HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-15, Page 3TMU,RS'DAy MAY 15, 1541 THE SEAFORTH NEWS s ORT We Extend To You a C t rdi ll Invitation to Visit and Personally Inspect the Plant on ed.,1'hurs. & Friday, May 21, 22, 23 1.01 .I l .K From 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. — You will see the finest and most up-to-date Refrigerated. Locker Service in Ontario FREE PRIZE D?AWING! All you have to do is simply come in, look the Plant over, and put your Name and Address on a card.—No obligation. Drawing to be made by Mayor John J. Cluff at the Seaforth Creamery at 9 P., M. on FRIDAY, MAY 23RD. ATTENDANTS WILL BE GLAD TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS AND GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE BUILDING The Seaforth Locker Service offers to clo butchering of all kinds—to age and process these meats—in the latest and best known manner, ready for cooking—to wrap in Waterproof paper in meal size packages, label- led with locker number, date, contents and weight, and stored in your locker at a temperature below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Nearly all perishable fruit and vegetables can be preserved in this manner, as it saves all the vitamins—in many cases it enhances flavor—and no loss at this low temperature. Come in and learn how to save food, time, labor and looney. Don't fail to see the cleanest and best equipped Refrigerated Food and Locker Service in Ontario on WED., THURS., AND FRIDAY, MAY 21ST, 22ND, AND 23RD. Order Your Locker Now "n,fu""coop"nmunnnun"u"o"""uoo"nn,nuuon"ne, TWO SIZES: LARGE LOCKER: Per Year $7.50 Six Months X4.00 SMALL LOCKER: Per Year $5.00 Six Months $3.00 COMPLETE PROCESSING SERVICE: Available at addi- tional charge of 1 cent per pound, to cover cost of cutting and wrapping. OPEN DAILY TO 6 P. M. T,UES. & SAT. TO 5 P. M. Open for Business Monday, May 26th FIRST AID... for BRIDES First Aid for brides' and their mothers' meal problems are the quick frozen packaged vegetables, meats and fruits to be found at your locker plant. Whether your experi- ence in cooking be extensive or' limited you are sure of first class results when you use frozen foods, Simply follow directions and all goes well. FROZEN FOOD ADVANTAGES Anybody can rate high as a good cook with frozen foods. --And their advantages are many. For instance, you will find frozen foods are very simple to prepare. They are ready for the cooking process, no muss, fuss or bother. They are easy to cook. You merely follow the direc- tions ou the package. Frozen foods are real time savers. The required cooking time is less than for non - frozen foods of the same kinds. And they are economical. When you con- sider that you pay for nothing but the edible product with no waste, the cost is extremely reasonable. Have fun cooking. You can have an exciting time doing it if you really want to. After you have placed' attractive tempting dinners in front of your nice new husband and know at the end of the week that through wise buying you have saved a little on your food budget, what a thrill of accomplishment. Frozen foods will help you to do this. For instance, one bride I know buys the packages of frozen vegetables, uses one-half of a package for a meal and keeps the other in the freezing compartment of her refrig- erator, to be used later. Real cooking is creating. Your re• ward is in making positive the ele- ments that are necessary for a hap• py home in health and cheerfulness and comfortable surroundings. All brides make mistakes. When and if you have a failure, throw it in the garbage, say no more about it and then have the courage to tr•y. again. DIRECTIONS ON THE BOX Don't be afraid to follow direc- tions. Some women seem to think that directions are put on a box to fill up space or from custom. If they really stopped to think they would realize that the makers of products print recipes on boxes with a purr pose in mind to batter the product. They have definite commercial mot- ives in giving the best possible directions. Here are a few recipes to help you win laurels as a cook: Congratulations to 4 SEAFORTH LOCKER STORAGE SEAFORTH LOCKER STORAGE PLANT Was Designed, Engineer- ed and Supervised by THE WRIGHT PIANO CO., Ltd. Strathroy Congratulations to the Town of Seaforth on the opening of this most Modern Enterprise. For here you will have the greatest convenience of modern liv- ing at a cost within the reach of all. Kelvinator Precision Built Refrigeration used Exclusively Specify this same Equipment for your Household Refrigeration Requirements Kelvinator Distributors The Wright Piano Co. STRATHROY PHONE 95. SE To the Citizeas of Seaforth We wish to congratulate Mr. C. A. Barber of Seaforth Creamery on the opening of this new and modern locker storage plant. More particularly we wish to take this opportunity of acquainting the citizens of Seaforth and district with the immensity of this new enterprise and that Seaforth has a locker storage plant, the type of which is found in few centres in Canada. Finely equipped and in ac- cordance with the best and most modern engineering practices. FAULTLESS CONSTRUCTION . . . . FINEST MATERIALS . . CORRECT DESIGN . . These are but some of the features that will make Seaforth Storage Plant the perfection of convenience for all locker patrons. The lay -out is espec- ially adaptable to the most efficient service. ,.) PAGE THREE CE District The three greatest names in Low Temperature refrigeration in Canada combined to build and equip this plant: KELVINATOR OF CANADA, LTD. MUNDETTE CORK COMPANY, LTD. WRIGHT PIANO COMPANY, LTD. Designed and engineered by the Wright Piano Company, insulated with Mundette Cork, and equipped with Kelvinator Re- frigeration. This combination of firms have designed and built more Low Tem- perature refrigeration plants for the ex- clusive use of Lockers than any other in the Dominion. The Cold Storage Locker industry is destined to he one of the nation's greatest. Its benefits are manifold and will only be appreciated to the fullest by the citizens of the district as the months and years, roll by, and we are proud to have had the pleasure of pre- paring this new, ultra -modern service for you. Take advantage of the convenience and low cost of Locker Service. Rent a Locker Patronize Seaforth Creamery Locker Plant participate in the joys of better and healthier living at lower cost QUICK FROZEN CAULIFLOWER Golden Brown Dip freshly cooked quick frozen cauliflower florets in a batter made of one egg beaten with one table- spoonful of milk and one tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper, `and fry in butter until golden brown in color. Serve immediately. Delicious: FRESH PEACH SHORT CAKE (Frozen peaches, of course) 2 cups dour 4 teaspoons baking powder ee teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup shortening tutter cup milk B 1 package Fresh -Frozen peaches (th Mix and siftawed) dry ingredients and work in shortening with a knife. Gradually add enough milk to make a soft dough, mixing with a knife. Toss the dough on a floured board and tap and roll to ?: inch thickness. Bake in a very hot oven (450 deg.) 12 to 15 minutes. When done, split in two parts, butter and put thawed peaches between the layers and on top. Serve with whipped cream or plain cream. RASPBERRY FLUFF 1 package partially thawed fresh frozen raspberries 1 package raspberry gelatine dessert 2 cups sweetened whipped cream Prepare Raspberry Gelatine Des- sert as per directions on the box. When the gelatine is set, beat with a rotary beater until fluffy. Then add the sweetened whipped cream and fold in the raspberries. Pile in sher- bet glasses. Set in refrigerator until time for serving. Frozen foods always available at Seaforth Creamery Locker Plant. Mrs. John Yeo -- Seriously t ose Fehrnare and in ailing .health te,r the to four years Regina Yee. widow of John Yeo passed way at her Trafalgar St, home. Mitchell, on Saturday. Born in •Brussels on ,luly 14, 1064. the de- ceased woman was a 'daughter of the late IMr, and Mrs. William Yeo. Ste married 'John b'eu forty-five years ago after which they resided at Douglas, Man., an'd Swanlake, (Man., returning east 212 years aro to Blyth and eight years ag'o• coming to Mitchell. She nvae a memlber ni the United Church. Surviving are one daughter, (Minnie, at home; one son, +Clifford in Sarnia; one ;brother, Nel- son a Toronto; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Turner, Tacoma. Washing- ton; and one sister-in-law, Mise Ruth Yeo, who resided with her. There are two grandchildren, Mrs. ,Fred Pridham, Russeldale, and ICloyd Johnston, teacher at ,Muncey Re- serve. ]Rev. H'. C. 'Vernon .took .change cif the funaral held at her late home on Tuesday afternoon with sorrowing 'friends in attendance from Sarnia, Taranto, Brussels, Blyth. .Clinton, H,olmesville, .Mitchell. and vicinity. :Beautiful 'flowers 'banked the casket in tribute to the deceased woman. ;During the service a ,duet was song "The City 'Foursgeare." The remains were laid to rest in Woodland ICenetery, ;Mitchell. Bear- ers were ILori1 Butson, Wesley Har- ris, Rdbert Keyes, Edward (Curtis and !Tot. Linton, and ;i. Potter led Sara r:i.-112itahell 'A'dvocate. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks'SOc Congratulations To Seaforth Refrigerated Locker Service upon the opening of this, the newest type of community service Congratulations TO SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT upon the opening of the most modern, in Refrigerated. Locker Plants ALL CORK AND INSULATION MATERIALS WERE SUPPLIED BY undette Cork Insulation Ltd. 35 BOOTH AVE., TORONTO Lost At Sea - 1n the list of n'anea 0: the :. "mi it.erc personnel,- lost when a transport was sunk by enemy action, appears the name of 1Major John R. Townshend 1fr. Townshend wee well known in this community. He spent hie boyhood in ;Goderich town- ship and was the son of the late A,1- bert Townshend and 'Hanna (Scotch - mere) Townshend. At the Clinton Collegiate Institute be die teach d himself as a brilliant etude:: and ores held in high esteem The, all his classmates. He graduated from Queen's University in the Honour Science (Course. After attending O. IC.E, he entered the teaching profes- sion and held positions in (Collegiate Institutes at Ottawe, Hamilton. Port Anther and Fort Frances, where he was Science 'Master and Principal. His wife was ".tire 'former (Mabel ,Crich of Tudkersmith tmp. and there are four children, Ernest Townshend. of 'Goderich township, Canon IWm, A. Townshend of London and Alvin Townshend of Toronto are (brothers. —Clinton News -Record. MANTLES FOR OIL LIT BUOYS Britain's New South American Ex- port Incandescent mantles for floating buoys round the Argentine coast are Britain's latest war -time export. The Argentine Minister of Public Works has recently sent an order for them. Every year more than 1,500,000 in- candescent mantles are used in the outlying towns and villages and on the lonely ranches of the Argentine and other parts of South, America lighted by oil lamps. Before the war almost all these mantles were sup- plied by Germany and the United States. Already Britain is shipping across the Atlantic one-fourth of them, made from artificial silk. One British firm alone exported to the Argentine twelve times more mantles in May than they had done a year before, Great Britain makes both the smallest and the largeStincaauleseent mantles in the world. The smallest. only seven -sixteenths of an inch in length, is used for miscroscope light- ing. The largest, eleven inches long,