HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-20, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1941
In 1841, exactly a century ago, Dr.
William Rawlins Beaumont, F.R.C.S.,
Dog„ arrived in Canada from the
Old Land and began to practise in
Toronto. He was appointed profes-
sor of surgery in the new University
cf King's College, in 1848. Old-timers
will recall the original building,
which stood in queen's Park until
the early 18110's, when it was pulled
down to make way for the present
Parliament Buildings, TChng's Col-`
lege, of course, became the Univers-
ity of Toronto during the 1850's,
At (Bart's) St. Bartholomew's hos-
pital in London, Beaumont had stud.
led and worked under such listing
tai -.bed men as Abernethy, Sir Astley
'ooper, Lawrence. Herbert Mays and
Marshall Hall. Coarses in anatomy
andsurgery were mastered by Beau-
mont. also, in Brussels and Paris. It.
was the great Amussat of the latter
Pity who perceived in hint, "un zele
et 101e aptitude rare."
In this year, which marks the cen-
tenary of Beaumont's arrival in To -
tomo we pati tribute to the Tuan aho
11rst ve.t tblished the t('p015tdon of
Toronto as a surgical centre 10 a
polished and modest gentleman, and
to a mechanical genius. There is
much evidence to support the claim
that the surgical instrument invent-
ed by Beaumont was the model from
which was evolved a highly suecess-
ful make of sewing nniehine. Ile
made 1t while in London, in 1826, and
it was a designed for suturing Bic:
deep-seated parts in ease of cleft
Says 1)r, C. K. Clarke, io his His-
tory, of the General Hospital: "It was
destined to mark an epoch in the
world's history, as there is not the
slightest doubt that it. served as the
model for the sewing machine. An
account of the invenion was pub-
lished in the Medical Gazette for
1886, and a description of it is con-
tained in the Lancet of March 17th,
1866. With it a continuous line of
stitches would be made. Until a com-
paratively recent date one of %hese
instruments was emltaille(1 in a val-
uable collection of antique surgical
appliances in the Toronto General
Hospital, but unfortunately the hand
of the vandal has swept alniost ev-
ery relic, both documentary and
otherwise, into the dumpcart, and
priceless treasures have found .their
way to the junk shop and furnace."
However, consulting reference
books to examine the story of the
sewing machine, stitch by stitch, as
it were, we find that ingenious
people In many countries, ail made
various contributions toward the fi-
nished machine. At the same time,
there is conclusive evidence that
this surgical machine of Beaumont's
design for a specialized oral opera-
tion marked a step of unusunl im-
Brinnel, for example, the out-
standing English engineer•, the man
who designed those history -nuking
steamships. the Great Eastern and
the Great Western, and created
bridges and tunnels over and under
Nothing will show greater results for small expenditure
around your home than a little judicious planting of
trees, shrubs, perennials. etc.
f being able to say— "This I did myself 1"
You will enhance both the appearance and the value of
your property. Furthermore, you will have the pleasure
The McConnell Nurser Co.
Our Cot; page. illustrated catalogue listing over 1300 choice
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the Thames, admired this nlaclliae
of Bea umon1. immensely and spoke,
of its great p0Seibilltles. Tienlann
the surgical instrument matter 0
New York, declared it to be tate ori
gin of the Singer sowing machine--
Ihe Singer cotupany, some years
ago, purchased extensive timber 11
mics north of 01 Lawn from the Ed-
wards fancily as u source of hard-
wood for the frames of their mach-
ines, Sir James Paget, One of the
greatest men in British medicine,
made the direct statement that
Beaumont was the inventor of the
principle of the modern sewing ma-
P101585or James Richardson, a
contemporary of Beaumont's at the
University of Toronto, wrote to Pre-
sident Loudon in 1899, regarding the
older men: "Beaumont Was pre-em-
inently distinguished for his profes-
sional attainments. During over fifty
years of professional life I have had
abundant opportunities of forming
judgment as to the skill of surgeons,
11.01 only here but in London and
Paris, and I unhesitatingly state
that., in my opinion, Professor Beau-
mont would favorably compare with
the most eminent of there, in his
knowledge of surgery and as an op-
erator. Moreover, he was a poliahed
gentleman whose influence was
most elevating to his students."
The late Dr. Arthur Jukes John-
son, whom many will remember: as
coroner In Toronto, tells how on one
occasion, .Dr. Beaumont had to oper-
ate on a restless Indian, Unable to
speak Puglish, the red man, accomi
panted by an interpreter, wee led to
have a cataract removed from one
of liis eyes. Presumably it was long
before the days of cocaine or any
other effective local anaesthetic. Dr.
Beaumont, one of the most patient
and painstaking of men, tried for
over an hon' to get the Indian to
kap still while be attempted to op-
erate. But it was useless; every time
the knife approached his 5Ye, the
man would turn his head, close his
eyes or do something obstructive. All
that Beaumont could do was remove
his spectacles, take his handkerchief
out and wipe the right glass of it- -
he had only one eye himself. although
you would never suspect it.
Presently along came Dr, Christo-
pher Widmer, another famous med-
ico of a bygone Toronto. Widmer,
who had been an army surgeon In his
time and had a medal with many
bars, wore a mustache and was, as
usual dressed in riding breeches, top
boots and riding crop.
"What's this you have here?" In-
quired Dr, Widmer, entering the op-
erating room.
Beaumont, having explained the
situation. Widmer turning to the in-
terpreter. demanded: "Do you ;speak
English?" "Yes, sir," answered the
man. "Well," said Widmer. "you can
just tell this man that if he does not
keep his head still and his eyes open,
he will go to the Happy Hunting
Grounds so d , , blind that he will
never be able to boor his wiry about."
This was interpreted in the most
stolid Indian manner, word by }vola,
after which the patient submitted to
the painful operation without mov-
ing a muscle, we are told.
' ,Seven Port Albert
Airmen Die In Crash
- The Lui_Ierl acre ka'ge of one .\V-
ro-.\nsenr bomber and the scatterer
remnant, of am,ther were..under close
guard a•! hound lfead, near Marries
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Seaforth News
shirr o• iii,1 iii;c'.n ::tan( opened in1
k, ,Canada'; most serious air training
crash t wh1ih Thursday httr: da- took the .dive
of ,even 1 n hkh member., "1 th
hr al air Force.
The planes, manned 11y nun iron)
the .\ir Training; School at )'ort Al-
bert, near l(oderiicii, Ont„ collided in
mid-air above the farm of Robert
Guimnerson, and crashed within a
quarter of a mile of each other.
Only one Of •tic' total eretin, i1
eight su-rvived, r\, t. John 1I,. lrinwer
of Eastleigh, England, who Was
hospital at Barrie in a serioue condi.
lion, His injuries are believed to in
chide a brekcn 'back:
Six leen were killed instantlywhen
the planes ;gashed: the two pilots,
Flt Sgt. \i 1)odsworth ni York and
,Sgt. J. C. Bell of Durham; and L.A.-
,A:C. IM. G. Solkard, Leeds: L.A.C. S.
1Monter, Liverpool; L.A.C. D. A. Run-
de0, Bristol; and A.C. IC. T. Doug-
las, Sherwood,
The seventh, L.A.C. 1. W. Jackson
of London, cried ori the way to hospit-
Gutnmerson, who ,was walking from
the rend to his farm hr,me, ,aid he
heard the planes collide and looking
up "saw the ,planes directly above my
,4s he watched he saw "one or the
plane. tarn upside down and drift to
my other field. I followed it with my
el'es and itflue all to pieces. 1 didn't
know that the other .plane had crash-
ed until someone told 1111'." The piane
fell a short distance fr,tnt i;um nor-
s1n's bairn,
Ted Hipwell, ;ori of the Rand
I-Iead postmasters L. -'. ,eictLeati and
others from the 'village avert duickl)
to the (Gutninerson farm and visited
first the !,lane which hail landed near
the barn. The other plane had ex -
exploded on stricking the around and
fragment, were scattered over 0 tvidc
reaching tate tint plane the
rc.cners discovered that Mower and
Jackson were alive and they were
taken out e placed e t ,trips
n t ml 1 t
wing fabric laid out 00 the slum.
Flower r ova conscious and told the
Wren Itis name. Then he insisted they
help his comrades.
Hipwell ,well taut hack to the tillage for
suite irrandy and when he got back to
the fare) 1)r, 16. H. Jodie of Bradford.
was attending the men. The doctor
gave Flower and Jackson hypoder-
mic injections to case their pain !,e1111.
lag arrival of ambelrntce, and cars
from Lamp Borden.
hloocr. in great pain. said no the
doctor: "Thanks, pal I'nl O'.1'.. but
are the others sal right; ,\\'hat's all
that mealtime abater ilc massed the
doctor go to attend his comrade,- of
the plane. At the time he did not
kitone that two from tris p11110 had ')e
en killed and lie knew nothing of the
other plane.
Eye -witnesses generally were ag-
reed the planes were close to the
ground when they collided although
conn' boys foetid an altimeter which
registered 4,8110 feet, indicating the
planes had collided at that heigitd.
Subdues Nazi Bombs and Other
Britain's fire fighters have a new
appliance for dealing with incendi-
ary bombs which is also being used
by their wives for washing windows,
by motorists for their ears, and by
gardeners for spraying fruit.
This new fire fighter, designed by
a Scottish firm, operates on the
spray and jet principle. It is the size
of a cricket bag and has the great
advantage of being easily carried
and worked by one person. It can be
filled from any tap where the press-
ure is more than 20 lbs., and throws
a jet of water some 80 feet for five
minutes, or a continuous spray for
15 minutes without refilling.
In spite of their concentration on
equipment for Britain's defence ser-
vices, the makers have increased
their exports, notably of calendered
coats, which, being vulcanised after
construction, are absolutely water-
proof and stand up equally well to
tropical or Arctic conditions.
For miners in the South African
gold mines this calendered material
is made up in' the form of suits in
black, white, or khaki, and Scotland
is still sending calendered coats to
thousands of railway and tramway
workers and policemen in South
Africa, India, Borneo. Bnrnia, and
"My first tour began at Slooum,''
related the pantomime comedian,
"and I remember singingsongs of
my .01711 composition."
"Was the audience compliment-
ary?" queried his friend.
"I cannot tell youthat," was the
newer, "lilt 1 remember his ticket
Urge Purchase Now
Of Seed Potatoes
The Ontario Rept. of Agric'ait-me
is encouraging farmers to purchase
ce.rtifleel seed potatoes now, before
much of the present available stock
has been sold for table purposes.
Many growerswillrequire a 1•1tange•
of seed. This is--specdslh' trtue in
Western Ontario n tri where there cculintted
wet weather ruined many potato
crop:: last fall. There should be no
delay, the Department cautions, in
arranging for seed potato supplies.
Results of 57 potato demonstra-
tions over a four-year period show an
increase in yield of Over 100 per cent.
wherecertifier) seed was p1an1ed,
with the proper mixture of com0101.-
elal fertilizer with manure anri keep-
ing the plants we11 protected from
insects and late blight,
To successfully meet the competi-
tion in Ontario markets, only the
hest quality potatoes will sell. This
can be accomplished only by using
disease-free seed, properly protecting
the crop while growing, and grading
well before marketing.
Tested Recipes
Canadians should be using eggs
freely at the present timne. So many
eggs are being laid by the mens that
there is more than enongh of this
rood to meet present demand in this
country and also to 1111 any order
that may voiuc from Cireat Britain.
A piece of sound advice at this
time to lennenla kers who want le
ntahe the meat 'if the food dollar,
Is to take advantage of the good 11119'
egg`: are at prevailing prier's and to
use them freely. Serve them for
lunch or supper, alone or in a 0,1ts-
binad dish as the plain course, use
them in desserts. and make- Marge
fluffy light sponge cakes which can
be made at tt nominal Cost.
Egg rookery is simple, but there is
one general rule which 811011111 bo.
followed. Always conk eggs at a low
temperature, so that they will 1)5
tender and palatable. If cooked in
water, as in poaching or to be served
in the shell, the neater 011011111 be
1 ''
pt below boilntg point, and this
rule should not be broken even
when frying eggs. as 510w COO i115
fives best results. In baking egg
dishes, a moderately slow oven
should be used, and this inehtdes
batting the sponge type of cake and
The Consumer SF'ction, Marketing
Service, Dominion Department of
Agriculture. reminds consumers that
eggs are sold by grarle m1 the basis
of quality and 515e.
The following are a few recipe.s
which can be used to advantage.
when there is such an abundant sup-
ply of eggs on the market.
Scrambled Eggs with Bacon
6 strips aide bacon
8 eggs
2i:1 cup milk
Salt a1111 pepper to taste
Cut bacon in small pieces and c•nolc
in frying pan. Rent eggs .lightly.
Add milk and season. Pour into pan
with bacon and cook slowly, stirring
constantly until mixture coagulates.
Serve on toast.
Egg and Potato Casserole
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour
2 cups mills
4 cups cooked potatoes, cubed
6 hard -cooked eggs, sliced
Salt, pepper and paprika
Melt butter. Blend in flour. Acid
milk gradually and stir until sauce
thickens. Season to taste. Put alter-
nate layers of potatoes, eggs and
sauce in buttered baking dish.
Sprinkle top with buttered cracker
crumbs or grated cheese. Bake in
bot oven about 15 minutes. Serves
6 to 8.
Here's Easy Time -Tested
Way To Get Relief
Get after those distressing spells.
of coughing and ease misery, of
the cold the widely used Vicks
way.., Boil sonic water. Pour it
into a bowl. Add a good spoonful
of Vicks Vapoilub. Then breathe
in the steaming medicinal vapors.
With every breath you take
VapoRub's medication soothes
irritation, quiets coughing, helps
clear head and breathing pas-
bedtime rub Vicks VapoRub on
throat, chest and back. Its pout. -
Lice -vapor action works to bring
you comfort while you sleep.
Fairy Dessert
6 egg whites
Ye teaspoon baking powder
1 cup fine granulated or fruit sugar
Beat egg whites until stiff. Sift
baking powder with sugar and grad-
ually beat into egg whites. Put mix-
ture into two well buttered cake or
pie tins and bake at 850 degrees F.
for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn out.
When cool put together with sliced
fruit mixed with whipped cream.
Top may be c•overe1 with whipped
cream. ('hill well in refrigerator be-
fore serving.
Sponge Cake
5 egg yolks
1/3 cup cold water
1 cup fruit sugar
1 cup pastry flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
o eggwhites
Combine egg yolks, water and
sugar. Beat with double cover egg
beater for 10 minutes, or with elec-
tric beater for 5 minutes. Add flour,
sifted several times, and flavouring
Beat again well with the beater until
well combined. Beat egg whites until
foamy, add cream of tartar and beat
until stiff and ch'y. Fold this into
first mixture, using a spatula. Bake
in a large unbuttered tube pan at
:tee degrees F. for 1 hour.
Teacher (pointing to a deer at the
zoo 1: "Johnny. what 18 that?"
Johnny- -"I don't know."
Teacher—"What floes your mother
call your father?"
Johnny—"Don't tell me that's (.
Office — Commercial Hotel
Electro Therapist — Massage
Hours—Man, and Thurs. after-
noons and by appointment.
:,y manipulation—Sun-ray
Phone 227.
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily 5.25 a,m, and 5.15 p.m.
Leaves Seaforth for Gaderich:
Dally except Sunday and hol., 1.05 p.m..
and 7.40 p.m.
Sun. and hol., 1.05 p.m, and 9.20 p.m,
Connection at Stratford"- for. Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo. L radon, Detroit,
Tavistock, Woodstock, :Brantford
Agents: Queen's, Cam(Bdreral, Dick House
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE 179.
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aitn To Please