HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-29, Page 8CANADIAN NATIONAL' PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAV 29, 1941 HENSALL Miss Mary Hemphill of Toronto spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, W. E. Hemphill Mr,• Ed Little spent the holiday with friends in St. Catharines. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family of St. Catharines visited with on Friday evening was largely at• relatives in the village over the tended. The parade. led by the mill. week end. tary band from Landon, took place Mr, and Mrs, Lee Oesch and baby at 7.30 pan, and was followed by a of St. Catharines were -week end detachment of troops from London, visitors with Mrs. Oesch's parents, who later in the evening displayed Mi. and Mrs. Alex Mousseam various drills and preparations for I:Xr, Kenneth Manns c•f Toronto gas mask attacks ar.d air raid at - spent a few days this week visiting tacks. showing the speed with with Ms mother Mrs. Fred Manns. which such preparation was made. Ora Roy MacLaren 111.241 ,4eei1 Don- Au interesting it.ature of the e\en- 1d spent the week end with Mr. hey ing was the ...emanated of drill ,given rec.:ea...leen in St t tttc:tl ue by Lieut C'clonel Howard Hemphill. Mrs,. Jas. Di..k yisittet L., :a n :•;n t Mr. am] ells. A. \V, aF.. Hemp. .e:_ ;red 41411, -1 env air. !-lilt of •Lucky bele, wee,. 1 tilt ss n • .t ttmy t .town.ra is tt, den ed by \It, T. The 3Iay n t,t.„ of 1f,:. c. J set, and ,.as wen by aur. Corm Aid ei Camiel Presbyterii,n t f ]ti•ue•eti :d. Tickets were soli] r -es held 'z'. Tt h1y tt 11t' ..it a pair oi pigs donated by Mr. epresident M jas. t let t Routoliffe and were won by presiding. zit pe :d 1 Mr. Wm. C1 apo an. Bingo games and hymn l .:.:-1 ui4tih 3s ...t er;.n air dancing were added atnay- a• a lee] in prayer. The :r4iElltes were bolts for •hr evening. read and 1 dirpted and l ,ilea Mr, FV-. 'R. cavi+]sou 11 making ex- tFten up. _Ne meetings Will . e l e:d tensive improvements on the build - le July er:d August. The proK":=so ing next to Alf Clark's blacksmith yeas u1. e•itarge of Mrs John 31c- shop, which he ieceutiy purchased '✓~wen•, and Mrs. R. 13. c,eees geom. from Mr. Mervyn Brown. and intends 13yn:n 523 was sing and Mrs. 31a1- to move his office and egg grading ar• m Denali. Miss .Margaret Dcugali grading rooms into the newly equip• ry Horton and Dr. I. G. Smillie sang two number's entitled "Scatter Seeds" and "Forward." Rev. Wm. Weir of Carmel Presbyterian Church assist- ed at the evening service: Military Rally Largely Attended— The military rally bels in Hensel] BRUCEFIELD Death of Alex. M. Wright.— The death of a well ' known' • and highly, respected resident of the Mill Road, Tuekersnhith,. Alexander Malt. land Wright, occurred on Tuesday, May 27th, after a month's illness during which he underwent an oper- ation in the hospital in Toronto, Mr. Wright had been a resident of Tuck- ersmith nearly all his life. His pass- ing is deeply felt in the community and sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.. Mr. Wright- was born 57 years ago In McKillop, a soli of the late Sir, and sirs. Charles Wright and came to Tuckersmith at at early age. He Was tnalried 25 ye 't s ago to Lillie Henderson of Seaafarth and resided. ever since on 1114 farm on the Mill Road. He 1s survived by his wife and four cons and two daughters: Gordon of cur. ton: Arthur Mice, \Ii rley, \In:•irl and Allan, ;It home; also by four Snot] -ts 51111 twoAsters: James Wright,\\ind-or; John -Wright. ii,ttartield: Robert Wright. Mullett; William A.'Wright. Soldereh, 3lrs. \Vm. Bill, l3rucetieid, and Mrs. John Riley, Brussels. A brother, Charles Wright, of McKillop, predeeeased him in September of last year and a sister, Miss Jean Wright of Bruce. Held eight years ago. The funeral , will take place from his late residence,. Iot 31, yen 4 and Mrs. Andrew Dougall fevered, 1,ee enarleee even. Tuckersntith, on Friday at 2 p.m. to with musical numbers. Mrs. Perey Born—At Mrs. Patterson's nursing Maitandbank cemetery. Rev. Mr, Campbell and Mrs. Earl Campbell's home Saturday. May '24th, to Mr, leeright of Brucefield, and Rev, W. A. group will have charge of the June and mrs, Bron Kyle, a son. Bremner of Seaforth, will officiate. meeting. The meeting closed by re-: The pallbearers are Messrs, W. A. ie. Ing the Lords prayer in trieen.----_� ___ Wright, Seaforth; John Wright, of Mise Kay Drysdale of Sarnia -pent BRODHAGEN Bucelield; James Wright, Wind - lee week end With Per part nee air.' The f me, ani] 31rs. \lbeset sort Robert Wright, Hallett; Will and Mrs. G. \I Drysdale. Qur t , err udl149111 gas the Hill, 11111 efiehi; James Henderson, :,lr. and Airs (cruet \aeu -P&11 t „lie ,et , :appy event at three llod1114li '4 atherines visited, ever e tar ,.•,q, cl on Victoria Da their and \Its, J. K. Cornish spent d ,: r with the former Y 1 t ..a*. , - Mr. •.1 sgltter, Miss Melia Wilhelmina the week end in Sarnia, , Gluerent ;ser. become 111e bride of Mr, ,,m1 Mrs. Lloyd Passmore am. -lira Donald Washington Stench, Nit- daughter it•t ugh er •\rr, and Mr. r] urs, 5,1 ,,.het.cr. lir'. S. Fuwdeticksen ofdc. ✓ s=u to c1 D 111 visfred 't n Sated. The ceremony ]vas performed `irk -iii with :Ur.'4141M +. J 2 n aefore a pink and white arc11 cover-- 3151x, T. H. \Sheeler. P 4.41411, e .e ed with lilacs, member's of the bridal The June meeting of the W.A. willis td Mrs, v y11 Ry :.,n `t yarn taking their places to • the L .1:a1n . Michigan, were eeert v meet on Tuesday;" June ltd. Notice tiers with relatives and friends 111 `d aryls or "The Bridal Chortle- play. . ec, by Mrs. Geo. Jacob of Kitchener. and around town. The bride. given in marriage by her. Miss Irene Douglas was a guest at father, wore a gown of Churchill blue the graduating exercises at Alnma crepe. and corsage of Talisman Ceilege. St. Themis. on the holiday. roses and lily of the valley. She was Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and au- attended by Mies Dorothy Queren- ghter Mae spent the week end visit- gesser. the bride's sister, wearing a Cross wants them. Look for an- ing with Mise Helen 3ieNeughten fn , gown of dusky _rose crepe with a nouncement later. Toronto. • corsage of dairymaid carnations, Mr. C. D, Simpson visited friends 111 Petrolia Mr. and Mrs, C. Halstead and son spent the week end with Mr. and change in date, Mrs. R. Dawson visited her par- ents in Inwood. Mr. C. Cornish spent the week end in Blyth. Save your rags, bones, iron, pap- ers. steel and all scrap, The Red Mr. Russell Kyle of 5l. tatharaner Little Miss Joyce Querengesser was visited over the holiday with his a winsome flower girl, wearing a parents Mr. and Mre. Thos. Kyle. : pink silk dress and carrying a nose - Mr. Lorne Elder of Galt spent the • gay of pink and mauve sweet peas. week end with his parents. Mr. and Malcolm Stanch, the bridegroom's Mrs. John Elder. Prather. was best man. During the Mrs. Catharine Hedden and dau- signing of the register, Mrs. Geo. ghter. Mona, returned to their borne Jacobs sang "Calm as the Night." here after spending several months After the ceremony a wedding re- in St. Catharines and Hamilton. ception took place. Receiving with Mr. Kenneth Passmore of the the bride and bridegroom were R.C.A.F., Trenton, visited over the the bride's mother, wearing a navy week end with his parents. Mr. and blue crepe gown with a corsage of Mrs. John Passmore. pink sweet peas and the bride - Mrs, Wm. Coleman of Seaforth is groom's mother, who chose a navy visiting with her sister. Miss Annie blue crepe dress with printed top E. Consitt, this week. and matching jacket and corsage of Mr. Homer Tanney of St, Cathar pink roses and bouvardia, Buffet re - Ines visited over the holiday with fre$hments were served from a table his father, Mr. Matthew Tinney. decorated in pink and white, graced Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Corey and Mr. with bouquets of spring flowers and and Mrs, Leslie Adams of London centred with a wedding cake. After visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' the ceremony the bride and bride - Jack Corbett. groom left to spend their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Middleton spent eeverai days last week in Toronto. Beginning the first Sunday in June the evening service in Carmel Presbyterian Church will commence at 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bontbron spent the holiday at Niagara Falls. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted the communion service cn Sunday morning in Carmel Presbyterian Church. The choir sang an anthem. entitled. "Bread of the World." Miss Mabel Workman, soloist. The even- ing service was withdrawn owing to anniversary services being held in the United Church. The district representative of the Senior Women's Institute, Mrs. Jas. Patterson and Mrs. Kenneth Hicks, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Hedden as delegates attended the district an- nual of the Senior Women's Instit- utes held in Caven Presbyterian VARNA Church, Exeter, this week, l W.C.T.U. Meets— at points east, the bride wearing for travelling a rose polka dot crepe frock with white accessories. Llpon their return they will take up resid- ence at 125 Banton street, Kitchener. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Minnie Bennewies, who cele- brated her 81st birthday on Sunday. Her family was present to celebrate with her, Mrs. Mannie Walter, of Mitchell. Henry and George of Mc- Killop, and John L. of Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riehl and fam- ily of Dunnville visited his father Wm. an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Diegel, of Wat- erloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennewies over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Diegel, Claires and Glen, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, 3, Goodwin of Toronto. Master Bill Lathem spent the The May meeting of the Exeter- week end with his grandmother Mrs. Hensall branch of the W.C.T.U. 'was L, Beatty. held in the school room of the Unit Mr. Cleave Adams and family ed Church on Thursday afternoon spent the week end at the home of with Mrs. Christie of Exeter, presid- ing. The following program was in Mrs. L. Beatty. charge of the Exeter members. The Master John McConnell had a Scripture reading was by Mrs. Py- very successful party on Saturday. bus of Exeter; Mrs. J. W. Bonthron All the children enjoyed themselves, favoured with a vocal solo entitled "Does Jesus Care." Miss Irene Doug- , Girls and all ladies that are inter - las, accompanied at the piano. Mrs. ested in forming a Girls' Junior In - W. Pearce of Exeter, gave an inter- stitute come out on Friday night at costing paper on "Narcotics," Mos. 8 o'clock when Miss Flora Durnin Cook of Exeter gave a splendid pa of Dungannon will speak on What per on the appeal to mothers on child training. Prayers were offered An Institute Is. Come prepared to by Mrs. Sinks, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. join the Institute. The meeting will Pearce and Mrs. Christie. Mies Con- be in the ball. sitt was appointed to arrange for. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Morrison of sending flowers to Miss Harknell who is i11. The meeting closed by Kitchener called on his sister Mrs. singing "My Faith Looks Up To Morton Elliott one night last week. Thee," and prayer by Mrs. Christie. .d special Young People's service Mrs. Pybus of Exeter accompanied will be held in the United Church on at the piano for the hymns. Fractures Legs,— I Sunday, June lst at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Eldon Johnston bad the m15- Mr. Hachendorn of the Evangelical fortune last week while employed Church, Zurich, will have charge of with Mr. Murray Tyndall, to fall off Dr.' D. G. Steer and removed to Scott 'will have special music. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, wbere 1 Mr. and Mrs. Argo of Toronto a barn roof. He was attended b y the service. A young people's choir an 7L -ray showed both lege to be spent the holiday at the home sf fractured, I Mr. and Mrs, A. McConnell, Born—In Stratford General Hospi- tal, ow Saturday, May 24tb, to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Britton of Hibbert, are holding their regular meeting on a daughter; I Thursday of this week. Messrs. Nelson Pepper and Murray Traquair of Hamilton visited with 1 their parents over the week end. Anniversary Services Held— The United Church was beautiful for the anniversary services on Sun-) day with its profusion of beautifully arranged flowers when Dr. Charles P.1 MacLean of Dundee Street United' Church London, 'was the special speaker, delivering most inspiring discourses at botb services. The choir sang two anthems; "Trust in Him," and "Open Our Eyes." The male quartette comprising Messrs. W. O. Goodwin, Claude Blowes, Har - CONST'ANCE Miss Jean Wakefield of Walton spent a few days at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stepbenson spent Sunday at Blyth. Miss Olive Grimoldby and Miss Edna Armstrong of McKillop spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley spent Sunday with friends at Clinton. Wedding bells are ringing north- east of the village, Mrs. Phinney of Detroit visited her mother Mrs. Margaret Mc- Kenzie. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott of Lon- don visited their home here. Miss Grace Dalrymple of Stratford visited her home here. Mr. Frank Strange of Chatham spent the week end with Miss D. Swan. Air. and Mrs, 3, MOAsh of London, Mrs. McDonald and Miss M. McAsh of Hensall spent the 24th with Mrs, Margaret McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. B. Shouldice visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson Tuesday. Miss E. Grainger of Goderich, spent Sunday at her home here. Now don't forget to save every- thing very thing you have. We want them. Now is the time to help as you never helped before. Audrey 'Jeanette \lurdoch graduat- ed as a nurse at St. alery's Hospital, Kitchener, last week, • DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, Basil Lane spent the 'week end with Mrs, Jack Lane. Miss Agnes O'Connor, R. N., De- troit, bas returned after spending the week with Mr. and Airs, Dan O'Connor. Miss Margaret O'Reilly and ' Mr. John O'Reilly of Toronto spent' the week end with Mr, and Mrs. James O'Reilly Miss Margaret Atkinson and Mr. James Atkinson and friend of (Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Josepb Atkinson. Misses Mary and Rose O'Connor and Joseph of Toronto spent tbe holiday with Mr, and Mrs. :Dan O'Connor. Mr. Tommy Ducbarme, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Ducbarme, is under- going medical treatment at Stratford Hospital Miss Loreen Looby, nurse -in -train- ing in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is spending her vacation with : her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Miss Rose Feeney of London is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. K. Feeney. Mrs. Newcombe and little son Jim- mie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton. HILLSGREEN Ma•, Wm. Reichert has returned home and is steadily improving. Mr. R. Robinson of Stratford is visiting friends in this community. Mr. Roy Goodwin of St. Jacobs, Miss Grace Gowing of Gienallan and Mr. and Mrs, J. Davidson of Kitch- ener and daughter Phyllis 'visited re- cently with Mr. and, Mrs. 'Win. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker spent a day in London recently. Rev. E. F, Chandler, pastor of Kip• pen and Hillsgreen churches, has ac- cepted a call to Parkhill. There is no service at Hillsgreen while tbe preachers are being heard for a call, Mr, J. Cochrane of Toronto spent the week end with his brother Allan Cocbrane and sister Miss Edna. FARE and ONE-QUARTER For Round Trip s KING'S BIRTHDAY Monday, June 9th Good going from noon, Friday, June 6th, until P.M. Monday, June 9. Return: leave destina- tion up to midnight Tuesday, June 10, 1941. Times shown are Standard. Forfares and further information apply to any agent. PROCLAMATION Civic Half -Holiday Having been petitioned by a major- ity of the Business Men of the Village of Brucefleld,' 1 hereby proclaim Wednesday Afternoons Front 12,30 noon in the months of June, July, August and September, 1941 Civic Half Holidays, except when a Legal Holiday comes on the day before or the day after a Wednes- day, and respectfully request the citizens to -observe 'tire same, JOHN K. CORNISH, "Acting Mayor" God Save The Bing KIPPEN Mrs, Louise Hyde is visiting in Buffalo, N.Y., with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, G. Herd- man. Mr, Thos. Monroe and Mr, Harold Jackson are away on a fishing trip to Lake -of -Bays, Muskoka, Mrs, Laving Tomlinson is visiting with her niece, Mrs. Aggie Hills, of Egnhondville. Mr. Arthur Long of St, Catherines spent the holiday _with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Long. Mr. Howard Clark of Winona is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hayman. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt spent the week end at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haney of Wingham visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McClymont and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitz spent Sun- day in London. M3'. Wm, Moore has returned to his home from Ingersoll where he visited with his daughter, Mrs, J. Witcombe. Mrs. Robt. Hinsdale is visiting in Stratford with Mr, and Maes. Edward. Taylor. Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother in the village. The Kippen East Ladies Institute attended the annual district meeting at Exeter on Tuesday last with a very large attendance. Dr. and Mrs. Lawson of Listowel spent Snnda.y with friends in the village. Mr. Clarence McLean of London called on friends in this community. recently.. BAYFIELD Messrs, George, Percy and Harold Weston attended the New Hamburg races on the 24th. Mrs. (Dr.) Lewis of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs, N. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Sander and Mrs. Fisher spent the holiday with their aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. H. Scotchmere and daughter of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Robt. Scotchmer's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart of Hamil- ton spent the holidays at their sum- mer borne on Louisa St. Mr. and Mrs, H. Weston and son of Detroit are spending a week's hol- idays with Mr. Geo. Weston. Mrs. R. Peck and daughter of London spent the week end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Trout of Detroit spent the week end at their cottage which they recently erected on Tuyll street. Miss Betty Gardiner of St. Hilda's College, Toronto, is home for tbe holidays. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Brownlee and son Dr. Brownlee of Oshawa, spent the holiday at the "Little Inn." Messrs. Wm. Orr and Lloyd West- lake of Acton were home for the holiday. Many of the owners of summer cottages occupied them over tbe holiday. Mrs, (Dr.) Brown of Clinton, Ohio, has arrived to spend the summer at her summer home. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren of Port El- gin are visiting their sisters the Misses Sterling. Miss Josie Sterling returned with them. Mrs. Modern (calling to husband upstairs)—"Will yon bring down MY hat, dear?" Husband—"Well, I don't know the difference between your hat and your handbag .Which is which?" Mrs. Modern—"The one without any money in it is myhat, darling."' Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 260 —SPECIAL— LA.WSON'S Radio Repairing Service Have your radio serviced and re- paired by factory trained repairman. Serviced all makes for 12 year's. SPECIAL Attention given to Farm Battery sets. Batteries delivered and attached at no extra cost. For Economical, Prompt and Effic- ient service, Call 841- 23, Seaforth And save on repair bills C.O.D. SATURDAY SPECIALS Grape Nuts pkge. 15c Nabob Coffee lb. tin 49c Red ,Rose Tea ]b. 65c Rose Baking Powder lb. tin 1.5c Pure Lard 3 lbs, 27c Calumet Baking Powder ib. tin 23c McCormicks Sodas 2 lbs„ .27c Large pkge Oxydol pkge... 23c Chipso Large pkge. 23c Woodburys Soap 4 cakes ,23c Lux Soap 5 cakes 24c Camay Soap 5 cakes 24c Palmolive 5 cakes .. , 24c Carbolic Soap 3 cakes 1lc SUGAR, 10 lbs. 88c 21 J 81 Fin ;'bran WOOL WANTED Highest Market Price Delivered at Eanlondville H. M. JACKSON Phone 3-w Seaforth • In Memoriam In loving memory of our dear sis- ter Margaret S. Clark, who passed away June 1st twenty-five years ago: We know that she is happy In our Saviour's hone above Growing fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His love. ET above where angels dwelletlh, 'Where there is no night or pain, We shall all be re -united Happiness shall reign again. —Ever remembered by Will, Mabel and Clifford. In Memoriam COOMBS—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Jeannette Coombs. who passed away four years ago, May 30th, Dear mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are 210 more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. —Sadly missed by her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Storey. Auction Sale A public auction sale will be held at Cloverdale Farms, Crediton, on Wednesday, June 4th, of 30 pure bred Shorthorn cattle, fully accred- ited and blood tested. 23 choice fe- males, 1 to 3 years of age, and 7 good bulls, 10 to 14 months of age. For catalogs -write W. C. P. Oestricher, Crediton, or R. M. Peck. Zurich. FOR SALE 1 Happy Thought Range, almost new. New grates and linings. Copper reservoir, and warming closet. Apply to C. H. Addicott, Winthrop, c/o Wm. McSpadden. HOUSE TO RENT On Goderich Street, convenient to Alain St. 8 rooms. .Apply to The News. House in Egmondville 'For Sale 7 roomed frame house, corner lot, Main St., with hydro, hard and soft water. On this property there is lee acre of land, stable, and hen house, also fruit trees. Low taxes, Apply to Mrs. Jean R. Dale, 33,33,2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 2. DOG FOUND Black dog strayed onto our place. Owner may have same by 'paying charges. Phone 831 r 21, Seaforth central. Tbos. Leeming, Walton. WANTED Reliable girl for general house- work. Family of four. Apply to Box 427, Seaforth. FOR SALE A coal and wood range for sale, cheap. Apply to E. Geddes, John St., Seaforth. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflowei, Peppers, Celery, five kinds and col- ours in Petunias, Asters, Zinnias. Snapdragon, Scabiosa, Verbenas, Any day or evening. Albert Baker, Rail- way Street. WANTED For a client, $600.00, first mortgage on good 50 acres, interest at 5%. A good sound loan. Apply H. G. Meir. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT The Municipal Council of the Township of Hallett will hold a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll in the Community Hall, Londee- boro, at 2.30 P.M. on June 2, 1941.. Parties baying appeals in, or any interested parties, please attend, J, W. McCOOL, Clerk. JUNE SESSION OF HURON BOUNTY COUNCIL ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. `TEL , 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNELL & HAYS• Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office Hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomato, early, late. Cabbage, Caul- iflower, Peppers, Huckleberry, sever- al varieties Petunias, choice Snap- dragon, Zinnias, Asters, Pansies. Many other varieties. A. L. Porteous, 1 block east of the ]hospital. The next meeting of the Huron County Council willbe held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing June 1001, 1941, at 2 P.M. An accounts, notices of deputa- tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday. June 7th, 1941. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk Goderich, Ont. NOTICE Anyone noticing a swarm of bees, Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay ac- cording to size of swarm. Phone 185j. ELECTRIC FENCER I still have the Agency for selling the Parmak Electric Fence, the world's largest seller. Still leads in economy and operation. Five year guarantee. Full equipment on hand, Orville Workman, Kippen, Ont. Phone 11 on 77, Hensall. FOR SALE 'Young calves for sale. Apply to eke Harold Penhale, Bayfield, Phone 78r 12, Hensel'. FOR SALE Quantity of good timothy seed, well cleaned, for sale. Henry F. Beuermanu, Dublin, R. R,1. Phone 23 r 15, Dublin central, ' FOR SALE, FARMERS A carload of Prince Edward Island potatoes now on hand. A limited amount of certified seed included. Leave your orders at Hensall Co- operative. Also coal, cedar posts, B. C. shingles, concentrates, stock minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of all brands. Huron Farmers' Co - Operative Co. Ltd., Hensall, WANTED Old Woollens pay you best price cash or trade blankets or rugs. Sew- ing Machines repaired by experts, Guaranteed or money back. Switse;< & Carter, North Main St., Seaforth. FOR SALE Personal Rubber Goods, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope, with pricelist: 6 samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00, Adults only. Dept. M, Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario, FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua- ranteed 25 years. Rosso Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, alI sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hogtroughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hard- ware, Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length, Asphalt Products in- cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Inset -Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, BruceSeld. Phone Clinton, 618 ring 12. "FAVOURITE AGAIN" Popular Clydesdale sire, will stand at Coyne Bros., Con. 7, Hibbert, for season of 1941, and will travel by trailer a reasonable distance to meet interested parties. Phone 43 r 27, Dublin. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No; 3500. Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) Enrolment No. 3959 Form 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment No. 4177. Form 2 Route for 1941—Monday and Tues- day, in the vicinity of Walton and and Brussels. Wednesday—Through Kinburn and wept to the highway, south through Clinton, home by way of Tucker - smith, Thursday—Through Seaforth to' St. Columban and Beechwood, home through way of Winthrop. Friday and Saturday, Goderich Township and Colborne. Terms $13.00, payable Mar, 1, 1942. T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Mgr. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Wind'storm & grarantee bonde Rates reasonable. All risks placed: en first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES