HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-04-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
T't Wm, T. 1 it a,of c l 1 ;a taut.
'Easter L.,h � mother, tt
r Mrs. Alice
.Mrs \laclMartin "ii, etc d ter. Miss \iiss Elaine HOskins rt St. Cath-
arines, are spending the 'Easter holi-
days with friends in the village.
Mr. Ray Paterson of Toronto .,pent
The week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J, Paterson.
A1C. Kenneth Passmore of Tren-
ton visited on Sunday with his par-
ents, Mr, and IMrs, John Passmore.
Mass Dorothy Brazier of London is.
the ,guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer
and Patricia this week.
1Mrs. Munn -haw of Detroit s xisit•
ing with her sisters. Mrs, Annie \iac-
Don'ald and Miss #\iary \Kash.
:Mrs. Horning and tittle son of
Palmerston are spending the holidays
.with her aunts, Miss Katie :Cott and
Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne.
M. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor-
onto spent the week end with the for-
rner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ;Cornel-
ius 'Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks ,,f De-
troit were week end visitors with his
father, ,Mr. .,lex, Sharks and aunt,
Mrs. Marjorie Sparks,
s Hazel Smillie of Atwood is
spending the Easter holidays • at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Jas. Smillie.
Mr. Lloyd Ortwein of London, who
is training with the Nary :pent Eas- entire choir: baritone solo, "Into the
ler with his grandparent?.. Mr. and Woods," Dr. Smillie; -duet "0 'Jesus -
Mrs. J. W. Or,wein. Crucified," alisa Florence 'Welsh and
Mr. Edward Little who has spent Rey Mr. Brook; quartette. "Beneath
the. winter in the employ of MacKin- the Cros," I\#rs. Hedden, Miss Ruth
non industries in St. Catharines has Brook: iMr. +\\. O. nioodwiu and Mr.
accepted a posftien with #\Mr, ea nest 'Harry Horton; chorea by the choir.
Shaddick for the • summer. "The Master Sletspr, Niles Mary
Rev. Wni. RUeir conducted Eaeter Goodwin sok.ist: chores, "tioog of the
services in Carmel Presbyterian Bells," a omen's 'horns, "Ring Happy
;Church and at the morning service Bella,"soprano . ..do, Bells of Easter
delivered an inepiring sermon on Dat '.Mrs. Sanllie: chorus !by the
`Facts of the Resurrection." and at choir, "Hallelujah. He Is Risen," Mr,
the evening service' on-Stgnific:ane'e Carey Joyut soloist; inch's as-intl..
the Resurrection," The choir sant, "Christ the Lord Is R '#
isen oday,'
special Easter anthems as follows: tionirlc chore- 'The Sotto of Tri -
"Easter Wonting." obligate 501061, snub." e,.,loists Mies Mary Goodwin
i.\liss Margaret Dougall, "Why Weep- and Mr T. J. Sherri t ('e,nclue#fail
est Thou," soloist Miss Irene Hogg -chorus. "Jesus Reign., parts taken
4 .rtn. and "Rise Glorious Conquer- 'a' Mrs. Hedden Miss Ruth Brook,
soloist iMiss Margaret Donca::. Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Mr. Barry
:Hiss Ruth Macllivenne is speeding Horton.
the holidays at her Itonte ..t North]. Mr. Harold Shepherd of 'Toronto
Bay, spent the 'last two weeks with rela-
Miss Goldie C'ros. of Alma College,' iivehere and was accompanied home
St. Thomas. ie holidaying •with her Sirs.Shepherd who has spent the
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cress. east two weeks with her - parents.
Miss Muriel Broek •and friend of '\1r. and tMrs James Sntilik.
London visited on Sunday with \H s# \Ii.. Margaret Billings of London
Mabel Workmen and 11rs. Bauman n the holiday with friende in the
Mr. and Mrs. Lister Fi:-nsr and! Miss Marsnret Billings of London
eni]dren of 'tGindeor visited ever the client the '.:,'-:day with friends in the
holiday with the fornter's parents village.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. The annual minstrel show was pre -
Miss Margaret MaeLaren. 1 ttss. served on Tuesdayand Wednesday -
per at the ladies college in Waterloo,' evenings, the hall ;Heine, filled on both
is spending the holidays with her occasions. The stage decorations were
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Y Mac•.very ieauttful 'ring done in red,
brother, I\lr. lohnstt"n of
Kenora. r t Mt ' rke .eredeceased -he r
tour year.a Is. funeral wa...lield
tturuav afternoon from the late
re, deem a; ' 1 t coed toted by her
.pastor, 'Rees h A. Brook. M\r.:nmillie
and -Mr. Brook aang a duet, "The Old
Rugged 'e'ross.' The. many floral
butes -were -were very beautiful including a
wreath from the •Parke family and
sprays from Mr. and ;Mrs. A. T.
-Douglas, Ml,.-- john.tou and Miss
Margaret John ton, Mr. and ars.
Allen Douglas, Miss Norma Douglas,
Mr. and IMr.. H. \'air, \lr. - Joseph
Hagan, \lis. Annie Funk, firs. H.
Soldan and tastily, I\ir, William Le-
tson and family. euchre club -neigh-
bors, and the United Church. The
pallbearers were- 'Messrs. Joseph Ha-
gan. Morton Elliott, Allen Douglas,
Jack •Soldan,William S'eddait and
Wellington Rllittt, Burial it Exeter
Present Cantata. •
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the
Easter services in the United' Church
and delivered a splendid sermon at
the morning service on "The Easter
Garden." The choir sang an anthem,
"Jesus- Is Risen," soul t I\lr. Carey
'Popo. At the evening service the
choir presented the cantata, 'Joyous
Bells. of Easter," under the able
leadership of Mr. 14\ O. Goodwin,
with Miss Greta Lannuie presiding at
the console. The opening chorus ty55
"Now Is Christ Risen," sung 'by the
-chits and h.ne. A chorus of forty
Misses Edith and Lillian 31cEwenlvoices and eight end amen, namely
of Kitchener are holidaying at the Cucssr, Rohltt f\1 ddtcton, ;Tames Par -
home of their brother and sister inkins, (;e,-rge Hess. !Manley Jinks.
law Mr. and Mrs. John E. McEaen ',:Walter Spencer, Claude Blow'., Ted
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pros. spent Oliver. and T. J. Sherritt, The cianc-
the week end holiday in C1eveland,Ohio. la,1. trio was Bette \fickle, Eleanor
Look and Joyce Broderick. The ehor-
Miss Mary Hemphill of Toronto islnees, quartettes, solos. tap dancing,
spending the Easter holidays with jokes and skits were very humorous
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E.
Miss Marie Bell of London, was a
week end guest at the home of her
parents Mr. and 'arra \t G Bell
and entertaining. Mr. Benson atones
man wa pianist and Mr. S. G. Rennie
musical dtrentor.
IMiss Tovice Seruton of 'Carola.
Miss Lettie Love. who is teaching Spent thers. \sister.. :sermon and
_we k wi
nd thhirno ler,
in one of the public schools in Tor- Petty L. McNaughton.
onto, is holidaying with her parents
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Love. Mr. and Mrs Harold Hanson and
Miss Edith Parkins of St. Cathar- family of Thamesville spent 'Easter
Ines spent Easter at the home of her with her parents. 'Mr and Nits. Peter
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. ScI wapiti Mrs. Hanson and children
Mr. and airs. Ed :McAsh of London are t'etnaining here for the holidays.
visited on Friday with Mrs. Marjorie The 1.0.0:F. Lodge will attend
Sparks and Mrs. Annie McDonald diei'n ;orship pts: Sunday evening
and :Miss Mary 3icAsh, in ihr United iti:hureii when Rey. R.
Mr. Kenneth Manns of Tr is neo A. Bro„k ,vill deliver the -pedal ad'
spent Easter with his mother Mrs. areas.
Fred Manns,
Dr. Murray Fisher and daughter The teachers of the Hay and Stan -
Gloria and Mrs. Peter Fisher and ley schools have gone 10 their res -
Miss Eleanor Fisher of Gravenhurst,
and Mise Lois Moffatt of Brucc-rield, pective homes for the Easter vaca-
visited on Sunday with Me. and tion and the children are enjoying
Mrs. John E. McEwen
Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Rigby and dau-
ghter Donna of Blenheim visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Rigby's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and
son of Detroit spent the week end
visiting with the formers mother.
Mrs. Lou Simpson and grandmother
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
;Miss Kay Drysdale of Sarnia vis-
ited during the holidays with her
parents. Sir. and Mrs. G. M. Drys-
Easter Thank-Offering—
The W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyter -
Ian Church held their Baster Thank-
in the schoolroom of the Stratford visited on Sunday with her
church on Thursday afternoon with sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson.
Mrs. R. Y. commenced
presiding. The Miss Mary Hagan of London is
program commmenced by singing "The
Day of Resurrection,” after which visiting her sister Miss Dolly Hagan
Mrs. Hannah Workman led in pray and brother Frank,
er. The Scripture reading. Matthew
ss. was read by Mrs. Jean Manson.
The minutes were read and the roll Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks '50c
all answered with an Easter mess -I
age. Mrs, John Cairns of Brucefleld
favored with a vocal solo entitled' FOR SALE
'My Saviour Paid my Ransom." Ma's.' Quantity of Yellow Blossom Sweet
W. A. MacLaren accompanied at the Clover seed for sale, Dyke Wheatley,
piano. Mrs. R. Y, MacLaren gave a Dublin, R. R. 1. Phone 840 r 34, Sea -
very interesting paper on "The forth central,
Risen Christ," after which Mrs. Don -
add Parke led in prayer. Mrs. R.
Simpson gave an address on "Kind- Experienced man wants work on
mess." which was very appropriate.) farm, by month. C. 11. Addicott, Win -
Mrs. W. A. MacLaren led in prayer throp.
and the meeting closed by singing
"Take Up Thy Cross," and the Lord's
prayer in unison.
their holidays.
Seeding has commenced in this
vicinity and some are nearly finish-
ed. It is a very early seeding and
came in with a rush, as it was not
looked for so soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan spent a
day in London recently.
The Hillsgreen Quilting Circle
realized the sum of 360.50 from the
quilt on which they sold tickets. The
proceeds were sent to the War Vic-
tims Fund.
Mrs. D. Moser and son Lorne of
Auction Sale
Aimee on. 'Market Street. Seaforth. on Sat-
urday, April 1 ith, at .1 p.m.
1 dining table and 6 chairs, 1 btti'•
tet , 1 living room suite, 5 pee; 1
hall rack, 4 rockers, 1 leather emir,
3 pedestals, 1. clock and stand, 2 Ax-
minster rugs, small rugs, 1 day bed,
a number of tables, 1 Quebec range;
1 plate rail, 2 magazine holders, 2
settees, 1 wardrobe, 1 bed and
springs; 1 Marshall mattress 1 fea-
ther tick; 2 dresser's; 1 stand; 1
sewing table; 1 folding screen; 3
covered boxes; 1 carpet sweeper; 1
wringer; 2 wash tubs and stand; 1
neer barrel; 1 dinner set (Litnoge);
1 oil stove and oven, 1 single burner
oven; 1 Raymond sewing machine; 1
ironing board; 1 set bedroom dishes;
1 electric lamp and electric fixtures;
1 lawn hose and reel
About 2 cord hard wood, mixed
wood and cedar.
Silverware, linens, bedding, dishes,
crooks, sealers, pictures, garden
tools, carpenter's tools, stepladder,
Terms cash.
aBlJkneerxiernr.Harod a sssn,Actio
Auction Sale
Furniture and Household Effects.
Belonging to Hinchley Estate, at the
residence, John street, on Saturday.
April 26t11, at 1,30 p,m,
Chesterfield suite, radio,` dining
Doul table and chairs, large buffet,
china cabinet, two large rugs, elec-
tric stove. small tables, bedroom
suites, china and glassware. Many
other valuable articles,
Terns, cash,
Miss L. M. Wigbtman, 13. Fowler,
Harold Jaekson, Auctioneer.
100 acres good land, 8 acres wood
lot, good barns with good stables
new litter carrier, windmill, cenieut
silo, cement water tank to supply
house and barn, Large implement
shed and garage. 2 -storey white brick
house with 7 rooms, good frame kit-
chan and verandah. Also some house
furniture, beds, dressers. etc„ tables,
a good extension ladder, sealers.
be sold reasonably at the house. 2
blocks west of Seaforth and a utile
south of paved highway. Near church
And school. One third price of farm
cash, the rest in 30 days. Mrs. And-
rew Kirk, Seaforth. 11.11.#3.
Notice To Creditors
All pesons having elnims against the
Estate of Maty O'Reilly, late of the Town
of Seaforth in the County of Huron, spins-
ter, deceased, who died on or about the 27th
day of March, .11141, are hereby notified to
,end in to the undersigned on or before the
aril day of May. 11141, full pardeulal's of
their claims.
Immediately after the said last mentioned
slate, the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims, of
which the undersigned shall then have not-
ice, to the exeluslon of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any person
of whose claim the undersigned shall not
then have notice Inc the assets so distributed
or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this lath day of April,
McCONNELL S HAYS, Seaforth, Out.
Solicitors for the Executor.
Notice To Creditors
All persona having claims against the
Estate of Margaret A. C. West, late of the
Vnlaue of Egmondvilio, in the County of
Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or
about the Sth day of Fobivary.. 1941, are
hereby notified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 3rd day of May. 1941, full
Particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last mentioned
date, the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then have not-
ice, to the exclusion of nil others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any person
of whose claim the undersigned shall not
then have notice for the assets so distributed
or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 10th day of April
McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for the Executor.
The Late Mrs, John Parke. --
A shadow of gloom was cast over
this community 'Wednesday afternoon
last week upon hearing of the sad-
den death of Mrs: John Panke in her
66th year. •She had ibeen attending her
household duties as asva,l when death
came suddenly. On the previous
Monday she attended the ceiebeation
of the ninetieth birthday of her moth-
er, Mrs. John ;Johnston, together with
aneniihers of the ;family. Surviving are
two sons, 'William of Hensall and
Clarence oaf IBlaike; her mother, :Mrs.
nio'hn Johimston,' and two sisters, ;Mrs.
1A. T. Douglas of Hyde Parke, and
iMiss Margaret Johnston, 'and one
Card of Thanks
Ilir, Joseph Roach and family wish
o thank their Mends for the
t rk amany'
expressions of sympathy, those who
sent flowers and spiritual ' boutiuets,
also those who fondly loaned cars.
Quantity of good timothy seed,
well cleaned, for sale. Henry F.
Benerrnann, Dublin, R. R. 1. Phone
38 1' 15. Dublin central
Small rouse in Seaforth, or would
collider renting. Apply News Office.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects of Mrs. F.
D. Henthison, on Friday, April 25111,
at 1.30 p.m, at corner of Market and
Jarvis streets.
Dining room furniture, antique wal-
nut sofa, cherry drop leaf table, rock-
ing chairs, odd chairs, small tables,
combined bookcase and writing desk,
hall seat and large mirror, 2 dressers,
wash stand, 1 bed, Axminster rug,
Congeleum rug, standard and table
etectrie lamps, books, including a
complete encyclopaedia, oil paintings,
large cupboard, table linens, plain
and fancy, bedding, curtains, drapes,
fancy china and glass dishes, dinner
set, kitchen table, chairs and uten-
sils, gem jars, working tools and 2nd
hand. lumber. Numerous other arti-
cles. Terms cash.
Mrs. 1'. D. Hutchison, Proprietress.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Farm and Premises of the late
Mary Teresa Curtin, being the East
half of lot 5 in 111e First. Concession,
Huron Road Survey, of the Town'
ship of Tttekersmith, containing 50
acres of land, situated on No. 8
Highway, 12 miles east of Sea -
forth, will be held at the Commerc-
ial Hotel, Seaforth; on Saturday,
April 19111, at 1.30 min,
Terms; 10 percent cash on date of
sale; balance 30 days.
Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for the Executors,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale •
itir. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction at
Lot 24, Concession 1, Hibbert, en No.
8 Highway, adjoining St. Columban
tknown as the Pat Flannels fartn),
on Tuesday, April 22, at 1.80 part.,
the following:
One binder; 3 -section harrows;
wagon; steel land roller; 1 2 -furrow
riding plow; one 1 -furrow riding
plow; 2 walking plows; 1 Ideal Giant
mower 6 -foot cut; seed drill, 13 hoe;
1 cultivator; 1 scuffler; 1 cutter; 1
buggy; 1 hay loader; 1 hay fork, ear
and rope; 1 fanning mill; 1 hay
rack; 1 set double harness; 2 sets
single harness; 1 hay rake; 1 set.
weigh scales, 2,000 lbs.; and other
articles too numerous to mention.
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale the farm, con-
sisting of 90 acres, more or less.
Terme on farm made known on day
of sale,
Dr. R. 11. Ross, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
National Radio Institute and
Radio Physics Course Graduate
On repair work for past 12 years
and attached free
For Economical and
Efficient Radio Service
Call 841 - 23, Seaforth
A McCormick Deering stiff -tooth
tractor cultivator. Good as new. J. F.
Carlin, Beechwood Store.
Employment Agency
Farmers—Do you need help ? If
so, leave your name at Dalyts
Garage, stating the kind of help-
er needed and the wages you will
Farm Helpers—Do you want
work? Let us have your name,
age, and the wages you expect.
There is no charge for this service
Chairman Agriculture Committee,
Chamber of Commerce
All owners of Psittacine birds must have same
registered with the Medical Officer of Health of the
Municipality at once, specifying where the birds were
secured. This is a new regulation imposed by the
Department of Health' Toronto, and must be com-
plied with at once.
M. O. H. of Tuckersmith
Hon. Geo. Hoadley
A11 Meetings 8 P.M. standard time
The General Public is Cordially in-
vited—Women are especially urged
to attend.
Our eggs are graded by the U.F.O.
at Wingham
You will appreciate their grading
You will appreciate the prices we are
Ca J
innigan -
Can take a limited number of cat-
tle to pasture for the' season. \V.
Doig, Kippen, R.11.3, phone 657x2,
Seaforth central.
Housewife or girl 21 years old or
over to supply neighbors' household
needs in spare time. Our products
sell quick and assure repeat orders.
Few dollars will buy small light-
weight case filled with best sellers.
RISK. For details and catalogue
free: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement,
1 fraise building 20 x 24, in the vil-
lage of Brucefleld. Tenders will be
received up to May 1st, 1941. Tucker -
smith Municipal Telephone System,
J. K, Cornish, Secretary -Treasurer,
At the Mildmay Furniture Store
$25 up. Free delivery. Open evenings.
Easy terms. Also new pianos, used
and new Singer Sewing Machines.
J. F. Sclluett. ,it Sons, Mildmay,
Auction Sale
Farrar Clearing Sale.—Having sold
my farm and decided to join the
Army, I am offering for sale all my
livestock, implements and household
effects an Friday, April 15th, com-
mencing at 1 p,n1. Location, one-half
mile east of Winthrop, The fallowing
list of articles will be sold for cash,
Horses --One Clyde 12 years, one
general purpose, 17 years; one set of
double harness.
Cattle—One Durham cow, S years.
due in May; one aged Durham cow,
supposed to be in calf; one Durham
cow with 3rd calf at foot; one Dur-
ham cow with 3rd calf at foot; one
Hereford, 8 years, with calf at foot,
one Durham heifer wtih calf at foot;
one Durham bull, one year old; one
Durham bull, 9 months; one Durham
heifer one year old; one Durham calf
3 months,
Pigs --14 chunks, one sow due in
May; one tborough-bred boar, York-
shire; 12 pigs, 6 months old.
Hens -50 Leghorn hens, two years
lafacbinery—Two cultivator's; one
13 ]roe Massey drill; are single fur-
row rider; one walking plow; 3 sec-
tion harrows; one buggy; one cutter;
one wagon and box; one set sleighs;
one turnip sower; one Anker Holth
cream separator; one Fordson trac-
tor and plow; one Chatham fanning
mill; one root pulper; one wheel
barrow; one 40 gallon steel barrel;
one brooder house, Sx10; one 51111
capacity brooder stove, coal; one
cross•cut saw; and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Grain -100 bushels of oats.
Household Effects—One complete
dining -room suite; one table and six
chairs; one kitchen range; one box
stove and one coal heater, all in
good condition; one gramaphone and
records; One organ; several small
tables; three bedroom suites; two
bureaus; one cupboard; two congol-
eum rugs; dishes; one washing
machine; dash churn; one set of
small scales.
Terms of sale, cash.
William R. B. Trewartha, Prop,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Community Health
Public Meetings
Addressed By
Formerly Minister of Health in
SEAFORTH—Friday Evening, April
18th. Cardno's Hall. Auspices, Mu-
nicipal Councils of Seaforth and
the Rural Municipalities of Tucker
smith and McRillop Townships,
GRAND BEND—Monday Evening,
April 21st. School house, Auspices,
Home and School Associations of
B. Line and Grand Bend,
CREDITON—Tuesday Evening, April
22nd. Township Hall, Auspices Cre-
diton Women's Institute.
Mr. Hoadley has been living in To.
ronto for the past four years, en-
gaged in a Health Study of conditions
in Canada. He has been speaking all
over Canada on the results of this
Study; for the past year devoting
his time to rural Ontario, wherever
he has been asked to speak. At these
meetings in Huron County, he will
show how a community can solve its
own health' problems.
BYLAW No. 8 of 1941
A By-law to raise $5000.00 to aid in
the constl'urtion of tile, stone o1'
timber drains.
The Council of the Municipality of the
Township of McKillop, pursuant to the pro-
visions of the Tire Drainage Act, enacts as
follows: '
1. That the Reeve may from time to time.
subject to the provisions of this by -lase,
borrow on the credit of the Corporation of
the said Municipality such sum not exceed-
ing In the whole $5000.00,as may be deter-
mined by the Council, and may in manner
hereinafter provided. issue debentures of the
said Corporation in such sums as the Coun-
cil may deem proper for the amount so bo, -
rowed, with Coupons' attached as provided in
rection 4 of .the said Act.
-. That when the Council shall be of opin-
ion that the application of any person to
borrow money for the purpose of construct-
ing a tile, atone or timber drain should be
granted in whole or inpact. the Council
may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue
debentures as aforesaid, and to borrow a
Bum not exceeding the amount applied for
and may lend the same to the applicant on
the completion of the drainage works.
S. A special annual rate .hall be impoeod,
levied and collected over and above all other
rates upon the land in respect of which the
said money shall be borrowed, sufficient for
the payment of the principal and interest as
provided by the Act.
Passed the 7th day of April, 1041,
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1,30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Wanted, cattle for pasture. Spring
creek. Wesley Roe, phone 284, Blyth
A quantity of yellow sweet clover
seed. Grade 1. Also a Massey Harris
No. 4 manure spreader. Phone Hen -
call, 13 on 82.
Blown Pomeranian dog for sale.
Price $8. Apply to The News office.
Married man to work on farm, Ap
ply to E. J. Box.
A quantity of Essex grown. Alaska
seed oats; also good prices on all
grass seeds. Call or pbone 11-91,
Hensall. W. E. Butt.
Nine head' two-year-old grass cat-
tle. '1 pair six-year-old work horses.
Wm. O'Reilly, phone 40 r 6, Dublin.
50 acre farm, East half lot 12, 6111
concession, Township of Hibbert,
with good buildings, near school and
stores. Apply to the News Office.
White Leghorn cockerels, $5 per
hundred; also white Pekin duck
eggs, Brussels phone 90.23. James A.
Nichol, Walton.
Municipality of the Township of ]ucSillop.
Take notice that the above is a true copy
of a By-law passed by the MunicipalCoun-
cilof the Township of McKillop on the 7th
day of April, 1941. . and all persons are re-
quired to take notice that any one who de-
sires to apply to have such by-law er any
part thereof quashed must serve notlee of
his application upon the Head or Clerk of
this Municipality within twenty days after
the date of the last publication of this not;
ice, and must make his application to the
Supreme Court of Ontario within one
month after the said date.
This notice was first published on the 10th
day of April, 1941, and the last publication
will be on thesonN matey Clerk 041.
Number of Durham yearlings.
About 600 lb. Could be fed to grass.
Also some York pigs, 8 weeks old.
James Landsborough, phone 665 1-16,
Abort 12 tons of timothy hay at
Lot 12, Con. 13, MoISillop. Apply to
Chas. Munn.
Raise your chicks the electric 'way
—no smoke, no lire, no gas, no
worry. Write for illustrated circular
to Noble Holland & Son, Clinton,
R. R.4. One of tbese brooders now
on display in the stole window of
John Bach. Implement Dealer, Sea -
We have on hand finest quality of
No. 1 government tested grass seeds
at reasonable prices. Pioneer poultry
and chick feeds. Frost fence wire and
supplies. cedar posts. Also team har-
ness and parts. Everything for your
spring requirements. D. E. Kyle, Kip -
pen. Phone 94r 14.
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
postpaid in plain, sealed. envelope,
with pricelist. 6 samples 25e. 24
samples $1.00. Adults only. Dept. M,
Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton,
Matched team, mare and gelding,
rising 5 and 6 years. Apply on lot 25,
eon. 8, Hibbert township, 2;y miles
west of Staffa. Herbert Smale.
A car load of Prince Edward Island
Potatoes to arrive in a week or ten
days. A limited amount of certified
seed included. Leave your orders at
Hensall Co-operative. Also coal,
cedar posts. 13.0. shingles, concen-
trates, stock minerals, salt, oils, and
fertilizer of all brands. Huron Farm-
ers' Co -Operative Co. Ltd. Henson.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds,
Rates reasonable, All risks placed
in first glass companies.
Information cheerfully given