HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
HENS • , 1
ALL , ; ail, .i.:1311
a L4. \l na•Naaantaa. of Tack- ara
c.rora..a. aaa. all, eek ea. a itla a 'Inas"! ,tva/ ;ate ;lama
1r 11ana naar dn.-miner, Intr...111111al
1. rnainC-' licanin. an S 11iar
1,, t ,ont N1,-•11 I1deaatnalI,l 111 1 aaa, •-lant
4:14 intrnlia11 1. .l an., for 1
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1;,,na-00 :*ata.n-'1".1, nattily: ea', l'olleanc. Soul h Dakota,
0.arliNt:d 1);. In.eoi• 011 briday to visit „i M. A. vv.
, .
Intr. Lan; inias. anraa
nsan. lirs. Ry‘.kmnn parents. :MI. an I • •
an. a aannriv;:::: Mrs. Robert IL Parsons. liar lath, v., an., Ann
00 1an-a'', Sa • Wilt, Wag 111. ig ,lolv able to I"' nn a San-
Landan, last a , aa again. They are eaopniod 1 na. .01,1 Nirs.
laa . 111,41. Lillama
. 1),, vol,la 1. ..., • x, • "a a n r
1.."1" 1 1\irs. \\11,. .f Raymond and so
a 11 ,rtl
.tI..tt 0 I on .. t tar; comm.'.
• 7• MNV, V01111.4 01111: .:„ Li
.trEermortd of
\a'as liaarna atra,•
aa I:\ 1 rs, Sof Shtt.t-tnotlr..
<naa. Dal: and Jahn lnly
a'nInal oa Sunday ni ihe Itome
nann. x, alsa
an Air Tay'ar'. aarents at
Mr. '..d un.
4(11 1111: .1 rk ;41 th,
Mr. and Mrs. David R'yelnan NI
nit,l st -v.er l: Nin< - rant " ' :
1%1 rr. \ 711 ::;:d
\Ir. - 1 Mrs, 11....n.rd. Ilaaaailll of ' of Fergus viaite<I ain/
1' r' .••• ,.:'.. -447 thvillage m antlay. : e M - :.a.:. r
fa.an acan, Mr. aa a-1.IW.; Mr. and M.a/nr.1111,
of snel ‘'''''' '''r "..• -'r' 1,' 111a1 '. Ca•-' I
1) . nl, 1 forth visited ..e "((1(4ie. with
,1 M -` •••- - ' '°' '11'. ''' i" )
Mlget1,rs pareuMrln' 1Vet 0-'
, in .4;1. ''' .., h I :14-,111V: 10111 11,1
1.,,, .i- n...,_an .a.on, Dougall Sr,
. alias Ma vie Dell of I.. !!!!1!01 spent r. ''. -nc:' '' -A eek. We 101511 :0 i
.1 ,`...;-, ca.:inn...an r 1,..,..:011 :111, 144(11 ,I.(11 With 1.41' Pitin,nt^. MI'. 1..'..7" '''l ''''''''""r,allir l'-' :11 ,a.
annai . a raiemi- 'a. -. -a a Saaarna, ' mai Mrs.. W11:, U. Bell, , , .
Trl.a nana..! fin:ann. ,n aln ] an 44'o ni(s. 1101)1(11 crTW,i71 ,f 1,011,1.11. ".""7'• •R'''''4' l‘.71''.......'•::1 1 r .1 few
, t 0
707 ,,..., ,,,,,,, • '.7 11, k ,, r:,,:y ,:1 viaited on Sunday with Inn mother; ,'..,::::,.., n ,,. , ',.„.:•'(,i1'1'.1.1(441.0 "!.,.' ,,\,.11... ,.,,n
r1L.ian Mrs.
an. d laaan aor a speedy Ian aaery. , Mrs. Peter :alarm.
I Pte. Lawrence Baynham of Camp .\.! I l,11,1•11 0.a,1111(11 (IN,,,I,rrsa.on,.1•:.•rir
Institute Meets.— l Borden visited over the week end
Shannon. Mr. Reece Inrris and 1241 r.
The Hensel: Senior AVamcan lo44-i• with Mra. Daynhain and family.
Cite held, their May 004.1:1115 .i the I Miss Dorothy Brazier of London aild .11trs 1 -tate Rapson attended 4he
borne or the president, Ntiss Beryl , spent a few days last week at the Rtal <Cron, <progressive eitchre and
Pian (,0 ,Ated„,,d,,.. 01,001710 -a.i.th a; home of Dr. and nfra. D. G. Steer. <lance at Surnmerinll at Friday
,goed attendance. 44144111! .7 ,p11/104 by ; Mr. Alvin Itell of the R. c. A. F. ef 01,10.
ama,ng the Institurc otle and There'll Toronto seem Ulf: week end with his Nurse 0k`0111 returned harm. ?ram
Awa". 1n An En,jand. 1,-110..,,,,d by ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G. Bell. '; tier visit at !Windsor ant day last
vae L...nra .pray. The 010111, 'Th. 1 Mrs. P. H. Devlin spent a ft. -,\V clays 4.0 1 1 k and :he next day 4il5 called to
a ;,, 0:,, t71 -,,t):011,... ..‘a, -,-,27y ably ; last 'week visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs, amine (1 aation a; Climon nasanal,
a ea-. ny Miss ('Ili.: Laer. 24105.1 J"di C.0rbet7. I ,Mi— Mi"dred Pell of Petroit spent
Et T. c,1:, re 2,,,,,, t.:It ,:„.„..,,,,I.: „..,..,,,,I, , ana and a1 n. wes 1(10; 11 <4 ..ne vnek end at lac home af aer
a ..annaaa, nen; ..a,,,... a ,a,... , Landon visited with relatives mai 1.aseata Mr, and Mrs. +Wni. inn.
.,.. .... a.an, friends in the village an ;tummy, I
THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1941
Card of Thanks
, Mr, John McNaughton and family
wish to expreas to their many
1 friattis and neighbours their deepest
alevreedation for the kiiidnesa and
eynmathy ahown and ib,' beautiful
natal tribuns given during their re-
" eent sad bereavemeat.
Of Farm Stock and Implementa,
Mr, Norman Tyndall 111/8 111trilt`lE11
the tiaderaigned to gen by public
auction at Lot 46 , Coma salon 1,
Lona nt R atl on Friday, 24111y 211 at
1 o'clork sharp, the fo,lowing
te1 1111l'arsy 141 1 reittrite<1 bora,
aan san:1 • las! w..ek• after 114, tan!
, two 144110' at lte Itintos 14 to r
• • • 0,1,11,1.1.ot11e11,rotai in 1.1 •
• 0 Ilio .........(01(1) of the Lord's Sp
, ' per will be tn.:named in Carmel
- ,, byterian Chnreh on Sunday mottling.
1" ' My a2711t. Preparatory servi,a. wIll
' ;an 1,, 011 Tlillrsday evening at
fn nf'.• • p.m. The evenine
g arvieb
e will e,
''• WiriltiraWD the anniversary!
:or 1'"e sellrit,:5 being held in the United
tickyts on :nese era".. Mrts.•chureh.
Intar..aa, district representative. and Miss Enid Parkins o f London
Mies Audrey Byeataan of Walton
apent the week end with nlisa Jean
. Rent.
114"v. 1.., Deihl of Thainesville, while
visiting with Aster Mts. Mecly.
mann called on Ins old schommate,
Mr. tleorge Beatty Sr. Mr. :Ma Mr14.
Deila I have just returned trent Floe.
ala where they spent the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and
family motored to Hamilton Sunday.
Rev. J. R. Peters of Varna United
Church (-XVII tinged pulpits Sunday
with Rev. Mr. Mathers of Linwood.
The Varna Red Cross are 'very
10114411 indebted to the Varna Cheerio
Club to the extent of $31.
A number of the ladies of St.
John's W. A. attended a joint meet.
ing of the W. A. held in the rectory
at Hayfield Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Colelough
each gave a very interesting talk on
the annual meeting held in London
early in May. A good attendance
from the W. A. was present and a
pleasant afternoon was spent. A
dainty lunch was served.
Mrs. Beattie of Londesborough,
who has spent the past week with
her son Mr. and Mrs. Beattie. return.;
ed to her home Sanday. She was ac-
companied by her husband and dau-
ghter and Miss Leiper of Londes-
The May meeting of Varna W.M.
S. Wag held in the 1111001)1 with 1"
members present. Meeting opened by
singing hymn 490. 1 love to te11 the
story, after which Mrs. aleClymont
led in prayer. Roll call was answered
with word Cross. Word for next
month to be children. Minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted. The
scripture leeson was read respone.
ively from Ps. 15. The Parr Line
group had Marge of the meeting.
Mrs. George Johnston and Mrs.
Peters gave interesting reports of
the Presbyterial at Thames Road.
The life of Dr. Yahan Masih, an Ind.
iafl leader, was taken up by Mrs. W.
Stepbenson. Plans for the Baby
Band meeting in June were made.
The quilts were to be quilted the
last Thm•sday in May. Meeting
closed by singing 0 God of Bethel
and the national anthem, followed
by prayer. An exchange of plants
was held at the close of the meeting,
which netted $2.60.
O'I• Alec -re 10111 1Mrn 1:1, ,In""*. .'•vi:•1 spent the week end With her parents
Ite tieezetes ot the district annual to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P•rkine
Miss Velma Dow spent the week
end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
' I • D • R •••
the held in 'Caren eres1oytertan church
.ret Exeter on Taesday. May ..rah.
Mos. jos. Patterson sainz a solo. "'rile
Last Little <Mile of the Way is l'he
. . ..
-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Colettan and,
`Longest.- accompanied 'by ,anas airs. WM. Coleman visited 00 Smel
Gladys Laker at the ;dam-. The roll day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morena'
call -was answered by nanang a keep- at Dashwood.
sake and -Miss Beryl Pfaff gave 'the 'Keep th.e date o'ten for the militarY
demonstration on lighting. .
Mit's rally in Hensall On Friday evening.
inammie Played May- naird When :detachment 011
"Flow Gently Sweet .-Afton... :1/417;4s troana. from London :will be pres'ent..
ILiliban :lecke,: of Exeter, have an also a military hand, open air claim-
ttreSting address on .Clocks after ing and a:aset:tents Admission free.
Windt aAl joined in singinGtt:
g "
and- ander the anapices of - the Fienaall,
father's Clock," and God Save- the Kippen. Zurich War Serviee coin -
King. Refreshmenta ,Were aerved. •
The regale: meeting m Exeter-
H.ensall !branch af the IW.C.T.U, will
the held in the school roOni
'rltursday. at !'an.
Annarersary services ,10111 10 told mart ot the high scores :or the sea -
• the. 1.71titeel Church on Stanley. son. ..Mra. Stan Tudor and her anhati-
:May an.'n. when 'Dr -Charles Sr. Mac- tette. (Miss Sally Manson. with a saore
Lean of Dandea street United ':hard: of 30,11144, second high, IMrs.
in Lyndon wn: bc the specia: speaker, 1,10 in, .10,c41ot4. Highest individual
The aheir ander the able 7eaner00in score, .-Nirs. 14. 0. ILawrenee 5,8911.
a.f Mr. W. 0. ,loodwin are preparing'. 151011,10 was handed to Mr. .H. O.
special music for --the 00,1-1 .11 Veiss 1 Lawrence. treasurer Red Cross SOC..
Lanunie. A.T.CM. will eresele '.ety. for Red Cross imiTnaes. leaving
ill 'the ie.:gen.a balance on hand. Miss Emma John -
Mr. anti ,Mr-. '.....r.dersbal of Chat- atoll announced the next meeting at
ham :114T71 week end visitor With 'Mr, the home of Mr,.. T. J. Sherritt. Fri -
Taal Mos. A. L. Case. nlay, May 30th.
,Mr.. Win. Daniels who recently Born—In Littnwel Hospital, .Wed-
endertvell: all 111e7(171o54 0 $11. Jos- nesday. (May 21.4. to Mr. and Mna
eph's Hespital. Loncic.n. is Improving. Teti Taman of Listowel. a .daughter.
The final meetin.7 for the season of • Mr. Robert Passmore of Toroato
the Pe' -'11.,s, of C111`10 Presby. University. who has been apeading
terian .Church will be held next Mon- few days with his patents. IMr, and
day eveniag. May 26th, - '<Mrs. John Paasmorr, left on Tues-
day for the Orville 'Mission Field
Anniversary Services.— - :where he will take charge for rhe
Carmel Presbyterian 4.'huretri
'`ra"-* :limner months,.
ibeautifail with i15 decoratien of tulips
and spring flowers 'far the annivera-
ary services which were held an Sun -
.day. Rev. Ross Adarns, B.A.. of Pat- HARLOCK
erSen Memorial Church. Sarnia. WaS
_A. Vtry pleasant afternoon was
- the guest speaker and delivered a fine
se OD the -text *ho. Is The spent by al
ol Friday of.last week when
Man That Thr IWind And The Seas 'alias Helen McGregor, teacher in S.
Obey?" At the morning service Mrs.. -S. No. .5. a mile and a (plainer south
H. C. Lawson of Clinton 1.4`0, -the of Londesnoro. held an afternoon en-
gaest ,0:1451 and sang "Cspe'n -the tertainment in the school room. The
'Gate!- of the lfernple."1.Mr$. !Malcolm !onjen.was to draw the ticket for the
Dougan, Mrs. Andrew Dongall arid 'little doggie quilt," which had <been
alias IMargarea Dougall sing a. aurn- onade ;by the pupils with her assist-
ber entitled "Content." At the even - lance and nicely quilted .by Miss Mc -
Mg service Rev. Adams spoke on the Gregor, her mother, Mrs. Frank Mc -
Subject ',Building for Eternity." Mrs. ',Gregor, and .grandmother, Mrs. -Myers
J. W. Bonthron sang a. pleasing solo of Clinton. Tickets were sold amount -
"Sometimes," A ladies' quartette,' ing to $4.2.1 5. Jimmie Snell sold 'the
Miss Irene Hogganth, Mrs. Malcolm 'most tickets. After the guests arriv-
Dougall, Miss Malbel Workman and ed 'Jimmie Snell was asked by the
Mrs. Andrew Dougall, sang "Softly *teacher to act as chairman and did his
None the light of Day," an{1 Miss part well. The 'programme consisted
Margaret Dougall favored with a , of songs,' recitations -and short acts Or
vocal solo, "Abide with Me." plays, followed by singing God Save
Mrs. Robert MacLaren Sr. Passes— the King, Imme.dietely .following 'the
One of ,Hensall's most highly res- programme a vote of thanks to teach-
pected .citizens pasted away on Satur- er .and pupils was moved by IMrs.
day at the home oi her son, Mr. IW. Warren Gibbings, seconded by Mrs,
A. IMadInanen in the person of 'Mrs, Ehr1a1n Sne.1.1, to which 'Miss !Mo-
Rclbert MacLaren Sr. in her 79th 'Gregor replied in .a few well th.osen
year. The deceased had only been ill <words. The programme being over,
for ten days. Formerly !Margaret Miss ;McGregor then asked Mrs.
Dm:gall, Mrs, ,Maanaren had .spent :Wesley Shobbreak 'to shake up the
all her -life in this vicinity; after her jar of tickets and Mrs. Sol Shannon
marriage to Mr. MacLaren they re- to ,draw and 'the winner of the q.uilt
sided on the farm just north of ;the was Miss Ethel Thompson of the
village for many years and later re- section but at present living in Lon -
tired to the village. Since the death don. The ticket was sold by Jimmie
Of the late Robert IMaoLaren, Mrs. 'Snell so he had t.11 -e honor of taking
IleadLesen had made 'her home with and <presenting the quilt. Miss ,Mc -
her sons, l'is.dlessrs. IW. A. iMac -La -ren Gregor invited 'the .guests examine
-ancl. R. Y. MacLaren of Hensall, and the work which the .pupils had 'been
her daaghter, Mrs. Ed .Glenn of doing during the year, which was on
.Clinton, who survive her. One son, display all around the room, drawings
Mr. j. 'MacLaren was killed in action and paintings of birds, animals, seen -
in ,the ,Great War. A !brother, Mr. ery, etc., writing, ,wicker work, wood
Wm. Dougall Sr., of Hensall, also -work, consisting of .magazine racks,
snevives, card boxes, tooth thnuSh and comlb
A private funeral service was held receivers, etc.. .which were ,sawn -ont
ifromthe home Of 'her son, Mr. W. A. of boards and put together and paint-
Mactaren, on Tuesday .at 2.30 p.m., ed, soap 'carvings, 8150 a representa-
conducted Iby Rev. Wm. IWeir, pastor
of CnrmeltPresbyterian, Chnrch <of
which the. deceased was a valued
enenilber. She was also 'a life merniber
'04 the 'W.M.S. of that ehunch. 'The
• floral tributes 'were very beautiful
showinig. theesteem in Which the ale-.
teased was beld..: •Iateezmarst7 iedipene
sall ,Cematery.'Palliearers were
• Dr. A. R..' !Coinpibell, IMossrs, W. R.
Dougall,• T. 1)... • Sherrirbt, Donald
The tnlarathan .Bridge Club met at
the narne .ta Miss Inorance elah 011
Friday event May 1t,r11. ,Miss Kate
Scott. secey-treasnrcr. gave 11 1111111'
(110)1 of the 1110.0155 made out of a card
board !box and rollers an'd a roll of
paper 'with a variety of 'pictures
drawn arid .painted. Even if there are
not as many pupils a teacher is kept
busy thinking up ideas and getting
material to help make the lboys and
girls <useful and handy, as well as
their everyday 1055011S and music.
Some of the visitors besides ladies of
the section were .Mrs. Wes Shorn-
Mr. Thomas Leming and family,
M. and Mrs. Clarence Nadia and
Harold and Mr. Harvey Hudie and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson and
Mary. all of McKillop, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes ot
The C. 0.1. T. meeting was held at
the home of Mrs, Robert MacFarl-
ane. The meeting opened with hymn
245 followed by all repeating the
C. G. I. T. The scripture lesson was
taken by Elva Pryce. Anna Somer-
ville led in prayer. The roll call was
answered by each one's favorite
missionary character. Offering was
taken and offertory hymn 374 was
sung. The girls then presented MrS.
Craw with a gift of a half doien des-
sert spoons. Elva Pryce read the ad-
dress, and Margaret Montgomery
presented the gift. IVIrs. Craw thank-
ed the girls and spoke on the sub-
ject, "The Future is an open book to
God and He places all needed re-
sources of courage, strength and
faith at the place and moment when
we need them if only we, looked to
Him for guidance day by day." The
girls sang, "Auld Lang Syne." Miss
Isobel Craw gave us a talk OD the
King and Queen's visit to Canada
and recited a few poems on Spring,
which were enjoyed by all. Hymn
376 was sung and Mrs. Craw closed
the meeting with prayer. The hostess
served a dainty lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Papple and lit-
tle daughter of Egmondville spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. John Gillies, Isabel, Brncie
and Jackie are spending a few days
near Collingwood with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Bullard of Kim
tore called on Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Shannon last Sunday.
Pte. Ralph Davidson and Pte. Alex
Kern, Elgin Regiment, of Valcartier,
spent the week end with their
The weather is very dry and hot.
The crops and gardens are badly in
need of ram.
Mrs. Scott Bolton and Mrs. Russell
Bolton spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs.. Arnold Jamieson.
Mr. Bill Montgomery of Brantford
spent the week end at his home,
yt ars, t bay 11111105 tisitog 4 24(51
1 bay mare. 10 years old.
1,'attle-1 Holstein 0014'. 8 years,
fresh; 1 Holstein vow. 8 yrs., fresh;
1 Holstein COW, 4 yems, due in Oct-
ober; 1 Holstein COW, 7 yeann due in
October; 1 HoleteeM vow,. 6 years, due
in October; 1 Holstein cow, 7 years,
171 0001/0,r; 1 Her51011 C'OW, 43
yt dlle, October; 1 Durham
cow, 4 years, f7e121; 1 valves. 6
11.011111:1 young ealves.
Pigs -11 pigs. 12 weeks ctld.
Harness -1 set of back band liar.
ness; 3 horse collars; 1 third horse
Implements -1 Massey Harris bin,
der. like new; 1 Vockshutt drill, 13
hoe; 1 in -throw disc; 1 springtooth
cultivator; Quebee riding plow; 1
walking plow; 1 Deering 6 D.
mower; 1 Oliver corn senffler; 1
single scattier; 1 Massey Harris
aaaaure 'spreader; 1 four aection
harrows; 1 sulky rake; gravel box;
1 nay rake; wagon; ('utter; set of
aleighs; steel railer; truck; 1 circus
lay rip saw; fanning mill; 1 De
1.;..1.V111 ,:7,11.111 separator, equipped with;
or eYtieue grass seeder; 11
stray. r; areas ent sew; 1 Beatty Inv
ear, :ark, eling chain: aling rune:
150 feet of rope; 1 feed ear; 2 stone
noats: 1 Intiay ahurn; wheelbarrow;
win:nemes; tialau lb, scales;
2.10 111. soalss; 01:tension 1111-
1 '0;00tI01t st oVet; colony house;
quamity. of !tended: plank and 111111
1 ; 1 iron auger kettle; 1 tdano box;
10 1'< t of water hoee; forlis, shovels.
Grain -7 tons of hay; 6 bushels of
seed beans; 300 bushels of barley
and oats.
Terms cash.
Norman Tyndall, Proprietor.
Harold Jaekson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
A public auction sale will he held
at Cloverdale Farms, Crediton, on
Wednesday. June 4th. of 30 pure
bred Shorthorncattle, fully accred-
ited and blood. tested. 23 choice fe-
males, 1 10 3 years of age, and 7
good bulls, 10 to 14 months of age.
For catalogs write W. C. F.
OestrIcher, Creditor', or R. M. Peck.
Young calves for sale. Apply to
Harold Penhale, Hayfield, Phone 78r
12. Hansen.
A yellow collie dog strayed Mon.
day Main. If anyone knows the
whereabouts of the dog please phone
6115r 21. Leonard Strong.
Collie pup, nicely marked, good
strain. priced to sell. Also some good
grain. Apply to the News Office.
Anyone noticing a swarm of bees.
Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay ac-
cording to size of swarm. Phone 135j.
Free wood AllaViDgS. snitalble for
heddinz, insulation. poultry house,.
stables, etr. Can be had for remov-
ing. For a limited time. J. Boshart
Sons, Seaforth.
The Municipal Council of the
Township of Mullett will bold a
Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll in the Community Hall. Landes -
born. at 2.30 P.M. an June 2, 1941.
Parties having appeals in. or any
interested parties, please attend.
' J. W. McCOOL. Clerk.
Popular Clydesdale sire, will stand
at Coyne Bros., Con. 7, Hibbert, for
season of 1941, and will travel by
trailer a reasonable distance to meet
interested parties.
Phone 43 1.27, Dublin.
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions
Enrolment No, 3500. Form 1
Enrolment No. 3959 Form 2
Enrolment No. 4177. Form 3
Route for 1941—Monday and Tues-
day, in the vicinity of Walton and
and Brussels.
Wednesday—Through Kinburn and
west to the highway, south through
Clinton, home by -way of Tucker -
Thursday — Through Seaforth to
St. Columban and Beechwood, home
through way of Winthrop.
Friday and Saturday, Goderich
Township and Colborne.
Tents $13.00, payable Mar. 1, 1942.
T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Mgr.
Radio Repairing Service
Have your radio serviceft and re-
paired by factory trained 'repairman.
Serviced all makes for 12 years.
SPECIAL .Attention given to Farm
Battery sets. Batteries delivered and
attached at no extra Cost.
For Economical, Prompt and Effie.
lent service,
Call 841 23, Seaforth
And save on repair bills
Sugar 10 lbs, 79c
Dr, Ponielo Grape Fruit Juice
2 Tins 19c
Lee & Perrin's Sauce
Bottle 33c
Niblets ;.? tins 25c
Pure Lard 3 lbs, ... . 37c
Machine Sliced Breakfast
Bacon lb. 29c
811st Grade Creamery Butter
lb. 33c
Mangle Seed lb. 40c
McCormick's Sodas 2 lb27c
Christies Salted Sodas
2 lbs. 27c
Westons Sodas 2 lbst 27c
One Pkge, All Wheat One Cup
and Saucer, for 15c
Red Roe Tea lb. 65c
Red Rose Coffee lb. 49c
Men's Light All Leather Shoes, real Value
Highest Market Price
Delivered at Egniondville
Phone 3-w Seaforth
11 purebred Shorthorn bulk, ready
for service, Priced reasonably.
Phone 45.5r4. Seaforth central. Harry
Norris, Kippen, Ont. •
116 acres grass, Lot 27, Con, 2, Hill.
bert. Plenty of good spring WIWI%
Apply to John Cronin, St. Columban.
Tomato, early, late, Cabbage, Caul-
inower, Peppers, Huckleberry, sever-
al varieties Petunias, choice Snap-
dragon, Zinnias, Asters, Pansies.
Many other varieties. A. L. Porteous,
1 block east of the hospital.
House in Egmondville on Main St.,
stablerEbn house, garage, 112 acre of
land, corner lot, 3 rooms upstairs,
hydro, cistern, hard and soft water.
Low taxes. Fruit trees. Apply to
illre. Jean R. Dale, phone 667 r22,
Seaforth, Possession July 1st.
Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower,
Peppers, ,Celery, five kinds and c01'
(1111'S in Petunias, Asters, Zinnias,
Snapdragon, Scabiosa, Verbenas. Any
day or evening. Albert Baker, Rail-
way St.
after first dose. RUMACAPS two.
way action attacks the cause. re.
Heves the pain. McKindsey's Drug
Township of Tuekersmith
The Municipal Council of Tucker-
s:1:1th will meet as a Court of Revi-
sion on the Assessment Roll of 1941
at town hall, Seaforth, on. Saturday,
June 7th at 2 p.m. All appeals must
be in the hands of the Clerk on or
before Monday, May Mb. 1941. Int-
erested parties should govern them-
selves accordingly.
D. F. McGregor, Clerk.
the undersigned, will receive
tenders on or before June 7th. 1941.
for 24,000 yards gravel, % Inch.
crushed and delivered in Township
of Stanley. A marked cheque for ten
per cent of amount of tender to be
enclosed with each tender. Contract
to be completed by October 1st, 1941.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. Dated this 18th day
of May. 1941.
Road Superintendent,
Varna, Ont,
By the Coate of Tuckersmith, as
1. To supply power to operate
crusher and place gravel in the bin,
contractor to supply all necessary
help. and belt. Township to supply
crusher, oil and grease for same and
drag line. Contractor to state PRICE
2. Contractor to furnish power to
operate crusher, and drag line as
above with belt and assist in operat-
ing crusher. Contractor to state
price PER HOUR,
3. Tender too, for moving and
setting up crusher. State price.
4. Tender for trucking gravel at
flat rate per yard up to six miles,
also price per yard mile over six
5, Tenders also will be received
for crushing and trucking gravel up
to six miles and price over six
miles, per yard mile, all gravel to be
crushed to pass through one inch
screen. Approximhtely 2000 yards to
be taken from McLean's pit and
8,000 yards to be taken from Aber -
hart's or Doig's pit. All contracts
must be completed ender the direc-
tion and supervision of the road sup-
erintendent and to the satisfaction
of the council. All work to be cam.
pleted by Nov. 1, 1941.
A band or certified cheque for $100
will be required for guarantee of
faithful performance; In all cases
the lowest or any tender will not
necessarily be accepted but success-
ful tender muigt meet the approval of
the district engineer. Tenders to be
opened on Monday, May 26th at 8
o'clock p.m. in the town hall, Sea -
D. F, McGREGOR, Clerk.
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors,
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
130 p.m. to 5 p.m Saturday
evening, 71,10 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Two greet; farms, accommodating
20-25 head. for Summer. Spring
water. Lot 31, 14th Com, McKillop.
J. H. McLaughlin, R. R. 1, Walton
Choice Tomato and Cabbage
Plants, Some now ready for setting
out. Thos. Grieve, Egmondville,
Phone 664 r 3.
Quantity of soy beans for sale; a
good dry weather crop, will produce
as much hay as red clover, Frank
Nolan, phone 661 r 21, Seaforth.
Substantial 9 • roomed residence
with one acre of land on North Main
Street on attractive terms, Apply to
H. G. Meir, Barrister, Seaforth.
1 still have the Agency for selling
the Parmak Electric Fencer the
world's largest seller. Still leads in
economy and operation. Five year
guarantee. Full equipment on hand.
Orville Workman, Kippen, Ont,
Phone 11 on 77, Hensall.
New Lawn Mowers. Liberal allow-
ance for your old one. Also a num-
ber of reconditioned used mowers.
Get your choice while they last.
Eberhart's Chopping Mill.
Quantity of good timothy seed,
well cleaned, for sale. Henry F.
Betterment', Dublin, R.R.1. Phone
23r15, Dublin central.
.A ear load of Prince Edward Island
potatoes now on hand. A limited
amount of certified seed included.
Leave your orders at Hensall Co-
operative. Also coal, cedar. posts,
B. C. shingles, concentrates, stock
minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of
all brands. Huron Farmers' Co
Operative' Co. Ltd„ Hensall,
Old Woollens pay you best price
cash or trade blankets or rugs. Sew-
ing Machines repaired by experts.
Guaranteed or money back. Switser
& Carter, North Main St., Seaforth,
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
Postpaid in plain, sealed envelope,
with priceffst. 6 samples 25c, 24
samples $1.00. Adults only. Dept. M,
Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton,
Rocco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and
"Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua-
ranteed 25 years. Rocco Portable
Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all
sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings,
Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized
Water Stook Tanks and Hogtroughs,
Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge
and Valley, Door Track and Hard-
ware. Extension Ladders up to 44
feet in length, Asphalt Products in-
cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick
Siding, Insul-Brick Siding, Roofing
Paints, Plastic Cement, Building
Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray
Tyndall, Brucetield. Phone Clinton,
618 ring 12.
150 acres of land in the Township,
of McKillop comprising the West
half of West half, Lot 7, and East
half of Lot 8, also North half of the
north half of Lot 19, and the North
half of lot 11, all in the eleventh
concession. Will sell or rent all or
parts thereof. There is a good red
brick house on the lands. Apply
John Eggert Estate, Charles Eggert
and Charles Regele, Dublin R.R.1,
executors, and McConnell & Hays,
Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors."
Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Acckl-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonde.
Rates reasonable. All' risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given