HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-05-01, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 1, 191'
SPRINC SALE, 3rd Big Week
Thursday till Wed„ May 7
Carnation MILK Large Tin 8c
TOMATOES 2 Ige. tins 28 oz. 23c
Blue Boy COFFEE I.. Ib. bag 33c
Durham Cornstarch per pkg. 10
PORK & BEANS 2 15 -oz. tins 1 l
Kaybee Toothpicks
per pkg 5c
per pkg. 10c
Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish per bottle 17e
Nonsuch Silver Cream per jar 23c
Black Cat 'Window Cleaner per bottle 15c
Johnson's Floor WaxPaste1 lb. tin 59c
Johnson's Glo Coat pint tin 59c
Bull Dog Steel (Wool pkg. 10c
Moody's Chloride of -Lime large pkg. 15c
Interlake Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c
Saniflush - for toilet bowls per tin 29c
Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 20c 5 lb, tin 43c
Crother's Soda Biscuits 1 lb. bag 14c
Ingersoll Cream Cheese small pkg. 15c
O'Cedar Polish 4 oz. bottle with polishing cloth for 29c
Chan Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 49c
Rinso — 2 Sunlight Free and your coupon large pkg. 24c
Lifebuoy Soap 2 bars 13e
Lux Flakes large pkg. 24c
Lux Toilet Soap bar 5c
Sunlight Soap 4 bars 23c
Kleenex, pkg. of 150..10c pkg. of 200 , .2 for 25a pkg. of 500 .. 29c
Nugget Shoe Polilh per tin 12c
Javext. one bottle makes 1 gallon of bleach per bottle 15c
Heinz Spaghetti 15 oz. tin 13c
Handy Ammonia per pkg. 5c
Kirk's Castile Soap per bar Se
Superior 'Baking Powder 8 oz 14c 16 oz. 23c
Habitant Pea Soup large tin llc
Royal York •Coffee 1 lb. tin 49c
Newport Fluffs 8 oz. pkg 19c Fruit Juice Glass Free
!Newport Fluffs 13 oz. pkg 25c Tumbler Free
Country Kist Peas 2-16 oz. tins 19c
Van Camp's Tomato Juice 2-20 oz. tins 19c
Assorted Cream Sandwich Biscuits per ib. 19e
"Crunchie" Sweet Mixed or Mustard Pickles large 27 oz. jar 28c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Rev- W. 1 Bremner, 1•. a I :title.'
and 11. \'. \\orkut,n atte 1tI I the
funeral of thr late Rev. \V. Stanley
at eau, at Stratford on 'Tursday after- ;
noon of this week,
!air, and Mrs. \Vin. Pinkney . and
fancily of 'Hamilton spent Sunday at
She Pinkney home, Goderich street
'bliss Jean 'Watson,R.N., of Strat-
ford spent the week end with her
parents, lair, and Mrs. John S. \Vat -
sou and 'family
.lt+, Isabel Adbin. on returned this
eek to her home in Egmondville aE-
r spending the past three years at
Mr. and .ars. 1J, P. Bell moved
here from Toronto on Tuesday
and are occupying the former
Hinckley home on John street, Their
daughter -in -late, airs. ICiiffnrd BeII
and two 'Children, Margaret and Pat-
sy are with them. lair. Clifford Bell is
at present in 'Mexico on business.They are guests of Mrs. H.R. Scott
while getting settled.
Pte Leslie Ritchie of the Highland
,Light Infantry, is home on furlough
,from Nova Scotia.
The weekly ,half holidays 'begin on
Wednesday afternoon of next week
flanH. -G. Meir has purchased the
large brink residence of ,Miss Mary
'Gillespie on North Main street, and
gets possession next month.
Mrs. \V. W. Main, 'Bill and Eliza- accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
'beth, of Pott Nelson, spent Sunday Robinson of Egmondville attended
with her father. 'Mr, H, Edge and the graduation of the latter's daugh-
Lss Josephine. • ter Miss Isabel Robinson at Varsity
[Mr. and Mrs. i\William Legg and Arena, Toronto, on Thursday.
son of Goderich were visitors with The April meeting of Goshen W.
Mr, and .Mrs, A. - McGavin. I M. S. was held on Thursday after-
The regular meeting of the War-, noon of Easter week, with stately
garet Larkin C.G,1,T. of 'First Pres- lilies and bowls of daffodils decorat•
'hvterian Church was held at the home ing the front of the church, The Mis-
of Miss 'Janet Handley in Tucker- ' sion Band contributed several de -
smith on Tuesday evening. iigbtful numbers - to the program,
Rev. Hugb Jack and Mr, J. G. under the leadership of Mrs. E. Hay.
Mullen attended the meeting of the ter and Mrs. E. Stephenson. After
Presbyterian Synod in Hamilton for the opening devotional exercises with
three days this week. the group leader presiding. the ores -
Mr. Wallace Ross is erecting a 'dent, Mrs. Erratatook charge of the
large frame building at the rear of business. Mrs. Elinore Keyes and
his property on North Main street. Mrs, Jean McKinley were appointed
The O.H.A. intermediate B cup is as delegates to attend the Huron
on display in the Tasty Grill window,' Presbyterial at Thames Road United
The granary building at the old flax Church: Mrs, Erratt extended an in
mill property on Goderichstreeteast vitation to meet at her house for the
Is being dismantled. May meeting, where a hospital quilt
will be made the sante afternoon
J. W. BRODHAGEN the members have made two quilts
earlier in the year. The invitation
After a stroke stu&fered at his home was graciously accepted. The trees,
in Brodhagen Sunday afternoon, the urer's quarterly report was very en -
death of 'john \William Brodhagen oc- ragittg, showing $51.37 having
been raised this year. Trust" is the
carred- early Monday morning in text word chosen for the May meet -
Scott (Memorial hospital in Seaforth. tag. A beautiful Easter Bible reading
Although :Mr. Brodhagen had not be- was given on "Following the Way of
en enjoying good health for saute Love to Victory," after which Mrs.
time he had (been active as usual and McKinley offered prayer. Mrs. E.
his sudden death was a severe shock Reyes, who presided at the organ for
the Easter hymns, rendered, iu salen-
Toronto Bible College; front ,which
she graduated last a‘,i.-eek.e
Government Approved, Pullorum - tested
Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good chicks for 1941.
Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich.
3. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont.
Annual Narvo Sale
Good for 10 Days only, April 24th to May 5th. Any Narvo
product. Cash Savings with Certificate
Gals... ..... $1.50 Qts. .40
1/2" Gals. .75 Pt- 20
1r:2 Pts. ., .,- .10
We have extra certificates at our Store for customers who
failed to receive any. ORDER EARLY.
Dealer for 1.11.C, Machines & Repair Parts
The program and social evening
given it the parish hall on ,Friday
evening in honour of St, George was
a decided success. All numbers were
much enjoyed. The winners of the
door prizes were, ladies, Mrs. Albert
Cronin, Miss Helen Devereaux; gen-
tlemen, Stephen McKay, Joseph Fla-
nagan; children's, Thos, Feeney.
Miss Rose O'Connor spent the
week end at her home.
Mrs. J. J. Holland' spent Saturday
in Stratford.
Congratulations to St. Coluntbat
school on the success at the Strat-
ford Musical Festival.
liuny- anti paa teayou Nat a!ait'.t
for th,, 1 oneelezuttt '•\Vc,ee t ,nit _•. !'•
Contest eloses Saturday night. May
3rd. W. E. Butt, Kippen.
Mr. Wm. Moore hits returned to
his hone after spending the winter
months with. his daughter Mrs. John
\Vitcontbe in Ingersoll
Miss Theda Watson of Clinton
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Watson.
Mr. Wm. Ivison has returned to
home from visiting the past few
weeks witrelatives in Toronto and
Mrs. James Wright has returned
to her home from. St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, •
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge, Mr.
and Mrs. W'n. Chapman and Mrs,
Broadfoot of Seaforth were guests
of Mrs. Robt. -McGregor and family
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. D. Upshall and
daughter Rhea of Hamilton spent the
week end with friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Kays spent
Sunday with the farmer's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, Egmond-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson
and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce McClinchey
Continued From Page. One
No seeding had been done in the
Dauphin district up to April 21st;
it has been too wet, hat that is a
welcome visitor to this district at
this time. Creeks and rivers which
have been dried up for the last three
or Pour years are now employed and.
working to full capacity, and the
land is, being well soaked, and a
heavy crop is being looked forward
to this season, A few drying days
will permit the 'farmers to go on the
an 'S j'e
e", ers
The ideal way in which to grow good chickens- Over 200
Shelters were sold last season. We offer these for sale
ready to assemble, at $6 each. Quantity buying enables us
to sell at this extremely low price
PHONE 851-32.
Navy. Donald Sutherland appraised
the air force in a well given epeech.
Llir„FI. G. \lanugo; of Stratford Nor-
mal was called upon by the- chair-
man, Mr, 'Collins latterly, and voiced
his appreciation of the program- and
spoke of the value of good speaking
and of his experience; too. of being
chased while at sea by su'htnarine; in
the last war. He mentioned the late
Thornton ,Mustard -loss at•sea and
his work in education. Mr. Collins
addressed -the assembly for a few
minutes, stating he had always put
on a public ltrogratn on Empire Day
and found it a really valuahle enter-
prise and enjoyment to all, a. well as
something. to be remembered. He ex-
pressed the thanks ..f tb hoys and
girl: to the people why, cattle and to
those who took part. Annie l\\•ikon
sang a lovely solo, Good Luck to the
Boys of the Alliee. Miss Rhea Roney
set forth in a snort address. her plea-
sure at 'heing present, at stein s,
many oat to d • their part. She told
how- we "on this St. trt,tae's flay
19411, men, women and children of
'Canada, unite to offer eager admira-
tion and encouragement t,' the men.
women and children of Britain it:
their hour of trial.”
On Sunday, service- at Burns
to his family andamends.
I did voice, a solo—"Lead Me To Cal- Church were held at 10.3i) and 11,30
Born in Brodhagen 63 years ago, vary" The Mission Band then pre-; a.m. as Sunday School was re -opened
he ,teas the son of the late Mr. and sented their numbers, which inelud• for the summer months. Mr. Leo
lairs. 1\'flliant Brodhagen and had Ibe- ed a pantomime by five little tots,' Watt was re-elected as superintend -
en •engaged iu farming all his life, He "The spring -time awakening of the
enjoyed the respect of the entire sleeping lilies," "The Three Kings,
community. Possessed of a retiring and "The Empty Tomb," which were
nature, Mr. Brodhagen was a home very beautiful and touching. The
loving man and all his life' had 'been a children and their leaders deserve
devout member of St, Peter's Luther- great praise for the effort and sw-
an church. He is survived 'by his wile cess of the program. The missionary
the .former bliss Caroline 'Meyer, four topic was given by Mrs. R. M. Peck
sons and four daughters, Edward, es leader, assisted by Mrs. E. Keyes,
Carthage; Reuben, Ellice; 'Wilfred, Mts. Wm. Hayter, Mrs. J. Armstrong
Milton at home; Mrs. Ray Deer and Mrs, Richard Robinson, using
(Martha), Auburn; Mrs. Harold the poster on Dr. Oliver Jackson, who
(Mlogk (Freida), Brodhagen; Elsie and was called as a young man to the
Georgina at hone. Three brothers service of Christ devoting himself
and a sister survive, Herman and unstintingly to the work of the
Egmondville; 'Henry, (Logan, church in Newfoundland, and then
and lairs. 'K. 'Douglas, Birnie, Man. laid down this life in the path of
The '6oneral took place 'Wednesday duty. The offering was then received,
afternoon front the home of George the loose change going to the 3l:is-
\logk, 'Brodhagen, to St. Peter's sion Band, Mrs. Erratt then express -
church. Brodhagen. The Rev. F. ed thanks to the mission band and
Friedericksen officiated and burial leaders and closed the meeting with
took place in the adjoining cemetery. ' "Lead on 0 King Eternal," and pray-
er. Homemade candy was then sere -
The funeral took place at Mitchell
on Friday of Mrs. Joseph Wesenberg,
sister of Mrs, Louis Hoegy of Sea- Salute To Britain. —
forth. Mrs. Wesenberg and was a In a school room prettily decorated
native of Logan township, being for- with flags and border, the local public
merle, Miss Emma. Walther. She is 1 school pupils under sirs A. C. (Collins
survived by her husband and one critic .Miss Rhea Roney. Normal tea -
daughter, two sisters and four bro• cher-in'training to assist, carried out
titers. a :pro; ram on Wednesday afternoon.
entitled 'A Salute to Britain." 'Rev.
Dr, Hurford of Seaforth officiated
during the first Hey minutes as chair-
man, teaditrg Psalm 313 in opening
and offering the prayer of invocation.
"Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the
Sttn" ,was then sung by the school.
followed iby the chairman's address.
He, related the - story of Saint
George, who 'became England's ,pat-
ron .saint, since be was a type from
then forward of the .British character,
chiaalry, courtesy. ,vatlottr, and love
of freedom. Several recitations such
as The Pilgrim's Song by jean Suth-
ive al
ed as a special treat to the children.
DAVIDSON—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Saturday, Aprll 26th, 1941,
to Mr, and Mrs, Dean . Davidson
Brussels, twin sons,
CARDIFF—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Tuesday, April 29th, 1941,
to Mr. and Mrs, John Cardiff, Brus-
sels, a daughter.
The Holmes Nixon Group of the
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
A Sparkling Comedy of Family
Lite, will be presented in
Egmondville United Church
AT 8 P.M.
In this hilarious comedy, the cast
of characters include, Mrs. A.
Lillico, Marion Wallace, Anna
Watson, Dorothy Coleman, Grace
Wallace, Mildred Finnigan, Allis-
ter Broadfoot, Gordon Finnigan,
Jim Broadfoot, Harold Rice, War-
den Haney and Bob Patrick.
Tickets are only 25c
erland, (\\•hat Can I G to tit.
Country- by Auleen Moore. The Old
Flag. by Annie I\\ Lison, FJhzab'etlt
Our Queen ;by Helen Mothers. The
`Voice of South Attica b - Moriel
Darling, Song of 4'ustralta by Flor-
ence Moore, England'by Emma Ril-
ey, England Shall .Be Free Iby'J'oyce
Radio, and a reading At the .Gate of
the Year. by 'Helen Mathers, and
How Young Britons Face Air Raids
by Donald Sutherland were rendered
delightfully. Farther song's inter-
spersed ,with several addresses in-
cluded 0 God ,Oatr Help, The ,Child-
ren's Song, Maple Leaf, one verse of
Onward (Christian Soldiers, two of
Rule Britannia, 'A Song, A Song for
England, and Cod' Bless Canada, with
the National Anthem together - with
two other verses added specially for
the occasion, provided school .choral
Mr. Wm. Hanley Sr, (briefly out-
lined their thrilling experiences while
away to !Ulster before and during the
beginning of the w'ar. He commended
the ,teacher and pupils for their ex-
cellent afternoon's tprograan. He not-
ed that from the 'performance of 'sev-
ere! pupils they will make a mark in
the world in ti ,very few years. +Lorne
Rock spoke from the eiew:point of
'Marchin.g Men in an aible manner,
while another scholar, 'Jean Suther-
land, addressed the gathering using
the 'topic, On the Crest of the Wave,
to narrate the noble work of the
ent with Mr. Wm. Leiper Jr, as Itis
assistant, Miss Wilma Shepherd is
secretarytreasurer with Miss Doris
Lear as assistant. Miss Helen Me,
Gregor was appointed organist with
Miss Beryl Carter as assistant. Tea-
chers are Mrs. Robs, Beattie, Mrs.
Bert Allan. Mrs. Norman Shepherd,
Mrs. :Nelson Lear, Mrs. Geo. Carter,
Misses Helen MacGregor, Edith Bea-
com. Beryl Carter, Gladys Leiper and
Mr. Wm, Leiper Jr.
The Young People's class was re-
organized with Mr. Eddie Bell as
president; Jim McEwen. lest vice;
Lydia Bell, 2nd vice; Edith Beacom.
secretary; •lda Leiper, Tress . All
young people of the community are
invited to Join the class next Sunday
morning when the captains and com-
mittees will be chosen.
On Friday afternoon nine of Mrs.
George Carter's neighbors met at her
home and quilted two quilts which
they had previously pieced for CIAO
refugees. This• made 52 quilts the
little group of women in this neigh-
borhood have sent to Londesboro- Iu
1941, they have shipped 14 quilts.
20 pr. socks, 3 prs, mitts. 4 pr. -way
mitts, 4 pr. R.A.F. 2 way mutts, 4 R.
A.F. sweaters, 5 shirts. 1 dress and
1 pr. panties and have several more
quilt tops ready for quilting when
the spring rush of work is over.
On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Mills a.nd daughter Miss Noreen
of Goderich, visited 'at the home of.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Carter.
Miss Lydia Bell has returned home
after a pleasant visit with her sister
Miss Mildred of Detroit.
A meeting was held in Londesbo•o
last Tuesday to consider the amal-
gamation of S. S. No. 4 and No. 11.
Inspector Beacom of Goderich ex-
plained the advantages derived from
amalgamation. Another meeting will
be held in S. S. No, 4 on May 16,
when it is hoped a large repr•esenta
tion of both sections will be present
to discuss a vote on this question.
The Tuckersruith Ladies' Club
will meet next Wednesday May 7th.
at the home of illrs. Walter Pepper.
Roll call will be answered with a
verse about birds or flowers. All
money and tickets for the quilt draw
must be brought in. Draw for quilt
will be held at meeting. Members
are asked to have their slips and
bulbs wrapped and named. These
will be sold at 2 for 5c or 3 for i0c,
proceeds of sale to go to Red Cross.
Young People's
Rev. S. M. Sweetnlan of ild-
erton, Guest Speaker
Arthur Finlayson's Talented
Young Musicians
Monday, May 5th
At 8.15 P.M,
Admission 25e and 15e
Traveller —"Which platform far
the New York train?"
Station Attendant—"Turn to tha
left and you'll be right."
Traveller—"Don't be impertineat,
my mag:'
Station Attendant—"Ail right, then,
tura to your right and you'll be
for sale: Clay Drain Tile and
Brick; also wood, hard and soft:
Cedar Posts, Salt, Fertilizer and
Motor Oils, We deliver.
We buy your hogs at market
price and give you Al service
with two trucks. We buy your
grain and truck it too, for George
Thompson of Hensall. We have
bags on hand. Give us a call for
prices. We also truck cattle to
Toronto or elsewhere. At your
Phone 655 r 2, Seaforth
Body and Fender
Bumping & Repairing1
We have special tools and equip -t
meat to handle any job
An expert workman in charge '
Overhauling, Valves
Any make of auto re.eondttI,tued
and put in first-class shap'
All Work Guaranteed
Anything in Metal repaired
/cycles Repaired
(Formerly W. E. Chapman'
We Invite Inspection of our Stock of
Or any other time by Appointment
See Dr. Harburn — Phone105