HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NWS THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1041 • COME TO WALTON COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, MAR. 21 And en+;' a e:1:- pres- en;ed by the L' F \Tx'.O e i The FAMILY ALBUM Songs. Reding. Instrumentals Dance to McNair's Orcrt. T-ne Served -.- WALTON • JOHN h. MEDD WROTE OF EARLY SCHOOL LIFE DUBLIN y At the mars::,G ..re • 21* .�:. ._._ x ... Lh:. t.-'_.,. At.—n.tu. was a off cn .....1.. On the :rater. while suet ... H :.eve: whipped m8 again. planes Rt a.n:'asease f x hack • matte: .d at: o' tang i ^ 7 i �i , -e whipping i� 1r°I i. a.• _ "Yaw I was - _.. ..i_ E»girl: aLL 1 C dt. :pec^I♦ naotorboats dart why was 1 ':t,::g ..»- , _ _ t+ou; s� t:k the targets and •ca- alrl: ett Ina away ar.y apl s crines c'sse: • - i $!:. ....., -: tt,inz ai:i_... U.. lav>3. similar guard 13 'sent an d 44r 3 e 'or. 'n .t';g'hting. 1wa pm,alsneve had a warm iattle 'won. the r ▪ rny BOMBING TARGETS x a .c have always . .i. ed high an. ng. the EriiI,irics { T ay Lake they e,. ., .. .. _ .... ._. .. sell. -. .. ... ., _. hands Ai flie THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING Doable Feature "THE MAN FROM MONTREAL" "PIONEERS OF THE WEST" Mon,, Tues,, Wed. NEAGLE The Irene' Girl Next Thur. Fri. Sat. ._. .. :.. ....- .. .-_ :,e ... ..lx' r.. and maintelian-e slat oi•nsists a • .a} That !sBei,cre_ _ .. Jarvis the stn..- - .. ., .-.. tit. ...:i .... Ale Ili ..... .. a -u...:I:t:a. ... e ▪ _ He had ao siderabie - n '• e'a 'dying sco away. ,,, 6 . .-.:. weeks fir. 1 i . •.._ye.nter :Lis tir.al stage. ,. .: a. :.a': learned has AEC Air pilots spend the las- 'wt,. ,c .,_,:r we shall allow hill: fell WeekS 1.:^'n training pe=arl r.I e.oriy experienc:4 in the sch:-Jol at, Jarvis learning. to guide their at Cartwright:craft into target positions. Ther they "1 commenced nay school day. here are assigned to active service squad- firs a ..,tde log school house about a rots. Air observers spend six week; Quar'f-rcqn n:i'. ..from my 3-.n•e., at the school and wireless ,Ppe:atnr This , n•" t. \t'_. .. ._ 1i:d Feiks \\ ._ :d i, .. _ c :_01 :tf- al:d experierlees In .?.e middle of the .sell cel'm.y- His ....st teacher had a utaigne way .>.t.td'tcir.g his new Inril? ?G liae and all was be :c,.:. ,.d it. M-1-.uss,-•: i .i:. c,f lits .si l• xs ..errs.e.. .0 bb pu ,,.. ::talion: "1 ens torn - in the suburbof sin 6.. .. !n East Durham. .,.e o: the lies villages in DarhaW rr every r..:._€..,. a:e eco er;: c'-.enifdenis sill 1 ,.:.. .own •_rt!. - - . calk.:: rhe teacher was an aged mai, named Clarke I knew very little of hin;. as • ea.h':r• 1 do know he whipped tale o c- and I thought I had not de- served i* I cried :early- aid forenoon. He .i»ri to pacify me but did not ..lies•'.. it was hard work and ray :hro'a, was sore quite awhile. AI: strikes have their disadva :•ages air gnnr:ers spend fon: weeks in this final training stage. Long before the firs' student bombe._ took to the air a: this training school. section: of Lake Erle were marked off' by buoys :o:nl a bombing range and all ship- ping was notified of this danger zor.. Siriiar sections we:e :rm:xied. E 7 1 , 'h won ge 'o ruax:Y .ted sg- 1c d 1 are c ' tt,t big asYa'r. - x , x %he teetsed n e. Ben b-Croppingpractice. however. iat' y ,._ Taw.' o .rue. They consented We the last training _tag provided E.: coats and wen. e. I w,. ..:veil" long is th:e rang the Irst 1 hai:earned my lesson in lei;:?,tear..+. I _ruck at the face. A boy won't tand many knocks on the ate I was a little taller and had a slight advantage. We had just nicely started on the second fight when one o: the boys yelled: 'The teacher's et' :irs.' We qui€, picked up our 1 at an aerial photograph enlarged aro . and :an. The next day we were projected on the door. Behind them the best of friends. They Lever ca:. sits an instructor. acting as pilot. e63 again . 1 likely who tilts the projected image as the ,r ue; ..lee get the worst of it but a:•ti. s surface it '-4i would appear 'Ai... w-.: .ba' end's ;-.- t to ..it I•eneatb a nlaraetwe ing plane :5'.: ;he $7.47,•.:y of... - T.t'.e student -r presses a rigger to ..: i1,4. -a _- b~first y: .:ase hi; '.bombs and ». he does so. • a c .__ tui- intelligent drath r•ts the photographic land - 9 rT. .... the .a 5. John H i ..p:. .o indicate %%here the "bombs.. Medd who gassed away Matei. J- have _t:utk His accuracy is jxdgtd 1'i^ - tr. -tee Village of Exet~. wile. by his flashing score wreside.- :: of his children ;fir_- G. In the nex' ,age of his schooling I W. Lay r and W. G. Medd. ex the student goes aloft but still car- ! M.L.A. He was irhis tr year and ries no bombs. Instead, what is +-c of h. a1._ and /known as the "camera obscure' is ,.sod days -a=e year before. :used. This apparatus is housed iu a ¢' building with an opening in the roof. WENDELL WILLKIE TO The plane speed; over the building SPEAK IN TORONTOI and as the observer presses the trig- ger a photographic flashbulb Is re• \t'il nie will address a leased in the belly of the plane- The nes, sleeting in Maple Leaf Gardens at T.:•:on:o on Monday right. dareh. _�?h. ar• launch the nation-wide ap-. peal of the Canadian War Services Fund. **Wendell S[ii:kie's visit to Torar o will g, down fir. his -tory.' said y a•, r. a fign7.. I a▪ C and�,.. n 1, w•I Leyi-hexed :a=t to l -•>y a:: Yaw on the chin. It was. a knockout. Yaw": head hit against the storeand r':. his : .. a_. The a+ht e..ig,• the on the back and said ... -r:...>d .rake a man _:..m-. day. t✓.-. his G.tsk. x_ ..._. the loiood from.his ase .p:gx .:a p 0 aste! ..the and ..s:: -.a lair.-- to 'take: his seat. Barred Rock Cockerels • Several hundred .. tU 4 week old Cockerels for sale at sacrifice prices 411 SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM Phone drib; r 3. Seaforth SEAFORTH SPRING SHO Tuesday, April 1:t at the school. Before going into the ir, both gunners and observers spend long hours of study on the ground. Ingenious devices are pro- vided t'or this preliminary schooling. Observers. for instance. .e on a platform, designed to represent the bombing compartment in a plane. and look down through a bomb sight AT 1.30 P.M. A GRAND PARADE OF ALL ANIMALS ENTERED FOR COMPETITION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Headed by the Seaforth Highlanders Band JUDGING TO COMMENCE AT 2 O'CLOCK REMEMBER THE DANCE AT NIGHT IN CARDNO'S HALL MODERN AND OLD TIME MUSIC dvniSsion-35C Prize Lists May Be Obtained from the Secretary Humphrey Snell, Mrs. J. A. Kerr, President Sec.-Treas. i flash is picked np by sensitive instru• merits in the open roof and the marksmanship of the observer can be accurately plotted. Finally. before being ready for act - service. the student is supplied with racks o€ practice bombs and e;o.-G ;tai A. D. iicRae. C'.8...a - sent L over fargets on lam. and :.... La: € hal: man of tilt fund •'To ; h - ii^r- miiii• r:. of t.'anadiar, .. . _ water. 4.. land_ .:4h targets I 50e. Li. Used. and or. water. floating :4:-gt:- a<�y e suis ceverye t- ind designed o rep!' -sent enemy vesst,Is. irrc w 1 sp<,s for every maze to ., Hi- y < o: ,. s her t _a -. T+ ?.a air gunner., in beating off opposing aircraft. cani-a_ $'.•:.eve" iia: a -.-,wed -doe - e. i,eliinc. ,. Il vita:ion. ar I i �W . c.. T _ 0 .: • 81 11, r a at. 0 : - I i ,,»,,-ort'itg Mr. wink. ;e- fl. al exereses Feasor re " ▪ • , h Ontario gox ernes m bombs weight 31t_ poundseach.. \" .:+Ir::. Winkle .. one of the truly; the United States today compared to the 5@0 t6 round g a men t: � arra i:a ha, t -r ti -: ed 4,- ioc-racy the projectiles used in ac:ual warfare. They are the inexpensive but accur- "target ammunition" of the air recent Id t ver a gr at service by hi. ate recent trip to Great Britain. in which, bomber. just as.2_ calibre ammunl- he interpreted to his own country I the cause for which we are fighting. t tion provides a good practice mod• Tlns ties`af friendship between Can -1 tum for the rifleman. ada and the united States will be Fifteen inches long. with a diem vtronger than ever as a result of his eter of three inches at their thickest visit here." 1 section, these practice bombs have I cast noses weighted with a lead The pretty young lady presented core. The after section. containing a cheque to the teller. He examined detonator and the charge. screws it carefully and asked: 'Into the nose and has a sheet metal "Can you identify yourself?" s tail with vanes attached. \Thereupon the pretty young lady . All parts of the practice bomb are dipped into her purse, took out a made in Canada, 'including the ;mall mirror. looked at it a moment charge, which is a product of the ex - and said:plosives chemist. On ground targets. -Yes. it's me all right." 1 bombs charged with stannic chloride i are used, while the charge for water • -... For Sa:e Ms. 3 weeks 50c target bombs is, titanium tetrachIor- Ben 3rt.- t • 'sit 5-ro a 'run • =''r e',"M . Su'art P 1,1.- it Coming --- "1 CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE" ide. Through a hole bored In the :ofd neite a striker is inserted while spring—held safety pins are thrust through small transverse holes to guard against accidental discharge of the bomb, The bomb rack beneath. the aeroplane holds the safety pins ...m" -y 00111 the bomb is released ani then the pine ere automatically.. withdrawn. On contact with the ground or water the striker is de- r--"ssed. setting off the detonator, a .:!?all charge of explosive which laws o3 the tail of the bomb and frees the chemical charge. Contact of these acids with - atmosphere or water causes a puts of white smoke I«y which the bomb timer, thousands of feet above. may judge the accur- acy of his aim. Neither expensive rQr d_.:-urtive, these miniature bombs reveal to students and instruc- tors the degree of accuracy in areial marksmanship attained. Tiny white puffs of smoke rising from the wat- ers and shores surrounding Canad- ian bomber school- portray the skill Canada's young marksmen of the ST. COLUMBAN Mr. Jack Flannery spent the wee end. in Toronto. Miss Mary Miles spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. James O'Reilly is home after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Tom Costello. Mies Clestia Johnson spent the week with her sister firs. Micbaei Williams, of Seaforth. Miss Catharine Dane spent Sun- day with her sister Mrs. Johr. Moylan: Miss Rose O'Reilly has gone to Toronto, after spending a few week; at her home. St. rnluniban St. Patrick's dance has bot -n postponed on account c+ the storm and bad roads. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Ed Rowland is ill in Seaforth. Miss Frances Delaney has return ed home after spending some week. caring for Airs. John Dalton. Farmers of Huron County • If you• are interested in the formation of a non- political Farmer's Organization so that Agriculture may speak with a unified voice in solving agricultural problems. attend your Township meeting. Your wife and family are also invited to attend. MEETINGS COMMENCE AT 8 P. M. Stephan Township—March 24th Twp, Hall. Crediton l sborne Township --March 25th Twp, Hall, Elimville Hay Township ---March "lith Town Hall, Zurich Tuckersmith Twp.—March 27th, Walker's Hall, Brucefield Stanley Township—March 2Sth Twp, Hall. Varna Goderich Township—March 31st, . ,TwpHall, Holmesville Colborne Township—April lst Twp. Hall, Carlow Ashfield Township—April 2nd : , , G• S. 99th Con„ Ashfield W. Wawanosh Twp.—April 3, Community Hall, St. Helen's E. Wawanosh Twp. -.April 4th .. , Forester's Hall, Bel ave Hullett Township—April 7. Conxntunity Hall, Londesboro Mcli clop Township—April Sth Hall. Winthrop Morris Township—April 9th, Twp. Hall, 5th Con., Morris Grey Township—April 16th Township Hall, Ethel Turnberry Twp.—April 11, Council Chambers, Wingham Howiek Township—April 14th Twp. Hall, Gorrie Above meetings sponsored by the Agricultural Conunittee of the Huron County Council Chairman—J. W. Gamble Committee—Percy Passmore, Sam Whitmore, Fred Watson, Alex McDonald Warden—James Leiper All models and prices of Radios. See -our large display. We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock. Farmers are particularly requested to investigate our line of Battery Radios before buying. Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio, when radio reception is at its best. We carry the well known makes such as Westinghouse, DeForest, Rogers, Spartan, etc. Complete Display of Electrical Goods Radio Repair Work EXPERT. RADIO REPAIR WORK BOSIIART ELECTRIC Phone 75 Seaforth