HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-04-03, Page 2PAGE TWO
Pledge for War Savings
.In Navy.
\V. A, Bell of Exeter community
hal' left for art!ve service trainitia
with the Royal Canadian Nav t: Vol-
unteer Reserve.
Census Commissioners -
Census commissioners have been
appointed at Ottawa. H. C. \L•tuLean.
of 1Vin,,bant, is named .for North Hu-
ron, and C. V. Pickard. of Exeter, for
Huron -Perth. The census is to the
taken in 'Tune.
Brussels Half Holidays.-
A resolution was signed .by 31
,businessmen in the village o: Brus-
sels that the half holidays cumtnwnee
the first week in April and .continue
to dee last week in November and
open (Wednesday nights from May 7
til! October 1st, 41'941.- 4Brussels Post
Exeter Business Changes. -
George Wright has moved his
general store to tite store he recently
Purchased" from i\Ir. i\Vih. Martin.
Mr. 'Wright has accepted a position
as traveller for this district for the
Novelty Shoe Co.. of Toronto. The
store vacated by \Ir. Wright wail re-
eenuly purchased ,hy Mr. and Mrs.
John Pratte and will be remodelled.
Mr. and )Mrs. Nelsnu Hankin of Us-
rn'orne have moved to IBelntore where
Mr. Hankin has purchased a general
House Burned. -
The frame 'tense on the Lake road
about three utiles west of Exeter. for-
merly owned by the tlate 11 r'. John
Penitale and occupied by Thos. flee-
ri,on, teas destroyed •by tire last
'1'aesday morning,
\Ir. aixl \Its, Edward .Linden richt
,.f Exeter announce the en *a; enteut
.,f Civil' v,ttutger daughter, Lulu Pearl
to NIT. Norman George Baxter
Flocdy of Windsor, only snit of \1r.
and IM rs. David Floody of fllyth, the
marriage to take place early in April.
Brought In Oil Well -
Last week an oil well was brought
in by F. b. Davidson and son. Bill,
who have leased the 124 -acre farm
of Lorne Eastabrook, 5 miles east of
Watford. At 293 feet natural gas
earn e lo at about 4,000 cubic feet an
hour, and oil was struck at 393 feet.
The well was drilled to a total depth
of 481) feet. The pumping test pro-
duced 3 barrels a day (35 gals, to a
barrel) and in two days increased
to 5 barrels and Is still increasing.
The all is of high quality. having a
gravity test of 38, and rises 185 feet
in the well. This is the only well
that has been drilled in this locality,
the nearest being one mile to the
north and several wells four miles to
the east and west.-Wingham Ad-
vance -Tinges.
Died At Fullerton-. • • Lucan Wins Cyclone League. -
The death oeeurt•ed in Stratford For the second easvit in 't roes
General Hospital last week of Joltu I Liman •Irl<ti'' li ty e cap erred Penh th,r
Marshall esteemed Imsideut of Full- (Hoffman and the \Ie\11 in Cups in
arlott tallage. Boat in Blanch rd i the Cyclone clone h nie t league. The series
tttwuship to 1574. 11' ewes married to has been the hardest -fought set of
tLuuuu Edighotfer in Varna around
years ago. and since that time
had resided in Fullttrton. He was a
cement ntusott by trade. Besides his
Widow one- son, .Cleo, at home stir.
Injured Playing Hockey -
Ross Pearce received a nasty in-
jury while playing with the Clinton
Juveniles against Galt at Clinton
last Wednesday night. Near the
close of the game he was cross-
checked by one of the players when
the ligaments of his right shoulder
were tore, necessitating placing the
arm in a sling, for a month or so.-
Mitchell Advocate.
Getting Ready for the Nazis.-
Ten telephone wire•. serving Wine -
ham and rural points were severed
near Clinton. on .No. 8 highway, about
4 o'clock last Friths. morning and
telephone officialsattribute the sev-
ering' to an -airplane, a hit -and -runt
aviator, The actual impact was not
witnessed, but farmers report seeing
a plane in the neighborhood !both be-
fore raid after the accident. The re-
coil of the wires was such that they
wound themselves around the posts
at either end. There was no crash, of
course. but aviators state that this
same thing is not unusual. The wires
were about twenty-four feet high and
atter listening to same farmers in
Huron county discourse 00 the ex-
ploits of our ,budding aviators it seems
that twentyefour feet is not an un-
usually low altitude at svltich to fly.
One Colborne farmer says a pilot in
a plane the other d'iy chased one cif
bis steers up and down a ten -acre
field until the animal quit exhausted.
-Goderich Signal -Star.
• Now is the time to see your dealer
about a new Chevrolet. Now -while
you can get so much motor car value
for your money! Now - while low
price buys "all the necessities and
most of the luxuries of modern
motoring"! Never has a car carried
more advancements and advan-
tages than this year's value -leading
Chevrolet ... Concealed Safety
Steps . comfort -increasing Knee -
Action ... quality Body by Fisher
...Vacuum -Power Shift, at no extra
cost ... 41 great features for '41!
The new Chevrolet has been sized
ahead, styled ahead, designed ahead
for your protection. Eye it, try it,
buy it today. Enjoy immediate
delivery and make sure of depend-
able motoring in the years ahead.
1. Concealed Safety Steps.
' . Tiptoe•fllatie Clutch.
3. Reinforced Masted Turret Top,
4. Box Girder Frame.
5. Safe•T-Special Hydraulic Brakes.
0. Separate Parking Brake,
8. Shockproof
Head Engine.
9, Vacuum -Power Shift.
10, UnitizedKnee•Action.
Thrillin12. AutomatiNew
D metLigh ,
1:3. Ventilation Drip Shields,
14. Dual Panel Door Construction.
15. All Doors Hinged from Front.
18. Concealed Door Hinges,
17. Harmonic Balancer.
18.58?4"-wide Front Seat.
19. Two Arm Rests.
21. Full 20. Convenient Front Seat Adjustment.
22. Dual Horns nss rn Mounted Behind Radiator
23.1'{ eight 3250 lbs.
24. Glass Area 2284 sq, ins.
25. Automatic Locks on Ali Doors.
27. 26. Left and Right Thor Front Locks.
28, Glove29. Compartment tnrenttPanel lwitlt Lod( and Light.
30. EvenlyilMi Trunk Loek.
urtted Windshield Wipers,
31. Rear Axle Inspection Plate.
32. IdSelf-Adjusting llyCooled Cylinders,
Shackles. Tension•Type Rear Spring
94. 3u. Steei.bound Pelt 1Vhi1I,,ber Cushioned Rear S1. GJ ss Channels,
30. Positive. Crank -Controlled Venttjpa Channels.
with 37. Six- Bolt,
silol5 Rear Wheels to Flanged
38. Two Adjustable Sun Visors.
39. Lavish Ilse of Bright Metal.
40. Front Seat and Door Scuff Pads.
41. Hypoid Rear Axle.
Teall & Habkirk Motor Sales
;teal 1 Fatter ice in Many tears.
Exeter won the first :game 8-3, th'np-
piue the next two in the (hest -of -
three series by close scores of 4-3 and
d-tl. Leroy O'Brien refereed.
Hockey At Exeter. -
it is estimated that there were over
eight hundred persons present at the
Exeter arena 'Monday for the final
hockey game when Lucan and Exet-
er played off for the ,Hoffman trophy.
The proceeds for the night were a
little over $10e00. This was excellent
considering that during the day per-
sons wondered whether or not there
wrxtltl be a ,game as he weather was
mild. For the three final (games the
gross proceeds were a little over $3314.
Of this amount $1)3i7 was divided be-
tween the two teams and the arena
aonlanittee received a like amount.
Forttntately the season has ended
with no serious injuries to any of
the ,players. -Exeter Times -Advocate.
To Purchase Dairy Cows
For County Home,
When the 'County of Huron pur-
chased a herd of purebred Shorthorns
for the County home it did not reck-
on with a consequent milk shortage
at the institution, although warning
was ,given. The shortage came about
sooner than was expected and for
some time milk has ,been (bought from
outside sources to replenish the 'fail-
ing supply. So on Monday of this
Road Inspection-
Ilnr,nt Cooly 'hraffic Officer N.
Lever, Clint ret 1 uLtItit)trart nt. ,ect-
ion of the minty roads and reports TAKES
somethat soe of thew. are in (bad condi- - ii
tion requiring care 11 driving Ile is
i, also checkitl1g ne on trued; loads for
overweight. Trucktueu will he well
advised to keep wen within the lead
weight regulations, particularly et the
present time When road surfaces are
Miss -Mary OrReilly-
The death occurred from pneumon-
ia at the Scott Memorial hospital on
nA editesday eight of Mary O'Reilly in
leen Kith year. The departed woman
was born in MoKiilap and came to
Seafortit when a young woman to
take a position as tailoress with the
firm of Bright Bros., which she held
for many years. Miss O'Reilly is the
last survivor of a family of eight, She
was a devoted member of St. James'
,Catholic church and also of the Cath-
olic \\'oaitett's ,League and the Society
,for the Propagation of the Faith. The
funeral took place Friday morning at
9.30 o'clock from the residence of her
niece. Mrs. !Julia Flannagan, Market
street, to St. ;Tames' Catholic church.
Rev, Father T. 1', Hussey officiated.
Interment took place in St. James'
Mrs, W. H. Johnston, Exeter -
A well known and highly esteemed
resident of Exeter passed away in
Victoria Hospital, London, on Satur-
day last (0 the person of Mrs. Wm.
H. Johostott in her 77th year. Suf'ter-
ing from artiu'itis, Mrs. Johnston
had been an invalid for many years.
week, at ;Clinton, the County Home
gangrene developed, and on
committee of. 'County )Council author- Feb. 25th she was removed to Vic-
ized the purchase of five dairy caws I torte Hospital. Mr. Johnston, who
forthwith. Chairman N. R. Dorranced also has been in frail health, was in
Warden +James Leiper and Inspector hospital at the sante time. Born in
George Feagan also were instructed the township of Ashfield, her maiden.
:to dispose of a -heavy team of Perch- ntuue was Sarah Blake, daughter of dale. After 'being yr cun,ied and i,- s.r 1
exons anti to purchase a new tenni.' the late Robert and Bevin Freeborn
iler' returned to t'anada u1 Ott her,
Tenches also have 'keen asked on a Blake. Fifty-three years ago she was 1:'1:5 ilc• r,' -entered \l 't k ill to tut-ly
medicine in 111022, 1.1' served an inter-,.
ship for several year; in an Ontario;
hospitaltl and tics o'\
ton. lie formed t partnership t lersh a 'h
d)r. Hues of I\\:ashn, tn, a hospital witt
Paisley ratan 'De two formed
form -Seattle Washingtonwith1)l'
Dn!d•on as head itnrge„n. He was
married in 1020 to Miss Louise Suis.
ter. Ne•twtint, t ureichts! aro his
riw'; one sou, 1)ou',tia.; f,*err br,'the
\I;nn•o .,f \Viii 11: 1. 'Rev. 1)ous
Davidson of Gear,;''t„wn and R"-.
awl .\Ilan at home: three sisters .Mrs
\i. Reid of Seaitrtii. Mrs. \ tVa•:•
'Parish of London and 'Miss E'tet'
Davidson at hone. The ,hods mi. -
' -
bron ht to the family home in Ne,v•
tots and funeral services •overr condttt--
cd at the fancily residence Monday
afternoon at 2.311 o'clock, luterineat
was made in Knox t'uitc 1 church
centetrrw. 81 ill.:ettic.
Sheep Claim Reduced -
in an interesting judgment repderi
ed in a Division Court action tried in
Durham, His Honor Judge G. W.
Morley disallowed a claim of Charley:
Migh ton, of Rocky Saugeen, who
sued the township of Beutinek for
sheep killed by dogs. The tots)
amount of the claim was $55, which
was reduced to 514 for which animmi
judgment. was given the plaintiff
Chesley. Enterprise,
XTO need for hard rubbing and
jN scrubbing when you use a
solution of Gillett's Pure Flake
Lye. It cuts right through grease,
clears clogged drains, keeps out-
houses sanitary and odorless,
scours pots and pans, takes the
hard work out of heavy cleaning.
Keep a tin always handy.
FREE BOOKLET -The Gitlett's Lye
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clears clogged -drains , keeps out,
houses clean and odorless by destroying
the contents of the closet ,how it
performs dozens of tasks. Send for m
free copy to Standard Brands Ltd..
Fraser Ave, and Liberty Street.
Toronto, Out.
"Never dissolve lye in hoe wares. neo
action of the lye itself hears oho wtsn.
Herr kali-inn track and a new electric united in marriage with her now be-
washer i n be purchased for the leaved husband and during her long
i llness
i Alt Johnston has given her
matron. The tenderof T.T Riley for constant rent( lot ing tut For tt short
the 1011 supply of groceries was ac time following their marriage, Mr
corned, as were those of Ross Fitz -
Johnston taught school in Ashfield;
smnnuns for neat IM. j. Agnew 'for
Sex -
tobacco and Harry t Bartliff for Ursa,(, tot' twelve years uJur taught at ne,ierc are to the asked for the an_ smith and for twenty years he has a
MO coal supply, Chairman. Dorrance teacher at 8.5. 14, klippen, Twenty
Inspector Feat an being given
ago he and Mrs. Johnston re-
endpawer to act. The committee during'
tired to Exeter. Both of them, in
an a1i'clay session witnessed a dem- their younger years were ardent
castration of an automatic fire alarm workers its church anti Sunday
system, a detector -annunciator. and School, Their family were all stud -
will recommend to county Council at cots and have distinguished them -
its forte session that it the purchased selves in various walks of life. Free-
installed. The grand jury et the born is in research work with the
Carnegie Institution at Washington.
last fall assizes recommended that ad-
d- D C., and his work has taken him to
thecal fire protection be provided ce rttanv (tarts of the world. Albert is
the county home. Those in attendance •art actuary with the Excelsior late
at the meeting were Reeves ,N'. R• Insnrttnce Company. Torcula, and
Dorrance of McKillop, chairman: br. Cecil Johnston is a tloctot• at the
Francis Duncan, Morris; T. C. Matteawsut State Hospital at Bea-
son, 'Grey; Roland Grain, Teery; con, N. Y. The late Dr. Mury Benson Turkey, Exeter, antid Warden.
'ardcn John-
ston, at the time of her death, Sept,
James Leiper 211rd, 1930, was associated with the
Late R. E. Manning, Clinton- ! Mountain Sauttoriuut at 1-lnntiihn.
In the passing of Russell Elliott'. Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn Johnston, AR'.
Manning, the Clinton community has Albert Johnston and Dr. and Mrs.
lost a well known and highly esteem -
Johnston were all present for
ed citizen, who had been identified their mother's funeral. Two sisters
with the business and public life of also survive, Mrs. 1). K. Alton, of
that community for tite past forty Ashfield and Mrs. Herbert Alton, of
West Wawanosh, and one brother,
Thos. Blake, of Ashfield. Among
those front a distance wito were pre-
sent for the funeral were Alm D. E.
Alton, Albert and Leslie, of Ashfield;
Mrs, Samuel Morrison and Gordon,
of Kinloss; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morri-
son, of Clinton; Mr. and 51rs. Thos.
Blake and Mrs. Rd. Johnston, of Ash-
field; Mr. Albert Johnston, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Webster and daughter,
Miss Ettabelle; Mrs: Herb Alton and
son Harvey and Mrs. Errington, of
West Wawanosh; Dr. W. V. John-
ston and Miss Sarah Mallough, of
Lucicnow; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mof-
fatt and son Donald and Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Woods and son Graham,
of Watford; Mrs. (Dr.),W. H. Woods,
of Mt. Brydges and Mr. Johnston's
sister, Mrs. Harry White, of Tor-
onto, who is remaining for a week.
Numerous friends from a distance
•visited at the home Sunday and 3vlon-
day. The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon from the Main St, 'United
Church conducted by the pastor,
Rev. N, J. Woods, a cousin of the
deceased. -Exeter Times -Advocate.
years. He was in his 72nd year hav-
ing been born in Exeter, a son of the
late Richard Manning and Harriet
(Trick) Manning, He received his
education at Exeter and Clinton and
attended the University of Toronto,
where he obtained his bachelor of
arts degree. In his university years
he was contemporary with two men
who became prime ministers of Can-
ada, Rt. Ikon. W. L. Mackenzie King
and Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen. After
graduation he took a position in the
Ferran and Tisdale private bank in
Clinton, until they closed their busi-
ness. In later years he was manager
of the Royal Bank at Clinton until
his retirement in 1930. He became
clerk -treasurer of Clinton, succeeding
the late D. L. MacPherson, and re-
tained that position until October,
1940, when he resigned and opened
an insurance office. He served the
community on the collegiate and lib-
rary boards and was treasurer of the
Clinton hospital. He also served as
recording steward of Wesley -Willis.
Church for over 20 years, and also
was church treasurer until a few
years ago. He married Grace Boles
of Clinton in 1900, She died in 1908.
Later he married Nettie Fisher of
Denver, Colorado, formerly of Clin-
ton, a daughter of the • late A. S.
Fisher, a former mayor of .Clinton.
He is survived by his widow, one son
Ii B. Manning, Toronto, one daugh-
ter, Mrs Ronald'Graham, of Red
Lake, Ontario, and by two grandsons
in Toronto. The late W. N. Manning,
former president of Sherlock Mann-
ing Pianos Ltd., was a brother, A
private funeral service was held at
his late residence, Huroti street, fol-
lowed by a public service in Wesley -
Willis Church. His pastor Rev. And-
rew Lane, officiated, assisted: by Dr.
1. A. Hogg, a former pastor and old
friend of the deceased•. Interment
tools place in Clinton cemetery.
Dr. Davidson Dies at Seattle--
I\1rs. David Davidson, Newtdn, has
received sword of the sadden detitlt of
her son, 'Dr, (Walter McDonald David -
sou, Washington. Dr. Davidson pas-
sed away there on Tuesday. lHe was
ibonn its Mornington township and at-
tended public school there At •the
age of 13 years he .graduated groin the
Listowel high School and then went
to 'Normal School. On graduating he
taught at Hope Bay ,for a number of
years and also at Strassbourg, Sask-
atchewan. In 19114 he. entered !McGill
University, I\$ontreal, to study ones}-•
icine, ,Les9 than a year,later he enlist-
ed and went overseas with the McGill
Base (Hospital unit, lHe 'transferred
into the 13th (Battalion and saw service
at Vitny Ridge, 'Ypres and Pashe:n-
Hounds Attack ane Kill Deer -
Last Sunday a number of hounds
scented a Heel', and chased the ani-
mal to a point of exhaustion, 'When
the deer collapsed, the canines at
tacked and killed it, Louis C. Daunts,
who was the first to see the tragedy,
phoned the local police to see what
could be done. The hounds were
driven away, and the carcass of the
animal was taken to cover, to await
instructions. -Mildmay Gazette.
Injured At Port Albert-
Stoker George T. Currie fell sad
sprained his necks at the Port Albert
Airport. He is now resting comfort-
ably in Wingham General Hospital.
His many friends wish him a speedy
recovery,-Wingham Advance -Times,
Motherhood improves both face
and Rgure, says beautician, Doctors
advise women of today to welcome
maternity as means of enhancing
charm and looks. Read about their
views in the April` 5 Detroit Sunday
Times. This week and every week
get The Detroit Sunday Times.
\sot( REmovAli
of DEAD or
'Co!!ect'to this number