HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
(1 Sunday. ]one see the •14111
anniversary of `,t. Pauls Augliean
chervil will be ol'eetytd. $11I1eial
speakers. 11 a.m. P,ev. Canon W. A.
Townshend, Diocesan C entmi::eioner.
7 pane Rev. Dr. IIurford, rector of
St. Thomas Church, Seafeorth. Special
music. Everybody welcome.
Mt and Mrs. Wm. Redden of
Dnudts spent the week end with the
former's mother, Mrs. Catharine
Mr. and Mrs, \Vm, Simpson and
'stile son of Detroit and Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Voth and daughter Gwen-
detyn of Detroit spent the _week end
with- their mother Mrs. Lou Simpson.
and grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bon -
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Sparks and dau-
ghter of Detroit visited on Sunday
with the former's father, Mr. Archie
Sparks and aunt. Mrs. Marjorie
Miss Betty Redden returned to her
- home in Dundas on Sunday after
pending the past week at the home
cit her grandmother Mrs, Catharine
Mrs. Royce Welsh of London spent
the past week visiting at the home
ef•Miss Florence Welsh and Mr. and
Mrs. Alf Clark.
Mission Circle Entertained—
The Mission Circle of the -United
'7lurch were very pleasantly enter-
tained at the home of Miss Gladys
M. Kt nzie on Friday evening. Follov-
ing the ;tipper the meeting opened the church 'easement, ,given bythe
by singing a hymn. after which Miss members of the Voting People Soo, -
'Mary Goodwin lecl in prayer. The key aho fru tar to trs in a recent
111(00 was repeated and the Script- contest. Tile ease 00v11 was tacte'ftelly
.r,.. read by Miss June Saundereock• eleeo0atea with roll, white and , blue
Miss :clary Clark fat•i+reti with a stye„„„ -r,, and many flag,. The tables
and ",The Lore Is My Shep. cr ltcautii;tl!e deroratrd and
%vit.. sung. The minutes were '.:,let: rl i'' kindsun"
-.:n and adopted and th roll tall I-,, ❑ n n 're'•. 1 ifh their11er-
ew.o 1 with 1' full t111n15010' Tho cote• t'.i etweial ethea:, and eat at
'-ffvrittu was reeeired 111 Minlete , tt 1ch'.r. ;lust t10114' ai'h the
-1v, the t"1'.rutltled 'I0 Nee. , teeter (11117 11. f 'cit k'i. Il isle
ePe on what .T. sits wtrttltl del e t.eat . ,.nt •;,tc hes.
. St . 11, my pl,tc`e. Thea nv'.'F 1t cr seine sieei is e i the rtnupany
lee, :1 is eieging trod Save the .t '.1 the Ding rv.n elven by C'.
C.. a01, .kin (ea• tui tnlaster Isar thetey e
ng. \, a res.p..11 e 111 -aro;" and
C to'(1r. tend "<1 11111% \Vii <:eee the netie1 anthem, The toast
nes Beryl Drummond1 a sort
TO n arch v as 'given fav Rev. Pet-
• 1licrael 'Wayne). I n , n and ,.meted to by
Tic• living roots was tilled with
large' bouquets of flowers and the
dining 00001 Inc decorated with gold
and blue.- Serving at the table were
Mrs. J. G. Davis or Toronto and Mr.
and 111•s. McDonald. The table was
bcautifIdly decorated with roses.
golden e:uullt ticks and centred with
the wedding cake. Air. and Mrs. Mc-
Donald received mteuy beautiful dards
and flowers, also gifts including a
trilite and roses from the family.
Airs. Gordon Davis. Toronto Mrs.
Russell Love, Owen Sound, and Lloyd
all attended the celebration. Guests
were present from Regina, Sask„
London, Exeter, Mitchell, Seaforth,
Rochester, N.Y„ Toronto, Owen
Sound, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ramsay and children
of Detroit spent the weep end with
Mr. and Mrs, Ray McCulloch.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Treffrey and
daughter of Flint, with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Treffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay and
daughter of Hensall with Mr. and
Mrs. Denman McKellar,
Mrs. McKay of Prince Albert: is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Wietzman and tam•
fly of Niagara with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen visited
relatives at Gravenhurst this week.
A very euioyarbtc 01110 was spent on
Fridiv evtni11g at a banquet held in
11r, 1l. 11,Clynrout of Detroit visited
With 1Ir, and Mrs. Robe. 1tayman and
family clu1100 the week.
'11tc. S, Hamilton of Detroit visited
with friends in Kipper over the
Miss Winnie Stewart returned
home after it pleasant visit with
Hensall friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew 13011 were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, S,
St ackhouse,
Mrs. Martha Gregg of Moose Jaw,
Sask. is spending the summer with
her sister, Mrs. Jas, Wright.
Mr, and Mrs, John Wright of De-
troit spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs, Jas, Wright.
Air. and Mrs. A. Inch of Windsor
spent the week end with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, N. Long.
Miss Jean Pybus of Zurich spent
the week end with her grandmother
Mrs, H, Rieker,
The many friends of Mrs. Herbert
Jones will be sorry to learn she had
the misfortune to have her ankle
broken on Friday morning.
Miss Irene Turner of Hillsgreen
visited on Sunday with Miss Irnnt
Mr. and Mrs. V. McClymont. and
family and Mr. M. McClymont, all
of Detroit, spent the
Mr, and Mrs. James
Wt.. and I\Irc 1Wnn,
a fe'n• clay visiting NV
'Perones recently.
Extend Call.—
Ivippcn congregation
week end with
a y
'Caldwell spent
ith friend:: in
hese extended
a call to .Ret Mr, Grant of IMildnnay.
'lir, and \frs. Fraser Of Detroit
spent the week end at Mrs. R. T.
Elgic' 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of De.
troit visited with Mrs. Minniie Little
Itinr. am Mrs. Verner Mcelymonl.
and family, Mr.. Melville McClymont
and Ur. and Mrs. Harvey Hubbard
of Detroit spent the week end with
A1r. and Mrs, James McClymont,
Mr, Gorden Wren, Emerson Kyle
and Jack \'erbeem have secured
work at tete new air field nratr C'1h1-
Mr, and Mrs, Edward Taylor and
eltildreu Patty and Terry of Strat-
ford spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Robe. Hinsdale,
In Memoriam
Ut loving :uol0o)1 - 01 om• dear
mother \]ne. liar Pinkney. who
passed away three years ago, Jane
3. 11)30:
"\Vltat is lt.nttie without a: stouter"
What are all the joys we meet,
When the loving smile ne longer
Greets the coming of our feet;
We miss her kind. her willing hand,
Her fond and earnest care;
And oil how dark is life around us;
What is home without her there."
---Sadly missed by her son and
Card of Thanks
Airs. Alex Wright wishes to ex-
press her appreciation to the
friends and neighbors for kind ex•
pressions of sympathy, for flowers
and loan of cars.
Auction Sale
Of Property and Household Ef-
fects. At the residence of Mrs. J. H.
eleCliuchey, John street, Seaforth.
on Friday, June 13th, at 1 pan.
1 oak dining room table; 6 dining
room chairs; oak sideboard, writing
desk -book case combined; 2 walnut
settees; 6 leather chairs. 1 Viotvala,
1 music cabinet, 4 small tables; 1
oak bedroom suite, 1 toilet set; 3
odd dressers, 2 washstands, 2 beds,
springs 2 mattresses; 1 feather mat-
tress; 1 electric table lamp; 1 man-
tel clock; 1 fall leaf table, 11 kitchen
tables; 6 kitchen chairs, 1 glass cup-
board; 1 electric washer, Eureka;
2 electric irons, 1 toaster; dishes
and kitchen utensils: linoleum 12x
13; linoleum 14x9; bedding; linens,
blankets; 1 Singer sewing machine;
fruit jars, crocks, etc. Garden tools.
Terms on furnishings, cash.
I Property— Offered for sale at
same time. benne house on Jobe St.
7 rooms. furnace, hard and soft
water. First class condition. Terms
made known clay of sale. Property
subject to reserve bid.
Mrs. J. H. Mi•C linehey, Proprietress
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
1 c1ua1-purpose Shorthorn and 1
1 grade cow. both due to freshen in
one weep dv 10 days. Apply Andrew • •
Ern—'At Mrs. Pitre`t•eo1s nursing t1 "' `" 1 Crozier, Seafolt11 Phone 6
Jame- ``ee11 The 1,ist to the 1'otur
home, Hensall , Freie ( ittty 20th. E, e Society wi. 'leen by (antes'
c '1Ir. and i1r� I e.re. t'hapnnttn, a ih
ET '1 d the re s r,,mc was given v
as i 1 t 1 Mr, Wm, \'re§tape ,arrived home and flower plants, sweet peppers.
ughter• Mrs. F. L. \tulle. Mr.' \11s. \1' 01 .the ilalu111110 writ is from North Beywherehe has been and lots of tomatoes. Albert Baker.
Mr. and .l1 tee idem of the society, the eete to
and Mrs. t' given et). elks '\-elm•( in the hospital owing to an accident Seaforth.
1 tI T.J Sherritt and Mr. and
acne tv 1 e wo i t fth the
Mrs. A. Routcliffe visited on Stint*.
tee wnurtr. teas syvu he rust ' d h'1 rk' v
with Mr. and Mrs, S. I.. Peppier of Wallace and was reset( tide to by•Storm Construction Co,•
3t Thema, : \Ir Cliff leliller, :1 toast to the Mrs Brandon Sr., who has
. been
Mr. ant! telre. Keite \laeleire11 and tneste of the evening teas (teen 'by visiting her son and family in ,Wal-'
^.atr,i,c of C ron:arty v i -m d on Sunday John i\'allace, and Thoma;; Oliver erloo, arrived home Sunday.
with Mr. anti 'Mat. Glen Bell, 'gave the response. 1 Mrs. C. Robbins and daughter oft
The :brad Cirele w,leht d their bale these very mtrrestitt't 1,Peeches Detroit are guests of her niother,
et•tile home of Miee Sail \fans,n on ,were interspersed with musical num-
iierdav e::enrn able -,consisted of 'her.. \lrs. Ile L. Scott and Mrs.Mrs. J. W. McLeod.
l Mrs. H. Thomas of Toledo is stay--
eamerotts article,. s atn.l a �halty layette. (nuance sang swell -received duet. An ing with her friend Miss Cecil Mee
itliss trent.- lit.;rwtinh 1011- to prayer impromptu mixed quartette, made air Leocl.
,:ad I\I -s;lean eleQneen read the f Thoma; Scott Sr. Frank Stagg, Mrs, Brownlee and family of Tor-
!Mrs.-cripcure. It Wee decided to held the G. L. Scott and 1\lrs, Q'uanee, I onto and Mr, C. Atkinson of Detroit,
£ d ' jelly. rendered a selection very well. The' were week end guests of Mrs Atkin-'
in ,Cramart skin and i4Lrs, Holl
,.:utast ,ionic Grand en in
or uc t speaker was (Ross i\1Ckay of son S1•.
The .ale o: eatery :ear mans for g'
Hensal? and Hay t'wn hip began on Hensall. who teaches ) I The Misses Ra
Monday moraine .it 5.30 when the school and who ,gave an excellent ad- ey of Detroit are occupying their
ptipu to he rural sdhools gathered dress stressing the importance of cottages on Hill Terrace.
at she town :•:+11 with Dr. A. R.,Camp- teaching the youth everywhere the I Mr. and Mrs. W, Wightmau arriv-
L+(-11, chairman The panels sang "On- great principles of democracy. His ad- i ed from Florida on Tuesday and ex -
wand Christian Soldiers,' ted by lir. dresswas greatly appreciated by all, pect to spend the summer in their
Sam Rennie, Rev. Wm. Weir led in After some general singing the meet- cottage on Main St. west.
prayer. Rev. .R. A. Brook ;gave an ing closed' by the Rev, Peter'Jamiesion Professor Kalbfleisch and family
address and all joined in singing ee pronouncing the benediction. of London are holidaying at their
anala when the flag was raised. Rev. ,Peter Jamieson's dine new cottage just completed last
The allocation for Hensall is $19,000 diseourse on 'Sunday morning made it Fall.
and :or Hay rnivnship $i 1,000. Reeve clear that the only sure foundation' for Rev. H. Curry is attending the
R, E. Shaddtck was the first to pur- individuals and nations to build ton is United Church Conference being
chase a victory loan bond. The righteousness, The nixed quartet held in Windsor this week,
sounding of the fire siren and bombs added to the morning service with a I Mrs, R, H, F. Gardnier is attend -
were exploded to mark the opening well -sung selection, j ing the graduation of her daughter
of the loan. Canvassers for Hen- The annual Home Helpers meeting Miss Betty at Toronto university
sail are Donald McKinnon, Peter along ,with the auxiliary of the 'WU- this week, ,
McNaughton, R• J. Patterson. On S. will be 'held et the home of the I Mr. Mathewson, engineer of the
Tuesday morning the Kent Regi- president, 1\irs. William (Hamilton, on Public Werke Dept., paid an official
mental Band played when passing Thursday afternoon. visit to Bayfield Harbour this week.
through on their way to Goderich. -Sirs. R. G. IMacKay 'of .Pune John and Mr. and Mrs, Sturgeon Jr.
The torch parade will pass through there Sask., has arrived east to spend have moved into thnSt home on
Hensall on Wednesday evening. a ,few p
weeks with her arents, Mr. and
St. Paul's Anglican Church will Mrs. James Scott; Mrs. 'Cooper of Glen Gregor ttoath
hold anniversary services on Sunday
June 8th when Canon Townsend of Mrs. MacDonald; Mrs. 'John Young
London will speak at the morning and fancily of ,Granton with 'Miss IM.
service and Dr. Hurford of Seaforth B. Currie; Mr. and IMrs. Ross Mac -
will be the speaker at the evening Kay and daughter ,June, 'with IM'r,
service. There will be special music and Mrs. Duncan McKellar; Mr and
by the choir. Mrs. John ,Kemip and family of IMit-
The members of the Marathon cheil with IMrs, 'William Houghton
Bridge Club were pleasantly enter and family; 'John 'Scott and son Frank
tamed at the home of Mrs. T. J. and Anthony Allen, Robert Goodin-
Sherritt on Friday evening. I er and Jack Norris, at Strathroy at -
Mr. Morris Tudor, who is training tending a parade.
with the militia in London, spent the
week end with his parents, Mr. and HULLETT i
1 Mr. and Mrs. John Sturgeon Sr.
Hensall wit1t .Miss Olive Speare and
Mrs Stan Tudor,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and, Annie Theresa Ilioon, daughter of
daughter Eleanor of Thames Road the late John Moon and Mary 6Gray-
vsiited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. son) Moon, died on Saturday at the
Glen Bell. I home of her 'brother-in-law and sis-
Mr. Carey Joynt of Windsor spent ter, Mr. and -Mrs. !Charles Stewart,
the week end with his father, Mr. T.' concession )8, ,Hullett township, in
C. Joynt. I her fe,3th year. She was born in Ox -
Mr. Jack Simmons of Windsor ford county, September 1st, 11873, and
-visited on Sunday with his mother,! came to Huron county 'with ber par -
Mrs. Aida Simmons. lents when a young girl, They resided
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker return- on a farm at Bayleld road, 'Goderich
ed to their home at Bowmanville af- township and she attended she ,public
ter spending the past several weeks school there. She was Anglican in re -
with their son and daughter-in'law,,lieion though since living with her
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, !relatives in Mullett she had attended
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morena of 'their church, the Loneles'boro Tufted.
Dashwood visited on Sunday at the She was an invalid for the greater
home of the latters parents, Mr. and c her ti
t f h life There survive one
Mrs. Wesley Coleman. "brother, John !Moon en the home
Mr. Berton Keyes of Bowmanville , farm P,ayfield road, three sisters,
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.1 me,.,\\-. j.Elliott, Cl'intan \i
Harold Parker. IJolnl Kennedy. Toronto, and ',Mrs.
and Mrs. Jack Corbett and fa- Charge. Stewart. Two 'hrathere and
oily visited on Sunday with tfrs.I two sisters predeceased her. There
Corbett's parent,e. Mr. and :hire. Al -
are seers nephews and two nieces,
bort AIorenz at Dashwood. I'lhe funeral was held from the Stew -
The Blue Boys of Port Albert by art residence, Hullet1 on Monday af-
permission of Group Captain P. B.. ternoon, conducted by 'Rev. A. F.
Robertson, presented .a program con- etenzdr=, L uric. baro 1111 104, and
slating of choruses. quartettes. come art c H
O'Neil, rector of St.
Miens, etr., under the auspices ofpaul Clinton. 1111 rnrent in Clinton
the local Red Cross. The hall was c scary. The pallbearers. were A1-
11 decorated in red. white � c emete r ., The Rallbea Trick, George
afia 1 f .
!fee kins, fr'rmer Goderich township
A number of the ]neat boys in mil• neinhihor- and William Hesk, Thom-
Mtary training attended the celebra- aq Adams, Charles'Weymouth, Hul-
l -ion and rally held at Strathroy on lett nc girbars. The •fl wcrbca vers
Sunday. were !William and John Stevens,
Golden Wedding.-- Kenneth and Lloyd Stewart, John
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. McDonald, south aintl George E1Ihott, nephews of the
of Hensall, celebrated their golden late I-\hss Moon.
wedding anniversary recently 'with
the members of their family in at-
tendance. They were married by the
Rev. Jaseth Cood of Hensall at the
fl b ue 0,' the occasion
Reserve the date, Friday 'Jame 20,
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and 'far a nnonster,garden party sponsored
ma. McDonald have a wide circle of by J3ypip'en East W.I.JFurther partic-
friends. About sixty guests gathered talars next week.
at their home for the .celebration, Mr, H, Hubbard, accompanied by
(Miss Isobel Drake, nurse -in -train-
ing at 'Kitchener hospital, with her
parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. .K. -Drake; !Rev.
and IMrs,_�E. Aldsworth and San are in
iWindsor 'this week attending confer-
ence; Miss Dorothy Tu0fin of London
with her parents; 'Mr. and Mrs. !W.
Boles and Me, and Mrs. Barclay of
Niagara Falls with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Smelt; Jlohn Worden was taken to
Seaforth hospital and is seriously 111
,with 'pneumonia,
Tuckersmith Ladies' Club met at
the home of Mrs. Wm, Pepper with
16 members, seven visitors and a
number of children present. The
meeting opened with the opening
ode, followed by the Lord's prayer.
Two verses of Rule Britannia were
sung. Minutes of the last meeting
were read. Roll call took the form
of a question box. It was decided
there would be no meetings during
July and August. The meeting closed
with the singing of the national an-
them. The afternoon was spent in
quilting and making blocks for Red
Cross quilt.
CLARK—In McKillop, on Wednes-
day, June 4th, 1041, to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Clark, a son,
RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Friday, May 30, 1941, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Walton, a
DALRYMPLE—At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Saturday, May 81,
1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dal-
rymple, Seaforth, a daughter.
Continued From Page One
'Here in Huron County 'we have
been asked to raise $11,300,000.00 0s
our q'uota.Dig deep into your sav-
ings and buy Victory Bonds. Wear a
•V.ictory,ILoan button to show that Yen
are not just looking at the ,war but
that you are 'right in the war.
ICom'petition !between 'cities, towns,
villages and other canvassing units
for the best record in sales of Victory
'Loan 'bonds in relation to their allot -
,ted quotas will ;be a 'feature of the
1 Victory Loan campaign.
Every unit throughout Canada will
the striving to be the first to achieve
its quota and the competition :promis-
es to ibe keen.
At the commencement of the cam-
paign each municipality end canvass-
ing unit will be given a pledge flag.
This syanlbol•izes the pledge of the
unit to reach its ale1otted quota of sub-
scriptions The ilalg will have a Union
Jack in the corner and a royal blue
torch in the white .field. The flag wnt•1
have a red border.
An IH'onour pennant will be pres-
ented to fly (below the flag when a
municipality or nail reaches its quota.
Additional honour pennants will be
given every time the municipality or
unit oversubscribes its ,quota by 25%.
(Each purchaser of bonds is also to
receive recognition !by way of an at-
tractive pin in the design of a flaming
torch. These pins will Ibe in vivid cal -
ours, and bond .purchasers will be eir-
' ged to wear the pin throughout the
teem of rhe campaign.
The engagement is announced of
Mary \langaret, only daughter of
Mrs, Caller of Hickson and the late
Mr, A. G. Calder, to Lionel - George
\\ eatherston, 13.S.A., son of IMr, anti
airs, G. jWeatherston, 17inclas, The
marriage to take place quietly early
111 Tante.
The W. A, and W. M. S. will meet
at the hone of Mrs. Wm. Somerville
an Wednesday, June 11 at 2 o'clock.
Ro11 call on friendship. ,
Oh Wednesday, May 28; the lucky
ticket cushion draw was held at
U, S. S.12, Morris and Mullett. Tile
tickets were shaken by Charlie
Brigham and the winning ticket No.
7. held by Mrs. Wm, Livingston, Sea -
forth, was drawn by John Brown.
Donna Richmond and Bob Brown
tied selling the most tickets and
each received a war savings stamp
from the teacher, The cushion was
donated by Miss Dale and tickets
amounting to $17.50 were sold in aid
of the British War Victims Fund,
Canada's Original Self-contained
Complete with batteries, ground
rod, 50 porcelains, 4 corner
spools, 50 leather washers, 1 gate
hook and spying, instruction sheet
Priced at $18.50
C. C. M. Bicycles
The right Bicycle for each boy
and girl
Stockade Fly Spray 128 F1, ozs,
tin .... .. .......... $1,00
Mens Summer Shoes,
Pair $2.75
Kippered Herring in Tomato
Sauce, 2 tins 25c
Nabob Coffee 1 lb. tin & 1 btle.
of Nabob Flavoring,
Both for 49c
Red Rose Tea, lb. ...... 65c
Rose Baking Powder,
lb. size 15c
Pure Lard, 3 lb. 27c
Five Roses Flour 98 lb. bag
Purity Flour, 98 lb, bag ..$3.19
Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag ...70c
Grandmas Cookies, 2 lb. ...29c
Calumet Baking Powder,
lb. teal 23c
Super Suds, pkge 17c
Sugar, 10 lbs. for 70c with an
order for $2 worth of gen.
5 Ib. Box Taylor's Soap Flakes........33c
W. J.
et Price
Highest If/fc�rk
. Delivered at Egmondville
Phone 3-w Seaforth
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects. Mr, Harold
Jackson has been instructed to sell
by public auction at the resideuc•e of
the late Elizabeth Parke, in the
Village of Hensall, or Saturday, June
14th, at 1 p.m. the following:
One - electric radio. cabinet; 1 New
Perfection coal oil Stove and oven:
1 kitchen stove, nearly new, and
pipes; copper boiler; 1 clay bed: a
kitchen ebairs; small leaf table; I
dining suite, table, six chairs, buffet;
3 rocking chairs; 'settee; 2 chairs; 1
Singer . sewing machine; kitchen
clock; 4 beds, springs and mat-
tresses; 2 dressers; 2 waah stands;
sealers; kitchen utensils; lawn
mower; garden *tools; 1 rug, 9x12
feet; 1 Congoleum rug 9x101/ feet;
1 Congoleum rug 71/x9 feet; 2 small
tables. Terms cash.
Estate of late Elizabeth Parke,
Wm, Parke, Executor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Can handle some more grass cattle
by month or will have 3 good fields of
hay to sell, one 15 00, of new clover.
If interested, write J. I3, McLaughlin,
487 Ring St., London.
Wanted, first class teacher for
S. S. No. 3, Stanley, duties to com-
mence Sept. 1st. Apply to Percy
Johnston, Varna, Ont,
Windmill, 20 or 25 ft. tower. Apply
to Wm. McClure, Phone 844r 23,
1 Happy Thought range, almost
new. Burns coal or wood. New grates
and linings. Copper reservoir, and
warming closet. Apply to C. 14.
Addicott, Winthrop, c/o Wm. Me-
Wanted to purchase, a sow, due
about July 1st. Campbell. Eyre, Kip -
pen, phone 84r 13, Hensall central.
A limited number of cattle for pas-
ture. Plenty of grass and running
water. Phone 91 1-14, Hensall.
South Victoria Apartments, all
conveniences, to be vacated by Mr.
Eimer D. Bell. Apply to E. L. Box.
income full or part time. Guaranteed
Familex Products are attractively
packaged, create instant eye -appeal,
build and hold customers' confidence.
If you are willing to adopt our
methods and invest a few dollars, we
will help you to progress surely and
quickly. For free catalogue and com-
plete details: MISS G. ST. GEORGE.
570 St, Clement, MONTREAL,
1 Jersey cow, 7 years old, due to
freshen June 1st. Roy McGeoch, Eg-
mondville, Phone 663r 3, Seaforth
House in Egmondvdlle For Sale
7 roomed frame house, corner lot.
Main St,. with hydro, hard and soft
water. On this property there is 1�
acre of land, stable, and hen house,
also fruit trees. Low taxes. Apply to
Mrs. Jean R. Dale, R, R. 2, Seaforth.
Phone 667 r 2,
I still have the Agency for selling
the Parmalc Electric Fence. the
world's largest seller, Still leads it
economy and operation. Five year
guarantee, Fall equipment on hand.
Orville Workman, , Kippen, Ont.
Phone 11 on 77, Hensall.
The nextmeeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court. House,
Goderich, commencing June Mb,
1941, at 2 P.M.
All accounts, notices of depute -
tions and other business requiring
the attention of Council should be in
the hands of the County Clerk not
later than Saturday. June 7th, 1941,
County Clerk
Goderich, Ont.
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
trick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hayti.
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing Seaforth. Office hours:
'l,e.sd:ty, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 9. in.
Tomato, etn•ly, late, Cabbage, Caul-
iflower, peppers.. I;luokleberry, saver -
al varieties Petunias, choice' Snap-
dragon, Zinnias, Asters, Pansies,
Many other varieties. A. L. Porteous,
1 block east of the hospital.
• Quantity of good timothy seed,
well cleaned, for sale. Henry F.
Beuermann, Dubein. 11.11,1. Phone
23r 15, .Dd1lin central.
A car load of Prince Edward Island
potatoes now on hand. A limited
amount of certified seed. included.
Leave your orders at Hensall Co-
operative. Also coal. cedar posts,
B. 0 shingles, concentrates, stook
minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of
all brands. Huron Farmers' Co-` •
Operative Co. Ltd., Hensall
Old Woollens pay you best price
cash or trade blankets or rugs. Sew-
ing Machines repaired by experts.
Guaranteed or money back. Swltser
& Carter, North Main St., Seaforth.
Roseo Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and
"Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua-
ranteed 25 years, Rosco Portable.
Silos, Galvanized Sheet Iron, ale
sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings,
Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized
Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs,
Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge
and Valley, Door Track and Hard-
ware. Extension Ladders up to 44
feet in length. Asphalt Products in-
cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick
Siding, Insul-Brick Siding, Roofing
Paints, Plastic Cement, Buildin*,
Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray -
Tyndall, Brucefieid. Phone Clinton,
618 ring 12,
Popular Clydesdale sire, will stand
at Coyne Bros., Con. 7, Hibbert, for
season of 1941, and will travel by
trailer a reasonable distance to meet
interested parties.
Phone 43 r 27, Dublin.
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions
Enrolment No. 3500. Form 2
Enrolment No, 3959 Form 2'
Enrolment No. 4177, Form 3
'Route for 1941—Monday and Tues-
day, in the vicinity of Walton and
and Brussels.
Wednesday—Through Kinburn and'
west to the highway, south through
Clinton, home by way of Tucker -
Thursday—Through S>;aforth tot
St. Columban and Beechwood, homer
through way of Winthrop• Goderich
Friday and Saturday,
Township and Colborne.
Terms $13.00, payable Mar. 1, 1942.
T. J. McMlehael, Prop. & Mgr_
Enrolment No. 3019. First Class„
Form 1, Grade A, Premium No. 76.
Route, 1941—Monday, leave his
stable, lot 4, cot, 3, Hibbert, to Matt
Murray's, lot 5, con. 4, McKillop, for
noon; to Jack McCartby's, lot 33,
eon, 2, Logan, till 6, then home. till
Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, to Cecil Rolph's, lot
10, con. 3, Login, for noon, then by
way of Gould's school, to own stable.
Thursday, to Dunc. Colgnhonn's,
lot 3, con. 8, Hibbert, for noon; then
to Geo, - Wallace's, lot' 11, con, 11,
Cromarty, ftrom 3 to 6, then to Jack
Burchill's, lot 10, con. - 5, for night.
Friday, weal.: to Nagle's sicl"eroad,
then north 114 miles, then east to
his own stable for noon 'where he
will remain till following Monday.
Terms, $13, payable ,TanuarY, 1942.
Robert Burchill, Prop. & Mgr., R.R.
2, Dublin, Ont. Phone 19r13.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & gnuarantee bomb,
Rates reasonable. All risks placed'
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given