HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-15, Page 2PAGE TWO !UTNE n d ATHROOM You need Gillett's Lye in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Keep it handy for drains, for pots and pans, for numerous other household tasks, Gillett's Lye wili save you hours of hard work—it's the easy, efficient, economical way of cleaning. °Never dissolve lye in hod water. The action of the lye itself heats she '"eiZ46" imam=Rm. FREE BOOKLET — The Gillett's Lye Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser clears clogged drains .. keeps ollt- bouswi tic= arsioderlassb*r reescrertne the oeuteata of the closet ._.. how tt ==y4ri7a:sl'rd,tecasIk'fiiSzeade Ltd., eed for a Bruer A. end Lilswey Street. Tomato, Ont. .4100111MINIIIMMINNOMIO .1•1•1151. MRS, WILBERT CRICH Cora 'A. Wilbert A. Cebeedied the Clineen Hespital Seterday eveningwhere see had been a patient for the pas! :eleven weeks. She had been ill far a period of seeveii months. Mee erke. wee wee in eer 5Sth year_ wee a eaeghter tee. :ate eenees arid Agile, H. ort: it: sA7,rilfrToa III ehe meeriee tee'et tee, e. wee sur- 1-:,, Tesse were nzat Eev W. H. lees. et tee eeene te 31,er:et-het ten-senage eee. tee nesse eseire lived ie Seefeete. Teee ,eee. teented tT; t.r.7Adetl,,t1 zetes • Roae.• and Leese reeteel t Per the pee: le years Me end ee. teritee het.. eeeidel Ra.S. Gederich Twp.. where el: eervee as mail le le le Clinton. Beeides the huebaed teens seevis-e ens. daughter Dorie .Mr,Ry ta weightt and twe ceral: grendeelle. een elarjorie and Doegeas. Thee.: erathers and two e.istersalso sue - vire: Philip Roweliffe. Goeeeich rewnship. Byam of London Road. Tuekersmith. and Ernest. in Ontario. California.. Mrs. Joseph hipiey. :oa. and Mre.. Joseph Crich, London. The: funeral service wee held on Tuesday afternoon az 2 o'cioce.- az he home on the Baee Line, The ser- e -lee waonducted be Rev. G. G. Burton. pastor of Ontario St. United Cturchwhich she was a eattheul member. Rev. Burnen chose as. his ter:. "Beth thou eaithful turto death and I will eive thee Crown of' Life. - Interment ;ole place iu Exeter Cemetery.. The palibeaeree were George Pry.-. Ray Crawford. leieback. Frar.k Celernan. Robert see, rough and Herman Ci. h. F:ower bearers were Harry Crieh. Nelsen Crich. Francis Coleman and Barrett Taylor. There were ,..nary I.2111• butee. from Lot -Ant. Leetreege-ei eleeforth. Beesaeses. Belgrevse ▪ atete• and. arA WE HAVE GOODYEAR TIRES AT ALL PRICES V.reeele- cti IS DESIGNED E.P. „to GIVE you, vat MILES 10104 Amy OTUE Ai OR NEAii• rfs 'LOW PRlcE, GO AND SAVE DRIVE IN FOR SERVICE TODAY W. G. WRIGHT Former Seaforth Boy Buried At Ingersoll Late J. Anderson Coulter Spent His Youth Here.—Relative of Miss Hargan ingersou Tribiin- Join; Anderson Couttet. ;neer highly reepeete..1 reeident sneer. flLfer many years. and a former mayor of the town. passed away in the Westera Hospital, Toronto. on Sunday after110011. May 4th. De- eeaeed contracted influenza about six w ,eite ago and made a partial recovery, but he later developed a blood conditeen and was taken to Western Hospital about ten days previous to his death. Mr. Coulter who was in his 72nd yeee. was bora near Belleville in Hastings County. His father passed away when he was seven mouths old and his mother, who was a school FUNERAL OF H. McGRATH teacher. was forced to return co her profession and young John Auder. SOu was taken to Seaforth where he Hugh McGrath is dead. This news eashed over the wit -es Monday made his home until about the age evening shortly after five o'clock. of sixteen when he came to Inger- 1 -lis death was a shock to all, though THE SEAFORTH NEWS M y, ;in1h, (jar eleeeete Fuller Frank el...eleee. ees S'epleeneon. en,.,ne• ee. 3;1, .2 2 AMU 111 Ar t-,441.311,- a- the ell:eine were Mrs Fred H D• -a.-:, F terieer Deaeon. M. J. E. liugeseet eire. F. I:drill:M. Mr and Mr. H F Stoin,inare J. W. elauzer. G M. MeHey Miss E. Mv- team Mee. Genres" Naylor. Frank Ward. William Ward, and .ire. Lav- ery. Toronto; Mre. Ft. A. Plunib, and Mrs. Earl Thomeeon, Detroit: Russell elebee. Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mabee. Kitchener; Miss E. P. Hargan, Seaforth; Mr. and Mien Frank C. Morrow, Mrs. \Vin. McIntosh. Mrs, H. Hayman, William English. London; Miss Kate Ille- Callum. Dorchester; Mr. aud Jack Canfield. Woodstock; Rev. H. B. Christie, Frank Bauslaugh, Brant- ford. - HELD AT DUBLIN eon and entered the employ of the he had been contined to his home for John Morrow Company aa an office several months. Everything humanly boy. From this humble start as jun- possible to restore him to health was done by his parents, A major for in 1SS7. Mr. Coulter rose to the position of President and General toapielbaTtion in Toronto General Hospi. by au eminent surgeon was of no Manager of the Company, the since avail. He never complained during he eel,' when he severed hie con. the long months of pain and suffer- ing. but was always cheerful and nection with the firm in 1920 after patient and enjoyed the company of fILd years of service his friends and neighbors. Haying Peritape no other individual has the happy faculty of making Mende. d.ele more for the welfare of the they could be numbered by the town than Mr. CoulterThere seores. and the client testimony of . we. :lever 3 :wilily object or a needy t thio friendship was in evidence by he numerous telegrams from distant t:13S., that did not reeelve his *support. ..ee spiritual bouquets and He was of a moist benevolent and dowers, ineluding a wreath from the cynieeseete.. nature end many eine Ushorne and Hibbert :gimlet hem- atite co., of whieh John McGrath is deeee remain ae. a tribute to his metnery. He was a member of theAt •untisuall'Y large literal held at the est. Patrick's term council for nearly three years. Church. Dublin. May elle at 9.30 serving as councillor itt ifeel 0elfwk. mass was celebrated by Rev. and was elected mayor by ac- Pi DFfottikes. and present in the leee. eanctuarwere y Rev Gaffney, Rev. .1!nItI,'5 tfl tfl .t'gtl$:' 14°'-`• t4245Sitliivan of London. Rev. O'Droweki -1-.1211 ef eenzee P. Boles of St. Columban. Mrs. Leo Fortune., ile wee ;esponeible tor the ops. as soloist. eloquently eking Dwelling ef the Soldiere' Home Club in with P. Angels. The pallbearers lel?, during. the last Great War. He rri;orn'neilla;.°71T'A.;:,.ant.a.niv7Feeuey . deritel the instruments end me,ie Tile honorary pallbearers were dii. etler eittributions towel -de the for- actors of the lesborne & Hibbert nn;in:1 :1tE. neeeeeee eiennee Ineurance Co.. John Essery. Thomas: Scott. Angue Sinclair. Win: Coates. Bn1. whice tiourished here eari in , Thomas Ballantyne. John Hackney. lee,. eboat 1241 1,4 Wrn. Huckney. B. W. F. 13eaverse 1-1 -2-1 e ;teem)af men that %We,: H. is su2'vit,r1 by hie parents. Mr. 2A1-11,2 Daly House and con. atei Mrs. John McGrath, of Dublin. reeeel inte A Mk. 1! inetel fer the 11. 1440hepotlne 1440 6,Ist.";7• 2h32 ingersell Jere ;tee etre. Walter Blonde. Chatham. wae e meetbee ef King :and Mts. Ed Conlin. Granton. A Mir.= Ledee, No. 37. A F ae, AM,. sister Mary preeeeeasee hint 13 intro;: acid was a member ot the "are ago. "And so the last chapt,-r of a noble termee Ingersoll 'elethediet Chitral. life is ended. Gone to hie eternal ai bell many offices le the Kiting reward. His home is in heaven. And A..2 2E1,32 eeneeegatiou. it was hi. ..arne,st deeire to he Atter leaving Ingersoll lte went to thee"•- Ituffale where he, became e.enerai meneee: et the Curtis Seeew Corte WALTON hand with rod and line.—Goderich later et.ateed Twit Drill Have Foil heard the Toll Brothers? Signal -Star. THURSDAY. VA, VS FIRST, on possessing one of the most modern refrigerator locker systems in Canada. SECOND, on having such enterprising people as the Seaforth Locker Storage and C. A. Barber to provide the public with this great 20th century convenience. The 390 -locker installation and large chill room are efficiently refrigerated by Kelvinator units of the latest type and furnish the public with up-to-date cold storage for meats, fish, poultry, fruits and vegeta.bles. INSTALLED EY Wright Piano Co., Strathroy FO Seafort Locher KEL IN tora-e KELVINATOR OF CANADA, LIMITED — LONDON, ONTARIO PRICELESS 47AGIC OLD FAMILY MRING RECIPES pooffl WITH MAGIC NI IT'S ALWAYS DEPENDABLE! .any rt -' a. If not vou will have an opportunity Company in teat city and before re. C to see" arid hear their new travelog., Collegiate Teacher Resigns— tlIVIliag allada was tor a time "Hieing through South America." In enraged15 the etelmfaettlee ot pat- Duff's United Church. Welton, 05 eared steering wheel. He was aesoci. ThUredae. May 2nd. The Woman's eresi with the Ruddy company ASSA.62.1.21011 of Duff's Church are Brantford and late? with companies $:''''-'1.'s".er.111!. this e"ning enteettuntent. The. Toll Brothers. Stratferd and Toronto. where he Ellsworth and Leroy, after complet• mg their courses at the 1.111.VerSitY ed Toronto. set out from Toronto Amer - lea as their objective. Hitch -hiking. they made their way through the lenired States and Mexico as far as :ad' would take thetn. Then on to South interim. they traveled down the western side of the Andes to the capital city of Chili. In this journey they visited many remote places, enduring many dangers and hard- ships. They crossed the Andes on expioi,A the .eastern side of 15 e.ret c,ntinent. The ?motion and they procured are beau- •.itel beyond deetription. The grip• 211,1,1-y of eceithful adventure. 1:,de:• ,onditions hazardous and ex- iieleg. with ;dashes of humour ewers seeessel. providee a great evening. entertaining and educational. which will be enjeyed by all who are fort- ureete 1-1 be present. A special Mother', Day serylee was. observed in Duff's United Church on Sunday. with the minister Rev. F. A. -Gilbert in charge. Perch Fishing At Goderich Is Great Sport— Hundreds.. of anglers from outside centres. Stratford. Kitchener. Lon- een. Treemee asci other points 1,,524.4,.. as well as merle f:ere !les dietrice thronged the piers a:ati .t.ealts-aters on Sunday from .se le :insetting till late is the even- ieer. The eceetelen was the spring tun pe:-iit Individual catches were not !urge. hnt considering the num• tirrr takiest part in the eport. 5. giseaz number of esh were taken from the water during the day. Every day there are many on bad made his home for the paSt SO, ere: yeaee eln Ceti:ter Was married twice. nie -test wife. May Dundess. prede- eeesei hitt in March. 1e2e. Surely. leg bee:ides his widow Who wee tor- • Mi-.. Jean etealker ef ell. ere 244.11 -eaugbeere Mr, . Edward Heekits. Teronee. and Mee. Willie el lee Metiona:d. Bearl tee e • 2,1.112 a1-321..i.L.111113.1-,21. A se.ee teneeal ,'.:vie- w.As iteld the 2.31 2:214,21, Yeeee Ste -et. Tea. .nee. Teen:lay a! rat, was iat•gely tieing NIA•ZA's.. • Deaaott. H. Se:ores:nem .";,It'DoLaid. Edward Rep- tVatd ata.i, E. De Witt. H1222. T..11., .2•1,221232.1.1, wer tiratight to .se meter 5124 a publie asee- ela+ heei it Triulty United Citern at S. p.m.. which was aloe ierateie atte.nded and there Was a protulx-: eovely doral tributes. Tee eleeir ef the ehurch was 15 41- 11:121-1 hc organist. Ewell A. Beeeley. at tee consele. During the Mr'. Harold F. leren rend- eree ir. belutitul voice. "The Oni Beeggesi Cres..." Rev. R. Harold Parr. 3 A. MiLiSti.7 .31 th ehurchwas iu ,Lazge. ar.:1 it an irapreesive dis- e-eurse. eulegized the lee work of Canter and paid glowing tribute to his great efforts on behalf of the inuecb in former yearsIn:err...int was made in the Ing- ersoll Rural, Cemetery. the honorary pall bearers being elesere. E. A. Wil- son. Dr. J. M. Rogers. R. W. Green.. E. H. 1-lueill. Dp. J. W. Counter. T. N. Dunn. John E. Gayler. John 3. 3IeLeod, Harry G. MeMtilkin, An- I drew Moyer. Reginald Stone. H. Percy Stoneman and Bruce Maitland. The active bearers were Messrs. Al- lred Rlights, John Lee. Charles P'eareott. James 3. Eenapp. Harter Dales and P. s. Pedolin. Eanpioyees of the Morrow Comp -i, any who were with the firm at the time Mr. Conker was president acts ed as Rower bearers. They were: Robert Windram, joserib Edmonds.. 44.4,1.00 RIMOVAL of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone tol feet° this number 219 MITCHELL or 21 INGERSOLL WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD At the monthly meeting of the Goderieh Collegiate Institute Board. a letter was received from Miss K. Park tendering her resignation. Miss Park has been on the staff for eight years as instructor in classics. The resignation was accepted and the secretary was instructed to write to Miss Park expressing the board's appreciation of her work. Goderich Tax Rate 35 Mills— At apeeial meeting of the Town Council last week. the tax rate for 1941 was struck at 35 mines, This re- presenrs a reduction of leee mills from last year and is the lowest rate Gederich has had for a quarter of a oseture or more. The reduction is made possible by a surplus of about ille.eee from 1P4"—the result mainly of a fortunate bit of financing in con- nection with the Ontario Wet Shore Railway fund aecount. There IS also a reduction .ef about 32,300 itt the amount of debenture interest to be paid this year. Ten Acres of Pears Planted At axe -ter -- A new venture In fruit -growing was started this spring by the Exe- ter branch of the Canadian Canners Limited, Ten acres of the eompany'e forry-five acres on the east side of Exeter was planted with pear trees of the Keefer variety. Altogether 1010 trees were set out. With good results the trees should be bearing fruit in four yearstime. With pears ripening in the fall this new venture will prolong the period of employ- ment at the factory and in addition will require extra help in picking the fruit. Last year ten acres of asparagus beds were set out on the property north of the factory and I this year three additional acres are 1 being set out. With asparagus, string beans and Pears added to the large output of peas and corn the Exeter branch should be a busy spot most of the summer months. - Leg Fractured— While ploughing recentle Bill Drown of Staff& met with an unfort- . nnate accident in which his right leg was fractured. The team bolted and he was thrown to the ground, the plough passing over his leg. Send 45 rhe na.mes year •eeirers. You Roll Them BefterWffli Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIGH I District Agent J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly stash SEAFORTH We Aim To ?:ease DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH le. EXETER E30 DARLING & CO, OF CANADA, LTD, ITS TREE FRUITS. The leading varieties of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, etc. Priced from 50 cents up. Strictly No. 1, 2 year trees. BUSH FRUITS. Complete assortm ent of Raspberries. Blackberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Grapes. No, 1 stock at prices that will save you money. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. 15 outstanding varieties covering full season from early to late and in.cluding the everbearing varieties. Grown right and priced right. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. Illary Washington is the leading variety for both the home garden and commercial growing. Choice one and two year roots. F ree Our 56 page, illustrated catalogue listing o'ver 1300 choice varieties of ornamentals and fruits. Send for your copy to -day. The McConnell Nursery Co. Port Burwell, Ont, EdTABLISHED 1312