HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-08, Page 21
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• There's a thrill in honest wear at the
store for you when lowest possible first
you see how much
tire your money can We have a
buy here. complete
The Goodyear stock of
Pathfinder has every Goodyear
quality for long, tires!
WE'LLS4VE '010
G. WRIGHT, Seaforth, Ont.
Contracts Let on Blue Water
H ighway—
Contratne for eurieninz on the Blue
Water highway have been awarded
as reeilowe by the- provincial depart-
ment of highways: Forest. to Grand
Bend. 22 miles—Sandy Contracting ee.
Machine Worke, Gedeeiaa: Bayetell
te Gnderiele. la miles—R. 3. Brewer.
Goderich: Dunlop to Amberley. :21
. J. Brewer. Goderich: Ana-
berley to Kincardine. 11 miles—Ben
Goldthorpe. Colborne tewnslaip. The
material to be need is pit grave: put
through a crusher. Oil will Ise applied
Mi this surfaee. It ie understood that
paving may be nemplerei free) God -
to Port Albert. arei also from
Forest to Grand Bend. tbough there
is me wore from department as
Re -Elected A Bencher—
Mr. R. C. Hays. K.C.. of feederh h.
ha e been re-elected a beneher rff the
Law Society of Tepper Canada. The-
is :he governing body of the legal
profeesion in Ontario and the bench.
ere are eIe(-td for a term .•),f.* eve
years Ile- :lie members of the prof.
'ion. This is Mr. Hays' second term_
Perch At Goderich—
The annual spring run of pereh i.
expee:ed to be in full swing by the
end of the week.—Several fair-sized
..tehe. had been made from the
!..reakwater up to Wednesday night.
Take RadiO Ceurses—
Ken teemers eee Ken almeety of
• the
A B. 1.,,•-; week. They!
, = beteg
fee this week I
Tometc fer Treattnert—
D'Art; Terer.te tahing
ni. back witieh wee i
inaetaei S eet Imber when ne fen I
i,e'. whilew)rieir.g at the Presby-
terian Church. Lily,' expeets to be in
Toronto for ahem tare, we.eks.—
Weneham Advance -Times.
Died At Goderica—
George SteswArt. prominent (lode.
rich Berle!, diel et his home there
last week in hie Kind year. He had
been 111 for tea days. Mr. Stewart
was born a* Be:miller, one of the
sixteen children. of the tate Mr. and
Mrs, John Stewart. who mute to
_anatia front Seotland. He lived for a
time in Buffalo before coming TO
Godeeiche where he had resided for
45 years. He was a former member
of the s.o.ssion of Knox Church. He
was twice marriei. drat. to Miss An-
nie Morrie. and in tele to Miss Het -
tie eliddieton. who survives. He i.
survived by foe'. brothers. Charles,
ot Tnronto: 33:nee Allentown. N.J.:
Martin and Je.eph. Benntill,r nut's-
ari te'ree sisters. Mrs. Nor-
man K.i.rtileea:t. eaederich: Mrs.
i'harlee Gederieh town -
.hip. and Mr. F. Gray. Cleveland.
The funeral wee. hell rt Saturday.
—Goderieli Slenal-tener.
elr. and M. A. E. Qttereagesser.
Brodhagen. aneeunee the engage-
inent of their cend daughter Adelia
Wilhelmine. to Mr. Donald Nee stet*.
of Kitche.ner. If Mr. and Mre.
Otto Steuk. The marriage to -mite
plane. in :slay.
Mitchell To Have
Modern Hotel—
J. J. Cox ot Mitchell ie receiving
congratulatione fet the. splendid
reanner in which he ie renovating
and remodeline, the Reyal Hotel. Mr.
Cox reveutly to* ON -Yr the orchp-
aney of the drag etor e which W.
"Every duty, well and honestly
done, is a contribution to victory."
THE Perms MtNiscgtst
or Cs.ri
When our installer finishes his job of putt* in yoar
telephonehe says in effect —
"Now you can talk with almost anyone. anywhere:"
The fact is that in normal times you may reach any
telephone anywhere—up to more than 90 per cent of
the total telephones in the world.
Each year we have tried to make your telephone
service of greater value to you than ever before. Calls
are completed more quickly, more accurately. Your
voice is clearer, more recognizable at any distance.
Interruptions to your service—never frequent —are
more infrequent than ever.
Few things you buy are of greater value — day in.,
day out — than your telephone service. Dependable,
courteous service, at reason-
able geltAdeAt
cost—that is our constant 0 goal, in in peace and war.
E. NI. HOGGARTH aeeteng alietirS
Walthee hae -rled ttbusineas
mai of the benquet nnun of the
Masonic 2o ige am: onver
he.- itt,- apart of hie eotel. The
meet whet,. he has v.impletssi his tee.
eretiene ani redecoratieg will un-
doubtedly be one cif the tineet hotels
to be found in a tewa the size in
Ontario.* What Wits fermerly Walth-
er's drug storo now houses two ultra
madern beveiage roome. The menas
parlor oemmying the front ie finished
in blending ehadee of green. from the
rug-patterued tiled floor to the ceil-
ing, which is attractively beamed.
Mrs. Chas. Barthel, Clinton—
Julia Caroline Thornton, widow of
the late Chas. H. Bartliff. passed
away at the family home. Albert st.,
Clinton, on Sunday. April 27. Mrs.
Bartliff. the eldest daughter of Agnes
Townley and John Thorutou. was
bora in Collingwood. Ontario, Mr.
and Mrs. Ballad' spent the early
Seale, of their married life in Sou -
forth and Brussels, coming to Clin-
ton thirty-seven years ago. where
Mr. Bartliff engaged in the business
now carried on by his son, Harry
Bartliff. Because f her kindly and
hospitable epirtt. Mrs. Bartliff has
left happy memories in the hearts of
many friends, to whom her pa.sing
Is a greet loss. She was a devoted
member of St. Paul's Anglican
Church and a most interested and
helpful menther of the Guild. Her
hands were busy to the last making
many gifts to aid the work of the
soeiety. Surviving are four children,
Harry of Clinton, Lyla. etre. 0. W.
Pinner. Toronto. Jewel. Mrs. H. A.
Stevens, Calabogi-e and Annive at
home. _Alen four grandchildren, Mrs.
Alfred Crozier. Elliott and Douglas
Bartliff. all of Clinton. and Bruce
Bartliff of the R.C.A.F.. St. Thomas
Rev. A. 14, O'Neil conducted the pri.
VHS service at the residence and at
Maitland Bank Cemetery. Seaforth.
The pallbearers were. three grandsoes. Elliott and Douglas Bartliff:
Altred Crozier, a nephew. Charles
Hardin- and Harold Pickett and
George Roberton. — Clinton NewsReCOrd.
Exeter Bridge Ready
For Flooring—
The trestle work for Exeter's new
bridge is now vomplete. A network
of steel bars for reinforcing the con-
crete, has been placed in position.
The cement flooring will be poured
in three sectione and when once
alerted will take about four days.
The Wainwright Construction Co. of
Loudon, who have the contract. have
apparatus for washing and grading
the gravel from the Skinner pit in
rshorne. After laying the flooring of
the bridge, eleven pillars are to be
erected on either side. fillet e will he
several large pillars at either end.
also electric light standarde.
Mrs, Robert L. McDonald.—
Was 'Native of Tuckersmith.—
A ;ifelaese resident. .:ff iirey
Niaekay. ...villa 01 tilt
:ate Reeert NI.:Denele, paseed
awe.. a: tee -rne her son. eVellie
M.:D..:;a .tt.. riti.rs-slay morning'.
Aerel 24t..t. after an i,"i•es, s!,:.
-n et. Tee ieceesed Is as 'norn itt
Tnikersir.i.:1:. leie, the datighter.
Mr aril Mri. ‘‘tt.tattt Nlat•kay. After
••.,een ntart".ed ip•r 'fifty
year. :ler linseioand R.T'.7-rert McDonald
'ter one :'•-ear a.„-r-si in May
She seer...dee-3 bv ene son,
Veteie MeDenald• ef arty township,
*erether. Heeee. NIa,:kay of
Niagara Falls. and two sisters. Mrs.
Wn., -M.:D.3:1%14. is...so:lard. -Alta.. and
Mr, Alfred Hex. aeafertie The
to'k plaZe nr atria. after -
a: 2 p.m.. -.vie-. :ter paenee. Rev.
3. E. Taylor .f 'rek Presay-
teeian eeeeze .:area. Interment
eeek ?laze in fee ..eranbe»..e. zee:et-
ere. Pa‘eeeterers wee: Harry Keys.
SnialliOn. •,Thas. Penierend. O-
Pelloeine ie I- tak-ot tif1111
the Apri; teimae, r.., Reel
Sews1t i
A cable Ciotti Herbert elerrieon.
Hoene tl-lecretary I'vr Britain. lois
spiked the etatement. vircniated 0.
ventlY. that shipmee ,ivereette of
woollen comforts and euppliee take
up needed shipping spaen. and that
Canadians should eau(' money In-
stead of relief material for Britain's
civil defence. "Please convey to the
Canadian Red Cross my deep and
-grateful appreciatIou of their un-
stinted help to our civilian army of
anti -air raid defenders through the
supplies which they are seeding to
the Civil Defence comforts scheme,
Canada's gift, of money are greatly
valued. No leas so is the stream of
comfort knitted by devoted hands
all over the Dominioti. Tucked away
in the corners of ships among the
munitione you send us, these com-
forts add a touch of warm human
kindness to the grimmer contribu-
tion, made by your great country to.'
the common effort. These comforts
will be used as a central reserve
front which to supply heavily at-
tacked areas. I desire neither gifts in
cash nor in kind to be interrupted
and I hope this reassurance removes
all dirlicultios. t Sighed} Herbert
Young People Met
At Northside Church
The regular weekly meeting of the
Northside United Young People'
Union was held on Tuesday evening,
April 2S111, with Mr. Sam Scott- pre-
siding, rhe meeting opened with
• the hymn 'Day is dying in the West."
and the Lord's prayer was repeated
in unison,. Mise Maxine Lawrence.
secretary, read the minutes of the
last meeting and these were adopted
3. correct by Miss Jean Smale. Bus.
Inees wae then discussed. Miss Isa-
bel Forrest, devotional convener.
took charge of the remainder of the
meeting. The hymn. "God moves in
a mysterious way." was auug, foll-
owed by the scripture reading. Psa.
4e. read by ;Wee Edna Rohfrietch.
Mr. -Jack Stevens. led In prayer. The
topic was made up of short readings
from poems of Canadian poets. given
by Mise Jean Simile. Miss Ethel
Storey, Miss Barbara McLellan and
Miss Isobel Forrest. The hymn -0
Jesus I have Promised' was sung
and the meeting closed With the Mts.
4 Months' Trained Men
To Be Called For Duty
Graduates of the first group of 4Stet
twenty -one -year-olds called ander the
mobilization act for a four -mouths'
training period will be kept in the
Army indefinitely for defence work
in Canada. Hon. J. L. Ralston. min-
ister of defence, announced at Ot-
tawa recently.
When they have completed their
training in July they will go on duty
for coast defence at the Pacide and
in the Maritimes. and on interim' se-
curity and guard duty in the interior
to relieve men now perforating this
work, who have signed up tor
overseas. Where possible these
youngsters will serve in the localities
from which they came. Whether
those nailed for the second vamp will
be likewise 'assignee to home defence
on completion of their training in
August will depend on develop-
ments. the 'Minister elated.
Me. arei Mrs. Kinzele3.
r.VP'At lienter. Lenden.
were recent -.-E-::or' .vith Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Brietere Mrs.
Funartonwith her ;brother.
Feraes Linnint Mr. ani Aire. Nor -
mar: Harper, Cat.eingeord. and Mia
rs:Kence Srrtith, •Kippen. with Mr,
and eirs. Frank Smith', Miss Marjor-
ie Gibb, Stratford, with iMr. and Mrs.
James. Malcolm and Mr. and Wes,
Anert Roney in INfitchele
Several boys. and girls from the
:Continuation High School ,who were
uusDy engaged in examinations last
week, hate been released from their
Studies to assist itt farm eereice, ace
cordingito plans set 'forth by the De-
partment of Education to relieve the
shortage of farm galsor.
Mrs. Frank 'Xenny underwent a
very success -fel operation •at Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, recently
Mr, and Mrs. ljoseph -Cronitt have
moved to the home of the late Miss
....Hattlan on the highway.
Want and For Sale Ade., 1 /reek No
Mr. ene A. Jeffery and Seen-
eer and Mrs. leeleeni Sadler visited
with *Mr. an.: Nita.. Norman Bushfield.
Mise Marie Sfeery Elitim° was -
o vd.itor at the home of her father,
Mr. R. Sieery.
"..1.11r. E. X. Frienzit 1 Mitchell wtv.
i-, visitor with A. Norris. Mrs. Co.
of Terento, with her eon, Archie.
at Mr. atieeNire..James Barbour: .Mr..
and Mrs. A. W. Norris in Fullarton
.with Er and Mrs. Nelson 'Baker and
Mr. and Mr.. 1'. 'Marshall: Ed. Trei-
fery and sister. 'Tenni., returned to
the:r this week after ...pending
:he winter in Lenden.
MAGtendere1 vCegivesrytg h ,
grilling For Water
At Proposed Airfield—
Sperulatiou is again to the for, as
to whether or not the location be-
tween Centralia and Crediton is to
be selected for the new Air Force
gunnery and bombing school expect-
ed to be established in Huron Conn.
ly. Four locations were surveyed twit,
smuttier, viz.: the one above raea•
dolled, others at Grand Bend, St.
Joseph and Antberley. The location
at Amberley was reported passed up
because It would entail the tsariag
down of too many good farm build -
Inge, On Monday evening a well -
drilling outfit of the International
Water Supply ro.. of London. was
moved onto the southwest corner of
the ittrm of Mr, Lloyd Hodgson, at
Fairfield. Drilling operatione cont.
mewed Wednesday morning and It
is expected that a plentiful supply of
water will be found as the fame in
that district have never -falling wells
at a depth ttf 15 to 25 feet. The land
surveyed last summer at Fairfield
comprised a thousand acree and in -
eluded the farm:, of Chas. Isaac. Mrs,
Hodgins. Lloyd Hoegeen 3114 111,5
Robinson farm on the third cones
sten of Stephen and of Louis Davey,
Sandy Mete, Jack Edwards and the
Heanian farm on the fourth con.''..,
sion. .A test will be made as to tee
supply and also the quality nf the
water.—Exeter TimeA-Adeoeate,
Farmer Starers Stroke
While Up On Windmill—
Last week. while Alex King, of the
4th entices:don of Morris. was up Op
the windniill doing SOrne rePairille,
assisted by his brother Charlie. h.,
suffered a stroke. His brother callae
until the neighbor,. mime and they
were able to bring hirn tiewn.
met •-,T1 Ai':Irr7.1,
1111," .!
.10-',1 .111': 11-0. r,..
11:01.1!:tJn. e.a, in fie chlit. Mr-.
and the two,trattt miler the
ervision E.t \tier.
an excellent Ni:e. I
read front the stuly ',oak
of Rev. Jo:tat:11.th A iliano
duet was *riven Mr-. ejeance and
lire Ernie Allen enjoe..1
Mrs. fi et.thlon .tave i,a2i.tr -on cnr.
rent e,.ent, The witit
help oi Mr.. Ernest ,erve1
very ,I4int:t an1
her home in Kileven a'tet a few -day,.
with t\ itt H ezeet 30 3.11
famil3. Mr nt Ms.-. N&*. tiili.e-eolo
and Mr. and 51rs. 1,71n Lung •ei Sea•
forth with Mr. Mr, Janie.
Scott: Sir.. bit Kenn. ha- retttrne-1
.Mitchell after a viett 1: leer ell
hello! here: 51 r., Re3 M
-tinder medical care .• ',resent: Mrs.
tMacint.e.li tut, l'onte after
.pettaitt.; 11.4: '5 inter
Terante and Azten
iir.t eenteet ...vorks to "d -i*
built in Iraq ha, %ern shipeed ont
there *complete from a faeneue 13r1'-
steel works.
It includes a large plan; ear cruse-
ine the limestone, targe male for
grinding- the limestone ane clay to
the necessary degree oe' fineness, a
rotar:. kiln, MO feet long. for burn -
in.' Cie r material-. another :aret
mill for malting finished cement. and
an itsgenion. machine which auto-
mail:all> packs the oroduct in paper
-111t: eorks i 11.01 will turn out 354
tons of cement A d i n in be able to
increase the output, should the de -
mond warrant it, ea 600 tons a day.
Death of Mrs. James McFadzean
Of Brussels.—
Mrs. James McFedzean died at
Breesele .on April 2,3th after an ill-
ness of a month. ,lir.. eicleecizean
was born on rhe tate concession of
Grey township in 1871, daughter of
Andrew +Htelop and Susan ilicNair.
In t1901 she was married to James
NeeFadzeati and they resided in Grey
nee. for 19 years. In 1930 rhea bit
the farm and came .to Brussels to
reside. The ,pallbearers at the funer-
al were Robert leie.Fedzeate James
Shortreed, 1Wilfred Shortreed, Chas.
Davidson and Robert 'Warwick. The
ilowerbearers were Missee Isobel
Lowry, (Mary Helen Kerr, Gladys
Davidson, Ethel Shaw. Ella Dickson,
Dorothy Armstrong, Mrs. Rcibert
Warwick and Mrs, Harold Sellers.
Send us the rrames of your visitors
CHEOROS Stratford General
Hospital, on Wednesday, April 30.
1941, to alr. and Mrs. Jack
Cheoros, Mitchell, g aou.
of DEAD or
tolled' to this number