HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-04-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS ' l' i i l': SI .�i l)RI'II NEN\'S foe' the epleio1kl et,ia io.. tit 31 u, fu• LONDESBORO each •reap to puthaee material for. Alt. J. P. \ianeiug. who for the R<al cress ,ss svor t Mrs, t eas. Dexter,' letdor of fltoni. th rr rook tit t 1'{" ateut Mars has been a sttece s- _r,itaut and general store, keeper in this village. has sold out to lir. Aiekauder of Kippen. who takes possession next week, AL'. Dlanning will locate in Clinton, leav- ing the contract for trunking the mail and express Ciotti Clinton to W'ingham, his term to commence on Monday. April 28th. The last train will go over the old C. N. R. line on Saturday, April 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Manning and Phyllis will be greatly missed, They have always been willing, to assist in church work and social activities as well, but we hope they will not al- together sever their interest in their old hone town and community. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, their successors, and wish them every success in their new work amongst us. A. very impressive Easter service was held in the United Church on Easter Sunday morning. The Sunday School attended in a body and oc- cupied the centre seats. The service was in the form of a cantata, "Thomas and the Risen Lord," which was rendered by the choir and several members of tate Sunday School It was a lovely *ay to give the Easter message. The church was decorated with Easter lilies and other potted plants, which added to the setting and Easter theme. Quite a large crowd assembled, the day being beautiful, warm and bright. Some of the Easter visitors were Misses Mary and E. Jamieson, of Toronto, with their parents. Miss Helen Yungblutt, London. with her parents. Miss Dorothy McIntyre, Clinton, with her friend, Miss Phyllis Man- ning. Miss Dorothy Little, Swansea, Tor- onto. with her mother Mrs, R. Town- send. Miss Pearl Griffiths and friend, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffiths, Clinton, were Sunday visi- tors at Wm. Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs. Franit Hall are spend - lug a couple of weeks with their son and family, Chas. Hall. Mrs. J. Tamblyn has returned home, having spent the past five months at the home of her son, W. J. Tamblyn, Forrest Hills, Toronto. Mrs. Fred Prest and Mary Ellen are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. E. J. Crawford of the 1301 con. Miss Rhoda Govier,• Loudon, spent the holiday with her pi parents, W. and Mrs. Govier. . Miss Marion Snell of Toronto Uni- versity, and Miss Laura Snell ot Wel• land, spent their holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Snell. Mr. Edwin Fothergill spent Tues- day at London when he gave a blood transfusion for Glenn Fairservice, who is in a hospital there. Airs. Margaret Mantling returned to her home on Thursday last, hay- Mg avlug spent part of the winter with Toronto friends. Mrs. James McCool and Phyllis, Mrs. A. Shaddick and Mrs. T. Fair - service spent Tuesday at London. Miss Joyce Fairservice, London, spent the Easter holiday with her parents. WALTON yhau. Atter singe x it hymn, Mee. Britton offered prayer kay and Arva Britton sang a duet. Readings were given by Miro Viola Dexter and Mrs. Adams. Miss Edith Britton favoured with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Nottingham. Mrs. Lindsay gave a splendid Easter message. Pilot Officer Allan T. Johns and Mrs. Johns and infant son spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ' E. Lawson, and Mrs. Lawson. Mr, Johns has been in Vancouver. B.C., for the past nine years. They carne east via transcontinental air lines to Mahon airport. Mr, and Mrs. L. E. Lawson and Airs. Lawson spent Sunday visiting relatives in Tuekersntith. Mrs. John E. Busby and Miss Shirley are spending a few days with Mrs. Busby's mother, Mrs. Lawson. Kenneth Murray, son of Mrs. Alex Murray, who has joined the flying corps, and wlio has been engaged hi the door factory In Wiegham for the past three years, is holidaying at the home of his mother until the 28th, when he expects to leave to com. mence training. Mrs. Ken Rutledge and daughter Evelyn, of Toronto, are at present spending a few weeks with het mother, Mrs, Chas, Drager. Mr. and Mr's. Ritchie Drager and children of Galt, spent Good Friday with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Drager. Quite a numberof guests from Walton attended the wedding at Brussels Monday when Ivtargaret Walker became the bride of Mr. Ro. bert Kirkby of Walton. We welcome her to our vicinity and wish them the best of success. Mrs, Chas. Sellers is holidaying at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hoerle at Heidelberg, while Mr. Sellers and Clayton are enjoying farm life at his home at Jamestown. There died in Guelph Hospital on April 14th Robert Douglas, aged fifty years, formerly of Morris Township. He leaves to mourn his wife, form- erly Agnes Knight, and eight child- ren, John Douglas, manager of the air port at Goderich, Helen, James, Agnes, Robert, William, Donald and Evelyn, all of Guelph. Burial took plane Wednesday, April 16, in the family plot in Brussels Cemetery. He was the son of the late John Douglas, 6th of Morris. Don't forget the "Family Album" in the community hall Friday night. Mr. Earle Coutts of Preston spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Coutts and other friends. The W. M.S. of Duff's Church, Walton, met April 9th- After singing hymn 100 Mrs. McCallum offered prayer. Members, keep in mind the Presbyterial to be held in Thames Road church on 22nd of this month Mrs. W. Hackwell presented the quarterly report. The life of Oliver Jackson. a missionary in a distant outpost in Newfoundland, was told by Mrs, Roy Bennett, Mrs. W. Davidson, Mrs. Shaw and Miss Simpson. A solo by bliss Mildred Sellers was enjoyed by all, Mr. Andrew Coutts of Walton "re- ceived a letter from his nephew Pte. Archie Coutts of Olds, Alberta, who has been in England almost a year. Archie spent a year with friends in these parts a few years ago. He writes: Just a few lines to let you know I am still alive, and lucky to be that way. I surely hope you are all well around Walton.. I'm not riding my motor cycle very much right now, because one of the boys was fooling around with a revolver and I happened to be unlucky enough to be in the way when he. pulled the trigger, The bullet went through my left shoulder and lung. then lodged in the flesh, quite close to the spine. They removed it four days later. I guess that old piece of lead had my name on it but I fooled them and lived. I've been in the hospital close to three weeks now, and I haven't much hopes of getting out for a while. The Duke and Duch- ess of Kent and Lady Astor were very nice. I have a very good friend here; she is one of the Nursing Sis- ters. I knew her when she was in the hospital at home. She comes in to see me quite often. My Command. ing Officer comes up quite' often. and quite a few of the boys, from other regiments, so I don't get too lonely. Write soon. With love, ARCHIE. Kirkby-Walker— The home of 'Mrs. E. G. Walker. Main street, Brussels, was the scene of a pretty spring wedding Monday afternoon at one o'clock when their daughter, 'Margaret Elizabeth, be- came the bride of Mr. Robert J. OE irkby of Watton. Rev. F. Fowler officiated and 'Miss Iona Siegner of Stratford played the bridal chorus from Lohengrin as the bridal party entered the room. The•ibride, •given in marriage by her Mather, wore an af- ternoon dreso of poudre blue crepe and corsage of Talisman roses. Miss Jessie Little of Brussels was brides- maid. wearing a frock of Alice blue crepe ;fashioned on similar lines to hat worn by the bride. She wore a shoulder bouquet of Sweetheart roses. ¶Mr. Stewart Humphries of Walton was groomsman. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. iWalker chose an orchid ,flowered sheer with corsage of Anter :car. 'Beauty roses. IMrs. Kirkby ware a dress of navy blue crepe with cor- saz.e of Talisman roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a three -strand necklace of pearls, to the 'bridesmaid and pianist: compacts, and to the groomsman a tlaile Vold, 'Alter, tine •,weddp'n,g !breakfast the Amide and groom loft for a short motor trip. For travelling 'the bride wore a black wool coat with small White collar, {black ofT'the-.face hat and black acces- <_ories. On their return they will re- side in Walton. ;Gsiests were present iron Kitchener,. 'London, 'Goderic'h; Stratford, Milverton, 'Walton, Palm- erston, Mitchell and Clinton. CONSTANCE The Easter meeting of the W. A. was held in the church Friday, April 11, with the president, Mr's. E. Adams in the chair. Following the opening exercises the minutes were read. Mrs. Addison gave a report on Red Cross` work, Mrs. Adams ex- pressed thanks to the Young People The Constance W.M.S. held their Easter thankoffering service in the church Sunday evening. Rev. Menzies inspiring IEaster message on "The Young Man In White," was' based on 'Mark le. The choir sang a selection "From Glory to (Calvary," and Kelso Adams rendered a saxophone solo, "The Old Rugged Cross." At the close of the service the .pageant, 'At the Feet of Jesus" was presented, the parts bbeing taken as follows: Marv, the Mother of Jesus, Mrs. Menzies;) Mary (Magdalene, t\irs, C. Weldon; Salome, Mrs. G. Addison; John, tMr. 1W111, Britton: Peter. iMr. Bill Jewett; games, Mr. Alvin Dodds; A Centttr- ion, Mr. Ross McGregor. This lovely Easter pageant seas well received by the congregation and was an effective portrayal of the Resurrection morn- ing. The Easter meeting of the W.M.S. was held on April 'll'th in the school room of the churctt Mrs. i\Vm, Brit- ton taking charge. Minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Peter Lindsay and Mrs. Nottingham were appointed del- egates to attend the convention in the Thames Road 'Church. Bible lesson was given by Mrs. George Addison. Studs book. "Apostles of the Out- posts," .by Rev. Oliver Jackson was given by Mfrs. Nottingham. -as sung iby Mrs, Lindsay k solo t entitled Wounded .for Me." Closing prayer was ,offered by Mrs. Robt. Rogerson. BAYFIELD Miss Margaret Ferguson is spend- ing the holidays at her home, Misses Fernette of Detroit are spending the Easter holidays at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Kyle and Donnie. 01 Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steckle. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Hamilton spent the week end at their cottage. Airs. Ivan Steckle and lufafilyn Joy spent a few days last week with Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. E. McBride of Kippen, KIPPEN The Young People of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, will hold annivers- ary services on Sunday, May 18th. The Rev, C, Sinclair .Tones, of St. Andrew's Church, Watford, will preach at Kippen and Hillsgr'een next Sunday, April 20th, Mrs. Margaret Stafford of St. Thomas is visiting with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mollis. Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Alice Cooper. Mrs, James Wright was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week where she underwent an oper. ation. Her many friends trust she will Soon recover. Mr, Lloyd Workman and little daughter Ann of Oshawa spent Eas-. ter with his mother Mrs. Susan Workman. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Herdman and family of Buffalo spent the week end with Mrs. Herdman's mother, Mrs. J. Hyde. Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. Jarrott. Mr, and Mrs. P. Clark of Windsor visited on Friday with Miss Kate Bengo ugh. Mrs. Geo. Hills and MIss Ria Hills of Toronto visited on Saturday with Mrs. Levine Tomlinson. Miss Dorothy Detre of London war home for the holiday- with her par- ents. Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Delta. Mrs. J. McGregor and Miss Petrie McCloy of Egmondville spent Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Butt. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Terryberry of Cottam spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClymont. Mr. N. R. Alexander has purchased a business from Mr. Manning of Lon- desborough and gets possession shortly. Mrs. Joseph Dayman has returned to her home from the hospital in London where she spent the past few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Taylor and children Patty and Terry spettt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ' Dinsdale. tlirs, Andrew Bell and Donnie Bell visited in Lon'cion during the holiday, • Mr. and Mrs. /Lennis Seaman and children of Kitchener visited with Mr, and IMrs, IRobt. McGregor and family during the week. BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Dies. T. H. Wheeler spent the week end iu Stratford. Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and fancily of Detroit visited with relat- ives in the village. Mr. Wm. Simpson and son of De- troit visited his father Mr. C. D. Simpson. . Mrs. C. Halstead and son of Strat- ford are visiting AIr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dufort, Mr. C. Wilson and daughter of Toronto vis - iced Mr. and M rs. G. Swan. Mr. L. Robison and Miss Ella. Rob- ison of Thames Rd., visited Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler on Thursday, Miss H'ene Snider spent Easter at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. T. Dunlop of Chats- worth, and Harry Dunlop of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mrs. John. McIntosh and little dau- ghters are visiting her parents, Mr. end Mrs. C. H. Haugh. Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Swan and family of Hamilton are visiting at the home of AIr. Jas. Swan. Mrs. A. Moore and Children of Eg- mondville spent the week end with Mrs. Mary McKenzie. Mr. Hartley Smith and friend of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Berry. Miss .G race Dalrymple spent last week in Stratford. • Visitors with relatives and. friends over the holiday and week end were Mr. and Mrs, Webster McNaughton, .Whitby, Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Mr, Harry Collins and Miss Irene Snider; London, Pte. Abe Zapfe and Pte. Charlie McMichael, Toronto. Miss Margaret Mustard, Hearst; Rev, Chas. Mustard, Toronto, Mr: Send us the names of your visitors. Jas. McCully, St. Thomas. Mr. and THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 194 Mrs, John McIntosh and slaughters Jean and Margaret, Toronto. The cantata presented by the choir on Friday evening was much en- joyed by all who were present. Mrs. 1I. Dalrymple and Mrs. T. Baird were appointed delegates to attend . the Presbyterial at Thames Road ou April 22nd. BRODHAGEN Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Wiet- ersen and children of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebreeht. Miss Vera Rock of Enterprise with Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmeir, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth, Kenneth and Earl of Detroit, sand Mrs. Elwood Smart of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Bennewies. Miss Alice Simon of the teaching staff at Wilberforce with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock. Mr, Jack Diego! and Sou Ralph of North Bay with their many relatives here, Mr. Walter Bortfeldt of Tyrone at the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs, S. Friedericksen. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Messerschmidt and daughter of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kieber, Mr, Albert Smith 01 Durham with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Ed Smith, Mr. and Mrs, C. Sippel, and Mrs Holman of Tavistock spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. Betty Jean and Audrey Hinz re- turned with them to spend a weep in Tavistock, Deep sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priestap in the loss of their infant daughter in Stratford General Hospital on Sunday evening. A brief funeral service was conduct- ed at the house on Monday afternoon by Rev. S. Friedericksen and inter- ment was made in St. Peter's cemetery. Eleanor Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz was bap- tized in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday -morning with Mr, and Mrs. Carman Wasman. and Miss Claires Diego! and Mervin Dietz as sponsors. Mr. Frank Scherbarth and his mother Mrs. Mary Scherbarth of Trenton are visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Young of Strat- ford spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diegel. Miss Doris Eisler of Seaforth is holidaying with her cousin Miss Eva Beuermann. BLAKE Seeding has begun in this vicinity. A number of the friends from the vicinity attended the funlaral of the late Mrs. John Parke in }Jensell on Saturday. At one time she and her late husband resided on the farm where their son Clarence is now liv- ing. tvIng. It is only a few weeks since Airs. Parke was calling on many ot her former neighbors and friends around here. The heartfelt sympathy of this community is expressed to the sorrowiug ones. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ed Stelek is much improved in health. Mrs. Sam Hey spent a few days in London at Easter time. Mr. Lloyd Jeffrey returned to his home from Kitchener where he has spent the past few weeks employed. He is now helping his father seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay, Eliz- abeth and Mr. W. M. Finlay visited relatives at Kincardine and vicinity. The W.M.S. Is being held Wed- nesday evening at the parsonage in Varna. Mr. Elmore McBride is all smiles. A. little girl is brightening their home. Congratulations. Miss Margaret Love, Parr Line, spent a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr: and Mrs. Roy McBride. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Sparks visited with Mrs. Manson. Mr. Arthur Finlayson, teacher in Blake school, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Finlay- son near Kippen, during Easter week, Rev. Peters delivered a splendid Easter address at the Blake Church on Sunday afternoon. Misses Norma Hey and Beatrice Manson sang a beautiful Easter duet, "Christ Arose." Mr's. E. Stelek accompanist. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Hubbs, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Patrick Stapleton, mother of Mrs. Hubbs, for the Eas- ter vacation. Mrs. Catherine Carpenter is recu- perating from an attack of pneu- monia. Mr's. E. Nagle, London, is the guest of Mrs. A. Darling for the summer months. Miss Marion Dill, London; Mr. Kenneth Dill, Toronto, and Dr. and TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1941 Full Information from Agents Canadian National Railways REG T THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING Tile Weaver Bros. and Elviry "In Old Missouri" The 3 Mesquiteers "Covered Wagon Days" Mon., Tues., Wed. 614E1 E GAY .. - have a rolliclting good tune! Il rJ fi Shirley 1 t� TEMPLE Jack •• OAKIE Charlotte GREENWOOD yovNG PEoPLE A 20th Century.Poe Picture Next Thur. Fri. Sat, DOUBLE FEATURE Sizzling Adventure in Dazzling Desert Playground! Springs with GEORGE , SANDERS , WENnv BARRIE Pate Wiley!, • lecithin Hole Ueda Haiti The 3 Mesquiteers in WAGON TRAiN. Mrs, Sturgis of Oshawa, were the guests of their parents during the Easter week. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kruspke, Detroit, were guests of Air. and Mrs. Darling for Easter. The mud roads to London have been a source of great annoyance to motorists. The frost coming yet out of the high part of the roads, has made deep holes, and farmers are kept busy. Farmers who have purchased up to date machinery are Messrs, Wm. McMillan, Hibbert, Roland Klein- feldt, Hibbert, Harold Wilson, Mc- Killop, and Michael Middleton, Bay- field, Farmers are busy on the land. the usual fine weather of last week be- speaks good times ahead. Mr. John Darling has had a very successful sale of farm Imple- ments. TUCKERSMITH Airs. Fletcher Townsend spent the week end with her mother in Dor- chester: Mrs. A. Broadfoot, who spent a few weeks with Mrs. Tebbutt, re- turned 'to her home in Egmondville last Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman of Mc- Killop. Mr. and Nlrs. Jas McIntosh spent a day recently with friends in Toronto, Mrs. Andrew M. Kirk returned to her home iu Tuckersmith on Satur- day the 12th, having spent the winter with relatives in California, Arizona and Detroit. She reports a very wet winter in California, the wettest in fifty year's, some parts having had thirty-eight inches of rain and others 29, A good bit of damage was done to homes and roads too near cut out ]tills, Some bridges also went down. A great deal of the water has been saved for irrigation purposes. With- out the water the land there could not stand the hot summer months. Mrs. Creighton and son Francis were visitors over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Landsborough of the Huron Road west visited with his mother on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coleman and fam- ily and Mrs. T. Coleman and Mrs. Smith called on friends in Hensall on Sunday. 'The farmers are busy on the land, and some have a great many acres sowed. Hazel Coleman is spending her holidays • with her cousin, Pearl Coleman of McKillop. MANLEY Messrs. Dan and Stephen Manley from London spent .a tow clays 'litre week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Manley: Fall wheat is picking up since 'the growing weather set in, as it looked very delicate of late. Seeding operations are in full swing, and if the fine weather con- tinues it will be of short duration. But we noticed the wild geese flying south last Saturday, which indicates more cold weather, Mr. and blrs, Con Eckert from Sea - forth were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley last Sunday. WINTHROP Farmers are busy on the land. Mrs. John Gillies and baby boy re- turned home from Memorial Hospital on Monday. Mr, Gillies spent Sunday and Monday with his family. ' Mr, and Mrs, Walter Eaton and fa- mily spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Lon Sperling of Gorrie. Nurse Isabel Betties of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Therou Betties. Eleven ladies of the Circle met at the home of Mrs. Russell Bolton on Tuesday afternoon and quilted and finished two -quilts for the Red gross. We are sorry to hear of Les Dol. mage being4nder the dootor's c re, Mr. Irwin Trewartlia. has b .ught the 100 -acre farm of Dir. Wiliam. Trewartha wbo intends enlisting;and is holding an auction sale of Thurs- day. Mr. Fergus Bullard underwent an- other leg operation in Toronto ,Gen- eral Hospital and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Russell Bolton has purchased a team of horses. ; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett : and family, Mr. and Mrs, Peter MoCowan and faintly and bin. Wm. Trewiirtha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. . Mr. Roger McClure and Mr. Art McClure are sailing on the freight boat, Captain Secord. Radio Repairing An expert radio repair man is at our shop every Tuesday and Friday. Give us a call and we will look after your radio. Free ! Radio logs showing changes in frequencies Daly's Garage SEAFORTH RADIO LOGS Free WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF THE NEW RADIO LOGS SHOWING ALL THE NEW LOCATIONS They Are Free - - Ask For Them PUSH BUTTONS If your Radio is equipped with push buttons, you will want to have then adjusted to the new locations brought about by the International changeover March 29th. We are equipped to do this work for you. Please call 75 BOSHART ELECTRIC Phone 75 Seaforth