HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 'tura with the letter's parents. Mr. and FiECVSALL !.Mr 'Wesley. COlenan 1'lt 'Ladies' Aid of Carmel es I I\h \Vnt 1 e t i n Zurich .visit- The Church are holding. a St,'ed last t;ee!'with her daughter, airs. F'atricl: s tea and sale +,i home -cook -16'1°1°d Gafhcid lire dei t k. ing in the-chocilroont of :'lac church! Ma and'Mtr 58111 St nitke moved on5anirdav, 1\larch ,15ah at .= p.m lint, the dwcihn- rete Illy vacated thy Mrs,'Cert-'1"ainan ,f Listowel spent iMirs. Lee }leaden. s few days last week- a itini'g .with 1 Mr. and \lr ;Walter Fairburn are her mother; Airs. Chas, 1lcDonell. • moving into their anelling ou 'slain Mlr. ansi Aire. Robt. Higgins a Ex- street recently -vacate'! by Mrs. Olive Ex- eter :returned home atter spending 'Hudson. the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W.Mf3. Meet,— McQueen and frienin ds the Tillage. otuglas of London visited with rela- of the United Church was held on traces' and friends in the village on Thursday afternoon with Mrs W. B. '^riday. ' Cross -presiding overer the opening ex - Rev \\'nt. Weir of ;Cartmel church ercf r . \1 r: ;Milton Love read the will be guest speaker at the young Sc _, ,eople's anniversary - services in the for vangel ical Chur eh, Zurich, -next Al Sunday •evening and Rev. E. Hack- 1A.1 seldom, pastor of the Evangelical qu Church, will occupy the pulpit in ',Ch hurc Carmel Ch. ma airs U Jas. Mctnchey had the nus- Fe fnrtnne last week to fall on the icy ide streets. 'mein-- her left are: at the gr elbow. She wa:. attended by Dr. D. pr; Siteer and taken to Seaforth hospi- or tad Inc an x-ray. • `Be Mrs. Olive Hudson moved to Lon- F - don last week where her sons, Max pi: and Laird have secured good pori- ab tions. i th Wohelo Class Elects Officers;— c The \WoheloClass of the United H Church met on Friday e s euro.; with Sr' Card of Thanks McKenzie—Mrs. William McKenzie and family wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expres- sions of sympathy iu their recent bereavement. The floral gifts, the cards of sympathy and the loan of several cars were all notch ap• predated, \le.. Geo. Doui,las. and \1t.Irene The regular meeting of the'\\'.\1,5. The Late Mrs. John Berry.— A dormer resident of Hen -all pass- ed stray in. St. Joseph's hospital. 1 ondon, on I\tonday in the person of ripture. \.raegements were made Mrs. J. Berry in iter teeth year. the the birthday party to he held ort deceased heel been a resident of arch filth. The regular meeting on Hensail for a number ,i years and tris 3rd will b_e followed with u following the death of her husband. ilting. Mrs. Victor Fee and Airs:took up readencc in London, where as. M eDonell reported having she has resided until her death. Sur - de twenty-five call ou sutra mn s in vtug-are tu-n daughter:. Airs. Fitz shruary. Mrs. G. M. 'l Drysdale Pres- patriek -lnnie) in- Toronto and Mrs. d over the remainder of the pro- Bert \renew ltElla) of Elimville and am. Mrs. R 1. Paterson ltd in one son, Albert in the IW -est, A prix tyre and M latksof 'Walker lav- ate rum -oral .eeryice was held from Implements—Deering binder 6 ft. edwith a vocal solo entitled 'Che Bonthron & Drysdaie's undertaking cut; M. H mower 5% ft. cut, Inter•. tuuiful Garden of •Prayer." Miss parlors on 'Wednesday at L3.30 p.m., notional hay loader, side rake, hay torence Welsh accompanied at the conducted by Rev, R. A. Brook. de- rake, cultivator, seed drill 13 hoe, mo. Miss Annie E.Consitt very tentteut in Het -Lean Union Cemetery. steel land roller, disc, set iron bar• ly gave the topic on "The Life of Rev. \Vm. VVeiir was iq Loudon on rows, truck wagon, set sleighs with e Surgeon Skeena." ITuesday calling on patients in the flat rack, 1 furrow riding plow, 2 ale Jahn Crag, who •has sheen re- hospital there. walking plows, gang plow, hay rack iviug treatment at Scott IMlentorial1 Mrs. Blower of Mitchell is visiting with sliding rack, democrat, top its titaI in Seaforth. for the past ser- her son :tnd daughter-in-la•)v, Mr. and buggy, nutter, scttifler, set. scales I 2,000 ib. cap.; scales 200 lb. cap,; al weeks, was taken seriously ill Mlrs. Claude Blow'ee CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, and Ituplt•- ments, Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has received instructions front the undersigned executors to sell by public auction, at Lot 24, Con. 4, Township of Logan, 2% miles north west of Mitchell, or 2% miles north- east of Dublin, on Monday, March 24. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Horses -2 bay agricultural mares 12 years old; 1 bay agricultural mare 10 years old, Cattle -2 Durham cows 4 years old, fresh, with calves by their sides; 1 Durham cow 5 years old fresh, with calf by her side; 1 Dur- ham cow '7 years old, fresh, with calf by her side, These cows fretth- ened :ince Christmas. 1 Durham far- row Cow; 3 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 4 Durham heifer's rising 1 year old; 3 Durham steers rising 1 year old; 1 calf 6 months old. Hogs -2 Yorkshire sows just bred. 1 Yorkshire hog 2 years old. ducks,oult Pry—About 60 good hens, 2 Mrs. '..erne '.Chapman presiding.. The ;a following officers were elected for an tee veer. President \Ir R'-. For- th Test vice- pre tient. 111 -Nlarearet Shepherd: '.ere.ary. Mies tledys i.ttker: treaner, Nliss Ela ale- i' Queen. , ni.a \I:" Rath Brook: ,ok. res ere tar) bits. Hcddec: con- \tessr: leant' c' : e'\':tract committee. 1i t week. His many friends hope for 'ale. Gordon Roltnn, who ander- fanning milk pulper, Renfrew cream improvement , ,ve •men' iu tale. Craig's 'health ' y, cut an operation in St. Ieeeplto separator, nearly new; straw blower Freddie R train'. n. v ho has been in Hospital, tl:antkttt tea week continues Pipes, ceniettt roller, sap Pan, sugar e War 'Memoriat llospital, London, finite ill. kettle, sling ropes, cutting box, wagon box, wood rack, set liner ✓ tete Oast several works, under- Hayter -Robinson.— •rat an operation on !Monday and isThe home of ale. and Mrs. Richardwheels, bag touch, grind stone, ex - ems as Bell as can be expected. Robinson, Stanley. was the scene of tension ]adder, Ferre stretcher, eye.- \lr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, ac- a pretty wedding on Saturday. IMerrh lone seed"' forks, hoes, saws, log- mpanird 'iy Mr. and Mrs throne Stu, at 2.30 p.m. when Rev. j. R. Pet- ging chain, and a hast.. of other es, and :Mr end 31rs. 'Walter Snell- err of Varna. united in marriagetheir articles tan numerous to mention. "elect :min. ..toes "eel o'. aaet Ce \luf n i)n'inst tat two eless atemtitt�, nante'.y. \Ir-. iltigit \i -.- t one e tr e' and \ire sent_d aitn . Cutl risen all ,vas .1 ad: s'y 311-s E lnea t',dn. o. a,1le. .nrk :e�t 1 Der Sena- ,err] \+:1' 1 Mee more .e ai I ivr`hea� l otter ,mr 'wet I t -aisle.,-so-ne ' i - . t, t ,., v t alt cent e hess111C Orates. fleeleh it r may to ':rale :. r yen10 es.it .with es often in til' t t n1 e %e offer ih these little remembrancesTins the wish that as ,.tet ,r.- you ese then ytou may retail tite :tatty liapey "our- ro .spent .with the \Ve'r'so eta • red },ensu?n on behalf the lV ,tta rs-, trade titt•ne replies. Reiresliments were served at tite elaete. es Mission Circle Meets.— r, -;'env a fee. ,lays ;hie 'v eel: to daughter, 1•lthel 'Amine, and Ebner ,r,vr, 1 I. Hayter, son of AIr, and 3lre. i\\'m. \Ir. and Mrs. Den Riellyand date. "'teeter, Stanley. miss t;raee :\ncl- re.• Ihut of l:1en1Lsal-visual r'n re,,., friend.•of tiff•. bride, .v1 C.arltslt, l to '.ter l,areuts, 131 r. and Se,k., played the we,iding music. The • r.a tet McQueen. 1cerrtnony was ,u•rfermed. under an ire t nrctn of the Senior arse deeerated with pink and 1,\ !Me 'onrrn'- 111,mttt• was held en \Vert- streamer, and maiden -heir fern. 'file sae; ,•vrt.t:e: et lite home of Mrs. bride chose a floor -length oa.n of found about a farm. • Feed—About 20 tans gond stay. I•Iaraess--•-Set of double harness. sot of plow harness, wet single Inns nesse' odd cnlltnrs, horse blankets, tube. No reserve as everything will he sold to the highest bidder to wind rap the Estate of the late Joint I'eisler. Auctioneer's decisiol final iu case of all disputes. Terns of sale, \. pat,,,,,,. The reit cal was yhtte taffeta. eicy blue d e,prit net cash or cheque, s'rr1 .,•;ho'ts. ra,,,a1, raai', trimmed v,ith orange idoseome, him:' Farnt--Consists of 170 acres, more ertnt. ;t, 1 Iter. i\\ -n;. \\,i,' was satill appliqued net veil catt:gltt til' or lees. On the place there is a good near.,' 1 kyr. with iter mother's 'bridal wreath of betels dwelling bailee, brick kitchen 311-- Bergl 1 int^ -r etit a felt 'lays oraltaa• blossoms, and carried a lou- and wood sited, Bunk barn 00 x 411, - :reels al Toronto. Mins \rani, duct e1 pink carnations anti fern. The straw shed 50 x 22. Good stabling and Con—in is tearhutg Miss Pfaff'- •,ridcseese, bliss :\lila 1's'r.ythe, cement flooring throughout. Wind et, .n 'ler t once. , R.N., of Toronto, wore a tlanr-length mill. 2 good never failing wells. 55 Mr.. 'Minnie Sau•gster returned eetwit of pink net over satin. and acres under eultivatimn, 3 acres fall once ir,.nt Seott Memorial Hopital' tarried salute rar:uuiotr:, '1'1x groen: wheat. 13 acres good 'tush. Balance eat'rth, 'where she bus ,hero corral- tv;t. attended '13y. his 'heather, AIr. its grass. Terns on farm -10 per ecu, • fter fracturing her leg at the Harvey 'Hayter. The bride, mother of purchase money to be paid at day, cin., .i Har P. ire'd, wearing a valley blue crepe of sale. Balance within 30 days. 11' Ronald Ml a •Hinton, who hats hero dress trimmed with lace I aisiar and not sold before day of sale, being ontnn'ri to his roam tar the past lank ice box roses. The grooms me- sold subject to a reserve bid. ,Far 1 week with an attack of pneumonia. is they wore a rose crepe dress. A particulars apply to the Executors. Mien 0, in I wedding dinner was served to about J. W. Eisler. Louis Eisler, Exec•u- Miss Ruth .\Iclllveuna, accotnpatt- fifty gne.ts, following the ceremony-. tors; Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. The rezelar in etina of the \tiss.on Circle a, the .United Church tide 1104 to Friday e'ettittg at the home ofMiss Mary Goodwin. Tito 'ris.nna story ,vas givet.. -ay aliss Mary Clarke. +Miss Irene uc.r:.las eery ably gave the topic op the .tally ai John an•I Betty Strand. 'Testa- ments were sent to (Miss Margaret Tudor in 'Hamilton and Miss Barbara Shepherd in Clinton. The A'riI meet - let Je to 1 Qty Mrs.' Alice soya t, Demald The .rooms ,lift to the 6nride was a 1 • ,yet, Gordon Campbell and Allen e•a'binet of :dyer. Later the young rerar, eeent the wttck (u+? in 1,r', -'couple left on a honeymoon trip. the Auction Sale ' ,attending the hockey gauze there, i'brier stere see in a ro.e crepe dress Rev. VVnt Weir enuducted services in Su 'ing will be held at the mem o: Miss orad "(rcat (sod of Nations. Elva .MacQueen, . Y.P.U. Meets.— William McKenzie Passes Suddenly— 'trimmed with white lace with seat and Of '''arm Stock, implements and {'.wench l re-byter:au C'htireh on yell to matchanti ee Acadia blue Household Effects. Mr, Harold Jack -- and the choir sang; levo an: coat and „whim,. accessories. They sort has been instructed to sell by ems entitled, -Like As A Father;' will reside on she grooms farm near public auction on Thursday, March 1 'Alt Elea \IeQueen presided at the The sudden passing on Titt[rsday of regular meeting of the Y.P.0 . in the Mr. R'm. •Mckenzie came as a shock 1'niud Church \lactriny evening. to his many friends. '1'lie deceased \less Greta Lanunie played a piano had been down in the village on its Wednesday afternoon, apparently 10 en •leis usual health and after returning A. hcmte was taken seriously ill and was later removed to St. Joseph's hospital, London, where an operation was per- formed following which Mr. McKen- zie passed away on Thursday after- n.,on. The deceased lived for the past number o years on hie farm its Stan- ley township. moving to Ht.•nsail with his wife and members of the fancily n November. Surviving is ?tis evi- drew, six sone, Philip, Robert, Ken- neth and Donald of Hensel?. William on the homestead in Stanley and An- drew, divinity student at Knox Col- lege, Toronto. and tw•n daughters, Mrs. Howard Currie ( leant of t,l n- -on, and 'Mrs. L nban Dncharme Red Cross. ;Marguerite) of Forest, and one 'bro-; they: IMir. Peter I:McKenzie, of Kip- Arnold Circle Meets.— pen Funeral service •sae held from • Carmel Presbyterial ;Church of which The March meeting of the Arnold ;he deceased was a valued member, Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon, conducted by was held at the home of Miss FIelen Rev. \\•nm. '\Weir assisted by Rev. j. Alia, on Monday evening. Miss Salty N'. Miller, of ;Wortley Road Baptist -Manson Presided. Prayer 'by Mlis; Church, Landon, a friend of the fam- Hannah Murray. Scripture lessor. ily. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" and was read by Mrs. 'Weir. The business "The Sande of Time," were the was discussed and arrangements hymns.sung and ,Mfrs. J, IW" I3onth- made for the Easter thank -offering - ton sang a solo entitled, "Good Night meeting. Mine Irene Hoggarth read Here and Good Morning Up There." letters front missionaries. ,from Glad The floral tributes were -eery beauti- Tidings.. Refreshments were served I fu: hosing the respect for the de- by the hostess. zeas,.] Messrs Howard Hyde. ;lex. The 'Voting People's Society of ,eieBeatie Dan Switzer and Chester Carmel Church drill he entertained at Neil were flower bearers and Messrs. a St. Patrick's social by rhe Dancatt likenhead, - John \facBeeth, in the United Church next Monday Stanley Ley:. Alvin McBride.Nel- evening, March 110th, and will provide son Hood and 'Charlie Farquhar were an Irish program. pallbearers. Interment in Baird's ce- metery. STAFFA lairs. A. ';ell moved to London this Women's Auxiliary meeting week where iter son Harold 'file hits se- was held at the home of airs. J. J. \ need a cod position Mr. and Nies. -Word-en with the Presid(itt, Mfrs.0. Arthur Tins tie I. recently mound into W. Reed .presiding The roll call 'vac the dwelling vacated ht Mrs. Cha' answered by repeating a B?'ble verse. Mltsa spent he eekhen .o h ser It ,was decided -to have a Crokinolc 'twist .hent the creek end .one ler party in the Hall on Tuesday evening. envie and aunt, Mr. and Vis. Roy The time was scent quilting a Red Born, \[ n. Cross':quilt. It Lunch was served shy Bonn.—ht He»sail. Mlarch 3•nP to Mrs, \'0. J. Fell. M d Mrs Norval I Reid etruunental and Mirs. Eric leeunedb ry ably gave the topic of Miss March 1Sth at 8.15 p.m., pt'esenteu I. Archibald from the study httetk, by the Kittbu•n Young People's at les Gladys McKenzie directed Ole Northside United Church. under the rarests at the close, Varna, The bride and groom were 20th at the residence of the late the recipients of many •hcantfful and William Shaddick, five utiles ntn'tlh- the r gifts. west of Brucefleld, Lot 25, Con. 4. Stanley, at one p.m. sharp: Horses—Brown ntal•e tett year's, (0 foal; ,gelding, 10 years old; Clyde. aged horse; Clyde filly rising 3 yetn•s, year old colt. Cattle—Durham cattle, cow 7 years old due May 12111; cow 5 years old due May 9th; cow 3 years old, due May 1st; cow 6 years old, clue May 5th; heifer, (Inc middle of August; 3 young grass cows; Durham bull ras- ing. two years, five Durham year all; 3 fall calves. Pigs --York sow bred six weeks; 11 drunks 100 lbs. Poultry -855 rock hens, four docks. Implements—Deering binder 6 fl. M. H. mower 5 ft.; M. H. bean :muffler with puller; M. H. seed drill, 11 hoe with fel tilator; M. H. hay loader; Al. H. manure spreader; Cockslutt riding plough; walking plough; International cultivator, spring tooth; 4 section harrow; disc harrow; 'turnip drill, 2 buggies; fan- ning pill; 1 cutter; truck wagon, new; gravel box; stay tack; set of sleighs; flat rack; DeLava.l (Venni separator; root pulper; 3 horse gas engine; circular saw; 2 cross cut saws, new; 4 cement pig troughs; colony house 10x14, new; brooder stove; wire stretcher; set of breech- ing harness; back band harness; sin- gle set harness; 6 horse collars; hay ear for steel track and climber; fire extinguisher; 70 sap pails and pans;. pile of hemlock scantling; 34 Dodge car coach; 10 tons timothy hay; shovels, forks, churn, double trees and chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the farts lands containing 123 acres more or less being the west halves of Lots 25 and 26, Con, 4, and northerly part of Lot 26, Con. 5, Township of Stanley, subject to a reserved bid and other conditions of sale" Terns, chattels, cash. Estate of William Shadtlick, Prop. Haroid Jackson, Auctioneer. PLAY "Windy Willows" coming Tuesday, M1 co D friends m town on Sunday. Misses Shirley and Andrey Twitch- ell it Byron visited• over - the }reek FOR SALE • cud with their parents. lair. and :Airs. Early Alaska seed oats, good qual- Orvil:e ham hell' ity. Also some white field beans, lit The 'Chamber of Commerce err sponsoring a St. Patrick's dance in for seed. Tel. 665.16. Apply to Jas. the town ball on Wednesday evening, Landsbm'ougb, March •l4tb, when Flight iLieut. Flet- cher and his 14 -piece Royal Air Force orchestra of Port Aubert will provide the mask. Proceeds in aid of tete 1 1 auspices of Northside Y. P. Arthus- I Mr, and iMc.. Lt:cis-'1Veigad ai, as!ntood visited with relatives and ' cion 25C and 15e. . r. and n �, Donald Freeman). I\\ Bain of the University of '\\`es- Mr. and Airs. Fulton (nee Jean tern Ontarc, London with \1r and Stone) and .children. or T_ond,:'t v Mrs A. Jeffery; Mr. and'Aire \, W. iters over the 'weekend with Mrs. Norris in Mitchell with l., Nr ]ranch; Folion'z, father, :Mar, Wen. Starve. Miss Dorothy Hazelcuod in ;Whalen ;Mfrs. Reg Tibbett underwent an es,- 'with. her parent- 'Mr. and 'Sirs. Ivan oration on Sunday in Londor. for Hill and family of Listowel with Air, utas;aid., • and Mrs. lances Hill; ,Mrs, N. Rev. R. .a. Brook conducted sec- Churchill with Min and Mrs. Cecil vicee in the 'United Church on Sam- Bowman: Nerve! T. Norris left on day and Mr. Carey joynt sang a Ibean_ Monday io Inn the R 1C.C.S. unit in tiful sole, entitled, :The Stranger -of Xingetoe;Air. and 'Mir::, -0. IW, Reed 'Galilee" at the morning service in in London" memory of his mother, the late Mrs, • T, ;C. Ijoynt, who passed away six' Colonel -"Do you know that you years ago this month. The choir sang have to salute an offlcer7" two anthems entitled, "Soldiers of Raw Reernit---"Yes, sorr. But if Ohrist, Arise," and "0 iZion I3'asee I Mr. and IMrs. Hugh Morel= of ye remetgber, I've already said good' Dashwood spent the week end visit marring to ye once today." FOR SALE Fertilizer drill, nearly new, for sale. Phone 248r31, Seaforth central. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A MECHANIZED Farming Conference featuring the Ford Tractor FERGUSON SYSTEM & Wheel -less Implements AT CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH ti Sat eMarh c 15 1 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. J. F. DALY FORD - MERCURY DEALER SEAFORTH CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Antique Furniture. In Clinton, of Friday, March 14th, at 1 pm., at the store of R. Tasker. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. SEED OATS FOR $ALE A quantity of Gov't inspected Van- guard Oats: Apply to Airs. David Mc- Intosh, phone 656 r 41, FOR SALE 'Use(' Beatty Electric Washer $20. Apply to James Krauskapf, Dublin, FOR SALE Improved Banner seed oats; 0.A,C. #21 seed barley. This grain never sprouted nor heated. Also 1 bus, of alfalfa seed. Apply to George Pryce, Seaforth, phone 840 r 25. Saturday Cash & Carry Specials BUY IN EGMONDVILLE Red Rose Coffee, Lb. tin.. , , 45c ClubHouse Coffee, lb. tin..45c American Coffee, ib, . 39c Red Rose Tea, lb. 55c Blue Boy Tea, lb. 45c Salads Tea, Lb. 69c Mother Parker's Tea, , ..1b, 69c Bulk Corn Starch, 3 lbs.,..21e Muffets, 2 pkgs. 19c My -T -Nice Wheat Flakes 5 lbs. 21c Woodbury's Soap, 4 cakes21c Pickled Cottage 'Rolls, ib25c Bologna, 2 pounds 27c Head Cheese, 2 lbs, 29c Robin Hood Flour, per 98 Ib bag 319 i a Finnigan S V CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements. Fred W: Ahrens, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned proprietor to sell by public auction at Lot 2, Comm, 11, Township of Mc- Killop, 614 miles north of Dublin, or 7 miles northeast of Winthrop, on Wednesday, Mach 26th . Sale to continence at 12.30 o'clock sharp. Horses -1 bay gelding 4 years old; 1 brood mare, 7 years old, supposed to be in foal; 1 brood mare 6 years old, supposed to be ill foal; 1 grey snare 13 years old; 2 fillies, rising 1 year old. ('attle--2 Durham cows 6 and S years old, clue in May; 2 IIerefo'd cows, 6 and 7 years old, fresh, with calves by their side; 1 Durham heir- ers, fresh, with calves by their side; 1 farrow cow; 1 Durham steers ris- ing 2 years old; 2 Durham heifers rising 3 years old; 5 Durham steers rising 1 year old; rl Um'ltnm Mikis rising 1 year old; 3 DumIittnt calves, 4 months old, Hogs -1 Yorkshire sow supposed to be in pig: 9 shoats S weeks old. Intplentents-- M, Ii, hinder 7 foot cut, with truck and sheaf carrier; ricr; 1 AI, H. mower, 5 1'1: cut; r'ultivttter: MAI fertilizer 11 disc drill; manure spreader; steel land roller, disc, Int- ernational hay .loader. bay rake, 1 furrow riding plow, 1 truck wagon, % wagon, hay rack with sliding rack, fanning mill, set scales 2000 ]b. cap.; set sleighs, cutter, Viking cream separator, ladder, 10 pleees timber, 2 furrow riding plow, gravel box. 1 sap pan. pea harvester with bundler, scraper, root pulper, forks, hoes, chains and a host o f other articles too numerous to mention, found about a farm. Feed -50 bus. wheat. 50 bus. oats. Harness --1 sei of brass mounted hal'nees, No reserve as the proprietor is giv ieg up fanning and everything will be sold to the highest bidder. Aue- tioteer's decisiot final in case of all disputes. Terris of Sale—Cash or cheque. Henry Wietersen, Proprietor. Stephen Murray, Clerk. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Auction Sale 00 Fa•nt Stock, etc. On the 11111 Road Tuckersmith, hale a mile east of Brucefield, on Tuesday, Mach 18, ttt 1. p.m.: Horses --1 black general purpose mare, S Years old, to foal May 24111; 2 bluest general purpose colts broken, rising 2 and 3 years; 1 bay team, geldings, Cattle ---1 Hereford cow to freshen June 1st; 1 I3erefo'd heifer, 2 year's old, freshened 6 weeks; 1 Durham now, 3 years old, to freshen Jame 11; 1 Durham cow, 6 years old. to freshen May 26; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, to freshen June 4th; 1 Durham cow. 4 years old, to freshen May 26th; 1 Holstein cow, 7 years old, to freshen June 241h; L black cow, 5 years old, to freshen April ;rd; 1 Durham cow. 7 years Old, fresh; 1 purebred Short- horn bull, 1 year old; 3 yearling cattle; 4 calves, 8 months old; 1 calf. Pigs -1 brood sow (York) ; 9 clunks. Quantity of mixed hay. Sudan grass seed. 200 bu, oats. 2 chicken shelters. Terms, strictly cash. Reg. Knights and .Tolm Watson. Proprietors. Harold Jackson, Auctionetir. AUCTION SALE Farm Implements and Household Effects. Oa the Babylon Line, 11/4 miles west of Varna, and 2 miles south of Bayfield Road, on Saturday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock: 3 beds, springs and mattresses; china. cabinet; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands, couch, day bed, 2 dining room tables, clock, 10 kitchen eludes; 1 organ; 1 cook stove; 1 heater; 3 rocl[ing chairs; Raymond sewing ma- chine; 2 small tables; lamps; dishes, and kitchen utensils. Iniplemetts--1 coal oil stove, Per- fection; 1 Coleman lantern; sap pan, pails, 12 doz. spiles; 1 Deering binder, 6 foot cut; 1 Deering mower; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 sulky rake; 1 M,H. riding plow; 2 walling plows, 1 set diamond ita''ov; 1 steel roller, 1 fanning mill, 1 light wagon. 1 set of double harness, De - loyal cream separator, 1 corn planter, 1 wagon. 2 hay rack sills, 1 cultiva- tor, 1 M, I3, corn scuffle• with bean puller; 6 loads of clover hay, some straw; 10 cords split wood; number of cedar posts; 2000 lbs, scales. Terms .cash. Robert Elliott, Proprietor. Harold. Jackson, Auctiouteer, NOTICE For service, a young Tamworth hog of Hart breeding at lot 13, con. 11, McKillop, Terms $1.00. Wm. Boyd, proprietor". WANTED TO RENT Small house or 4 or 5 rooms in private house in Seaforth. Apply to The Seaforth News. ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday Mc( ONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office In the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tttesda y, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 pen. to 5 pen, Saturday evening, 7;30 p. m, to 9 p. m. FARM FOR SALE Lot 15, C'on, 7, Hibbert Twp•, 100 acres, With buildings, bush, Fall ploughing done. Situate 1 mile from Sterns Apply A. Smale, Staffa, Out. SPECIAL Save your Woollen materials and have 'hent imide into Blankets, Tar- tan Motor and Broadloom Rugs. Wool Batts 35c per ib. Write agent, S. Carter, Seaforth, Ontario. FOR SALE One hundred acres, Lot 7, Con. 7, Tp, Hullett. 14 mile from school, store, church, Co. road. Brick cot- tage with frame kitchen and furn- ace, well at door. Barn 76x48, hay sited 30x60. Driveshed 24x40, Artes- tau wen, silo 14x30. 12 acres of bush, Grimm evap. and pails, 14x20 evap. sited. Priced to sell. 'William Britton R. R, 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 6. FOR SALE Colony house 10' x excellent condition. Write Robt. G. Hoggarth, Cromarty, or phone Dublin 42r19. FOR SALE Building 12'x 36', Would sbe suit- able for hen house, or two brooder houses. W. E. Butt, Kipper. BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two• way action attacks the cause, re- lieves the pain. McKindsey's Drug Store, MAN WANTED Good nearby Rawleigh Route now open. If willing to conduct Home Service business while earning good living, write immediately. Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML -264.455-C, Montreal, Canada. WANTED About 20 cattle wanted for grass, for the season. Running water, plen- ty of shade. Phone 623r4, Clinton central. Ernest McClinchey, Varna. Farms For Sale South Lot 20, Con, 4, Hibbert. 75 acres, Small house, no barn. Price $1550. Lot 35, Con. 3, East Wawanosh, 200 acres. All seeded excepting 12 acres. Some bush. Buildings of little value. Watered at front and back of farm, Price $2800. East 'ih Lot 23, Con, 11, McKillee- 50 acres 'pasture with some wood. Small frame house. Price $1000. Part Lots 27 and 28, Con. 14, Hul- lett-233 acres pasture. Some bush. Frame house, no barn. Watered by good well and windmill, creek and staring, Price $4750. South % Lot 36, Con. 3, Wallace —50 acres all cleared. 114 storey brick house. Barn 40x60. Price $3300. Part Lots 16 and 17, Con. 13, Mc- Killop. About 68 acres cleared, 7 acres bush. Frame house, small barn. Price $3000. Apply—James MoFadzean, Brus- sels, Ontario; or Fred Moloy, Thed- ford, Ontario. - TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH To supply a Rubber tired Tractor, to ch•aw the Grade' for the Township of Tuckersmith, where and when re- quired. Two tenders requited --one for clraeving an S toot blade, and one for drawing a 10 ft. blade. Tenders to ire opened March 15th, D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk. INSURANCE Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent;Windstorm & guarantee bendo. Rates reasonable. All risks placed, in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSUURANCE' AGENCIES 4P