HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-29, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941
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S sTOIs .
Superior Prices — May 29 to June 4
Granulated SUGA'" 10 lbs.. 75c
Helmet Corned Beef per tin '16c
Quaker Puffed Wheat per pkg. 6c
Libby's Pork & Beans 2 20 -oz. tins 17c
Nabob Coffee, with 25c bottle Nabob
Flavoring FREE 1 lb. tin 51.c
Dessert Pears ..2 15 -oz. tins .19
McCormick's Chocolate Mallow Biscuits
McCormick's Marshmallow )Fruit Blossom
Aylmer Infant's Food
per Ib. 19c
per lb. 19c
3 tins 23c
Aylmer Chopped Food for Juniors 2 tins 19c
Libby's Prepared( Mustard 6 oz. jar LOc
Libby's Spaghetti, Cooked 2-15 oz. tins 19c
"Wick" an All Pork product 12 oz. tin 29c
Plain or Iodized Salt 2 large pkge, 15e
Magic White Bleach 3 bottles 25c
Moody's Chloride of Lime per pkge. 15c
"It" White Shoe Cleaner per bottle 15c
Lynn Valley Apricots 2-15 oz. tins 29c
per bottle 15c
Van Camp's Tomato Juice 2-20 oz. tins 19c
Kellogg's All Wheat 2 pkgs.... 25c and one enamelled glass
Black Cat Window Cleaner
Cup and Saucer for
"Chief" 4 String Brooms
"Star" 5 String Brooms,
McLaren's Quick Tapioca
Texas Golden Grapefruit Juice
2 CANS 29
Flower, Veg. Plants, Seeds;
Fresh Veg.; Fresh Fruits, Or
anges, Lemons, Grapefruit.
Alt Superior Value
each 29c
each 49e
per pkge. 10c
2-20 oz, tins 23c
3 tins
Rub less! Scrub Tess?
oss J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
THE SEi';9
Mr. and Mrs George Thorne and
family repent the week and at Dwelt
Sound and Colliagwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore enter-
tained a few Meads on Saturday
night on occasion of their 25th wed-
ding auniversary. Guests were pres-
ent from Toronto, Lindsay Strat-
lord, Egmondville and Seaforth
Mr. George Mowbray, of town has
bought Mr. H G. Meir's house on
North Main St. Mr. Meir is moving
to the residence he recently purch-
ased from Miss Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dryden and
Karen of Oshawa were guests of
Mrs. Dryden's mother, Mrs, R. S.
Dr, F. Harburn lett tor Carberry,
Manitoba, on Sunday, to visit his
brother, Mr. Matthew Harburn. who
Is very Low.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrand
spent Sunday in Zurich at the Del -
chert reunion. Friends were present
from Detroit, Kitchener, Dashwood,
Seaforth, Bayfield, Toronto and Wat-
Miss Florence McNaughton of
Brussels left on Monday for the
West to spend three months, after
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter
of town. She was accompanied by
Mrs, Thos. Pierce of Brussels.
Mr. Stanley Dorrance spent the
week end at Ottawa.
Mrs. Mae Dorrance spent the week
end at Oshawa, visiting her son Jack
who is in Oshawa hospital as the re-
sult of injuries to his foot.
Mr, Donald McGregor of Daysland,
Alberta, airplane inspector of Tor-
onto, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Thomas Appleby.
Mrs. Jennie Knox of Harlock
spent the week end with her daugh-
ter Mrs. Thos. Appleby.
The many friends of Mr. Joseph
Burns are sorry to learn that he 10
seriously 111 with scarlet fever.
Dir. and Mrs. Ray Grummets and
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grummett and
sell Robert, and Mr. J, Grummett,.
alt of Dundalk, spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grummett.
Mrs. N. Huffman, Frank' an,] Paul -
line. of t1'oodstoe r, spentthe holi-
day at the home of Mr. anti etre.
Chester Henden son in if<Killop
Dire. Sam Smith has returned t,n
her home alter spendhtg foul' months
with her sons in Toronto.
Mr. and Nye.Daallon Smith and
Mr. Norman Smith. all of Toronto.
spout the week and with their
meteor, Mrs. Sam Smith
Miss Roselle Butes has returned
home after spending the week end
with friend in London.
Mrs, John Burns spent the week
enil in Toronto, accompanied by her
,ion -in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Tomlinson, of London.
Miss •Onalee Moore is spending a
weeks' holiday with her aunt and
uncle. Mr. and Mrs, H, French in
Misses Lenore Edler and Fero
Dunlop of Toronto spent the holiday
at their hones.
Mr. Robert McCartney of the Can-
adian Postal Corps, Ottawa. Is home
an a 17 day leave.
Mr. Fred Eckert spent the Queen's
birthday on a tour farm inspection in
Elora Township.
Miss Bessie Eckert, who is on the
teaching staff in Brant Tp., spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Eckert.
Mr. Aldie Eckert, R. C. A. F, at.
Trenton, spent Sunday with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Eckert.
Miss Mae Sullivan of Galt spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 2,
J. Cleary.
Miss Leola Nott, Mr, Stuart Mande
and Miss Alice Anderson, all of
Guelph, spent the Holiday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. 'Nott.
Mr. Ted Scott spent a day with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott,
enroute to Newfoundland where he
has been transferred from Northern
Ontario by the construction. firm
he is employed with. Mrs. Scott is re-
maining here.
McKinley's CHICKS
Government Approved, Pulloruirn - tested
Call 97 r 11, Hensel, for, good chicks for 1941.
Hatchery is located 4 utiles north of Zurich.
J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont.
A weed meeting open to ail inter-
ested and especially the Weed In-
spectors, Township Road Superinten-
dents, township Reeves and Deputy
Reeves, the County Engineer and
School Inspectors, has been arranged
for Thursday, June 5th at 2 p.m., to
be held in the Agricultural Board
Room, Clinton.
Dr. W. J. .Stephen, Toronto, will
discuss the; administration of the
Weed Control Act; the eradication of
weeds and brush by means of cbeml-
cals, and will also demonstrate spray-
ing with a power sprayer for efficient
weed killing.
Mr. Jas. Laughland, Guelph, will
take up effective and economical
weed control..measures during .war-
time. Interested persons are invited
to attend this weed meeting.
Victory Loan Sunday
Sunday, lone • Sth, has 'been set as-
ide +by •churches ,of alt denominations
throughout t5anada as A'Vicltory Loan
It is to be an outstanding day .of
worship, a day 'when hundreds ,of
thousands of persons, representing
all races, weeds, and religious (beliefs
wil'1 halve the 'opportunity of re -dedic-
ating themselves to the service .of rGod
and the Empire. 'There will the Special,
prayers ,for success of the war effort
and 'Victory 'Loan.
Church ip:erades for a large number
of ,miiitary units and trodpinlg ,of the
oolours are, Ibeimg arranged 'Veterans
of tube east war, boy scants, qui guides
and members sof the ,various women's
auxiliary 'violienteee :corps wbbi also
parade. All churches ,will ,be approp-
riately doecorated'with 'flags,
Special Ihyuims have (been suggesoted
,for the services, such as, "Oatward
'Christian Soldiers" and "Stand 'Up,
Stand Up for tJesus". One clergyman
has suggested the hymn '(Lead on, 0
King Etennal" which can be sting to
the rune of "There'll Always Be An
Plans are going tforward for ;partic-
ipation of :local churches in "Victory
Loan Sunday". 'Expectations are that
all local clergymen will preach special
Mr. Heckendora of Zurich will ad-
dress the young people of Varna
United Church ou Sunday, June 1st,
at 7.30 p.m. The young people will
furnish the music.
Holiday visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley or
Dentleld; Mr. and Mrs. Warder and
baby or London, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Austin and daughter or Seaforth at
the home of Mrs. Austin.
Miss Beatty and little. Billy Lay-
thant of London with the former's
mother, Mre. Beatty; Mr. and Mrs.
Argo and little son of Toronto at the
home of the la.tter's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. A. McConnell; Mr. C. Adams,
son and daughter of Detroit as
guests Weekes.atthe home homofMrs.
uncle, 1 Mr. Frank
Mrs. MCAsbi of Brucefleld at the
home of her son, Mr. J. T. Meesh.
Mr. C. C. Pilgritn has returned
after spending a week with relatives.
An Interesting event took place
Saturday when the school children
in honor. of Master Johnny McCon
nell's birthdaymet at She home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
MoConnell, when at the close of the
day fireworks was much enjoyed by
the kiddies sponsored by Mr.. Argo,
;of Toronto.
Bring along your salvage, all kinds
of rags, .old rubbers and rubber goods
of any kind, ,eyeu .iubber„t•ings,,. cgrks,
all kinds, of metal, gramophone
needles, paper, old silk and in fact
almost anything that may be . used.
Please tie -paper and' magazine iii
bundles, not in rolls. Don't forget
marrow bones are used in the mann-
facture of glycerine.
4 tOb-
.itir.,v_ ..
I•%'� • ,,,, *Jig,. r,\.„,r, 4,,,,.,„.,,,,„ A,„_.
111 a II
Main rlas
5,400,000 dozen of Eggs
For Prompt Shipment
Which Means
oic*teria Layin
Ea S. WATT & SONS Palmerston
The United Farm Wotnett held
their meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. McQueen on Wednesday,
May 21st. The president opened the
meeting by singing "rhe Maple
Leaf Forever." followed by the
creed. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and adopted. roll call was
answered with "handy hints" After
the b.l$ines-. current events. were
given by Mete Mark,: and Met. MIc-
Queen. The tope, "Domesth' eleon-
oniy," was well given by. Mrs. W.
Douglas. Mrs. A. Hruhanatt had
charge of the questions on federal
union, 17isen suit folt ow ed. The next
meeting will be held ,i; Thu day.
Jute 5. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
1. Evi" when the Lake (Tilt font
Grand Bend will have charge of the
programme. All menders are ex-
peete.i to attend. Mrs, O. Anti. -thou
of 'Winehanl will be the guest
speaker. Mrs. J. Snider had sltarg,r
05 the social programme and con-
ducted a quizx which all enjoyed.
After the closing song, lunch was
served by hostess and. friends.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
John McCowan and family In the
death of Dir. McCowan, which occur-
red in Clinton hospital early Satur-
day morning,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Neale and
family of Glencoe spent the 24th with
Mrs. Neale's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. StackitOuse.
Friday of last week Mr,- Donald
McGregor, son of Mr. Wallace Mc-
Gregor, of Daysland, Alberta, arriv-
in Seaforth to spend the week end
holiday with his aunts, uncles and
cousins. The former is an inspector
of aeroplanes and expects to be in
Toronto for 4 months.
On Saturday morning Mrs, Ernest
Knox and baby, Ml's. Jennie Knox
and Mr. Donald McGregor called on
Mt'. and Mrs. Graydon Neil near
Summerhill and had dinner a t the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-
Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Knox and Ronnie, Mrs, Jennie
Knox and nephew Mr. Donald Mc-
Gregor motored to Walkerton to
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John McGregor.
Sunday morning Mr. Frank Mc-
Gregor's and Mr. Donald McGregor
motored to the air port at Port
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox and
baby, Mrs. Jennie Knox and Mr.
Donald McGregor spent Sunday. Por
dinner and supper at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby. •
Mts, Jennie Knox arrived home
Tuesday, having stayed Sunday night
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
and Mr. Thomas Appleby to be
present at the presentation party to
be held there' Monday night fbr
Miss Pearl Coleman.
Rendezvous On The Lake
Both Modern and 01d Time EVERY
TUESDAY ,with Roy McKenzie and
his Orchestra Gen. Admission 35c,
CASA ROYALS—Hotel London Hit
Dance Band -Gen. Admission 35c.
C. Watson, Manager
erected delegates to the annual con-
vention at Exeter. The roll call was
answered in full, it being an old
house furnishing or implement not
in use today. A quartette consisting
or Mrs. C. Stoneman. Mae C. Eyre.
Mrs. G. Slavin anti Mrs. William
i.ole, • rendered two tine s lemons.
Miss M. McKay gave the h _tny .of
-tired' farm Mrs. F. Kling of Seaforth
also rendered. two flue selections. A
skit entitled, "An 01d-Fnshinned
Quitting bis " was green by Mrs. 11.
timp.sou. Mrs. Glen MRI.e t i Mr-.
H. Caldwell. bite W. \t yenta i and
Laura Tr,aneer. The meeting t l,. e't
with the Lord's rosy and a social
halt hour was •p0117.
The regular monthly to rt
the Kippen East W.1, Will he. it,id at
Mrs. R. Simpson's t Friday.
i zt
its it Ga -. p alb- is11
be :ors, 1y b t 1'n. n 't •t iii s ..
or Cauatlit: Auiliore. It .thin rev
overseas is ! • - will he gratefully a,
cowed. Regular w,. coos_;•.11, t wi,;
be talent.
Death of John McCowan. -
The inno.,11 n 1i t
y.r,,.t death .,tour .,i ,•n ,.i
';int.,n hospital, w4- R.'Ili incu
family t't• i t6 t t.
tri voitcession, aitcr7
Mr t\tet:,,wui sa• in fe4Ct
yc,tr and lia'l hien x
tif eteniev t.cw n:hip, a- herr, ha els.
t ,, n in 1 let,ti,rr, ttir , Highland
Sco...ch ,lareut , the 1 John hie.-
tvtut and elary r M h,uttldi 11r-
t,,v,a t. He received his education is
the famous Baird'- school iu Stnnitly
and followed tite occupation of farm-
ing. On the lath of May. 190?, Ire
married- Elia lel ci rt it eldest dtiu-
t;ltter of lingh \let ,e4,,r, who sur-
vives bins, Other survivors are three
eons, 'John, Frank, and Kenneth, all.
in Stanley tw'n daughters t'trrteei.
(Mrs. James l tucetield;-
tl;dnai, Mrs. Albert i), Hatt, Sesta-
vele, -Ontario, anti tin'ee grandchild-
ren; a brother. Dune in. eras Sea-
Large congregation: greeted the
visiting ministers at St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen, last Sunday. In the
Morning the Rev. E. J. Wblland of
Oxford Centre, and in the evening
the Rev. S. E. Stevenson preached,
The speakers for next Sunday are
Rev. A. M. Grant in the morning and
Bev. Charles Cumming of Norval.
formerly of Walton. in the evening.
At the close of the evening service
a congregational meeting will be
held for the purpose of calling a
Mr. and Mrs. L. Reynolds or Hur-
ondale visited on Sunday at the
home of Mrs. H. Ricker.
The many friends of Mr. John Mc-
Mnr'tvie will be pleased to learn he
is able to be out again atter his re-
cent operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
Dorothy spent the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Ferguson
of Thames Road.
Mr. Clarence McLean of London
visited on Sunday with his sister.
,Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Westlake and son
and Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and Mary
of Exeter, and Mrs A. Gackstettei of
Guelph spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Honey.
. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and
daughters of Clandeboye spent Sat-
urday. with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Henry of Clinton visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Cochrane.
Mr.. and Mrs. R. Torrance of Port-
er's Hill visited recently at the home
of the latter's father, Mr. H. ivison.
Mr. C. Watson 0f Kippen is erect-
ing a booth near the new air field on
No. 4 Highway north of Brucetleld.
Mr. James Cochrane of Toronto
spent the week end with his brother
Allan and sister Miss Edne, Cochrane.
Mr. Arthur Long of London visited
on. Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs: Norman Long.
Miss Mildred Pybus of Zurich is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Jones visited on
Sunday at the home of their daugh-
ter Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys of Varna.
Mrs. N.-Pybus of London, who has
spent the past few emits with her
mother Mrs, H. Ricker, returned .to
her home on Sunday.
The Kippen East W.I. held heir
monthly meeting at Miss M. Mac -
Kay's on Wednesday, May 21, with a
good attendance . of members and
visitors. The meeting opened.With
continuality singieg. Mrs, Glen Mc -
Leah gave a short talk on some of
the important items in the Farmer.
Mrs. William Kyle, Mrs. R. Simpson
and Mrs. James Finlayson were
forth, and two sister, 111'. Janie-
hryant, also near Ss ti,,rtit. and 11r-.
Vary 11eKay, Htmiaon, \]r •ele-
Cowan was a .Lihrrel in politic; and
Presbyterian in religion. The funeral
service was conducted by Rev. 11. F.
Andrew of Clittion dud Ray-feld
Presbyterian dwell, Interment took
place in Baird's cemetery. The pail -
bearers were G or a and '1' I. Baird.
Arthur Caldwell. Harry Taylor, 'Jobe
Pepper and .1-tugh Gilmour.
'Among those attending the 'funeral
sere i11r, lloilcan \irton nt, 111r. and
Mrs. Peter tele Duan, Dere. 'john Mc-
'Cowau, .11r. ansi 'Mrs. Alex Smite,.
11r. and Mrs. Jaime Bryant, all of
Seaforth, (Mr ..Incl. Brough, of God-
erich, and Mrs. McKay of Hamilton.
Misses Irene and Kay Scotehmer
of Toronto spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs W.
Mr. Joe Wild of Hamilton spent
the week end with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes of Lou-
don visited withfriends on the Bron-
son lute last Saturday.
The t\ el.S. and WA of Duff's
Church I\1cKillop held their regular
monthly meeting on Thursday, May
22 at the home•oI 11rs. 1. Me etcher
With IlArs A. Watson pre. iding.
Hymn 3818 was sung followed 'with
,prayer Iby 1trs. Watson, The Script-
ure reading was taiken by Mrs. Wm.
Storey. The roll call and minutes a
the last meeting were read and adopt-
ed. IMiss Vine Merck and slurs. :H.
:Lawrence broteght interesting and in-
structive reports from the •Preslbyter-
ial held at the Thames Road rChercb.
The meeting dosed by singing "God
Save the •King," after .which.a dainty
inch 'was served Iby hostess 'and
Lakeview Casino
May Sieh was the Bigg:"; Op -::-
lug Ever
Willis Tipping and His Cascade
Rhythm Orchestra were super;.
Dance to His Grand Music -
Every Saturday
'A I ..1.' y ;. .5 ...'y'
Wlbl SI TS
Et yt 1 . tt t d. ,.
Red Cross Notes
hurl 1 r, '11„?19 fund U.1 anti hemi.
violet-- in eattl, of Britain. Von
r! oil r•s bw•onrrs 2 viten turned late
1115r.rial aid through hard work of a
million Canadian women working in
+very. town.
Every dollar you give to the Red
Cross fuIid -becomes two dollars In
goods by the time It reaches Britain.
What van you de for the Red Cross.
Fund ted' British Bomb M Ietims? No
amount is too small. For every gift
you make is doubled by work. You
ntay send the money to your local
Red Cross branch. or yoti eau mail it
to the Toronto Headquarters, Canad-
ian Red (Toss Society. 95 Wellesley
St, 'With your donation be sure to in-
dicate that it is a donation to the
Red Cross fund for British Bomb
The Red Cross Fund for British
Bonib Victims calls. Who will answer.
telr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton. Lsrry
and Keith, spent tilt holiday eri4l
\ir. and Mrs. Lon Sperling at Gare •.
*Mr. Russell Holman has tiw' este -
tract for 'hingling the Seafort'i rtr-ae.
\Vant and For Sal! Ads, .3 .reeks 50c
Canada's Original Self-contained
Complete with batteries, ground
rod, 50 porcelains, 4 corner
spoofs, 60 leather washers, 1 gate
hook and spring. instruction sheet
Weatherproof- '
Priced at $18.50
C. C. M. Bicycles
The right Bicycle for each boy
and girl
(Formerly W. FI. Chapman)
We Invite Inspection of our Stock of
Or any other time by Appointment
See;'Dr, Hareeerte •— Phone 105