the .girls ad -
years ago and ,until 1934 was employ- county assume their share, according journed dor work.
ed as a plumber with C. C. Lee and to the equalized assessment lost to
since then had been in the .position the townships of :Ashfield, Colborne. TROUSSEAU TEA
'he held ,until his death. He teas a Stanley and Tuckersnutlt by reason HELD ON MONDAY
attember. of 'Knox Presbyterian church of the lands taken over by the air -
and a Past Noble Grand of Huron port., and the county home, and that
Lodge, 1:O:O.T Surviving are his
wide•w, formerly Miss Alexfna Craig -
le, and three children, Urs. T. \Wihite
!(Irene) of Toronto; 'John, Toronto;
and James, at home; a brother, Hen-
ry and two sisters. Misses Gertrude
and Elia Abell, all of London, A
.daughter teaching at ' Smiths Fails
die.Cl several years agh and a son died
in infancy.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
to !Maitland cemetery, ,Goderich.
lM.r. Albelf ...vas .a L'ousin 'af 'Messrs.
john and 'George Albell of Seaforth
and learned his trade here as tinsmith
wvith the first of Melette and Archi-
bald !before ,going to Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ament an-
nounce the engagement of their
Drumhead Service at
Clinton on Sunday
the lands lost to Hensalt and taken (Mrs- A. \\', Moore. entertained
over lby the townships cif Thicker- about 1L2!5 guests during t. om tr a, -
smith and Hay be adjusted at this ternnnn and evening at •atronsisean
time. tet in honour of her second slaughter,
By this arrangement county as a is, Marianne 'R'. s , - whose mar -
whole assumes the assessment of riage will take place next Saturdy.
Ashfield of $2416110 lost by reason e,f The dining room -of tlx home •was
the airport, of ,which a ,percentage de rated in piik and white, with a
amounting to 1$3,4418 is paid ht the ereFesion of peonies. The guests were
township. Cothorne township a d, received by Mrs. Moore, assisted thy
meet of 'H 14417, Stanley u..,lb,. F\lr•. R. \V. McLean, mother of the
Tockersntitlt '$8;566 and Hen,iP 41' - prospective bridegraninn, and ley the
20Q last for lands taken over are!' 1 a, rise ide-elect. The -beautiful eroessean
percentages amounting to 51.9.11:i. and gists were clispltyed by Miss
$3,(111b\ $11,006, 'and $5144. \iargar,t ,McLeod, \Its Katie \lc-
Endotsation was given to a r e,nht- I Lean and Firs, Janet I\IcGre;or, (Miss
tion urging the Provincial (;cavern-!,Onalee .Moore answered the door, A
A Drum HeadService is being
sponsored by the Middlesex-Huron
Regtnient and the Canadian Legion
liranches of the county, inClinton,
onSunday. June 15th at 3 P.M., in
support or Victory Loan campaign.
The main speaker will be Brig.
General A. 1. Nash, M.C., of Ot-
tawa, Deputy Adjutant General. 0th
er speakers will be Major the
Rev, F. G. Lightbourne of Stratford,
and Mr. J. D. Thomas. county chair-
man of the Victory Loan committee.
The parade will Include the entire
Middlesex -Huron Regiment, Canadian
Legion, Boy Scouts. Girl Guides and
County bands. It is hoped there will
be over one thousand in the parade.
There are people in the County of
Huron who rememberthe last war.
They remember it because they were
in tate trenches, or they stayed at
home and suffered the agony of lov-
ing uncertainty while their husb-
ands, sons and brothers were at the
front. There are people who are still
carrying—and carrying cheerfully—
the burdens left by the last war.
nient to establish a 'Hat hydro rate pretty lace cloth covered the •dining
throughout the province. Italhle .which Was centred Witit the
It was, set forth in the resolution wedding cake and tall pink tapers.
that it was the intention of Sir Adam Mrs, Rose IR. Palmer, grandmother of
daughter, Helen Margaret, to Mr. Beck that h•yitno at cost should be 1 the bride-to-be, and s. great-aunt,
Stanley Forrest Grainger of New To shared by all people m the province Mrs. E. /March,' of Stratford, pou'ted'.
ronto, son of Mr, William Grainger .and that 'the' ,present rates mended to tea, which was served by Ahvvonme.
and ,the late Mrs. Grainger of Wrox- centralize industry and population (Moore and I•saebel ,McKellar. Mrs, R.
eter, The wedding to take place early while the rest of the province " remains W. Shaw and 'Mrs. G. feloGavin also
in July,
Margaret Ann Tate, Widow of the
late Hugh Fennell, passed away on
Wednesday afternoon, following an
illness of some months. Mrs. Fennell
was born in Grand Valley and lived
there all her life with the exception
of the past seven winters, which she
had spent in Seaforth with her dau-
ghterMiss Rena Fennell of the Col-
legiate staff. She was married about
45 years ago to Mr. Hugh Fennell.
They lived on the farm for ten years
near Grand Valley and then retired
to that village. She was a devoted
member of Trinity United Church in
Grand Valley and was very much int-
erested in all church activities.. She
was also a member of the Women's
Missionary Society and Women's As-
sociation. Surviving are three of a
family, Mr, T, T. Fennell, Toronto,
Dr. M, H. Fennell, Galt, and Miss
Rena Fennell of Seaforth. Also two
sister, Mrs, T. J. Lewis, Vancouver,
sisters, Mrs. T. J. Lewis, Vancouver,
Valley, and three brothers, Rev.
Crawford Tate, Toronto, W. T. Tate
and Stewart Tate, Grand Valley,
The remains will be taken to
Grand Valley, where the funeral
will be held.
stationary or backwards. assisted,
Mr, Jacle McLean, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Daviel McLean, of Tuckersmi.th,
had a harrow escape from serious
injury late Thursday night when a'
new tractor he was driving home
from Sarnia ran into the ditch and
upset about a utile west of Hensall..
One foot was caught under the
machine, but Jack managed to ex-
tricate himself, injuries to his foot
were notas serious as at brat
Dr, and Mrs. H. J, Hodgins an-
nounce the engagement of their dau-
ghter Edna Bernice to James Alex-
ander Baillie- Milne, son' of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Milne, The wedding to take
cPlace June 2HUmberside8john's
avent Angli-
can Church,