HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFOR.TII NEWS ' 1'11i'. til:.\it'Ri'1.1 NE\1-.S Sturnd„u Li n,e. Yn4disnirra WALTON \\1n. 1•'arquharsou :nisi Gordon 1[ul- lancl of Petawawa Camp, spent the week encu at their homes of Welton. Misses Ennis and Driscoll spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Edith Ennis of Tomtits is spending a few weeks with her par: eats, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr. Bob Smalldou and Mr. Tom Kirkby spent the week end at Palm- erstou, Mrs. Chas. Case, East boundary, is still confined to bed with paralysis, we are sorry to state. Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Ronald and Shirley, were visiting at St. Thomas. Mr. Gordon Holland of Petawawa visited his brother Robert Holland, and other friends. Mies Betty Smalidon and nephew Jackie Carter of Welland spent. last week with friends monad Walton. Mrs. David Watson is visiting her daughter in Hallett. Miss Edith Ennis of Toronto is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Clarence Bennett of Rockliffe spent the week end at his home. VARNA The death occurred in Stratford Hospital on Tuesday morning of John Marshall of Fullerton township in his 'J6th year. He fuss a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, James Marshall ami was .horn in Blanchard township. 111 19O6 ht was married in Varna to Miss Emma Ediglloticr of Blake. The cottpie moved to Fullerton and took up 'farming. IMr. ,Marshall was also a cement mason, He attended Fullerton •United Church. Surviving are hiv widow, one son. Glen, at home; three brothers,'Walter, London; 'William. ,Bdanshard, and Thomas of Fullarton The funeral will he held to IMitchell 'Woodland eemetery :m Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Peters visited friends in Chatham last week. The Y. P. S. of the United Church will bold its regular meeting on Friday evening of this week. The W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Stewart Beattie on •Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gillart of St. Thomas called on the latter's sister, Mrs. etessop Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Laytham and funnily of London, in company with ?diss Beatty, spent Sunday with the tat- ter's mother. Mrs. Beatty and Miss Edith. - The many friends of Mrs. Grassic will he pleased to know she is Im- proving from her recent illness. Mrs. Wildfong of Hay spent a few days with tier mother Mrs, Grassic. Mr. F, Weekes spent Saturday in Hensel]. Mrs. Jas. Stephenson, Goshen line, visited her sister Miss Edith Mos - sop on Wednesday. Major E. H. A. Watson, field secre- tate.- of the Red :'toss, will addr,.-ws the 10ea1 branch in the hall Thm: day uftertlntm. A. program sponsored by Bayfield talent will be put on in the hall mu Thursday night in the interests of 1110 Red f'l'oss. HULLETT On Friday evening, March 14. Sir. and 111is. Norman Ball and Minh)* held the progressive euchre for Summerhill north. Having a good crowd an enjoyable evening was spent in card playing, the lucky per - Sons being: Lady, Miss Williams, men's; Mr. Nevil Forbes. The uu• lucky lady, Mrs, Harry 'Watkins, gentlemen's. Mrs. Case (playing as a ratan). A dainty lunch was served by the Ball family. assisted by Nurse Miss Smith and Mrs, Reg Ball. Out• side guests were, Mr. and Mrs: Tor - ranee and daughter. and Miss Will- iams of Porter's Hill, Mrs. E. Holmes and Mrs. Reg Ball, Clinton, also a number at Mrs. Lovett's and Mrs. Gibbing's group being present. $5,70 was made. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Farquhar ent- ertained Summerhill east to a very successful progressive card party on Saturday evening, March 15. Although the night was very stormy a good crowd was present. The winners in progressive were; Ladies' first, Miss Isabel Forbes. Men's first, Mr. Wes Hoggart, Ladies' lone hands, Miss Isabel Forbes, Men's lone hands, Mr, \Vm. Shepherd. Ladies' boobie, Mrs. Chas. Brown, Men's boobie, Mr. Adrian White. Outside friends, Priv- ate John Jones of the R. A. F., Port Albert, Mr, Win. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, and Miss Dorothy McIntyre, of Clinton, Mrs. Isaac Rap- son, Harlock, and Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. Clegg and Jack of the London Road, and neighbors. A vers enjoy- able lunch was served by the host and hostess, assisted by Lois, Mrs. N. East and Mrs. Clegg. The evening realized $8.10. Mrs. Norman East. being unable on /10000111 of poor health, is unable to have a card party but very kindly donated $3.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Law- rence Jr. of Hallett, wish to an- nauu0e the birth of a baby daughter Irene Lydia. on Sunday. March 23rd. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Lewren•e were. Mrs. Albert Haggitt and son George, of Blyth; Mrs. Keith llesselwaod and Miss Lizzie Fair - service and Miss Isobel Riley, 1111(1 Mr. and Mrs. Ecl ,Johnston and San' ghter Patsy, of Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hugill and son Elmer. of Hullett, and Mrs. John Heseelwootl Sr. of Hullett. WINTHROP The W. A. and W.M. S. will hold their Easter Thankofft'ring meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Bolton on Wednesday afternoon, April 2« The roll call will be on Sacrifice, Special speaker, Mrs. Craw. Barred Rock Cockerels • Several hundred 2 to 4 week old Cockerels for sale at sacrifice prices • SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM Phone )5613 r 3. Seaforth SEAFORTH SPRING SN Tuesday, April 1st AT 1.30 P.M. A GRAND PARADE OF ALL ANIMALS ENTERED FOR COMPETITION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Headed by the Seaforth Highlanders Band JUDGING TO COMMENCE AT 2 O'CLOCK REMEMBER THE DANCE AT NIGHT IN CARDNO'S HALL MODERN AND OLD TIME MUSIC Admission -35c Prize Lists May Be Obtained from the Secretary Humphrey Snell, President Mrs. J. A. Kerr, Sec.-Treas. • Ata•••••••1111 1140.1111111 BRUCEFIELD \1'rrh .17 Iw, turf t h sweaters l !1 .. i helmets, t.. > pl seamen's s s 4 ;mil., 1,u0 -Way mitts. knitting 48 so.I,.. 1 pr. seaman's socks, 1. sca -' pr. two way mitts. Refugees -•-- large guilts, 2 crib quilts, 14 lad dresses, ,118 children',; dresses, 3 ?hi 2 boys' sweater, 1 man's sweater girls' tams, 4 boys' .shirts, 2 .bo suits 3 children's waists, 4 childre nightgowns, 5 ladies aprons, I6 lad nightgowns, 2 doz khaki handildfs suit pyjama;, 5 pr ladies' biome 5 children's vests, 1 ladies' vest, woollen shawl, 2 ibathy's wool 'bona 1 baby jacket, 12 flannel'lette ba jackets, 1 pr. woolen bootees, 3 w cloths. 115 cakes :Joliet soap, p ladies' shoes, 2 pr, children's w slippers, 1 child's toque and mitts, pr ladies' hose, 3r P men's soma, d men's mitts, 1 pr boys' mitts, wool scarf., 1- silk scarf, 114 prs. c dren's hose, '110 towels, 2 prs. cases, 2 crib sheets, 5 .children's ,sli 2 ladies' slips. 'Pte. Abe ,?-apfe of Toronto sp the week end at his hone here, - iMr. 'Carlyle Cornish. spent 1 week .in Blyth. Miss Doris D'uto't -of London vis cd at her home here on Stuiday. Mr...Harr' Dunlop of London sp the week end -with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Scott. .Hiss Grace Dalrymple of Clint spent the week end at herahome h'e Misses Eaten Scott and Irene Sn er of London spent the week end their .homes here, Mise AnnaCornish visited at h home here on Friday. - Sunday s•isitors with .Mr. anal 1111 Jahn Grainger were Miss Evel Grainger and Miss Dalton Of Goder- ich, Miss Jessie drrain;ger, iOdinton. t\ir, and Mrs. 'James !Bow-ev, 'Exeter. Word was received last week that our boys overseas had received their boxes that the Patriotic Society sent. The boy: hare received bath of tlue boxes sent to each. it is a great comfort to !know they are receiving then: and it anyrbody would like to help,. donations large or small are ac- ceptatn,le. lir. and *Mrs. F. Cole and IMI-. and 31rs. J. Cole of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Cornish. Rev. William David - Bell, died Tuesday morning at his Imine, in Stratford, the result of a stroke suffered Sunday evening. Mr. Bell was 'born in Huron - Comity, near Brucefield, 77 years ago. He was raised in the Preslin terien faith, and .graduated in 1897 from Knox College, l•ollowing his graduation he sero for a time in Commie 'and Find going to Awouton Presbyterian char in 19.15. in 1025, at the time of churalt 011- ion, Mr. Bell Ibecaune a member of the I'nitetl (Church, and served at the newly erected Carthage United church near (Milverton. 'Mr. Bell was mar- ried twice, his first ,wife dying while he was in A 'onton. His second wife, the former Susan Moore, and one daughter, Mrs. May Cameron, New York survive Mr. Bell was a resid- ent of Stratford for about 110 years- o. ears. ah: cue its. ifs, 117 ies' its, y:. n's les' r.1 1 els, by ash Ipie oo'1 19 pr. 2 hil- ow^ ps, ent ast it- ers R. on re, id - at er rs, y'n DUBLIN Mr. Bert Krauslofpf of camp 11 den is sp,ndht the friends. Miss Rose O'Connor spent 1 week end at her home, Mr. Jack Klein of Toronto died 1 week and was buried at Seaforth. Miss Margaret Murphy of Lond is spending the week end at ham Mr. Thomas Melady has return after spending the winter lit Ti mins. Mrs. Thomas Butters visited w Mrs. Joseph Rowland over t week end. Miss Mary MCGrath, nurse• training in St. Joseph's Hosplt spent the week end at her honkie. Miss Anna. Meagher, nurse training in St. Mary's Hospital, I chener, has returned to resume dutiesC after two weeks' raced with her parents. We are all very pleased to h that Hugh McGrath, who underw a very serious head operation in roues General Hospital, is hot again and doing well. His ma friends wish him a very speedy covets. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Caldwell of eter spent Sunday with Mr. a Mrs. Roland Kleinfeldt. ST. COLUMBAN The many friends of Mrs. Jo Dalton are very pleased to know s is progressing very favorably, Miss Irene McQuaid and Mi Mats Gawley of Goderich spent tl week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jo McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Klein of petro were here on Sunday to attend t funeral of their father' Michael Isle who died in Toronto on Friday, a his remains were brought to Seafor to the Holmes undertaking parloi' whence the funeral was held to S Jatites' Church on Monday morning Miss Mary O'Sullivan of Stratfoi spent the week end with her pa ren Me. and Mrs. Jas O'Sullivan. The many friends of Mrs. Ed Rot land are sorry to know she is still i the Scott Memorial Hospital, but expected to be home the latter pa of the week. Miss Mary Miles of Clinton spe Sunday at her hone here. Mr. and Mrs, Emmett Malone hay moved into the residence foi'merl occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Geral Doyle. Mr. Dan Cronin spent the wee end in Toronto. Mr, anti Mrs, Joseph Klein of D �d I troit were here over the week end t x11 I attend, the funeral of his grant KIPPEN The 'weekly forum of concessions 2, 3 and 10, met at the home of Ross Broadfoot March 25th with an at- tendance of 22 adults, There were three guest speakers. Mr. Robert Watsou of Brucefield spoke on Co- operative Purchasing; Mr. Robert Archibald of Seaforth on the Order- ly Marketing of Farni Products and Mr, Kenneth Jackson on Farm Regu- lation. Mr. Andrew Bell moved a vote of thanks to the speakers. Dis- cussion period followed the broad- cast with the general forum in charge of Mr. Kenneth Jackson. The consensus of opinion was that farm- ers need a nonpolitical farm organi- zation with every farmer behind the organization and in this way present a united farm vote regardless of party politics, to protect the farmers' rights. All fa.mer's should attend the meeting at Brucefield on Thursday, March 27th, for the purpose of org- anization. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. That the meeting be adjourned was moved by Harry Caldwell. All took their leave, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot for a very pleasant and educative evening. The next meeting will be at the home of William Caldwell nu Tuesday. April 1st. 14Ir, Robs. Jarrott spent the week end in London with his family. Mr. Jas. Wright and Mr. Edgar Butt unloaded a car of western oats the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and son Wayne spent Tuesday in Lou- don. Mr. Arthur Long of London chill- ed islted on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. DUBLIN Mks Irene O'Rourke has 'secured .a good position in 0 Toronto hospital; Miss Veronica Molyneaux spent the week end in Toronto; iMiss Marion i?ill, London, with her parents, Mr. and tilts. 'P. Dill Miss Loreen Looby, nurse -in -training at St. Joseph's Hos- pital. London, with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Loopy. father Michael Klein. CONSTANCE i\'Iiss Clarissa Dale was a guest a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Colson over the week end. Messrs. Frank Benedict and Jac McSpadden of Owen Sound vocation al training school, visited Keit] Dale on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley of Sea forth spent the week end with tit former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Riley. 14Iiss Edna Armstrong of McKillop spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong. Mr. Howard Armstrong has purch- ased a new Farmall tractor. Miss Jean Wakefield is at hone at present with the measles. Mrs. Robt. Grinloldby spent the week end with Me. end Mrs. John Mann of near Clinton. Mr. Benj. Riley celebrated his Slst birthday last Sunday..and is enjoying the best of health. Miss Olive Grimoldby spent Tues- day at Goderich. First Gob—"Don't you know any- thing nything about flirting?" Second Gob—"I thought I did, but the girl I tried my system on mar- ried one." During their rest period in the "dug -out," two A.R.P. wardens were having a chat. "You look very chirpy this morn- ing," said the first. "Had a stroke of luck lately?" "You bet!" was the smiling reply. "I got a fine parrot for the Missus this morning." "Give me the address," exclaimed the first. "I wouldn't mind malting a change like that myself. An Epitaph For Hitler Pause, gentle stranger, read and laugh— An ex -dictator's epitaph. With crokoed symbols carved around tt, Se sought for trouble and .he found it." But pray consider well the foe Who laid this great Goliath low, Peace lover, but no pacifist, Quoth he, "I deem you no earth - shaker. But pestilential troublemaker . I know you want the earth—confound you! Well, you shall have it—wrapped around you!" THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 of he ase 011 ed in - he lie al, in- :Its Ilei on e llt To ne •iy Ex- Id hn he t11 is rtchurch e _______ _____ "11 XEh 6FNT Seaforth NOW PLAYING HENRY FONDA LINDA DARNELL 111 "Chad Hanna" r13's ; Mon., Tues., Wed, Next Thur, Fri. Sat, TYRONE POWER` THE MARK OF • /i . LINDA DARNELL - BASIL ..RATHBON °_ Coining -- `� R + ou'll Find Out" MBBODEARS and MUSICI t II " � P r . I.• ; . ' 1)" kt, $jft 111 "'�tti ,,tw,r19 't`(/ 4#J7II/#6 j� '80/1007 /�8 :: BRODERICK CRAWFORD PEGGY MORAN • JOHNNY DOWNS Gertrude WHAEi •Werra HYI4IER John SUTTON • Jessie RALPH A NEW UNIVER$Ai, PICTURE he . BLYTH In .united church Woman's Day. Ss was dbservetl with Rev. A Sinclair in ie charge. A Choir composed of 211 s• women, provided the music for the day, Several special numbers were It sung. At the 'morning service, the subject of the address was ".\ Wo- bl id man's Intuition," and at the evening service "A Young Girl'e \\'noting, or • R, a Girl's Destiny.' A ,union prayer service was held in t. United e•Inrch on Friday evening. ¢i tiectice in rhe \n,lirut church wrs held on Sunday evening at i p.m. with Rev. R. M. I\Wcelcs in charge. v- Sunday school convened at 3 p.m, The basket o: red rose. placed on n the commmn!on ta4tle in United on Sunday were in memory of 'Charles tirasby, presented by his rt widow•. The St, Patrick's tea sponsored by e tile [Mission Hand of United church on Saturday evening was a decided success. The church was nicely dec- orated for the occasion, W. iJ. Slorach Who came to Blyth a few years ago Gram Saskatchewan where the owns considerable land has decided to return to the West where he will again take over ibis farm. He and hi: family leave in a few days for diets' new hustle. iMi. Josie '\e oodccck was in Dun - dos over the weekend owing M the serious dine.:: of leer 'brother-in-law, I\lr, t) rw on. who suffered a stroke of paralysis. Fanners are having diffioulty get - ting to town with loads. owing to the fact that the highway is bare apart from the snow piled high on the sides, while the country roads still haves many feet of snow on thein. v vionommigint d It Far political speak attend also k Stephen Osborne Hay Tuckersnlith Stanley Goderich Colborne Ashfield W. Wawanosh E. Wawanosh Hullett McKillop Morris Grey Turnberry Howick Above Chairman—J. Committee Warden—,James L ers of 1f you are interested F'armer's Organization with a unified voice in your Township meeting. invited to attend. MEETINGS COMMENCE Township—March Township—March Township—March 26th Twp.—March Township—March Township—March Township—April Township --April 2nd Twp.—April Twp,—April Township --April 7, Township—April 8th Township—April 9th, Township—April 10th Twp.—April 11, Township—April 14th WI* ur ®n County in the formation of a non so that Agriculture may solving agricultural problems, Your wife and family are AT 8 P. M. 24th Twp. Hall, Crediton 25th Twp. Hall, Elimville Town Hall, Zurich 27th, Walker's Hall, Brucefield 28th Twp. Hall, Varna 31st...TwpHall, Holuiesville lst Twp. Hall, Carlow , .. S• S. 9, 9th Con., Ashfield 3, Community Hall, St. Helen's 4th ..Forester's Hall, Belgrave Community Hall, Londesboro Hall, Winthrop Twp• Hall, 5th Con., Morris Township Hall, Ethel Council Chambers, Wingham Twp. Hall, Corrie e'. If' `'J - meetings sponsored by the Agricultural Committee of the Huron County Council W. Gamble — Percy Passmore, Sam Whitmore, Fred Watson, Alex McDonald Leiper lillirlos All models and prices of Radios. See our large display. We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock. Farmers are particularly requested to investigate our line of Battery Radios before buying. Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio, when radio reception is at its best. We carry the well known makes such as Westinghouse, De'orest, ,R,ogers, Sparton, etc. Cornplete Display of Electrical Goods Radio Repair Work EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK BosHART ELEcTRic ' Phone 75 Seaforth