HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-05, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1941 4 it THURSDAY, JUNE 5, TILL WED., JUNE 11 GREAT c -19c - 9c SALE Durham Cornstarch per pkg. 9c Hillcrest Pure Lard 1 lb, carton 9c CLOTHESPINS , 3 doz. 9c GOOD FIARDWOOD QUALITY Readicut Macaroni 2 lbs. 9c Carnation Milk, large tin 9c 2 small tins 9c Van Camp's Tomatoes 15 oz. tins 9c '. 2 in 1 Shoe Polish Paste - per tin 9c P. & G: SOAP 2 bars 9c wtstmovowy 19c ITEMS Van Camp's Tomato Juice large 48 oz. tin 19c Champion Dog Food 2 tins 19c Heinz Ketchup large.. 14- az, bottle 19c Sani White Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 19c Country Kist Peas 2.16 oz. tins 19c Eagle Brand Milk per tin 19c McCormick's Waxtite Sodas 1 Ib. box 19c Libby's Spaghetti 2.15 oz,. tins 19c r lb. 19c McCormick's Assorted Cream Sandwich Biscuits 2-20 oz. bibs 19c Apple Juice Neilson's Cocoa L'; lb. tin 19c 29c ITEMS "Golden Net" or "Unicorn' Red Cohoe Salmon 254 7 sizetins Monarch Flour 54 b. titin 29c ag 29c Maxwell House Coffee29c ' Kleenex, large 500 sheet box each Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles, large 27 oz. per jar 29c Aylmer Peaches 2 squat tins 29c Singapore Sliced or Crushed Pineapple ,. 2-15 oz. tins 29c McLaree's Invincible Olives large 17/ oz. lar 29c KEEP HURON COUNTY ON TOP BUY VICTORY BONDS TODAY t>a Ross J. Sprott PHONE 8 Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 --SPECIAL-- LAWSON'S Radio Repairing Service Have your radio serviced and re- paired hy factory trained repairman. Serviced all tnttkes for 12 years. SPECIAL Attention given to Farni Battery sets, Batteries delivered and attached at no extra cost. For Economical, Prompt and Effic- ient service, Call 841-23, Seaforth And save on repair bills LONDESBORO On Friday evening an exhibition softball game was played at the farm of John Snell between Burns and Londesboro teams. The Burns team won by the score of 28-G. A re- turn game will be played on Friday, June 6, at '\Vm. Bells. The Londes. born team hope to get revenge iu the next. "game. The Londesboro girls and Burns girls will also play a game before the boys' game. The first game will start at 6 p.m, and a large crowd is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and Joyce, Seaforth. were the guests of Mrs. J, Tamblyn on Sunday. Miss L. Mains and Mrs. Geo, Mains spent. Saturday near St. Thomas and attended the trousseau ten of Miss Dobbie, R.N., of London, Miss Bina Kirk, who for the past six months has been travelling through the 'West as far as the coast, returned hone on Saturday and has taken up her duties at Wm, Campbell's. Mr. Frank Wood has unproved Iris house by a covering of asphalt shin- gles and fresh paint. Mr. Glenn Fairservioe returned hone from the hospital at London on Friday considerably improved in health. Mr. Win. Lyon is on the sick list this week and had to stay in bed for some days. VARNA Mrs. Woods of St. Helens, accomp- anied by her daughters Mrs. R. A. Barber of Fergus, NIrs. A. E. Tyson and Little Jackie Tyson of Geraldton, were the guests of Mrs. M. Reid on Monday. Mrs. Broadfoot and son were guests at the home of Mr. George Beatty Sr. Sunday. The many friends 'of Mrs. John Ratbwell will be Pleased to know she has been able to leave the hosp- ital and is convalescing at the home of her son Fred. Change in Church service: Sun - clay, June Sth, service in St. John's Anglican Church will be at 1.30 p.m. instead of 7 pant. A, new flag pole has been erected on the township hall. The first flag flown was in honor of the Ring's birthday. Mr. W. Fee of Hensall paid a fly- ing visit to the village Tuesday. 1Vedding bells are ringing In the distance. Note, take heed! Save end 11(18. Ml salvage is required in Varna on or before June 15th, so gather and have ready every available article. metal bed springs, gramophone rec- ords, brass, copper. lead. zinc. old rubbers and shoes. and bottles which may be handled in paper floor stets, a corks, rings and rubbers off %valets, old mattresses, 010 lova let- ters (extract the love) but let Hitler have the paper in gun wads. Get everything ready and bring out if someone does not ea11. But be readyi when the truck calf. Do your hest this coating week. If anything has been missed bring it along. PRIDHAM-DOW At 12 noon on Wednesday atthe bone of the bride's parents in Hib hart, the marriage was solemnized of Elsie Dow, daaghter of .lir. and Mrs. Clifford. Dow of Hibbert. and Harold Pridltam. youngest son of Mr. and Nlrs. Jasl1er Pridhant of Rasselldale. Rev. Mr. Hair of Tham- es Road Church officiated.. The bride, given in marriage by her tether, was charming in a robin egg blue sheer dress. withwhite ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Dow, sister of the bride. who wore an aquamarine dress, anti corsage of yellow roses. The groomsman was 14Ir. Ross Pridhant, brother of the groom. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the bride's home by two girl friends, Misses Yahoo. Dow and Wilhelmina Russell. NI r. and Mrs. Pridhant left on a trip to Sudbury and other Northern Ontario points; On their return they Will reside on the groom's farm int 5uilarton 011 .South Thames Road. For travelling the bride wore a going away suit of air terve blue, with white accessories. Among those from a distance who were present were Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Pridltam aud family of Port Rowan; Mr. and Mr's, Harry Grea- son and family, at London, Mr: and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill of Seaforth, and Mrs. Edmond Musgrave of Mount Clemens, Mich., and Miss Verna Pridhanr of Grasse Pointe, Mich. Send us the dames of you visitors THE SEAFORTII NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ifeye,s of Eg- mondville are spending 0 few days visiting their son, NIr. and Mr's. Ruskin IKeyes, Windsor. Mrs. W. E. Kerslake is spending the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hoegy and two children of Kalamazoo, Michigan, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hoegy. Mr. William Brown of Detroit spent the week end visiting his sisters, Mrs. Richard Rogers and Mrs, Mar- shall Young, Hallett Township. Mrs. Andy Zimmerman and family have returned home after visiting friends and relatives in Bridgeport and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cullen and son Danny, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Helen, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with friends in town, Rev. A, W. Gardiner and Mr. Nel- son Keyes are attending the annual ,conference at Windsor this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens have re- turned after spending a few days with friends at Whitby. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Eckert moved to Dublin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MaMane have moved from the Way residence to Mr, Fred Eckart's house in Egmondville, which he purchased recently. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn and son Donald of Flint, Michigan, who have been visiting friends in Stanley, called on Mrs. Jahns. sister, Mrs. Thos. Robinson and family, of Eg- mondville on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays and their daughter Mary Patricia and Miss Nelly Desborough and Misses Mary and June and Gordon Broil. from Detroit, spent the weal: enc( with their many friends here. Mrs. M, R. Rennie visited her par- ents, Mr. and Nina. Dougall of Hen• sail on Sunday, Mrs. J'..F, McMann and her son To and his wife. and Mr. and Mrs, LesI1.. Scott, from C'hdeugo, spent the week end with their many friends in this district. Mr. Aldie Eckert, R.. C. A. F. from Trenton, is on a week's leave* with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. The Rev. and Mrs. A. J, Forte and (laughter Nancy, of R.oche's Point, are guests at St. Thomas Rectory. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Cuthill at- tended the Pridham-Dow wedding at Staffs on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bristow and daughters, of Howell, Michigan, were week end guests of Mr, and Mis, Wilbert Webster. N'Iessrs, Harold Flannery and Jos- eph Mtllar), spent the week end at the hone of Mrs. J. J. Flannery. Mrs. Charles Milisou and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millson and Carol and Mr. Frank Sharpe of Ingersoll spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. Mole, Mr. and Mrs, John Wimpory of Hamilton, and daughter Dr, Mary Wimpo'y. of London, were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Male. Mr, and Mrs. Pearson Grieve and Billy, and Jack of Buffalo and Mr David Grieve of London spent the week end with Dr, and Mrs Grieve Mr. and Mrs, Edward Natibaum and Dorothy of Niagara Falls, N. Y. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. William Oldfield. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hoggarth vis- ited the formers sister, Miss Mary A. Hoggarth at Hensel! on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. 3. M. Laird of Hart ford, Connecticut, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong on Monday. Mr. Laird Is a nephew of Mr. Armstrong, and at one time he and itis mother lived in Seaforth Mr. Laird was in Toronto attending an insurance convention, Mr, and Mrs.' James Kerr ant daughter Janet of Buffalo spent the week end with the former's mother, Nlrs. J. L. herr, N'. Main street. Mrs. Thos. McKay and her sons Clem, Gerald, Stephen and Cecil from Galt, were visitors with het parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. las Sunday. MANLEY Mr. Stephen Manley from London is spending his vacation with Ms permits, lir. and Mrs. W. Manley. Misses Mary Brall and Millie Des- borough from Detroit and Miss Mary McKay from Seaforth were visitors [a our burg last Saturday, - Mrs. Jolter Murray spent Saturday with her sister. Mrs. G. K. Holland in Dublin and her sister, Mrs. J. F. McMann and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Me - Mann from Chicago, who were visit- ing at the bonze of Mrs. G. K. Holl- and's. The tamers are still -waiting for the weatherman to send rain which is so badly needed. But the early seeding is progressing favorably. Egmondville Woolen's Assocn. Home Baking SALE s r SATURDAY, JUNE 7 3.30 till Midnight IN MACTAVISH'S STORE, SEAFORTH Pie, ice Cream and Hot Dogs will be served YOUNG PEOPLP'S Anniversary Services Egrnondville United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 15 At 11 a,nt. and 7.30 p.m. Conduct- ed by Rev. A. J. McKaye, of vic- toria St. United Church, Goderich On the following Wed., June 18th, a Sparkling Comedy "•Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick" Will be presented by Kippen Y, P. U. In Egmondville United Church at 8.81) p.m. Tickets only 25c. Children 15c. ritain Has 1/11 Ordered 5,400,000 dozen of Eggs 180,000 CASES "FRESH EGGS For Prompt Shipment YOUR HENS MUST BE KEPT LAYING Which Means 1. GOOD MANAGEMENT 2. GOOD FEED Choiceteria Laying Mash WILL FILL THE BILL FOR • HEALTHIER BIRDS • STEADY EGG PRODUCTION SOLD BY SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, SEAFORTH IS MANUFACTURED BY E. S. WATT & SONS Palmerston Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND A RECORD Willis Tipping and his Cascade Rhythm Orchestra The first Orchestra eves' to play a :lad se'ite111 at: Grand Bend 1 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY 111ul,11Ma,,,,l„a,,,1,a„la",,,01,1,11„14.110,1„a .1,,, SL -RF SHOP Showing "Catalina's” New Swim Sults English China Wedgwood Royal Doulton BRUCEFIELD Friday; May 30th, being decoration day in United 'States. several• took advantage of the day to visit their relatives and friends here. From De- troit Mr. and Mr's. Norman Wheeter and daughter and their nephew Don- ald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler visited with Mr. and Mrs, T. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Kenzie and family with Mrs. A. Mc- Kenzie and Mr, and Mrs. Harry 7,apfe. Mr. Frank Welch, tornterlY of Stanley, also renewed acquaint, ances with old friends. A large number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Alex Wright on the Mill Road lass Fri- day. It was one of the largest fune- rals in the vicinity. Red Cross. Meeting will be• held Priddy afternoon this week instead of Thursday as usual. Rev. -H. Wright and Mr. John A. McEwen are this week attending the London Conference at Windsor, On Monday while the Tuckersmith flag was being raised in the centre of the village "God Save The King” was sung, Rev. H. Wright led iu Mayer. Addresses were given by Reeve Sam Whitmore, also Mr. Elm• old Jackson, Seaforth, and Mr. John Cornish and Mr. Ross Scott., Bruce - Mr. Carlyle Cornish has engaged with Mr. Walter McBeath to assist with the telephone work. Mr, Frank McCowan. who formerly assisted Mr. McBeath, has returned to their farm. Have your salvage ready for the. Red Crass by June 10. A truck will call any day after. Mr. and Mrs, R. Vollick of New York visited Mrs. A. Hohuer. llrs. R. McKenzie and Lots of Detroit spent a fete clays with friends in the village. Miss Anna Cornish and friend of London spent Sunday at her hone here. Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Simpson and Billie of Detroit visited Mr. C. D, Simpson. Mr, and Mrs A. Smith and Eleanor of Bluevale spent Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. H. Berry, VARNA The itnnme of Mr. ani Mr.. Ernest H. Epp., , ,Clinton, ens the scene of a happy family gathering Sunday, the occasion !eing the forty-fourth anni- versary tvf their wedding day. The marriage tall: elace ul London, -Chu„ and was solemnized by Rev. Ira Smith of the Baptist Cherrh. E. H. Tains was a bled smith by trade and they lived for the first five 3'1111'4 of their married 'life in Aylmer, then for thirty-two years at Varna, where i\ir, Epps carried on a hdacksmithing bus- iness and in !1,915 (began .to operate a motor transport Ibttsiness, Eight years ago they moved to Cdiuton and have carried on the ,business extensively until a month or clone ago when they sold out 'Air. Epps is now living re - timed. Their 'family consists cif .three sons, Clifford of Clinton, Lorne of London, tEIdwlood df Clinton, and one (daughter, 1\lrs )lief in (Clank of 'Sea - forth, They have seven grandchildren slut it 5820 a pleasing 1part of the an- niversary 'ceremonies Sunray 'when five of the grandchildren were baptis- ed at, the home by IRev, Andrew Lane, ,pastor of 'Wesley Willis 'United Church. The sons and, their wives, daughter .and her husband and all the grandchilsiren were pit'esen't for nitre family gathdrin:g, ' Mrs. George Connell has returned. home after spending a few days last week with Mrs. George Miller of. Goderich Township, ott -mar "PERKY" OF 0UTTA PERCHA FRU TO MOTORISTS A Colorful 16 -page Booklet illustra- ting 160 Cap Badges of the Canadian Forces FRANKLY, this booklet is offered to motorists by Gutta Perches tire dealers, as a get -to - know -me -better gift and a re- minder that you get thorough- bred quality in Gutta Percha Tires. Drive to your local dealer —ask for your copy. There are only a limited number available so drive in without delay. OVVIU PEJRdc�� Built by an All -Canadian Company Get your copy from one of the dealers listed below, Cut of town motorists: ask your local Gutta Percha dealer. W. A. WRIGHT HARRY CHAMPION Seaforth, Ont. Brussels, Oat. Phone 147 Phone 8 FRED MILLER Clinton, Ont, .peet,lt young people's. service W118 Rodd in the United Church last Sunday evening. The president Mr. Stewart Beattie rod the service end Rev. Mr, Ilachcndorn of Zurich gave a Very inspiring address to a large congregation. A young people's choir of twenty voices ler. the service of sena. There will be no- Sunday School or service next Sunday o1 account of anniversary services at Goshen. Rev. J. R. Peters and Mr. Ralph Stephenson are attending (,.. fereuce at Windsor this- TWO ins-TVvo Toronto men are iu ' wt-. this week arranging for pnrc'has the Queen's hotel from Mr. T. 1) Neil, .who has operated it for 111e pas f -'w. years. Medicine Peddler That elte.que you gave me camc :, ick." -Customer \Vett. hat see is fens- ny. 5., did my 11111'' a:g, . • SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (Formerly IV. E. Chapman) OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We Invite Inspection of our Stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS Or any other time by Appointment See Dr. ''Harburn Phone 105 PHONE 41 — EXETER — BOX 150