HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-27, Page 2PAGE TWO
Late Daniel. Crawford—
U:utiel i'rawfone died ol. _larch
etlt 111 C'litituii t'omltlitlittw t osini e
Where he hat been a patient
In, 11Ch. heath was (tile to Litt t e
'O 1 i latUUlla It tiltitib t 'i ‘tit
t II 1
jury received pi waatsh t'.. tc;, au
his 4Sth year and wan teare
Huilett toe nettle. a .a-, tet e,.el
('la ti an
• w o •d d Ellen ua
Craaturd. He aften.tee the r at.
school of nit no-ne tettiee .. .., ,
lowed tite occurs ra, i ;
marded tla'y lel
viyes Also tri tet
our sen Jean aree , ,. , _ , .. ,.
areae bora a; 1.enie -, els
SdsInjeenes-.. -,..
ett. and 4.. si eerie e:. Pres:.
to:de beim Tee w tv
:l'Coe ben.e.
Rev 11
H. C. t..-,Hee:c, Amee.,,. t...:e
C:herch eemireaee ehe scenee at the
home ami e: See geaveeiee.a .c pall
bear: re were t\ i:need fence- tt. W. i,.
:ani Arehereeeee.t, iieweee
Willi i - Beet I -Leaking anal
Heerx l.�>in_, a:: r.eightee:e tI the
departed' mate
Working On Exeter- Or.zge—
the weather t,: pone
the: .Fx new
bridge Tee - of tee ire:lent
was ,: _.... IL.__ lee h
fine weathee the wo~ t rn fee tile
able t, make eteeedid 1-r--. .: .a7.1r1
pouring et tele e•'.eee• cote ^ seed
or, Monday-. te-ire tee speeeg break-rp
liable at any ti... :d:-- .-..,race:.- a
atiNi01.15g.e.tt . a.........:;1, lit he
fare the :gee of were:- in the
Business change -
311•: Thos. Pude l:., ,a•:e„ laver
the interests of his patr:tel Mr
\Welter. Curmingleam, in the Imeteese
known as tett:ufnghanl n I' 1
The firm nap:- will r e.sire tee San, e
and Mr. Uutinit gLa: will emitteue
1-) t•. to 5wnt She erne The Mem i "
a branch a+ et ,- „r. --Ext*..: Times.
Wins Plays A Joke—
u, t,d.tr h in. -reliant has had
lee truth of the old exiom
"it's tea lir wind that blows ;lebway
ood' The 11t,'1learie que :ten
r a :..
t -•: t i i out to 011
t,'•I i ty - morning nit., to pay :t .ni itte s
call 5,11 a diem in Asltneid tort n: hip.
ter, hie le -:n'0 :o Guderich. via the
Dine Water highway. Ili ear br.
azme enuok in a soon drift. No mat
7,7 7c,- ho itaetupted to bund: tate
delft the car weeldn't budge. Mr.
• sala1l got out of his car and
e.aee his way to the nearest aria-
,. es,' seeking help. The genial farm-
: knowing the merchaut well.
eel de thing until Mr. Btasiness-
...,.... lee.. a , good Square meal udder
•+ h. Theu he went out 10 the
t,t oe ted his beet ,team. and
tee ,u, men made their way to the
• Lo and behold. the car was
standing in the middle of a bare
streteh o1 road. During tite tine the
men teed been eating their meal and
Imeneseing the horses. the wind had
chi_*ed and blown that stretch of
road clean as a whistle. liberating
the automobile. — Goder ick Signal -
Patrick Purcell, Stratford—
Peteick Pureell. tor the past thirty
Years :eeidenr of Stratford. died in
:1-splta: ;where he had been confined
four days previous to which he
belt in ill health for the past
ye r. Heart trouble was the cause of
death. The late Mr. Purcell was
lwtrn on lot e. concession P. McKillop
Township. his parents bean,: the late
Me d M:s. Jolln Purcell. After his
...n .ghe farmed for -8 few years'
inLogan Township. after which he
w -et to Stratford where he worked
foe many years for the Stratford
their Co. He was a member of the
intt;:4culate Coneeptiou Church
where the funeral war held last
•,: i
and iemen: was Made in
Av edele Cemetery. His wit•• stir.
elves with one son. Edward of De.
rte • ax danghte Mr. Y. W.
Fiyee o:.t: two a to a Mrs.
:Mete.: n,„:.s Dublin. and lir.. Paul
Leegewey Guelph. 1ph. and two broth
• Jeer. .: - aealorth, and William,
.-1: Detroit, Rev. W. T. Celeore:1 sang
hig trte mass in the Immacul-
ate t <nise•ption 4.hin-ele many relat-
ives and friends being present mitt
D,='snit. Seatorth. Guelph. Logan.
meted[„p, r+tr$tte':'d anti district.
1 ailbear-'rs were Joseph Longeway.
Logan; William and John l.otg,-way.
F tlc
d lt-
t e and J. B. t t,rener.
Stratford. en: William Manley. Mee
Co -Operative Maks Donation—
At the regular monthly meeting of.
tin- Hibbert ('o -Operative Dairy As-
sociation held at their office in
States on Tuesday. March lith, the,
dir Fetors of the company voted a
donation of $29 to the Jim Hunter
(Evening Telegram) British War
Relief Fund.
The Latter Day Saints church at
Rostock was the scene of a lovely
wedding on Saturday afternoon when
Erma Amanda, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alma Gray, Hibbert
township, became the bride of Mr.
James Thomas Williamson, son of
31r. James Williamson, Grey town-
ship, and the late Mrs. Williamson,
Elder Ralph 'Moore. Rostock, offic-
iated. The bride looked charming in
a floor length gown of forget-me-not
blue taffeta and her shoulder length
veil was eatight with a coronet of
orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of
pink and white carnations and fern.
Mrs. William Drown of Mitchell was
her sister's matron of honor. wear-
ing a full length dress of white triple
sheer with a wreath of blue and
white sweet peas in her hair. She
carried a nosegay of carnations,
sweet peas and baby's breath in pink
and white shades. \Ir. Drown was
tete best man and the ushers were
-lit•. Howard and Mr. Alvin Schlots-
hauer: cousins of the bride, Mrs.
David Withrow, of Stratford, played
the bridal chorus from Lohengrin
and Miss Clara 5chlotzhauer, also of
Stratford. aunt of the bride. sang,
"The Meeting of the Waters.” A re-
ception and wedding dinner were
held at the home of the bride's par-
ents. the diithtg room being prettily
decorated in a pink and white color
scheme with a large white bell sus-
pended in the centre. Those assist-
ing were Mrs. John Burchill, Miss
"Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution
We know a man who travels across
Canada several times a year. He meets
and talks with literally hundreds of people
of all classes.
"The more people I meet," says he.
"the clearer it becomes to me that folks
in the main want to he kind and helpful.
They're a pretty decent lot.
"Butt for unfailing courtesy and help-
fulness I would pick the men and women
in the telephone service, I've yet to find
one I wouldn't turn to with perfect con-
fidence itt an emergency. They seem to
put courtesy first every time. That 'voice -
with -the -smile' phrase is a matter of actual
practice—not just a phrase."
Well, it's fine to hear anyone talk like
that. It makes 'us try all the harder to
deserve such praise,
especially when tele -/0 g S
phone service is so �a
vital to the nation
• t
at .war.
Vera Eisler. Miss Mary lltu•rhitl.
Misses Jean and Dorothy Miller. The
bridegroom's gift 1.1 the matron of
Minor was 0 -11ver salt and pepper
shaker: to the best man. 0 brush and
I t. to the organist c
t tad soh).
t. t, eat h I�
silver sugar shell; to the
tethers, bill folds. and a (alae plate to
each of the assistants. Mr. and Mrs.
Williamson spent tiled' 11011et'lito011 in
Toronto, the bride wearing for
traveling a navy sheer crepe times,
seal coat and navy French [tat with
black and white accessories. They
will reside ort the bridegroom's farm
in Grey township.
Roof Collapsed On Cars—
The extra snowfall along with
what was already on the roof, proved
too much for the addition at the rear
of Beatty's livery- barn and it col-
lapsed. Four cars were parked in the
building at the time, and some of
them were quite badly damaged by
the falling beams. — Arthur Enter-
Refrigerator Leaks Fumes— -
Monday evening, about 10 o'clock,
a refrigerator iu the home of Mrs.
(Dr,) R. W. Hoffman, on Victoria St.,
sprung a leak allowing the fumes to
escape. Luckily it happened before
she had retired, otherwise it night
have been serious,--Winghem Ad-
Has Hand Injured—
Mr, Edward Beaver, an employee
of F. C. Kalbfleisch Planing Mills,
had the misfortune to have one of
the fingers on his left hand caught in
one of the machines, causing a torn
cord and a broken bone. It required
about twenty stitches to close the
wound. Mr. Beaver will be unable to
work for some tante.--Zurich Herald.
Mr. and 1Irs. Thos. L. Scott and
Mr. and Mr's, Ernest Allen spent the
week end in Toronto.
Mrs. Alex McLaren is under the
doctor's care,
Mrs. Violet Quauce visited her
daughter Mrs. Cohn McDougal last
Mr. Will McLaren of Seatorth
spent last week with his son Keith
and family.
1Ir. and 1lrs. Harper and family of
Fullerton are moving to the farm re-
cently Purchased from the McLaren
Mr. and Mrs. Deering and family
of Exeter visited Mi's. Deering's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapple over
the week end.
Mr. and airs, Gordon Scott spent
Sunday in Brodltagen.
Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace and
family with friends in Downie.
Mrs. Sntale and family of Hensall
visited for a few days with Mr. ami
Mrs. Otto Stephan.
Mr. Ralph Turner is smiling these
days: a little girl has come to stay
at their home. Both mother and
baby are well.
On Wednesday evening of last
week the Hillsgreen quilting circle
met at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Love and enjoyed a very pleasant
evening pieeing a quilt on which
they are selling tickets for the War
Victims Fund. After the business
Part was discussed a very dainty
lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. Cooper Forrest is wearing a
broad smile, A. little girl has come 10
their home to stay.
On Friday afternoon the Hills -
green Quilting circle niet at the
home of Mrs. Alfred Reichert and
quilted the quilt they are donating
to the War Victims' Fund. The hos-
tess served a buffet lunch which was
very much. enjoyed. The quilt is on
display at the store of Gaseho &
Son, Zurich, after which it will be
on display in Hensall.
Quite a number of motorists have
been stranded owing to the recent
big storm which struck this district
early Sunday evening, it being im-
possible to see the road.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Staffa t\V,M,S. was held at the
home of •Mrs. George iButson, .Mrs.
Arthur ,Kemp ,presided.' Fourteen
were present. 'Roll call was answered
,by naming a Foreign or Home 'Mis-
sionary. Mrs. Aldworth was in change
cif .the bueiness period, Plans were
made to hold 'the annual Easter
thankoffering service Sunday, April
20, instead of the usual [morning ser-
vice. Plans were made to hold a ,pot
luck tea IMareb '214th in the town hall,
also 'to prepare contributions for a
missionary (bale, The April :meeting
will the held at Mrs. Cecil 'Bowman's
horde, The devotional (period theme
was 'Following 'Christ's (Way In The
Home" (Miss Were Haerubley read
the 'Scripture lesson, Moa, 'Aldworth
Played softly the .Mediation hymn,
Prayer. was offered by (Mrs. ,