HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL i Nieces of bntfsiness in l Halsall will the open un Tuesday evernngs Ooriner the summer months and ,sill Ito closer or the l\ tdnesdty lf- I crrday during the months of May. afore, jn y, August and September.. Inquest In Death of Boy by Hydro- 1tr. le C. Dunlop, coroner, of Exe- ter. presided on I\iondav at the in queet 'probing the death of .even year-old Gerald Parker, who was el- eetroiuted when he caught hold of an electric wire that ha -d fallen en the roadside opposite his fathers' farm on May 'eds \\•itne :es were exam- ined by Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes • of Goderich. The verdict of the jury said the boy came to his death by electrocution by handling a live wire 'carrying 4000 volts, 'brought down Iby a limb front a decayed tree. The witnesses included Dorothy May Keyes of '4fitehetl, cousin of the boy. who was with him when the accident occurred; Harold Parker, father of the 'child, who -told. how he pulled 'his son from the: ire, and Russell Keyes who...accompanied the father of the child to the scene after' the little girl had given the alarm. The little boy was rushed to .the office of Dr. Stnil lie where he was examined and pro- nounced dead. Dr. Smillie told of a 'postmortem held the following day which showed, the death to have been due to electrocution. H. J. Hampton of Exeter ,and L K. Shaer, Toronto, told of arrangements in effect govern- ing the supply of power to the line and it was ',impossible, they said, to learn of a break in rhe line unless a eonsume" complained of an interrup- tion. The lnry was ;composed of Stan Tudor e for mean e Garnet Case. Fred Beer. Herman Daytnan. James San:g- seer, Orville Twitchell and Fred Paten . all c,f Hensall Death of Robert Stewart - The death cocurre d in Byron -tu- t rpt ; en Brrhv eaenint= of Robert St -twain t4th year. The ie c es t ierned in this district for 4 !VIM. 3 year, and later went into >;fs- ess .t: a t -rt t. lie was admitted several mora ago to the :alt-rient. Surviving hie laid, .v, in London, .one son. Douglas of Blyth. two bro- thers. Duncan Steuart and Joan R. 'Stewart of Hensral'., three sisters. "t1 s. William Elder and Mrs. Ther... Elder, Seaforth, and Mrs. Win. M. Be1F, Hensall, The funeral service star 1 eid fr.'tn the home of his rother. John R. Stewart on .Monday after - r• et c,•nrluc:ed ay Rev. Wm. 'Weir of Carmel Presbyterian ,Church, as- sisted by Rev. Hugh Jack of F=irst Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Inter- ment in Hensall Union cemetery. Hensall Red Cross Notes.-. Here we are again reporting the April shipment of Red Cross goods from .our ;von: rooms in Hensall: Hospital sapplies included 14 pairs ai .card slippers, 7 wash cloths. pillow rases, Knitted goods iS pr. socks 10 pr. seamen's stockings, 5 pr. mitts, 10 helmets. 10 scarves.. 9 tnrtic neck sweaters, 15 pr. two-way mitts, 1 seeulder sra . 1 turtle neck tuck -in, 4-+eeveles wearer. Refttget ankles itch:ded: boys shirts, 5 quits. 1 night guar. 1. knitted boys suit. scarves. Again we thank the ladies of the community for their :'era- tio t and industry. These good have ire forward in splendid shape to p ov de comfort for those who are in the fighting servites and to bring a little cheer tiP some who. it may he, ave ic. ai: they ever had. We realize that many of oto ,corkers are forego - :,g other 2':aes and pleasures to help :in the wer. :We feel that :here should be a real sharing in sacrifice ivy all of to. ier this 's not somebody z"se'. sereggle. It is the freedom of very one that is at stake. and therefore is a persenal :natter which we have oo right to shift -on the elecolders eitg eedy else. 'Let us each do all we at ' That is the chs]. lege of patriotic n it this critical day. We have observed a little slackening of effort during the last week or so. No d'ou'bt Meet of the sprino cle 'tinct ie done and the garden- are all in. Me hope the.. will he a resumption ei -oarA: r:t throughout the entire , sono nit;• end that before the not strainer - ceather comes we shall see an acunnn ati;'n of many .;.:._ped aides ready r shipment .,vereeas In the lelet news bulletin iron- T•,r- onto, .summer i2 word comes to as that the Canadian Red Cross Society's most northerly warehouse in Eng - '.and, with all supplies, has been com- pletely destroyed by 'bonnbs. Such things are bound to occur in war. 'Goods to replace those lost will have to go forward as early as passible. in view of emergencies like this it does not 'behoove us to rest from our labors. We want as many workers as we can get in the homes and in the work roomrs which. are opened every ]Monday and Friday. Our sewing quota for the next two months Is as fellows: 10 pr. of hospi- ' cal slippers, 00 children's coats, :10 ;.umpers, 00 Iblauses, 20 night gowns, 5 knitted- boys suits. The hospital supplies needed from our branch are as follows: 30 bed jackets, 10 suits of pyjamas, 10 personal property bags, It takes about a yard •of cretonne to make a personal property bag. If any person would like to donate the cret- onne the same would the rgratefally received. Please phone (Mrs. Middle- ton'or 'Miss (Buchanan or 'Jars. T, S'herritt. Our quota for seamen's comforts 'consists of these articles: 'S riblbed helmets, 5 pair seamen's long stockings, 5 turtle neck sweaters, 5 ,pr. two-way utitts, 5 scarves. The army 'and. air farce comforts needed front our branch are: 5 pr. two way mitts, .3 sweaters, 8 pr. socks. 1W'ooi and 'knitting instructions are always .available from ache convener of the knitting. •committee; Mrs. W.•O,f tGoodwin. I Rev. Wm, (Weir attended site meeting of 'Presbytery held in :he Presbyterian church in Clinton on Tuesday. Anniversary" 4ervices 'yeah• be held in the 'United (Church, .'Hensall, :on Sunday, ;Mayi.25th when Rev, C. - H. MacLean of-batndas street United 'Church, 'London, will he the guest I speaker. The many friends of 1M'r, (Wm. Dan- iels. who has been seriously its loll- I awing an operaeee 1n St. ioscplt' Hospital. London, ),re pleased to hea he is improving. • '\Irs. Roiht. MatLaren Sr: has 'hee confined to herr sin et the home o her son \4r. AV, A. I\lacLaren pain to illness. THE SEAFORTH NEWS s Miss Audrey Twitchell of London ✓ spent a week at the home of her parents ''1r. and Mrs. O. Twitchell. 11 I Miss Edith Parkins of St. Cather - f 'nes visited over the week end at g the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin of Lobo were the guests of their aunt, Mrs, Devlin on Sunday. Mrs, Wilson Carlile visited last week with her daughter Miss Martha Caa'lile in London. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett visited last week with their daughter Mrs, Roy MacLaren and son Donald. Mr. and Mrs, Enoch Parker of Bowmanville are spending a few weeks with their son and daughter- in-law Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker. 1 Mr. Sam Gautschalit is spending a ifew days at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn Sind Miss Enid Parkins of London spent Sun- day at the home of their parents Mr, and Mrs. James Parkins. Mr, and Mrs. ,Albert Morenz and , Mr., Hugh Morenz of Dashwood vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mt's. John Corbett. Mrs, Hugh Moreuz re- turned home after spending several days with Mr, and Airs. Corbett, Mr. Homer Pinney of St. Cathar- ines spent the week end at the home of his father Mr. Matthew Tanney. Mr, and Mrs. R. MacDonald of Cromarty visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Jones. Mr. and Mrs, John Colvin of Lobo visited on Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett. Mr. N. E. Cook is having extensive improvements made on the dwelling and property which he purchased from Mr. Al Ryekman, Council Meeting - The regular meeting of the Hen - salt village council was held on Tuesday evening, May 6th, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. P. G, Bonthron appeared for the Legion, asking for a rebate of hall rent. Horton -Cameron, that we refund $12 to the Legion from hall rent for bingos. Carried. R. J. Patterson, tax collector, reported re dog taxes, Constable instructed to collect the balance as per bylaw. Reeve Sliaddick reported re corres- pondence from the county clerk re Mrs. D. Appleton. H. Atkinson of the Imperial oil appeared re road oil. McKinnon -Cameron, that we purch- ase 6200 gallons of Imperial oil =R,C.3 for street surfacing at $12.45 per 100 gallons) delivered in Hensall on 48 hours' notice. Carried. Horton- Parkins. that we order 6 barrels of patching material. Carried. McKin- non -Cameron. tbat we present all boys front this municipality with a money belt, who enlist for active service. Carried. Horton -McKinnon, that we gather tate garbage on May 14th and 15th and advertise to this effect. Carried. Parkins -McKinnon, that we hold Court of Revision on the assessment of 1941 on May 26th at 8 p.m. Carried. Correspondence read from Bickle, Seagram Ltd.. Comity Clerk, Dept. of Welfare, Pro- vincial Treasurer, and sante tiled. Bills and accounts passed: Canadian Legion, refund on hall rent. $12: Hensall Hydro, hall, $6.61; G. 1f. Case. teaming, streets, $2.80; Ti', Love. labor, streets, $1.70; R. Todd, do, $1.20; T, Kyle, salary, $55; 0. Twitchell, half and fire dept., $89.10; Blekle, Seagram, supplies F. D„ $7; D. C. Mickle, tuning piano. $3: County of Huron, hospitalization, $7.05; Treasurer of Ontario, license, ball and park, $6. Total, 8141.46. --- James A. Patterson, Clerk. The Hensall, Kipper: and Zurich 'War Tim e Service Committee are toil/lino to.frolic in Hensall, 'iiriday one, May 23rd. Open air danrin. military rally and a detachment of troops from London. • Mr. and Mrs, Rohl. Munn were in Hay -City on Sunday attending the funeral of the forme s sister, the late (Mrs, T. IG. t\Wilsai . Arnold Circle Birthday Party. - The Arnold Circle of 'Carmel Pres- boterian 'Church held their annual ,birthday party on .Monday evening With 0eIi s Sally (Manson presiding. The program opened by singing "Sa- viour Thy Dying Love.,' after which 'Miss Jean .McQueen led in prayer, Miss Irene Hogigarth read the Scrip- ture. and the offering •wwas received. A piano number was gi'ven by I\frs. Charles Forrest. The business was taken up and Mi, esLois and Marion \lacILaren sang a duet. Rev. Wm. Weir was the guest - speaker and gave a splendid address on 1Women and their relationship to the Getspel," Dainty refreshments were served af- ter the close of the meeting and a social half hour was spent. Dies fn Bay 'City Mi -Following an illness of a week, airs :Dr.) T. G. 'Wilson passed away in Bay City, Mich., in her 47th year, Formerly ,Miss Bessie t\funn, daugh- ter of the late IMa and Mrs. Alex, Munn of Hensall. the deceased was 'horn near Hensall and - received her public school education in 'Hay and later attended high school at Exeter. After her marriage is 'n, Wilson they took up residence in Bay City. Surviving are her husband, tw•o dan- .rhters, :Margaret and • Betty, and one ▪ in, Eric Alto three brothers. Roht. I\Iuun. Hensallo Dr. inc. Munn, Sea - forth. and Clarence )turn of Aylmer. Funeral .service was held in Bay !City -n Sunday, 1!r. send \Ir., Ro'hert Mann attended rite funeral. Late Miss Ellen Ford,- leliss Ellen Ford passel away sud- denly at the home of her aster. Ales. Gorden Belton, en Tuesday, May 13. She was e daughter of the late Mr. :old Mrs. John Ford of Tuelerstnith and had spent a;1 her life in this dis- trict. Stlrvivntq are four sisters, I\Irs. Jelin Bolton and Mrs. Gordon Bolton end firs, Ann Perry, Hensall, and Mrs. A. 1. I]numtcil of \ltll•viile. Pa. A private ftmeral service will the held trent the residence of her sister, Airs. Ann Berry, on Thursday afternoon. condneted oy Rev. Wm. 'Weir. Inter- ment in 'facTaggart's cemetery. Mother's Day Services, - At the morning service in the Unit- e d. !Church, Mr. R, J. (Moore, assoc- iate superintendent of the Sunday school, had charge of the services with the following, taking special parts: Roth Hess and ,Ross Kennedy read Scripture. \It`s Dorothy Doug- all gave an interesting story, "The Quest." The secretary's report meas given by Air. Edison Forrest. The little children of bir. and (Mrs. 'Grant Ford and -Air. and 'Mrs. Eg'hert 'Fa'ber were baptized. Res'. R. A. Brook gave a very inspiring address and the choir sane " beautiful anthem, "Mo- ther." the evening service Mr. Harry Horton sang the solo in the anthem, "Mother of Mine." .At .Car mel Presbyterian church Rev. Win, Weir conducted tate services. In the morning. Andrew and :William Doug - ail saitg "God :Bless Om' School To- day." .'iiss Norma Sangster and Sandy McArthur read the Scripture. Greta !lean, infant daughter of Mr. and I\Irs. Nelson Pfaff, and Patricia Marie. infant daughter of r\Ir, and Mrs. Harold Bell, were baptized. A t rartet to comprising 'Mrs. Chas. For-' rest, Ilisees Lois and blariott Mae - Laren and \lis; Irene H,igarth sang !o.n.o.' Reese Our \!others:' Rev, AN no ;Weir gave a very inspiring address on 'lChristian Parenthood" and in the evening spoke on the subject "Stray. Sheep." The...heir saner an anthem. :4,ttet and Low." \i r. Frank 'Coleman rs ill at his r an improvement in his health, Anniversary Services Next Sunday- Rev. R.,,s Adams, B.:\.. of Pater- - on +Memorial Church. Sarnia, will be the visiting minister at Carmel Fre.s- hyterian Church on Sunday next when that een,gregation Observes its anniversary. 1bir. Adams is one of the younger ministers of the Presbyter- ian church and the eeseion of 'Carmel congregation count themselves fort- unate in having secured his services for this occasion. Special music will contribute to the 'worship of the day and [Mrs. H. 'C, Lawson of ,Clinton will be guest soloist at the morning service. As has been customary for many years the United Church is withdrawing its evening service. Campbell-Wurm.- A very pretty ;wedding was solemn- ized at the United Church manse on Saturday at 3 p.m. when Rev. R. A. Brook united in marriage Edith Dor- een, daughter of I\1r. and 'Mrs. Alvin Wurm, Hensall, and Roy Gordon. eldest son ri Mr. and !Mrs. Earl Campbell of Exeter. The 'bride looked charming in a floor length gown of blue organza over satin, blue shoulder length tulle veil with gardenias and carried a [bouquet of Talisman roses and baby's breath. bars. Sidney Tay- lor of (London, sister of the (bride, as +bridesmaid chose a floor length gown ed pastel pink muslin .d'suau trimmed with blue velvet bows and carried a colonial (bouquet. 'Mr. Gerald Camp- bell, 'brother of the 'groom, was best man, 'Fol'lowing the ceremony a wed- ding dinner 'was served 4t the home of the bride's parents to about thirty guests. The bride's table was taste- fully decorated with tulips, daffodils, and ?print flowers, silver ,canedles in white •tapers, and centred with the wedding cake. Serving 'were Mise 'Clara Geiser. Crediton; Miss IOrtha Schillbe, Zurich, and ,Mrs. ,Melvin Moir, Hensall. The young couple will take up residence in St. 'Catharines .where the groom is employed at 'Mc- Kinnon 11e-Kinnon Industries. ,Guests at' the wed; ding included Mr. and (Mrs, IMatthea Clark, .Crediton, 1Mr, and Mrs. 'John Campbell, Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl 'Camp- bell, ;Mr. and MMts. Harold Beavers, Exeter, Mr. and ,Mrs, Ed. 1Wurtn. of. St. Catharines, (Mrs. Sid. Taylor and Miss IMaric Grieve of London, HiLLSOREEN Ur. and Mrs. Walker Carlile of Hensall Visited recently with 1U'. and Airs. Otto Stephan. Air. Hugh Love made a business trip to Elmira one day last week. Mr. Wm. Reichert is still in Clin- ton hospital but is steadily improv- ing. mproving, AH', J. Barclay of Stratford has re- turned to bis home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. David- son. Miss Margaret Reichert is assist- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. ELIMVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Misses Etheleen and Eileen Johns were vis- itors on Sunday with Mr. and bit's. Fred Long at Atwood. Pte. Dickey of Camp Borden was a week end visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Hinson Whiteford and Mr. Clayton Herdman of Ingersoll were here for Mother's day. Mr, Billy Brock and Miss Mary Johns of London spent the week end at their respective homes here. Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas visited with her sisters in this vicln- ity over the week end. HARLOCK On Tuesday morning children from No. ei and No. 7 schools went to Blyth to see 'the 97th Battery go 'through on their way to IWinghatn. .Air. and 'Mrs, Simon IMciVittif: spent Sunday at the home of dleir daughter, Airs. and \Lr, Leo, Watt. The 'fay meeting of 'the 'Ladies' Aid and IW.'ivl'.'S, of 'Burns Church was 'held at the home of ,Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm.Ball 'with a very good at I tendance. The afternoon was spent in quilting a Red Cross quilt. The 'ticket for the cushion which was donated Iby, the teacher, Mrs. Arthur Colson, and 'Children of No, 4, was drawn ;and Mrs. Archie Somerville of McKillop was the winner. Tickets amonniting to over "$'14 were sold for the ctshion IMr, and !Mrs. Menti Uackson'. of Morris spent Sunday at the hone of , .Mr, and (Mrs. Thos. and lMr, and rMrs. +Audrey 'Knox. 'Mrs. A. IW. 1McEwidg spent'a few days last week at the 'home of her 'dantghter, Mrs. 'and Mr. INbtrnan Lloyd in Walkerton. Sunday 'visitors at the home of MT. and'Mrs, Isaac Rarpson were IMr,, and THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941 Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. John McGrath and family wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness extended to them during their recent sad bereavement, for the spiritual and floral bouquets, and also those who loaned their cars. Card of Thanks Mr. James Smith and family wish to express their appreciation to the friendsand neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during their sad bereave- ment; also to those who sent flowers and those who kindly loaned cars, COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith The Municipal Council of Tucker- smith will meet as a Court of Revi- sion on the Assessment Roll of 1941 at town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 7th at 2 p.m, All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk on of before Monday, May 26th, 1941. Int erested parties should govern them- selves accordingly. D. F. McGregor, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED I, the undersigned, will receive tenders on or before June 7th, 1941, for 5,000 yards gravel, ee inch, crushed and delivered in Township of Stanley. A marked cheque for ten per cent of amount of tender to be enclosed with each tender, Contract. to be completed by. October lst. 1941. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Dated this 13th day of May, 1941. WILFRED C,,HUTER, Road Superintendent, Verna, Ont. AGENT WANTED To handle the famous Bond. Made to Measure Clothing, on commission basis. Apply in own handwriting to: Geo, J. Fraser, Bond Clothes Shop, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE Collie pup, nicely narked, good strain, priced to sell. Apply to the News Office. FOR SALE 9 good feeding pigs, for sale. Ap- ply to Byron McGill, 34 on 067, Tea'- purhey. FOR RENT Two grass farms, accommodating 20-25 head. for Summer. Spring water. Lot 31, 14th Con., McKillop. J. H. McLaughlin, R. R. 1, Walton FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, gua• ranteed 25 years. Rocco Portable Silos, Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings. Eavestrough attd Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hogtrouglts, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley Door Track and Hard- ware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. Asphalt Products in- cluding Roll Roofing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul-Brick Siding, Rooting Paiute, Plastic Cement, Building Pager of all kinds, Nails, etc, Murray Tyndall, Bt'ucefleld. Phone Clinton, 618 ring 12. PLANTS FOR SALE Choice Tomato and Cabbage Planta. Some now ready tot setting out, Thos. Grieve, Eggmondville. Phone 6G4 r 3, WANTED Caretaker and general bandy man for the Scott Memorial Hospital. Steady employment. Applicants to state age, qualifications and salary expected, Address applications to the Secretary, Scott Memorial Ilospital,' by May 22nd. SATURDAY CASH & CARRY SPECIALS Machine Sliced Breakfast Bacon 11s. 29c Back 'Bacon Sliced per Ile 39c Mangle Seed 1'b. 40c Pure Lard sees...... 3 labs. 27c Pie Cake Shortening 2 lbs. 29c Pastry Flour .... 24 Lb, bag 69c First Grade Creamery Butter Ile. 32c Pearl White Soap 6 cakes 25c Gold :Soap 6 cakes 25c Surprise 'Soap . , , , 6 cakes 27c Sunlight Soap . ,, 10 cakes 49c P & G Soap 6 cakes 25c Woodbury's Soap 4 cakes 23c Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 3 cakes llc Icing Sugar -3 Ib, 250 Finnigan Auction Sale • Of Patens, Farm Tools and House Furnishings. At Lot '25, Con, 9, Hib- bert, on Saturday, May 17th, at 1 o'clock: 1937 Plymouth sedan, shingles, egg crates, 40 bushel baskets, corn planter, topes, spade, shovel, 10 cords wood, sling ropes, wheel- barrow, scoop ,shovel and forks, root pulpet', whitewash spray, motor and pump jack, 160 fe hay rope, hay fork, fanning mill, 25 bus. grain, grass seeder. Household. Effects -Step ladder, quilting frames, robe, 1 iron kettle, milk pails, fixe extinguisher, 16 bags of wool, wash stands, trunks, 1 electric rangette, 4 kitchen chairs, 6 diningroom chairs, 1 extension table. 1 sideboard, Singer sewing machine, 1 electric radio, glass cupboard, tables, rockers, plate rack, 1 Sher- lock Manning piano, 3 bedroom suites, 1 Hudson seal coat, 1 electric lux. 1 electric heater, lawn mower, collie dog. Terms cash. The Faints -100 acres of choice land; good brick house with new furnace, hot and cold water on tap; bank barns with stabling and water, silo, driving shed, hog pens and ben house; 2 acres of young orchard (Spies), 6 acres fall wheat and plow ing done; 7 acres hard maple bush; well fenced and close to school, on county road. Hydroa No. 2 Farm -- 50 acres of good land; frame house; good bank barn. driving shed and hog pen. These are choice farms and will be sold as ane farm or separate, to suit purchasers. Terms on farms can be arranged and will be made known on day of sale. Farms will be sold subject to reserve bid. Offers on farms accepted previous to sale. Est. of Richard Siliery. Mario Siliery, Williamena Lupton, Execs. Iia'old Jackson, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED By the Council of Tuckersmith, es follows: 3. To supply power to operate crusher and place gravel in the kin. contractor to supply all necessary help, and belt. Township to supply crusher, oil and grease for same and drag line. Contractor to state PRICK; PER YAFtD. 2. Contractor to furnish power to operate crusher, and drag line as above with belt and assist in operat- ing crusher. Contractor to state mice PER HOUR. 3. Tender too, for moving and setting up crusher. State price. 4. Teucler for trucking gravel tat flat rate per yard up t0 six Innes, also price per ytu'd utile over six miles, 5. Tenders also will be received for crushing and trucking gravel up to six miles and price over six miles, per yard mile, all gravel to be PLANTS FOR SALE (crushed to pass through one inch Early tomatoes' and cabbage screen. Approximately 2000 yards to plants, any day or evening. Albert be taken from McLean's pit and Baker, Railway Street. 3,000 yards to be taken from Abet' - Mrs. 'Warren Gi'b'hings and •children.' Mr. Adrian 'White of near Londes baro, Miss Dorothy (McIntyre of Clinton and bit'. Reece Ferris. IMr. Bert Beacom spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rapson. IW'e are sorry that Mrs Wesley Roe and daughters are laid up with 'bad colds, bet 'hope they are soon (better, CONSTANCE Miss Edna Armstrong of McKillop spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr's. Howard Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs, Gouley of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mt',"and Mrs. Dave Millson, Miss Olive Grimoldby spent Sun- day at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Logan of Blyth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Dale and fam- ily have settled in their new home in Seaforth and will be greatly miss- ed in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. John Riley of Tuck- ersmith spent Sunday with :Mrs. George Riley Sr. The regular meeting of the W.'A. was held in the rbasement of the church on May II3th 'with the presid- ent.Mrs. 'J. 1W. Carter, in '.the chair. The meeting opened with prayer by IMrs, Rdbt, Rogerson, Hynm 34 was sung and the roll call was answered by a verse of 'Scripture, Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The business p'a'rt of the meeting closed with singing the national 'anth- em, .Mrs. Carter tools change 'lar 'Group One. Hymn 384 was sung. The Scripture lesson was read • by Mrs. Lorne Lawson, taken from John. .115:10-15, followed by prayer by (Mrs. Britton and all ,repeating the Lord's ,prayer. A duet was sung iby I1vlms. Alvnt Dale and (Mrs, Carter. tMrs. Or- ville Dale gave +a splendid reading, "Now I am for the 'Churches." The 'meeting .closed with prayer by Mrs, Carter. !Lunch was served. bast's or Doig'a pit. All contracts must be completed under the direc- tion and supervision of the road sup- erintendent and to the satisfaction of the council. All work to be come pleted, by Nov, 1, 1941. A bond or certified cheque for $100 will be required for guarantee of faithful performance; in all cases the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted but success- ful tender must meet the approval of the district engineer. Tenders to be opened on Monday, May 26th at 8 o'clock p.m. in the town ball, Sea - forth. D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk. Street Oiling TOWN OF SEAFORTH Residents 'wishing to have their quested to have signed petitions 1 the hands of the Clerk by May 17 D, H. WILSON, Town Clerk. respective Streets oiled are h. Radio Repairing An expert radio repair man is at our shop every Tuesday and Friday. Give us a call and we will look after your radip. Free a Radio logs showing changes in frequencies Daly's Garage e ,SEAFORTH Want and 'For Sale Ads, 1 week 22Sc ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McCennell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT.. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN: The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to .5 p.nt, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE Quantity of soy beasts for sale; a good day weather crop, will produce as much hay as red clover. Frank Nolan, phone 661 r 21, Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE Frame hoose, 8 rooms, modern conveniences, Goderfeh St, West, Seaforth. Apply at the News Office. HOUSE FOR SALE Substantial 9 -roomed residence with one acre of land on North Main Street on attractive terms, Apply to H. G. Moir, Barrister, Seaforth. ELECTRIC FENCER I still have the Agency for selling the Parmak Electric Fence, the world's largest seller. Still leads in economy and operation. Five year guarantee, Full equipment on hand. Orville Workman, Kippen, Ont. Phone 11 on 77, Hensall FOR SALE New Lawn Mowers. Liberal allow- ance for your old one. Also a num- ber of reconditioner] used mowers. Get your choice while they last. Eberhart'a Chopping Mill. FOR SALE Quantity of good timothy seed, well cleaned, for sale. Henry F. Beuermann, Dublin, R. R. 1. Phone 23r 15, Dublin central BABY CHICKS Leghot'ns, Rocks, New Hamp- shires and Wyandottes. Write for May prices. Special -Rock Cockerels, $3.50 per hundred at the Hatchery. Plattsville Chick Hatchery. FOR SALE, FARMERS A ear load of Prince Edward Island potatoes now on hand. A limited amount of certified seed included, Leave your orders at Hensel] Co- operative. Also coal, cedar posts, 13. C. shingles, concentrates, stock minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of all brands. Huron Farmers' Co - Operative Co. Ltd., Hensel]. WANTED Old Woollens pay you best price cash or trade blankets or rugs. Sew- ing Machines repaired by experts. Guaranteed or money back: Switser & Carter, North Main St., Seaforth. FOR SALE Personal Rubber Goods, -mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope, with pricelist, 6 samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Adults only. Dept. M, Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario. "AGENTS WANTED" BE YOUR OWN BOSS. If you can create door to door market for guar- anteed necessities (over 200 of them), SUCCEED WITH FAMILEX. Liberal Commission. Repeat business assured. Cooperation. Complete de- tails and free catalogue first letter: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum- bago quickly relieved by using Rum- ACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Mc• . leindsey's Drug Store. FOR SALE OR RENT 150 acres of land In the Township of McKillop comprising the West half of West half, Lot 7, and East half of Lot 8, also North half of the north half of Lot 19, and the North half of lot 11, all in the eleventh concession. Will sell or tent all or parts thereof. There is a good red brick house on the lands. Apply John Eggert Estate, Charles Eggert and Charles Regele, Dublin R.R. 1, executors, and McConnell & Hays, Seaforth, Ontario, Splicitor.s." INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- entWindstorm& guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES