HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-06-05, Page 2PAGE TWO
Say—de you think we are getting the }tors OVER trebled e
Celebrate 55th Wedding
To au interesting Stratford couple,
Mr. and Alts. 'William H?igins, 44
Argyle street. .Tune "_lid wee the
.ae st momentous day in 1:141. On
teat day 55 years ago they were
married. and a tlttin3 e•elebration
was planned fur their eeth wedding
anniversary. Both Mr. H. tigins and
hie bride of more than half a cent-
ry ago have spent the greater part
ee their lives in Perth gutty. M...
iieep:in . the former Mary Haines.
has lived in Stratford since 1S7e.
Mr. Hodgins was born near Sea•
forth and lived at the Alma corner
on the Huron road. He learned his
trade wtri1 Bright Bros Mr. Hod -Ins.
who +, a 'atter by - truce-. - goes to
work eeee morning. rning. The Hodgins
family knows a -geed .deal about.
wars. Stn. Huggins and two of his
son. eerv. + in the First Gr• .ar War.
the two beye citing i:: recent years
tree, ever .ti._b.lrtie.. Now :Mr. au1
f_, seeeveee
presete ....eleetey ceuele
tel.- ri tee ... te?ie Large'
ilyTeey a, e . eie't citil.ir.'n now
Gyle, ,., i.. W11:1).i W.,r.- h,)ra ie
teem. 1';:,-h: grand •itildreu and
fou great r,t e iicitihiren are another.
• r1ue.:' .+t pride. The wedding cera -
motif' which rook Plitt 5e Feat's ago -
was perforMed be Rev. Gordon Smith
of the Congregational Church at
Srtatferd. Although seeming to he lu
geed healthe possibly because of the
excitement of the anniversary, nei-
ther Mr. nor Mrs. Hodgins has been
completely wait for the past few
years. -Of the cigar surviving child-
ren. four are living. in Stratford. -
New Radio Schoai—
A fair sized mushroom town is
pr'ingine up on the it of tate new
R. A. F. air radio school in Tucker-
sntith. at Granton corner ou the Lon-
don road. Os r two thousand stud-
ents will eventually be. housed there.
This is the second radio school to be
erected in Canada: the other is at
Montreal. Building,. are already
springing up everywhere ea what was
naee the verdant farm of Norman
Tyndall. It ie sett in beautiful land-
seape. snrronndings. A powerful aut-
omatic. scraper. :with (1tunning
equipment. bee heed busy on the
hack end of the farm scraping off -the
knolls and filling in rhe holtoevs.
The Piggott Ceastruetion Co, are
the contractors for the airport which
is being cottstrue•re1 under R.C.A.F.
auspices tar the British Government,
The Tyndall barn and drive -shed will
be torn down but the house will t'e-
ntain. A gravel toad is tinder eon -
se -minion almost the full length of
the farts. Mee of lumber are rising.
Grottn,i has been cleared :ltd nutter
ens huts have been staked out. Foun-
dation pests dot the landscape. Wing
Commander Cox and a group of R.
A.F. technicians are now on the
ground. They are to supervise eon -
,r a , .. tt1,1,t e t,a; « ,
tee teiettle,1 .td seieetbe. ..cis.
fend eel t't:it setee of the
telveee.el s.r- int, r 1:1 ,-.
its,t1 in neeieer. t adielo y will b,
housed it. , Lie iter:ditty on the lied•
radio iehoot, rite and that it will be
tender treaty- guard. There will be a
landing strip on the site but no air -
pieties will be housed there. Hydro
officiate are making preparations to
.ripply the school with 2,Otl0 horse-
pewer anergy. Half of this will be
taken from the No. 8 highway high•
tension line and half from the Lon
dolt road lia'. Estimated cost of the
new rind is one million dollars.
Heifer Goes Wild—
.k heifer belonging to Wm.
Freyne that was being delivered to
the Hurondale beef ring went wild
while being weighed at R. G. Set.
don's weighsoak,: at Exeter recent-
ly. It rile e1 several of the men,
eeatrering them in different direc-
tions and then headed across the
a'ailwety tracks and through the farm
of Preeton beating inrt a bush
where tt Was afterwards shot.
To Instruct in Night Flying—
Sky Harbor Elementary Training
Sehool is to be equipped forthwith
foe advanced flying instruction and
night dying. Much of the instruction
now beim given at heavily taxed ser-
vice ;schools is to be given there, it is
undot'stoeid. The warden's committee
of County Council of Huron. which
owns the ground, asked for tenders
by June 7 for the demolition of an
ofd hangar building at the southeast
corner of the property. This was
done :it the request of Huron Couu
ty Flying Training Co. Ltd.. opet'at•
ere of the school. The haugar was
the first to be built before tate wet
in MS.
Townships Lose Taxes—
Airp_'-t 1•'' `y 1- nee l e.e• •[ i;.
four tewtr..t.ip- ef iron ;, ('rtttht.y. ti
transfer to tee t .1,:. tent means
that it is exempt from taxation and
that the townsltipe ;Lffeete(1 will line
varied amounts la taxes each year.
The situation affects the t'ounly's
equalized assessment and Ir will
have to be revised and brought up to
date. In this connection the equaliza-
tion committee of the County Coun-
cil met on Tuesday and instructed
County Clerk Not•ntalt Miller to pre-
pare a new table for submission to
the Juue session. Colborne has lust
$15,000 in assessment. Ashfield 817,•
500, Tuckersmitit $6,900, and Stan-
ley a small amount. Total flgtu'es can
not be changed: but what the four
townships have lost will have to he
absorbed, so it is said, by those mull -
[dualities whose equalizer) assess-
ments were raised at the. last county-
ountywide equalization. hi this instance
the amount of money involved is only
a few hundred dollars.—Uodetictt
Signal -Star.
Mrs. W. D. Fair, Clinton—
A life-long resident of Clinton in
the person of Harriett Loa's Leslie,
wife of William Dickson Fair, died
last week after an illness of three
years. She was born is (Tinton. the
second daughter of the late Mt. turd
Mrs, John Leslie, and one of a fans•
tic of six, 2 boys and 4 girls. Thirty-
two years ago she married Mr. Fair..
Mrs. Fair was a member of the
Presbyterian flume' in Clinton and
took a practical Interest in the ac'th
itis_ of . t•hurc h and community. She
was aspeciatly prouthreut iu ladles'
organizations during the great war.
Besides her husband there survive
One brother. John Leslie. of Oakland.
. California, and cue sister, Mrs. Pat•
terson, whose husband, Dr. J. J. Pat.
terson, is a prominent ntinist,'r in
Sarnia. The funeral was held last
Thursday to (Tinton tenner',ry
Escapes Unhurt—
After rolling ever tone or file
times completely wreeking his c.tt
a resident of Nes Hamburg crawled
from the wreckage practically nn
hurt. nighty thankful that steel
bodies and shatterproof glass will
stand a terrific strain. The motorist
was travelling west on No. se High-
way. better known as the Thames
Road. When opposite Arthur Run-
dle's farm. about a utile east of
town, a blow-out occurred in one oe
the rear tires. The car was travel-
ling at a fast elip and took to the
ditch. rolled over a wire fence and
came to rest on its side In a field.
The body of the car was damaged
and the top caved in on the left rear
side. The driver was able to shove
the door up and crawl out, having
suffered only a slight tear in the
seat of his trousers. He had clung
tightly to the wheel as the car trolled
oven—Exeter Times -Advocate.
Bea Man
Among Heli
You'll feel like a million dollars the minute you step out in
that fine new uniform now ready for you. You'll be a man
among men, a vital cog in Canada's great mobile war machine.
You are needed to handle guns, tanks. armoured cars and
other motorized equipment. Canada is waiting for YOU to
spark them to victory. Canada wants ACTIO'\. You want
ACTION. This is your chance to get it.
The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery.
Engineers. Signals. Armoured Cars, Tanks. Infantry. Trans-
port and Supply. Medical and Ordnance and other branches
of the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades
and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war.
Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about
these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where
you'll fit in. See where any particular skill you possess can
best be utilized. Then join up for .4CTION
$1.30 per Day with Board. Lodg-
ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental
care provided. EXTRA: (i)
Rates varying from 25e to 75e
per day for skilled tradesmen
while employed. (2) Dependent
Allowances in Cash: $35 to wife,
$i2 each per month for 2
children—only 3 dependents per
Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office
any local Armoury
Barges Into Funeral Cortege—
Motorists as a rule show every re-
spect for the dead, but a gent 01 the
other ilk was unearthed in Walker-
ton when a driver. arriving at one of
the town's busy intersections, forced
his way unceremoniously through a
funeral procession and went on his
way rejoicing that he was not oblig-
ed to await the passing of the long
cortege bearing the mortal remains
of a citizen to a last resting place in
God's acre.—Walkerton Herald -Times
Graduated From Toronto Hospital
MIss Isabel Habkirk is now a grad-
uate of the Toronto General Hospi-
tal, the commencement exercises be-
ing held on Thursday. Attending the
ceremony from here were her par-
ents, Mr. and IIrs. J. 0. Habkirk and
son Mac. Miss Blanche Bennett, Mr.
Ross Howson. Miss Evelyn Edgar
and Miss June Buchanan.—Winghtlm
Advance -Times.
Engagement Announced—
Mr. and ,tics. J. H. Hopper, Wing
harts, anununce the engagement of
their daughter, Atha Lillian. Rag. N.,
to Robert Earl Johnson. son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Johnson, St- ('atha.y.
ines, the marriage_ to take prate
quietly early in June.
ngagement—\ir. end \Ir.. iiYi•.,r1 D.ta•. 't 1,
aitnotttl'r the .114 tzement ,)f ,n „
daughter, lee ie Irur. dr. Ha -,;,1
E:hoit t'rldhant t w to t f Me,
and etrs. jeetter Pei haat. ter . 11,rte,
rho' . tuarrit4e to Cilie X11.1,t;: 11 Hoe
Police Were Looking for Man
With a Red Checked Shirt—
lint iv rel'
hri,lay a'te.rtl , t. :;1.•' gre ••t F nett
attroanthi.c•. ,l"+•lit melee
'rout aartize. ? at,•rat. 'Pbe
t'lefitwe, not ret,. rt.•d +.trait 7 ?+.:'s11.
', t « u . ,cel'it 1s i «• to
n 1 ), lit ' r ht r•1
t•ckt 1 1n. r, t 'ti:. nct
-1) 71'1,111 t rhe etertee. Ma -.e s et
1- ,“'.•Milt! 1.,1 tamaber
11. hal tier .ti i., ear
t'al te, .p ; t ote..leeekteg -rt-
check urte i melt xnti .1 t ,Saturiay
night in G„dera'.t there tta, art arni;
itt:. inti•kitt. The poker.
yll.:1114 fellow rt,swering tate lose-te
tii.n1 Tat 1' they attpr'itched he ,:,-eke
ran brass 'fait,nts in pursuit,
1\"urn girt 1t the youth explained
the+• tie htt.1 been ,lrinkine beer .ted
that Ire 1111, under eget. That was way
he ran.. Police rales:.l him. There
are en nt.tnr reel-andebtaat.-cheeke:d
shirt: ort the street- three days they
heti the Cent-taitiet e ee:et-eyed.—
tF ,drrica Sizna.-Star.
Filnt Director—"Don't forget twee,
You look around, discover that same
one is chasing you, and then dive off
this 200 foot cliff."
Stunt Mau—"But there's only 2
feet et water at the bottom!"
Director—"Certainly. Do you throe
we want you to drown'."
You Rolf Them Better WW1
Sun Life Assurance
Co, of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
'Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We ala, have a F.ervice Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will Come protnptly
All Repairs Strictly Cash We Aim To Please