HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL i'lrt meeting I't the 'Wee. 1.le. ';a, held in 'United Church last Thursday. April 24th mid Mrs. Chas, links was in the chair. The Scripture was read 'by Mr., 'Maude Heddetf. The theme sent, Spirit of the Living God w.as sung. Sentence prayers by :Mrs. Christie, Mrs. look and Mr-. Pierces The topic. "Hold Fast; was taken nv Mfrs. McQueen. Mrs, link, etused with prayer. (Mrs. George Hess pre- sided as president. Duet was ,;given by Reith Hes- and Erna \Vehtber, Lu1Iu- hy and Good Nights It was decided that Slt3 should he given to the lend - t. It was disclosed at the meeting that $'n had been sent it tui Exeter Hensa t Union to the !Mobile Canteen Turd.'Mrs. ,Cltristie. 'district president, preset ed - spier did report el, the 'Temperance Federation held in the :\1 etre 1 t n C fare'!. London, n recent- ly ,which was ,cry much nioyed, lC.'c'sn,,, prayer by Mrs.Hess. The .t .: p ople's anniversary 1 the 1:.i ted Church as held nn Sunday last.. The service was taken 'by Res. Hackendorn of rhe Evangel- ie.el Church. Zurich, Beeson - Stone- man ai C leeeiharst sane in the mor - Meg, epen tete Gate: of the Tem - 11c' end et the eicniiig. "1 Heard tilt eeeect , : Jesus Say." The anthem in the n•rning ea; "Let Us Go into the House of the Lord, . oleist Mr:. 11edden, The ceenine anthem was My Salvation and 'My Glory „ Carmel Church News.— The opeeing exercise in the Carmel Presbyterian Church was conducted Iby Irene Hoggarth. The Scripture was -taken by F'ah 'Cameron. Marion and Lois elacLaren sans a delightft'1 treasurer. Mr. H. Ct. Lawvrenee, Chis tiookkeeping has involved 3 great deal of labor for the treasurer, shut the report was a otiendid one, and the revenue was an indication of the place the work of the Red Cross hold: in the minds and Besets of the people. Since January when all returns are in ace bape to -pass the $500 mank, Public et ente such as concerts, ivin- •trel ehoves, 'bingo dances, etc, have been • well patronized' by ,:stir ,people. 'We desire to acknowledge at - this time with ap.preeiation a gift drotn the Hensall'\\'omens Institute, and a gift expected from the Hen ali lelarethon Bridge Club. and gifts of maple syr- up from Herb Kercher and 'Elgin Garrott \Ise tin inlaid living' room table donated .by Mr. John /male made by his own hand'. -also quilts aha: have been given to the Shranch by \lr. Stanlake, \1r, Isaac _Carrott and :etre. Garnet lacohi. and the pro- ceeds .tt ,t tee, ,given i,y Mts. I.'llerry. The effort: of the Ilea=all Chamber of Com:mace in sponsoring. again this year the minstrel show with out- standing .success, was also cause of great commendation and 0mill: nlnes on the part of the executive. The !teen of our village are to the praised for putting this show „ver in the way they did and we wish the actors con- tinued- success in their many engage- ments n i e- luent daring the next do wee'ks. The revcn 1 of the Hensafl 'branch has sheen increased by $1511 as •t result i the two c uc ert,a ?told 1pril 115 and !Ilei. eless V. U Goode, ie. c,.urear „f otir knitting omluit ter. w'as the branch delegate to .the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Division of the Red Cross hall in Tortnt • on Feb- ruary• 'Stith. .\ plendid report tees gi- ven uy Mrs, -Goodwin at the execu- tive meeting and the sarbstanec of an address by le. -Col, Ceske! :.. Conger. the pre idem oat touch enjoyed. lhe following 'rood: were shipped in the month of ,April Groat the work rooms: 16 pr. mitt, 1 sweater, 3 turtle meek tide eweateN, 1311 n'•. d:et, 'Thank- Be TO trod.' The socks. '5 turtle neck sweaters, 5 hildren's -tory was told Shy Mariraret ;carves, 5 helmets, 5 pr• seamen hoot iBell after !vitt.h a prayer was given stockings. 3 !messes. 3 skirts, 4 pr. by _R c Pfau The "h'Ir of yawng lilotnt r-, 3 ,lips, 2 nightgowns, 7 people -ani* a plea'hig anthem, '10 quilts. 3.pillows, 11balbv coat, 2 wa.,ts, 'v c -r hip the hut..,' solo by Marirar- 33pr. lboys pants, 50 hay:: chtrts,,,6 et 'Doaga.,. Sally Manson ease ,he helmets, 3 pr. !bootees. The last hall - sermon her subject 'being part of the titin No. le informs us that In the Lord prayer:. "Thy Kingdom Come., tint 74) days 7f chi: year the Thy \\:11 Be Done. I\1rs. ;Charles fan Red Cro.i orverSeas had distridiut Ferret was the organist. ed • to 'hon4bed civilians, Lighting \i.. and Wrs. Ray Rear and fait- forces and hospitals, •soars 1 >.if? oS.i fly and i\Ir, and \1r-. rnick °f articles. which was more than the Whcatley risited cat the ,14`)ct 1Sir. !total dietrihuted last year. Since the and 'eineJames Haggarth on Sun-'hlittkrieg started last August the Red day last. unit- Criss has supplied the London area Miss Mary Tudor of Dundas alone with 350,000 garments. In ad - ed 'nett. parents. Mc. and Mr-. Stan. ditiOn the Canadian Red iCreee has Tudor aver tI, geek end al:c+ Mac- outfitted evacuees from other nations. lice sneer et the rt.C..e.r. .`lac name.. toe last two weeks Czechs were tif'iss Pearl Harpoie visited -;t; ,lied 200(1 :fat -meats and evacuees home here over ,the week end. ,from Gibraltar with 3700. Tide •is Rev. and [Mrs. 'Weir visited. in Tor- the kind 'ot' work that needs to the onto over the week end. i done a; long as Red Cross workers Coir. and Mrs. C. Flynn ai Ltettlon are ;able to do it. 'We would like to 'open. the Week end with \!r. and state at this time that iter treasurer, 'Mrs. J. Parkins. I \!r. H. 'O. Lav:rence of the Bank of Mr. 'Harold !Willard was home over Montreal will be pleated to receive the week end. 'donations large and small at any 'LAC 'Ratcliffe and 'LAC -Carrick of time. Cash donations of $93 have been Port Albert visited air. and \Itis. received recently which we gratefully James Patterson. F acknowledge. The need ,for - money Mr. and Mrs. Planiz and Mrs. •with which to work is coittinuaus. Deitz of 'Waterloo -visited Mr, and •Gyle more financial. support we get Mr;. James Patterson. !the more wool and sewing material On St, George's Day Hensali nub- and hospital -upplics we can place lie school .celebrated by presenterg can where it is needed. Thanking you all interesting program. A trio 'ny for your loyal support always, Elaine Beer. Claudette B1owe; and Rev. and Mrs. J, B. Townsend of Betty IMiokle, a recitation by Bever -1 Belgrave were week end visitors with ly Moore, 'Harold ,Wolfe. Freddie Hannah and 3. D. Craig. Taylor. IEari ,Soldan and 'John Sang- I Mrs. Dora Taylor and family spent ster Wade a splendid quartette. Red- Sunday in London. miens were given coy iBi•11 Campbell, Dir. W. J. Inglis of Roblin. Mani - Heanor Veneer and Rita lefoir. A toba, is staying with Mrs. Dow of chortle front Miss Ellis' room- "Wings Hensel). `,ver he Nary" and 'Lind •7 Glad1 Miss Murray has returned from the Tomorrows.' A ,tree -part recitation West to the home of Mrs. Dow. xas w en •'b e De,na.d t\1ac Arthur, • IMar:at: Sangster and Norma Sarg- THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 sor paid a dying visit Smiday to relatives in and around the village, tele 10111 \1eCottnell and sister have been renewing acquaintanCeS in Ilii district for the past neck. 'elt:. llod-wortit and sun nt Lon- don spent Sunday with the foruu•r's mother, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Denni- son. They were accompanied Iby Mrs, Rolnuson of London, leties Mary Galbraith and 'Mrs, Ada Reid of Sea Orth called Sunday at the !tome of Mr, and Mrs. A. Gal- braith,' The many friends of ;e1r. Ed. Ste- phettio4t will be pleased to know he is recovering item tut attack of ,pleur- isy at the 'Mane of his niece, Mrs, N, Reid. Mrs, K. Cn!•haat of Clinton spent Sunday with her brother, Nelson Reid and if truly. •\lt and Mrs. hart are 'bits, these ster. Helen ,Noalces cave an :merest VARNA ing :alk on St. George's Day. .\ esti- 1 The Junior Farmers meeting will tattere was ven 1»' Tack Dry :tale. be held on May 12th in Varna hall. Rev. R. A. Brooks. who attended the The meeting will be open to every- prevair., gave a talk to the children one. Mr. Wallace of London will be •c's Sr. George. Me. S. Rennie was :.a' the guest speaker. Interesting pie' - the piano. Program closed .with the,tures will be shown. Young ladies national anthem are especially invited to attend. The tWohelo 'Class will hold their 1 Miss Love McConnell and brother Meeting on Friday nicht. IMay 22nd in John are visiting their brother Mr. the ITh ted +Chorea ` A. McConnell. Present Play. I Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott spent On Monday April 28th a -Ade did the week end at Oakville and play -Aaron Slick from Pempictn Kitchener. +Creek" presented my the K:ppen The Cheerio Club closed for the Yonne People at the Hensel: United summer by having a theatre party Church was mach enjoyed. The cast last Tuesday night. was Aaron Slick, Tam Munroe; Mr.1 Master Charles Ferguson has re- :Lfrridew. lark Cansitt: Gladys ;Inas, , turned to his home in Sudbury. Blanche IWatsen; Girl in Red, Gwen Mrs. Muir has returned to the vill- age after spending a Sew weeks with her sister in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Foster of'Wind- days re-o;n•atin then' nett'leene. Red Cross -- The Red Cross Society acknowl- edges, with thanks, the receipt of a box ot clothing for Britielt civilian children made by Miss Silk and her pnpils of S. S. No. 7, Stanley Tp., a quilt from Miss \\'alson and her Pupils, Front Road School, a [milt front Miss M. Reuther and her pupils, Goshen Line School, and nu- meroes other quilts made- by ladies in the community that are unable to conte regularly to the work room. Our quota per month Ink the next three months: For the seamen -3 ribbed helmets, 3 pr. seaman's long socks. 3 two way mitts, 3 scarves. For the Artily and Air Force, -8 pt's. socks, 2 sweaters. Hospital supplies ---10 dressing gowns. British civilian cretfits—Girls 3-5 years, 2 material dresses with bloomers, 1 coat and call. 2 pt's. of socks. Another quote of clothing to follow soon. Can we count on you to help tut Help the Red Cross by bringing out any salvage material you may have. Mrs, Mossop has given the society the privilege of storing this material in the empty building west of ]ter store, Papers and magazines of all kluds, scrap metal, rags, and old tires are acceptable. s. BAYFIELD The Blue Boys of Port. Albert are putting on a concert Friday night sponsored by the Red Cross. Mr. L. Fowlie of London spent the week end with his sisters, the Misses Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. C, Wills of London spent Tuesday at their cottage in the village. Mr. 0, V. Weston and Kenneth of Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. R. Weston and family. Miss Manson, who spent the win- ter with her cousin Mrs. Kelly of London, has returned and is in the Elliott Apts. Mrs. F. Crane and Mrs. E. Crane of Detroit visited friends in Bayfield this week. Mrs. Dyment of Detroit spent a few days in the village attending the sale at the late John Tippett. A meeting of the executive of the Red Cross met in the town hall on Monday evening making arrange- ments for the Gala Day they expect to have in August. Tickets will be sold on the two lots in Bayfield donated by Mr. Spencer, also several other valuable prises, including a Frigidaire, radio and blanket. 51r. and Mrs. H. Ireland and 'Jack Charlesworth of Toronto and Mr. W. C. Govenlock of Egmondville were guests of Wnt. Ferguson's on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Elliott spent a few days in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Churchward and Ger- ald of London spent the week end at their cottage, Coo¢er IM`s. •P,erry, Edna Dayman, Sis Rigg. Jean Lone: Clarence Green, iteson Torrance hotel guests, Audrey Walsh sang two s sine bit - ween enee. Messes 'clary Ruth .Brook, 'Elva McQueen and Jane Saundercock s=ang a •pleasing quar- tet. Death of 1011'. H. Howard- The death occurred very aaddenly at his home in Hensall on (Monday, April t38'th. of Mr. H. Howard, aged 72 years. He is survived by two +brothers, lMr. George Howard of Ex- eter, and Mr. James Howard, Goder- ich, and two sisters, Mrs. Porritt, of Calgary and Mrs. Ravelle, Grand Bend. The funeral was held at his home on Wednesday, April 3gth, at p.m. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Burial took puce in Mayfield cemetery Miss Annie Moore of ;Egmondville is 'visiting with lMr. and Wes. 1R, Moore. Red Cross Notes.— An executive meeting of the ,Hen- sxll ,branch of the 'Red 'Cross was held in .the council chats ber, (Wednesday, :Atpril '233rd. Along .with the executive were the eon'eeners .of all committees and the membersof the finance .com- mittee. Alfiter the reading of the min- utes by the executive secretary, Mrs. R. 3. Moore, and the minutes of the 'finance committee by Mark 'Drysdale, a survey was made of the branch work. The work of all committees was found' to be progressing favor- ably. The accomplis'hmen'ts cif the Red !Cross workers in, the work . room and homes was ';gratifying to a the branch executive. 'Thr financial `report' of receipts and expenditures sines January was .presented 'isy the Radio Repairing An expert radio repair man is at our shop every Tuesday and Friday. Give us a call and we will look after your radio, Free ! Radio logs showing changes in frequencies Daly's Garage SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION Civic. Half Holiday Having been petitioned by a Majority of the Merchants and Business Men of the Town, I hereby proclaim Wednesday Afternoons From 12.30 noon In the months of May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October 1941 Civic Half Holidays, except when a Legal Holiday conies on the clay before or the day after a Wednesday, and respectfully re- quest the citizens tet observe the same. JOHN 3. CLUFF, Mayor God Save The Ring Sanitation and Fire Prevention NOTICE Citizens are requested to wake a prompt and careful clean-up of their Premises and have them made rid of rubbish, and free from all other conditions that alight prove to be either a fire hazard or a cause of ill health. The Sanitary Inspector is now rounds. Our people are also urged, by well kept lawns, freshly decorated homes, cultivation of flowers, and other suitable measures, to,co-operate in making our Townattractiveto tourists, guests and other non-residents, and a source pride to ourselves. making his annual (Signed) The Local Board of Health The Local Fire Brigade of Auction Sale Of Property in Egmondville. 1% acres, corner lots 5, 0, 7, on east side. of Loudon street, and lots 5, (1, 7 00 west side of Patrick street, of the C. L. Van Egmont survey, in the village of Egmondville, being the property north of Miss Anne Bol- and's, will be offered for sale, sub- ject to reserved bid, at the Egmond- ville Blacksmith Shop on Saturday, May 3rd, tit 1 p.m. s Terms, ten per cent cash on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Peter Baker, Ps'opi'ietor. f Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Auction Sale At the residence on Side Street, Seaforth, one block north .of Queen's Hotel, on Friday, May 2nti, at 1,3)) o'clock: Sideboard, 2 rocking chairs, drop leaf table, 4 dining room chairs, couch, fernery, 4 small tables, 2 single beds, springs and mattresses, 4 wash stands, sheets, pillows and quilts, 1 Heating stove, 1 cook stove, pipe, 1 cloth rack and trunk, cup- board, kitchen table and 4 chairs, clock, dishes, pots and pans and crocks, sealers, palls, coal scuttle, 22 foot extension ladder, wash boiler, tub and stand with ringer, work bench and carpenter tools, lawn mower, garden scuffle!', shovels, rakes, hoes, etc., portable bathtub Terms cash. Pat Melady, Proprietor. I3arold Jackson, Auctioneer. Auction Sale House and Household Effects,—On Market street, Seaforth, On Saturday, May 3rd, at 1 p.m.: 1 dining room table and 6 chairs; 1 oak sideboard; table, dropleaf; 2 leather rockers; 1 book -case and writing desk combined; Pi 3 -piece Chesterfield (like new); Mason & Risch piano in good condition; 1 hall rack; 2 brass beds, 1 dressing stand; chiffonier; 1 dresser and bed to match; 1 single bed, sewingntach- ine, 1 rug 10x14, other small rugs; 4 mattresses, 1 set of bed springs and 2 feather ticks, 1 quilt box, 2 mantle clocks, 1 Philco radio; 1 com- bination bed and settee; 1 Beattie electric washing machine; 1 Quebec cook stove, lawn mower. All kinds of bedding, dishes, curtains and kit- chen utensils. Other articles too numerous to mention, 6 piece kitchen set, creast & green. Terms cash. Property—At same time there will be offered for sale, subject to re- served bid, two story flame house in good repair, on Market Street. Terms on property made known day of sale. Wnm, Cudmore, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 12 pigs, six weeks old. Phone 663 r 11, Seaforth. Crawford Simpson. BABY CHICKS Leghortis, Rocks, New Ilanlp- shires and Wyandottes. Write for May prices, Special—Rock Cockerels, $3.50 per hundred at the Hatchery. Platteville Chick Hatchery. SATURDAY Cash & Carry:SPECIALS 4 x 6 Barb Wire Roll, .. , ..3,99 4x4 'Barb Wire Roll 4 2$ Iodized salt, white 50 lbt blocks 49c Block Salt, white 50 lb, blocks 39c Muffets, z pkgs. 19c Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs, 23c Sugar Corn Flakes 2Sc 4 pkgs. Blue Highland Puffed Wheat- Pkg .,. Men's Sulillner Shoes, Crepe Prime Old Cheese, lb 20c P.E.I. Choice Potatoes $1.05 75 lb. bag Blue Ribbon Tea, Ib. 65c Red Rose Tea, lb 65c Calf Meal, 25 lb. bag 79c Qil Cake Meal Per cwt. $1.99 Galvanized Tubs, each 49c Sun Era Puffed Wheat 21c Pkg. Soles, pair 275 W ji Finni HOUSE FOR SALE Frame house, 8 rooms, modern conveniences, Gocleric•h St. West. Seaforth. Apply at the News Office. CLEARING AUCTION SALE CIF FARM S'roCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFEC'T'S.- -At Lot 25, Con- cession 8. Morris Township, i miles north and 11.., miles west of Walton, on Tuesday,. Mat 6111. Stile starts az 12 noon SHARP:. tIOItSES- 1 black mare, 8 years old, 3n foal.; 1 gelding horse, 1 years old 1 1 horse. CATTLE --4 cows, calves at toot; 1 cow milking , eoty to eaten sour, t calf. 13 months old; 3 heifers 2 years old; 2 steers 2 Yom's old; 2 heifers 1 year old; '2 steers 1 year old; 1 calf a months old. 16 pigs, 8 months old ; 1 sow ; b pigs just weaned. 1 set double harness. 1 -set single harness. IMPLEMENTS — 6 foot Massey Harris binder; 6 foot Massey Harris 1 dump rake: Massey Harris hay loader; Massey Harris hay tackler; Massey Harris seed drill; Mc- Cormick cultivator; inthrow disk, eels.; Massey Harris manure spreader 3 Quebec. sulky M. 1i. plow t new) ; 1 snuffler 1 set 4 section harrows : 2 draw bars; 1 walking plow, 2 furrows; circular saw frame furrow McCormick tractor plow, now; Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, 15-30, In good working orders single fut'rew walking ,iosv; fanning mill ; pig crate ; bag truck, turnip seeder ; 20 -inch clutch pulleys, 2 Sp -rod spools Barb wire; roller, wheelbarrow. Quantity of v 10. pine pink 12 feet long; 2 in. plank 14 ft, long; 12 foot- hemlock planks; 12 ,,ftoot hemloek lumber; used planks and ltnnber. 5 inch wide rubber belt 20 ft, long; quan- tity of inch pine lumber, 12 ft. long; Inch pine lumber 14 ft. long; 1 gate; 3 inch rubber belt 12 It long. Cream separator; 2 wheel trailer; cutter; buggy with rubber tires; steel tire buggy; stock rack; 6 h.n. Fairbanks -M. gas engine; light wagon gear; muck scraper; evapora- withpan rollerahttyalrack; gravel kettles wagon box ; bench sleighs 1 grind stone; low wagon; sling fork and sling topes; corn nutter,, oat roller; hay fork with ear and steel cable and pulleys; set 2000 1b settles; cedar poatn. 75 hens, eolony home. 3 straight ladders, 1 extension ladder. Blacksmith outfit, post drill, forge, anvil, vice, a stone hammers, tool table, tams, sties. Lawn mower, logging chain. small chains; tools, shovels, forks, crow bars, nu- merous other arttoles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 4 bedroom suites, 4 springs. mattresses, 2 single b . '2 springs, mattresses' 2 couches, ti ince reem suite ; 4 rocking chairs, 2 mail kitchen table, chairs; washing machine; quantity linoleum; stove, churn, sealers; battery radio; cattle clippers, milting frame; toilet sets, dishes, glassware, Terms cosh. ESTATE OF LATE GEORGE BELLY, Mrs, Geo. Kelly. Mrs. Garvin Smith, Exec, Hmoid Jlkekson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE, FARMERS A car load of Prince Edward island potatoes now on hand. A limited amount of certified seed included. Leave your orders at Hensall Co- operative. Also coal, cedar posts, B. C. shingles, concentrates, stock minerals, salt, oils, and fertilizer of all brands. Enron Farmers' Co - Operative Co. Ltd., Hensali. Street Oiling TOWN OF SEAFORTH Residents wishing Lo have their respective Streets oiled are re. quested to have signed petitions in the hands of the Clerk by May 17th. D. 14. WILSON, Town Clerk. "MEN AND WOMEN WANTED" Make excellent profits full or spare time, selling from door to door 200 products of the highest quality. Quick Sales—Low Prices. Btg Re- peat -Orders. Medium territory will yield best returns. Only expense to start: CASH PURCHASING MER- CHANDISE. Work on foot in a local territory. FREE DETAILS & CATA- LOGUE: 570 St, Clement, Montreal (,FAMILEX). WANTED 8 or 10 head of cattle to grass; plenty of shade and water. Eldon Kerr, Seaforth, phone 835 r 21. WANTED Money on first mortgage on a good-sized farm with buildings, val- ued at $7,000. Apply at The News. FARMERS SPECIAL RADIO SERVICE CALL LORNE E. LAWSON National Radio Institute and Radio Physics Course Graduate On repair work for past 12 years BURGESS BATTERIES & ERIDE STORAGE BATTERIES delivered. and attached free For Economical and Efficient Radio Service Cali 841- 23, Seaforth ELM ER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH- TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays. SEAFORTH, ON T. 174 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MARY O'REILLY E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Selond Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours;— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m. PASTURE We will have pasture for a few small cattle for the season. Plenty of grass, water and shade, Phone 847 r 11, Seaforth. Fred Fowler. GRASS FARM FOR RENT 75 acres good grass, ,Drilled well. In McKillop. Apply Ml's. Johanna Roach,. Dublin. HOUSE FOR SALE Substantial 9 -roomed residence with one acre of land on North Main Street on attractive terms. Apply to H. G. Meir, Barrister, Seaforth. ELECTRIC FENCER 1 still have the Agency for selling the Parmak Electric Fence, the world's largest seller. Still leads in economy and operation. Five year guarantee. Full equipment on hand. Orville Workman, Kippen, Ont. Phone 11 on 77, Hensali. PROPERTY FOR SALE In village ot Dublin, seven room ttp-to-date white brick cottage, con- taining a sun porch, pantry, bath- room, also has a furnace, electric fire ,glace, lights, motor, and hot and cold water; also ]las a barn contain- ing a garage, stable and henhouse, 14/5 acres of land, MIrs. Lucy Woods, Duitlin. FOR SALE Quantity of good timothy seed, well cleaned, for sale, Henry F. Beuermtmn, Dublin, R. R.1. Phone 23 r15, Dublin central. FOR SALE A ,quantity of yellow sweet clover seed. Grade 1. Also a Massey Harris No. 4 manure spreader. Phone Hen- sali, 13 on 82. W. F. Alexander, Hensall. R. R.2. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary O'Reilly, tate of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, spins- ter, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of March, 1941, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May, 1941, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the .said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice. to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person. of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 16th day of April, 1941, MCCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. • WANTED A number of extra good stock cattle. Also wanted a Durham cow. W. V. Jefferson, phone 655 r 41, Sea - forth, HOUSEKEEPER POSITION Wanted by a widow. Protestant. Can take full charge, town or coun- try, at once. Mrs. Nellie Esplen, Mitchell P.O. Notice To Creditors BOAR FOR SALE Choice young Tamworth boat' for sale. Apply to Charles Stewart, Lon- desbot'o. Phone 28-10, Blyth. WANTED 01(1 Woollens pay you best price cash or trade blankets or rugs. Sew- ing Machines repaired by experts. Guaranteed or money back. Switser & Carter, North Main St., Seaforth. IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET A. C. WEST. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret A. C. West, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of February, 1941, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May. 1941, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst tits parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shalt then have not- ice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim thuersigned shall not then have notice dr the asset so distributed or any part thereof. Dated - at Seaforth this 16th day of April, 1941, McCONNELL k HAYS. Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor, FOR SALE Personal Rubber Goods, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope, with pricelist. 6 samples 25c, 24 samples 31.00. Adults only. Dept. M, Atex Rubber CO„ Box 231, Hamilton, On taa•io. Want and For Sole Ads, 3 ,weeiles dde FOR SALE OR RENT 150 acres of land in the Township of McKillop comprising the West half of West half, Lot 7, and East half of Lot 8, also North half of the north half of Lot 19, and the North half of lot 11, all in the eleventh concession. Will sell or rent all or parts thereof. There is a good red brick house on the lands. Apply John Eggert Estate, Charles Eggert and Charles Regele, Dublin executors, and McConnell & Hays, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors." FARM FOR SALE 100 acres good land, 8 acres wood lot, good barns with good stables new litter carrier, windmill, cement silo, cement water tank to supply house and barn. Large implement shed and garage. 2 -storey white brick house with 7 rooms. good frame kit- chen and verandah. Also some house furniture, beds, dressers, etc., tables, a good extension ladder, sealers. Will be sold reasonably at the house. 2 blocks west of Seaforth and a mile South of paved highway. Near church and school. One third price of ,farm cash, the rest in 30 days, Mrs. And- rew Kirk, Seaforth, 11. R. 43. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class Companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSITRANCE AGENCI•ES