The Seaforth News, 1941-06-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR SI2..\I.,( `I:. INE\VS WALTON .. Miss Aida Williamson of. seacorth, sPentling a few days at the home of her Pal'PlItS. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. WilliamSon, Of tirey. Miss Rileen Gowland of Toronto, is spending a few . days with her -aunt, Mrs. Thos. Wil•liamson. Of East boundary. - - 'Mr. atid 'Mrs. RatVord and son of Palmersion cathed on friends in. ton on Sunday. - • - ale and airs. Decoff of Toronto ,spent the \veek end with her parents, ,Mr. and airs. Joe Carter. Andrew Boase visited- ,Mrs. •11-1. Fulton eM Tuesday. and ,Mrs. \Vm, Woods froni near Tiverton visited !Mr. rind Mrs. Adam Sholdice on Monday, Mrs, Walker of .Grinisly is• visiting her sister, Mr. Ramsay and brothers,. [Messrs. :Williamson. CNir. idtarn Smith of Porcupine, New 'OntariO, is visiting at the !ionic of his niother-in-law, ,Mrs. George Kelly, illth line, Morris. 1Mr. ,Bolton and daughter Dorothy spent the week end 'A ith his mother, Mrs. I. Reitan Et.t,nn in NicKillop. and sister, Mrs. AV. 3. Humphries. Rev. Mr.. !Roberts iS as kat elle w an and lMr. Spittal of Vingliant, reader, tilt the service StindAy mor- nings at George's Cliurch, Walts•sn. A large crowd neighbors and friends met in the community hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. William.: soli Friaal- 'w 'e Mar- ried recently. Tr were --+resented arith a fine, stud, the. esteem in whiclt thi.ty are 'c 1. -The s'it.nr• i ...:'; "li'sn't A sit -•,),I "InJs cit tiile vv.:L.:veil site lainN .15.1 •1r,11t.';'i7, CONSTANCE Mr. .Nam Nicholson lost a dersey this week. Nit. and mr$. John nay and fam- ily, Miss Marjorie Riley and NIr. Aaron Lease of Stratford spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt moldby. - Mr. George Sills of Seaforth was a visitor at the home of Mr. Dave. ;Wilson. Mr, Robt. GrimOldby is shingling his barn this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wright and family of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. end Mrs, David Millsou and Mrs.Mott, Pollard, Mr. Leo Stephenson spent Sunday at StrathroY. The Constance Sunday School an- niversary will be held Sunday after- noon, Jens lath at 2 p.m. Rev. Gor- don Hazelwood of Benmiller will have charge of the service. The Junior Choir are providing the music. Walter Willson, of the R:C.A.F. at St. Thomas visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and Mr, and Mrs. Wilber Jewitt, STANLEY The services are being withdrawn from Varna and Blake 'United Churches 00 Sunday on account of the anniversary services at the Goshen United Church, morning and evening. Miss Margaret Watson of Bruce - field. teacher of S. 5. No, 2. Stanley. for the past two years, has resigned, PI 74 t..1 tA .,;,FLTIMETi:, El El 0 0. ElE3 ri Evi Scott's Barred Rocks R. 0, P. Sired E !"-ATCH OF DAY OLD CHICKS FOR THIS SE kSON—T H U RSDAY, JUNE 5TH 7-• S ^.1.1 Sritsz a A Cass .S10.00 per 100 $ Stair.dat:d Class .5 8.00 per 100 .ah class on hand Scott's Poultry Farm Seaforth Phone 851 - 32 4111111•110111111111911MMUSIP WHAT RADE YOU DECIDE ON THOSE COODYE4R MARATHONS? THEY GIVE NE MORE M7E40E, iONCER SERY/CE, FOR lESS MONEY • If you want more tire for your money let us show you the Marathon. It has an the sturdy long -wearing. qualities that have made Goodyears Canada's most popular tires. e have the :Marathon at a rae.ne -saving price THE SEAFORTH NEWS HARLOC.K illi4101.61111,101,1111 Vv. • art. iSuntia3 • at the li.cine 4 \\ n. BOI. 1N1r. and tNirs. Warren Ctil,l,ings and children spen Snnt t at the .some 0; Air. and .Mrs. I. Rapson, 1 t11.(1deti - for last. week.) Nliss Levina Knox of -Toronto .vis- ited over the week end at the home of her parents, .tNir. and IN1rs. Thos. Knox and brother,. 'Mr. and INIrs. Audrey ,Knox. IMr. and ;Nirs. \\'tn, Knox Jr. and family. also pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and iMrs, r1105.. and .Mr, and Mrs. Audrey .Knox. airs. Audrey Knox spent Saturday in London Mr. Robert Leiper of Toronto vis- ited at the home of his parents, \Var- den and Nits. ,Leiper and family the latter part of the week, returning to Toronto on Sunday. 'Mr. and airs. 'James Scott and fa- mily an -1 Miss Viva Cole motored from Toronto and a family reunion -party Wai.' held on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Kelland alc- Vittie. The former returned to Tor- onto Sunday' accompanied by Miss Jean Fairservice o Blyth who is a: - lending school in Toronto. Quite a nutither of farmers in this neighborhood attended the free ent- ertainment put -on in Londesboro hall Friday night oi last week. the ol.,ject. -of t\hich was to try :o get the farmers to organize. iMrs. Arthnar Colson. teacher at No. O, had her .'llutortly lrdl. A Brigham oov trout N.' reer.ed. NtzGrcaor. teacher at Na. itt..Nlis- an,.1 jean illh•Inans an Irish jig. Mr. was zit:cr. than. :1a:1i )" L"- •L.3. :-,rozr:.,,TIT VI", -tit \ILI, 2! • '!II "I• .•:.- ..!.1.1111., ! !''t' 1t,:,,, S• onj. '11'C', I. I' 1111,, 3! Re,. J. NV, Co—er stila the ma-- 1'1 C'.." 41-T.L. an. !,,le former It it, j,..cana. son. Bona'.1 Ed‘%aril; f.mr -z'.tr it t three br'her., Mr,. j Burns, iMic. .kancs Cron ley. Pat- rick it-ou li D,:troit ; Mrs. .Chas, Goode, Ro:tal Oak, 11 ib.; Daniel and Tinioth, Crowley, Kinkora and Madeleine. Stratford. The paithear- ers were 'John, Tim, iMaurice and Leo Gallagher, Jack Hes-san and Harry Krauskopf. The large num- ber of •floral and spiritual offerings testified to the high esteetn in which Ddr, Cranky was held. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill of Detroit were week end visitors at the home of his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Dill, Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf have moved from the south end of the vil- lage to the home of the late Joseph McGrath. Sorry to report that Mrs. Thomas Brown was called to Guelph to her daughter, who is seriously ill in the Guelph Hospital. Mics Mary Beale is in Toronto at- tending the funeral of her aunt, Miss Beale, John Darling took a large display of Case Implements to the horse show in Stratford Tuesday. The 11141 Victory Bond salesmen, Gerald Holland. Miehael 'McPhail and Thomas Wren, report the first day's sales a huge success. Mr. Adam Stets. of :Manitoba, who left here ea years ago. is now visiting his sister. Mrs. Samuel Murray. He sees many improvements and was much pleased with the pro- gi..-ss made hero. tractors, combine bindel-s. etc Basil Byrne and wife arid two of his tour chilihnen• of P.,arttotn. Niivh., were -,:'tis 01 Mts. Wnt. Byrne clr. 11.1... way 11, :ht y alsitc; Witi.ls •)sith THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 19,1 1 ........_ ...,... EGI., •T THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "The Great Dictator" with Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakle Charlie Chaplin talks In his grOatPH1 00,11i'dY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ALICE FAYE,. • , JAOK (MT] IN "Tin Pan Alley" with. BETTY GRABBLE JOHN PAYNE A fascinating musical, romantic Drama NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "The House Across The Bay" starring George Raft Joan Bennett Lloyd Nolan A stirring drama of San Quentin Prison Coming: "DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" 1)111 Nie. and IMrs. Joseph O'Reilly and children. Shakespeare. and John O'Reilly, Toronto. with 1,1 r. and iMrs. .tatn O'Reilly: Mr. -and Mrs. Rob- ert tiriffitli. California, with !Mr, and ,Nirs.'3. P. Flynn; Kenny ,Burns, \Valkerville, with his parents, NIT. Sit! Mrs. 1)an Burns; 'Miss Veronica N1).-.1)ncsax 1, loilcrich and N1r. and Mrs. '1'. 3..N1o:yneaux anti Mrs. F. Stapletm at 1\ ing-,brider, .sonn Ana,: :lie ninn!ter 1!11 ot the, prie•thood His Excclleniiy Ili -It .ip Kidd at St. I').•:er's irsl. 1, tud...n. oti sactr• day. 7. 1-larry F. Feeney, .\Ir, Kathleen ••• H J Feeney, in; ) t• 'Nit.. awl • • .... :-c • in. • 7e :n. ct. r' 11 t • • 'TT. 1 S.at• "" ' s:Iir.,g1t;:g v.,•11: • I' '4• S.l,, Privat, snl' • ,•-• - N:r Mr- Harvey Spencer, Pons tNir, vi I 1ose,d1 . • I " her parent.. 31'11 Itr., 1•13:1K >unfit: Nlr, • • -; • s ,•Mr-. Fisher and Fantily and • s • -- -:r. r L'I-Ier! (;adsitill at the , . •• . . ; A .,77 the I.:clic.: Nit] will --nia:' , I 1.1-7 i •• it Nir 1' Pick r is • .az : : s.: lt.r 'A; _ILL ZIT - DUBLIN Mins L. Young took a bad spell ot Wednesday evening of last week. She carts 1.01110110d to Clinton hospital where she Itt improving, and is ex- pected home before long. The Mission Band and Baby Band are holding a social afternoon on the community hall grounds on Saturday or this week, All the ladies or the W. M.S. aril invited as guests. TUCKERSMITH Miss R11111 1,:e1(`F. (.11 tenanted a rest of her young friends to a birth- day party on Tuesday afternoon. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Thomtis. ifinigi motor' -ti to conthor accimip. anitid by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wall:too and tlaughtor Ruth anti spont 11, - Wok on, with Mrs. Wallacin's lathor. 11,'. John 'Mild. Mrs. Walleye's Mrs. Mooney, and 1 wt daughtors, Shirley and Joan, of Regina, Sask who Int ve been visiting at the Wall. nee and Thos. Caldwell homes, also went to Comber and Z.11'0 visiting 111PPO, 1110114 Ill....IP attended the F. ncral iif the laic :Nlex. Wright were the nfollowing iron) ti distance: \Ir. and Mr-. lost -pit Fornwall and son. Jame., of Detroit: INIr. and 'Mr., Jia.. Henilerson, 11 r, and Mr-. Benson Sow enhy, Air and 'Mrs. Foric Carter, all of Godericili, and fNir and Mrs, wni. carter and family of .1nburn. FOR YOUR BEST BUY IN TIRES...SEE W. G. WRIGHT, Seaforth, Ont, It' Up To Us 90in VICTORY LOAN BONDS ASSEY- "It is up to us to se.e that the -whee:s of our War industry are kept ruraMo to capacity, t6 ,accept ttie .sarrinces and read- justments that are necessary to feed ..114.e. arar machine and to do so ungraziginzly, the monev to finance our effort arid to giveit with both hands, to sint our petty el,ifferences and present a united borne front to our enernies..,"—TA2ifES S. DUNCAN, Prcsarzt ard Gier,..cro2 M'atnxgc-r. "g6241.1, :,74,asmit, Jim ph - HARRIS CO. LIMITED) X IT 4.4 P.:itzer Prize earl owl by Jacob Eigrrk. Shorten the rtiEtht of Total War. H.asten the day when 0„.4,r4msu4k., younz lis -et than be safe and normal again, and young dreams unbroken hy the midnieht crash of bombs, eid.fiew Sacrifice for 'Victory BUY VICT0111:1( BONDS ."5-9402/